The Power of Partnership Unlocking Business Action On Net Zero Expert Advisory Group
The Power of Partnership Unlocking Business Action On Net Zero Expert Advisory Group
The Power of Partnership Unlocking Business Action On Net Zero Expert Advisory Group
In the Autumn of 2022, the Climate Change Committeei – the UK’s statutory
independent advisor on climate change - convened an ‘Advisory Group on Business’
(AGB), comprised of senior leaders from a range of sectors, regions, and experience
across the UK.
The AGB was convened to share insights from their The scope of this work focuses primarily on the business
respective fields around the different ways in which UK response to Net Zero; however, the AGB recognised
businesses can accelerate progress towards Net Zero, that action on Net Zero should be considered as part
the barriers holding this back, and the opportunities of a step-change in the business response to climate,
that can be unlocked if business and Government take environmental and social challenges the world faces,
decisive action. These insights are intended to inform noting the particular importance of adaptation, nature,
a forthcoming report from the CCC on business action and biodiversity and just transition. It is anticipated that
on climate change but are also presented by the AGB the lessons and principles drawn from the AGB are also
to businesses, policymakers, and political parties as a relevant and useful in considering how to strengthen the
‘manifesto’ for strengthening business action on Net Zero. business response across these issues.
Shevaun became Director General of BCC at the end Following this, she became a partner in a start-up digital
of April 2021. She joined BCC from the Cabinet Office innovation agency and venture builder, Independents
where she led Business Partnerships. She joined the United, where she also became an Advisor for the
Government in 2016 and also ran the Business team Danson Foundation. Most recently, Shevaun was
at No10 Downing Street and the Inclusive Economy the New Ventures Director for Avado, building new
Partnership. businesses in Edtech and founding the Academy of
Digital Business Leaders.
Shevaun started her career in consultancy in London
and New York. She then moved to the Walt Disney Shevaun has a passion for business as a force for good.
Company in strategic planning, before joining She is a social impact investor, a Trustee of Barefoot
Disneyland Paris, opening the second theme park. College International, and a board member of the
Shevaun then joined the agency world, running global Women of the World Foundation.
accounts for Millward Brown, Mindshare, and WPP.
AGB Membership
Deborah Allen
Group Director Climate and Environment, BAE Systems
Miranda Barker
CEO, East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce and Chair of RedCAT
Bukky Bird
Group Sustainability Director, Barratt Developments
Sarah Bradbury
Former Group Quality Director, Tesco
Ged Ennis
Director, Low Carbon Energy
David Finlay
Owner, Ethical Diary
Simon Gadd
Group Climate Change Director, L&G
Paul Gordon
Managing Director, Relationship Management, Business & Commercial
Banking, Lloyds Banking Group
Neville Hargreaves
Vice President Waste to Fuels and Business Development Director, Velocys
James Stephens
Vice President Corporate Affairs, DHL UK and Ireland
Alex Sutton
Senior Ethics and Sustainability Manager, John Lewis Partnership
Solitaire Townsend
Chief Solutionist, Futerra
Executive Summary 7
Opportunity 1
Integrity and transparency of impact and actions 15
Opportunity 2
Investment into Net Zero solutions 21
Opportunity 3
Implementing Net Zero through supply chains, procurement & infrastructure 27
Opportunity 4
Innovative industries and workers 33
Opportunity 5
Influence of business on society 38
Executive Summary
(B1) Large Businesses (G1) DESNZ (T1) Introduce a Net Zero test
Measure and disclose emissions Set clear, consistent proportional Businesses and Government
in their value chains (supporting requirements for large companies (Cabinet Office/ Number 10) should
smaller suppliers to provide to measure and disclose Scope 3 signal their commitment to Net
necessary information). emissions (with voluntary reporting Zero by placing a test on major
for SMEs). investments, spending, policies,
strategies and performance.
(B5) Large companies and (G5) DESNZ and HMT (T2) Reforms to tax and finance
investors Work with industry specialists to HMT: To unlock the potential
Shift and scale investments into co-develop technology route maps of the UK’s financial sector and
viable low-carbon sectors, products and implement an internationally business investment behind Net
and technologies. compatible Green Taxonomy to Zero, the Government should
signpost investors towards low- implement targeted reforms to the
carbon investment opportunities. tax incentives, capital allowances
and lending criteria, as part of
a renewed Net Zero industrial
(B6) All businesses (G6) DESNZ and HMT strategy
Increasingly invest in low- Ensure the balance of incentives
carbon solutions as part of asset encourages investments into low- Private investors and financial
replacement or upgrade cycles. carbon assets, and provide access institutions:
to low-cost public backed loans and Stand ready to leverage their
grants for SMEs to finance their Net balance sheets to significantly scale
Zero plans. investments into Net Zero sectors
and technologies.
(B7) All businesses (G7) DESNZ and OFGEM (T3) Prioritise Net Zero within
Rapidly implement cost-effective Accelerate the delivery of key Net procurement
Net Zero solutions within their Zero infrastructure and remove Cabinet Office: Further extend
operations. key barriers such as delays to the and strengthen requirements on
consenting process for Net Zero climate change in the National
infrastructure or assets. Procurement Policy Statement.
(B9) All businesses (G9) DESNZ and DSIT (T4) Take a strategic approach to
Direct their ingenuity and resources Review the provision of funding and national innovation priorities
into solving key Net Zero challenges, finance for Net Zero R&D, early and
with larger companies piloting mid-stage innovation and late-stage DESNZ and DSIT: Clarify a set
emerging technologies. commercialisation. of strategic national Net Zero
innovation priorities where UK
has a competitive advantage, and
provide enhanced innovation
(B10) All businesses (G10) DESNZ funding, finance and supportive
Actively consider future skills Set out a plan to deliver the pipeline regulation to bring this forward at
requirements in their sector and of skilled people needed to design, pace.
work with Government to inform develop and deliver Net Zero
and fund appropriate training and solutions.
(B11) All businesses (G11) DESNZ and DCMS (T5) Government and business
Channel consumer influence in Coordinate a long-term public work together to create compelling
support of Net Zero societal changes engagement strategy for Net Zero consumer offer on Net Zero,
and technologies – helping to in partnership with media and the incentivising and empowering
educate, encourage and enable the business community. the public to adopt lower carbon
public. lifestyles and products.
Introduction: The Five I’s to unlock business action on Net Zero
The UK is on the path to achieve Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 – the
target passed into law in 2019 to end the UK’s contribution to climate change, in
line with the goals of the Paris Agreement. Emissions have already been reduced by
almost 50%, at a faster rate than any other G7 countryiii, achieved largely through
phasing out coal power almost entirely from our electricity system whilst becoming
one of the largest producers of wind energy in the worldiv.
The path to Net Zero requires a 78% cut in emissions by expected to provide the majority of investment required
2035, which will involve more significant changes across to build the Net Zero economyviii.
every area of the economy. This goes beyond the energy
we produce; we’ll need to reconfigure our transport UK businesses have demonstrated clear intent - four
systems, homes, businesses, and land to change how we in five FTSE100 and 40% of SMEs are committed to Net
move people and goods, how we heat our buildings and Zero; but it’s not enough for us to set targets, we have
how (and what) we produce and consume. to back these up with meaningful and effective plans
and actions. Currently, only 5% of large companies have
These changes will inevitably create winners and losers, credible Net Zero plans in placeix, and only 26% of SMEs
which will require careful management, but the prize of have measured emissionsx, reflecting that business is
Net Zero is not just a cleaner and greener society, but also on a journey and different businesses will be at different
a more modern, more productive, more efficient, and stages in their response to Net Zero, and reflecting the
more prosperous economy. The recent review by Chris importance of decisive action from Government.
Skidmore reiterated the strong economic case for timely
delivery of Net Zerov, and this is before we consider the It will not be achieved overnight but for business it starts
potentially astronomical costs of inaction on climatevi. with strong leadership – by taking responsibility for our
impact, aligning our investment strategies, driving
For business, acting on Net Zero means more than an real change through our operations and supply chains
exercise of ESG compliance - this is fundamentally about and committing our ingenuity and expertise to scale
commercial competitiveness and positioning companies up the adoption of new technologies and behaviours
to seize the benefits that the transition will bring. On throughout society.
top of a genuine desire to address societal issues, this
includes opportunities to realise cost savings through Most business leaders want to do the right thing, they
operational efficiencies and responding to risks to want to be part of the solution and not the problem;
profitability (e.g. stranded assets), through to tapping but the reality is that businesses need to be profitable
into new global markets for low-carbon products and in order to exist, and in some areas they lack the tools,
services – worth an estimated £1trn to the UK by 2030vii. resources or agency to enact change. That is why to fully
Action is not optional – the markets are shifting, many unleash the power of British business in support of Net
customers and investors are calling for us to act, and if we Zero, businesses need Government to provide the right
don’t act then regulation will force us. conditions and clear signals.
Business’ role goes far beyond just reducing our own This means implementing coherent policies – for
direct emissions. For example, large corporations can example by granting planning consent to wind farms not
use procurement and investment to create demand coal mines; removing barriers – by providing access to
for - and lower the cost of – low-carbon technologies; finance, reliable information and modern infrastructure;
smaller businesses can design and deliver the Net Zero ensuring the right balance of incentives are in place
innovations that society needs; while businesses of all – for example to switch from gas to electricity and to
sizes can direct their business models and practices to sell electricity back to the grid; and maintaining a level
enable and encourage consumers to adopt low-carbon playing field – by aligning regulation to support higher
lifestyles. More broadly, the private sector as a whole is ambition. SMEs, in particular, need greater clarity on
future policies, expectations, and regulations, as well as The Government’s recent ‘Green Day’ announcements
support to make the transition. Anything less will see were a step in the right direction – in particular we
international investors looking elsewhere, leaving British welcome the updated Green Finance Strategy, plans to
businesses behind in the race to capitalise on new Net require large companies to produce transition plans and
Zero markets and technologies, and leaving the UK facing the forthcoming Green Taxonomy – but Government must
a more expensive and disruptive transition. be more ambitious, more flexible and more focused in its
approach, if we are to see a step change in investment
Other major economies are moving quickly to gain a and private sector action, where both Government and
competitive advantage in the transition to Net Zero – private sector take responsibility for action.
we’ve seen the Inflation Reduction Act supercharge green
investment in the US, and the EU have followed this with It Is a pivotal moment for the UK to determine whether
their own Green Industrial Planxi while each year China we can be a driver or a passenger in this global race to
ploughs $100bns into green technologiesxii. Whilst the Net Zero. It’s crucial that businesses understand the
UK can’t match the spending power of these economies, commercial opportunities on the path to 2050, and the
we need a more decisive response that leverages the role they can play, and we need a step-change in policy
UK’s many strengths in key areas such as energy, finance, to enable, encourage and enforce the private sector’s
engineering, professional services, media, cutting edge response. The ‘Ambition Loop’ framework, developed
manufacturing and research and development. by the We Mean Business coalition and World Resources
Institute, is a useful tool for conceptualising this potential
positive feedback loop between bold policies that can
drive private sector action (Figure 1).
Figure 1. The Ambition Loop. Credit: WRI, UN, We Mean Business Coalition
In this paper we set out our interpretation of the business Against each “I” we set out our suggested benchmarks
side of the ambition loop, the Five I’s, intended to serve for business that we as a group of companies are
as a manifesto for business and Government to realise the striving towards and call on all businesses to implement.
full potential Net Zero in the UK (Figure 2): Recognising that there remains a range of barriers to
businesses adopting more ambitious action on Net Zero,
The I’s are intended to be taken together rather than each benchmark action for business is tied to an action
viewed in isolation, starting with businesses and for Government to unlock the opportunity.
governments taking responsibility and demonstrating
integrity in their purpose and actions. This informs smart Reflecting the urgent need to deliver a step-change in the
investment decisions into Net Zero solutions which deliver UK’s progress towards Net Zero, we have also identified
savings and returns. Customers and suppliers can work one transformative action for each ‘I’ which spans
together to implement Net Zero solutions through our across both business and Government action, alongside
operations and value chains. Taken together these first a cross-cutting recommendation to strengthen
three “I’s” are about ‘getting your own house in order’, Business-Government collaboration through a Net
but businesses can also enable the transition in wider Zero partnership approach.
society by working with Government to innovate the
technologies and influencing the consumer and public These suggested actions and asks have been informed
behaviours needed for these to be adopted at scale. by the experiences of the AGB members and are
accompanied by a set of case studies from across our
businesses to shed light on the barriers and how these
can be addressed.
Cross-cutting Recommendation:
Business and Government Net Zero Partnerships
Members were clear that the current approach is not highlighted good practice from Denmark, described in
working, citing the long delays for energy projects to the case study below, which informs our cross-cutting
secure grid connection, the critical skills gaps limiting recommendation for Government to establish a series of
the uptake of new low-carbon heating technologies, partnerships set around Net Zero delivery priorities. This
and delays over key policy decisions such as the Future can facilitate a much more streamlined dialogue between
Homes Standard and zero-emission vehicle technologies. policymakers, regulators and businesses – allowing
Government to drive coordination, and draw on the
Members discussed the need for a more focused private sectors expertise, spurring the positive feedback
approach from Government on Net Zero delivery and loop conceptualised in the ‘Ambition Loop’. Government
considered the opportunity for the private sector to and business should work together on developing the
facilitate this. Members heard examples from overseas shape of these partnerships, so they are designed in a
where the private sector and Government have worked way that maintains broad buy-in, credibility and integrity.
together to tackle key delivery priorities. Members
Denmark has set ambitious targets to cut emissions Proposals from the Partnerships were intended
by 70% by 2030, on the route to achieving Net Zero to set out what sectors and business actors can
by 2050. Once entirely dependent on imported oil do to reduce emissions, alongside a set of asks for
and other fossil fuels, Denmark today generates Government to address barriers to put key enabling
more than 30 per cent of its energy needs by policy in place. Within the space of just a few months,
renewable energy sources. Recognising that and after an intensive cross-sector engagement
the challenge to achieve Net Zero will involve exercise, the Partnerships produced their initial set of
faster, deeper transformations across the entire proposals in March 2020 – including over 400 concrete
economy, the Government recognised that effective recommendations to accelerate action. The Government
collaboration between policymakers and the private decides what recommendations to take forward and
sector is key to achieving success – from developing while not all have been adopted, many have been.
and trialling innovative solutions, through to scaling Importantly, this call and response interaction between
and supplying these throughout the economy. business and Government should be seen as an ongoing
relationship rather than a stand-alone exercise.
In response to this, in 2020 the Danish Government
decided to establish a programme of ‘Climate The process has drawn out some valuable lessons,
Partnerships’, building on the country’s tradition of including for the Government, such as: the importance
open and trusting public-private partnerships. Climate of setting ambitious goals, having a clear scope,
Partnerships were established for 14 sectors of the effective governance and sufficient support for
economy, and relevant private-sector actors – from the project, with a clear plan for taking forward
construction to commerce to food and agriculture to recommendations; and for the private sector, such as:
finance, were invited to work together in developing a set to have well defined sector groups with broad buy-in
of proposals for how their sector can contribute towards from a range of actors, to allocate sufficient resources
meeting the country’s climate goals. and to set clear priorities and direction.
and transparency of
impact and actions
Members agreed that businesses that integrate an effective response to Net Zero KEY STATISTIC
can gain a competitive edge, by being well positioned to reap benefits such as
first-mover advantage in green technology and managing risks and reducing OVER HALF
costs of the transition. They also agreed that a more coherent and decisive
approach to Net Zero from the Government would boost business confidence OF BUSINESS
and accelerate the transition. LEADERS SAID
Members recognised that effective business action on Net Zero starts by taking
responsibility for their emissions and integrating credible targets, plans and BASED TARGETS
actions to reduce emissions into their core business strategy and performance.
This means effective measurement and reporting of all relevant emissions across
Scopes 1 - 3, setting science-based Net Zero targets, and disclosing transition GAVE THEM A
plans which identify concrete actions to reduce emissions and only rely on high-
integrity carbon credits as a last resort. COMPETITIVE
The main drivers for business action that members identified were: ADVANTAGExiii.
• Ethical factors such as the desire to use business to address societal
challenges such as climate change.
• Importance of understanding future opportunities and risks to business.
• Investor and shareholder pressure to understand and address business
• Expectations from the prospective workforce around the need to act on
societal issues.
• Statutory regulations and requirements on reporting and disclosure – where
these are not overly burdensome and genuinely relevant.
(B1) Large businesses (G1) DESNZ (T1) Introduce a Net Zero test
Measure and disclose emissions Set clear, consistent, proportional Businesses and Government
in their value chains (supporting requirements for large companies (Cabinet Office/ Number 10) should
smaller suppliers to provide to measure and disclose Scope 3 signal their commitment to Net
necessary information). emissions (with voluntary reporting Zero by placing a test on major
for SMEs). Address barriers to investments, spending, policies,
effective reporting such as requiring strategies and performance.
to provide business tenants with
relevant energy and emissions
information and clarifying what
emission sources and intensities to
into Net Zero solutions
Members agreed that businesses who invest in commercially-viable Net Zero
solutions can decarbonise their Scope 1 and 2 emissions, have the potential to
realise operational efficiencies and generate returns from emerging low carbon
sectors. In doing so, the private sector has the potential to provide the majority SECTOR IS
of investment needed to deliver Net Zero in the UK.
Members agreed that business investment is mission-critical to delivering MAJORITY OF
the Net Zero transition, and that government has a crucial role to play in
incentivising this investment. Businesses will increasingly choose low carbon
alternatives within asset replacement and upgrade-decisions as low-carbon YEAR (BY 2030)
options become increasingly cost-competitive and if access to finance is
provided – although appropriate incentives are also important in ensuring INVESTMENT
investments had a sound business case.
The main drivers for business action that members identified were: TO DELIVER NET
• The importance of securing a return on investments.
• The need to protect the ‘bottom line’ – investments need to make sound ZEROxvi.
business sense – businesses need to be profitable.
• The opportunity to achieve cost savings and operational efficiencies – for
example members cited the rising cost of energy as an incentive to improve
energy efficiency, but also noted that unmanageable energy costs also act as
a barrier, absorbing capital/finance and preventing companies from investing
in alternatives.
• The desire to support and grow new industries and businesses.
Members recognised the important role for Government in putting in place the
necessary policy signals for driving investment, and the need for long-term
approach to policy-making to build investor confidence. Members called for
product phase-out dates to be accompanied with value-chain route-maps –
developed in collaboration with industry – to help businesses plan for and manage
their investments. The automotive sector was highlighted as an example of
where such plans have been developed, with the Automotive Council developing
route-maps to support the transition away from the sale of new petrol and diesel
vehicles. This approach could be adopted across different sectors.
Members also recognised the important role for Government in ensuring SMEs
have access to the necessary finance to implement Net Zero plans, with various
options suggested for how the government could facilitate this. Ideas included
providing a “kite mark” for trusted providers of Power Purchase Agreements;
adding Government guarantees to underpin certain qualifying green loans for
banks; and supporting more favourable capital treatment of Net Zero aligned
loans by banks to help accelerate support for financing the transition and
recognise the positive impact on risk over time.
(B5) Large companies and (G5) DESNZ and HMT (T2) Reforms to tax and finance
investors Work with industry specialists to co- HMT: To unlock the potential
Shift and scale investments develop technology route maps and of the UK’s financial sector and
into viable low-carbon implement a Green Taxonomy to signpost business investment behind Net
sectors, products and investors towards low-carbon investment Zero, the Government should
technologies. opportunities. implement targeted reforms to the
tax incentives, capital allowances
Technology route maps should build on and lending criteria, as part of
good practices (e.g. from the automotive a renewed Net Zero industrial
council) and be informed through strategy.
collaboration with industry and expert
sector bodies. The route maps should Private investors and financial
set out the key steps to Net Zero for each institutions:
sector and priority actions, underpinned Stand ready to leverage their
by appropriate mandates for critical balance sheets to significantly scale
outcomes. investments into Net Zero sectors
and technologies.
The UK Green Taxonomy must be
compatible with international equivalents
and direct businesses towards appropriate
transitional investments.
At the end of 2022 there were over 40 million1 vehicles Looking ahead to the roll out of fully zero emissions
on UK roads and whilst there are increasing zero HGV fleets, there needs to be continued and meaningful
emissions options for cars and vans, these are far more support for the uptake of zero emission technologies.
limited for the HGV sector. With 589,0001 HGV registered Businesses are ready and willing to invest in these
in the UK there is a significant challenge to effectively technologies but often the wider cost of ownership,
decarbonise them. energy prices, onsite charging and electricity grid
upgrades can be a barrier. Government can play a
There are some zero emission technologies available, role in making these investment decisions simpler, by
such as the Volvo FM fully electric HGV in operation supporting the continued investment in green energy
with DHL2 (pictured). With a range of 180 miles, this generation and the development of a robust energy
offers a solution for the shorter range and urban grid. This would ensure that electric vehicles are truly
routes, but does not yet offer a solution for the longer zero emission and operators can access the energy they
range and heavy use cases. Other technologies such require to decarbonise their fleets.
as hydrogen combustion and fuel cell electric also
offer opportunities for zero emission operations with
potentially greater ranges, according to the Automotive
Council’s technology roadmaps3. We recognise the
need to eventually fully transition our fleets to zero
emission vehicles; however, today capital costs for
an electric HGV are currently roughly three times that
of a diesel vehicle with a reduced range. Producing
zero emission HGVs for all use cases in a cost and
operationally efficient manner is still expected to be
10-15 years4 away. Therefore, operators face a challenge
to decarbonise their fleets and must look at other
alternative ‘bridging technologies’ to reduce their HGV
carbon emissions whilst zero emission technologies and
infrastructure further mature, and costs improve.
Net Zero through supply
chains, procurement,
and infrastructure
Members recognised the significant potential for larger businesses and
Government to drive implementation of Net Zero through their supply chains,
including leveraging procurement to drive demand of low carbon goods and
IN 2021, THE
services, and collaborating with smaller suppliers and customers, lending tools, PUBLIC SECTOR
resources and expertise to implement solutions.
Members recognised that for business, implementing Net Zero through operations CONTRACTSxvii
and value chains will mean aligning procurement practices and collaborating with
suppliers. Members highlighted the potential for larger companies to drive demand
for low-carbon products, and in doing so help reduce their costs, by aligning their PROPORTION OF
procurement practices appropriately. Members also highlighted a number of
examples of larger businesses and smaller suppliers collaborating to implement THE UK’S £290BN
Net Zero solutions within supply chains.
The main drivers for business action that members identified were: PROCUREMENT
• The strong signals and requirements set by procurement practices (corporate
and public) which drive up standards in supply chains. SPEND.
• The value of working with trusted suppliers to implement effective change
in supply chains, and the importance of trusted purchaser-supplier
• Strong policy signals and regulations from Government which help to shift
• Opportunities to improve the resilience of supply chains.
• Sector conveners who help to broker consensus among competitors on
strengthening actions/standards (WRAP was cited as a good example in the
food sectorxviii).
• Minimising disruption to normal business activity, minimising additional time
or cost burdens, allowing businesses to focus on their primary functions –
particularly for smaller businesses with more limited capacity.
• Competitiveness, the need to respond to shifting markets but noting the fear
of being undercut.
• A stable regulatory space, which provides confidence for businesses to act.
(B7) All businesses (G7) DESNZ and OFGEM (T3) Prioritise Net Zero within
Implement cost-effective Net Zero Accelerate the delivery of key Net procurement
solutions to their operational sites Zero infrastructure and remove Cabinet Office: Further extend
as soon as possible. key barriers such as delays to the and strengthen requirements on
consenting process for Net Zero climate change in the National
infrastructure or assets. Procurement Policy Statement.
Working with suppliers and customers to implement Net Zero: Lloyds Banking
Group, financial institution
At Lloyds Banking Group, we are driven by our We also work closely with business customers to
purpose to Help Britain Prosper. Supporting, and understand their challenges in driving change through
accelerating, the UK’s transition to a low carbon their own supply chains. We recently held a Supply
future is core to our strategy. Two of the key ways Chain Resilience event bringing together businesses
this manifests are through our own supply chain, of all sizes; to help us to consider and design the best
and those of our customers. support for them. We learned that smaller businesses
need support from their buyers to ensure they can
We’ve set an ambition to reduce the emissions from meet their needs effectively, and want clearly defined
our suppliers by 50% by 2030, and a similar goal to public policies regarding data, measurement and
halve the emissions we finance for customers, over the scoring standards. Whilst larger businesses have greater
same period. We’ve begun by launching our Emerald resources available, they face challenges from the
Standard – drawing on existing globally recognised complexity involved in assessing global supply chains,
assessment approaches to set out clear sustainability and making robust disclosures, as well as uncertainty
expectations for suppliers. To date, we’ve contacted our on how standards will evolve.
top 123 suppliers who contribute approximately 80% of
in-scope emissions and represents over 80% of related We are looking at ways to further support our customers
spend. Of these, 57% have a science-aligned target, 56% to navigate this complexity – be that through new
have committed to Net Zero and 43% appear to disclose sustainability products, investing in thought leadership1
full scope 1,2 and 3 emissions through CDP. or developing data insights.
Trade Insights | Supply Chain Resilience | Lloyds Bank Business
industries and workers
Members highlighted the opportunity for dynamic businesses and skilled
workers to build innovative low carbon industries in Britain, and in doing so reap
the dividends from the growing global Net Zero economy whilst enabling the UK
to be a world leader in key Net Zero technologies. MARKET
Members recognised the significant potential from UK businesses and workers UK COMPANIES
to help design, develop and scale some of the biggest Net Zero challenges. They
also highlighted the benefits of developing ‘made in Britain’ Net Zero solutions PRODUCING
in areas of strategic priority, including economic opportunities, new jobs and
supply chain resilience. Members noted that larger businesses are well placed
to trial nascent technologies (such as hydrogen HGVs and battery storage for SERVICES TO FEED
homes), and emphasised that all businesses should strategically consider their
changing skills requirements implicated by Net Zero. THE NET ZERO
The main drivers for business action that members identified were:
• The prospect of seizing commercial opportunities from emerging Net Zero BE WORTH MORE
technologies, services, and markets.
• The desire to support home-grown industries, create jobs and develop skilled THAN £1 TRILLION
people – in the UK.
• The need to keep-pace with global competitors such as US. EU and China in
BY 2030.xx
the race to Net Zero and the green industrial opportunities this presents.
• The critical role of workers in underpinning business success, and the need to
support them in prospering through the transition.
Members highlighted the need for Government to provide more reliable funding
throughout the innovation process – from R&D and pilot stages through
to scaling and, crucially, commercialisation, with the provision of low-risk
innovation loans and the replacement of EU funding suggested as options. Mid
stage innovation/scaling funding currently delivered through the competition
orientated Innovate UK process, would be more progressive and positive for
businesses if the business became eligible for support once the innovation was
assessed as exceeding a technology market viability assessment.
Members felt there is a need for greater clarity from Government as to the
strategic innovation priorities for the UK, and that there are regulatory changes
that could support innovation, e.g., onshore wind consents, grid connectivity,
and planning reform. On skills and workers members called for greater flexibility
around the use of the apprenticeship levy, the importance of enabling easier
transition of skilled workers from one sector to another and the need for a
strategic plan to meet the UK’s Net Zero skills needs.
(B10) All businesses (G10) DESNZ and DSIT (T4) Take a strategic approach to
Direct their ingenuity and resources Review the provision of funding and national innovation priorities
into solving key Net Zero challenges, finance for Net Zero R&D, early and DESNZ and DSIT: Clarify a set
with larger companies piloting mid-stage innovation and late-stage of strategic national Net Zero
emerging technologies. commercialisation. innovation priorities where the
UK has a competitive advantage,
and provide enhanced innovation
funding, finance and supportive
(B11) All businesses (G10) DESNZ
regulation (such as production
Actively consider future skills Conduct a review of skills gaps
mandates) to bring these forward
requirements in their sector and across key sectors; assessing and
at pace.
work with Government to inform improving the impact of Net Zero
and fund appropriate training and training provision, and developing
This should link closely to
qualifications. closer links between employers and
Technology Readiness Levels,
education and training providers
help reduce uncertainty, remove
e.g. via an enhanced Apprenticeship
potential disadvantage for early
Levy, or alternative incentives.
adapters, and so drive investment.
The planned Green Taxonomy is an
An immediate change Government
opportunity to highlight Net Zero
could make is to raise the annual
innovation investment priorities.
transfer cap in the Apprenticeship
Levy to enable larger businesses to
spend an increased share of their
levy funds, including on regulated
training and apprenticeships across
Net Zero trades and technologies.
As the UK’s leading national sustainable housebuilder, energy systems linking solar panels, batteries and
we have a responsibility to build sustainably and electric vehicle plus a nature-friendly garden. The aim
support the industry as we move towards net zero is to find the best solutions to help customers’ live
homes, at scale. sustainable lives.
We are well-placed to do this, with highly experienced eHome2, built at The University of Salford, goes even
teams engaging with partners and suppliers towards further. We have refined our approach and added smart
shared sustainability goals. Innovation will be crucial, as systems to integrate the technology and provide a
we transition to future-ready, zero carbon homes, sharing better customer experience. The home, developed with
data and knowledge as we drive sector-wide change. Saint-Gobain, also uses low carbon materials to limit
the use of resources in construction. Built inside the
A track record of innovation Energy House 2.0 environmental chamber, eHome2 is
Investing in innovation, research and development being road-tested in the climate of the future.
supports our transition, helps our supply chain and
boosts the development of low carbon technologies. Ambitious targets, clear plans
Our track record of innovation is preparing us for the As well as innovation, a range of important ingredients
Future Homes Standard and for net zero homes by 2030. are required to achieve a smooth, effective and just
We built the first eco home from a major housebuilder, transition to net zero.This includes setting a long-term
the Green House, and Hanham Hall, the UK’s first net vision, a clear plan and consistent measurements.
zero carbon community. We were the first major housebuilder to set science-
based carbon reduction targets and are committed to
At the Zed House, we worked with 40 organisations becoming a Net Zero business by 2040. Our Building
to test a range of technologies and enable change Sustainably Framework brings together all of our
throughout the supply chain. The home, which took a ambitions, activities and metrics to ensure that
fabric-first approach, features a variety of low-carbon sustainability is deeply rooted in every decision and
heating solutions, water-efficient technologies, smart action we take.
The Zed House, Barratt’s zero carbon concept home showcasing sustainable living. Credit Barratt Developments
With Executive Committee representation and a This has been transformative for our business and
Board-level Sustainability Committee, sustainability across the value chain.
is embedded at the heart of our business. Our
Building Sustainably Framework, targets, actions and Making change happen, everywhere
performance are publicly available – a sector-leading The whole industry needs to move towards net zero
approach recognised by a Crystal award for transparency together. That’s why we’re providing leadership and
in sustainability disclosures from Next Generation. We expertise to the Future Homes Hub, a joint industry and
know we need to invest time and resources to become government initiative, creating a shared sector roadmap
a sustainable business – investing in our people, and supporting SMEs to develop transition plans.
developing new skills and supporting frontline teams
via our experienced in-house Sustainability team. As a FTSE 100 business and sector leader, we can
advocate for positive change. Through initiatives like
But it is not all about tomorrow, all of our homes are the Energy Efficiency Taskforce and Net Zero Council,
highly energy efficient and we are trialling and rolling we provide insight to government to help inform a
out new technology across our homes today. For long-term plan, underpinned with certainty around
example, in Somerset, every home at our Delamare Park targets and measuring progress. The planning system
development is fitted with an Air Source Heat Pump. has a critical role too, with consistent carbon standards
We’re driving down carbon emissions and waste, driving a smooth net zero transition everywhere.
moving to renewable energy and replacing diesel with
hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO). We work closely with We also work with lenders to ensure green is cheaper.
partners and the Supply Chain Sustainability School to Building energy efficiency into mortgage affordability,
help suppliers tackle their emissions too. unlocking better rates, would reward customers making
a sustainable choice. Industry is ready to deliver. Clarity
Through a unique Supply Chain Sustainability Matrix, for business, confidence for customers and impactful
co-created with our partners, we align our procurement green finance can unlock the market for low carbon
activity with our sustainability policy and ambitions. homes – attracting investment, innovation and talent.
The Energy House 2.0 environmental chamber, testing Barratt’s eHome2 in future climate conditions. Credit Barratt Developments
of business on society
Members recognised the significant potential for businesses to channel their
reach across society to inform, encourage and enable public action on Net Zero
and in turn help to grow emerging markets for low carbon products and services.
Members agreed that the business community has an important contribution
to make to public understanding and support of the climate change agenda, TO MAKE MORE
including informing and enabling consumers about purchasing decisions, and
aligning businesses models and practices to encourage supportive behaviour
change. In particular the group highlighted the critical role of communications CHOICES, BUT THE
and creative sectors in advising on the most effective forms of Net Zero
communication. SAME PROPORTION
The main drivers for business action that members identified were:
• Increasing expectations and demand from consumers for businesses to act/ HARD TO MAKE
lead on societal issues such as climate change.
• The opportunity for businesses to support and enable consumers to engage in SUSTAINABLE
Net Zero.
• The need to rapidly accelerate uptake of Net Zero solutions across society.
• The importance to businesses of retaining and strengthening their social OF HIGH COSTS,
• The opportunity for business to play a supporting role in shaping and growing INCONVENIENCE,
emerging low-carbon markets.
The key barriers members identified were:
• Misleading claims from a small number of businesses which undermine
consumer and public trustxxii. OTHER BARRIERS.xxi
• Lack of business, consumer and public understanding or awareness of
what Net Zero means for them, combined with barriers and a lack of policy
preventing them from doing the right thingxxiii. The shift in the agriculture
sector was highlighted as an area especially in need of clearer policy direction,
engagement, and incentives to drive the necessary behavioural changes up
and down stream.
• A lack of data / information to inform customers / consumers regarding
procurement and purchasing decisionsxxiv, for example air source heat pumps.
• Other practical barriers to consumers being able to do the right thing, such as
prohibitive costs, inconvenience or a lack of adequate facilities or services.
The media industry’s role in socialising Net Zero: Planet Placement, media and
communications initiative
Planet Placement is an online resource from The We’ve already seen how powerful TV and film can be in
British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) embedding positive behaviours. In the 80s and 90s, the
albert team in partnership with change-agency term ‘designated driver’ was deliberately introduced
Futerra. This guide has been developed to enable into hundreds of primetime TV shows, helping to
the UK’s film and TV industry to help raise public normalise the behaviour and measurably reduce drunk
awareness about climate change, by introducing driving fatalities.
sustainability messages into the content we see on
our screens. Today, producers, directors, scriptwriters and creatives
from across the film and television world can use Planet
The screen industries have a crucial role to play in Placement to raise the issues and show the actions
solving climate change. Reducing the footprint of needed to combat climate change.
productions is important. But, by far, the greatest
opportunity to make an impact is through the content Following the launch of Planet Placement, at COP27
they put on screen. Collectively, this industry reaches in Glasgow the industry pledged greater efforts for
millions of people every single day. That represents an climate coverage. Signatories included 12 of the UK and
unprecedented opportunity to shift mindsets and make Ireland’s largest media brands: the BBC, BBC Studios,
positive environmental behaviours mainstream. BritBox International, Channel 4, Channel 5/ Paramount
UK, Warner Bros. Discovery UK & Ireland (previously
Discovery UK & Ireland), ITV, RTE, S4C, Sky, STV, and UKTV.