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The key takeaways are that the document discusses how the US became a corporation in 1871 and is now focused on profit, power and control rather than serving the interests of citizens. It also criticizes current US leadership.

The main topic being discussed is the history of how the US transitioned from a constitutional republic to a corporation in 1871 and is now controlled by certain groups for their own interests rather than the interests of citizens.

The document mentions that in 1871, President Ulysses S. Grant signed a treaty turning the US back over to British rule and that the US became a corporation by law at this time.

Would you care to enlighten me why Obama put Ukraine

in 3 of his Executive Orders?

Perhaps… protecting the Corporate United States interests with the Corporate NATO

One first has to understand, comprehend and know the United States by U.S. Law
became a Corporation in 1871 when President Ulysses S. Grant signed a treaty with
England selling us back to British Rule.

The FIRST thing you need to know is the United States became a Corporation BY
LAW… This is where America changed.

One must understand the United States Corporation as written in our Law, when
America lost her Constitutional Republic, and became a part of Britain again, via Law.

Very vital to read, reread, apply and retain. You have to understand that to understand

The United States Corporation is about profit.

Create a “problem” and already have a “solution” to that “problem.”

Build, Destroy, Rebuild. Repeat.

Chaos is good for business and power acquisition.

Every single War and Conflict from 1871 to 2016… was centered around power
acquisition, profit, and elite mafias around the globe, not just the US Corporation.

The United States Corporation, preface:

History today will tell you Ulysses S. Grant went bankrupt in his personal life. No, he
signed a Treaty with Britain called the Treaty of Washington in 1871…

Think about it: History Books are on shelves in libraries where the average American
has not been in many years since the Internet; The average American does not read
Books; the attention span is PATHETIC in this Nation.

So, that’s why Americans and Veterans like me get all kinds of crazy looks for showing
LAWs and ORDERs plus History.
By LAW (Stoutenburgh v. Hennick, 129 U.S. 141 (1889), we became the Corporation
of America and no longer the United States of America.

And from the 1870s to present day, certain groups of people, evil, have led us to this

The United States, Corporation:

You are here:

The “United States” is a Corporation. Supreme Court confirms Federal Zone (zip codes)
District of Columbia, corporation possession of the Queen of England 1788 Original
Constitution for the United States, original organic, of the people's government.

1871 Amended version CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, US is a private

corporation. The UNITED STATES was formed in 1871, which controls only the District
of Columbia and the territories it purchases or acquires; Puerto Rico, Guam, Virginia
Islands. Many think that income taxes, and some laws do not affect people in the
sovereign states of the union as they are outside of the control / jurisdiction of the
United States corporation. The United States of America is different from the "United
States" [corporation].

The terms UNITED STATES and/or United States of America and/ or United States
Government are all a private corporation, even with registered trademark The US
corporation (originally called the District of Columbia) does not effect or control the 50
sovereign states that are protected from the federal government by the US Constitution
for the United States adopted in 1788.

There are 2 United States, one formed in 1787, the collection of the several sovereign
states of the union, and another separate and different one formed in 1871, which only
controls the District of Columbia and its territories. Others may give you specific
references and explain this further. Here is an outline of the concepts.

The date is February 21, 1871 and the Forty-First Congress is in session. I refer you to
the "Acts of the Forty-First Congress," Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62. On
this date in the history of our nation, Congress passed an Act titled: "An Act To Provide
A Government for the District of Columbia."

This is also known as the "Act of 1871." What does this mean? Well, it means that
Congress, under no constitutional authority to do so, created a separate form of
government for the District of Columbia, which is a ten mile square parcel of land. The
Constitution for the United States of America was adopted on September 17, 1787, by
the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and ratified by conventions
in each U.S. state in the name of "The People.”

Stoutenburgh v. Hennick, 129 U.S. 141 (1889)

Library of Congress - Stoutenburgh v. Hennick, 129 U.S. 141 (1889)

Stoutenburgh v. Hennick, 129 U.S. 141 (1889) - another version

Sections 1 and 18 of the act of congress of February 21, 1871, entitled 'An act to
provide a government for the District of Columbia,' (16 St. 419,) are as follows: 'Section
1. That all that part of the territory of the United States included within the limits of the
District of Columbia be, and the same is hereby, created into a government by the
name of the District of Columbia, by which name it is hereby constituted a body
corporate for municipal purposes, and may contract and be contracted with, sue and
be sued, plead and be impleaded, have a seal, and exercise all other powers of a
municipal corporation not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the United
States and the provisions of this act.' 'Sec. 18.

That the legislative power of the District shall [129 U.S. 141, 144] extend to all
rightful subjects of legislation within said District, consistent with the constitution of
the United States and the provisions of this act, subject, nevertheless, to all the
restrictions and limitations imposed upon states by the tenth section of the first article of
the constitution of the United States; but all acts of the legislative assembly shall at all
times be subject to repeal or modification by the congress of the United States, and
nothing herein shall be construed to deprive congress of the power of legislation
over said District in as ample manner as if this law had not been enacted.' These
sections are carried forward into the act of congress of June 22, 1874, entitled 'An act
to revise and consolidate the statutes of the United States, general and
permanent in their nature, relating to the District of Columbia, in force on the first
day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
seventy-three,' as sections 2, 49, 50. - - - also note

And Whereas: The Constitution does provide that Congress has the power to
exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever over such district not
exceeding ten miles square, as may, by session of particular states and the
acceptance of Congress, become the seat of government of the United States. And
Whereas: On February 21, 1871, the Forty First Congress passed an act entitled "An
Act to Provide a Government for the District of Columbia," legislating the organization of
a municipal corporation to run the day to day affairs of the District of Columbia, the seat
of government, which transferred the United States of America, the Republic, into "a
corporate entity" entitled UNITED STATES, in capital letters, having "no" jurisdiction
outside the District of Columbia.

And Whereas: Congress adopted the text of the federal constitution as the constitution
or charter of this municipal corporation. This municipal corporation was granted the
power to contract to provide municipal services to the inhabitants of the District of
Columbia and necessarily as an operation of the privileges and immunity clause of
Article Four of the Constitution, any other person who chooses to contract for its

- - Is there fraud in our ranks?

The Webster’s Dictionary states that Fraud means Deceit, Trickery, intentional
perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to
surrender a legal right.

The Blacks Law Dictionary states pretty much what the Webster’s Dictionary does but
adds about two pages full of information. My favorite part is: A false representation of a
matter of fact, whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by
concealment of that which should have been disclosed, which deceives and is intended
to deceive another so that he shall act upon it to his legal injury.

February 21, 1871 Congress Passes an Act to Provide a Government for the District of
Columbia, also known as the Act of 1871*

With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress creates a separate form of

government for the District of Columbia, a ten mile square parcel of land (see, Acts of
the Forty-first Congress," Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62).

The act -- passed when the country was weakened and financially depleted in the
aftermath of the Civil War -- was a strategic move by foreign interests (international
bankers) who were intent upon gaining a stranglehold on the coffers and neck of
America. Congress cut a deal with the international bankers (specifically Rothschilds of
London) to incur a DEBT to said bankers. Because the bankers were not about to lend
money to a floundering nation without serious stipulations, they devised a way to get
their foot in the door of the United States.

The Act of 1871 formed a corporation called THE UNITED STATES. The corporation,
OWNED by foreign interests, moved in and shoved the original Constitution into a
dustbin. With the Act of 1871, the original Constitution for the united States (1787) was
defaced in effect vandalized and sabotage when the title was capitalized and the word
"for" was changed to "of" in the title THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES
OF AMERICA (1871) is the constitution of the INCORPORATED UNITED STATES OF

It operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool the People into thinking it
governs the Republic. It does not!

Capitalization is significant when one is referring to a legal document. This seemingly

"minor" alteration has had a major impact on every subsequent generation of
What Congress did by passing the Act of 1871 was create an entirely new document, a
constitution for the government of the District of Columbia, an INCORPORATED
government. This newly altered Constitution was not intended to benefit the Republic. It
benefits only the corporation of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and operates
entirely outside the original Constitution.

Instead of having absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the original
Constitution, we the people now have "relative" rights or privileges. One example is the
Sovereign's right to travel, which has now been transformed (under corporate
government policy) into a "privilege" that requires citizens to be licensed.

By passing the Act of 1871, Congress committed TREASON against the People who
were Sovereign under the grants and decrees of the Declaration of Independence and
the original Constitution. explains here:

District of Columbia

On May 3rd, 1802 an Act was passed to incorporate the City of Washington. (2 Stat. at
L. 195.) In 1871 an important modification was made in the form of the district
government -- a Legislature was established, with all the apparatus of a distinct
government. By the Act of February 21st, of that year, entitled "An Act to Provide a
Government for the District of Columbia (16 Stat. at L. 419), it was enacted (sec. 1) that
all that territory of the United States included within the limits of the District of Columbia
be created into a government by the name of the District of Columbia by which name it
was constituted a "a body corporate for municipal purposes," with power to make
contracts, sue and be sued, and "to exercise all other powers of a municipal corporation
not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States.

This Constitution lasted until June 20th, 1874, when an Act was passed entitled "An Act
for the Government of the District of Columbia, and for other purposes." (18 Stat. at L.
116) By this Act the government established by the Act of 1871 was abolished. p 234

By a subsequent Act, approved June 11th, 1878 (20 Stat. at L. 102), it was enacted that
the District of Columbia should "remain and continue a municipal corporation," as
provided in section two of the Revised Statutes relating to said District, and the
appointment of commissioners was provided for, to have and to exercise similar powers
given to the commissioners appointed under the Act of 1874. All rights of action and
suits for and against the District were expressly preserved in status quo. p. 234

All municipal governments are but agencies of the superior power of the State or
government by which they are constituted, and are invested with only such subordinate
powers of local legislation and control as the superior Legislature sees fit to confer upon
them. p. 234

The people are the recognized source of all authority, state or municipal, and to this
authority it must come at last, whether immediately or by circuitous route. Barnes v.
District of Columbia, 91 U.S. 540, 545 [23: 440, 441]. p 234

Chief Justice Marshall, speaking for this court, in the case of Hepburn v. Ellzey, 6 U.S. 2
Cranch, 445 [ 2:332 ], where the question was whether a citizen of the District could sue
in the circuit courts of the United States as a citizen of a State. The court did not deny
that the District of Columbia is a State in the sense of being a distinct political
community; but held that the word "State" in the Constitution, where it extends the
judicial power to cases between citizens of the several "States," refers to the States of
the Union. It is undoubtedly true that the District of Columbia is a separate political
community in a certain sense, and in that sense may be called a State; but the
sovereign power of this qualified State is not lodged in the corporation of the District of
Columbia, but in the government of the United States. Its supreme legislative body is
Congress. The subordinate legislative powers of a municipal character which have been
or may be lodged in the city corporations, or in the District of Columbia, do not make
those bodies sovereign.

United States - US- U.S.-USA-America (a possession of the Queen of England)

Means: (A) a federal corporation . . . Title 28 USC Section 3002(5) Chapter 176. It is
clear that the United States . . . is a corporation . . . 534 FEDERAL SUPPLEMENT 724.

[Insert: which is why via OPTICS President Trump walked in front of the
Queen… no President or anyone lower rank of the Queen in royalty has ever in
History… Military and Trump visually showing this Covert Operation (once you
have all the pieces, you’ll see it).

“Trump breaks royal etiquette walks in front of Queen” ]

`It is well settled that "United States" et al is a corporation, originally incorporated

February 21, 1871 under the name "District of Columbia," 16 Stat. 419 Chapter 62. It
was reorganized June 11, 1878; a bankrupt organization per House Joint Resolution
192 on June 5, 1933, Senate Report 93-549, and Executive Orders 6072, 6102, and
6246; a de facto (define de facto) government, originally the ten square mile tract ceded
by Maryland and Virginia and comprising Washington D. C., plus the possessions,
territories, forts, and arsenals.

The significance of this is that, as a corporation, the United States has no more
authority to implement its laws against "We The People" than does McDonald
Corporations, except for one thing -- the contracts we've signed as surety for our
strawman with the United States and the Creditor Bankers. These contracts binding us
together with the United States and the bankers are actually not with us, but with our
artificial entity, or as they term it "person", which appears to be us but spelled with ALL

All this was done under, VICE-ADMIRALTY COURTS.

In English Law. Courts established in the queen's possessions beyond the seas,
with jurisdiction over maritime causes, including those relating to prize.

[INSERT: Notice the term: Admiralty Courts? = Maritime Law.]

The United States of America is lawfully the possession of the English Crown per
original commercial joint venture agreement between the colonies and the Crown,
and the Constitution, which brought all the states (only) back under British ownership
and rule. The American people, however, had sovereign standing in law,
independent to any connection to the states or the Crown. This fact necessitated that
the people be brought back, one at a time, under British Rule, and the commercial
process was the method of choice in order to accomplish this task. First, through the
14th Amendment and then through the registration of our birth certificate and property.
All courts in America are Vice-admiralty courts in the Crown’s private commerce.


Treaty of Washington 1871:

Great Rapprochement:

Here’s a speech by Obama showing you the Corporate U.S. hidden language. The
liberals and rinos like to use language from our founders and twist it on you the
people… which is why we are where we are today.

Obama on April 22, 2022 at Stanford Cyber Center:

“You just have to flood a country’s public square with enough raw sewage…
You just have to raise enough questions, spread enough dirt, plant enough conspiracy
theorizing… that citizens no longer know what to believe… Once they lose trust in their
leaders, in mainstream media, in political institutions, in each other, in the possibility of
truth… the game is won.
Now, let’s look at more of the Corporation:

Seat of Government Doctrine and Practice:

Code of the District of Columbia (Corporation):

The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 is an Act of Congress that repealed the
individual charters of the cities of Washington and Georgetown and established a new
territorial government for the whole District of Columbia.

The Seal of the District of Columbia features the date 1871, recognizing the year the
district's government was incorporated.

Seal of the District of Columbia:

Ever notice how our Attorneys, Lawyers, and Courts systems have been as corrupt as
they’ve been? Zero consistency with law from 1871 to 2016.

How about starting with telling me why Attorneys and Lawyers in this Country have to
pass the “BAR Exam?”

What is the BAR?


Would you care to enlighten me why our very premise, Origin, and Foundation, the
REVOLUTIONARY Founders fought and defeated, the whom?


Who revolted in 1812?


When was “the BAR” established?

Local bar associations before 1870 were basically social groups, which took little or no
responsibility for maintaining the quality of admissions or performance by the

In 1870, leading lawyers in Manhattan organized the "Association of the Bar of the City
of New York" to battle the notorious political corruption of the Tweed machine.
The bar quickly emerged as a powerful organization and a model to others; in the
1870s, eight cities and eight statewide associations were in operation.

By 1890, there were 20 state bar associations, 40 by 1900, and 48 by 1916. By 1890,
the number had increased to 159 bars at the local level, and over 1,100 by 1930.

They still performed social functions, but were increasingly called upon to organize,
discipline, and professionalize lawyers, while fighting off the long-standing hostility and
ridicule prevalent toward the legal profession.

An important priority for the states and for the national American Bar Association was to
maintain control over state bar examinations and over requirements for law schools,
such as academic curriculum, library facilities, and availability of full-time faculty.

History of the American Legal “Profession”

The “United States of America” is an illegal Quasi government that should be called
the United States Corporation.

Which also shows the INFILTRATION of evil cronies placing certain people in certain
positions and places. It has happened in every facet of our Nation since the 1870s.

One must understand the United States Corporation as written in our Law, when
America lost her Constitutional Republic, and became a part of Britain again, via Law.

Very vital to read, reread, apply and retain. You have to understand that to understand

The United States Corporation is about profit.

“Create a “problem” there’s already a “solution” to.”

Build, Destroy, Rebuild. Repeat.

Chaos is good for business and power acquisition.

As you read in Part One, there’s been 200 Generals since the 1940s, who said they
wanted to form an alliance and restore the Republic…

Let's look at America since JFK.

I have a friend, in his 70s, retired and decorated U.S. Army Special Forces and retired
Chevron Chemist of 30 plus years, whom I admire and mentored me with applying my
knowledge with his wisdom, knowledge, and experience.
The Founding Fathers had nothing but the best interest at hand. A Republic. America is
not a Democracy. "To the Republic, on which she stands." They discussed many forms
of Government that had never worked and established us based on “Life, Liberty, and
the Pursuit of Happiness” but with those came prices. They set the wheels into motion,
but very early on there were already splits with parties wanting separate agendas.
Though during our early history, development and growth as a Country, most people
had a common goal but gradually started splitting more and more.

These are from a friend I went to college with in Colorado. He’s an expert Chemist who
was with Chevron for over 30 years, and one of our nation's top Special Forces Vets,
who came from Australia, joined the US Military for citizenship in the 70s, this is a quick
explanation of today's system and why it needed a Covert Operation and a 'takeover'
which is in the form (right now) of a secret / non-visual Coup De' Etat.

3 Fundamental Acts that changed the American Economic System under the US
Corporation taking us closer and closer to NWO:

1. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 – 1965. Originally passed for Segregation (for
one portion of a people). It as a whole could be good or bad, it will depend on
who is interpreting the situation. But now – it’s open for everyone and anyone; no
common goal.

For example: the Bill of Rights 2nd Amendment says: The right to bear arms;
however, the Government does not buy your guns for you. But the Civil Rights
Act for example gives a Mother or a Parent the “right” to say “my disabled child
deserves to be in the classroom full of 40 advanced children”… so then the
taxpayers all of a sudden have a burden to pay for a teacher's aide in every
classroom that one child enters at the cost of the 40 advanced. Which is a
downfall in our system.

So, why does one pay for rights and the other doesn’t? Our system was created
to make the law, pass the law, and interpret the law from which it was created.
Nowadays, we have the 9th Circuit and other agenda-based people “interpreting”
the law(s) according to how they want or see it instead of how it was originally

You cannot sustain any economy based on this. There’s zero foundation or zero
principles; and definitely does not support a common goal or people… which
ultimately depends on who’s interpreting these individual acts that can fall on the
taxpayers when it could only be in the interest of one person or a tiny portion –
not the greater good of the people or the majority; it creates more chaos and not

2. The 1968 Unified Budget Act – called “on-budget” and “off-budget”; Lyndon
Johnson and Nixon changed the way that the Government accounted for its
budget; it’s never been the same since. For example: budget deficits became an
investment rather than debt.

Another great example: when Ronald Reagan was elected President in 1981, he
started spending massively on the Military, the Democrats charged he was
raiding Social Security to do it, but he wasn’t; the Unified Budget Act took all of
the Social Security Trust Funds, the Medicare Trust Funds, the Highway Trust
Funds, and Aviation Trust Fund and put it into the General Budget… so, he was
not raiding Social Security because it was part of the General Budget.

What we now say as the Social Security Trust Fund is short for – for the current
and future generations – is due to the Unified Budget Act and putting everything
into the General Budget and not under the Trust fund under just Social Security.
Though in 1986, this was changed. It still has huge implications on spending.

3. The Gold Standard Nixon Shock of 1972 – changed the value of the dollar. It
was no longer relative to the value of gold; but now, the dollar has essentially no
relevant value. If you want more dollars… you simply print it. Which causes
inflation and stagnations. Our dollar value is as valuable or invaluable as you
want it to be; we’re free to do good or be irresponsible… depending on the
agenda. No set standard anymore. Forever changes American history and also
does not help sustainability when there’s no common core principle or goal.

Which is why it’s VITAL to understand… John Fitzgerald Kennedy was a threat to the mafia…
he was the Donald John Trump of 1961-63.

Reagan was warned by the Deep State for getting too charismatic and tipping the iceberg with
conservatives… hence why he was shot, not killed.

George Bush Sr. who’s really George Scerpa, deceived conservatives with his speech
about the New World Order on September 11, 1990, and another on January 29, 1991,
at the State of the Union… imagine that, just 10 and 11 years prior to his son, the evil
mafia and Corporation rigging 9/11.

And lookie here… Joe Biden on Thursday, April 23, 1992, with his piece in the Wall
Street Journal called:

“How I Learned To Love New World Order:”

“New World Order” WSJ full read:

Look at that last highlight… “why not breathe life into the U.N. Charter?”

Wait til you see whose hands are actually in Ukraine

majority were just ‘looking’ not paying attention.
☠️🔥 You’ve already “seen” but
George “Bush” Sr. in his New World Order speech

Another - watch for the smirk:

Did somebody forget George “Bush” Sr. was Linden Johnson's CIA Director? LOL

Aka George Bush Sr.

Bush Sr. - Father a Nazi Spy

Nazi Spy

Now let’s look into ole “Dubya;”

George “Dubya” Bush Jr.

Listen for his comment about “calling” his father before he died.

Why did George Bush Jr. have to “call” his father before he died?

How come “Dubya” couldn’t be with his father as he died?

What's in the note that was given to those individuals?

Same Funeral - watch for the NOTE

Ever heard of Guantanamo Bay aka Gitmo?

Ever heard of Crimes Against Humanity?

Ever heard of Treason?

Ever heard of the Firing Squad?

Well if you do or don’t, I can 110% assure you Military Tribunals are coming in 2023.

“The evidence and crimes will be displayed to the public in FULL

ACCORDANCE TO THE LAW.” - President Trump
In order to truly understand, “why” and “how”... you must understand, in order to be on
top of the world and elite like the money and power these evil players have.

You must create division, but not too much division… you cannot expose too much to
the left, or the right will find the truth, or you cannot expose too much to the right, or the
left will find the truth, and each of those will eventually lead to that side revolting.

Once again… the mafia and left-wing blueprint:

Create a “problem” there’s already a “solution” to.

Chaos and Division is good for business and power acquisition.

Build, Destroy, Rebuild. Repeat.

Ever wonder why one administration was daylight and dark different from the one

Power and successful acquisitions keep balance.

One admin came in… tipped the division to the left.

Next admin, or same President four more years… tip the division back to the

Create a “problem” and already have the “solution” to the problem they created.

From 1871 to 2016, there’s never any continuity for humanity and the common good of

You clearly see evil every day in life… murders in your community, violence, thefts, etc.
How could you not understand or want to understand the most elite mafias, cronies, and
cabals in the military and government?

Now, let’s get to Obama, the Muslim:



Obama was chosen via the Deep State. Just a continuation of the United States

He not only broke the back of the Military and bankrupt the branches… he also aided
many Muslim countries in more efforts to achieve New World Order.

Obama created ISIS.

Obama gave more liberties to terrorists than he did those in the military.

He infiltrated the courts with his cronies. Hence why the Media laughed at President
Trump on Circuit Court levels for losing 59 of 60 efforts to overturn the Election results
in FULL ACCORDANCE TO THE LAW… all Optics. All a plan. Trust the plan.

All of those Judges were Clinton, Bush, and Obama appointed. #Optics

It’s not Courts who decide Presidents… that’s Congress. Thank you Founders.

You must read and understand what Obama’s Executive Orders and what they actually

What you were told and what was written are two worlds apart.

It’s their tactic of the US Corporation. They use a form of rhetoric much like reverse
psychology. They tell you negative and evil things they know are coming because they
create them and have a solution.

Obama’s key Executive Orders


Making past President Records untouchable

- Allowed for secrets to be covered up. (Not anymore; not 2017 forward).

Optic Drop in 2021:

This was an Optic in Fall 2021. They don’t want the truth to get out.

Classified NS Info

- Making sure evil players with the United States Corporation were protected.


Lawful Interrogations

- Protecting terrorists and criminals.

Termination of Military Reserves


Unclassified Information

Executive Orders like this are important to note: Who the President is and who
he appointed in positions. When you're appointing evil to tear down the military
and create more laws for the New World Order... that's why most of these are

DOJ Succession - if Attorney General "Dies"

- Listed 3 states with AG's who are liberal; the Minnesota AG's son and I were in
Basic Training together. His dad is one of the biggest Muslim Liberals in the
Country and is current AG of Minnesota - Keith Ellison. Hillary was going to make
him the Ringleader of the Democratic Party at one point.

Changing how we Court Martial

- An attempt to go against long-standing Military Regulations written in 1789

Constitution and Military Laws.

National Health "Prevention"

- Why should the Federal Government care about your health in the form of
controlling it? This is different than "healthcare" this is "you give them an inch
(2010), they'll take a mile (2022)"

Temporary Partnership with Iraq
- Why would it be temporary? Think about it. Democrats start wars, $$$. Build.
Destroy. Rebuild. Repeat.


Syrian Government

- Obama was helping the "evil" side of Syrian Govt. Notice the language in EO
"Syrian Arab Republic"... when we know the 6 day Israeli War... Israel took
control of 1 million Arabs who had to become Israeli's... God of Israel's people....
why would we help Arabs? Because Obama was a Muslim.

Another Syria EO

Defining Criminals

- Read section 3 very well

2011 Amend to Courts Martial


Visa's and Tourism

- Notice the countries listed and think of those countries plus the number
increases by; also think of the terminology... "tourism" from all the non-allied
countries for "monetary" reasons.


- Read the language... blocking Iran from their own money in the United States...
think about it.
Iran and Syria

- Here we have Iran and Syria tied together... the Syrian Arabic Republic…
who are against Israel.


- Yet again... talks about Oil... this would have been a potential war in the future.
if Trump and Generals didn't step in...

National Defense Resources

- Loan "Guarantees" and other languages... think about it


Election Administration

- Read the language carefully... Preparing for things that had never happened in
all of our history...



- Read the terminology closely... "whose properties are in the United States."

Ukraine again

- Where did the Ukraine come from all of a sudden? Who's hands were really in
the Ukraine? They accused Trump of everything they were doing.

Ukraine yet again

Iraqi "Fund"

- Obama funding terrorists; hidden language; trying to cut "ties" with an EO

Obama getting us ready for Covid?

- "Quarantine ring a bell?”

Anti-biotics and Bacteria

- Lists "Task Force" agencies... FDA, USDA, "Biodefense Plan."

All hidden language for Corporate US. Create a problem they already knew a
“solution to.” Build, destroy, rebuild, repeat.

Terminating Soldiers once again

- depleting our military


- we know what actually happened in Venezuela..... and we contributed to

blocking their money... "follow the money" - Trump


Courts Martial amended yet again
- make sure to read the sections of the annexes


- Why do we need a Hostages EO? If a leader is being strong as Trump

showed... we wouldn't need a Hostage EO... this is absurd...also a "safety net"
and "cop out" for evil to say "we wrote an Executive Order" for a “just in case.”



- talks about no loans greater than $10 Million.... let it sink in

Increase Competition

Remember Obama’s quote: "what does Donald Trump have? A magic wand?
The jobs are gone" - Obama. Here's an EO about competition... read it... let it
sink in.... what a poor excuse.

Presidential Transition

- this backfired on them. They just knew Hillary would get in because of the
Dominion Systems. They did not know about Trump and the Generals.

Courts Martial againnnnn

- obsessed with depleting military and changing military law and language

Courts Martial againnnnnnnnnnnnn

Global Health Security

- think of the terminology... Global... why do we care about Global? We are

America. America first. What did they already know about Covid? Their hands
have been in China, Ukraine, Syria, Iran, etc.

Order of Succession of DOJ

- look at the 3 people who would be in charge if the Attorney General were to
have died...

District of Columbia, NORTHERN DISTRICT of Illinois (Obama cronies),

and California, liberal infested Attorneys.

All Corporation and Mafia

Here’s my story with serving under Obama:

Although classified and still a major blunder, myself and a few others were separated by
poor leaders, our own people, and we were interrogated, hazed, and harassed for
months which ultimately made our injuries worse. And now seeing multiple leaders
being relieved of their duty from Chapter 18 of the Law of War Manual (which wasn’t
written until June 12, 2015), it makes a lot of sense as hindsight always does.

I wish I could make this up. It’s unfortunate. I was not the only one this happened to
which is also why the DoD released a new Memorandum to see the Medical Board to
right this wrong.

I personally think the main reason we were harassed and hazed the best we can figure
is… I did everything by Laws and Orders, but more importantly Army Regulations, and
when those failed, I had made contact with my Congressmen, whose names just
happened to be heavily involved at those moments in time with what is now the Military
Operation and Continuation of Government strategic planning and have been publicly
recognized for their efforts.

The Obama Administration had massive cutbacks to the Military as a whole, but a few
of us knew how to navigate around the Chain of Command and put in Congressionals to
try to stay in the military.

I was severely injured, knees and back requiring extensive rehabilitation and therapy…
along with putting in the Congressional Paperwork to be placed into a Warrior Transition
Unit (WTU).
But…. Obama had shut down the majority of the WTUs… and always had a “great
excuse” by using “declining” numbers of soldier injuries and wounds…

They were declining because he was breaking the back of the military with his major
cutbacks. The two wars were still ongoing… no drawdown of soldiers, so, there were
still casualties and wounds.

Fourteen WTUs closing:

Army shuts down Wounded Warrior Transition Care Units:

Another article:


Yet another:

Once it was discovered we were writing letters and sneaking them out via an

Ombudsman - is an official who is usually appointed by the government or by

parliament but with a significant degree of independence. In some countries, an
inspector general, citizen advocate or other official may have duties similar to
those of a national ombudsman and may also be appointed by a legislature.

That’s when things got crazy… even my own Sergeants had no idea where I was and
what was going on. A few of us had to sneak around and buy time for each other… lying
about our whereabouts and covering for one another.

We would each take turns sneaking to the Ombudsman… and when they say “hurry up
and wait” in the military… that ain’t a joke. And it doesn’t matter how much your life is in
danger… hence why “Friendly Fire” is close to a leading cause of death in the military.
The Ombudsman told us…which is on classified files… “we are in grave danger for you
and fear for your lives.”

They would physically torture us in ways that would make our injuries worse than what
they already were.

They would sit us in rooms, isolated, staring at the wall, all day with our arms behind the
chairs and legs folded back…

They would throw anything they could at us… hit us with these items.

They would threaten us with weapons and always snickering and devilishly saying
things like:

“You’re a piece of f**king sh*t to the Army…”

“You’re all dead weight to the Military and disgraces to your Country, your
Families, and this Army.”

“You’re not worth a .50 cents bullet to your sh*t for brain skulls.”

“You’re a failure to your Nation.”

Our situation got as far as the Sergeant Major… but never to the Lieutenant Colonel…

Well, of course not.

Note: Not everyone in the military was corrupt. Most Officers still kept the
balance they could with the power they had or hid things… it was not that if it
reached him that he would have participated. Who knows.

This went on for around 6 months… It was hell. We did some God-awful things. My
body’s paying for it today.

Perception is not reality. Not all wounds are visible. Many days, I can barely walk. I lose
feeling from my waist down if I’m on my feet for more than 20 minutes. Some days it’s
hard to get out of bed.

Here’s what Civilians need to know. Sexual Harassment in the Military under the UCMJ
isn’t what it’s defined in the Civilian world.

Sexual Harassment in the Military can be using slur words in derogatory forms to
degrade someone.
In 2016, Congress granted 45% more prior service members to challenge their
discharges from the military, for instance, if they were “forced” out and received a
permanent re-entry code (RE-4) as did I.

This means… there were enough cases out there to grant this via Congress. They do
not do this for small groups.

“Liberal Consideration” and Discharge Boards:

The statute requires “liberal consideration” for two types of cases. These
cases are: (1) where the former member “was deployed in support of a
contingency operation” and “was diagnosed by a physician, clinical
psychologist, or psychiatrist as experiencing a post-traumatic stress disorder
or traumatic brain injury as a consequence of that deployment and (2) cases
involving “post-traumatic stress disorder or traumatic brain injury as
supporting rationale… whose [PTSD] or [TBI] is related to combat or military
sexual trauma….”

The DRBS are required to review these types of cases “with liberal
consideration to the former member that [PTSD] or [TBI] potentially
contributed to the circumstances resulting in the discharge or dismissal or to
the original characterization of the member’s discharge or dismissal.”

The Hagel Memo directs DRBs to “exercise caution in weighing evidence of

mitigation in cases in which serious misconduct precipitated a discharge…”
and that PTSD or PTSD-related conditions “will be considered potential
mitigating factors in the misconduct that caused the under other than
honorable conditions characterization of service.”

Liberal consideration also means that PTSD as “not a likely cause of

premeditated misconduct.”

The Corporation and Mafia is deep. It’s a swamp full of RINOs on both sides of the aisle
and many different sectors. It’s being drained.

And what are the odds that all of this happened in 2014?

The same year VP Biden made 7 trips in 7 months to Ukraine…

The same year Obama wrote his Executive Orders for Ukraine…

The same year there was not a normal Election in Ukraine…

The same year “Biden’s” now under-secretary then U.S. Ambassador, Victoria Nuland,
said in 2013, the U.S. invested $5 Billion to bring a “secure and prosperous and
democratic Ukraine”...

The same year Nuland secured $1 Billion in defense budget for Ukraine…

It ALL adds up if you know where to start and simply read…

Obama’s advancement of the Corporations New World Order agenda and how the
Military and Trump welded a giant metal bar in the gearbox that can’t turn but has
to run out of gas.

First we have to start with Obama’s Executive Orders on Ukraine:


- read the terminology closely... "whose properties are IN the United


Ukraine again

- Who's hands are really in Ukraine?

Ukraine yet again


Everything you’re watching, seeing, witnessing is a MIRROR.

The Military's putting everything on the evil mafia and corporate cronies that tried to
reflect this on Trump…

The Deep State never dreamt the Military was going to step in when Trump won in
2016. The Military led that mission. Those 200 plus Generals and their divisions.
The Deep State continued their tactics of distract, create chaos, and divide citizens…
but little did they realize who all were behind this Covert Operation… they quickly found
out and since January 20, 2017, everything from the years of corruption is now going
back on them via LAW and will be displayed to the public in full accordance to the law
and in 2023 Tribunals.

This had to be done illegally and visually on their part for the public via law.


“We have it all.”

“We’ve caught them all.”

“We’re draining the swamp!”

“There’s a storm coming, wait for it.”

“You’ll find out soon enough, wait for it.”

“The evidence and crimes will be displayed to the world and they will pay for their
crimes and it will be done with FULL ACCORDANCE TO THE LAW."

All quotes by President Trump

“The American people will have to experience fear, terror, panic, anxiety, stress, and
regret BEFORE they ever appreciate what is ABOUT to take place in this country.” -
January 6, 2021, 4-Star General Flynn.
Learning Optics can help you see this Covert Operation.

The Constitution, Military Law, Military Regulations, Executive Orders, Maritime Law,
Presidential Acts, Presidential Emergencies, National Emergencies, and the simple
Congressional FACT the Senate did not have majority in 2019 shows the ONLY
“Nuclear Option” was to release Covid-19 as a undetected Biochemical Weapon to not
only distract Americans, but the world.

The Military and Trump had it all from the start. Their actions via the highest processes
of the Law of the Land prove such. You witnessed and are witnessing it, but didn’t and
cannot see it.

You saw “Pelosi” tearing up Trump’s speech behind him… you saw the drama, not the
optics via his speech. You saw the protesters during the speech, you didn’t listen to the
optics and code language plus everything around those days.

You focused on the “impeachment” instead of Military Law, Military Regulations,

Executive Orders, Maritime Law, Presidential Acts, Presidential Emergencies, National
Emergencies, and the iconic, historical speeches BUILT around those during that time

Where did Ukraine come from? Soviet Union.

Who shares the border with Russia? Ukraine.

Who has not filed for border registration since 1991? Ukraine.

In 2000, on January 25, at the meeting of the Heads of States and governments, Mr.
Vladimir Putin was elected Chairman of the Council of Heads of State analyzed the
report on the implementation of the interstate program of joint measures for the struggle
against organized crime and other dangerous crimes on the territory of CIS Member
States for the period until 2000.

At a 2000-2001 June summit in Moscow, the Presidents of the 12 CIS countries

adopted a Declaration on Maintaining Strategic Stability.

They also established a joint anti-terrorism center to be based in Moscow, which will be
jointly run by Russia and Ukraine.

Treaty Overview:

Weirdddd. So, why did Putin recently say he will “declare” Ukraine
independent if they’re already independent? LOL

Commonwealth Independent States Treaty

Where is Moscow? Russia.

Ukraine is not an independent state as they’ve claimed.

Ukraine still belongs to Russia.

Before we move further… remember my picture taken on November 9, 2016, Putin

ready to work with Trump…

Ukraine is the epicenter of corruption for the political establishment. Victor Pinchuk,
George Soros, Ihor Kolomoisky… All funding “deep state” agendas worldwide, all based
out of Ukraine. They all have ties to the Clinton foundation and liberal politics in

To truly drain the swamp, President Trump would have to tackle the corruption in
Ukraine. The oligarchs have funded their own militaries in previous color revolutions.
Trump would not be able to take them down without a fight, he would have to use the
Military. And that would have been a media frenzy.

Enter Putin.

It's not a secret that Putin hates Soros. He banned GS from Russia long ago, and it’s
also no secret that Putin despised the “deep state” tactics of implementing color
revolutions to overthrow pro-Russian leaders and install ones that would play the game
of the “deep state.”

President Trump could not invade Ukraine with US troops. Somebody else would have
to do it. Putin doing so, while President Trump was visibly President, would make
President Trump look weak and the media would have a field day with that as well.

What better time to clean up the mess in Ukraine than with Biden in office? Kills two
birds with one invasion. Make the “Biden Administration” and the mainstream look like
fools, all while taking out the “deep state” in one of the most corrupt countries on the

Putin is simultaneously helping Trump serve up red-pills while fixing a problem that
benefits us and the rest of the world – the denazification of Ukraine.

All it takes is a little research and listening to Veterans who know Military Law,
Regulations, Operations, Code Language, Symbolism, etc.

Here’s the Optic for June 8, 2022:

First and foremost… you have to understand the corruption of Ukraine.

Then you have to know all of the key players along with Obama’s Executive Orders (the
President before the Military stepped in) and then know the history of Ukraine and its

As you’ll read below, there’s U.S. Military Biochemical Labs in Ukraine (funded by
Obama… who was his Vice President?)

Then you have to research the regions.

Luhansk is the easternmost Oblast aka Province.

What is in Sievierdonetsk?

Azot - one of the largest chemical plants in Europe.

With just a little bit of reading the right material and understanding Military Law,
Regulations, Operations, Symbols, Language, Terminology, plus the Law the Military
and President Trump established from 2017 to 2021 can show you what’s taking

You’ll read more below the lies by media and truth being exposed but just for this one
article here’s the general synopsis.
Newsweek: Ukraine Troops holed up at Azot

More on Ukraine and Azot:
Europe World News:

And as of today, June 13, 2022, the U.S. Department of Defense, admits there’s 46
U.S. Military Funded Biochemical Labs in Ukraine.

Department of Defense BioLabs:

Those were Obama Administration and Bush Administration funded


Who was Obama’s Vice President again?

Funny how people quickly forget about comments like Mitt Romney in MARCH…

“Back in March, RINO Senator Mitt Romney accused former Democrat

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of spreading ‘treasonous lies’ for simply talking about
the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.”

“There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine which if breached

would release and spread deadly pathogens to US/world.” Gabbard
said on Sunday.

Deadly pathogens? Perhaps… biochemical warfare such as “Covid-19?”

Been telling everyone this for over 3 years now.

Here’s more on Ukraine BEFORE June 2022:

“Putin to declare E Ukraine Independent”

Why does Putin have to declare East Ukraine independent if they’re already an
independent country as the media tells you?

Declaring it independent… why? Because it has been a part of Russia since 1991.

Amazing… and what in the 1871 Corporate U.S. do we have here?

Ukraine has 46 U.S. Military Biochemical Labs. (Remember:Corporation of States,

Obama Executive Orders, and infiltration of evil people; GOOD vs. EVIL).

Opportunities for Enhanced Defense Military and Security Sector

Engagement in Global Health Security:

Ukraine was being funded by China and the United States… hence Obama’s 3
Executive Orders plus alllll the evidence you’ll read below and read in the Corporate
States, all written in U.S. Law since 1871.
Who was it that “impeached” Trump over a phone call with Ukraine President?

Who has and had children working for Ukrainian Oil Companies ESPECIALLY during
the “impeachment?”

Joe Biden aka “The Big Guy”

Nancy Pelosi
John Kerry
Mitt Romney

Let’s take a look at who voted for the May 21, 2022, $40 Billion to Ukraine:

Mitch McConnell
Mitt Romney
Nancy Pelosi

That’s weirdddd…. Mitt and Nancy both have children working for Ukrainian Oil
Companies… and both Nancy and Mitch have made trips to Ukraine May 1st and
May 14, 2022…

Rand Paul and Tommy Tuberville are both backed by Trump. Interesting. But I
don’t know what I’m talking about.

“We’ve caught them all.”

“The evidence and crimes will be displayed to the world and they will pay for their
crimes and it will be done with FULL ACCORDANCE TO THE LAW."

Who was the President of Ukraine during this “impeachment”?

Petro Poreshenko.

When did he leave office?

May 2019.

When did the impeachment trial happen?

January and February 2019.

Who’s the President of Ukraine now? Yeahhhhh not the same Prezi.


Also there’s no such thing as “impeaching” a President in the House of Representatives.

Trump was not impeached because the Senate acquitted him. Also proving once
again what?

The SENATE democrats had no power therefore they had no “Nuclear Option” legally.

The other MAJOR keypoint… saved for this moment after all of those 2014 facts…
Guess who did not have a Presidential Election in 2014?


So, why were they so invested in this phone call Trump had with the FORMER
President of the Ukraine, who at that time, was President?

Perhaps because the SAME President who Obama and Vice President BIDEN dealt
with for 8 years… was the same President who BIDEN’s son Hunter worked for one of
their Oil Companies making $150 million a year with… who was the same President
that never went through a 2014 Election…

Now, let’s take a gander at what the 2018 Ukrainian President Poroshenko said:
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and terminate parts of a friendship treaty
with Russia.

Poroshenko urged the government to present a proposal to lawmakers on Ukraine's full

withdrawal from the CIS, which Kyiv has been an associate member of since the group
was formed following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

"Ukraine has never been a [full] member of the CIS and [given] CIS's failure to
denounce Russia's aggression [in Ukraine], I would ask that we, together with the
government, produce a proposal regarding an official termination of our
participation in the statutory organs of the CIS," Poroshenko said at security
forum in Kyiv on April 12.

Poroshenko also told the forum that he would propose a draft bill before
parliament for "an immediate and unilateral termination of individual articles" of
the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between Ukraine and Russia that were
"incompatible with [Ukraine's] national interests and its right to self-defense."

The President of Ukraine in 2018, on record saying Ukraine is not an independent

country… say it ain’t so!

Vice President Joe Biden with Ukraine President in 2014

Waittttt for it.

That video is VERY damning, but also filled with loads of code language.

For example:

3rd trip in the last 7 months

25 years ago when the Iron Curtain came down
Illegal Annexation
Monitoring at Border
“Do what you agreed to do Mr. Putin”
Form a new government in days, not weeks
“As long as you keep YOUR commitment”
3rd trip in the last 7 months, but Joe Biden ain’t “The Big Guy” that his son Hunter Biden
alludes to… yeahhhhhhhh sell that to someone else.

Let’s do some math here dropped in the video…

25 years subtracted from 2014 is 1989… Ukraine didn’t do anything in 1989… the
Soviet Union did. LOL He also pits Russia and Ukraine against each other in today’s
(2014) terms when the Iron Curtain had nothing to do with Ukraine, because it was a
part of the USSR.

Do your research:

Amazing how he mentions about a Border when Ukraine has not filed a Border
Registration since 1991. LOL

Monitoring at Border - how can you monitor or defend a border that you have not
registered for since 1991? Are you smarter than a 3rd grader yet?

“Do what you agreed to do Mr. Putin” - the capital of Russia is Moscow… which
“established a joint anti-terrorism center to be based in Moscow, which will be jointly run
by Russia and Ukraine.”

I’d say Putin is a good guy for trying to make a joint agreement with a country
sharing their border who hasn’t filed to be an independent nation since 1991. The

territory belongs to Russia. He could have done this long ago… but they didn’t have
what? Keep reading

Commonwealth Independent States Treaty

Supposedly in a Treaty for Independent States yet haven’t filed for Border Registration
since 1991… the Iron Curtain happened in 1989 folks…

“Mr. Putin” can do what he likes since Ukraine is still Russia. ORIGIN. Who shares a
border with Ukraine? Russia. Where did Ukraine come from? Russia. Who has not filed
for Border Registration since 1991? Ukraine.
Illegal Annexation… How's something illegal when Ukraine won’t legally file for Border
Registration? What the average ear hears in this passage in the video is, “Biden”
protecting Ukraine as you believe what you’ve witnessed in the last few months…

What you’re actually hearing in 2014… are the protections of his, Romney, Pelosi, and
Kerry’s, assets with Ukrainian oil companies all their children were working for then and
are still working with…

Also signed in 2014, was the Minsk Agreement… which is a total waste of breath,
paper, and ALL of those precious taxpayer dollars to fly ole Biden to Ukraine sooo many
times in 2014.

All Ukraine had to do after the Soviet Union aka Iron Curtain dissolved was to file for
Border Registration and actually become an independent nation paying their dues into
NATO… but noooooooooooooooooooooooo it’s been the United States floating 75% of
NATO defense budget for the past 30 years. And once again, why was “The Big Guy” in
Ukraine so much again?

Don’t trust me though… trust CNBC:

Remember again, origin is important.

Form a new government in days, not weeks - the United States took 11 years of
Revolutionary War and has been around for 245 years… and 99% of folks will tell a
Veteran like myself ALL kinds of things… Yet, ole VP Biden says a government must be
formed in DAYS not weeks… must be nice to be a Senator making $175,000 a year and
be worth $350 million. I need a new financial advisor.

“As long as you keep YOUR commitment” - “we will be with you” - “it’s personal”
- What commitment? The way you’re in the United States came through the
Revolutionary War… is that the hard work Biden is referring to? I’m lost. The way we
built our REPUBLIC came through war… we are not a Democracy. We are a
Constitutional Republic. What commitment Joe? Pardon me, sorry for my disrespect…
allow me to address you by your dignified name… What commitment “Big Guy?”

ONCE AGAIN, Nancy Pelosi, Mitt Romney, John Kerry, and Joe Biden all have and had
children working for Ukrainian Oil Companies.
George Soros is a MAJOR player in this game.

Everything with Ukraine and Russia stems long before 2014, but 2014 was epic with the
advancement of New World Order with Obama, Soros, Rothschilds, Clintons, Bush’s,
Biden’s, McCain’s, and so many more who have been protected by the mafia as long as
they played along with the U.S. Corporation.

If you do not believe the United States has been a Corporation VIA U.S. Law since
1871… I cannot help you. But you have more than enough proof.

Here’s EVEN more proof from a 2004 article:

“Funded and organized by the U.S. government, deploying U.S.

consultancies, pollsters, diplomats, the two big American parties and U.S.
non-government organizations, the campaign was first used in Europe in
Belgrade in 2000 to beat Slobodan Milosevic at the ballot box.”

Officially, the US government spent $41m (£21.7m) organizing and

funding the year-long operation to get rid of Milosevic from October 1999.
In Ukraine, the figure is said to be around $14m.
The Guardian:

To think that Ukraine, Russia, NATO just came out of nowhere shows where most
Americans need to be… stuck in your phones and TV’s focusing on the next season of
Yellowstone, Ozark, the Bachelor and other typical American things… and shutting up
and stopping your whining…

“The Obama Administration, and London, not only welcomed the violent coup
in Ukraine in 2014, as a means to justify a new NATO military mobilization
against Russia, but rather, they created it. Obama and his spokesmen proudly
announced that the United States had financed and orchestrated the
organizations participating in the demonstrations on the public square, the

Obama’s direct agent for the coup, Assistant Secretary of State for European
and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland, visited the rioters several times, handing
out cookies on the Maidan, while refusing to acknowledge that in addition to
peaceful demonstrators concerned about corruption and economic hardships,
there were also openly neo-fascist gangs conducting an armed insurrection
against the elected government.”

The idea that Trump may end the imperial policy, and join forces with Russia and
China, as Franklin Roosevelt did to defeat fascism, in the new paradigm of
defeating terrorism, and building infrastructure and agro-industrial advancement
for nations throughout the world as part of the New Silk Road process, would
mean the end of the very concept of Empire, once and for all.

To prevent this, the British and their assets in the United States, led by Obama
and his sponsor George Soros as well as their fellow neocons on the Republican
side, will stop at nothing. The American people are increasingly aware of this evil,
but must move quickly to expose it and crush it.

Obama and Soros in Ukraine:

Notice who was working for Obama in 2014?

That would be… DRUM ROLL PLEASE…. Undersecretary currently with “Biden” who
served as the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the
United States Department of State from 2013 to 2017…

And whooooo was President and Vice President from 2013 to January 20th, 2017, up
‘til 11:59:59 AM EST?

Read about Victoria Nuland:

Check this dime piece out shared earlier in Document, on March 8, 2022, SAME DATE,
Nuland admitted Ukraine has Biochemical Labs after “Biden” and “White House” denied
they did and Media told you they DEFINITELY did not:

Judy Woodruff:
Do you believe they can be in position soon enough to make a difference in this

Victoria Nuland:

I don't know what the arrangements are to figure this out.

I would note that the Ukrainian air force has actually not been flying very much,
and nor has the Russian air force. They're both afraid of surface-to-air missiles.
And what has been most effective in this fight have been these surface-to-air
systems that the United States and many of our allies and partners have been
getting into Ukraine at high volumes to protect them against not only Russian
aircraft, but also Russian tanks and other systems.

PBS - Undersecretary of State on AMERICAN - NATO response in Ukraine:

That’s so weird to me… because every single day… on:
Anyone can track Military Aircraft all day long. You just have to know their call
sign and/or know their logos.

Here’s a list of Military Aircraft in the skies May 19, 2022:

Here’s another in 2021:

Yet we turn right back around with a double standard… and in the SAME article:

Nuland on Ukraine:

And we hear her say that the PENTAGON (GENERALS) refuse to send United
States Jets to Ukraine… which is true.

Pentagon rejects Poland's (NATO member):

Yet IN THE SAME FREAKIN’ conversation on the PBS article says the United
States equipped Ukraine with Air and Missile Defense systems aka surface-to-air

Imagine that… What was my MOS in the Army? Air and Missile Defense.

Imagine that…
What happened with Benghazi, Libya, also documented in Obama’s Executive
Orders… the United States sold Stinger Missiles to Libyan guerrillas making it
impossible to send in rescue missions to save our Americans at the Embassy.

Who was Vice President in 2012?

Who was the Secretary of State in 2012?

Hillary Clinton in 2016: “What difference does it make?”

And who was the Secretary of State from 2013 to 2017?

John Kerry. Who’s son works for whom? Ukrainian Oil Company.

And what did Obama’s 1 of 3 Ukraine Executive Orders say again?


Lest you not remember… March 8, 2022:

March 8, 2022, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, U.S. Department

of State, Victoria Nuland, says Ukraine has “biological research facilities:”

Secretary of State acknowledges BioLabs in Ukraine:

And on the SAME DAY… The New York Times says: Theory about U.S. Funded
Bioweapons Labs in Ukraine is UNFOUNDED.

March 8, 2022, New York Times: U.S. Bioweapons Ukraine

Oooooooooo loookie here:

Nuland and Pyatt phone call transcript from 2014. Weird how 2014 keeps popping up!

Who was President and Vice President again in 2014?

And where were your Ukrainian Flags then?

BBC nonetheless… credible source:

When are you, the Americans going to wake up?

George Soros on Trump in 2020:

“Donald Trump would like to be a dictator. But he cannot be one because

there is a constitution in the United States that people still respect. And it will
prevent him from doing certain things. That does not mean that he will not
try, because he is literally fighting for his life. I will also say that I have put my
faith in Trump to destroy himself, and he has exceeded my wildest

Soros on Trump and how 2020 Election is a Revolutionary


Soros calls Trump “Narcissist” and “Con Man:”

How Soros Funded Progressive DA’s behind US Crime Surge:

George Soros is a part of the Davos Group who backed Obama.

George Soros from Davos:

George Soros broke the Bank of England:

George Soros calls Trump “Con Man” at Davos, pushes $1 Billion:

George Soros gives $125 million to Democrats Midterms:

Actors behind the Election Fraud 2020:

Now that you know who George Soros is… and is and was backing Obama… and after
reading all of Obama’s Executive Orders with Ukraine and the United States tied to
Ukraine from 2014 and 2004 etc…

You should be able to appreciate this article May 21, 2022 from MSN:

Russia Rich aren’t welcome at Davos anymore:

Noooooo crappppppppp. I wonder why?

Maybeeeeeeee because Ukraine hasn’t filed Border Registration since

1991… only two years after the fall of the USSR, and they signed a joint
military agreement with Russia then opted out of the CIS Treaty in 2018
and STILL are NOT independent from Russia…

Now watch the video of Joe Biden again in 2014…

Vice President Joe Biden with Ukraine President in 2014

Seeeee why you must know the ORIGIN of everything? That video is 2014, 8 years
ago… and here you are thinking Ukraine just happened. Nowwwww you know why the
Ukraine Phone Call “impeachment” of Trump meant so much to the players involved.

“We’ve caught them all.”

“We’ve got it all.”

“The evidence and crimes will be shown to the public in full accordance to the

Trump knew “caught them all” and “we have it all” from 2012 moving forward… not

What do you think “drain the Swamp” actually meant?

The Durham Report, along with Sessions, Huber, Grassley, Goodlatte, and many
more White Hat Operatives, along with Military Tribunals in 2023 are going to put
on public display the Crimes of Humanity, Treason, and Fraud, by Biden and
family, Bush Sr. and Jr. and family, Obama and family, Hillary, Bill, and family, and
many, many more. Wait for it. It’s coming!

If you quit on Sessions, Huber, Grassley, Goodlatte, and General Flynn, you’re a
quitter and should be ashamed.

If you quit on Trump and haven’t listened to guys like me… you should also be
ashamed. Not sorry.

This is a LOT bigger than just “Trump,” “Trump 2024,” and “Trump Train” etc.

Wait for it. It’s coming!

Covid-19, better known as kill you and your families, was their only option left… their
“Nuclear Option.”

Why do you think the Military makes all of us train and experience ‘The Gas Chamber?’
Do you think they do that for giggles to make us experience the most horrible death
known to man?
Do you not understand what a Biochemical Weapon is? Do you not understand
Biochemical Warfare?

Ukraine terminates Treaty:

Ukraine has been fighting against Russia-backed separatists in the eastern regions of
Donetsk and Luhansk since April 2014, after Russia seized control of Ukraine's Crimean

The conflict has left more than 10,300 people dead and some 1.6 million people

Where were your Facebook Ukrainian flags from 2014 to 2021?

This is why it’s important to know the ORIGIN. The origin of this is…

Ukraine has not filed for Border Registration with the United Nations since 1991…
therefore it cannot terminate a Treaty it did not sign.

Politico News…

Politico “News” in their very headline has a CONTRADICTION.

“Sorry Mr. Putin, Russia and Ukraine are NOT the same country.”

Politico for the win! Proving our point… LOL

So, why did President Obama say this:

“Any person or organization that threatens the territorial integrity of Ukraine, or

questions the legitimacy of the governing junta in Kiev, constitutes a threat to
U.S. National Security and foreign policy and will be placed under sanctions.”

First off, how does Ukraine pose a threat to United States National Security? LOL

Are you smarter than a 3rd grader yet?

Ukraine without Borders:

Executive Order:

So, literally, just in 2014, Ukraine was without borders. In articles above, they claim
Ukraine ‘left the CIS Treaty in 2018’ yet in multiple credible sources above, Ukraine has
not filed for Border Registration since 1991…

And here’s “Biden” with the President of Ukraine… Awhhhh you know, the same
President of Ukraine Trump had the “impeachment” phone call with about “the Big Man,”
as Hunter Biden called Daddy Joe.

VP Biden in 2014 with Ukraine President:

Weird… Trump had a phone call with the NEW President of Ukraine, current
President Zelesnky, in July 2019… who was not the President during 2014.
Zelensky is a Trump Operative who’s “doing the dance” as they say. Blending in.
You’ll see someday soon.

There was actually a President in between Zelensky and 2014 LOLOLOL.

No wonder the Libtards wanted to “impeach” Trump on a perfectly good and legal
phone call… because it wasn’t the same President.

You’re welcome in advance.

You’re welcome again.

Here’s what the Media won’t show you. It’s not a secret.

Funny how there’s United States BioLabs in Ukraine:
US Embassy Biological Threat Reduction Program

US Embassy Report:

They’ve yet to delete that one portion of evidence above in the Embassy Report of
donors from Obama's, Clinton’s, Biden’s, Kerry’s, Bush’s, etc.

And these below… many of us have before they deleted.

Here’s maps of the Biochemical Labs in Ukraine:
Let’s look at the Optics from 2022. Here’s why “Biden” isn’t anywhere near D.C.:

Newsweek March 8:

“Russian officials are once again pushing a false narrative that the Eastern
European country is developing biological weapons with the assistance of
the U.S.”

New York Post:

As you see ole Hunter… I’m gonna call him “the Little Guy” since Pappy Joe is the “Big
Guy” lookin’ all studly for you ladies as you saw above.
They tell you the truth without ‘telling you’ the truth… ‘know what I mean Vern?’

Just real quick… how can y’all not see this is not the same Joe… Do you really believe
age from 73 to 78 changes your chin, smile structure, eyes, and earlobes?
Here’s how the current Media depicts it… because they have to show their allegiance
from 2016 to November 3, 2020:

March 8, 2022, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, U.S. Department

of State, Victoria Nuland, says Ukraine has “biological research facilities:”

Secretary of State acknowledges BioLabs in Ukraine:

March 9, 2022:

“The Kremlin is intentionally spreading outright lies that the United States
and Ukraine are conducting chemical and biological weapons activities in

“As we have said all along, Russia is inventing false pretexts in an attempt
to justify its own horrific actions in Ukraine.”

How is Russia making false pretexts when Ukraine has not filed for Border Registration
since 1991…? Therefore making Ukraine, still a part of Russia.

“What are the Ukraine ‘Biolabs’:

“The US government has admitted there are a number of such facilities in Ukraine
funded by Washington that do research on deadly pathogens, albeit from a preventative
perspective rather than to create a weapon.”

Soooooooooooooooooo, we went from there aren’t any ‘Biolabs’ in Ukraine to there are,
but they aren't for weapons…

Are there or are there not BioLabs in Ukraine?

There are? Okay…. What’s the origin?

“Spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Zhao Lijian, said, “In particular,
the US, as the party that knows these laboratories the best, should publish
relevant specific details as soon as possible, including the types of pathogens
stored and the research conducted,” in order to ensure the “health and safety of
people in Ukraine, the surrounding areas and even around the world.”

“Details about the biological weapons facilities in Ukraine were reported by the
Russian Defense Ministry on March 6 when Major General Igor Konashenkov
alleged that pathogens for deadly diseases for biological warfare were being
created in Ukrainian labs that were funded by the Pentagon.”

Do you understand how dangerous this is for all people in China, Ukraine, Russia, and
the United States…

This is why it’s important to understand Good versus Evil is the Corporation Executives
and Cronies who created this… it’s been happening since 1871.
There’s good people in every country all over the world. This is so hard to get
Americans to understand. Most Americans are spoiled, entitled, lazy, ‘educated’ yet
unintelligent, and care more about some male whore giving 25 women a rose on a fake
TV show, when the next season of Yellowstone is coming out, and stuck on social
media, and as the Johnny Cash song, “Oney,” talks about… you’ve become SOFT…
and do not even know the simplicities of WHY you’re here in the United States of
America, her origin, her foundation, her LAWS and ORDER of those LAWS.

For example, nobody questioned, Mr. Obama, why he wrote Executive Orders in
regards to Ukraine, and what did he mean when he told the former Russian President to
transmit something to President Putin?

How quickly y’all Monday Morning Quarterback experts on Ukraine forget.

President Obama was running for re-election in March 2012, when a live
microphone picked up his whispered conversation with then-Russian President
Dmitry Medvedev.

Obama told Medvedev it was important for incoming President Vladimir Putin to
"give me space" on missile defense and other difficult issues and that after the
2012 presidential election he would have "more flexibility." Medvedev said he
would "transmit" the message to Putin.

“On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this can be solved, but it’s
important for him to give me space,” Obama told Medvedev at a gathering in
Seoul, South Korea.

“Yeah, I understand,” said Medvedev, who was about to be replaced by Putin as

Russian president. “I understand your message about space. Space for you--"

“This is my last election," Obama said. "After my election I have more flexibility.”

“I understand," Medvedev said. "I will transmit this information to Vladimir."

Missile Defense… odddddddddddd. What was my MOS in the Military?

Whatttt are the odds that the unit immediately before me was the same unit in
Benghazi, Libya?

Obama also wrote Executive Orders for Libya. As well as selling all of our Stinger
Missiles to the enemy…

Obama EO 2011:
- Which was before Benghazi

Obama EO 2016:

Which is why Hillary’s comment: “What can we do about it now anyways?” Well, it’s
actually a true comment… since EXPERT FIGHTER PILOTS cannot outrun a stinger
missile… so therefore, we could not send in any units to save our guys at the Embassy
with rescue missions in HELICOPTERS.

Yes, it’s personal.

The Corporation of the United States since 1871 = create chaos, division, build, destroy,
rebuild, repeat; create a problem and solution simultaneously.

The Borders and Security of our Nation are the most important duties of the President
as noted in the Articles of the Constitution.

Mainstream media, “Fact-Checkers,” one, use Search Engine Optimization (SEOs; I use
this for my business; everyone does) companies to keep their articles on the top of your
Google search.

Prime example… the infamous Reuters:

Before those… you should already be WOKE the correct way… but I go back and forth
with Military Law, Executive Orders, Articles… to prove and drive the point home.

Let’s drive:
Reuters… “Fact-Checkers” on January 26, 2022, saying Ukraine is NOT a NATO

Reuters article:

.Gov and .Int sites cannot be purchased on GoDaddy, etc. They’re issued and
regulated by Military and Government officials.

And looooookie what we have here in March 2022:

Emails found on Hunter Biden’s laptop found that he ASSISTED a California DEFENSE
CONTRACTOR (supposed to be a good guy) with killer diseases and BIOWEAPONS in

And President Vladmir Putin of Russia is the ‘bad guy’ for bombing these BioLabs?

New York Post: Biden Funding US BioLabs:

What’s actually going on in Ukraine?

If you had been paying attention from 2016, you could have seen. You don’t need
clearance for knowing Law and Order.

All you need is a brain and some initiative to learn.

Remember my picture of Trump and Putin on November 9, 2016… “I’m ready to
work with Trump on the Reset.”

You know why he said he was ready? Because the Military took control of this Nation in
2017, Trump was just the frontman for the leadership role.

The Military via Trump is making everyone show their crimes to the world.

Russia is destroying Biochemical Labs from the United States Corporation prior to
Trump taking office in 2017… hence Obama’s Executive Orders tying the United States
National Security with Ukraine… remember whose children were working for Oil
Companies in Ukraine and who tried to impeach Trump over a Constitutional duty?

Everything from 2016 prior, Obama, Biden, Romney, Kerry, Pelosi, all ties to Ukraine
and Russia.

“There’s a storm coming… wait for it.” - October 2017, Trump

IF Americans from that 234 million number actually knew something about the
Constitution, y’all would have known that the phone call Trump had with the President of
Ukraine was perfectly fine.

IF Americans from that 234 million number actually knew something about the
Constitution, y’all would have known that phone call was perfectly fine.
All the tools you need are in the Constitution, Military Law, Executive Orders, tying those
in with Presidential Emergencies, Presidential Acts, National Emergencies, along with
learning optic and code words.

Because you could have ALSO known that the US Embassy Biological Threat
Reduction Program


Is the U.S. EMBASSY that “Biden” has been talking about that…

Has a DIRECT CONNECTION to the EcoHealth Alliance

This titled:

Opportunities for Enhanced Defense Military and Security Sector

Engagement in Global Health Security:

Check out the indexxxxx under it:

DMS: Defense, Military, and Security

DoD: U.S. Department of Defense
DTRA: U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Which is the SAME EcoHealth Alliance DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO….

Drum roll please….

Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Especially this one: DTRA: U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency

Which is the CURRENT U.S. Embassy website under your “President Biden.”


US Embassy Biological Threat Reduction Program

US Embassy Report:

Which ties Dr. Fauci and “Biden” to the above articles with what you just saw in March…
the Undersecretary saying there are actually BioLabs in Ukraine… but they “aren’t used
for weapons.”
While CNN, Newsweek, and all are CURRENTLY telling you the BioLabs are lies, false,
“conspiracy theories” LOL

And drummmmm rollll…. May 10, 2022 drop:

What is the NIH?

National Institutes of Health:

Look at that… a dot GOV website.

Been trying to show people a while now: look at the date of this on my phone.
Remember when Trump said to “follow the money?”

Here’s Dr. Fauci on C-SPAN in 2004

Specifically telling the world if someone truly had the Flu, they don’t
need a Flu Vaccine… meaning… natural immunity.

“Dr.” Fauci 11 years ago defending a Universal Flu Vaccine:


Now apply what he looked like as Trump and Military made he (along with many, many
more) show their allegiance to the United States Corporation.

Remember… the Military’s making EVIL show their CRIMES of Crimes Against
Humanity, Treason, and Fraud TO THE WORLD as Trump said:

“The evidence and crimes will be shown to the public in FULL ACCORDANCE TO

Soooooooooooo UKRAINE is supposed to be the Victim to Russia… which would make

Ukraine a “No Fly Zone”...

Not to mention the world would be seeing all kinds of videos from citizens of Ukraine,
refugees, and destruction…

Yet, May 1, 2022, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and traitor Republican Mitch
McConnell can fly to Ukraine and walk around smiling in the calm capitol city of Kyiv?

Keep in mind, Zelensky is a White Hat Operative.

Those smiles thoooo…. Soooo happy! President Zelensky is a White Hat Operative
(good guy); he was an Actor before President. Look it up.
They look terrified at all of the destruction and WAR going on! hahahaha
May 14, 2022… ALL SMILES! Say cheeeeeseeeee aka Gitmooooooo!
Skinny jeans, high heels, and smiles in a “WAR ZONE” hahahaha

Adam Schiff with the appearance as well…. Freakin’ beautiful.

The mirror effect is be-yu-tee-ful.

Such a scaryyyyy place to be… they got time to take pics for social media and smile
during a “War” LOL

Once again, keep in mind, Zelensky is a White Hat Operative. He is playing along. This
is all a script.

Nancy Pelosi ‘vows’ US Support…

The “U.S.” support is more visual evidence that most Americans won’t see until later…
I’m showing you now because I know and a part of the operation.

Nancy “receives” a medal from President:

Pelosi bowing to President Zelensky:

There’s a reason why she’s bowing… wait for it.

Good Morning America: Pelosi in Ukraine

Okay… follow close here…

Biden was Vice President for 8 years under Oslama Yo Momma

George Soros is well known Davos Group leader

- Davos Group is invite only

Soros praises Biden (watch video)

- They’re all in this together

Trump was strongly against NATO and the European Union

- Why? What did he know?

- Military

Zelensky spoke at the Davos Group on May 23, 2022

“Biden” and Congress sent $40 Billion of US Taxpayer Money

- Taking from your families

“Biden” just upped the “aid” to Ukraine another $700 million in U.S. Military
Weapons as Obama and Hillary did.

- Taking away from the U.S. again and your families

It’s RIGHT in FRONT of you! They’re all in the United States Corporation, World
Economic Forum, World Health Organization, but the Military and Trump threw a giant
metal rod in this gearbox… and we aren’t letting them continue their mission for New
World Order.

The American Citizen must understand our Foundation and Revolutionary History which
established our Military, Military Law, the Declaration, the Constitution, all in those
orders then be able to understand what was so different than any other time in History,
plus Biblical, Monumental, and Historical from 2017 to 2021 via Military Law, U.S. Law
and Order before you can piece ALL of the daily, weekly, monthly Optics that will lead to
the Grand Finale of the Military Tribunals and Trump revealing everything in 2024-25.
Zelensky and Trudeau (Canada)
Here’s George Soros May 25, 2022 praising Joe Biden:

- He specifically says how deep Joe Biden has been in Ukraine for YEARS.
Here’s President Zelensky of Ukraine on May 23, 2022:

- Once again, keep in mind, Zelensky is a White Hat Operative.

- Asking for more support at the Davos Group

- Davos Group = George Soros

- All Optics with Zelensky

We’re in this place today because Americans became lazy, complacent, know more
than military attitudes, and “not into politics” which allowed greedy politicians to take
advantage of you… they took from the system we created and put more into theirs than
back to you.

McConnell in Kyiv, May 14, 2022:

McConnell visits Ukraine, May 14, 2022:

McConnell and others make “secret” trip:

It’s sooooooo ‘secret’ that it’s headline news LOL

Article talks about them banning Russia… when the “Biden U.S. Embassy,” Reuters in
the articles above in January 2022, and multiple other sources such as the
Commonwealth Treaty has already DOCUMENTED Ukraine is NOT an independent
country and has not filed for Border Registration since 1991…

They are still a PART of RUSSIA… LOLOLOL

NATO is not good either.

You’re seeing their crimes displayed for public view which is needed for the
Military to visually ACT and make arrests plus have evidence to convict due to
U.S. Codes and the Constitution which is the Highest Law in the Land.

Flew all the way over there and the $40 billion aid was stalled in Congress…

Military in FULL CONTROL.

Trump via Military Covert Operation from 2012 planning to 2016 action to 2017 to 2021
legislation and laws, called out NATO and made peace deals with countries we’ve never
had peace with and those countries were given a choice to be a part of this Biblical,
Monumental, Historical Operation, OR be exposed to the world for their crimes against
their people for many years.

You see… the Media has to ILLEGALLY VISUALLY show the side of the line they
chose as well.

The choice was from 2017-2021. Those who chose propaganda and 💰 are now being
held by the Military to show to public or face worse consequences that are already
going to be:

Crimes Against Humanity


Based on U.S. Codes:

18 US Code 2384
18 US Code 2381
18 US Code 115
18 US Code 2385
3 US Code 15
52 US Code 20511

Military Tribunals are coming in 2023. If you don’t believe Law now… wait for it.
Note: To “fend” off the Russians for bombing Ukrainian BioLabs funded by
the Obama Administration and Vice President Biden LOL

“America”… she means the United State Corporation…

Note: To “fend” off the Russians for bombing Ukrainian BioLabs funded by the Obama
Administration and Vice President Biden LOL

“America”… she means the United State Corporation…


Cronies = mirror
Global Democracy = mirror = NATO
White House ≠ Government
White House = just a house

"The evidence and crimes will be shown to the world and they will pay for their
crimes and it will be done with FULL ACCORDANCE TO THE LAW." - Trump

So much Optics and Humor at this point.

IF “Biden” was President, he would be able to shut down Gitmo and control the
Executive Branch and at least make the “left-wing” happy in which he hasn’t done.
He was Vice-President for EIGHT years under Oslama where they signed multiple
Ukraine Executive Orders that read “United States” in them…

Not to mention, Hunter Biden and working for Ukrainian Oil Company for $150 million
a year. And his comments on “checking with ‘The Big Guy.’”

New York Post: Hunter funding Bio Labs:

Hunter Biden, CDC, George Soros Foundation Funding Ukraine:

Once it’s in the Internet world… especially with the Military under control, can’t take it
back… Here’s all the articles putting the blame on Russia:

“Fact-Checkers” on Hunter Biden in 2019:

MSN tries to put their spin on Russia:

Remember the Elvis song lyrics… “caught in a trap… can’t walk out.” BURNNNN.

Remember the Under Secretary FINALLY admitting in March 2022 there’s

Bioweapons Labs in Ukraine but “aren’t used for weapons?” LOLOLOL

Victoria Nuland admits Ukraine has BioLabs, March 8, 2022:

All throughout 2021 and early this year, the “Biden Admin” as you think it is… has
told you that Russia are the bad guys and Ukraine is clear, no Bioweapons Labs…
then when exposed and FINALLY ADMITS there are… they try to spin it on the

“We don’t need the Russians gaining control of the Labs”

Victoria Nuland on BioLabs:

You mean the ones they are bombing?

The ones they’re bombing with no aircraft? LOL

As Nuland also said in her PBS interview that the Russians aren’t using any

And you the Civilian with no Military background are going to tell me that
WWII style tanks are going to do this:
And on May 15, 2022, media says Ukraine using Russian tanks against them:

LOLOL this is too funny at this point.

What are we… World War II again? Tanks on Tanks?

What in the AWESOME kind of War is this… getting bussed out? LOLOL

Reuters says 959 Ukraine soldiers surrender…

Reuters again:

Did they get Capri Suns and Pop-Tarts too? SIGN ME UPPPPPPP. This war looks fun.

PS: In 6th grade, we took buses like this on field trips. Weeeeee

959 whopping soldiers… that really sounds like a war don’t it?

Does notttttt sound anything like people defending a Bioweapons Lab at all.

America had 50,000 Troops for an “Inauguration”… LOL and Ukraine has 959
surrendering on buses in a “War” LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
What did President Trump sign November 12, 2020?

Executive Order 13959.

Anyone who uses US Stocks and Funds to illegally aid the Chinese Communist Party,
assets will be frozen effective immediately after January 11, 2021, 9:30 AM EST.

“But dude, Ukraine ain’t China.”

Scroll back up, China and U.S. (during the Obama Administration) funded the
Biochemical Labs in Ukraine.

Obama Executive Order Ukraine

- read the terminology closely... "whose properties are IN the United


What properties Mr. Oslama and Vice President Biden?

Let’s pull the facts from above back to this point for you sleepyheads:

March 8, 2022, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, U.S. Department

of State, Victoria Nuland, says Ukraine has “biological research facilities:”

Secretary of State acknowledges BioLabs in Ukraine:

Here’s an article on March 9th via STATE.GOV that Russia’s spreading lies, yet, the day
AFTER the Undersecretary of State admits the United States has Biochemical Labs in


March 9, 2022:
“The Kremlin is intentionally spreading outright lies that the United States
and Ukraine are conducting chemical and biological weapons activities in

“As we have said all along, Russia is inventing false pretexts in an attempt to
justify its own horrific actions in Ukraine.”

“What are the Ukraine ‘Biolabs’:

“The US government has admitted there are a number of such facilities in Ukraine
funded by Washington that do research on deadly pathogens, albeit from a preventative
perspective rather than to create a weapon.”

Soooooooooooooooooo, we went from there aren’t any ‘Biolabs’ in Ukraine to there are
some, but they aren't for weapons…

Are there or are there not BioLabs in Ukraine?

There are? Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

Okay…. What’s the origin?

“Spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Zhao Lijian, said, “In particular,
the US, as the party that knows these laboratories the best, should publish
relevant specific details as soon as possible, including the types of pathogens
stored and the research conducted,” in order to ensure the “health and safety of
people in Ukraine, the surrounding areas and even around the world.”

“Details about the biological weapons facilities in Ukraine were reported by the
Russian Defense Ministry on March 6 when Major General Igor Konashenkov
alleged that pathogens for deadly diseases for biological warfare were being
created in Ukrainian labs that were funded by the Pentagon.”

It’s so easy a 3rd grader can figure this out.

Remind me again… what President was against NATO?


May 22, 2022:

Welllllll this just gets more awkward… “Biden” and Romney defending NATO…

And May 23, 2022, President Zelensky asked for help from George Soros’ Davos
Group… making the NATO and Euro crew show their crimes via their support and
money… Ukraine is one of the worst money laundering countries and Zele is a Trump
"The evidence and crimes will be shown to the
world and they will pay for their crimes and it will

Not to mention… during a “War”… the country involved is a NO FLY ZONE:

May 11, 2022:

And as of today, June 13, 2022, the U.S. Department of Defense, admits there’s 46
U.S. Military Funded Biochemical Labs in Ukraine.

Department of Defense BioLabs:

Those were Obama Administration and Bush Administration funded


Who was Obama’s Vice President again?

Funny how people quickly forget about comments like Mitt Romney in MARCH…

“Back in March, RINO Senator Mitt Romney accused former Democrat

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of spreading ‘treasonous lies’ for simply talking about
the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.”

“There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine which if breached

would release and spread deadly pathogens to US/world.” Gabbard
said on Sunday.

Deadly pathogens? Perhaps… biochemical warfare such as “Covid-19?”

The irony… the same time ole Mitty was saying there wasn’t… Undersecretary Victoria
Nuland admitted there were.

Now, do you see who’s taking up for who?

There’s certain media who are forced to show their cards because of who they
are and their choice before November 3, 2020, the same with the players

Oh but don’t listen to us Veterans who have been knowing and trying to tell
everyone for years…

Myself alone have been telling people this plan and script for over three years…

I’ve also told and shown multiple people the TWO pictures Media used during the whole
“Afghanistan Pullout” was fake too.

But nooooooooooooooooooooooo….

“My “----” said it was real.”

Your “----” made a 31 on the ASVAB.

And that’s why a MAJORITY of Americans look like ‘educated’ fools with the “let’s go
Brandon” chants and the cute little sticker on the gas pumps too.

Funny how that “----” never told you this…

You have not seen any live footage from “refugees” via “Biden” or
mainstream news.

Such as the ONE picture and ONE video of the C-17 Globemaster with “refugees”
surrounding it in “Afghanistan” last year…

That C-17 was not in Afghanistan.

Enjoy the plane apps from here on:

You now have ZERO excuses not to know.

Now, let’s tie ALL of the above in with:

The P-8 Poseidon.

The “Doomsday.”
The “Nightwatch.”
The C-130 “Hercules.”
The E-8 Joint STARS.
The P-3 Orion.

The P-8 Poseidon is a Maritime Patrol Plane. There were 7 flying June 16, 2022, in
Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Washington, and off the coast of Florida in International

The P-8 Poseidon is an American maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft. It

operates in the anti-submarine warfare (ASW), anti-surface warfare (ASUW), and
intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) roles.

It is armed with torpedoes, Harpoon anti-ship missiles, and other weapons, can drop
and monitor sonobuoys, and can operate in conjunction with other assets, including the
Northrop Grumman MQ-4C Triton maritime surveillance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).
The P-8 Poseidon:

June 16, 2022:

That first faint Gray Line is the Maritime Line for the state of Washington.

The dark Gray Line is the Maritime Line for the United States.
This is why Maritime Law is very important in this Covert Operation.

This is the best short video to explain the two, while also showing most
Americans, what you think you know or knew, isn’t.

Admiralty Law explained:

Maritime Law:

June 22, 2022, P-8 Poseidon

In Executive Order 13848 (as you read in Part One), that’s why it’s so brilliant, epic,
monumental, and historic, that President Trump (via Military), wrote in a 2018 Order… that
Maritime Law would activate on November 3, 2020, amongst all of the other Laws he passed
as well as the National and Presidential Emergencies and their processes.

These Maritime Aircrafts all cost over $100,000 per hour to operate.

There’s International Laws, Military Laws, U.S. Laws, and Federal Aviation Laws around
those borders.

It’s very vital to what’s taking place in this massive Covert Operation and who’s in
control… The Military.

Hence why it’s very important to understand that this C-130 Hercules on June 15, 2022, was
operating in Military Law and Maritime Law.
That Hercules, call sign 76-3302, belongs to the New York Air National Guard.

The ONLY way the National Guard can operate across state borders… they
MUST be activated by the:

PRESIDENT of the United States.

The National Guard were activated to Federal Duty on January 6, 2021,

along with the Executive Order 13919 from April 2020, that authorized
the Secretary of Defense to authorize Reserve Components of Military to
Federal Duty.

All of which symbolized President Trump invoking the Insurrection Act of

1807 and all of which extended his Powers as President under the Articles
of the Constitution.

Those are MILITARY LAW and CONSTITUTION. Not up for debate.

Another Hercules in International Waters off the coast of Alabama and Florida:
About 10 more nautical miles, the flight blacked out. Not uncommon.

Here’s ALL Military Aircraft in sky on June 14, 2022:

There’s been no less than 300 every single day since January 2021… but “Biden” is
“President” LOLOL yeaahhhhhhh…

The most Optics by the babbling moron is he’s “activated” every Obama
Emergency Acts… which are all optics within optics…

Wait for it. It’s coming.

2023 Military Tribunals are going to be EPIC.

The “Nightwatch” Plane. The current "Nightwatch" aircraft, is a strategic command and control
military aircraft operated by the United States Air Force (USAF). It’s for the National
Emergency Airborne Command Post (NEACP) program.

The E-4 serves as a survivable mobile command post for the National Command
Authority, namely the President of the United States, the Secretary of Defense, and

If you check the dates when the “Nightwatch” is in the sky… the “President” and
Secretary of Defense 99% of Americans think are President and Secretary of
Defense… are not in the same location on the dates I’ve been tracking the

The E-8 Joint STARS. The Joint STARS is a United States Air Force airborne ground
surveillance, battle management and command and control aircraft.

It tracks ground vehicles and some aircraft, collects imagery, and relays tactical pictures
to ground and air theater commanders.

The aircraft is operated by both active duty U.S. Air Force and Air National Guard units
and also carries specially trained U.S. Army personnel as additional flight crew.

That is Joint STARS, call sign 95-0121, based out of Robins AFB, Georgia, flying from
Germany to Poland, June 14, 2022.
The P-3 Orion currently in the air in Bulgaria (turned around in Romania) as I type, 1:30 AM
CST, June 17, 2022:

The P-3 Orion is primarily used for maritime patrol, reconnaissance, anti-surface
warfare and anti-submarine warfare.

Ahhhh and lookie what we have here at 2:26 AM CST while Americans are sleeping
(except Veterans like me), June 17, 2022:

Notice the Altitude: only 20,000 feet. Very visible from the ground.
Notice the Maritime Border:

The Ukraine Border (top red boxes) is also a Maritime Border under Maritime Law.

The same P-3 Orion flew across the Black Sea to Ukraine. The same Black Sea that
Russia has been accused of “blocking” due to Maritime Law.

Black Sea, Russia:
Look at the Yacht behind the submarine… super scarrry LOL

Blocking Black Sea:

That’s what happens when Maritime Law goes into effect.

Who put Maritime Law into effect?

President Trump’s Executive Order 13848… Not Putin LOL

Here’s another OPTIC for June 17, 2022, at 3:37 PM CST:

Care to enlighten me why an AgustaWestland, AW-139, is circling near Philadelphia,


Do you know how far Panama is to Philly? On a freakin’ helicopter nonetheless…

That AN140 above belongs to Panama, National Aeronaval Service, known as SENAN,
which is a branch of Panamanian Public Forces known for carrying out naval and air

Their role is to perform protection, surveillance, security and defense of the air and… wait for

MARITIME Jurisdictional Areas.

When was Maritime Law activated again?

Executive Order 13848, signed in 2018, activated November 3, 2020.

President Donald John Trump.

Panama National Aeronaval Service:
The Doomsday Plane (NUCLEAR PROTECTION) is for the President of the United States
and the Secretary of Defense.

“Unlike the ceremonial and comfort-focused Air Force One, the doomsday planes
are flying war rooms staffed by dozens of military analysts, strategists and
communication aides who would guide the president through the first days of
a nuclear war.”

And would anyone care to enlighten me on why the “Doomsday Plane” has been
activated since 2020?

I bet 99% who read this have never heard of the “Doomsday Plane” before today.

I also bet 99% of you would never dream of all the multiple hidden bunkers in
the United States alone. Not a secret. You should and could have known this.

I’d highly suggest not to go looking for them or getting within their restricted
space… that will nottttttt be a fun day for you or your Fruit-of-the-Looms.

The media even told y’all the plane was activated in 2020… and as of June 2022,
they’re still telling you it’s still active and has been seen in various places.

Trump takes “Doomsday Plane”; this is October 2, 2020:

“Doomsday Plane” in March 2022:

Bet you’ve also never heard of the North American Aerospace Defense Command aka


Outside of training and maintenance, it shouldn’t be in the skies as much as it has
without a reason…

Ever heard the saying… “He ain’t got sense enough to pour piss out of a bucket?”

Do you really believe with all you think and believe you’ve seen since January
21, 2021, if “Biden” was really President, and I don’t know what I know, he can
flush a toilet correctly much less have the budget to operate our military?
And if “Biden” is actually President and everything is great… Why is the same plane
actively being used?

One of these planes alone costs the Air Force $163,000 per hour.

Oh just for the record…

Trump didn’t start any wars.

“Biden” didn’t inherit a bad economy, much less a bad anything.

Although it’s all a script.

A little history on the Doomsday Plane and why those Optics from the article above
about NATO and “Russia being the bad guys” above are not what you think you “knew”
this whole time… but what’s ACTUALLY going on.

In January 2021, everything the Military and President Trump put into place,
had all been activated via his Executive Orders, Presidential Acts,
Presidential Emergencies, National Emergencies, put into place from
January 20, 2017 to November 3, 2020.

On November 3, 2020, Maritime Law went into full effect as outlined in

Executive Order 13848.

In January, the Gold-Fringed Flag started making her every day

appearances, and has been in every single camera angle (by Military Law)
from news to sports events signifying Maritime Law.

In April 2020, he authorized the Secretary of Defense authority to activate

Reserve Components of the Military as he saw fit.

Only one person can activate National Guard to Federal Duty… you
witnessed it.

With the invoking of the Insurrection Act of 1807, that means every line of
defense in all 50 states was activated.

President Trump extended his powers as President under the Articles of the
Constitution as he did so, becoming only the 3rd WarTime President in our
History, as written in the Constitution.
On January 20th, 2021, the world never saw President Trump concede.

He didn’t have to due to all of those above. The world thought they
witnessed Trump “step down” as President…

Well, you did, but…

Stepped UP as Commander-in-Chief.

The Executive Orders with National Emergency and Maritime Law activation, the
Presidential Emergency on November 3, 2020, the invoking of the Insurrection
Act of 1807, the Executive Order 13919 in 2020 activating January 6, 2021, ALL
extended President Trump’s power outlined in Articles of the Constitution.

Military Law is greater than Federal Law. The Military can act with or without

Two separate laws, roles, and duties.

President Trump was then seen leaving the White House walking on a red
carpet roll out with 17 Gold-Fringed Flags, with a 21 gun salute, which is the
actual inauguration by the book by the Uniform Code of Military Justice and
Military Regulations, as he boarded:
Air Force One. 😎
NO President has ever left office in Air Force One.

Trump left, January 20, 2021, in Air Force One #29000.

Call sign: 92-9000.

The doomsday plane is designed to carry the Secretary of Defense and Chief of Staff.

If you have been following along… and reading Executive Orders… you would have
read that FEMA and other agencies are in charge alongside Commander-in-Chief

Trump’s Executive Order 13919, signed April 30, 2020, gave the SECRETARY of
DEFENSE FULL AUTHORITY to ACTIVATE our Reserve components of the Military.

Reserved Forces to Active Duty:
“Doomsday Plane” seen on May 7, 2022:

“The US Strategic Command could not be reached for comment.” -

Remember what President Trump said about telling our enemies what’s going

Do you realllllllly think they’re going to tell anyone what missions we’re running?

Media has always been our enemies and color the truth.

When you go through Basic Training in the Military…

Do you know that we learn how to talk to press reporters? Bet ya didn’t know that

The Doomsday Plane has been in Nebraska, Florida, Texas, and Ohio. There’s a
bunker in Nebraska and Texas.

And I can assure you… “Biden” ain’t in that plane… he ain’t in DC… he ain’t
even in Culver City, California, where the fake press room is.

Now, allow me to show or “prove” to you with point #14, President Trump is your acting
Commander-in-Chief and this is all a beautiful script, as you’re watching The Military
save America… the America of 1774 to 1870 that will be fully restored to her origin and
foundation when WE get through fighting for you whether you stay in denial or hop on
this historical fight.

This is the actual Doomsday Plane.

The Doomsday Plane can be tracked by me, you, anyone.

The Nuclear Protection Plane with call sign 75-0125.


You do not need clearance to track.

I can assure you… you won’t get anywhere near it. But I welcome you to try it… we
need to thin the herd out any way we can since most of you liberals won’t leave as you
claim you will.
The number on the tailfin is #50125.

Here’s more pictures of her:

As I’ve already shown, you can get on a few sites, and if you know what to look for, you
can track that plane or see all active flights in the sky live.

I sent these pictures to a friend of mine on December 16, 2021.

December 2021:

Reg = Regulation = 0125
DB Bags: military
Type: Boeing E-4B

Now… simply Google: Aircraft 50125.

Lincoln, Nebraska.

What’s near Lincoln, Nebraska?

A bunker.

And what’s that second stop?

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. What is Harrisburg?

The capital of Pennsylvania.

What’s been happening at the capital of Pennsylvania?

One of the key states with the most voter fraud.

What system caught all of the voter fraud?

The Space Force, the Quantum Information System and all of the military
agencies supporting it.

Who created that system?

May 11, 2022: Doomsday Plane in Lincoln, Nebraska.
May 12, 2022:
NO President has ever left Office with a “final ride” on Air Force One.
17 Gold-Fringed Flags
The Doomsday Plane can be tracked by me, you, anyone.

The Nuclear Protection Plane with call sign 75-0125.


Here’s Air Force One, 92-9000:

Last Logged Flight: June 2021.

And before that… March 2021:
President Trump was in Texas in March 2021 :)

Sameeeeee Air Force One.

Now let’s look at… Air Force One, #28000, call sign: 82-8000:

BLOCKED via finding any flight logs on most sites except

Here’s why:

One, President Trump made a new deal with Boeing in 2017, and these two
aircraft were going to be decommissioned. That’s your first catch.

Two, when military equipment and vehicles are decommished, they are stripped
down of their capabilities except for engines, and civilians can purchase them.

Three, You can click on the serial number and see recent pictures of 28000 in
other countries, but none at Joint Andrews Base in D.C.

You have to be able to go back to the origin. You cannot pick up from today and try to

Trump tweet, December 6, 2016:

Notice the date… tweeted as President-Elect. He had not taken office yet and he’s
telling Boeing to “Cancel Order!”

Very last paragraph:

“Boeing has long been mulling a retirement of the 747 line. Air Force One is filled
with communications gear and defensive gear and costs much more than a
regular 747 aircraft.”

Another December 2016 article:

Trump made a new deal with Boeing:

Boeing lost $660 million:

Every President-Elect has been flown in by Air Force One. “Biden” supposedly (in average
American eyes) got the most votes in "History," not getting flown in via custom and regulated

Here’s both Air Force Ones at Joint Base Andrews on January 20th, 2021, as the picture shows
plus the editor:
It gets better… or dumber… not sure which one yet…

So, let me get this straight… a man who’s been a Senator for 38 years, VP for 8, “got the most votes” in
United States History and never left his basement… did not get the “Presidential-Elect” flight into D.C…
but his FIRST flight ever as “President” was in Air Force Two? LOL

But now “he’s” “flying” in Air Force One #28000… the same one shown at Joint Base Andrews with
President Trump on January 20, 2021, that was grounded and clearly available for use for the
“President-Elect” with the “most votes” in United States History? LOL
The all new Marine One introduced earlier than expected, in 2018.

Mainstream media, 2022, tells you that the new Marine One, isn’t available for “Biden” due to
“failing to meet the reliability, availability or maintainability threshold requirements”… LOL

VH-92A Marine One:

Yet in the same article, the Heli is in usage. Because it was delivered ahead of time, in 2018.
President Trump flew in one on his big July 4th celebration.

All you have to do is a little reading and research. The new Marine One planning started way
back in 2006 era.


2012 article



Business Insider is one of the mainstream media outlets who cannot stand
President Trump.


Talks about how they're ahead of schedule.






All it takes is just a little reading and research… So, Marine One was delivered in 2018, yet,
"Joe Bidens" flight in it is "delayed?" LOLOLOL


The article that says the aircraft is in commission in 2018... yet "Biden" can't fly
on it?

"Fails to meet:"

Once again, you must know the origin and then what happened on January 20th, 2021.

Media in multiple articles will have you believe “Biden” will reap the benefits of the new Air
Force One models.

Sure, if you did not know what took place from 2017 to 2021 and what happened on
January 20th, 2021.

Article: September 21, 2021:

"The Biden administration’s fiscal 2022 budget request also used the picture. But
Richardson said “don't read anything into” that."

“It's a cartoon—it's not a real airplane,” he said. “It's just something that's on a

Soooooo… who is “He said?”

That would only be Lieutenant General Duke Richardson, the Air Force military deputy
for acquisition.

Only a 3-Star General…

New Air Force Ones:

President Trump has ALL Military Aircraft and left D.C. on January 20th on AF1 29000
with the Nuclear Codes.

Let’s look at more Doomsday activity:

May 12, 2022:

May 12, 2022, the Doomsday Plane took off from Lincoln, Nebraska, flew to Mount
Rushmore, and back to Tampa, Florida.
Now whyyyy would the Air Force want to fly over Mount Rushmore?
What is that little gem on the bottom left?

And what is in Tampa, Florida? MacDill Air Force Base.

MacDill Air Force Base:

Home of the: Strategic Air Command. (SAC).

What did you learn from earlier about SAC?

And again, more proof President Trump’s Military’s in Control:

That’s a Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker aka Refueler down in Peru to Tampa.

U.S. Embassy in Peru closed down in 2020:

U.S. Embassy in Peru brief window to fly:

Amazing how Tampa and MacDill Air Force Base keeps showing up…
Whose office is in Florida again?

May 17th, 2022:

Doomsday Plane yet again flying from Lincoln, Nebraska, where a nearby bunker is…
to Dayton, Ohio, Air Force Base.

That plane is $163,000 an HOUR to operate. And just for the record… the dumb
babbling puppet “Biden” was in Buffalo on that date.

“Biden” in Buffalo - May 17, 2022:
Let me show you EVEN more Optics.

On May 13, 2022, the “Mainstream Media” tells you that the Secretary of Defense
Lloyd Austin told Russia and Ukraine to ceasefire…

Do you really believe Vladmir Putin would listen to the United States if this was
not a plan?

If you think Vladmir Putin is such the bad guy most of you think he is…
plus the Media’s painting him to be… you think he’d listen to a coward
like “Biden” if “Biden” was actually real and President?

Putin called Obama a “dumbo eared baboon” when I was on active

duty. No, you won’t find that on google.

But you can find that Obama was denigrated and called the infamous
“N” word by Putin and his circle.

All the poop for brains, babbling puppet “Biden” does… is talk crap about Putin.

You should be awake by now.

I’ve shown you the picture of Putin and Trump I took on November 9, 2016 twice… “I’m
ready to work with Trump for the ‘Reset.’”

You know why he said he was ready? Because the Military took control, Trump was just
the frontman for the leadership role. The Military via Trump is making everyone show
their crimes to the world.

Did Trump get us into war as all the libtards screamed he would? Not ONE war.

“Biden” (though Optics) told you he’s putting Troops BACK in Somalia this week, May
16, 2022, after Trump pulled us out of that crap hole.

And on May 22, 2022, just 6 days later:

Americans have got to WAKE UP.

Remember the U.S. Corporation Motto: “Create a problem that already has a solution.”
Build, Destroy, Rebuild. Power and Acquisition.

Secretary of Defense travels to Poland and Ukraine

He doesn't fly on Civilian Planes… he only flies on ONE aircraft.

That’s Military Regulation, and also his privilege.

Boeing E-4:

Here’s the OFFICIAL Foreign Travel Logs:

Official Secretary of Defense DOT GOV Travels

Look above. Go to the site.

Records have been kept since 1948.

The last foreign trip on RECORD:

December 2020.

And look who it was… Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller. So, all of a sudden, the
travel logs stopped in December 2020, less than one month after Maritime Law went
into effect on November 3, 2020, as signed in Trump’s Executive Order 13848?

Wake up. So easy, it’s stupid.

“The United States and Russia have established a hotline since the invasion —
which Moscow calls a “special military operation” — to prevent miscalculation
and escalation in the region.”

Secretary of Defense wants ceasefire

“Special Military Operation” - you’re watching the mirror effect as Russia is

bombing Biochemical Labs that were funded by China Communist Party and the
United States Corporation during Obama Admin while JOE BIDEN was Vice

From your Civilian view, all of the above and evidence, should look like Double
Standards which all translate to LIES, TREASON, FRAUD, and CRIMES AGAINST

May 24, 2022, lookie what we have here…

But the Doomsday Plane is just “training”… LOLOL

By a “President” with 28% approval (whoever they are need deporting, but 27.9% of
them have tombstones)… who can’t tie the shoelaces on a Velcro shoe properly…

But he can budget the Military with an aircraft that’s $163,000 per hour to operate
and it’s “just trainingggg” with your taxpayer $$$ with asinine gas costs, taxes,
inflation, etc?


In Oklahoma, they have a weed store called the “Grass Station”… some of y’all need a
full tank of that if you still believe “Biden” is President after all this.

Now you’re ready for Part Three: Optics!

Written in February 2021 (original draft)

Sent first emails in August 2021
Added and edited to Google Doc: May 2022
Written by: Derek Johnson

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