Consolidation Practice Question Solution
Consolidation Practice Question Solution
Consolidation Practice Question Solution
30 November 2019
Non-current assets £
Goodwill (W3) 72,000
Property, plant and equipment (168,000+115,000) 283,000
Investments 0
355, 000
Current assets
Inventory (20,000+22,000-2,500)) (W6) 39,500
Receivables (24,000 + 25,000 – 6,000 inter co) 43,000
Bank and cash (7,000+5,000+1,500 cash in transit) 13,500
Share capital 98,000
Retained earnings (W5) 181,100
Non-current liabilities
8% debentures (30,000+20,000) 50,000
Current liabilities
Payables (48000 +38000-4,500 interco) 81,500
Adjust for cash in transit as it will have been taken out of the bank of one of the
group but not yet appearing the bank of the other group member. If we did not
add it in, it would not be represented in the group figures.
Adjust receivables as the £6,000 is an intra group transaction and as group
accounts treats the ‘group’ as a single entity inter group transactions should be
contra’d off.
Workings for the CSFP above
85,000 106,500
________ _______
Cost of investment 130,000
FV of NCI 35,000
Fair value of net assets acquired. W2-(100% x 85,000) (85,000)
Goodwill at acquisition 80,000
Impairment (we are told this in the question) (8,000)
Goodwill at reporting date 72,000
The difference between what we pay for the company and the fair value of its assets gives
us the goodwill at acquisition.
We are told there is impairment of £8,000 by the reporting date so we need to deduct this
amount from the goodwill to represent the value of goodwill at the reporting date. Since
NCI is valued using the FV method, the impairment is apportioned between NCI
and Retained earnings.
Non-controlling interests
At Acq 35,000
Post acq 40% x 21,500 8,600
Impairment 40% x 8,000 (3,200)
non-controlling interest 40,400
K – Parent 173,000
S – Subs (106,500 - 85,000) x 60% 12,900
We deduct the PUP from sub’s net assets as S sold the goods and therefore made the
profit on sale and we also adjust the inventory figures as at the year end this PUP makes
up part of the stock figure.
(W6) PUP
As S sold the goods we adjust W2 and the inventory on the face of the CSFP.
Please note: If K had sold the goods instead, we would have adjusted W5 and the
inventory on the face of the CSFP.
DR Bank 1,500
DR Payables 4,500
CR Receivables 6,000
b)BU6013 Consolidated statement of financial position – K Group as at
30 November 2019
Non-current assets £
Goodwill (W3) 71,000
Property, plant and equipment (168,000+115,000) 283,000
Investments 0
354, 000
Current assets
Inventory (20,000+22,000-2,500)) (W6) 39,500
Receivables (24,000 + 25,000 – 6,000 inter co) 43,000
Bank and cash (7,000+5,000+1,500 cash in transit) 13,500
Share capital 98,000
Retained earnings (W5) 177,900
Non-current liabilities
8% debentures (30,000+20,000) 50,000
Current liabilities
Payables (48000 +38000-4,500 interco) 81,500
Adjust for cash in transit as it will have been taken out of the bank of one of the
group but not yet appearing the bank of the other group member. If we did not
add it in, it would not be represented in the group figures.
Adjust receivables as the £6,000 is an intra group transaction and as group
accounts treats the ‘group’ as a single entity inter group transactions should be
contra’d off.
85,000 106,500
________ _______
Post -acquisition reserves = £21,500 (£106,500 - £85,000)
(W3) Goodwill
Cost of investment 130,000
The difference between what we pay for the company and the fair value of its assets gives
us the goodwill at acquisition.
We are told there is impairment of £8,000 by the reporting date so we need to deduct this
amount from the goodwill to represent the value of goodwill at the reporting date. Since
NCI is valued using the proportionate method, the impairment is wholly allocated to
Retained earnings.
Non-controlling interests
At Acq 34,000
Post acq 40% x 21,500 8,600
Impairment (FV Method only)
non-controlling interest 42,600
K – Parent 173,000
S – Subs (106,500 - 85,000) x 60% 12,900
We deduct the PUP from sub’s net assets as S sold the goods and therefore made the
profit on sale and we also adjust the inventory figures as at the year end this PUP makes
up part of the stock figure.
(W6) PUP
As S sold the goods we adjust W2 and the inventory on the face of the CSFP.
Please note: If K had sold the goods instead, we would have adjusted W5 and the
inventory on the face of the CSFP.
DR Bank 1,500
DR Payables 4,500
CR Receivables 6,000