Risk Assement Updated
Risk Assement Updated
Risk Assement Updated
KTC International Co
1-8 Low - L Moderate Injury/Illness Moderate Incident 3 3 6 9 12 15
9- 16 Medium - M Serious Injury/Illness Serious Incident 4 4 8 12 16 20
17-25 High - H Fatal/Permanent disability Major Incident 5 5 10 15 20 25
Likelihood: Health & Safety Severity: Environmental Severity: L: Likelihood
Hazardous Chemical required?
1. Unlikely 1. Slight Injury (No lost time) 1. Slight Incident L*: Likelihood with mitigating controls in place
2. May happen 2. Minor Injury/Illness 2. Minor Incident S: Severity
Yes No
3. Likely 3. Moderate Injury/Illness 3. Moderate Incident S*: Severity with mitigating controls in place
4. Very Likely 4. Serious Injury/Illness 4. Serious Incident R: Level of uncontrolled risk
(Tick as applicable)
5. Certain or Imminent 5. Fatal/ Permanent Disability 5. Major Incident R*: Assessed level of Residual Risk
Hierarchy of Control (Controls identified may be the hierarchy to provide minimum operator exposure)
Elimination Eliminate the Hazard General Safety Requirements:
Substitution Provide an alternative, that can perform the same task and is safer to use The daily Toolbox talk shall be done by
Engineering control Provide or construct a physical barrier or guard the workforce.
Administrative Controls Develop procedures and guidelines, in consultation with employees, to mitigate Risk Assessment and Method Statement shall
the risk. Provide training, instruction, and supervision about the hazard. be communicated to all.
Provide proper PPE to all operatives
Personal Protective equipment Personal Equipment designed to protect the individual from the hazard
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Task: Irrigation System Date:
Persons Initial Risk Residual
Rating OHS & E Risk Rating Responsible
SN Activity Hazard /Aspect Risk / Impact /Property
Existing Controls Measures R* Person
Involved R= =
S P SxP S* P* Sx
Obtain all relevant NOCs from the authorities.
All areas to be clear of obstruction.
All personnel should attend induction training before starting any work
on site.
Work area to be visually inspected for any hazard, adjacent activity,
or unusual condition.
Pre-Task briefing to be conducted daily to brief the workforce on the
Public, tasks and hazards by using the TBT topics.
Slip/ Trip/Fall foreman, Work Work area to be visually inspected for any hazard, adjacent activity,
Site Mobilization
Personnel collided Serious injuries to force or unusual condition.
1 with moving personnel & Consultant & 5 4 20 Guide the movement of delivery vehicles and control operations. 5 1 5 Engineer & Foreman
concrete barriers,
equipment. Fatality employer Check adherence to PPE.
work tools, etc.)
Sharp objects Representatives Barricading and other safety arrangements shall be completed
Presence of reptiles. and visitors before commencing the activity.
Adequate welfare arrangements to be made. Rest area, toilets,
washing area etc.
Only authorized personnel to be allowed near the working area.
Hazards to be communicated to the workforce through TBT
and acknowledged by the workforce.
Communicate and coordinate the activity with the teams nearby
and ensure no clashing in between the works occurs.
Use of machinery to be addressed in TBT and Method Statement Briefing
Trakhees approved third party certified operator to use the
heavy equipment.
All lifting gear must be certified with Trakhees approved third party.
Banks men to be used when maneuvering plant / vehicles.
Always maintain 3m tagline systems for the load.
Unstable ground When machinery or equipment is not in use, it shall be switched off
can lead toppling of and the start key to be removed to prevent the unauthorized
the equipment Serious injuries to operation.
Loading and Collapse of Hiab personnel, Fatality Operator Daily inspection of the equipment by operator with check
2 unloading with Falling of load & Public, 5 4 20 sheet completed. 5 1 5 Engineer & Foreman
Hiab crane. Load hitting to Damaging of Workers and Preventive maintenance for the heavy equipment’s and machinery
personnel / Equipment Materials foreman Provide exclusion zone around the heavy equipment while in motion.
Collision with other Required availability of trained personnel to ensure clearance of way
vehicles in front and behind of operating machinery.
Only competent and authorized personnel are permitted to
use mechanical specialized equipment.
Equipment is to be well maintained and inspected on regular basis as per
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Flashing warning lights to be used on moving plant during night and
low visibility working.
Workers and visitors to wear high visibility vests at site.
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Task: Irrigation System Date:
Persons Initial Risk Residual
Rating OHS & E Risk Rating Responsible
SN Activity Hazard /Aspect Risk / Impact /Property
Existing Controls Measures R* Person
Involved R= =
S P SxP S* P* Sx
Verify Trakhees approved third party competency certificates of
lifting supervisor rigger and operator.
All lifting tackles/accessories such as spreader beam, shackles, slings
etc. to be checked and certified by Trakhees approved third party.
Lifting plan and Risk assessment communication to be done
Follow safe lifting procedures.
Unstable ground Adherence to the Trakhees EHS regulation & DM COP must be ensured.
can lead toppling of Ensure ground is levelled and compacted to place outriggers.
the equipment Serious injuries to Inspect the materials being lifted and remove all loose materials
Operator, to prevent them from falling.
Lifting activity Collapse of mobile personnel, Fatality
Rigger, Public, Lifting Supervisor &
3 carried out crane Falling of load & 5 5 25 No work will be allowed during high wind exceeds 20 km/hr. 5 1 5
Workers and Engineer
with Mobile Load hitting to Damaging of Ensure proper communication between rigger and operator.
crane personnel / Materials Taglines to be attached with the load for better control.
Equipment Collision No locally made tools to be used for lifting heavy objects.
with other vehicles All lifting equipment, accessories and gears are inspected and certified
by a Trakhees approved third party.
Regular Inspection of all lifting accessories and gears
Damaged lifting accessories will not be allowed to use on site.
Unauthorized personnel entry to be controlled in lifting radius by
proper barricading and signages.
All required PPEs should be worn during lifting works
Only authorized personnel to be allowed near the working area.
Hazards to be communicated to the workforce through TBT
and acknowledged by the workforce.
Collision with Communicate and coordinate the activity with the teams nearby
Serious injuries to and ensure no clash in between the works occurs.
personnel, Fatality Appoint a competent person to supervise the activity.
Working near to vehicles Public, Workers
4 & 4 5 20 Ensure appropriate barricades & warning signage has been placed 4 1 4 Engineer & Foreman
the Live roads Vehicle hitting to and foreman
Damaging of around all excavation areas.
the personnel.
Materials Designate trained flag person for traffic control.
Vehicle overturning
to the trenches. Operatives should not jump over area. Use only proper access.
Crossing of Al Khalil Road is prohibited.
Traffic management plan to be developed.
Pre-Task briefing to be conducted daily to brief the workforce on the
Sharp objects tasks and hazards using the MSRA.
Manual Handling sprain/strain Avoid repeated bending and resting on the back.
Dust including back Workers, Use mechanical devices if applicable.
Manually loading Presence of retiles. pain drivers, Apply proper Lifting Technique.
Engineer & Foreman
5 & unloading of Personnel being Personal Injury supervisors’ 4 4 16 Follow adequate manual handling technics. 4 1 4
materials Collided with moving Respiratory engineers and Keep access safe and avoid obstruction. Surveyor
vehicle. problems, heat survey staff Gloves to be worn always.
Slip, trip and fall related illness While working on site access roads proper traffic management
Excessive temperatures procedure must be followed
& humidity. TBT on housekeeping to the operatives for awareness
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Task: Irrigation System Date:
Persons Initial Risk Residual
Rating OHS & E Risk Rating Responsible
SN Activity Hazard /Aspect Risk / Impact /Property
Existing Controls Measures R* Person
Involved R= =
S P SxP S* P* Sx
Survey the route for any obstruction.
Remove all material and debris and maintain good housekeeping.
Existing and as built drawings to be verified by the surveyor
before starting.
Work area to be secured with proper barricading and signages when
low visibility.
Avoid working on roads and machine moving areas during sandstorms
and foggy climate.
Present a morning toolbox talk emphasizing heat stress management
both on and off the job.
Initiate buddy system to early recognition of heat stress symptoms of
co- workers and no lone working.
Arrange for rest area that is significantly cooler (Ventilated) than the
work area.
Restricted working hours in accordance with ministry of
labor requirements.
All work is to be suspended during sandstorm or where visibility is <
5m during heavy downpour and/or strong wind condition.
Lone working should be avoided.
Wear appropriate PPEs,
Not working in one position for long periods of time
Keeping the work at a comfortable height
Locating tools and materials conveniently.
Excavation permit and required NOCs should be obtained before
commencing the work.
Alternative pedestrian access should be provided if there is any
Personnel & vehicles obstruction in the existing footpath area.
falling into trenches Do not obstruct parking lots by keeping excavated materials or barriers.
or excavations Excavations deeper than 1.2 meters will be shored adequately
Tripping over (shoring, Shielding, Sloping and Benching)
equipment, debris and Operatives Do not expose electrical services to the direct sunlight.
Personal Injury/
spoil Public, Daily talk briefing for all crews working with the task. Surveyor, Operators
death to public
Excavation Cave-in Workers, Only manual excavation permitted for trial trenches.
6 or workers 4 5 20 4 1 4 Foreman and
(1.2meter depth) Hazardous atmosphere supervisors’ Provide protection for the existing underground utilities.
Respiratory engineer
(noxious gases/lack of engineers and Implemented emergency procedures must be communicated via
oxygen) survey staff toolbox talks.
Dust Wear adequate hearing protection.
Slip trip Work shall be under competent supervision.
falls, Ensure appropriate barricades (safety cone, concrete & plastic barriers,
Electricity flashlights etc.) & warning signage has been placed around all
Noise excavation areas and access ramps in both sides for the vehicle and
equipment passing along.
Proper access and egress should be provided.
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Task: Irrigation System Date:
Persons Initial Risk Residual
Rating OHS & E Risk Rating Responsible
SN Activity Hazard /Aspect Risk / Impact /Property
Existing Controls Measures R* Person
Involved R= =
S P SxP S* P* Sx
Access and egress - Excavations greater than 1.2 m. in depth shall
be provided with stairs, ladders, or ramps.
Ladders used as access ways shall extend from the bottom of the
excavation to not less than 90 cm (3 feet) above the surface. At least two
stairs, ladders, or ramps, one on each side of excavation shall be
provided with maximum of 15 meters travel distance to facilitate access
and egress of employees from excavation.
Unauthorized entry to be controlled to the work area.
Use appropriate PPE’s such as high visibility vest, Helmet, dust mask,
ear protection etc.
Dust control measures like spraying of water shall be applied.
Use appropriate PPE’s such as dust mask, ear protection etc. whilst bulk.
excavation and working within the diversions and bridge constructions.
All waste should be properly disposed of on a daily basis.
Excavated soil to be stored away from road and pedestrian
locations Maintain good housekeeping at all times.
Alternative access to be provided for pedestrians if existing access
is interrupted by the activity.
All materials to be stacked properly
Sharp edges to be identified and protected prior to lift and load. The
Manual Handling Back strains,
load shall not excess more than 25 kg / person.
pulled muscles,
An additional number of people shall use it if necessary. The access
(Incorrect Posture torn ligaments, Workers, Foreman,
7 Pipe Laying Workers 4 3 12 should be clear of the slip and trip hazards. 4 1 4
Improper lifting hernia, crushed Engineers
Maintain the house keeping standard in workplace.
method Load too fingers, cuts
Care shall be taken while carrying the load through uneven surface.
heavy) from sharp
Manual handling technique to be communicated to for the crews.
PTB to be conducted with work force.
All hand tools should be maintained with care and kept clean and
sharp for the best performance.
Visual checks (inspection) must be done by operatives on tools
prior use.
Can lead to Appropriate personal protective equipment to be used.
Workers, and Do not use damaged/altered tools.
other people Provide retrieve taglines for the hand tools.
Installation of Improper use of hand injuries, as well Foreman and
8 working 4 4 16 Safe storage should be provided for hand tools to avoid damage. 4 1 4
valves and tools as cuts, bruises, engineer
within the
pipe fractures, and Tools shall be secured with proper attachment to avoid failing
dislocations. objects while working at height levels and shafts. Not working in
one position for long periods of time.
Keeping the work at a comfortable height.
Using a footrest when standing for long periods.
Locating tools and materials conveniently.
Minimizing vibration.
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Task: Irrigation System Date:
Persons Initial Risk Residual
Rating OHS & E Risk Rating Responsible
SN Activity Hazard /Aspect Risk / Impact /Property
Existing Controls Measures R* Person
Involved R= =
S P SxP S* P* Sx
All hand tools should be maintained with care and kept clean and
sharp for the best performance.
Visual checks (inspection) must be done by operatives on tools prior use.
Provide guards for the rotating parts.
Can lead to Appropriate personal protective equipment to be used.
musculoskeletal Do not use damaged/altered tools.
Electricity injuries, as well as
Working with supervisors and Provide retrieve taglines for the hand tools.
Noise cuts, bruises, Operators, Foreman
9 electrical power other people 5 4 20 Safe storage should be provided for hand tools to avoid damage. 5 1 5
Vibration fractures and and engineer
tools working within Tools shall be secured with proper attachment to avoid failing
Dust dislocations.
the vicinity objects while working at height levels and shafts.
Electrocution can
Not working in one position for long periods of time
lead to fatality
Keeping the work at a comfortable height
Using a footrest when standing for long periods
Locating tools and materials conveniently
Minimizing vibration.
Appoint a competent person to supervise the activity.
Ensure appropriate barricades & warning signage has been placed
around all excavation areas.
Maintain proper traffic control.
No heavy or vibrating equipment will be used near the excavation.
Struck by and fall into Serious injury or Avoid water accumulation in excavation. Foreman and
10 Backfilling Operatives 5 4 20 5 1 5
excavation death Designate trained flag person for traffic control. engineer
Job rotation to be done every 20 min. during plate compactor operation.
Operatives should not jump over area.
Use only proper access.
Unloading trucks should maintain a safe distance from excavation to
avoid collapse/falling
Normal working hours to be observed with respect to loud
construction noise.
Water to be sprayed to reduce dust levels.
PPE must be worn to avoid noise/dust exposure.
workers and Ensure appropriate hearing protection is worn if working in
Hearing loss, other people close proximity to the air compressor/jack hammer.
Personal Injury, Construction
Compaction with within the Minimize the length of time vibratory tools and equipment are used.
11 Noise, Vibration, Dust Joint/full body 3 3 9 3 1 3 manager, Foreman,
plate compactor vicinity Trained and competent person to be involved in the work.
Vibration Frequent break to be given. engineer, workers
Headache Provide appropriate PPE such as leather gloves. All operatives to be
given hand arm vibration toolbox talk on induction.
Consideration given to minimizing vibration levels when selecting
new equipment.
{Ref: DMCOP Chapter – 14 Hand and Power Operated Tools)}
Can cause heat- Work force Personal to drink 5-7 liters of water\day. Surveyor, Operators,
Working in hot Excessive temperature
12 related illnesses Consultant & 5 4 20 Employees to sit under sun shed during the rest. 5 1 5 Foreman and
environment & & humidity.
such as heat employer engineer
Page 6 of 8
Task: Irrigation System Date:
Persons Initial Risk Residual
Rating OHS & E Risk Rating Responsible
SN Activity Hazard /Aspect Risk / Impact /Property
Existing Controls Measures R* Person
Involved R= =
S P SxP S* P* Sx
directly under exhaustion, heat Representatives Cold water to be available on site and employees to have their
sunlight cramps, and and visitors water coolers filled with water on site.
heat stroke Ensure the availability of plenty of cool drinking water at the worksite.
(also known as Drink plenty of cold water.
sun stroke). As Eating more vegetables and fruits.
your body Appropriate PPEs to protect body against direct exposure to heat or
works to cool hot sun.
itself under Reduced work periods & provide periodic breaks.
extreme or Long sleeved coverall, Sun Glass & Shade.
prolonged heat, Dedicated rest areas with shelters to be provided for remote locations
blood rushes to & Intermittent rest under shades.
the surface of
your skin.
No employee to work alone.
Obtain Non-Objection certificates from the authorities concerned.
Compliance with night permitted work items as per the Trakhees
Flashing amber lights shall be used to warn at night.
Improve communication at shift handover to ensure that new shift
Trip/slips/falls. injury Work force
teams are fully aware of issues that have arisen during the previous Surveyor, Operators,
Exposure to high levels Can cause Consultant &
Working in Night shift.
13 of noise. permanent employer 4 4 16 4 1 4 Foreman and
Shift All areas within the site where the work will be performed during the
Personnel being collided hearing loss. Representatives
night shall be adequately illuminated and all workers shall wear light engineer
with moving vehicles Can lead to risk and visitors
reflected suites.
of injury &
Compliance with the limited noise levels.
During night shift workplace lighting levels should be good enough to
enable people to work, use workplace facilities and move from place
to place in safety and to complete their tasks without the risk of
Barricades in the form of railing for protection of employees &
vehicles against any fall into different levels, opening or warning
against any dangers nearby.
Pre-Task briefing to be conducted daily to brief the workforce on the
tasks and hazards using the MSRA.
Obtain a permit to work before commencing the activities.
sprain/strain Keep access safe and avoid obstruction.
Sharp objects
including back Gloves to be worn always.
Wrong working
pain & Fatality
postures Area should hard barricaded with proper signage’s & flashlights.
death Workers,
Manual handling Remove all material and debris and maintain good housekeeping.
Personal Injury drivers,
Testing and Presence of retiles. Survey points marking areas should be inspected for underground utilities. Engineer & Foreman
14 Electric Shock, supervisors’ 5 4 20 5 1 5
commissioning Personnel being before fixing rebar’s Surveyor
burn engineers and
Collided with moving Work area to be secured with proper barricading and signage’s when low.
Low visibility, survey staff
vehicle. visibility
Slip, trip and fall Present a morning toolbox talk emphasizing heat stress management
problems, heat
Electricity both on and off the job.
related illness
Excessive temperatures Lone working should be avoided.
& humidity. Wear appropriate PPEs,
Page 7 of 8
Task: Irrigation System Date:
Persons Initial Risk Residual
Rating OHS & E Risk Rating Responsible
SN Activity Hazard /Aspect Risk / Impact /Property
Existing Controls Measures R* Person
Involved R= =
S P SxP S* P* Sx
Inadequate Death / First-aid box and trained first abider onsite. Emergency responses
emergency response extensive loss foreman,
should be in accordance with the project emergency response
and arrangements Site Engineer,
Poor communication plan. Emergency contact numbers will be posted at site.
15 Emergency Workers and 5 4 20 5 1 5 Construction
Communication by mobile Project emergency contact help
other people Manager
number. Proper exclusion ones should be maintained at all times
within the
vicinity of work to avoid pedestrian, public, hindrance.
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