I SSU E N o.22
A PRI L - J U N E 2018
Messengers of Peace quarterly newsletter is an initiative of the Asia-Pacific Support Centre of the
World Scout Bureau highlighting the projects of National Scout Organizations under MoP Initiative.
MoP Coordinators Journey APR hold biggest MoP global Fiji Scouts
to undertake more to the regional workshop, team lays out organise relief
projects and top of the rolls out Diversity one-year plan operations
commit service world
hours and Inclusion for flood victims
“Reaching a Billion Service Hours calls
for a celebration!
Scouts spend
the world a better place
billion hours making
When Robert Baden-Powell founded the were asked to register their service or the earthquake in Nepal or Mexico
Scout Movement, he saw Scouting as hours and records show that Scouts - where Scouts have been making a
a “universal brotherhood of service.” have spent a collective one billion hours difference. Many of the hours that have
More than a century after, Scouts all on projects designed to help their com- contributed to the one billion milestone
over the world have been rendering munities and make the world a better have involved variety of services at
such services in their respective Scout place, as part of the Messengers of large and small scale projects – build-
groups, schools and communities. Peace programme. ing a bamboo bridge for a village in In-
donesia’s Java, taking refugee children
It was it 2011 when the Messengers of It’s not only the major disasters – like on a friendship hike in the Australian
Peace Initiative was launched, Scouts the flood in Fiji, the hurricane in Haiti bush, or even playing with children and
Pandey, who was climbing with a Sherpa guide, braved the risks
of avalanche and high winds. During his stay at the base camp,
he acclimated himself with the weather and the surroundings,
practiced ice climbing, reinforced his knowledge with the proper
use oxygen and ways to cope with problems arising from high
altitude mountaineering.
His climb was supported by the Nepal Scouts and was partly
funded by the World Scout Bureau Asia-Pacific Support Centre
thru the Messengers of Peace Support Fund.
More than sixty key Scout leaders from 26 countries across Asia met in Manila on
22 to 26 June 2018 for the APR Workshop on Diversity and Inclusion.
“This workshop is the first of its kind in the region and the Boy Scouts of the Philippines
is extremely honoured for this opportunity. This is also timely as we are scheduled to
host the 26th APR Scout Conference this October. Over the week, we shall let you experi-
ence the authentic Filipino hospitality,” said Wendel E. Avisado, National President of the
Boy Scouts of the Philippines and 1st Vice Chairperson of the APR Scout Committee.
In his address to the participants, Paul D. Parkinson, Chairman of the APR Scout Committee
expressed how delighted he was with the sheer magnitude of the participation for the
workshop, and how APR marked another milestone towards making the Scout Movement
accessible to more young people.
“Your efforts during this workshop will enable the Scout Movement to reach more young people
around the Asia-Pacific Region and give them an opportunity to grow and to build the kind of
friendship that is unique in Scouting, one that unites us in our diversity,” he stressed further.
After this workshop more projects on Diversity and Inclusion are expected to be undertaken at
regional and local levels.
The countries who were represented during the workshop included the following: Australia,
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives,
Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, South
Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor Leste, Afghanistan, Vietnam and Portugal.
8 Members of Ticket to Life Scout Troop in Manila demonstrate their practical skills before the participants
of the Diversity and Inclusion workshop, including recycling, and woggle and bracelet making.
MoP global team lays out one-year plan
Fifteen key volunteers and staff is continuing to do globally. seeks to strengthen the
handling the Messengers of Recent updates and changes capacity of each National Scout
Peace (MoP) Programme across in the procedures and relevant Organization by providing them
the world met in Kuala Lumpur forms in the MoP support fund with the appropriate resources
for its thematic team meeting application were highlighted. and technical assistance for
on 2-5 April 2018. The changes made it more expanding and solidifying the
efficient and easier for National MoP network and project imple-
The meeting was the first since Scout Organizations to avail mentation.
the thematic teams were cre- the fund.
ated early this year. During the Thematic team members from
meeting, a thorough review of During the meeting, the MoP different Scout regions also
the progress of the programme Thematic Team Plan was also shared the good work being
was made, including a lengthy developed for a span of one done in their respective areas,
discussion on the impact that year, focusing on coordina- as well as the challenges they
the programme has made and tion and governance. The team are facing.
APRIL 2018
Luz Taray
Director, Comm. & Partnerships Messenger of Peace| Asia-Pacific Region
Theresa Quine
Assistant, Comm.
Kenny Fernando
Special Project Officer, Comm.
Neil Bolandrina
Assistant, Comm & IS @ScoutinginAPR @ScoutinginAPR
Email: [email protected]
Scouting in Asia-Pacific Region