dlp21 Math2q3

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Instructional Planning Duration:

8:30- the
(T he process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing
Learning 9:20
instructional process by using principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, /50
s. 2016) Date: April 3,
Area:Mathematics Grade Level:Two Quarter: 3rd mins 2023
Learning Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format Code:
Competency/ies: Identifying shapes / figures that show symmetry in a line. M2GE – IIIh – 7.1
Key Concepts/
Understandings to Symmetry is when one shape becomes exactly like another if you flip, slide or turn it.
be Developed
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identifying shapes / figures that show symmetry in a line.
Skills Draw symmetrical shapes / objects.
Attitudes Shows interest and enjoyment in doing school activities
Values Cheerfulness , Enthusiasm
2. Content / Topic Identifying shapes / figures that show symmetry in a line.
3. Learning
Resources / Cutouts of different figures or shape
Materials /
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step
will consume)

4.1 Introductory Review :

Activity Present a chart with drawing of shapes. Show cut out of shapes. Let the pupils match
the cut-outd to the shape drawn on the chart.
(10 ins)
1. Present different figures / shape
Let the learners describe/name each shapes
Going back to the shapes of these figures

 How many sides does a triangle have?

 How many sides does a rectangle have?
 How many sides does a square have?
 Which has more sides, a rectangle, triangle ,square star?

2. Prepare cutouts of figures that are cut into 2

Give each pupil a half of the figure

Let the pupils look for the other half of the cutouts by singing this song (Use the tune of
“ Hello, How Do You Do?”)

Hello, hello, hello

Hello, how do you do
I’m glad to be with you
My artner where are you?

3. Those pupil with cutouts divided equally will stand and show their cutouts to the
class then place /paste it on the board.

 How many parts are these figures divided?

 What can you say about the parts?
 Are the parts symmetrical? Why?

4. Those pupil holding tcutouts not equally divided will stand and show their cutouts
to the class then place /paste it on the board.

What can you say about the parts?

Show a piece of bondpaper and fold the paper at the center.

 Are these two parts equal?
 Are these of the same shape?
These shapes are summetrical. Why?

Let the pupils do the following activities
(5 mins)
Activity 1
Study the picture.

a. b. c. d.

a. If each figure is folded along the line, will the two parts match?
b. Do these figures show symmetry? Why?
c. Which figure shows symmetry?
d. Which figure does not show symmetry? Why?

4.3 Analysis
 How many possible lines of symmetry can you make in a rectangle?
(10 mins)  How many possible lines of symmetry can you make in a triangle?
 How many possible lines of symmetry can you make in a square?
The teacher will show / give more examples on figure that shows symmetry and figures
that does not show symmetry.

4.4 Abstraction  When can we say that a figure shows symmetry?

 When can we say that a figure does not show symmetry?
(3 mins)

4.5 Application
(5 mins) A. Write Yes in the blank if the line is a summetry line and No if it is not

______1. ______2. _____3.

_____4. ______5.

B. Refer to worktext page 38-39

5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of
Learners’ Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Written Test
Match the figures in column A with column B to form a symmetrical figure.
( 5 mins)

1. A.

2. B.

3. C.

4. D.

6. Assignment(indicate
whether it is for Complete each drawing to show symmetry.
Reinforcement and/or
Enrichment and/or .
Enhancement of the
day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new
lesson) ______minutes

7. Wrap-up /
8. Remarks

9. Reflections

A.No. of learners who C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have
earned 80% in the caught up with the lesson.
B. No. of learners who
require additional
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.
activities for

E. Which of my
learning strategies
worked well? Why did
these work?

F. What difficulties did

I encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

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