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Mein Herz ist schwer

Text by (Karl) Theodor Körner (1791-1813) after an English text by George Gordon Noel Byron, Lord
Byron (1788-1824), My soul is dark
Set by Robert Alexander Schumann (1810-1856), Mein Herz ist schwer subtitle: Aus den hebräischen
Gesängen, from Myrten, op. 25, #15

Mein Herz ist schwer!

My heart is heavy!

Auf! Von der Wand die Laute,

Up! From the wall the lute,

(Come then! Take the lute down from the wall,)

Nur sie allein mag ich noch hören;

only it alone like I still to-hear;

(for only it can I still bear to hear,)

Entlocke mit geschickter Hand

draw-out with skillful hand

Ihr Töne, die das Herz betören!

its tones, which the heart bewitch/captivate!

Kann noch mein Herz ein Hoffen nähren,

Can still my heart a hope nourish,

(If my heart can still nourish a hope,)

Es zaubern diese Töne her,

it charms those tones hither,

(those tones will charm it out,)

Und birgt mein trock'nes Auge Zähren,

and conceals my dry eye tears,

(and if my dry eyes conceal tears,)

Sie fließen, und mich brennt's nicht mehr!

they flow, and me burns-it no more!

(they will flow, and burn me no more!)

Mein Herz ist schwer (Körner) Page 1 of 2

Nur tief sei, wild der Töne Fluss,

Only deep be, wild the tone's river,

(Let the tone's flow be deep and wild,)

Und von der Freude weggekehret!

and from the joy away-turned!

(and turned away from joy!)

Ja, Sänger, dass ich weinen muss,

Yes, singer, that I weep must,

(Yes, singer, I must weep,)

Sonst wird das schwere Herz verzehret!

otherwise will (my) heavy heart be-consumed!

Denn sieh'! Von Kummer ward's genähret,

For look! By-the sorrow was-it nourished,

(For you see! It was nourished by sorrow,)

Mit stummen Wachen trug es lang,

with mute waking bore it long,

(it has long endured in silent wakefulness,)

Und jetzt, und jetzt, vom Äußersten belehret,

and now, and now, by-the utmost instructed,

(and now, and now having been instructed by extreme difficulty,)

Da brech' es oder heil' im Sang.

there break it or be-healed in-the song.

(may it be broken or healed by your song.)

(Literal translation and IPA transcription © 2007 by Bard Suverkrop—IPA Source, LLC)
My soul is dark by Lord Byron
My soul is dark–Oh! quickly string But bid the strain be wild and deep,
The harp I yet can brook to hear; Nor let thy notes of joy be first:
And let thy gentle fingers fling I tell thee, minstrel, I must weep,
Its melting murmurs o're mine ear. Or else this heavy heart will burst;
If in this heart a hope be dear, For it has been by sorrow nursed,
That sound shall charm it forth again; And ach'd in sleepless silence long;
If in these eyes there lurk a tear, And now tis doom'd to know the worst,
'T will flow, and ceased to burn my brain. and break it once–or yield to song.

Mein Herz ist schwer (Körner) Page 2 of 2

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my heart is heavy Ah! From the wall the lute
Take the lute off the wall

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let the tone's flow be deep and wild .

and turned away from joy !

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Yes singer that I must weep


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