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Messengers of Peace

I SSU E N o.22
A PRI L - J U N E 2018

Messengers of Peace quarterly newsletter is an initiative of the Asia-Pacific Support Centre of the
World Scout Bureau highlighting the projects of National Scout Organizations under MoP Initiative.

Scouts spend hours

making the world a better place
1 billion

MoP Coordinators Journey APR hold biggest MoP global Fiji Scouts
to undertake more to the regional workshop, team lays out organise relief
projects and top of the rolls out Diversity one-year plan operations
commit service world
hours and Inclusion for flood victims
“Reaching a Billion Service Hours calls
for a celebration!

On behalf of the Asia-Pacific Region, allow

me to extend the heartiest congratulations to
everyone who choose to be of service through
Scouting to reach this mark. We are confident
that the Scouts in the Asia-Pacific Region will
continue to lead in creating a better world,
making positive change, continuing the good
work and sharing it globally through

To the ever supportive National Scouts Orga-

nizations of our region, Scouts, Leaders and
stakeholders of Scouting who have contributed
to this milestone, THANK YOU also to you! Let
us continue to inspire others in helping their

Cheers towards the next Billion Service Hour!”

-- Regional Director JR C. Pangilinan

Scouts spend
the world a better place
billion hours making
When Robert Baden-Powell founded the were asked to register their service or the earthquake in Nepal or Mexico
Scout Movement, he saw Scouting as hours and records show that Scouts - where Scouts have been making a
a “universal brotherhood of service.” have spent a collective one billion hours difference. Many of the hours that have
More than a century after, Scouts all on projects designed to help their com- contributed to the one billion milestone
over the world have been rendering munities and make the world a better have involved variety of services at
such services in their respective Scout place, as part of the Messengers of large and small scale projects – build-
groups, schools and communities. Peace programme. ing a bamboo bridge for a village in In-
donesia’s Java, taking refugee children
It was it 2011 when the Messengers of It’s not only the major disasters – like on a friendship hike in the Australian
Peace Initiative was launched, Scouts the flood in Fiji, the hurricane in Haiti bush, or even playing with children and


educating them in formal and informal way in
India, extending love and affection in the orphan-
age in Bangladesh, or just by simply spreading
the message of peace thru the MoP roadshows
in the Philippines, and many more all over the
region and world.

Every hour that’s been added on since

2012 represents the time when each Scout did a
good turn to help others. The count is not about
numbers, it’s designed to illustrate the power of
collective efforts towards positive change.

More ambitious service projects, which make a

Scout a Messenger of Peace and eligible for the
Messengers of Peace badge, describe a group of
Scouts working together to plan, develop and
implement a project designed to help others.
An incredible power
to create positive change
There are many troubling conflicts in our world
today, divisions and inequalities, but in scouting we
are in the field of creating hope and unleashing the
massive potential of young people to do good in their
societies. Today we prove exactly that as we mark
a historic milestone for World Scouting with 1 bil-
lion hour of service completed by scouts since 2012,
under our flagship initiative Messengers of Peace.

I hope you take a moment to reflect on this huge

achievement and the incredible power
of our movement in creating a positive change.

On this day, I would like to thank our Messengers

of Peace team in Kuala Lumpur and the Regions
and all the volunteers and coordinators who helped
in making this day possible. I thank all our sup-
porters and enablers as well as our colleagues at
the World Scout Foundation.
Thank you for contributing to making WOSM a force
I also would like to thank our communication team for driving positive change. We should all be proud…
their great work on producing high impact content to and here for the second billion hours and beyond.
mark this occasion. We hope in September to take this
achievement to the United Nations official celebration -- Ahmad Alhendawi, Secretary General
on the International Day of Peace in New York. World Organization of the Scout Movement

A call for celebration

Reaching a billion service hours definitely calls
for a celebration!

On behalf of the Asia-Pacific Region, allow me

to extend the heartiest congratulations to everyone
who choose to be of service through Scouting to
reach this mark. We are confident that the Scouts
in the Asia-Pacific Region will continue to lead in
creating a better world, making positive change,
continuing the good work and sharing it globally
through our MoP network and in

To the ever-supportive National Scout Organizations

in the Great APR, all the Scouts, Scout Leaders
and stakeholders of Scouting who have contributed
to this milestone, THANK YOU also to you!
Let us continue to inspire others in helping
their community.

Cheers and onward to the next billion!

-- J Rizal C. Pangilinan, Regional Director

World Scout Bureau Asia-Pacific Support Centre


MoP Coordinators to undertake more projects
and commit service hours
Forty-one participants from how of implementing the MoP The participants of the training,
the General Association of the at local level and accessing who will eventually be appointed as
Scouts of China participated in the global network. local coordinators in Taiwan, com-
the MoP Taiwan Local Coordina- mitted to engage over 2,000 users
tors Training held at Chinshan In her message to the officials on, undertake over
Youth Activity Center in New of the Scouts of China a year 350 projects, and contribute over
Taipei City, Taiwan on 1-3 June earlier, Taiwanese President Tsai 16,000 service hours.
2018. Ing-wen committed to urge the
public to support Scouting in The event was supported by the
The Messengers of Peace Pro- Taiwan and encourage the young World Scout Bureau Asia-Pacific
gramme was introduced in depth people to act on global issues Support Centre thru S. Prassanna
to the local leaders the MoP Sup- like environmental protection, Shrivastava along with NSO MoP
port Fund, the MoP Guidelines and international conflict and regional coordinators, Kim Su Youn
the MoP Network. They were also development. (Korea), Jacky Tang and Tobias
taught with the technical know- Lee (Macau).


Journey to the
top of the world
Flying the flags of the World Organization of the
Scout Movement and the Messengers of Peace was
a momentous day for Prakash Raj Pandey of Nepal who
reached the summit of Mount Everest via the south route
on 19 April 2018 at 11:30am. Pandey also took the
opportunity to unfurl his country’s flag.

“I was beyond the limit of happiness,” Pandey said in a

statement after returning to base camp. “I was tired, but
feeling a different kind of energy from within. I can
say it was the spirit of Scouting. I was crying, but I was

‘It was a dream come true!’ he exclaimed.

Pandey, who was climbing with a Sherpa guide, braved the risks
of avalanche and high winds. During his stay at the base camp,
he acclimated himself with the weather and the surroundings,
practiced ice climbing, reinforced his knowledge with the proper
use oxygen and ways to cope with problems arising from high
altitude mountaineering.

Throughout his climb, he wore his Messengers of Peace scarf.

With this feat, he hopes to inspire more Scouts to become
adventurous and explore possibilities with nature. Pandey
is the only second Scout from Nepal to scale the peak.

His climb was supported by the Nepal Scouts and was partly
funded by the World Scout Bureau Asia-Pacific Support Centre
thru the Messengers of Peace Support Fund.


APR hold biggest regional
workshop, rolls out Diversity
and Inclusion
The Asia-Pacific Region, the largest Scout region of the World Organization of
the Scout Movement, has successfully rolled out the promotion of diversity and
inclusion, convening key Scout Leaders in Manila for a 5-day workshop to establish
a common understanding of the principles of diversity and inclusion and further
develop the operational framework that will be used by all National Scout
Organizations in the region.

More than sixty key Scout leaders from 26 countries across Asia met in Manila on
22 to 26 June 2018 for the APR Workshop on Diversity and Inclusion.

“This workshop is the first of its kind in the region and the Boy Scouts of the Philippines
is extremely honoured for this opportunity. This is also timely as we are scheduled to
host the 26th APR Scout Conference this October. Over the week, we shall let you experi-
ence the authentic Filipino hospitality,” said Wendel E. Avisado, National President of the
Boy Scouts of the Philippines and 1st Vice Chairperson of the APR Scout Committee.

In his address to the participants, Paul D. Parkinson, Chairman of the APR Scout Committee
expressed how delighted he was with the sheer magnitude of the participation for the
workshop, and how APR marked another milestone towards making the Scout Movement
accessible to more young people.

“Your efforts during this workshop will enable the Scout Movement to reach more young people
around the Asia-Pacific Region and give them an opportunity to grow and to build the kind of
friendship that is unique in Scouting, one that unites us in our diversity,” he stressed further.

After this workshop more projects on Diversity and Inclusion are expected to be undertaken at
regional and local levels.

The countries who were represented during the workshop included the following: Australia,
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives,
Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, South
Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor Leste, Afghanistan, Vietnam and Portugal.


8 Members of Ticket to Life Scout Troop in Manila demonstrate their practical skills before the participants
of the Diversity and Inclusion workshop, including recycling, and woggle and bracelet making.
MoP global team lays out one-year plan
Fifteen key volunteers and staff is continuing to do globally. seeks to strengthen the
handling the Messengers of Recent updates and changes capacity of each National Scout
Peace (MoP) Programme across in the procedures and relevant Organization by providing them
the world met in Kuala Lumpur forms in the MoP support fund with the appropriate resources
for its thematic team meeting application were highlighted. and technical assistance for
on 2-5 April 2018. The changes made it more expanding and solidifying the
efficient and easier for National MoP network and project imple-
The meeting was the first since Scout Organizations to avail mentation.
the thematic teams were cre- the fund.
ated early this year. During the Thematic team members from
meeting, a thorough review of During the meeting, the MoP different Scout regions also
the progress of the programme Thematic Team Plan was also shared the good work being
was made, including a lengthy developed for a span of one done in their respective areas,
discussion on the impact that year, focusing on coordina- as well as the challenges they
the programme has made and tion and governance. The team are facing.


MoP coordinators urged to go one step ahead
-- Tell the story.
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – A sioner Hon. Mejar Jeneral (Rtd) to become messengers of peace.
total of 24 country coordinators Prof Dato’ Dr. Mohd Zin Bidin,
of the Messengers of Peace (MoP) Hon. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Paduka And my request to you [MoP
Programme across the Asia-Pacific Dr. Shafie bin Haji Mohd Salleh, Coordinators], don’t only do the
Region gathered in Kuala Lumpur the Chief Scout of Persekutan work, but help us in telling the
from 9 to 13 April 2018 for the Pengakap Malaysia (Scout story about this work,” said
4th APR Messengers of Peace NSO Association of Malaysia) said, Ahmad Alhendawi, Secretary
Coordinators Meet. “This meet will help take the MoP General of the World Organiza-
programme in the APR to greater tion of the Scout Movement.
The meet seeks to further heights. This is an opportunity
strengthen the MoP network in to discuss our achievements, During the meet, 17 out of 27
the region and develop a two- share our stories and plan for the member-countries in the Asia-
year National Scout Organiza- future. It is time for the world to Pacific Region were represented
tion (NSO) action plan about the know about the Messengers of – Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambo-
implementation of the program at Peace Programme.” dia, Hong Kong, India, Indone-
national level. sia, South Korea, Macau, Malay-
“We need to tell more stories to sia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal,
In a written statement, read by the world, we need to encourage Philippines, Singapore, Sri
National Chief Scout Commis- more people to tell their stories, Lanka, Timor Leste and Thailand.


Scouts readily respond to motorcycle accident
Scout Leaders readily responded and tumbled down while driving a broken and blood was pouring
to a motorcyclist who figured motorcycle in a major thorough- out continuously. Equipped with
himself in a freak accident in the fare. only their first aid and emer-
morning of 13 June 2018 in Nag- gency response training they
carlan, a small town in Laguna “We saw everything as it hap- learned as Scouts, Carmelo and
province, south of the Philippine pened, it was a harrowing mo- his colleagues immediately as-
capital Manila. ment for all of us. It’s something sessed the situation, took off
that you don’t see every day. their scarves and bandaged
Carmelo B. Francia, along with But, more than the shock, we wounded areas to prevent fur-
his other colleagues from the Boy were worried for the rider, for his ther blood loss.
Scouts of the Philippines were on life. Our first instinct was to help,
their way to attend to the kick- and so, we got off our vehicle A few minutes after they tended
off ceremony of the World Envi- and tended to the victim, “ said to the victim, the emergency
ronment Day Celebration Laguna Francia. responders from the village came
Province when they saw a man in in and brought the victim to the
his mid-forties lose his balance The victim’s left ankle was hospital.


Scouts in Nepal strengthen peace network
across the country
Promoting peace is a very impor- equipping local leaders with techni- service hours and 2,000 additional
tant tool for personal growth and cal know-how on the Messengers of users at the global network. Local
in building better communities. In Peace Programme. The pool of leaders leaders and coordinators are tasked
2017, a project entitled, ‘Explor- who were trained during this phase to conduct a series of local trainings
ing Peace in Nepal’ was developed will be responsible for re-echoing a in all 75 districts of Nepal.
to provide Scout training to young regionalised MoP training for other
people and raise awareness on peace Scout Leaders, and eventually to the
and dialogue, and conduct community Scouts.
development projects through the
Messengers of Peace. Nepal Scouts The second phase, which is the Local
MoP National Coordinator Ram Prasad Coordinators Training, was conducted
Bhattarai, along with a team of volun- in Nuwakot held in mid-May 2018
teers, spearheaded the event. with three different training that ac-
commodated 150 Scouts and Scout
In order to spread the message Leaders from 75 districts in Nepal.
across the country, capacity building
trainings for Scout Leaders were or- Even with limited to resources, the
ganized, which are vital in cascading Scouts are using their creativity to
the programme to Scout units. The spread the message of peace across
project was conducted in two phases the country. They are excited about
– MoP Local Leaders Workshop and the prospect of sharing their stories
the MoP Local Coordinators Training. on social media channels, in particu-
lar, the MoP global network at www.
The Local Leaders Workshop was
held in Pokhara with 42 participants
from seven provinces, focusing on The project generated 200,000


Fiji Scouts organise relief operations
for flood victims
Following the devastation on Fiji’s tions, grocery packs, clothing, Scout leaders are providing the
main island of Viti Levu brought drinking water and other essential needed human resources.
about by Tropical Cyclone Keni on items.
10 April 2018, the Fiji Scout Asso- An appeal for monetary support
ciation launched a nationwide relief Fiji Scout Association partnered has also been initiated by the
operation. with the United Fiji Community National MoP Team thru the Scout
(UFC) in Sydney, Australia and the Donation Platform. They intend to
The Fiji Scout Association tapped Yaadein Vision Fiji. Both groups are gather US $5,000.00 to finance
its Messengers of Peace district known in Fiji for their enormous their relief efforts. To date, they
coordinators to simultaneously contribution in helping less fortu- gathered a meagre amount of
organise relief operations across nate families, the medically chal- US $ 42.00. Monetary donations
the country to aid the residents lenged and the disabled. They have may be directed at
who were devastated during the also been assisting rehabilitation ly/2J0CjSZ.
onslaught of tropical cyclone Keni. efforts for communities who have
been affected by natural disasters. Scouts and non-Scouts are actively
Responding to the call, Scouts all helping in the relief and rehabilita-
over Fiji gathered in their districts The UFC and the Yaadein Vision tion efforts on the ground.
to provide aid to the residents – Fiji are continuously providing
clearing out debris, assisting in the logistical support required at the -With reports from Mr. Kailash
construction of temporary shelters ground, including the distribution Pillay, NSO Coordinator of the
and reconstruction efforts. They of household items and school Messengers of the Peace (MoP)
also sourced out monetary dona- stationery, while Scouts and Programme of the Fiji Scouts


APR Scout Foundation
introduces new
membership category
In the celebration of its Silver Jubilee year, the
APR Scout Foundation is introducing the APR Scout
Foundation Youth Membership category. The newest
membership category will be launched on 12 August
2018, coinciding with the celebration of the Interna-
tional Youth Day and the Rover Centenary.

With this youth membership, young people would

improve their understanding of fundraising. They
will be empowered to become part of the Foundation
that contributes to the growth of Scouting and NSOs/Individuals who will recruit 50 new
support community developments. members or more will be recognized by the
APR Scout Foundation accordingly.
The pre-launch membership drive is from 15 June
to 10 August 2018. The first 25 contributors in For more information, you may visit, https://
each category will receive a special recognition.


Initial results of the study show that Scouting
improves young people’s adaptability
Scout activities are organised mean for the youth, how Scout- “The longer the time that a young
undertakings that focus on the ing improves a person’s potential person spends in Scouting or in
development of various capabili- abilities, and how Scouting activi- its activities, the greater the op-
ties of young people. Scouting is ties are effective as a whole. portunity for learning about their
based on advancement and patrol ability to adapt and improve their
system, so it has great value such Dr. Eugene Eun-Gui Kim, Interna- interpersonal relationships and
as cooperation, understanding tional Commissioner of the Korea organisational ability, and even-
and consideration for others. Scout Association, said that the tually, overcome individualism
research has shown that Scouts among teenagers,” he stressed
Despite its known positive attri- are more capable than the aver- further.
butes, understanding the values, age teenager. “The results of the
effectiveness, and method of a research have shown us that a The research shows good results
Scout activity is not fully under- young person who has been in on the effectiveness of the pro-
stood. Scouting for a long time shows grams, activities and methods of
higher levels of change in capa- the Scout Movement in the holis-
The Korea Scout Association has bilities and optimism than those tic development of young people:
been conducting a study since young people who are not.”
2013 on what Scouting would


• The loyalty and trust of the personality has become increas- from community-based Scout
Scouts were formed at a fairly ingly important. Social requests units and 3.2% were from
high level. Basic understanding for character education are be- religion-based Scout units. On
and awareness of Scout organ- coming stronger in and out of the other hand, 60.3% were
from grade school, 22.8%
isations is high. This can be schools so the results are expect-
ed to have a positive effect on the junior high school and 16.78%
attributed to the organisation’s high school.
Scout Movement.
international identity and posi-
tive perception of its activities. After the study, the posi-
• Scout activities have very tive effect of Scouting is now
positive effects on the teenag-
• The high level of happiness backed by actual research and
ers’ abilities. Eight capacities analysis. Though researchers
and satisfaction of Scouts, so
of individual teenagers are put believe that there is a need
the value of the Scout activities
together: sense of self, body, for another long-term study to
is to enrich the minds of the
conflict control, interpersonal further concentrate on Scout
youth and to realise the joy in activities, this initiative of the
relationship, problem solving,
doing Scout activities. Korea Scout Association has
motivation to achieve, leader- successfully highlighted the
ship, and citizenship. distinct characteristic of the
• Scout activities have direct
Scout programmes and ac-
effects on the teenagers’ per- There was a total of 7,922 Scouts tivities of the Scout Movement
sonalities and have positive respondents ranging from 7 to 18 and has set the bar among
impact on human character years old, and they were found to other youth organisations.
through respect for others and have significantly higher differ-
equal opportunities to other ences in their abilities than that of --With reports from
Dr. Eugene Eun-Gui Kim
people an average teenager. Of the total
(Korea Scout Association)
respondents, 55.5% were male
and Matthew Valdeavilla
and 45.5% were female.
Recently, the Personality Educa- (World Scout Bureau/Asia-
tion Promotion Act was enforced Pacific Support Centre)
90.8% of the respondents belong
in Korea as the importance of
to a school-based Scout unit, 6%


Introducing the APR Scout Bazaar!
Convenience right at your doorstep! online and we will deliver the items directly
at your doorstep. We are also featuring
Introducing the APR Scout Bazaar, your Scout products from various National Scout
one-stop online shop for various Scout Organizations in the Asia-Pacific Region,
products and souvenirs. Order online, pay including Messengers of Peace products.

Check it out at


Monthly Statistics
MoP Monthly Statistical Report – translate in numbers is making great progress. This was how top
ten NSO’s performed in month of May in terms of MoP service hour, project and

APRIL 2018

TOP 10 NSOs TOP 10 NSOs TOP 10 NSOs users Projects Service Hours

Country Users Projects Service Hours


MAY 2018

TOP 10 NSOs TOP 10 NSOs TOP 10 NSOs users Projects Service Hours

Country Users Projects Service Hours


Messengers of Peace Regional Team
Peter Blatch AUSTRALIA: Johnathan Raymond MALAYSIA: Amir Hamzah bin Aman
Chay Hong Leng Morey
J. Rizal C. Pangilinan MALDIVES: Ibrahim Rasheed
BANGLADESH: M. Mohd. Monirul
Islam Khan
COORDINATOR NEPAL: Ram Prasad Bhattarai
BHUTAN: Nawang Gyaltshen
S Prassanna Shrivastava NEW ZEALAND: Michael Jeffrey
Director, Development Support BRUNEI DARUSSALAM: Liyana Binti
& Finance Haji Salleh PAKISTAN: Zahid Mahboob
SCOUTS OF CHINA: Sherman PHILIPPINES: Carmelo B. Francia
J. Rizal C. Pangilinan Sheng, Hsiao-Ming
Regional Director SINGAPORE: Tan Sijie
S Prassanna Shrivastava FIJI: Kailash Vimal Pillay SRI LANKA: Prabath Kularathna
Director, Development Support
& Finance HONG KONG: Peggy TAM Siu-lan THAILAND: Ms Wanyada Budhthanon
Nancy P. Ladores INDIA: Krishnaswamy R. MACAU: Tang Chon Meng, Jacky
Assistant, Development Support
Matthew Valdeavilla INDONESIA: Venny Indri Christiyanti SCOUT POLYNESIA: Raiarii Benjamin
Special Project Officer, JAPAN: Katsuhiro Takahashi Tama
Organizational Development
and Messenger of Peace KOREA: Kim Su Yeon TIMOR LESTE: Viriato Da Costa Seac
KIRIBATI: Mataiti Bwebwe

Luz Taray
Director, Comm. & Partnerships Messenger of Peace| Asia-Pacific Region
Theresa Quine
Assistant, Comm.
Kenny Fernando
Special Project Officer, Comm.
Neil Bolandrina
Assistant, Comm & IS @ScoutinginAPR @ScoutinginAPR

Log-in to Create your profile. Share your stories.

For any information or for submitting your MOP
initiatives, please contact Asia-Pacific Support Centre

Tel: (+63 2) 818 0984/ 817 1675

Fax: (+63 2) 819 0093


Email: [email protected]

Scouting in Asia-Pacific Region

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