Protocol Quick Start

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Protocol - Quick start guide – For all types of cancer, even hormonal

Note: For advice for special health conditions or children, search the group, post a question, or book an appointment
with Zahara. (
Where to buy protocol:
Happy Healing for FenBen and other items:
Doublewood for Tudca and other items:
Nutricost for Tudca and other items:
Note regarding Pet Scan: 300mg Melatonin 2 hours before is often suggested to protect the body see post for more
info. Stop Fenben 48 hours prior. See this link for post discussion. )
Supplement Benefit/Purpose Pre Cautions Start Dose
FenBen Kills Cancer several ways. See No Tylenol. 222 mg. Increase 5th
Notes below, search the group, Stop 48 hrs prior to Pet Scan day until up to 2000 mg
search NIH, You tube, and the Check your liver Monthly split into 2 daily doses.
World Wide Web for an Other supplements are
abundance of information. recommended in this protocol. See
the Pdf protocol sheets 1 and 2.
Notes: Split the dose into morning and evening doses, needs food and fat for absorption. The exception to this
is the use of Fenben Pure powder with DMSO or Fenben Bio - these are special formulas that can be taken
without food and fat. Otherwise take your Fenben following a meal (not just a bite or two of something) that
includes fat calories. Fat - a healthy cooking oil, dressing, avocado, yogurt, coconut milk, nut butter, tahini, fish,
eggs, nuts, seeds, olive oil, etc. How does it work? It bonds to and disrupts the micro tubulin of abnormal cells. 2) It
inhibits glucose delivery to cancer cells. 3) It reduces glucose uptake in cancer cells by down regulating GLUT
transporters. 4) It acts as a kinase inhibitor and helps block the formation of new blood vessels necessary for tumors to
survive. 5) It stimulates the P53 to suppress and fight tumors.
Supplement Benefit/Purpose Pre Cautions Start Dose
Tudca Helps support liver Take on an empty stomach (the 500 mg per dose for
original sheet says take with FenBen, adults. 2 x daily
see link to Zahrah’s recent post to
take on an empty stomach.)
This is best taken on an empty stomach for the liver supportive benefits. It can be taken with food, yet it will do more
for assisting digestion and in this protocol we are using Tudca for liver support. Take Tudca 2 x daily and a minimum
of 500 mg per dose for adults.
Supplement Benefit/Purpose Pre Cautions Start Dose
Serrapeptase Eliminates dead cells Do not take with RX blood thinner. 120,000 spu 2 x daily.
Take on an empty stomach
Proteolytic enzyme. Must be taken alone and at least 2 hours after eating food. Wait 30 minutes before eating or
taking anything else after taking Serrapeptase. Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP). This is also commonly called
“Pectasol”. It’s also used to remove dead cells and die off. It is not a blood thinner and is a better choice over
serrapeptase for those on blood thinning medications.

Suggested minimum doses of additional supplements.

Important: Multivitamin, Liposomal, Omega 3 Fatty acids – 1,000 mg, 2 or more Mushrooms 1000 mg (Reishi,
Agaricus, Turkey Tail, Maitake, Huaier).
Optional: Artemisinin-200 mg, Melatonin 60 mg, curcumin 600 mg, CBD/THC 50 mg, Olive Extract, Probiotics-
8billion +cfu, MAG-CLEANSE-1,000 mg.

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