Chapter I

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This chapter consists of background of the problem, formulation of the research,

objectives of the research, uses of the research, scope of the research and

definition of terms.

1.1 Background of the Problem

English as an international language is very important to be learned. By learning

English, the students can help themselves to face their future because English is

needed in facing the globalization era. It is also a top requirement for those

seeking for job because the applicant who master English whether in passive or

active are more favorable than those who do not master it.

One of the most difficult and important aspect of learning a foreign language is

the retention of vocabulary. Vocabulary can not be separated from the language

because vocabulary is a part of language. Vocabulary is important for learning

language because of several reasons. First, the ability to understand the target

language greatly depends on one’s knowledge of vocabulary. Second, vocabulary

acquisition is an important aspect to master all language skills; listening,

speaking, reading, and writing (Edge, 1993).


According to the pre observation which has done by the researcher, students often

find difficulties in using a foreign language because they are lack of vocabulary

and they often forget easily new vocabulary after they get the meaning from

dictionary. Sometimes in speaking class, students can not speak fluently because

they are lack of vocabulary. They say only a few sentences because they can not

find the appropriate vocabulary to be used in expressing their ideas. The same

problem is found in writing classes that students can not write essays easily

because they are lack of vocabulary. Even though they have already learned the

strategies or techniques in writing essays, still they will find difficulties in

constructing sentences. They will find difficulties in choosing and using the

appropriate vocabulary.

Vocabulary is the first step to be taught before teaching other aspects of language.

Vocabulary mastery is essential part of English as a foreign language. There is no

doubt that vocabulary mastery plays an important role in the four language skills.

It gives contribution to the learners to perform or practice their skills better.

Because of that reason, by mastering the vocabulary, they will be able to produce

so many sentences easily either in spoken or written and to receive words in

reading and listening.

Without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed because vocabulary is the flesh of a

language. In order to be able to use the language productively, students must

know certain amount of vocabulary, not only for communicating orally, but also

in writing. It is in line with the concept of communicative approach in which


learners have a big chance to use the language directly in classroom activities.

This approach is useful in improving students’ vocabulary. Through the approach

students are forced to use the language directly either in spoken or written


Vocabulary must not be neglected by everyone who learns a language. The

students need to master it in order to master the language. That’s why teaching

vocabulary considered as the most important thing in the English language


The mastery of structure of the language without adequate mastery of vocabulary

could not guarantee a capability of communication in English. Vocabulary is very

important to be mastered since it is an essential means for conducting

communication. Therefore, vocabulary mastery must be on the first priority in

English language teaching and learning. Without mastering the vocabulary the

learners will get difficulty to master the other language skills.

Unfortunately, based on the researcher’s experience when she was teaching

English course at Junior high school, she found that 9 out of 10 students are lack

of vocabulary. They got difficulties in learning English. They also became passive

in doing the activity in the class. It’s hard for them to express their ideas. They

often used the wrong words when expressing their opinion. That problem also

affected to students motivation in learning language.


Another possible problem was that the way of teaching and learning vocabulary

used by the teacher is monotonous. It made the students bored while learning

language. Because of that reason, the English teacher should create the technique

or using an interesting media in teaching in order to make the students more

interesting in learning English.

From the researchers’ preliminary study at the second semester of the second year

students in SMP N 2 Abung Selatan, it was found that most of students are lack of

vocabulary and also low motivation in learning language. They became passive

during the teaching learning process, because they could not understand the

meaning of the words. They can not get the information from the lesson. They

also had low motivation in learning English. They neglected the teacher who is

teaching in front of the class.

It is not an easy thing to teach English subject to the students, especially to make

them mastered the vocabulary. Therefore it is important to make the students

enjoy studying English especially vocabulary by making an interesting condition

in the class. So choosing appropriate technique and media in teaching vocabulary

is important in order to improve their vocabulary.

Considering the statement above, the researcher was interested to use an enjoyable

media and technique that can motivate the students in learning vocabulary. Riddle

is chosen to be used as a media and also technique in this research.


Riddle is excellent tools because they require students to practice a variety of

language skills in order to find a solution. Riddle requires higher level critical

thinking skills, which is often needed in language learning, especially in the early

stages of language acquisition where a significant amount of time is devoted to

memorization and repetition. Riddle not only asks students to think logically and

creatively, but also a fun challenge to students, who will be motivated to solve the

puzzle the riddle provides.

Yuliana (2011) also has conducted a research about using riddle in improving

students’ vocabulary and the result was riddle could improve students’ vocabulary

because they can easily remember the vocabulary.

One interesting feature of riddle is that they appeal to all age groups, from the

wise and experienced to the very young. Over the years the nature of riddle has

changed. Riddle game require ingenuity to solving riddle, so it can make students’

more training their brain, with it students can be more motivated to learn


By conducting this research, it is hoped to produce model that is effective and can

be used by the teacher in using riddle game in teaching vocabulary in order to

help students improve their vocabulary mastery and their participation during

teaching learning process.

To reach the result, the researcher uses action research in her research. It was

chosen because by using action research the researcher considered to improve the

process of learning, could find the solution of every problem in every cycle, and it

could be fixed in the next cycle. Action research provides the best way to identify

the steps of using riddle in teaching vocabulary. Finally the procedures of

teaching vocabulary through riddle can be developed for the improvement of

learning process based on the emphirical data collected in this research.

1.2 Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background discussed above, the writer would like to formulate the

problem as follows:

1. How can the use of riddle improve students’ vocabulary mastery at second

year of SMPN 2 Abung Selatan?

2. How can the use of riddle improve students’ activity during teaching

learning process?

1.3 Objective of the Research

Based on the problem above, the objectives of this research are as follows:

1. To find out how the use of riddle improve students vocabulary mastery.

2. To find out how the use of riddle improve students’ activity during

teaching learning process.

1.4 Uses of the Research

This research will be useful both practically and theoretically.

1. Practically

Hopefully, this research would be useful for the English teacher, students,

and school.

a. The teacher

Through this research, the English teacher could use the riddle as the

media and also as a technique in teaching vocabulary and also could

improve his or her teaching performance.

b. The students

The use of riddle in this research would make the students get

accustomed to use English as the target language. So, by using riddle,

the students could be helped to improve their vocabulary and also their

learning activity during the teaching learning process.

c. The school

The result of this research could be used as a consideration for the

school in order to use riddle as the media and also a technique in

teaching vocabulary. Although this media could be used only for

specific lesson, but it could be used for all levels, not excepted for

intermediate level.

2. Theoretically

The result of this research produced a new method how to use riddle

effectively in teaching learning process, especially in conducting the

vocabulary class.

1.5 Scope of the Research

This research is conducted in SMPN 2 Abung Selatan. The subject of this research

is the second year students in class VIII E. In this Action Research, the researcher

conducts two cycles. The first cycle is done based on the problems of the research

and the next cycle is done based on the result of the analysis and the reflection

from the previous cycle.

Besides the students’ vocabulary mastery, the researcher also focused on students’

learning activities covered to their activities on pre – activities, while – activities,

and post – activities.

1.6 Definition of Term

a. Teaching Vocabulary

Teaching vocabulary means the process of giving knowledge to others the

goal of which is to improve vocabulary of the students.

b. Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary mastery is the ability of students to use English vocabulary in

teaching learning process.

c. Riddle

Riddle is a question that is amusing and typically presented as a game.

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