DLL - English 2 - Q4 - W9

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School: Grade Level: II

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Credits to the Writer of this DLL Learning Area: ENGLISH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: JUNE 26-20, 2023 (WEEK 9) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER
A. Content Standard Grammar Awareness and Reading Comprehension and Eid'l Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) 4th Quarterly Examinations 4th Quarterly Examinations
Structure Study Strategies/Listening Regular Holiday
Identify what an interrogative Objectives:
sentence is Sequence the events in the
Form an interrogative story
sentence Predict an ending for the story
B. Performance Standard Demonstrate grammatical Activate prior knowledge
awareness by being able to conceptually related to text and
read, speak and write establish a purpose for reading
correctly Be self-aware as they discuss
Communicate effectively, in and analyze text to create new
oral and written forms, using meanings and modify old
the correct grammatical knowledge
structure of English Locate information from
expository texts and use this
information for discussion or
written production
C. Learning Competencies/ Use different kinds of Give the sequence of three
Objectives sentences:declarative events in stories read
(telling) and Infer/ predict outcomes
Write the LC Code for each EN2G-IIIb-1.3 EEN2RC-IVd-2.8
II.CONTENT Lesson 30 Lesson 31
I Know How to Ask I Know What Will Happen Next
Questions. Predicting Outcome
Interrogative Sentence
A. References CG pages 15,27 CG pages 15,31
1.Teacher’s Guides/Pages Unit 4 pp.72-74 Unit 4 pp.74-76
2.Learner’s Materials Pages LM pages459-461 LM pages462-463
3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Materials from pictures, worksheets, flaglets, pictures, UBLS Worktext, story
Learning Resources (LR) portal chart map, photos
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Daily Language Activity Daily Language Activity: Target
presenting the new lesson Words for the Day (Drill) Words
Let us read the sight words. Let us read the sight words.
Read after me. Read after me.

Let us read the word MADE. Let us read the word FIRST.
Repeat. Repeat.
Let us read the word GREEN. Let us read the word SLEEP.
Repeat. Repeat.
Now, I will use these words in Now, I will use these words in a
a sentence: Who made the sentence: Patricia was the first
green lanterns hanging along to sleep last night.
the corridors? What do we mean by the word
What do we mean by the FIRST?
word MADE? What do we mean by the word
What do we mean by the SLEEP?
word GREEN? Can you form your own
Can you use the words in your sentence?
own sentence? Now let us spell the word FIRST
Now, let us spell the word in the air. Now, spell it using
MADE in the air. Now, spell it your own whiteboard.
using your own whiteboard. Now let us spell the word SLEEP
Now, let us spell the word in the air. Now, spell it using
GREEN in the air. Now, spell it your own whiteboard
using your own whiteboard.

B. Establishing a purpose for Motivation: Motivation:

the lesson Who wants to volunteer in Does your mother ask you to do
reading the comic strip? something?
What does she usually ask you
to do?
C. Presenting examples/ Presentation – Presentation
instances of the new lesson Situation: Erica is just new in The pupils read the story.
Matapat Village. She wants to Post-reading:
make friends with the other Lara was asked by her mother
children in the to buy eggs from the nearby
neighborhood.) store. She bought 3 pieces of
eggs for 15 pesos. She handed
the storekeeper a 20-peso bill.
Then, the storekeeper gave her
a 10-peso coin as her change.
Lara stopped and looked at the
10-peso coin on her hand.

D. Discussing new concepts and Comprehension Questions: Comprehension

practicing new skills #1 Ask the following: Questions:
1. Who are talking in the Ask the following questions:
comic strip? 1. What did mother ask Lara to
2. How did Erica start making do?
friends? 2. How many eggs did she buy?
3. How old is Erica? 3. How much does each egg
4. When is her birthday? cost?
5. Why does she seldom go 4. How much did Lara give to
out of the house? the storekeeper?
6. Does your mother allow 5. Did the storekeeper give Lara
you to go out very often? How the right change?
do you feel when she does 6. How much change should the
not allow you? storekeeper give Lara?
7. Have you experienced 7. If you were Lara, what would
making friends? What did you you do after the storekeeper
feel at the start? gave you the
8. Is asking questions 10-peso change?
important in making friends?
Why? Why not?
E. Discussing new concepts and Guide the pupils in identifying Group Work:
practicing new skills #2 sentences that ask something. Directions: Study the strips of
Pupils raise their blue cartolina and identify which
flaglets if the sentence asks a action happened first,
question and raise their red second, third, and last.
flaglets if it does not. Write in Sequence them correctly by
column A all the sentences placing each of the
that ask questions and in pictures on the correct number.
column B all the sentences Valuing: Show the picture of
that do not ask questions. Lara and the 10-peso coin. Ask
the pupils to think of an ending
for the which will best show the
positive traits of Filipinos.
Let the pupils draw inside the
box a good ending of the story

F. Developing mastery We Can Do It We Can Do It

( Leads to formative Raise the blue flaglet if the I. Study the strips below and
assessment ) sentence asks a identify which action
question and raise the red happened first, second, third,
flaglet if it does not. and last. Sequence
them correctly by drawing a line
connecting the strips to the
II. Below are the pictures of Lara
and a 10-peso coin.
Think of an ending that will best
show the positive
traits of Filipinos.

G. Finding practical/ I Can Do It I Can Do It

applications of concepts and Relating to One’s Experience Ask the following:
skills in daily living Ask the pupils who their 1. Did you also experience what
friends are in the class. The Lara experienced? What did you
pair stands in front and one do then?
asks question about anything 2. How important is honesty?
while the other answers. 3. What do you think would
Guide Questions: happen to the kids who
1. Who is your best friend? demonstrate honesty
2. Where do you usually go? ineverything they do?
3.What is your friend’s Show and Tell
favorite (The pupils will show and tell
food/color/show/game? the class the ending they made
4.When is your birthday? for the story.)
5.Why do you study hard?
(Write on the board some of
the sentences that the pupils
H. Making generalizations and Remember This: Remember This:
abstractions about the lesson INTERROGATIVE SENTENCE is How willyou show and tell the
a sentence that asks a ending of the story you’ve
question. It uses question made?
words like who, what, where,
when, how and why. It ends
with a question mark (?).
We use who for people, what
for things/events, where for
places, how for manner
or ways, and why for reasons.
I. Evaluating Learning Measure My Learning Measure My Learning
I. Put a check mark (/) before Draw inside the box a good
the sentence if it is ending for the
an interrogative sentence, story read.
cross (x) if it is not.
____ 1. Where do you live?
____ 2. Do you like anime?
____ 3. Oh no! I lost my
____ 4. How are you today?
____ 5. Who are your
II. Complete the sentences
below by filling in the
blank with the appropriate
1. ___________________is
the color of the sun?
first in the party?
3. ___________________ is
the enrolment?
4. ___________________ will
you spend your
summer vacation?
5. ___________________ are
your hands too dirty?
III. Write the appropriate
question that matches the
answer on the left. Write your
answer inside the
balloon. (Answers may vary)
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned
80% of the formative

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities to

C. Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me

G. What innovation or localized

material did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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