Chapter Ii
Chapter Ii
Chapter Ii
mastered by people to express their feelings, ideas, thought, opinion, etc in both
translated into the range of language (Webster, 1988:110). This idea is supported
by Hornby (1984:959) who states that vocabulary is a total number of words with
and opinion with others. On the other hand, language is nothing without knowing
the vocabulary.
and understand written materials if we do not master it. Schmitt stated that no
matter how successfully the sound of the foreign language is mastered, without
idiom. Simple word is a single word that may not have a prefix and suffix,
example: book, pen, bag, etc (Lamb, 1963). Compound word is two or more
existing words, which are simply combining. Idiom is a group of words with
meaning which is different from the individual words and often difficult to
understand, for example: move on, look up, look at, look in, etc.
As stated by Fries (1974:4), vocabulary can be classified into some types namely:
Nouns are words used to identify people, places, things, and ideas. It
1. Adjectival Noun
the way, 2) The poor asked any food from the rich.
2. Animate Noun
3. Collective noun
1) The team joins the match; 2) The audience gives their applause
to the singer.
4. Concrete noun
5. Abstract noun
6. Countable noun
7. Uncountable noun
such as butter, water, sugar. For example: I add some sugar in his
8. Proper noun
events, publications and so on. Proper nouns are not usually used
compound verb asserts something about the subject of the sentence and
categories, such as tense, aspect, and mood. There are some types of
1. Auxiliary verb
Auxiliaries can be used before the word “not”. It is also put before
2. Inchoative verb
examples of inchoative verb are freeze, dry, burn, rise, etc. The
3. Modals
independent than those of lexical verbs. There are nine verbs in this
class: can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should and with
4. Phrasal verb
A regular verb is the verb that follows the pattern of taking –ed for
the past tense and past participle or –d if the word ends in e, such
An irregular verb is the verb that does not take the –ed ending for
the past tense and past participle forms. Some irregular verbs do
In the following examples, the italic words are adjectives: 1) The small
boat foundered on the wine dark sea. 2) The back room was filled with
1. Possessive adjective
A possessive adjective (my, your, her, his, its, our, and their) is
2. Demonstrative Adjective
The demonstrative adjective this, these, that, those, and what are
Substitute words are those words which represent the individual things or
b. Nobody is perfect
Based on the all the kinds of vocabulary above, the writer focused on content
words that consist of noun, verb and adjective. Those three kinds of content word
were considered as the most important word in the part of speech or word order.
As mentioned by Yuliana (2011) the vocabulary items for SMP students based on
2004 English Curriculum are divided into two kinds. Those are the classification
of word according to the theme and class. The theme for the second year students
Vocabulary items based on the theme consist of words that should be learned in
context. It is also taught in a different theme. The theme which was related to
items are produced from genre: descriptive, narrative, recount, procedure, report,
etc. For the second grade student of SMP, genre is classified based on the
semester. In the first semester for example, students are learning narrative text and
for the second semester, students are learning descriptive text. In descriptive text,
successful. Scoot (2007) says that there are four ways of teaching vocabulary.
a definition. The students may be given a list of words and have to look
them up in the dictionary or the teacher may simply give an oral definition
for new vocabulary words without discussing the meaning beyond the
well the students and makes them able to study maximum words in
word in the right context by writing original sentences using the new
vocabulary learning is the most effective, and it saves lot of time of the
evidence helps the learner to find out the meanings of the new words. It is
different contexts surrounding the words. There are two types of context:
the meanings of the new words. The natural context refers to text
meanings of the new words, the students need to know the information
related to the topic in which the words are embedded. Difficult words can
without break and do not give chance to anybody else to speak in the
help to reach at the meanings of the words. Context based approach not
only helps the reader to know the meaning of the words but also help and
The words that have got different meanings with the same spellings and
approach. For example, the word pen is also used as a noun and verb, and
at the same time it has also got the meanings a shed where poultry birds
are kept. In the same way, the sentence such as his fur coat was coated
with ice; He left her alone on the left bank of the river; There is no point in
drying your clothes if they are already dry; She pointed at me and made a
very pointed remark. She drew the curtains to make the room lighter, and
then lighted her cigarette with a lighter; After he had drunk the whisky, the
drunk was very drunk indeed; The referee who refereed the match
helps the learner to understand the meanings of the words that have got
different meanings.
includes the use of concepts maps, semantics maps, and other graphic
technique, the teacher chooses a central word from the text, and key ideas
meanings of the new words, learning new meanings for old words, and
discover the relationships that hold between the various vocabulary items
and the ideas discussed and mapped (Hague, 1987; Johnson & Pearson,
new words under study; second, they integrate these new words into their
existing semantic system and their previous experiences (Brown & Perry,
understand the relationships among words by helping them use their prior
word for clues about what the new word means. A previous study which
prefixes, suffixes, and root help the learner to identify the meanings. The
students do not analyze the sentences to find out the meanings of the word
but analyze the word to follow its meanings. Knowledge about the root
form of the word helps them to build up their vocabulary in logical and in
sequenced way. After getting command over the root form of the word,
build up the vocabulary. The words that are generated by the learner can
words from the given exercises. For example, the students might be asked
to form adjectives and adverbs from nouns or verbs. These exercises will
difficult words such as Full stop indicates the completion of the thought,
All of the ways above is good to teach vocabulary, but in this research the
researcher used the contextual method because the researcher assumed that those
learning method helped the students to memorize the vocabulary and it was also
students may not be interested in learning. But riddle game gave the students
There are many definitions of riddle. According to Evan (1957), riddle is the
guessing the correct response. The guesser may get one or multiple guesses and
sometimes the asker gives clues, but this is not required. Riddle usually has only
one correct answer, and it is commonly provided in the end, even if the guesser
In general, riddle can be divided into two main sections namely enigmas and
observation of the problem statement. Most of the ancient English poems had
these kind of enigmas embedded within them. Conundrums are similar to enigmas
but for the fact that the answer lies hidden in the question itself and application of
the concept of punning can bring out the real answer hidden within the question.
The usage of different meanings with a common spelling too, can extract the
The structure of a riddle typically uses one of several techniques to create a twist,
meanings. If the double meaning is in the words of the question, then the language
creates intentional confusion. The asker intends one meaning and hopes that the
guesser will understand the words differently. Here is an example: It has three
eyes, all in a row. When the red one opens, all freeze. In this riddle, the asker
intends for the guesser to understand the word “eyes” as a connotative, so the
“eyes” is not as the real eyes. The eyes here are the light in traffic light, and the
Riddle game is appropriate with three steps in teaching vocabulary. Riddle is also
challenging for the students, because to correctly solve a riddle, students need:
Riddle requires higher level critical thinking skills, which are often needed in
only ask students to think logically and creatively, but also are a fun challenge to
students, who will be motivated to solve the puzzle the riddle provides.
Wright (1984) said that riddle game provides an entertaining way for students to
riddle, for example, a riddle for the word "umbrella" might go, "When the drops
start to fall, you protect me to keep dry”. Vocabulary riddle work as an oral
activity for the class or as a written assignment in the form of a worksheet. Based
According to Haycraft as cited by Hidayatul points out that there are many ways
3. Taking the students out and introduce words for things seen in a shop
4. Using word game. There are large varieties of these, e.g. riddle which
Using word game is the way that the researcher chooses to play with. In teaching
vocabulary, the researcher will used three stages: pre viewing, while viewing, and
post viewing.
Pre viewing
Telling the students that they are going to play with riddle presented in English
and asking them some questions to stimulate their background knowledge, for
While viewing
In this step, the riddle would be presented more. The purpose of this activity was
to make the students more active and challenging in answering the riddle which
has been given by the teacher. The activities that could be done are:
First viewing is as global understanding. Give the first riddle in English, and try to
solve it together and helped by the teacher. This is to make the students know how
to solve the riddle. So in solving the next riddle, it will be easier. And also ask the
Second viewing is presentation of language. After first viewing, ask the students
Post viewing
Post viewing activities were often connected to the idea of using language that
comes from the riddle. The activity that could be done are asking the students
some questions about their understanding about the topic after being taught by
As we know that there are many techniques in teaching vocabulary and game
could be one of them. Some expert says that games used for teaching vocabulary
have many advantages. Gertrude in her book said that: Games have proven to
1. Games bring in relaxation and fun for students, thus help them learn and
3. Vocabulary games bring real world context into the classroom and
are highly motivating and they give students more opportunity to express
4. Games add diversion to the regular classroom activities," break the ice",
1. Students are more interested in learning the material. When they are
interested with the material, they will pay more attention to the lesson.
2. Students also feel more challenged, because to solve the riddle need a
critical thinking.
3. The teacher also doesn’t need to explain more about the topic, because the