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Aa-230 Zoom Software-En

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RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM


Antenna and cable


Software manual

1. Software manual 20/03/2019

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM

Table of contents
Connecting RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM to your computer ...........................................4
Updating the firmware ..............................................................................................5
AntScope program .....................................................................................................6
Settings ..................................................................................................................7
Menu General ........................................................................................................7
Menu Updates .......................................................................................................8
Menu QSL Calibration ............................................................................................9
Menu Cable ..........................................................................................................10
Menu Export en Import .......................................................................................11
Look out ...........................................................................................................11
Menu Print ...........................................................................................................11
Menu Screenshot .................................................................................................12
Menu Screenshot from AA ..................................................................................12
Menu Data from AA .............................................................................................12
Explanation of the top menu ...............................................................................13
Menu SWR .......................................................................................................13
Data screen ......................................................................................................13
Menu Phase .....................................................................................................14
Phase Info ....................................................................................................14
show phase graph ............................................................................................14
Menu Z=R +jX ...................................................................................................15
Menu Z=RII +jX .................................................................................................16
Menu RL (Return Loss) .....................................................................................17

2. Software manual 20/03/2019

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM
RL (Return Loss) ...........................................................................................17
Show return loss graph ....................................................................................17
Menu TDR (Time domain reflectometer) ........................................................18
Time domain reflectometer info .................................................................18
show TDR graph ...............................................................................................18
Menu Smith .....................................................................................................19
Info Smith chart .......................................................................................19
How to use AntScope...............................................................................................20
Time domain reflectometer (TDR) mode.............................................................21
Calibration mode .................................................................................................21

3. Software manual 20/03/2019

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM

Connecting RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM to your computer

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM can be connected to a computer running Windows

2000/2003/XP/Vista/7/8/10, as well as Mac OS (version 10.6 or higher) and Linux
operating systems.

The latest version of the software may be found at the Downloads section of the
http://www.rigexpert.com website. Windows, Mac OS and Linux installers are
available as separate downloads.

The direct link to the software downloads is


To avoid damage caused by possible electrostatic
discharge, always follow this sequence:

1. Connect the coaxial cable to the antenna connector

your analyzer.

2. Connect the analyzer to the USB port of your computer

4. Software manual 20/03/2019

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM

Updating the firmware

A Firmware update tool, available at the Downloads section of our website, will
automatically download new versions of the firmware. Just run the program and
follow on-screen instructions.

The direct link to the Firmware update tool is


You may also download binary files of the firmware for the off-line updating, if

The LCD of the analyzer will flash during the firmware update process.

It is safe for the analyzer to cancel the firmware update
process at any time, and then start it over

5. Software manual 20/03/2019

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM

AntScope program

The main function of the AntScope program is to show measurement results on

the “big screen”. The AntScope is a great companion to your RigExpert analyzer
which adds functions previously available in expensive, professional grade
equipment only.

6. Software manual 20/03/2019

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM

1. Connect your analyzer to the PC as described in section 1 of this manual. Make

sure the analyzer is turned on and is in the “ PC mode ” (the AA-230 ZOOM is
already in the “ PC mode ” once turned on).

2. Run AntScope. Under Windows, the program will automatically detect the virtual
COM port number as well as the analyzer type. For Mac OS and Linux, select
serial device name and analyzer type in the Configure menu.

Menu General

Here you tick everything that applies for your use.

Also select the ITU zone where you are located.

7. Software manual 20/03/2019

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM
Menu Updates

The Updates menu gives you the option to install a downloaded Firmware file.
Either you do this via an Auto Check Updates and click Check Updates.

The AntScope can also automatically search for updates.

8. Software manual 20/03/2019

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM
Menu QSL Calibration

The calibration wizard is started here.

Open: Open file or Start the Open Calibration

Short: Open file or Start the Short Calibration

Load: Open file or Start the Load Calibration

9. Software manual 20/03/2019

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM
Menu Cable

Velocity factor:
Cable lenght:
Cable R0:
Conductive loss :
Dielectric loss:
Transmissission line option:
Do nothing:
Substract cable:
Add cable:

Update graphs:

10. Software manual 20/03/2019

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM
Menu Export en Import

Go to Export to save the current

measurement to a file, then select Import to
retrieve the saved data.

Look out:

If you save a file as NWL with extension .nwl then you have to load this as a .nwl
For instance, CSV data can be easily imported into a
Microsoft Excel sheet. R and X (active and reactive parts of impedance) values are
saved into the CSV file for each point on the graph. To calculate SWR or other
parameters, use corresponding formulas.

Menu Print

Here the image you see in the AntScope main screen can be printed in a PDF file
or saved as a PNG file

11. Software manual 20/03/2019

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM
Menu Screenshot

Will save the data as PNG

Menu Screenshot from AA

Here you become a screenshot of the AA-

230 ZOOM window

And you can Export this file as a PDF or

BMP file or you copied this image to your
clipboard for use it in one or other

Menu Data from AA

This will read the data from your AA-xxx

12. Software manual 20/03/2019

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM
Explanation of the top menu

The screenshot below shows a typical AntScope screen:

Menu SWR:

show SWR graph

Data screen

You will see a pop-up data window when the cursor is moved over the graph, and
shows different parameters of a load:

13. Software manual 20/03/2019

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM

Menu Phase:
Phase Info (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Phase is the position of a point in time (an instant) on a waveform cycle. A

complete cycle is defined as the interval required for the waveform to return to its
arbitrary initial value.

Phase can also be an expression of relative displacement between two

corresponding features (for example, peaks or zero crossings) of two waveforms
having the same frequency.
In sinusoidal functions or in waves, "phase" has two different, but closely related,
meanings. One is the initial angle of a sinusoidal function at its origin and is
sometimes called phase offset or phase difference. Another usage is the fraction
of the wave cycle that has elapsed relative to the origin

show phase graph

14. Software manual 20/03/2019

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM
Menu Z=R +jX

show R, X, Z (series model)

15. Software manual 20/03/2019

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM
Menu Z=RII +jX

show R, X, Z (parallel model)

16. Software manual 20/03/2019

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM
Menu RL (Return Loss)
RL (Return Loss) (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
In telecommunications, return loss is the loss of power in the signal
returned/reflected by a discontinuity in a transmission line or optical fiber. This
discontinuity can be a mismatch with the terminating load or with a device
inserted in the line. It is usually expressed as a ratio in decibels (dB);

Where RL(dB) is the return loss in dB, Pi is the incident power and Pr is the
reflected power.
Return loss is related to both standing wave ratio (SWR) and reflection coefficient
(Γ). Increasing return loss corresponds to lower SWR. Return loss is a measure of
how well devices or lines are matched. A match is good if the return loss is high. A
high return loss is desirable and results in a lower insertion loss.
Return loss is used in modern practice in preference to SWR because it has better
resolution for small values of reflected wave

Show return loss graph

17. Software manual 20/03/2019

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM
Menu TDR (Time domain reflectometer)
Time domain reflectometer info (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
A time-domain reflectometer (TDR) is an electronic instrument that uses time-
domain reflectometry to characterize and locate faults in metallic cables (for
example, twisted pair wire or coaxial cable). It can also be used to locate
discontinuities in a connector, printed circuit board, or any other electrical path.
The equivalent device for optical fiber is an optical time-domain reflectometer.

show TDR graph

18. Software manual 20/03/2019

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM
Menu Smith

Info Smith chart (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

The Smith chart, invented by Phillip H. Smith (1905–1987), is a graphical aid or

nomogram designed for electrical and electronics engineers specializing in radio
frequency (RF) engineering to assist in solving problems with transmission lines
and matching circuits. The Smith chart can be used to simultaneously display
multiple parameters including impedances, admittances, reflection coefficients,
scattering parameters, noise figure circles, constant gain contours and regions for
unconditional stability, including mechanical vibrations analysis. The Smith chart is
most frequently used at or within the unity radius region.

show Smith chart

19. Software manual 20/03/2019

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM
How to use AntScope:

Type your Frequenz in the Start field and in the Stop field set your end Frequenz
klik on Add and your setup is saved

See that your AA-230 ZOOM is connected with your computer and antenna

Now klik on Single and the the antenna analyzer is create a full report of your
antenna on the selected frequenz, and in the field Name there will create a
datafile with this report.

Continuous mode – restart measurement when it finishes

20. Software manual 20/03/2019

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM
Time domain reflectometer (TDR) mode
This mode displays impulse response and step response graphs which show how
electromagnetic wave reflects from discontinuities in a cable.
Additionally, a tool tip near the cursor shows estimated value of the impedance of
a cable at the corresponding distance.
This will let you know if your cable is in a good or a bad condition.

For best results, perform a scan over the full frequency range with 1000 or more
Make sure the characteristic impedance and the velocity factor of the cable are
set in the Settings – Cable parameters menu.
This will let you see the exact distance to the discontinuity.
For TDR measurements, it is not important if the cable ends with antenna, open
circuit or short circuit.

Calibration mode
Although RigExpert analyzers are designed to provide suitable precision without
any calibration, a simple “open-short-load” calibration method may be used to
improve the result.
Moreover, this method may be used to remove the effects of a cable, so accurate
measurements at the far end of the cable become possible.

For this method, three calibration standards are required: an “open”, a “short”
and a “load” (usually, a 50-Ohm load).
For better results, these standards should be of a good quality.
Additionally, physical length of all loads should be the same.

21. Software manual 20/03/2019

RigExpert AA-230 ZOOM

Copyright 2019 Rig Expert Ukraine Lts.

“RigExpert” is a registered trademark of Rig Expert Ltd.

Made in Ukraine

22. Software manual 20/03/2019

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