Project Title
Project Title
Project Title
Online testing system represents a new paradigm in the world of information technology
today. Innovation and technological developments that occur from time to time makes
it's starting to get the attention of all parties, especially in the field of education. It can
offer many advantages to teachers and students to use such systems as well as to meet the
needs in the field of education it can also make teaching and learning more fun. But it is
still not widely used at all levels, whether at the school, higher education or continuing
education. This study was made to gather literacy studies related to the use of online
testing system. It is intended to evaluate the factors that attract users to utilize online
testing system. The studies focused on the effective use of the system in terms of ease of
access to the internet, security system, testing and evaluation in education.
Many different researches have focused on the subject of an online examination system these work can
be represented as following:
Luecht (2001) focuses his research on online testing in terms of the challenges that may
be encountered. Among the challenges mentioned was the problem of identifying
students who use the system as well as security risks, skills in answering different
questions among students, problems in maintenance and evaluation.
Xue (2006), adapted the online examination system using a mode known as "B/W Mode".
Web server was used to control the tests and provide information to students. The main
goal of the study is to reduce the use of paper and develop a test system that is safe to use.
Among the features utilized was only allow the system to be used after receiving the
application from student to use it.
EMS :Rashad Et. Al. (2010) proposed a web-based online examination system called
Exam Management System (EMS). EMS manages the examination and auto-grading for
students exams and supports conducting exams, collects the answers, auto mark the
submissions, and produce the reports for the test. EMS supports secure login, multi-
instructor, and portability features. However, the other features: resumption capability,
random question selection, random questions distribution, and random choices
distribution are missing
Ria Mae H (2013), studied about an online examination system that can be administered
manually or automatically by lecturers. Lecturers can send questions via the web and
students will answer and send their answers online via the Internet. By using this online
examination system, grading process can be done automatically. Researcher has
conducted a survey about the form and type of examination questions that will be
included in the online examination system.
CBTS :Fagbola et. al. (2013) developed a Computer Based Test System (CBTS). CBTS
is a web-based online examination system developed to address issues such as lack of
timing flexibility for automation candidates log-off upon expiration of allowed time,
result integrity, guaranty, stand-alone deployment, need for flexibility, robustness,
designed to support the examination processes and overcome challenges framing the
conduct of examination, auto- marking, auto- submission , and generation report of
examination result
Ade et. Al (2015) stated that the examination by the conventional method requires a lot
of papers. Besides, grading using the same method requires a long time. It becomes an
additional burden to the lecturers to conduct examinations within the time allotted.
Ria Mae H (2013), stated that lack of examination venues caused the difficulties in
implementing examination due to the increasing number of students enrolled in higher
education institutions. The situation will become increasingly difficult for mid-semester
examination which normally being held by lecturers without going through the
examination unit of the higher education institution. In addition, the problems to
implement the examinations involve a large number of students with a limited amount of
space. This will cause frequent problem of examination time clashes of thus may cause
the postponement of examinations.
The whole process of assigning test and evaluating their scores after the test, was done
manually till date. Processing the test paper i.e. checking and distributing respective
scores used to take time when the software was not installed.
The online test created for taking online test has following features.
In comparison to the present system the proposed system will be less time consuming
and is more efficient.
Result will be very precise and accurate and will be declared in very short span of time
because calculation and evaluations are done by the simulator itself.
The logs of appeared candidates and their marks are stored and can be backup for future
online examination system save the exams information in a database , teachers can
add/delete questions, set the correct answers, specify the exam period, register
students ,delete students , show questions for students randomly, calculate and show the
final results for students.
1) System design
The online examination system uses client/ server architecture. At the client by using a web browser
can connect via internet or local host with the server where PHP and MySQL in the server side are
responsible for the preparing exams processes and save and return data from database.
2) System activities
A) Login system
By using already stored admin name and password the individual can log on to the system any time
he/she desires as an admin to manage the admin activities. Logging is successful only if the input detail
is matched with the database, else an error message is displayed.
Login as student
The information of each student will be sorted by the admin upon the registration process, enabling this
way the particular student to log on the system without having to undergo the process of registration
again. Logging is successful only if the input detail is matched with the database, else an error message
is displayed.
B) Admin activities
1- Questions management
Adding Questions: include adding three type of questions according to the admin desires either
(true/false, multiple choices, image matching).
Deleting Questions: include deleting questions of the three types of questions (true/false, multiple
choices, image matching).
2- Students management
Registering students: include inserting the information of each student (student name, email, and
password) to complete the registration process.
Deleting student: by inserting the (name and email) of the student to be deleted the admin can
delete any student.
C) Students activities
After the student logging in, a group of questions will be displayed to him to start and give an exam.
After answering all the questions in a specified period the student will finish the exam and his/her
degree will be displayed on the screen.
3) Database design
In order to fully use MySQL server technology, it is essential to make sure that the database is well
designed. The files names chosen to label all the tables created within the database attempt to reflect
the table's purpose and, therefore, contribute to well-design system. The intimal step in designing was
to decide, according to the requirements and specifications of the project, which tables should be
created, and what type of information each one should hold.
4) System Implementation
The general specification of the online examination system (OES) can be explained in figure.
General Diagram
Using an open source language gives us more flexibility, but at the same time it required
more time to be programmed.The proposed Online Examination System (OES) can be
easily adopted by universities and institutions in order to make the exam more secure and
more flexible.The system is subdivided into two main subsystems (student and
administrator) that are designed to give the system maximum benefit by demonstrating
carefully each subsystem service.The administrator's functions are clearly identified to be
able to manipulate user's information such as add (register), delete users and managing
the exam materials and content such as add, delete questions, Thus the proposed system
is easy and flexible because for future maintenance and development because each
subsystem can be handled separately without influence on other system.