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Science of the Total Environment 850 (2022) 157908

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Science of the Total Environment

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Age-specific and species-specific tree response to seasonal drought in

tropical dry forests

Emily A. Santos a, , Xavier Haro-Carrión b, Jasper Oshun c
University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 95616, United States of America
Macalester College, St Paul, MN 55105, United States of America
U.S. Fulbright Scholar and Visiting Professor at the Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología, Lima, Peru


• Dry season subsurface moisture is held at

greater tensions in disturbed forests.
• Regenerating forests access rock mois-
ture/groundwater to meet dry season
• Native Tropical Dry Forest species have
distinct dry season water use strategies.


Editor: Manuel Esteban Lucas-Borja Millions of people depend on ecosystem services provided by Tropical Dry Forests (TDFs), yet their proximity to pop-
ulation centers, seasonally dry climate, and the ease at which they are converted to agriculture has left only 10 % of
Keywords: their original extent globally. As more TDFs become protected, basic information relating TDF age to subsurface
Hydrogeology water resources will help guide forest recovery. Severe deforestation and recent reforestation around Bahía de
Forest ecology
Caráquez, Ecuador produced a mosaic of different successional stages ideal for exploring relationships between TDF
Tropical dry forests
age, subsurface water availability and species-specific responses to seasonal drought. Over one year, we measured
Stable isotopes gravimetric water content, predawn and midday leaf water potential, and the stable isotope composition of xylem
Plant-water uptake and source waters in two regenerating and one primary forest. Over the transition from wet to dry season, we discov-
ered a sharper decrease in predawn water potential in younger successional forests than in the primary forest. Growing
in degraded subsurface environments under increased competition, successional forest trees accessed deeper sources
of moisture from unsaturated weathered bedrock and groundwater through the dry season; however, different species
employed distinct water use strategies. Ceiba trichistandra maintained midday water potentials above −1.27 MPa
through a drought avoidance strategy dependent on groundwater. Sideroxylon celastrinum tolerated drought by lower-
ing predawn and midday water potential through the early dry season but took up greater proportions of saprolite
moisture and groundwater as the dry season progressed. Contrastingly, Handroanthus chrysanthus maintained access
to shallow soil and saprolite moisture by dropping midday water potential to −4.30 MPa, reflecting drought tolerance.

⁎ Corresponding author at: 3006 Concord Place, Davis, CA 95618, United States of America.
E-mail address: [email protected] (E.A. Santos).

Received 4 January 2022; Received in revised form 3 August 2022; Accepted 4 August 2022
Available online 6 August 2022
0048-9697/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
E.A. Santos et al. Science of the Total Environment 850 (2022) 157908

Our results show that limited subsurface water resources in regenerating TDF's lead to species-specific adaptations re-
liant on deeper sources of moisture. The recovery of soil and saprolite hydrologic properties following disturbances is
likely to exceed 100 years, highlighting the importance of forest conservation.

1. Introduction Similar to global trends, the TDF's of coastal Ecuador have been heavily
altered, resulting in fragmented forests of varied ages and levels of distur-
Tropical Dry Forests (TDFs), found between 23.5° North and South in bance. This mosaic of forest ages provides a valuable setting to study the
areas where annual rainfall ranges from 250 to 2000 mm with a marked seasonal patterns in water use across forests of varying age and between
dry season of at least five to six months (Murphy and Lugo, 1986; Bullock different native species. We took advantage of this mosaic to ask: where
et al., 1995; Miles et al., 2006), are adapted to uniquely challenging do native species in regenerating and old growth forests derive their
environmental conditions. TDFs occur under the ‘Aw’ and ‘BSh’ Köppen- water over wet and dry seasons and what strategies are used to cope with
Geiger classification, and the limited amount and seasonality of rainfall seasonal drought? We explored the following hypothesis: shallow sources
strongly influence species distribution, tree phenology, structure, and of tree available moisture would be limited in regenerating secondary for-
species-specific adaptations to survive in water limited environments ests (<100 years old), requiring younger trees to employ species-specific
(Borchert, 1994; Schwinning and Ehleringer, 2001; Kennard, 2002; strategies to access water through the dry season. We conducted high fre-
Borchert et al., 2004; Pennington et al., 2009; Sanchez-Azofeifa et al., quency measurements of subsurface moisture dynamics, predawn and mid-
2013; Horstman, 2017). These drought adaptations fall along a spectrum day water potential, and the stable isotope composition of soil, weathered
from drought avoidance to drought tolerance (e.g., Borchert and bedrock and tree water xylem across primary (>100 years), late succes-
Pockman, 2005), and include deciduousness (Hoffmann et al., 2011), inter- sional (30–100 years), and early succession enriched (10–30 years) TDFs.
nal water storage (e.g., Butz et al., 2018), the capacity to withstand ex- The results of this study can inform community efforts to resist forest
tremely negative leaf water potentials, or to reduce stomatal conductance fragmentation and guide best practices in forest regeneration in one of
(Poorter and Markesteijn, 2008; Chaturvedi et al., 2021), and the invest- the few remaining TDFs in the world.
ment in greater root to shoot growth (e.g., Bullock and Solis-Magallanes,
1990) to develop complex rooting systems to access deep sources of 2. Methods
water (Jackson et al., 1995; Meinzer et al., 1999; Johnson et al., 2016;
Querejeta et al., 2006; Querejeta et al., 2007; Hasselquist et al., 2010; 2.1. Regional climate and seasonality differences across forest age
Estrada-Medina et al., 2013). In some cases, drought coping strategies are
linked to nutrient availability as species exhibit lower hydraulic safety mar- This study was conducted in the Cordillera del Bálsamo, a local
gins (HSM) and faster rates of recovery in nutrient rich soils, prioritizing landowner-managed bio-corridor consisting of approximately 9.64 km2 of
growth over safety (Oliveira et al., 2021). protected TDF, near the city of Bahía de Caráquez (0°25′60″S 80°25′31″
TDFs, which account for 42 % of tropical forests (Miles et al., 2006), W), Manabí province, coastal Ecuador (Fig. 1a). The underlying geology
have experienced historically high rates of resource exploitation due to fac- is composed of massive sandstones from the upper Miocene-Pliocene
tors that make them ideal areas to deforest for short-cycle crop agriculture Bourbon Formation overlain by Quaternary terraces, alluvial deposits,
and livestock farming (Janzen, 1988; Portillo-Quintero and Sánchez- and silty loam soil (National Geological Map of the Republic of Ecuador,
Azofeifa, 2010; Hansen et al., 2010; Gillespie et al., 2012; Portillo- 1982). Only 2 % of coastal Ecuador's TDFs remain (Plan de Desarrollo y
Quintero et al., 2015). The rate of deforestation in the TDF biome has Ordenamiento Territorial 2015–2019, n.d.). Even in the Cordillera del
been the third highest globally (Hansen et al., 2010), resulting in a global Bálsamo, few intact stands of TDF remain, and primary TDF is found only
decrease to 10 % of their original extent (Banda-R et al., 2016). Remaining in the most inaccessible areas. Because of these tremendous and exponen-
TDFs are highly fragmented and among the least protected and most tial rates of loss, organisms that once were common in these forests now
vulnerable ecosystems on Earth (Banda-R et al., 2016). Few studies have face extinction for lack of habitat (Horstman, 2017). Of the remaining forest
described the processes of degradation in TDFs, documented how past patches, some are selectively logged while others are well preserved
land use might influence the timespan of recovery (Griscom and Ashton, (Asociación Cerro Seco Reservistas Privados de la Cordillera del Bálsamo,
2011), or explored how sensitive TDFs might be to changes in future 2015). In the last 40 years, local and international organizations have
climate (e.g., Allen et al., 2017). For example, deforestation of TDFs for planted over 45,000 native trees across the Cordillera del Bálsamo.
cattle production is likely to compact the soil, decrease bulk density, and re- Mean annual temperature is 25 °C and relative humidity generally ex-
duce water infiltration (Holl, 1999), leading to a loss in subsurface soil ceeds >75 % year-round. Moisture is generally slightly higher on slopes fac-
water storage and tree water availability (Zimmermann et al., 2006, ing the coast due to fog rising off the coast (referred to locally as ‘brisas’)
Germer et al., 2010), and decreased ecosystem resilience (Hatfield et al., (Dodson and Gentry, 1991). Data from Climate Hazard Group InfraRed
2001). Reforestation and natural forest succession can lead to the recovery Precipitation with Station Data (CHRPS) indicates that Bahía receives an
of the regulatory and provisional hydrologic services provided by TDFs annual average rainfall of approximately 492 mm, about 70 % of which
through enhanced soil organic matter, increased infiltration and groundwa- falls between January and March (wet season). A low precipitation period
ter recharge, reduced evaporation and increased subsurface storage (dry season) can exceed eight months from late April throughout early De-
(Frankie et al., 2004; Chazdon, 2008; Ilstedt et al., 2016; Jones et al., cember (Fig. 1b, SM Appendix A). Patterns in precipitation drive the timing
2017; Portillo-Quintero and Smith, 2018; Wright et al., 2018; Quijas of tree growth, green-up, and senescence in the Cordillera Bálsamo. To ex-
et al., 2019). Despite the hydrologic importance of a healthy TDF for plants amine the seasonal variation of greenness patterns across our study sites,
and animals dependent on rare dry season moisture (e.g., Haro-Carrión we used Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) derived
et al., 2021), there remains large uncertainty in how TDFs in general and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) for each site. EVI peaks as forests put on
recovering TDFs in particular will respond to seasonal or longer-term new growth in response to both solar radiation and water. However, in
droughts (e.g., Oliveira et al., 2021). This outstanding uncertainty limits the Cordillera del Bálsamo water, or water availability, is more likely to
effective forest conservation and regeneration (Quesada et al., 2009; control peak EVI because solar radiation remains relatively constant
Espinosa et al., 2012; Calvo-Rodriguez et al., 2017; Escribano-Avila et al., (Fig. 1c, SM Appendix B). We considered these trends including the timing
2017; Wright et al., 2018; Chitra-Tarak et al., 2021; Oliveira et al., 2021; of peak EVI and the steady decline as the landscape dries to design our
Fremout et al., 2021). 2017–2019 sampling campaigns (SM Appendix C).

E.A. Santos et al. Science of the Total Environment 850 (2022) 157908

Fig. 1. Study Area: a) study sites and vegetation seasonality (i.e. ratio between Normalized Difference Vegetation (NDVI) during wet and dry seasons); Towns and built areas
are indicated in black; b) 2016–2019 average monthly precipitation for the study area (Derived from Climate Hazard Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station Data
(CHRPS), Funk et al., 2015); c) 2010–2020 averaged MODIS/MCD43A4 remotely sensed Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) surface reflectance composites for Sites 1, 2,
and 3. Sampling dates of 2017–2019 field campaign indicated with black arrows.

To estimate the geographic extent of the characteristic forest type of with cash crops and pasture land for animals, save some smaller efforts
each study site, we used Sentinel-2 derived Normalized Difference Vegeta- of reforestation. Site 3 was recently reforested (10–30 years) located at
tion Index (NDVI). With significantly finer (i.e. pixel size) spatial resolution 35 m.a.s.l. adjacent to an agricultural sector. A similar distribution of native
than MODIS, Sentinel-2 NDVI data allowed us to quantitatively differenti- species and dry season canopy cover was found across all three sites.
ate study sites in terms of vegetation seasonality. For each site, we obtained To control for the influence of site topography on soil moisture
NDVI data for the wet and dry season and calculated their difference. availability we calculated the Topographic Wetness Index (TWI; Beven
Forests with lower seasonality have more similar NDVI values in both sea- and Kirkby, 1979) at each site using a 30-m digital elevation model (SM
sons resulting in a difference closer to zero. Forests with high seasonality Appendix E). Although TWI varied from 2.9 to 16.4 across the region
would tend to be substantially greener during the wet season compared shown in Fig. 1a (SM Appendix F), the values of our three study sites
to the dry season, which would be manifested by higher NDVI difference were relatively similar (Fig. 2), falling between 6.0 and 6.5.
(SM Appendix D).
This “Seasonality” metric indicates that Site 1 is the least seasonal 2.3. Sampling of liquid waters and soil and saprolite
(NDVI wet – dry difference = 0.06). About 16.3 % of the study area is cov-
ered by forests similar to Site 1, most occurring in higher elevation and less Rainwater samples (n = 27) were collected as often as possible during
accessible areas. Sites 2 and 3 are significantly more seasonal than Site 1, field campaigns using a plastic funnel, a glass collector and a ping pong ball
with 2 (NDVI wet – dry difference = 0.30) slightly less seasonal than to prevent evaporation. Groundwater samples (n = 9) were taken from 1 m
3 (NDVI wet – dry difference = 0.44). Sites 2 and 3 each cover about below the water table in two different wells (SM Appendix G). One well was
37.3 % of the landscape (Fig. 1a; SM Appendix D). located between Site 1 and Site 2 (5 samples), and the other well was lo-
cated adjacent to Site 3 (4 samples). Surface water samples (n = 3) were
2.2. Site characterization gathered during the wet season from a small valley channel adjacent to
the first well from a 15 cm immersion depth. Samples were collected in
We selected three sites to capture differences in forest age while control- plastic scintillation vials, and sealed with a stopper and Parafilm (Bemis
ling for topography and long-term moisture availability (Fig. 2) and mea- Co., Neenah, WI) to prevent evaporation prior to vacuum distillation, and
suring similarities and differences in soil characteristics. While similar soil then stored in a freezer (−20 °C) until stable isotope analysis.
types exist across the Cordillera del Bálsamo, the tectonic convergence pro- On each sampling date, we augured one hole per site to measure gravi-
duces a compressive tectonic regime, forming high-relief valleys and hills. metric moisture content and stable isotope composition. Holes were made
Site 1, one of the only primary (>100 year old) forests in the Cordillera below trees monitored for water potential and stable isotope analyses. We
del Bálsamo, is located at an elevation of 303 m.a.s.l. and due to its remote collected bulk soil and saprolite samples with a bucket auger at 10 cm inter-
and rugged location was only accessible in the dry season. Prior to and dur- vals to a maximum depth of 100 cm, where subsurface density and auger
ing the early 1900's the more accessible areas of the Cordillera del Bálsamo length prevented deeper sampling. Depth, color, field texture, observable
were deforested for agricultural use, livestock and firewood. Today, these structure, and the presence or absence of roots was recorded for each sam-
areas hold a mix of old trees, such as C. trichistandra, deemed unsuitable ple. Immediately upon collection, bulk soil and saprolite samples were
for logging, and over 20,000 trees planted within sections of recovering placed inside a plastic scintillation vial and sealed with a stopper and
TDF. Site 2 is a well-established late successional (30–70 years) forest at Parafilm. All solid samples were stored in a cooler until brought to the lab
an elevation of 65 m.a.s.l. Closer to Bahía's city center nearly all of the old where they were kept in a −20 °C freezer. We extracted water from bulk
growth trees have been harvested for lumber and firewood, and replaced soil, bulk saprolite and tree xylem via cryogenic distillation (see below).

E.A. Santos et al. Science of the Total Environment 850 (2022) 157908

Fig. 2. Cordillera del Bálsamo above and belowground metrics reveal similarities across sites as well as key differences resulting from land use.

Before and after extraction, we measured the mass of the bulk soil and bulk 2.5. Xylem collection and isotope analysis
saprolite samples to determine gravimetric moisture content. We also mea-
sured dry season infiltration rates by conducting falling head tests at Sites 2 We sampled tree xylem across the three sites for isotope analyses. Xylem
and 3 using a bottomless graduated cylinder. We began with an initial was sampled by clipping stems with a pole pruner (some samples in
volume of 2000 ml and recorded differences in volume at minute intervals December 2017 and all samples from March 2018 onwards), or by using
for 30 min. an incremental tree borer to sample the bole 1–1.5 m above the ground
(some samples in December 2017, only). Immediately upon extraction of
2.4. Measurements of plant water potential a core, all tissue external to the xylem was removed to the first 5 cm of
xylem tissue. Cores and stems were immediately placed inside plastic scin-
We measured ‘predawn’ leaf water potential (Ψpd) in 26 trees at times tillation vials and sealed with a stopper and Parafilm and placed in freezer
between 0300 and 0500 h. Eight trees were measured at Site 1, thirteen upon arriving from the field. The bark of some TDF species is exceptionally
trees at Site 2, and six trees at Site 3 (SM Appendix H). Measurements hard, such that trees with both tall canopies and impenetrably hard bark
were made using a portable pressure chamber (Model 1000, PMS Instru- were excluded from this study.
ment Company, Albany, OR, USA). We used O2 gas, as N2 gas was not avail- Water was extracted from plant xylem and bulk soil/saprolite samples
able in Bahía. Prior to field work, we conducted comparisons using O2 and at the Center for Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry at the University of
N2 and found no statistical difference between the two sets of measure- California at Berkeley using a cryogenic vacuum distillation line (100 °C,
ments (SM Appendix I). 1 h) (Ehleringer et al., 2000) following the procedure of West et al.
To explore species-specific responses to seasonal drought, we measured (2006). Samples were analyzed using a hot chromium reactor unit
both predawn and midday (Ψmd) leaf water potentials at Site 2. Here we (H/Device™) interfaced with a Thermo Delta V Plus mass spectrometer
focused on three common native species: Ceiba trichistandra, Sideroxylon and a Thermo Gas Bench II interfaced to a Thermo Delta V Plus mass spec-
celastrinum, and Handroanthus chrysanthus. The three individuals measured trometer to generate hydrogen (δD) and oxygen (δ18O) in permil notation
were spaced about 10 m apart, forming a triangle. C. trichistandra are typi- relative to Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water, VSMOW.
cally among the tallest tropical forest species, with large umbrella-shaped
canopies, bulbous green trunks, and enormous, buttressing above-ground 2.6. Determination of plant water source(s) from stable isotope composition
roots. As TDFs are slashed and burned, C. trichistandra remain untouched
and are often the oldest and most established species in reforested areas. We conducted a semiquantitative analysis on the stable isotope data to
Therefore, the C. trichistandra sampled at Site 2 is much larger and determine xylem source waters at each site and in the three species moni-
estimated to be much older (>100 years) than the other two species tored at Site 2. We measured the isotope composition of three potential
sampled. We followed the same procedures as described for the predawn water sources: bulk soil moisture, bulk rock moisture (from the saprolite,
measurements, but conducted midday water potential measurements only), and groundwater. On each date for which data were available
between 1100 and 1300 h. (May 3–July 5, 2018), we calculated mean δ18O and mean δD for soil

E.A. Santos et al. Science of the Total Environment 850 (2022) 157908

water and for saprolite water, respectively. For the third potential water Soil gravimetric moisture content steadily decreased at Sites 1, 2, and 3
source, groundwater, we calculated the mean δ18O and mean δD for all from late March 2018 to July, but then leveled off through the end of the
subsurface and surface water samples taken over the monitoring period year (Fig. 3a). Saprolite gravimetric moisture content decreased steadily
(n = 12). To determine the source water(s) at each site or the source at sites 2 and 3, but leveled off at Site 1. Gravimetric moisture content in
water(s) for the three species at Site 2, we conducted the following analysis soil and saprolite was consistently lower and declined most rapidly at Site
on all dates for which xylem water and source water data were available. 2 through the dry out (March through July 2018). Variability with depth
First, if the mean xylem water isotope composition plotted within the was large on most sampling dates (Fig. 3b).
standard deviation of any of the three sources in dual isotope space, we In the middle of the wet season (March 2018), average Ψpd was similar
determined that the site/species derived all its water from that source. at Sites 2 in 3 in March 2018 (Site 1 was inaccessible). Through the dry
Second, if the mean xylem water plotted within a triangle bounded by the season, average Ψpd decreased at each site (Fig. 4); however, we observed
three sources, we applied a three-end-member isotope linear mixing statistically significant differences between sites (SM Appendix K). The de-
model (Rothfuss and Javaux, 2017; von Freyberg et al., 2020; Hahm crease in site average Ψpd was most pronounced at Site 3, reaching mini-
et al., 2020). We determined the relative proportions of source water de- mum values of and −2.80 ± 0.57 MPa, while the average Ψpd at Site 1
rived from soil, saprolite, and groundwater by solving the system of three never fell below −1.00 MPa. Whereas there was no observed rainfall dur-
equations: ing the study period, we observed dew forming on leaves at Site 1 on
May 19th and May 30th. At Site 2, average Ψpd declined rapidly in early
δ18 Oxylem ¼ δ18 Ogw f gw þ δ18 Osm f sm þ δ18 Orm f rm (1) summer to a minimum value −1.57 ± 0.35 MPa, but then was constant
for nearly a month before increasing slightly. The average Ψpd at Sites 2
δDxylem ¼ δDgw f gw þ δDsm f sm þ δDrm f rm (2) and 3 increased to nearly mid wet season values in January 2019.

3.2. Patterns in stable isotopes and predawn water potential across TDFs of
f gw þ f sm þ f rm ¼ 1 (3)
different ages

where the subscripts gw, sm, rm, and xylem refer to groundwater, bulk soil
Rainfall samples collected from December 2017 to May 2018 and in
moisture, bulk rock moisture, and xylem water, respectively.
January 2019 averaged −2.18 ± 0.14 ‰ in δ18O and −5.36 ± 0.73 ‰
Finally, if the mean xylem water plotted between two sources in dual
in δD (SM Appendix L). Using our rainfall data, we calculated a (limited)
isotope space, we applied a two-end-member isotope linear mixing model
Local Meteoric Water Line (LMWL), which differed in slope and intercept
for both δ18O and δD:
from the Global Meteoric Water Line (GMWL).
Groundwater samples averaged −2.75 ± 0.16 ‰ in δ18O and
δ18 O, or δDxylem ¼ δ1 f 1 þ δ2 f 2 (4) −11.10 ± 0.62 ‰ in δD. Over the length of the study, groundwater
δ18O varied from −2.5 ‰ to −4 ‰ and δD varied from −8 ‰ to
f1 þ f2 ¼ 1 (5) −15 ‰. At all three sites, the mean isotopic composition of bulk soil mois-
ture (≤60 cm) was enriched relative to bulk saprolite moisture (≥70 cm)
If the results of f1determined by the two-end-member mixing models (SM Appendix L), and generally showed a wider range of variability (SM
using δ18O and δD were within 0.1, we accepted the results. We then com- Appendix M). There were no significant differences in isotope composition
bined the results of our semi-quantitative analysis with our water potential of bulk soil or bulk saprolite between sites.
data to interpret site- and species-specific source waters over the monitor- Isotopic analyses of xylem water showed seasonal patterns in source
ing period. water uptake that differed across the three sites (Fig. 5, SM Appendix N).
Whereas the seasonal trends in δ18O values at all three sites were remark-
2.7. Statistical analysis ably similar, the average δD and d-excess values were very different
(SM Appendix O).
Statistical analyses were done on the following data using JMP The isotope compositions of Site 1 xylem values fall along a trend line
(SAS Institute, Cary, NC, United States). Soil and saprolite moisture data with a slope of approximately 4.5, with δD delta values negatively offset
and water potential data were expressed as average ± standard error. approx. 10 ‰ and average d-excess remaining <0 ‰ for the entire dry sea-
Differences in stem water potential data were tested by one-way ANOVA. son. Xylem values generally plot below bulk soil and saprolite values.
We used Shapiro-Wilk goodness of fit tests to check or to confirm the Xylem water δ18O and δD both decreased as the dry season progressed
assumption that data were normally distributed. When this assumption (Fig. 5a).
was violated, we used Kruskal-Wallis tests to detect significant differences At Site 2, the stable isotope composition of xylem water plots below the
among groups. We used Levine and Bartlett tests to test the assumptions GWML in the early part of the dry season with average d-excess <0 ‰.
of equal variance among groups. When this assumption was violated, we From March 5, 2018–May 31, 2018 (wet-early to dry season) xylem
used Welch tests to detect significant differences among groups. If signifi- water values were similar to first bulk soil and then bulk saprolite moisture
cant differences among groups were found, Tukey's HSD multiple means (Fig. 5b). On June 13, xylem water δD increased suddenly with d-excess >0
comparisons were used to determine how groups differed. For these tests, ‰ and as high as 15 ‰. As the dry season progressed, both δ18O and δD
values of P < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Stable isotope increased steadily as the isotope composition of xylem water moved closer
data were expressed as average ± standard error and as raw data in dual to that of groundwater.
isotope space. The stable isotope composition of Site 3 xylem water formed a trendline
above the GMWL, with an average d-excess >7 ‰. As the dry season prog-
3. Results and interpretations ressed, the average stable isotope composition of xylem water decreased,
although there is a large amount of variation across sampled individuals.
3.1. Subsurface material properties and moisture dynamics Although the results of the semi-quantitative analysis are limited, they
show important site-specific trends (SM Appendix P, SM Appendix Q).
Whereas the general soil texture was similar across the three sites, we Overall, xylem water shifts from a dominantly bulk soil moisture source
found several important differences (SM Appendix J). We observed the to deeper sources of moisture (bulk saprolite and groundwater) as the sea-
greatest leaf litter layer at Site 1, and the organic content in soil was greater son progresses. In mid to late May, xylem water at Site 1 reflects bulk soil
at Sites 1 and 2 than at Site 3. Clay content, however, was found in greatest moisture, while xylem water at Sites 2 and 3 contains greater contributions
concentrations in Site 3 soils. from deeper moisture sources.

E.A. Santos et al. Science of the Total Environment 850 (2022) 157908

Fig. 3. a) Gravimetric Water Content in soil and saprolite averaged across 10 cm intervals to depths of 1 m (error bars represent standard error). The absence of Site 1 soil and
saprolite moisture prior to May 19, 2018 and post July 6, 2018 was due to site inaccessibility during the wet season; b) Variability in gravimetric water content across
sampling dates and with depth in the subsurface.

All sites show a similar seasonal range in average xylem water δ18O, Seasonal drying at Site 2 resulted in an initial decrease in average Ψpd.
however we observed differences in the relationship between subsurface On June 13th, average xylem water δ18O reached a minimum value of
water availability (average Ψpd) and δ18O (Fig. 6a–c). At Site 1, seasonal −4.70 ‰ and average Ψpd reached a minimum value of −1.57 MPa.
drying resulted in progressively negative xylem water that coincided with Through the remainder of the dry season, average values of δ18O and
decreasing predawn water potential. As the subsurface dried, average Ψpd steadily increased.
Ψpd decreased from −0.45 to −0.76, and average δ18O decreased from At Site 3, decreases in average xylem water δ18O coincided with a steep
−2.49 ‰ to −4.53 ‰. decline in average Ψpd to −2.80 MPa. We observed that both δ18O and

Fig. 4. Predawn tree leaf water potential (Ψpd) averaged across (n) individuals at each site in replicates of 3 leaves per tree. Data is plotted on a non-linear x-axis. Error bars
represent standard error. Absence of Site 1 Ψpd on March 5, 2018 and January 7, 2019 was due to site inaccessibility during the wet season.

E.A. Santos et al. Science of the Total Environment 850 (2022) 157908

Fig. 5. Dual isotope plots showing seasonal trends in the site average xylem water. Also shown is the Global Meteoric Water Line (GMWL; equation: δD = 8*δ18O + 10), as
well as bulks soil and saprolite moisture measured at each site. A limited number of precipitation samples (n = 27) roughly plot along a LMWL. Panels a, b, and c correspond
to Site 1, Site 2, and Site 3, respectively. Absence of Site 1 data on March 5, 2018–May 3, 2018 was due to site inaccessibility during the wet season.

Ψpd increased towards the observed wet season values (March 2018) at the tracking decreases in Ψpd. These decreases in leaf water potential coin-
beginning of the wet season (January 2019). cided with decreases in xylem water isotope composition to minimum
values in δ18O and δD on June 2. Over this initial drying, S. celastrinum
3.3. Species specific differences in water potential and source water xylem water resembled the isotope composition of bulk soil and saprolite
water. Beginning on June 23, Ψmd followed slight increases in Ψpd by
At Site 2, seasonal drying resulted in distinct patterns in predawn (Ψpd) increasing to −2.43 ± 0.06 MPa, and further to −2.04 ± 0.01 MPa on
and midday (Ψmd) water potentials and the stable isotope composition of July 4 (Fig. 7, SM Appendix S). This shift in Ψpd and Ψmd closely followed
xylem water among three deciduous native species: C. trichistandra, increases in xylem water δ18O and δD, which began on June 13. Through
S. celastrinum, and H. chrysanthus. the remainder of the dry season, increases in Ψpd and Ψmd suggest access
From May through early July, C. trichistandra Ψmd decreased from of deeper, and less tightly held water resources. The stable isotope compo-
−0.33 ± 0.15 MPa to −1.27 ± 0.21 MPa (Fig. 7 and SM Appendix sition of S. celastrinum xylem water plotted closer to groundwater in dual
R) tracking modest declines in Ψpd. Over this period, the stable isotope isotope space through the remainder of the dry season.
composition of C. trichistandra xylem water was consistently enriched com- H. chrysanthus Ψmd and Ψpd declined steadily throughout the dry sea-
pared to neighboring species, plotting close to groundwater in dual isotope son. From March 5 to July 4, Ψmd decreased from −1.60 ± 0.10 MPa to
space. By January 7, 2019 Ψpd and Ψmd had risen to −0.43 ± 0.12 MPa −4.30 ± 0.90 MPa (Fig. 7, SM Appendix T). These dry season values of
and −0.80 ± 0.20 MPa, respectively, reflecting an increase in subsurface Ψmd were the most negative water potentials measured among Site 2 spe-
moisture availability relatively to the previous July. However, the stable cies. By January 7, 2019, H. chrysanthus Ψpd and Ψmd had returned to
isotope composition of C. trichistandra xylem water still reflected that of values similar to those measured in March 2018. H. chrysanthus xylem
groundwater. water stable isotope composition matched bulk soil and bulk saprolite for
In the early dry season spanning March 5 to June 13, S. celastrinum Ψmd the first part of the dry season, but δ18O began to increase on June 13th,
decreased steadily from −1.31 ± 0.36 MPa to −3.50 ± 0.26 MPa, and δD began to increase on June 24th. Whereas the water potential data

Fig. 6. Site average xylem water δ18O plotted against site average predawn leaf water potential. Symbol color reflects the date of xylem and leaf water potential
measurements. Error bars represent the standard error of all measurements (SM Appendix N) indicating variability across the species. Panels a, b, and c correspond to Site
1, Site 2, and Site 3, respectively. Absence of Site 1 data on March 5th, 2018 and January 7th, 2019 was due to site inaccessibility during the wet season.

E.A. Santos et al. Science of the Total Environment 850 (2022) 157908

Fig. 7. Predawn (Ψpd) and midday (Ψmd) leaf water potential for 3-replicate leaves averaged from Site 2 single species C. trichastandra, S. celastrinum and H. chrysanthus.
Error bars represent standard error. Lower plot shows species specific xylem water δD and δ18O plotted in time series with Site 2 groundwater and subsurface moisture.

showed consistent decreases throughout the dry season, the stable isotope Bruijnzeel, 2004; Johnson and Smith, 2006; Breshears et al., 2008;
composition of xylem water revealed a mid dry season shift towards more Reinhardt and Smith, 2008; Eller et al., 2013; Goldsmith et al., 2013;
enriched subsurface water sources. Dawson and Goldsmith, 2018), we observed dew only at Site 1 only on
Limited results of our semi-quantitative analysis reflect important tem- May 19th and May 30th, and thus conclude there were no significant mois-
poral and species-specific patterns in water use (SM Appendix U, SM Ap- ture inputs during the dry out period.
pendix V). First, there is a site-wide shift towards deeper sources of We did, however, find significant differences in the structure of the shal-
moisture as the dry season progresses. C. trichistandra source water shifted low subsurface that may partially explain the differences in water availabil-
from 91 % groundwater on May 31 to 100 % groundwater through the ity. Although all three sites were classified as silty loams, Site 3 soils showed
rest of the dry season (and even January 2019 via direct inference). much lower organic matter content and much higher concentrations of
S. celastrinum, used exclusively soil in late wet season (May 3, 2018), but clay. Additionally, infiltration capacity was smaller at Site 3 than at Site
shifted to 46 % bulk soil moisture, 44 % bulk saprolite moisture, and 2, consistent with a loss of organic matter and greater compaction due to
11 % groundwater on May 31, and 46 % bulk saprolite and 54 % groundwater land use (e.g., Holl, 1999). Although we were unable to measure infiltration
on June 24. The semi-quantitative analysis yielded only one result for capacity at Site 1, the presence of a litter layer and a high organic matter
H. chrysanthus (May 31) showing 87 % bulk soil moisture and 13 % bulk content would both contribute to larger infiltration rates and larger mois-
saprolite moisture. In January 2019, C. trichistandra relied exclusively on ture storage (at more accessible water potentials) in the organic rich soil.
groundwater, and S. celastrinum used a mix of groundwater (68 %) and Our data show that accessing water resources requires greater energy
bulk saprolite moisture (33 %). Although the mixing model failed expenditure in the youngest forest (Site 3), intermediate energy expendi-
for H. chrysanthus, the data suggest approximately 70 % of source water ture in the intermediate aged forest (Site 2), and lowest energy expenditure
was derived from groundwater with the remaining 30 % coming from in the primary forest (Site 1). Limited water resources in the regenerating
bulk saprolite. TDFs of coastal Ecuador have thus required trees to develop adaptations
to survive seasonal drying, as has been observed in other TDFs
4. Discussion (e.g., Brown and Lugo, 1990; Lebrija-Trejos et al., 2010; Alvarez-Añorve
et al., 2012; Lohbeck et al., 2013; Becknell and Powers, 2014; Paz et al.,
4.1. Water resource availability in primary and regenerating forests 2015). Below we discuss the differences in tree water use we documented
across forests of different age, explore possible explanations for negative
Whereas wet season predawn water potentials are similar across Sites 2 offsets in δD xylem water, and highlight species-specific adaptations to sea-
and 3 (March), and similar to late wet season predawn water potentials at sonal drying in a regenerating forest.
Site 1 (May), dry season predawn water potentials are more negative in
younger successional forests. This discovery supports the first part of our 4.2. Observed forest water use in primary and regenerating forests
hypothesis that subsurface water resources are limited in regenerating for-
ests (Fig. 4). At Site 1 (primary forest age >100 years), decreases in Ψpd coincide
While tree water potential may remain high due to the presence of with modest decreases in average xylem water δ18O (Fig. 6a). Site 1 δD,
fog in cloud forests or coastal environments (e.g., Bruijnzeel, 2001; however, was typically more negative than the GMWL, with d-excess

E.A. Santos et al. Science of the Total Environment 850 (2022) 157908

between −10 and 0 through the summer (SM Appendix O) and more neg- of accessible moisture in the soil/weathered bedrock but δD is negatively
ative than bulk soil and saprolite moisture (Fig. 5a). The negative offset in offset 10–20 ‰ (e.g., Brooks et al., 2010; Gierke et al., 2016; Geris et al.,
xylem water δD from the GMWL presents a challenge to isotope mixing 2017; Barbeta et al., 2019). Proposed mechanisms for this offset include
analyses, however, the results of our semi-quantitative analysis show fractionation associated with transport through symbiotic mycorrhizal
Site 1 trees to use bulk soil moisture in the wet season, and shift to greater fungi (e.g., Fuchs and Haselwandter, 2004; Moreira et al., 2007; Poca
contributions of bulk saprolite moisture through the dry season et al., 2019), intra-bole isotope effects (Barbeta et al., 2022), fractionation
(SM Appendix P). from source values along the root-to-crown xylem stream (Vega-Grau
With the exception of C. trichistandra (discussed in detail below), the sta- et al., 2021), as well as artefacts of cryogenic extraction (Chen et al.,
ble isotope composition of xylem waters at Site 2 (late successional forest 2020). Below ground, tightly bound moisture is isotopically negative rela-
age 30–70 years) decreased through the first part of the dry season, tive to mobile water in soils (e.g., Brooks et al., 2010; Gaj and McDonnel,
reflecting uptake of bulk soil moisture and then bulk saprolite moisture 2019; Barbeta et al., 2022; Chen et al., 2021) and in weathered and fresh
(Fig. 5b, SM Appendix N). Similar to Site 1, xylem water δD was more neg- bedrock (Oshun et al., 2016), yet it remains challenging to identify the iso-
ative than the GMWL, however the d-excess was larger, approximately tope composition of available subsurface waters because an unknown pro-
equal to 0 through the early dry season (SM Appendix O). At Site 2, portion of bulk water will be held at water potentials below the minimum
xylem water reflected bulk soil and saprolite moisture in the early dry sea- achievable water potential of trees (e.g., Barbeta et al., 2020; Berry et al.,
son, but shifted mid dry season to larger d-excess source water. This shift 2018; Oerter et al., 2019). Recently, a number of studies have used soil
corresponded with a leveling off and then a slight increase in Site 2 average grain size distribution, and in particular the fraction of silts and clays, to
Ψpd (Figs. 4, 6b). For the remainder of the dry season, the stable isotope empirically predict the ‘unbound’ fraction of bulk soil moisture (Chen
composition of xylem water increased, moving towards the groundwater et al., 2016; Duvert et al., 2021; Barbeta et al., 2022). Empirical corrections
source (Fig. 5b). In the early dry season (May 3rd), Site 2 trees use exclu- have also been developed to correct xylem δD to a computed ‘source line’ or
sively soil water. As the subsurface dries, Site 2 trees use greater propor- best fit trendline of all potential sources (Barbeta et al., 2019; Hahn et al.,
tions of saprolite and then groundwater. Although the two-end-member 2021; Li et al., 2021; Duvert et al., 2021). We decided not to apply this em-
mixing analysis failed for dates in mid-June to early July, there is a clear pirical correction to our subsurface data because of the very low sand frac-
trend in decreasing uptake of bulk saprolite moisture and increasing uptake tion at our sites (5–29 %) compared to the reported range in previous
of groundwater (SM Appendix P). In January 2019, the 2-end-member studies (60–100 %) and because of the TDF's observed dry season reliance
mixing yielded a result of 76 % groundwater, possibly reflecting uptake on saprolite and weathered bedrock moisture, for which empirical correc-
of recent precipitation, which had an isotope composition slightly more tions have yet to be developed.
enriched (−1.93, −4.75) than our groundwater source endmember and In the Cordillera del Bálsamo, the range of xylem water δ18O was
resulted in an increase in soil and saprolite gravimetric water content approx. −2 to −8 ‰ and spanned the combined ranges of groundwater
(Fig. 3). The water potential and stable isotope data are consistent in show- δ18O (−2.23 to −3.81 ‰) and bulk soil and saprolite moisture (−3.13
ing Site 2 trees rely more heavily on deeper sources of moisture (rock mois- to −6.44 ‰). Xylem water δD, however, was offset from the GMWL at
ture and groundwater) to sustain hydraulic function through the mid to Site 1 (d-excess of −10 to 0 ‰), and at Site 2 in the early dry season (d-ex-
latter part of the dry season. cess of approximately 0 ‰). Xylem data at Site 3 plotted along the GMWL.
At Site 3 (early succession enriched age 10–30 years), the stable isotope The greatest and most consistent offset in δD occurred in the primary forest
composition of xylem water resembled groundwater in the early dry sea- (Site 1), which may be a result of isotope effects associated with reliance on
son. As the dry season progressed, the stable isotope composition of shallow roots and, potentially, greater internal water storage (e.g. Paz et al.,
xylem water decreased steadily (Fig. 5c). Over this period, Ψpd also 2015). Conversely, at Site 2, the mid-dry season shift to deeper sources of
steadily decreased (Fig. 6c). Similar to Site 2, C. trichistandra showed a dif- moisture as evidenced by the slight increase in average predawn water po-
ferent trend as xylem water stable isotope composition increased, suggest- tential and a large increase in δD, eliminated the δD offset between the
ing sustained groundwater use. Mean Site 3 xylem waters reflected GMWL and xylem water.
dry season uptake of groundwater and bulk saprolite moisture (Fig. 5c, Although we were unable to identify the mechanism for the δD offset at
SM Appendix P). Site 1 and at Site 2 in the early dry season, we applied a δD correction for
Collectively, our observations show trees at all sites rely on deeper possible cryogenic extraction following the formula introduced in Chen
water sources as the dry season progresses, however this shift occurs earlier et al. (2020) and based on Evaristo et al. (2015) (SM Appendix W, SM
in younger forests where shallower water resources are limited and compe- Appendix X). This analysis decreased the Site 1 offset, resulted in a positive
tition is greater. The increased spatial distribution of roots in early succes- δD offset for the majority of Site 2 xylem water samples, and resulted in a
sional forests (e.g., Addo-Danso et al., 2018) can affect the physical positive δD offset from the GMWL at Site 2 for all xylem water samples
properties of the subsurface, including predawn water potential (Paz (SM Appendix Y). The δD offsets, and the potential for isotope effects in
et al., 2015; Brown and Lugo, 1990; Aide et al., 1995; Kennard, 2002; δD do not affect our interpretations of site specific or species specific trends
Lebrija-Trejos et al., 2011), which may require individuals in younger in water use through the dry season.
forests to rely more heavily on deeper water sources to survive the dry sea-
son. Our data are consistent with previous studies showing younger forests 4.4. Species-specific water use strategies in a regenerating forest
invest more heavily in the development of deeper root systems (Paz et al.,
2015), whereas in more established forests, species tend to be more shal- Although the three native species we measured at Site 2, C. trichistandra,
lowly rooted, perhaps in part due to a greater capacity to store water within S. celastrinum, and H. chrysanthus, are drought deciduous, we observed all to
plant tissues (Pineda-García et al., 2013; Paz et al., 2015). be fully foliated through July 4th. The dry out from March to July resulted
in all species taking up greater proportions of groundwater. However, pat-
4.3. Potential stable isotope effects associated with uptake terns in Ψpd, Ψmd, and the stable isotope compositions of xylem water re-
veal distinct dry season water use strategies among these three native
We acknowledge the growing body of evidence documenting isotope species. We interpret these three strategies using the spectrum of drought
offsets, most commonly a negative offset in δD, between xylem water and avoidance to drought tolerance (e.g., Borchert and Pockman, 2005; Butz
subsurface water sources (e.g., Cernusak et al., 2005; Ellsworth and et al., 2018) of species exploiting different ecological niches within a
Williams, 2007; Brooks et al., 2010; Ellsworth and Sternberg, 2015; Zhao regenerating TDF (Oliveira et al., 2021).
et al., 2016; Vargas et al., 2017; Poca et al., 2019; Barbeta et al., 2020; Although C. trichistandra Ψmd and Ψpd decreased through the dry sea-
Zhao and Wang, 2021; Vega-Grau et al., 2021; Chen et al., 2021; Barbeta son, values remained greater than −0.57 and −1.27 MPa, respectively.
et al., 2022; Duvert et al., 2021). Often, xylem water δ18O resembles that Our semi-quantitative analysis showed C. trichistandra to be using primarily

E.A. Santos et al. Science of the Total Environment 850 (2022) 157908

or exclusively groundwater throughout the dry season. The relatively high xylem water increased from 11 to 54 %, coincident with a slight relaxation
water potential and the stability of xylem water isotope composition are in tree water status.
consistent with a drought avoidance water use strategy (Fig. 8) and low re- We were unable to find any published studies on S. celastrinum, how-
sistance to cavitation (e.g., Méndez-Alonzo et al., 2012). ever, our data suggest the presence of a dimorphic rooting system
C. trichistandra is a stem succulent species with very low wood density (e.g., Tyree and Sperry, 1989; Dawson and Pate, 1996; Fan et al., 2017)
(0.26 g/cm3) (Butz et al., 2018), greater amounts of paratracheal paren- composed of shallow, lateral roots which obtain nutrients from soil layers
chyma cells (e.g., Borchert and Pockman, 2005; Choat et al., 2005; and a deep taproot which accesses groundwater as the water potential of
Jacobsen et al., 2007; Pratt et al., 2007; Pineda-García et al., 2011), and shallow water sources declines and groundwater becomes an energetically
greater internal water storage capacity (Butz et al., 2018, Holbrook, favorable source (Fig. 8). We therefore interpret S. celastrinum to employ a
1995). Residence times of stored water in mature C. trichistandra were mea- hybrid strategy of early dry season drought tolerance, and late dry season
sured to be between 18 and 25 days (Graefe et al., 2019), and daily water drought avoidance.
use to be over 200 kg/day (Butz et al., 2018; Graefe et al., 2019). Sapflux From mid-May to early July, H. chrysanthus Ψpd and Ψmd decreased to
density is sensitive to subsurface drying, and stored water may be used to values more negative than any other Site 2 species (Fig. 7). The water po-
maintain high rates of transpiration (Butz et al., 2018), although it is likely tential data suggest H. chrysanthus, unlike S. celastrinum and
replenished through continued uptake, albeit at decreased rates. At Site 2, C. trichistandra, lowered Ψmd to continue to access water from the shallow
the isotope composition of xylem water reflected a groundwater source, subsurface as it dried. The isotope composition of H. chrysanthus xylem
and although we did not measure root depth, groundwater in the valley water matched bulk soil and bulk saprolite for the first part of the dry sea-
at an elevation of approximately 40 m, was >2 m below the ground surface. son, but shifted towards the GMWL on June 13th. Our semi-quantitative
Use of groundwater at Site 2 would require deep roots (Fig. 8), likely analysis yielded only one result (May 31) for H. chrysanthus, reflecting
greater than five meters, which is consistent with estimates in the TDFs of 87 % bulk soil moisture and 13 % bulk saprolite moisture. Although the re-
coastal Ecuador (Canadell et al., 1996; Fan et al., 2017). sults of the two end-member mixing analysis between bulk saprolite and
S. celastrinum Ψpd and Ψmd decreased steadily through the early dry groundwater revealed different results when using δ18O and δD, there
season to minimum values of −1.70 and −3.50, respectively, on June was a consistent decline in the proportion of saprolite, and therefore an in-
13th. For the remainder of the dry season, however, Ψpd and Ψmd in- crease in the proportion of groundwater as the dry season progressed. This
creased slightly (Fig. 7). We observed no precipitation during this time pe- result suggests that although Ψpd and Ψmd continue to decline due to
riod, which suggests the increase in Ψpd and Ψmd resulted from a shift in maintained shallow water uptake, H. chrysanthus begins to use groundwater
water source. Our semi-quantitative analysis revealed S. celastrinum to shift in mid-June and the proportion of groundwater increases through the dry
from bulk soil moisture to a mixture of bulk soil, bulk saprolite, and ground- season.
water, to bulk saprolite and groundwater as the dry season progressed. H. chrysanthus (formerly classified as Tabebuia chrysantha), is a slow
From May 31 to June 24, the proportion of groundwater in S. celastrinum growing hardwood species with thick bark (Gonzáles Estrella et al., 2005;

Fig. 8. At Site 2, measurements of subsurface moisture, predawn and midday water potentials, and stable isotope compositions illustrate distinct water use strategies of native
TDF species: C. trichistandra likely has deep roots that enable access to consistent sources of relatively high water potential groundwater; S. celastrinum likely has a dimorphic
rooting system with access to deep moisture and groundwater; H. chrysanthus may possess active shallow subsurface roots, as well as a deep tap root which may allow for
simultaneous access to a consistent water source and shallow nutrients.

E.A. Santos et al. Science of the Total Environment 850 (2022) 157908

Günter et al., 2009) and high wood density of 1.1 g/cm3 (Borchert, 1994). 5. Conclusion
Typically, H. chrysanthus show high growth rates from the wet season
through the mid dry season, and lose their leaves through the latter part We used wet and dry season measurements of gravimetric water con-
of the dry season (Homeier, 2004). Stem diameter has been shown to fluc- tent, predawn and midday leaf water potential, and stable isotope measure-
tuate daily (Borchert and Pockman, 2005) and to decrease steadily through ments of subsurface moisture and xylem water to quantify differences in
the leaf-on dry season (Volland-Voigt et al., 2011). H. chrysanthus has low subsurface moisture dynamics, and tree source water across regenerating
water storage capacitance in its dense wood, which results in a strong and old growth TDF. During the transition from wet season to dry season,
response in leaf water potential to the use of stored water and signals steady declines in subsurface moisture resulted in decreases in average
the wood tissues are tolerant of desiccation to low water potentials Ψpd at each site. However, these decreases were far sharper in successional
(Borchert and Pockman, 2005). Our stable isotope data suggest that if forests (sites 2 and 3), showing that regenerating forests harbor limited
H. chrysanthus was diurnally replacing stored stem water, the source of subsurface water availability. A return of subsurface water potentials to
this water was groundwater in mid to late dry season. that of primary forests is expected to take at least 100 years. Within the
Maintaining active shallow roots would allow H. chrysanthus to rehy- regenerating TDF, we identified specific water use strategies across three
drate rapidly (e.g., Borchert and Pockman, 2005) in response to the first native deciduous species through the seasonal drought. Whereas the stem
rains of the wet season. We observed H. chrysanthus to produce a full succulent C. trichistandra avoided drought by relying on relatively accessi-
flush of flowers at the start of the rainy season, similar to in other TDFs ble groundwater, S. celastrinum followed a drought tolerance strategy in
(Volland-Voigt et al., 2011; Homeier, 2004), a trait that would benefit early dry season through maintained access to shallow water sources, but
from shallow roots that captured the first rains of the season as well as shifted to greater proportions of groundwater in the late dry season in a
maintained access to nutrients (e.g., Cornejo et al., 1994; Schüßler et al., drought avoidance strategy. As the subsurface dried, H. chrysanthus showed
2016). We find H. chrysanthus to be the most drought tolerant of the three drought tolerance by maintaining access to shallow water sources via very
measured species at Site 2. low water potentials and a smaller hydraulic safety margin, however
In summary, we observed all species at Site 2 to depend on deep sources H. chrysanthus also accessed groundwater as the dry season progressed.
of moisture, however, there were key, species-specific differences in water We hope our results inform future studies investigating tree water source
use. The oldest and largest tree, C. trichistandra, is a drought avoiding, stem (s) in the TDF and directly aid local TDF conservation and management ef-
succulent with large water storage capacitance reliant on groundwater. forts in Bahía.
S. celastrinum shows drought tolerance through the first part of the dry
season by lowering its water potential to access bulk soil and saprolite mois- CRediT authorship contribution statement
ture, but switches to groundwater in a drought avoidance strategy in the
late dry season. H. chrysanthus is a drought tolerant species with the lowest Emily Santos: Conceptualization, Methodology, Resources, Investiga-
predawn and midday water potential and a small hydraulic safety margin tion, Data Curation, Visualization, Writing-Original draft preparation.
(e.g., Markesteijn et al., 2011), however H. chrysanthus also relies on Xavier Haro-Carrión: Data curation, Writing-Reviewing and Editing.
groundwater, albeit while maintaining access to shallow bulk soil water Jasper Oshun: Conceptualization, Supervision, Methodology, Resources,
in anticipation of the first rains. Writing-Reviewing and Editing.

4.5. Regional implications Data availability

Compared to older forests in this region, subsurface water resources in Data will be made available on request.
regenerating forests are limited. We observed lower leaf litter layer, greater
compaction (lower infiltration rates) and greater clay content in the Declaration of competing interest
regenerating forests. Additional factors include more vigorous competition
in young forests (e.g., Paz et al., 2015; Brown and Lugo, 1990; Aide et al., The authors declare that they have no known competing financial inter-
1995; Kennard, 2002; Lebrija-Trejos et al., 2011) and lower canopy cover ests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the
which leads to increased soil evaporation. The remotely sensed data show work reported in this paper.
early to late successional forests similar to sites 2 and 3 cover 74.6 % of
the Cordillera del Bálsamo, whereas primary forests similar to Site 1 Acknowledgements
cover only 16.3 %. In contrast to previous studies suggesting the subsurface
water availability in regenerating forests reaches primary forest conditions Thank you to those whose generosity made this study possible finan-
in 12–15 years (Lebrija-Trejos et al., 2010, 2011; Pineda-García et al., cially: The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic
2013), or a return to primary forest canopy cover in 23 years (Kennard, Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) for the 2019 Instrumentation Discovery Travel Grant
2002), our data suggest a recovery time in the subsurface of >100 years. and the 2019 Graduate Student Travel Grant; Humboldt State University
In the interim, successional forests, on average, invest more in root growth Department of Geology for the 2019 Geology Field Work Summer Assistance
(e.g., Brown and Lugo, 1990), to access tightly held shallow water or deeper Award and the 2018 Geology Opportunities Fund Award; Andrea and Don
water to survive the dry season. Tuttle for the 2019 Tuttle Climate Conference Scholarship; The California
Of the current TDFs worldwide, 97 % of them are deemed at risk for State University Program for Education & Research in Biotechnology
proximate and indirect loss, jeopardizing the ecosystem services they pro- (CSUPERB) for the 2018 Graduate Student Travel Grant; Humboldt State
vide (Miles et al., 2006). Moving forward, we suggest there is an urgent University and Dr. Bud Burke for the 2017–2018 Bud Burke Scholarship.
need to quantify the effects of successional forest age on subsurface water Thank you to Lucy Kerhoulas and Andrew Stubblefield for their guidance
storage and water availability, evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge, and support through the early stages of this manuscript. Infinite thanks to
and forest water yield to sustainably manage regenerating forests and all the Corredores de Conservación de Biorregiones collaborators, Ramón
plan for local and regional water security. Recently, the Bosque Seco Bio- Cedeno Loor and Blas Loor, and Kathrine Castillo, Haley Sellers, Amanda
sphere Reserve (BSBR) has led to an increase in protected TDF along the Donaldson, Lucas Oshun, Dr. Stefania Mambelli and Dr. Wenbo Yang.
Ecuadorian coast from 4 to 8 % of the existing 6000 km2 (Escribano-Avila
et al., 2017). Our results suggest intensive monitoring of native species Appendix A. Supplementary data
can be paired with remotely sensed data to scale up ecohydrological find-
ings and predict water yield across a broad range of forest to inform and Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
add justification to ongoing conservation and forest regeneration. org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157908.

E.A. Santos et al. Science of the Total Environment 850 (2022) 157908

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