DLL - English 2 - Q4 - W9
DLL - English 2 - Q4 - W9
DLL - English 2 - Q4 - W9
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Credits to the Writer of this DLL Learning Area: ENGLISH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: JUNE 26-20, 2023 (WEEK 9) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER
A. Content Standard Grammar Awareness and Reading Comprehension and Eid'l Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) 4th Quarterly Examinations 4th Quarterly Examinations
Structure Study Strategies/Listening Regular Holiday
Identify what an interrogative Objectives:
sentence is Sequence the events in the
Form an interrogative story
sentence Predict an ending for the story
B. Performance Standard Demonstrate grammatical Activate prior knowledge
awareness by being able to conceptually related to text and
read, speak and write establish a purpose for reading
correctly Be self-aware as they discuss
Communicate effectively, in and analyze text to create new
oral and written forms, using meanings and modify old
the correct grammatical knowledge
structure of English Locate information from
expository texts and use this
information for discussion or
written production
C. Learning Competencies/ Use different kinds of Give the sequence of three
Objectives sentences:declarative events in stories read
(telling) and Infer/ predict outcomes
Write the LC Code for each EN2G-IIIb-1.3 EEN2RC-IVd-2.8
II.CONTENT Lesson 30 Lesson 31
I Know How to Ask I Know What Will Happen Next
Questions. Predicting Outcome
Interrogative Sentence
A. References CG pages 15,27 CG pages 15,31
1.Teacher’s Guides/Pages Unit 4 pp.72-74 Unit 4 pp.74-76
2.Learner’s Materials Pages LM pages459-461 LM pages462-463
3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Materials from pictures, worksheets, flaglets, pictures, UBLS Worktext, story
Learning Resources (LR) portal chart map, photos
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Daily Language Activity Daily Language Activity: Target
presenting the new lesson Words for the Day (Drill) Words
Let us read the sight words. Let us read the sight words.
Read after me. Read after me.
Let us read the word MADE. Let us read the word FIRST.
Repeat. Repeat.
Let us read the word GREEN. Let us read the word SLEEP.
Repeat. Repeat.
Now, I will use these words in Now, I will use these words in a
a sentence: Who made the sentence: Patricia was the first
green lanterns hanging along to sleep last night.
the corridors? What do we mean by the word
What do we mean by the FIRST?
word MADE? What do we mean by the word
What do we mean by the SLEEP?
word GREEN? Can you form your own
Can you use the words in your sentence?
own sentence? Now let us spell the word FIRST
Now, let us spell the word in the air. Now, spell it using
MADE in the air. Now, spell it your own whiteboard.
using your own whiteboard. Now let us spell the word SLEEP
Now, let us spell the word in the air. Now, spell it using
GREEN in the air. Now, spell it your own whiteboard
using your own whiteboard.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me