Majorship Soc Sci
Majorship Soc Sci
Majorship Soc Sci
These were the new crops introduced by Spanish missionaries to the natives during early Hispanic
days except:
2. Which might be the reason why the Spaniards succeeded in quelling all Filipino revolts?
C. The Spaniards fought the Filipino rebels with strong determination to win.
3. Born in Sta. Cruz, Manila on August 2, 1799; he was the parish priest of Bacoor, Cavity at the time he
was involved in the Cavite Mutiny of 1872.
5. In Rizal’s time, which among the following were pressing issues in Philippine society that were
presented in the El Filibusterismo?
A. Native were already pacified even without teaching them the language.
7. The US battleship sank at the Havana Bay which led to the outbreak of the Spanish-American War:
8. Which of the following was the immediate cause of the outbreak of the War of Philippine
9. When the Japanese came, Manila was declared an “Open City” by McArthur. Open City means:
12. Type of geographic map that talks more about people, countries, and state on earth rather than
about land and water.
13. When you call a friend from other country and say, “summer is usually hot and rainy in any part of
my country”. He/she describes _______.
16. By the virtue of Proclamation Order No. 349, s. 2000 this city was declared as the Special Science and
Nature City of the Philippines.
17. In which place in the Philippines is the DOLE pineapple plantation found?
A. Bukidnon C. Zamboanga
20. Ecosystem is the relationship between the physical and biological environments in a certain plain.
Among desert ecosystems, the world’s largest ecosystem is _______.
22. The country where you can find the Taj Mahal
23. The temple made in Indonesia to accommodate the different religion during the 8th century
26. The most important factor that is affecting all the chemical weathering processes is _______.
A. Vegetation C. Climate
27. What is the term for a group of persons belonging to one community, having one culture and
language, and having the same experience?
28. What element of the state refers to the population living in a state?
A. People C. Sovereignty
B. Territory D. Government
29. What doctrine states that an archipelago should be treated as one unit?
30. What element of the state serves as the agency wherein the will of the state is manifested?
A. People C. Sovereignty
B. Territory D. Government
32. What essential power of the state may be exercised by public service corporations?
33. What phenomenon refers to the intensification of all possible interactions that both the state and
none-state actors in the international community?
A. Sovereignty C. Globalization
34. Who stated that the world is in the constant change, and no one can step on the same river twice?
36. Who wrote the book entitled “The Madness and Civilization”?
37. What is described as the plethora of different social organizations and individuals that interact with
each other?
A. An aspect of sovereignty that refers to the supreme power of the state to rule inside and outside the
state territory
B. An aspect of sovereignty that refers to the supreme power of the state to rule within its territory
D. An aspect of sovereignty that refers to the supreme power of the state to control everything
40. What inherent power of the state refers to its ability to acquire private property for just
compensation and will be used for public purposes?
41. Which type of governance is characterized by a union of partially self-governing states or regions
united by a central government?
A. Democracy C. Socialism
B. Totalitarianism D. Federalism
42. What kind of government is characterized by the fusion of the executive and legislative?
44. What kind of government is described as the government of the people, by the people and for the
A. Democratic B. Polity C.
Unitary D. Federal
47. Prisoners from city jails nationwide are complaining about the detention room that they are
occupying. They feel that they deserve better facilities. What does the Philippine Constitution prescribe
regarding penal facilities?
49. It is a method by which a public officer may be removed from office during his tenure or before the
expiration of his term by a
vote of the people after registration of a petition signed by a required percentage of the qualified voters.
50. It refers to an act of grace proceeding from the power entrusted with the execution of the law
(President of the Philippines). Which exempts the individual on whom it is bestowed the punishment
which the law inflicts for a crime he/she commits.
A. Pardon C. Amnesty
B. Remission D. Commutation
A. China C. India
B. Mesopotamia D. Egypt
52. Sequence the epochs of civilization by timeline from earliest to later dates.
53. The first group of people who build their community in Mesopotamia
A. Akkadian C. Babylonian
B. Chaldean D. Sumerian
B. Buildings constructed for government purposes. D. Temples built for the gods.
56. What inference can you make in the saying “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” in the Code
A. Eyes and teeth will be removed for those who have committed a crime
A. Hinduism C. Zoroastrianism
B. Buddhism D. Islam
58. The community enclosed by the wall established by the Mohenjo-Daro and Harrapans
61. The act of deep respect shown by prostration, that is, kneeling and bowing so low as to have one’s
head touching the ground?
A. Mark Anthony, Marcus and Octavian C. Pompey, Julius Caesar and Marcus
B. Mark Anthony, Lepidus and Octavian D. Mark Anthony, Julius Caesar and Marcus
68. The trading route started during the reign of the Han dynasty
71. The native Indians who became part of the British Military
72. Which led to the creation of Pakistan as a nation in 1947? Religious differences between _______.
73. The first woman who became the head of the Muslim state
76. Who was the Asian senior stateman who removed drugs, unemployment, and dirt waste from his
city state?
79. One of the proponents of the belief that the earth is sphere and the first who computed the
A. Eratosthenes C. Zeno
B. Spartacus D. Renaissance
81. If you believe in the idea of the end justifies the means, who’s idea does you adhere?
B. Socrates D. Machiavelli
82. The small piece of land use as payment by the feudal lords
83. The emperor of the Roman empire who declared Christianism as the official religion of the empire
84. The author of the novel about the two giants entitled Gargantua and Pantraguel
85. The author of the 95 thesis and he exposed the anomalies of the Catholic church
90. The treaty which divided Korea after the civil war
91. The policy imposed by Nikita Khrushchev in USSR which prohibit the circulation of news and
information inside and outside the country
93. The territory which became the reason of the India-Pakistan War
A. Apartheid C. Balfour
98. The Prime Minister of Britain when they exit in European Union
99. The port in the southern of Ukraine which became part of Russia in 2014
105. How can man achieve the highest form of institutionalized social life?
106. Newlywed couples begin to accept each other’s attitudes and sentiments to settle their differences
after being together for several months. This blending and merging of cultural trait is called _____.
A. Arbitration C. Accommodation
B. Accumulation D. Assimilation
107. People living in highly elevated areas have higher tendency of drinking, smoking, and even eating
domestic animals such as
B. Isolation D. Environment
108. According to the resident in Samar, he does not need the highway built by an Australian Aid
program in his hometown because he still rides a carabao. What is wrong with the highway?
109. Who coined “Sociological Imagination” to underscore the relationship between what is happening
in people’s personal lives
110. Which of the following has Traditional Authority as defined by Max Weber?
111. For Karl Marx, what is the classification of slums dwellers who lead marginalized, often criminal
B. Lumpenproletariat D. Bourgeoisie
112. According to Herbert Spencer, there is no need to work for social change because society evolves
A. Dynamically C. Timely
B. Explicitly D. Naturally
113. For Herbert Spencer, this is NOT among cultural values eliminated by industrialized societies.
A. Kinship C. Slavery
B. Selfdom D. Castes
114. While colonization developed the cultural and physical aspects of the colonized nation, its greatest
disadvantage was:
A. Colonies were made markets for surplus products C. Colonial subjects were exploited
A. The field has become dominated by cross-cultural research in order to be competitive in the field
sociologists must take a global approach.
C. It is important to understand how our actions affect others and how the world’s problem affects us.
D. Postmodernism, which has become the leading theoretical paradigm in the field, encourages analysis
that goes beyond traditional linear concepts of what separates one society from another.
116. Among big companies, both private and public, early retirement has been implemented as a
measure that reduces a bloated manpower resource.
B. Cost-saving D. Charitable
117. Identify the ruling class which uses family name, wealth and influence to control government
including its political and economic institutions.
A. Cronies C. Taipans
118. How is marriage considered if a spouse discovers that the person, he or she married has
psychological incapacity?
120. You have to take extra care when you critique the work of a Filipino. Your negative comment may
be mistaken to be an attack against his/her person. Upon which Filipino trait is this advice based
123. The systematic process of gathering information interpreting information and analyzing
information to resolve a specific problem
A. Rationality C. Research
B. Reliability D. Resourcefulness
125. The form of research which can establish the causal relationship among different variables
A. Qualitative C. Quantitative
B. Descriptive D. Experimental
126. The kind of interview which has pre-determined questions that must be answered by a respondent
A. Null C. Contextual
B. Alternative D. Opposite
A. Survey C. Sampling
B. Interview D. Observation
131. Mrs. Francisco assigned the class to make research that seeks opinions about religion amongst
various age groups. As a leader, what sampling method best suited for this kind of research
A. Stratified random sampling C. Simple random sampling
A. Quantitative C. Narrative
B. Qualitative D. Experimental
A. It is an approach for testing objective or theories by examining the relationship among variables.
These variables, in turn, can be measured, typically on instruments, so that numbered data can be
analyzed using statistical procedures.
B. It is an approach to inquiry involving collecting both quantitative and qualitative data, integrating the
two forms of data, and using distinct designs that may involve philosophical assumptions and theoretical
C. The process of research involves emerging questions and procedures, data typically collected in the
participant’s setting, data analysis, inductively building from particulars to general themes, and the
researcher making interpretations of the meaning of the data.
D. It is an approach for exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a
social or human problem.
134. Mr. Lucky will need to know the way of life of the Badjao, which of the following type of research is
applicable to his topic
B. Phenomelogical D. Historical
B. Cohort D. Panel
137. Mr. Jose want to know the possible winners of the incoming election. What method of data
gathering that he will use?
138. EG is doing a study about the development of Land Bank. What kind of research is she doing?
139. The researcher is comparing two variables. What kind of statistical treatment he or she will use?
140. Mr. Krab wanted to know the possible solutions in their problems in line with teaching method.
What type of research is he doing?
B. Historical D. Ethnographic
A. It deals with data and establishing connection among all things or activities involved in research.
B. It is a plan and the procedures for research that span the steps from broad assumptions to detailed
methods of data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
A. Research enables effective time lining and budgeting and delivery of an effective online
communications strategy.
B. Research enables effective online communications strategies with tailored goals and SMART
objectives that support the intent of a client brief.
C. Everything you produce for a client should be supported by yourself without any justification.
D. Research enables the consultant to promote the client’s business/profile delivering key tactics
through appropriate and researched channels.
143. A group of investigators are concerned with studying what they share with others and want to
focus more on the similarities between people. This research approach is called _______?
144. The Tasaday are a Philippine indigenous people of the Lake Sebu area in Mindanao. Which was
committed by a researcher who repackaged information for vested interest, e.g., mocked-up Tasaday
Cave dwellers?
145. Kryz Uy is one of the notable bloggers in the Philippines. She used to write travel information on
her blog to keep the people inform the new travel site in the world. This is an example of _______?
146. What is the main disadvantage of simply following the market economy especially for pleasant
A. Advertising gains from commercial ads.
147. What will happen to the demand in coffee mate if the price of coffee increases?
A. Increase C. Decrease
148. What will be the direction of the shift of demand in ham during the Christmas season?
149. The quantity of product which the producer is willing to sell in a specific period and price
150. The measure of the responsiveness of the demand in the changes in price
151. If the price of refined sugar increases, then what happens to the demand of brown sugar?
B. Nothing, the consumer will still buy refined sugar. D. Depends on the weight of the product.
152. High rate of population growth are problems of less developed countries because of the effects of:
A. Inflation C. Deflation
155. For Adam Smith, the _______ of free market economy will keep prices low that guides the
economy to prosperity.
156. Which theory of Marx states that the difference between the price of commodity and cost of
production belongs to the workers?
157. An individual might buy a certain type of chocolate for a while. Soon, they may buy less and choose
another type of chocolate or buy cookies instead. This is a result of:
158. If a country is relatively better at making wine than wool, it makes sense to put resources onto wine
and to export some of the wine to pay for imports of wool. Which economic term is explained?
159. You have a property worth P500,000. The tax is 1% he pays P5000. If his property is worth
P1,000,000 he pays P10,000. Which does this illustrate?
160. It refers to the ratio of tax collection to gross domestic product (GDP) or the total value of goods
and services produced and paid for within a given period. It measures the government’s ability to shore
up tax collection commensurate with the growth of the economy.
161. The world of nations is suffering from recession and so nations are experiencing the following
162. Of the following cases, which proves Engel’s theory that as income increases, the percentage of
income for food decreases in the case of Pete who received a P20,000.00 raised in salary?
163. Eduardo pointed out a teacher’s error during a discussion. The teacher, however, snapped at him
and threatened him that he’ll be sent out of class if he does not stop arguing with him. This is an
example of:
A. Argumentum ad vericundiam C. Argumentum ad hominem
164. Jeric could not believe what Jane said, but Jane said that many is believing, what fallacy is
166. More than fear, the call for a second is driven by calls to uplift the worlds remaining poor 75% of
whom live in rural areas.
167. Why is the present era in the world named as “Information Age”?
A. This is the period of correcting all erroneous information from the past.
168. According to some postmodern theorists, such as Jean Baudrillard how has the spread of electronic
media affected society?
A. It has led to ever greater levels of consumerism as people are constantly reminded of things, they
don’t have that they would like to own.
B. It has disconnected us from real people and places and led to greater social isolation as we respond to
signs and images that often have little to do with our everyday lives.
C. It has provided new ways for people to connect and create community.
D. It has made us more aware of cultural differences as we are exposed to a wider range of ideas and
169. Samuel Huntington predicted that the cause of the second world war is culture. What is the title of
the book which has the said idea?
171. The basis of new world division which identify the rich countries as the global north and the poor
countries as the global south
172. The basis of China in claiming the territory in West Philippine Sea
B. 9-dash line D. UN
A. 14 C. 18
B. 17 D. 20
175. According to the UN Millennium Development Goals, one way to develop global partnership is to:
A. alve the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic
C. achieve a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers by 2020
A. Taiwan C. Laos
B. Cambodia D. Vietnam
179. The International Monetary Institution which aims to reduce poverty in the world
180. The Multilateral Military Alliance of the countries in Europe and North America
B. It is meant to facilitate trade among Europe, the Islands in the Pacific and Asia
182. The Philippines objected to the advisory on travels to Mindanao by the Australian government.
What should the government do?
183. What is feasible move to stop the conflict that endangers lives in the Southern Philippines?
184. The president of Myanmar who became controversial because of the issue in her Nobel Prize
Award for peace
A. Water temperature in some parts of the Pacific Ocean rose to as much as 14 degrees higher than the
normal condition.
B. The gradual warming of the earth is known as the Greenhouse effect could dramatically change
climates worldwide.
C. Occurrences of hurricanes and heavy rainfall in the mid-Pacific region in a normal condition.
D. Some species of fish like cold-water loving salmon disappeared along the west coast of the United
States but tuna and shrimp were attracted to the warm waters.
186. “We Are the World” for Africa is a single by United Star Artist (USA) in 1985. This single is meant to:
187. China has over one fifth of the world’s population and its leaders believe that its large population
hinders the economic progress of the country and to address this problem they want to achieve equal
death rate and birth rate in population. This government action to limit the population is known as the:
188. Manila has a good medical facility but there is a great need for medical people specially in the rural
areas, the main factor
A. Political unrest and security of rural hospital across the nation due to terrorism and local conflicts.
B. Low quality of graduates that cannot pass both local and international standards for medical
C. Small number of medical graduates like medical doctors and nurses to support the needs of the
D. Great exodus of medical practitioners like Nurses, Medical Technician and Medical Doctors going
189. 17th Century teen missionary who was canonized as the Philippines second saint.
190. It refers to a large igneous province in the West Philippine Basin and morphology of a caldera with
a diameter of 150 km. This is called _______
I. Any toy or other articles intended for use by children, which are hazardous per use
II. Any toy or other articles which bear or contain substances harmful to human being
III. Any hazardous substances intended or packaged in a form suitable for use in the household, which
the implementing agency by regulation, classified as “banned hazardous substance
192. This program was launched by DOTr which greatly affected transport groups and resulted to several
transport strike because one of its provisions includes phasing out of jeepneys.
195. The pressing problem why America has legalized abortion in the country.
196. The main reason of the cities in the Philippines was prohibited plastic bags to the shopping malls.
197. The most successful movie of all time, having generated 2.798 billion U.S. dollars in global box
office revenue.
A. Beijing C. Zandoung
B. Wuhan D. Macao
A. Rohimyans C. Mongols
B. Barbarians D. Indio
200. He was the controversial former Prime Minister of Japan who was assassinated on July 08, 2022, by
a civilian using homemade gun while speaking at a political event in Nara, Japan