Audit Report Requirements FSSC 22000 Version 6 1685175466
Audit Report Requirements FSSC 22000 Version 6 1685175466
Audit Report Requirements FSSC 22000 Version 6 1685175466
This document has been developed to ensure a high caliber of audit reporting and sets out the
minimum requirements and expectations in terms of the content and the level of detail required
in FSSC 22000 audit reports.
CBs shall only use the mandatory FSSC 22000 audit reports provided by the Foundation. The
completed audit report shall clearly demonstrate that the FSSC 22000 Scheme requirements have
been addressed by the organization and meet the ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 as well as the GFSI
1. Be used by all Integrity Program Assessors to determine CB conformance with FSSC 22000
audit reporting requirements;
2. Be used by all CBs to train their auditors and personnel involved in the review and
certification decision process on the content requirements of the audit report, to ensure a
robust certification process.
ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015, clause and requires: “the audit report shall provide an
accurate, concise and clear record of the audit to enable an informed certification decision to be
made”. In addition, it also requires “audit findings (audit findings summarizing conformity and
detailing nonconformity), reference to evidence and conclusions, consistent with the requirements
of the type of audit” shall be included.
GFSI Version 2020.1 Part 2 – 5.17: The Certification Program Owner shall ensure that the audit
report contains evidence that all the specified requirements of the Certification Program related
to the GFSI scope(s) of recognition have been evaluated during the audit and clearly express the
outcome of the evaluation.
This document details the minimum audit report content that is required to be included in audit
In the case of multi-site certification, separate report(s) may be produced for the Central function
(similar to a head office report), including a consolidated nonconformity report and reports for
each of the sites, respectively, in which case the site reports shall meet the content requirements
as set out in this Annex.
Alternatively, one audit report may be produced for the multi-site organization, including the
Central function information, in which case specific information about each site audited is required
and complies with the content of this Annex. The summary sections of the audit report shall clearly
reflect what was audited at each site with supporting objective evidence to show that the Scheme
requirements were audited at each site. The minimum content of the Central functions shall
include a description of the centralized functions, including details on internal audits, how this is
managed and controlled by the group, and the competency of the internal auditors. The
requirements referenced in the FSSC 22000 Additional requirement 2.5.18 shall be included in the
Central function section of the report.
1. This document sets out the minimum requirements in each section of the audit report. For the
clauses of ISO 22000, the relevant PRP/s, and the additional FSSC 22000 requirements, it
explains the minimum content required to be documented in each section.
2. The text in blue font represents an overview of what is expected to be detailed in the audit
report, it is not intended to be an exhaustive list and the auditor(s) need to demonstrate that
all requirements of the clause(s) have been assessed supported by objective evidence and
suitable audit trails.
3. Checklists – summary section per clause shall contain:
a) An overview of the section, including evidence assessed to demonstrate compliance or
non-compliance to the clauses in the section.
b) Checklist summaries shall be sufficiently detailed to allow insight and an overview and not
be oversimplified, or just indicate “conformance with the requirements was noted” or any
other vague descriptions of similar effect.
4. In relation to nonconformities raised, the following shall apply:
a. Nonconformities shall not be reported against more than one clause within FSSC 22000;
b. The nonconformity shall always be written to the most specific clause and not be grouped
unless a systemic issue is identified, in which case the expectation is that in most cases the
nonconformity is raised to a higher grade i.e., a major.
c. Nonconformities shall reference the objective evidence to justify the nonconformity and
clearly identify why the requirement is not being met;
d. The Nonconformity Report issued by the CB shall meet the content requirements of section
3.3 of this Annex. The CBs Nonconformity report shall be uploaded to the Assurance
Platform for each audit.
5. In exceptional cases, certain requirements can be deemed not applicable (N/A). Where a
requirement is deemed to be N/A then suitable justification shall be recorded in the relevant
section of the audit report. Note: this only applies to those clauses in the audit report that have
the option to select N/A; all other clauses shall be audited in full.
6. Where Design and Development is permitted to be added to the scope of the certificate as per
the requirements of Annex 1, Section 3, then particular attention shall be paid to documenting
what was audited, including the interface of the process with the FSMS. This includes detailing
the design and development process in the audit plan, the audit program, and the audit report.
7. Where ICT is used during an audit, the details of the type of ICT used and which
clauses/departments were audited using ICT must be clearly indicated in the audit report and
the audit plan and meet the requirements in Annex 5.
8. CBs are required to issue the full FSSC audit report as supplied by The Foundation, the content
of which meets the requirements of this Annex, to clients for all certification audits including
surveillance audits. The full audit report consists of the audit checklists for ISO 22000:2018, the
relevant PRP standard/s and the additional FSSC 22000 requirements.
9. As per ISO/IEC 17021-1, the audit report must be provided to the organization. Annexes
provided to the organization shall include the nonconformity report, audit plan, and the audit
10. The complete audit pack shall be uploaded into the Assurance Platform along with
attachments in PDF including the final audit report, audit plan, audit program, integrity
declaration, attendance register and nonconformity reports. Supporting audit documentation
shall be uploaded as a zipped file to facilitate uploading into the Assurance Platform. It is not
required to upload supporting evidence for closure of nonconformities into the Assurance
Platform. The mandatory fields and nonconformity details for upload in the Assurance
Platform shall always be completed in English.
1) This Annex is designed for food manufacturing audits, and the ISO/TS 22002-1:2009 PRP
checklist is used in this example. It applies to Food Chain Categories BIII, C and K.
2) For Food Chain Categories A, D, E, FI, G or I the level of detail in the summary sections for
the relevant PRP standard shall be aligned with what is reflected in this Annex, even though
the content will vary depending on the PRP standard.
3) In all cases, verify the latest FSSC 22000 BoS decision list available on the FSSC website to
ensure all audit requirements are covered and reflected in the audit report.
4) Audit attachments: when uploading scans of documents, these must be legible and of good
General description of Brief history of company for example, how long in business,
audited organization purpose built/prior use, main markets (local/international)
Overview of products produced/services provided, main
processes, number of processing lines, organizational structure
including relationship with Head Office or off-site activities where
relevant; Level of complexity and risk regarding food safety.
**No marketing jargon to be included**
Overview of seasonal Describe what seasonal activities are conducted. (For example:
activities • Processing of stone fruit September - October
• Processing of root vegetables March – October)
Indicate “None” if not applicable
Location/Address of Head Full physical address (or other unique identification of site
office location i.e., GPS, GLN etc. where a physical address is not
Number of sites Number of sites included under the head office functions
Description of Head office Describe which functions are conducted at Head Office that are
functions common to the certified sites. For example: procurement, human
resource management, etc.
Indicate if the head office is a separate audit or whether
conducted as part of the site audit(s). A separate head office
report shall always be generated where the head office is
connected to more than one site.
Duration of off-site
activity audit/s (in hours)
Activities at location/s Describe the activities that are conducted at an off-site location,
where they are under the same legal entity and same FSMS (refer
FSSC 22000 Scheme requirements Part 3, section 5.2.2). For
a) Off-site storage
b) Off-site manufacturing
c) Cross-docking
Duration of Central
Functions audit (in hours)
CB Name and office CB and office name if local office
location (if different from
main CB)
Audit criteria Normative documents i.e., ISO 22000:2018, the specific PRP
standard/s and the FSSC 22000 additional requirements (Version
Defined processes and documentation of the management
system of the organization;
Legal and regulatory requirements and customer requirements
Exclusions (when Describe the exclusions from the scope and provide adequate
appropriate and detailed) justification to support the scope exclusion in accordance with
the requirements of Annex 1.
Verification of the scope Confirm that the scope statement is an accurate reflection of the
statement organization’s activities
Note: The table shall be completed per audit date and per audit team member in the case of an
audit team and reflect the actual time spent auditing. Where this differs from the audit plan, the
justification shall be recorded under deviation from audit plan – 2.2
Management system Overview of clients FSMS, level of documentation established
documentation including and applicable legislative and customer requirements,
the ability to meet including level of implementation.
statutory, regulatory and Detail relevant regulatory approvals/authorizations reviewed,
customer requirements relating to compliance with regulatory aspects.
Client’s site-specific Summary description of site environment and any external
conditions (environment; risks.
equipment and processes) Short list of principle processes and key equipment used.
Organizational planning ISO 22000 clauses 4, 5, 6, 7
and control
Status with regard to key performance, processes, objectives,
Status with regard to:
and operation of management system.
a) Key performance
b) Processes Detail if the FSMS is designed to achieve the organizations food
c) Objectives safety policy, and that the FSMS has arrangements in place to
d) Operation of communicate internally and externally.
management system Confirm whether the organization has implemented externally
developed elements of the FSMS. If so, whether it is suitable
for the organization, developed in conformity to requirements
of ISO 22000, relevant PRP standard, and FSSC additional
requirements, and is kept up to date.
Operational planning and ISO 22000 clause 8
control including an
Provide an overview of the HACCP system, by including a
overview of PRPs, HACCP
summary of:
system and level of
controls established • PRPs appropriate to the business,
• Significant food safety hazards identified and their
• Methodologies used to conduct the hazard assessment
and the selection and categorization of control
measures (OPRP and CCP),
• Overview of OPRP(s) and CCP(s), including their action
criteria/critical limits, monitoring systems, and
corrective actions for breach of action criteria/critical
• Validation process implementation and results,
• Verification activities implementation status,
• General description of the level of implementation of
the hazard control plan, and
• Detail the sites controls over any outsourced
Planning needs Detail any particular planning required for Stage 2 (i.e., certain
activities taking place during shifts or at different times or
locations as applicable).
Disclaimer: Auditing is based on a sampling process of the available information at the time of the
Registered legal name Name of organization to be certified.
General description of Brief history of company for example, how long in business,
audited organization purpose built/prior use, main markets (local/international).
Overview of products produced/services provided, main
processes, number of processing lines, organizational structure
including relationship with Head Office or off-site activities
where relevant; Level of complexity and risk regarding food
**No marketing jargon to be included**
Significant changes since Identify any key changes to the organization since the previous
the previous audit audit.
Seasonal activities Describe what seasonal activities are conducted. (For example:
• Processing of stone fruit September – October
• Processing of root vegetables March – October)
Indicate “None” if not applicable
Location/Address of Head Full physical address (or other unique identification of site
office location i.e., GPS, GLN etc. where a physical address is not
Number of sites Number of sites included under the head office functions.
Overview of Head office Describe which functions are conducted at Head Office that are
functions common to the certified sites. For example: procurement, human
resource management, etc.
Indicate if the head office is a separate audit or whether
conducted as part of the site audit(s). A separate head office
report shall always be generated where the head office is
connected to more than one site.
Duration of off-site
activity audit/s (in hours)
Activities at location/s Describe the activities that are conducted at an off-site location,
where they are under the same legal entity and same FSMS (refer
FSSC 22000 Scheme requirements Part 3, section 5.2.2). For
a) Off-site storage
b) Off-site manufacturing
c) Cross-docking
Duration of Central
Functions audit (in hours)
CB Name and office CB and office name if local office
location (if different from
main CB)
Audit criteria Normative documents i.e., ISO 22000: 2018, the specific PRP
standard/s and the FSSC 22000 additional requirements
(Version 6);
Defined processes and documentation of the management
system of the organization;
Legal and regulatory requirements and customer requirements
Deviation from audit Provide justification where audit duration differs from
duration calculated duration
Exclusions (when Describe the exclusions from the scope and provide adequate
appropriate, including justification to support the scope exclusion in accordance with
justification) the requirements of Annex 1.
Verification of the scope Confirm that the scope statement is an accurate reflection of the
statement organization’s activities
Deviation from audit plan Describe deviations to the audit plan and their reasons where
Auditor name Includes lead auditor, auditor, i.e., DD/MM/YYYY i.e., 8 hours
translators, technical expert, remote/onsite
witnessor, trainees, observers
Note: The table shall be completed per audit date and per audit team member in the case of an
audit team and reflect the actual time spent auditing. Where this differs from the audit plan, the
justification shall be recorded under deviation from audit plan section – 2.2
Announced /
Actions taken on NCs Provide comments on the organization’s ability to determine the
raised at previous audit root causes of any previously identified nonconformities, as
appropriate, and on the effectiveness of the actions it has taken
to correct such situations and prevent their recurrence. It should
also comment on the sufficiency of the organization’s formal
processes for corrective action.
Audit summary High level summary – aimed at senior management of
organization to understand how the FSMS is performing and
what actions they need to take to address any shortfalls.
Provide a statement on the conformity and the effectiveness of
the management system together with a summary of the
evidence relating to:
a) The capability of the management system to meet
applicable requirements, food safety objectives and expected
• b) Progress the organization has made against its objectives
since the last audit (however, for an initial certification, this
section may need to acknowledge that the organization had
not yet developed sufficient history of such achievement for
auditing purposes)
• c) Significant food safety issues that senior management need
to be aware of (major/critical findings; trends in recalls etc.)
• d) The internal audit and management review process;
• e) Detail outcome of previous audit results
• f) For recertification audit – indicate how the FSMS has evolved
over the three-year cycle
The structure of the executive summary should follow the order
of the main report.
Confirmation that audit Positive statement: do not leave blank. If an objective was not
objectives have been met, indicate why
# Major nonconformities
# Minor nonconformities
# Requirement NC statement Root Cause Analysis Corrective Action Plan Correction Acceptance of
Reference (incl objective evidence) (determine why it arose) (action to prevent repeat; (to address the correction, CAP,
person responsible, due date immediate issue) and evidence
(std., clause)
for completion) (auditor and
1 For example: Provide a clear statement Completed by client Completed by client Completed by Auditor name
ISO of the deviation to the client and date of
22000:2018 requirement. acceptance of
Provide detailed objective Root cause
evidence. analysis, CAP,
and correction
Indicate potential or
actual impact on food
Follow-up Audit
# Requirement NC statement Root Cause Corrective Action Correction Objective Acceptance of
Reference (incl objective Analysis Plan (to address the Evidence correction, CAP,
evidence) (determine why it (action to prevent immediate issue) & Reviewed corrective action
(std., clause)
arose) repeat; person corrective action (to close out taken and
responsible; due date taken the NC) evidence
for completion) (to prevent repeat) (auditor and date)
1 For example: Provide a clear Completed by Completed by client Completed by client Indicate Auditor name and
ISO statement of the client evidence date of acceptance
22000:2018 deviation to the reviewed to of Root cause
requirement. close the NC analysis, CAP,
Provide detailed i.e., document correction,
objective name and corrective action
evidence. number taken including
objective evidence
potential or
actual impact on
food safety.
Onsite close out: Yes/No Follow-up onsite audit date (where DD/MM/YYYY
# Requirement NC statement Root Cause Corrective Action Plan Correction Objective Evidence Acceptance of
Reference (incl objective Analysis (action to prevent (to address the Reviewed correction and
evidence) (determine why it repeat; person immediate (relating to the CAP
(std., clause)
arose) responsible; due date issue) correction) (auditor and date)
for completion)
1 For example: Provide a clear Completed by Completed by client Completed by Indicate evidence Auditor name and
ISO statement of client client reviewed for the date of acceptance
22000:2018 the deviation to correction i.e., of Root cause
the document name analysis, CAP,
requirement. and number correction, and
Provide detailed objective evidence
The auditor shall obtain written acknowledgement of the nonconformities from the organization at the end of the audit.
Number of HACCP studies (linked Indicate the number of HACCP studies – linked to the
to product groups) product group
Number of shifts
Description of activities per shift if Where activities are different across shifts, provide short
different from main shift overview of activities per shift
In addition to completing the above mandatory fields, the audit duration calculation shall be uploaded
in the FSSC Assurance Platform as a separate document for each audit. The audit duration calculator
that is uploaded to the Assurance Platform shall include the formula, and the calculation with all the
steps, for the initial certification audit, surveillance audit and the recertification audit.
Disclaimer: Auditing is based on a sampling process of the available information at the time of the
Note: Although the checklists are not recorded to sub-sub clause level in all instances, it is required
that where nonconformances are identified, these shall be raised against the relevant sub-sub clause,
where applicable and indicated as such in the nonconformity summary section of the report and the
CB nonconformity record supplied to the organization.
Provide an overview of the context of the organization including examples of internal and external issues
identified (positive and negative factors) that impact the ability of the FSMS in achieving its intended
results and how this aligns with continual improvement of the FSMS. This section can be cross-referenced
with ISO 22000:2018 clause 6.1.2. Detail what mechanisms are in place to stay up to date and meet
relevant statutory, regulatory and customer requirements relating to food safety. Summarize the status
of any governmental or regulatory inspection findings where relevant and include any significant changes
to legislation which impacts the FSMS and whether the site has effectively adopted the changes.
5 Leadership
5.2 Policy
Provide an overview including objective evidence assessed:
a) Leadership and commitment of top management with respect to the FSMS, including evidence that the
food safety policy and objectives have been established by top management, communicated and are
compatible with the strategic direction of the organization and have been integrated into the FSMS;
b) Confirmation that organization has sufficient resources available to maintain the FSMS and are being
supported by top management; responsibilities and authority for relevant roles have been established
and communicated including responsibility for the FSMS, the food safety team and the FS team leader
(incl. job description for food safety team leader meets requirements)
c) Detail reporting mechanisms of the team to top management and how all staff can report food safety
issues. How does the organization make the policy available to each individual worker – linked to food
safety culture;
d) How continual improvement is promoted within the organization
The summary shall include confirmation that an interview was held with top management, including who
was interviewed.
6 Planning
Provide an overview of how risks and opportunities are identified and addressed (including actions)
relating to the performance and effectiveness of the FSMS and how the effectiveness of the actions will be
That objectives have been established and are SMART; describing the monitoring and review process and
communication process (internal and external) with examples to illustrate.
How changes within the FSMS are dealt with, including how the organization plans for changes. Whether
the organization applied the process approach when implementing changes, taking into account the
PDCA principles. Provide examples of significant changes that have taken place since the previous audit,
how they were managed and the effect on the operational FSMS, if applicable.
7 Support
7.1 Resources
7.1.1 General
7.1.2 People
7.1.3 Infrastructure
7.2 Competence
7.3 Awareness
7.4 Communication
7.4.1 General
7.5.1 General
Provide an overview including objective evidence assessed:
Resources; Competence & Awareness
Detail whether the organization has assessed their resource needs and has sufficient resources in place
to support the FSMS. Provide an overview including confirmation that defined and documented
competence requirements are available for all personnel conducting work under the organization’s
control that affects its food safety performance and effectiveness of the FSMS, incl. records of training.
For external experts, details of requirements, competency, and scope of work (may be identified in
contract). Provide an overview of the food safety team (multidisciplinary, disciplines/areas covered).
Detailed evidence of competency for the food safety team and personnel that are responsible for the
operation of the hazard control plan.
Control of externally provided processes, products or services
Detail which externally provided elements, processes (incl. outsourced processes), products or services
are present. How is the impact on food safety assessed, criteria for control (selection, evaluation,
monitoring and re-evaluation) determined, communication managed, and effectiveness verified?
8 Operation
8.4.1 General General General General
8.8.1 Verification
8.9.1 General
8.9.2 Corrections General Disposition of
nonconforming products
8.9.5 Withdrawal/recall
Provide an overview of Operational planning and control including how actions determined in 6.1 have
been implemented and how the organization manages the consequences of any unintended changes.
Detail the controls in place for any subcontracted or outsourced processes.
Prerequisite Programs (PRPs): Do not list all the individual PRP documents here. Reference in this
summary section that the details relating to PRPs are reflected in the relevant PRP checklist (ISO/TS 22002-
x as applicable). Comment on the effectiveness of the implementation and verification of PRP's across the
site in a general sense.
Traceability System: Define how the organization ensures traceability (one up- one down principle) and
that it meets any relevant legislative and customer requirements. Reference the frequency of traceability
testing (incl. mass balance) and when the last test was conducted and which product. Detail the
traceability exercise conducted by the auditor during this audit and report results (detail product tested,
whether speed of completion was in accordance with the organizations procedures, and the outcome of
test/mass balance). Where the organization undertakes rework, define how traceability is maintained.
Emergency preparedness and response: Detail the document that addresses the management of potential
emergency situations. Detail if there have been any emergency situations since the last audit, how the
organization handled these, including actions taken and whether requirements were met. Document the
frequency (e.g., annually), date, nature and outcome of the periodic test and any changes to the
procedures following the occurrence of any incident, emergency situations or tests. Detail whether the
procedure addresses the management of interruptions of essential services including for example the
disruption of water, electricity, or refrigeration supply.
Hazard control: Brief overview of preliminary information collected, including product descriptions,
intended use and vulnerable groups. Reference the flowcharts, indicate when the flowcharts were last
updated and if they have been revised following changes to the process. Reference flowchart/s verified
during audit by the auditor and whether the requirement has been met.
Confirmation that the relevant types of hazards (chemical, physical, microbiological, allergens) have been
considered in the hazard analysis. Describe the methodology used to assess significant hazards, control
measures and determining OPRPs and CCPs. Confirm that all CCPs and OPRPs have been validated and
the effectiveness there-of. Complete the below table and add additional rows if needed.
E.g., CCP 1 E.g., Heat treatment E.g., 121°C for 3 E.g., Monitoring: XX
minutes Correction: XX
Corrective action: XX
*All CCPs and OPRPs are required to be verified by the auditor during the audit. Where a line is not
operational at the time of the audit, and physical verification cannot be undertaken, the records shall still
be verified.
Detail the CCP(s) and OPRP(s) records checked as part of the audit.
Where packaging is used to impart or provide a functional effect on food (e.g., shelf-life extension) the
organization has specified requirements in place. **Reference may be made to the FSSC additional
requirement 2.5.11 to avoid duplication.
HACCP review – detail process and when last update was made and how this ties back to the management
Control of monitoring and measuring: Detail the processes in place for control of monitoring and
measuring equipment.
Verification related to PRPs and the hazard control plan: Detail verification activities undertaken, and
detail documented evidence sampled including testing results of end product samples.
Control of product and process nonconformities: where the critical limits or action criteria have not been
met since the last audit, detail if the procedure was followed and if the effectiveness of corrective actions
was verified. Document examples there-of. Detail how the organization prevents potentially unsafe
products from entering the food chain and positive release procedure. Detail examples of nonconforming
products that have occurred since the last audit and the actions taken based on records reviewed.
Establish whether an effective recall system has been implemented and shall include the details of the
last mock recall conducted and the effectiveness thereof. Document any actual withdrawals/recalls since
last audit, the outcome and how this was reviewed, and any amendments made as a result of the
recall/withdrawal. Further details on recalls in ISO/TS 22002-1: clause 15.
9 Performance evaluation
9.1.1 General
9.3.1 General
Monitoring, measuring, analysis and evaluation: Detail what is monitored/measured and whether the
requirements of 9.1 are met in support of the evaluation and performance of the FSMS. Provide an
overview of the analysis of information from the monitoring and measuring activities, including the results
and trends of verification activities related to PRPs, the Hazard control plan and internal and external
audits. Confirmation that analysis achieves 9.1.2 a-e and is used as an input for management review and
updating the FSMS.
Internal audit: Provide an overview of the internal audit program, including frequency, competency and
impartiality of internal auditors and how corrective actions are dealt with. The audit program shall
confirm that the frequency of internal audits is based on risk, in accordance with 9.2.1 (a). Indicate
whether the audit program includes all aspects of FSSC 22000 (ISO 22000, PRP's, FSSC 22000 part 2 and
BoS decisions as applicable) as part of the audit criteria and is sufficiently reflected in the internal audit
reports. Detail records of internal audit reports sampled. Indicate status of corrective actions for NCs
identified during internal audits (link to improvement), follow-up actions/verification and escalation
mechanisms should NCs not be addressed, or audit program falls behind.
Management review: Provide an overview of the management review process and its effectiveness
including frequency of meetings (minimum once per annum) and participation of senior management
(goes to leadership). Reference any significant issues raised at the management review (internal/external
risks/opportunities, and significant changes planned/occurred) and whether the organization is
effectively handling these issues. Provide an overview of the output of the management review and any
changes to the FSMS, Food Safety Policy, and/or objectives, and any resource requirements. Indicate
whether all aspects (inputs, 9.3.2 and outputs, 9.3.3) are addressed in the documented information
retained as evidence of the results of the management reviews e.g., agenda and meeting minutes, and
detail the date of the last Management Review. Confirm that suitable decisions and actions have been
taken to ensure continual improvement and maintenance of the FSMS in line with the Scheme, as a result
of the output of the management review.
10 Improvement
Provide an overview of the nonconformity and corrective action system, including customer complaints.
Detail how corrective actions are handled incl. root cause, whether similar NCs exist, implementing
correction, and corrective action, follow-up/verification (review effectiveness of CA). Detail the NCs/CAs
sampled during the audit.
Describe mechanisms or actions taken by management to ensure continual improvement relating to the
suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the FSMS.
Updating the FSMS – confirm that FSMS is continually updated and how this is monitored and achieved
taking into consideration the requirements in 10.3.
4.2 Environment
General Requirements: Describe types of buildings (i.e., production, offices, storage, workshops,
warehousing etc.), their state of repair and any updates or changes.
Environment: Describe what activities take place in adjacent areas to the site (i.e., industrial units, open
paddocks etc.), and whether risks have been considered. Detail the last review date and outcome of the
effectiveness of measures to protect against potential contamination.
Location of establishment: Describe site boundaries (fencing, adjacent buildings etc.). Access details can
be referred to clause 18.2 of the Food PRP to avoid duplication. Comment on general maintenance of site
(vegetation, roads, yards, parking areas, and standing water).
Comment on adequacy of design, layout, equipment, and traffic patterns with respect to impact on food
safety, including facilitating cleaning and maintenance activities. Zoning (physical separation of raw from
processed areas), materials and human flow patterns mapped.
Comment on the maintenance of floors, walls, ceilings, overhead structures, drains, and other internal
structures and fittings. Indicate if there is standing water (i.e., drains not sufficient) and risk to product
from potential broken windows (glass, dust, insects etc.) and roof vents/fans etc. Comment on whether
doors were closed or screened when not used.
Where Laboratory facilities are present on the site, document location and if micro/chemical testing
conducted and risks controlled. Detail how in-line/on-line testing facilities are controlled.
Where there are any temporary or mobile structures, vending machines used, detail how the hazards are
assessed and controlled.
Provide an overview of the storage of raw materials (incl. bulk), ingredients, intermediate products,
packaging materials, finished products, and non-food chemicals, and how the organization meets the
requirements. Detail the temperature controls in place for chilled or frozen storage areas.
6.6 Lighting
Water supply: Detail the water type (potable, non-potable), their use (e.g., ingredient, ice, steam, cleaning,
hand washing, etc.), their source (i.e., municipal, bore water, in-house treated water plants) and controls
in place. Indicate if quality (incl. chemical) and microbiological specifications for water (various uses) are
defined and if water meets specifications (type of testing, frequency, results) and any legislative
requirements that might apply. Detail examples of records looked at.
Where Boiler chemicals are used, provide information on approval for use, storage, security measures
and any areas of concern where steam comes in direct contact with product.
Air quality and ventilation: Detail if air is used as an ingredient or is in direct product contact, how the
organization ensures such air meets requirements (testing, specifications, quality monitoring program
etc. document records reviewed). Detail records of maintenance of air systems including air filter
replacement program. Indicate whether adequate ventilation was in place.
Provide an overview of compressed air and other gases if used (type, purpose etc.) If used, and is in
contact with product, equipment etc. detail approved sources, use, and controls in place including if
Comment if there is sufficient lighting in all areas (production, storage etc.) to facilitate hygienic
operations; if light fixtures are suitably protected, and where UV lights are in use.
7 Waste disposal
Provide an overview of the waste management system in place and if any hazardous substances have to
be removed, how this is managed and controlled including destruction/removal.
Where trademarked materials are discarded or destroyed how the risk of re-use is being managed. Verify
contract with waste removal company, and records of destruction.
Drains – comment on their design, location, direction of flow, capacity and appropriate for the size of the
Provide a general overview of the suitability of equipment, product contact surfaces and hygienic design
requirements including the general condition of equipment. Where temperature control and monitoring
equipment are in use, comment on thermal process equipment regarding type, monitoring and
temperature control measures, also in terms of meeting product specifications (temp gradient and
holding conditions). Detail the plant, utensil and equipment cleaning frequencies (refer to
procedure/cleaning schedule, suitability of cleaning equipment etc.). Provide an overview of the
preventive and corrective maintenance program, including how corrective maintenance is carried out
and temporary fixes are addressed. Indicate if lubricants are used and if they are food grade. Detail
whether the site had post-maintenance cleaning procedures in place. Detail documented evidence of
maintenance sampled, including training of maintenance personnel.
Provide an overview of the supplier approval program including supplier risk assessment, and how this
is controlled, monitored, and reviewed to ensure suppliers meet the specified requirements.
Has requirements for incoming materials been established including delivery vehicle inspection and
incoming materials inspection requirements and frequency and how to deal with non-compliances
(including dealing with and identification of products on hold or rejected, and prevention of unintended
use). Where bulk receiving lines are present, these shall be identified, capped, and locked and
approval/discharge systems in place.
Microbiological cross-contamination: Describe separation measures taken, zoning, access controls and
traffic patterns as applicable.
Allergen management: Detail if there are allergens in the product(s) and which ones are present, if there
are none indicate such. Reference specific training including allergen awareness training. Where allergen
declarations are made (on label or accompanying documentation), are these verified and validated and
meeting any specific legislative/customer requirements. Detail cleaning, line change-over
practices/product sequencing and how rework is addressed. **Reference may be made to the FSSC
additional requirements for allergen management to avoid duplication.
Physical contamination: Detail brittle (glass/hard plastic) material inspections and breakage procedures
in place. Detail any breakage records sampled. **Reference may be made to the FSSC additional
requirements for foreign matter management to avoid duplication.
Provide an overview of the cleaning and sanitation procedure/program, including whether it is
suitable/appropriate to the relevant processes (incl. cleaning agents and tools), what validation of
methods has been conducted and what monitoring is in place to check the effectiveness of cleaning.
Where CIP systems are used, provide detail on the CIP program including parameters and monitoring
measures and requirements. Confirm lines are separated from active product lines.
Detail records reviewed to demonstrate parameters are met.
12 Pest Control
12.6 Eradication
Describe pest control program and how it covers the requirements of this section. Reference the pest
control contract when external companies are being used, licensing of operators, approved chemicals
used, monitoring frequency and how follow up actions are monitored and implemented – also referencing
where eradication has been required and related action taken. Detail any trends identified in pest activity
and how this was addressed.
Detail the procedure on personal hygiene for employees, visitors, and contractors and how this is
implemented and managed. Comment on level of implementation and personal behavior of employees,
also linked to internal communication of the procedures/policies.
Comment on whether the number and location of hygiene facilities (incl. hand washing, drying, and
sanitizing facilities, etc.) and toilets are adequate, and whether they meet requirements. Detail if there are
designated eating areas, located away from production/packing/storage areas. Where there are catering
facilities on site, detail how hygienic conditions are maintained, and controls in place for storage, cooking
and holding incl. temperature.
Workwear and protective clothing - detail type of workwear and protective clothing used and how it is
used/maintained/laundered (incl. frequency), specific requirements for different zones i.e., high-risk areas
where relevant, and glove management as appropriate.
Health status – describe the company system used (e.g., medicals) and how illnesses and injuries (incl.
wounds/burns/cuts) are reported and managed.
14 Rework
Where an organization has rework, detail how these requirements are met in terms of storage,
identification, and traceability. Detail how rework is recorded when used and records reviewed. Indicate
if specifications for rework use are followed.
Describe the process/procedure the organization has to manage a recall situation. Indicate whether the
site has a list of key contacts in place. Where an actual recall occurred, provide details, actions taken,
whether public warnings were considered and indicate whether similar products or products produced
under the same conditions were evaluated. ** Reference may be made to clause 8.9.5 of ISO 22000:2018
to avoid duplication.
16 Warehousing
Provide an overview of warehousing activities on the site and how requirements in the standard are met,
including FIFO, FEFO, temperature & humidity requirements and any specific product or storage
requirements. Where controlled atmosphere is used, how it is monitored (testing, frequency, records etc.)
Detail areas for waste materials, chemicals and nonconforming materials if not covered in cl. 5.7 and 7.3
of ISO/TS 22002-1.
Vehicles, conveyances and containers: summary and extent to which these are used, how it is managed
and maintained (cleanliness, state of repair, etc.), including control over contracted vehicles, and specific
temperature and/or humidity requirements.
Document the sample(s) reviewed (labels, packaging, websites, and advertisements) and report on
whether information was presented to consumers in such a way as to enable them to make informed
Food defense: can refer to Additional FSSC 22000 requirements to reduce duplication in report.
Access controls: Provide an overview of access control measures, site security and any reported breaches.
2.5.1 Management of
services and
purchased materials
(All Food Chain
Detail which testing is being conducted by external or internal laboratories, which laboratories are used
for verification/validation of food safety elements, and how they are competent and have the capability
to conduct the analysis (i.e., ISO17025). Where a laboratory does not have ISO 17025, document how they
meet the competency/capability requirements e.g., proficiency testing programs, regulatory approved
Describe the process followed in the case of procurement under emergency situations to ensure that
products still conform to specified requirements and the supplier has been evaluated, including reference
to the documented procedure. Detail if any instance of emergency use of non-approved suppliers has
occurred since the previous audit (date, supplier, material) and confirm if procedure was followed
Where animals, fish and seafood are procured that are subject to control of prohibited substances (e.g.,
pharmaceuticals, veterinary medicines, heavy metals, and pesticides), describe how the organization has
included this in their supplier approval process and the controls established;
Provide an overview of the review process for product specifications (raw material and finished product)
to ensure continued compliance with food safety, quality, legal and customer requirements with
Food chain category I only: provide an overview of criteria established for the use of recycled packaging
material as a raw material input into the production of finished packaging material, meeting legal and
customer requirements.
Detail site relevant legislation for final product labelling in the country of intended sale. Provide an
overview of the system followed to ensure correct and accurate labelling, meeting both legislative and
customer requirements and requirements around allergen labelling where applicable. Document which
product labels were reviewed and whether the samples meet requirements. In the case of bulk or
unlabeled products – describe the labelling process or method of communication on product information
to ensure the safe use of the food by the customer or consumer.
Where claims are made on product label or packaging, detail evidence of validations and verifications in
place to ensure product integrity is maintained incl. traceability and mass balance. Also, reference
evidence sampled such as:
• A valid certificate supporting e.g., Halal, Kosher, or Organic claims, etc.;
• Laboratory testing results (meeting the requirements of 2.5.1 and which conform to legal
requirements) for nutritional content claims, such as high in omega 3 fatty acids, etc.
Food chain category I only: provide overview of artwork management and print control procedures in
place to ensure printed materials meet customer and legal requirements. Plan
Summary: Vulnerability
Assessment Plan
Reference procedure that addresses this requirement. Detail
a) Confirmation that food fraud vulnerability assessment has been conducted using a defined
methodology, breadth of assessment (supply chain and not only at site level) and relevant
vulnerabilities addressed, and control measures are suitable/sufficient.
b) The significant vulnerabilities, as well as the mitigation measures implemented incl. verification
c) Any relevant legislation and the organization's conformance to it. If there are no legislative
requirements, then note this fact.
d) Food chain category FII only: confirmation that the supplier(s) had a food fraud mitigation plan
in place.
Statement on effectiveness of implementation of Food Fraud Plan and that it is included in the
performance evaluation of the FSMS.
Where the logo is used, document how/where it is used and confirm it is used correctly.
2.5.6 Management of
allergens (All Food
Chain Categories)
Reference allergen management plan and detail which allergens are present. Confirm whether the site
had a list of all the allergens handled including for raw materials and finished products. Confirm that the
allergen risk assessment covers all potential sources, including cross contamination.
Detail control measures used to prevent cross-contamination including storage, production and potential
cross contamination and training of personnel. Where there are allergens on site that are out of scope
(included in products that are excluded from scope, or not part of the scope of FSSC 22000 certification),
detail type and whether the potential risks and cross contamination is controlled in relation to the
products included in the scope of certification.
Detail evidence of validation and verification of control measures including testing (where necessary).
Detail whether precautionary or warning labels are used and whether it is in accordance with the
requirement. Indicate the date of the last review of the allergen management plan including trending of
verification data.
Provide evidence that the organization has implemented a risk-based environmental monitoring
program, covering the relevant pathogen, spoilage, and indicator organisms, supported by a documented
procedure for the evaluation of the effectiveness of all controls on preventing contamination from the
manufacturing environment.
The environmental monitoring program shall include as a minimum, the evaluation of microbiological
controls present and provide evidence that the organization collects and analyses data of the
environmental monitoring activities including regular trend analysis. Describe what monitoring activities
are undertaken (microbiological), frequency, general overview of results of testing (trend analysis etc.)
and corrective actions or adjustments to the program as needed. Indicate the date of the last annual
review of the environmental monitoring program, as well as any reviews due to triggers that have
Please note that this is not a section on cleaning – Cleaning is covered in PRP clause 11.
Provide an overview of how food safety and quality culture objectives are addressed within the
organization with specific reference to communication, training, employee feedback and engagement,
and performance measurement of defined activities, covering all sections of the organization impacting
on food safety and quality.
Reference the food safety and quality culture plan, including confirmation that the organization has set
targets and timelines, and that food safety and quality culture has been addressed in the management
review for continuous improvement.
• Reference the quality policy and confirm that the organization has defined measurable quality
• Confirmation that quality control parameters have been defined for finished product specifications
and include example/s verified during the audit.
• Provide an overview of the product release procedure addressing quality control and testing.
• Provide overview of analysis and evaluation of the results of quality control parameters as well as
whether it was included as an input to the management review.
• Detail how quality aspects as per the requirements of 2.5.9 have been included in the internal audit
• Reference quality control procedures and documented evidence (records) sampled for unit, weight,
and volume control.
• Reference line start-up and change-over procedures and documented evidence (records) sampled,
including addressing that labelling and packaging from previous runs have been removed from the
a) Provide an overview of the specified stock rotation system that includes FEFO principles in conjunction
with the FIFO requirements.
b) Food chain category C0 only: Where slaughtering is applicable and relevant, what controls are in place
linked to post-slaughter time and temperature in relation to chilling or freezing of the products?
c) Food chain category FI only: Provide an overview of the transport and delivery services involved. Detail
conditions/systems that are aimed at minimizing potential contamination during transport and delivery.
d) Detail whether the organization uses transport tankers for their final product or receives raw materials
in tankers. If so, provide an overview of how the organization meets the Scheme requirements.
a) Food chain category BIII, C and I: Where packaging is used to impart or provide a functional effect on
food (e.g., shelf-life extension), detail what packaging is being used and whether this has been assessed
as part of the hazard analysis. Reference applicable measures taken.
b) Food chain category C0 only: Provide an overview of the inspection process at lairage and/or at
evisceration to ensure animals are fit for human consumption where applicable.
c) Food chain category D only: Reference the procedure that addresses this requirement. Provide an
overview of the formulated products and the relevant customer and legislative requirements. Detail
which ingredients/additives are used that contain components that can have adverse animal health
impact(s), and how these are controlled.
d) All food chain categories, excluding FII: Provide an overview of the foreign matter management in place
including reference to the risk assessment to determine the need for and type of foreign body detection
equipment and the procedure for the management and use of the equipment. Where the risk assessment
deems no foreign body detection equipment is necessary, reference the justification that was maintained
as documented evidence. Detail whether the site has procedures in place for management of breakages
(metal, ceramic, hard plastic, etc.).
Provide an overview of the site inspections/PRP checks conducted to verify that the site (internal and
external), production environment and processing equipment are maintained in a suitable condition to
ensure food safety, including the frequency and how findings are addressed.
Confirmation that the site inspections covered the PRPs required by the relevant PRP standard(s) and
whether it served as an input for the internal audit.
Reference the product design and development procedure. Provide an overview of the process to
incorporate new products and changes into the product or manufacturing processes. This shall cover any
potential hazards introduced (update to hazard analysis), impact on the process, resource & training,
equipment and maintenance and any shelf-life and production trials conducted. Reference any new
product developments since the previous audit.
Detail the process in place for on-going shelf-life verification at a frequency based on risk and provide
examples of evidence sampled.
Where ready-to-cook products are produced and cooking instructions are provided on the product
label/packaging, confirm that the organization has conducted validation and reference validations
Provide an overview of the procedure the organization has in place to monitor the health status of
employees, the process for visitors and contractors and if any restrictions apply, including legislative
a) Identify if the organization has commissioned any new equipment or any significant changes to
existing equipment since the previous audit. If so, provide an overview of the equipment purchase
specifications in place and detail how it meets the requirements of the Scheme including evidence
b) Provide an overview of the change management process for new equipment/changes to existing
equipment including evidence sampled of successful commissioning, as applicable.
a) Provide an overview of organizations’ strategy to reduce food loss and waste, reference the
documented policy, and that specific objectives and targets have been set.
b) Detail the controls in place to manage donated products and to ensure the products are safe for
c) Detail the controls in place to manage contamination of surplus products or by-products intended for
animal feed/food.
d) Confirmation that these processes comply with legal requirements and were kept up to date.
2.5.17 Communication
requirements (All
Food Chain
Detail how the organization has included the communication requirements into their FSMS.
a) Confirm whether the organization had any serious events* since the previous audit, and if so, reference
evidence thereof regarding communication of the serious event to the CB and what suitable measures
were implemented; and
b) Confirm whether the organization had any serious situations** since the previous audit, and if so,
reference evidence thereof regarding communication of the serious situation to the CB and what suitable
measures were implemented.
*Serious events that impact the FSMS, legality and/or the integrity of the certification including situations
that pose a threat to food safety, or certification integrity.
**Serious situations where the integrity of the certification was at risk and/or where the Foundation can
be brought into disrepute.
Centralized Function:
Provide an overview of the central function and how commitment to the food safety system is managed
and ensured across all the sites. Describe how roles and responsibilities have been defined for key roles
and whether sufficient resources are available to manage the FSMS.
Internal Audits:
Provide an overview of the internal audit program (incl. frequency), confirmation that all sites, the central
function and FSMS have been included and audited prior to the certification audit. How are
nonconformities addressed and are there any escalation mechanisms in place? Are sufficient numbers of
internal auditors available to cover the number of sites and do they meet the internal auditor
requirements? Provide examples of competency records checked. Describe the technical review process
and whether the technical reviewers meet the competency requirements. How is performance monitoring
and calibration of internal auditors and technical reviewers managed?