TESDA Circular No. 132-2020

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SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines on the Page 1 of 9 pages

Deployment of Training Regulations (TR)
and Competency Assessment Tools Number P.1 series of 2020
(CATs) for Automotive Servicing (Chassis
Repair) NC II
Date Issued: j Effectivity: Supersedes:
23 October 2020 Immediately

In the interest of the service and to provide coherence and standards in the
deployment of amended Training Regulations for Automotive Servicing
(Chassis Repair) NC II, the following Implementing Guidelines are hereby


• TESDA Board Resolution No. 2020-33 dated 11 August 2020 on "Approving

and Promulgating the Training Regulations for Automotive Servicing (Chassis
Repair) NC II" was issued.

• The abovementioned Training Regulations (TR) were developed in partnership

with the Chamber of Automotive Manufacturers of the Philippines, Inc.

• The deployment of this TRs is in accordance with the Operating Procedure on

the Development and Deployment of Training Regulations under ISO


• To implement the TRs aimed at better responding to the demands of the

industry. Thesde TRs will promote competencies that are readily employable,
environment-friendly and compliant with the industry requirements of the
Automotive and Land Transportation sector:

• To strengthen the industry-academe linkages addressing the "skills-jobs

mismatch" in critical sectors; and

• To build the training and assessment infrastructures for the development of the
industry workers in the sector.


New and existing training programs registered under the No Training Regulations
(NTR) or LGU/industry/other government programs relating or leading to
Automotive Servicing (Chassis Repair) NC II shall be covered by this Circular.
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines on the Page 2 of 9 pages
Deployment of Training Regulations (TR)
and Competency Assessment Tools Number IV series of 2020
(CATs) for Automotive Servicing (Chassis
Repair) NC II
Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
23 October 2020 Immediately


A. Utilization of the New TR

To ensure utilization of these TRs, all Regional/Provincial/District Directors

shall immediately advocate/encourage and facilitate the registration and re-
registration of abovementioned program subject to Section 1V.0 of this
Circular. The Qualifications and Standards Office (050) shall initiate
deployment/orientation of TRs and CATs for all Regional/Provincial/District
Offices in accordance with the Operating Procedure on Development and
Deployment of the TRs and CATs.

B. Training Delivery Modality

1. Training providers shall be required to offer program either using the

institution/school-based, enterprise-based, community-based, traditional
and/or flexible as delivery modes;

2. To standardize program offerings, the training providers shall be required

to develop Competency-Based Curriculum based on these TRs;

3. To ensure quality training delivery, the training providers shall adhere to

the training arrangements as stipulated in these TRs, including the
trainer's qualifications, trainee entry requirements, training facilities,
materials, tools and equipment.

C. Program Registration

1. Registration or re-registration/migration to new or amended Training

Regulations within a period of one (1) year shall commence only after the
issuance of the approved Implementing Guidelines on the Deployment of
Training Regulations, Competency Assessment Tools, and the conduct
of Capability Building Program for Regional Lead Trainers and Assessors
(CBP for RLTs and RLAs). The conduct of CBP for RLTs and RLAs shall
facilitate the building of the training and assessment infrastructure and to
ensure uniform/standard implementation of competency assessment
based on Operating Procedure on Competency Assessment (TESDA-
OP-CO-05, Rev. 00).

2. Subject to the relevant provisions of Section XI of TESDA Circular No.

07, Series of 2016, on the Amended Omnibus Guidelines on UTPRAS,
all "No Training Regulations (NTR)" registered programs related to this
qualification shall be re-registered as "With Training Regulations (WTR)"
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines on the Page 3 of 9 pages
Deployment of Training Regulations (TR)
and Competency Assessment Tools Number a2 series of 2020
(CATs) for Automotive Servicing (Chassis
Repair) NC II
Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
23 October 2020 I Immediately
within a period of one (1) year shall commence only after the issuance of
the approved Implementing Guidelines on the Deployment of Training
Regulations, Competency Assessment Tools, and the conduct of
Capability Building Program for Regional Lead Assessors Trainers and
Assessors (CBP for RLTs and RLAs).

3. The registration of program related to Automotive Servicing (Chassis

Repair) NC II shall follow the Operating Procedure on Program
Registration (TESDA-OP-00-01, Rev. 00) and current program
registration guidelines;

4. All Regional/Provincial/District Directors are hereby instructed to process

application for program registration within the allowable process cycle
time (PCT) indicated in the Operating Procedure on Program Registration
or existing guidelines.

5. The National TVET Trainers Academy (NTTA) shall initiate training for
Regional Lead Trainers (RLTs).

6. The following codes shall be applied for this TR:

Qualification Unit Code Unit Title

Qualification Title
Basic Competencies
Automotive 400311210 Participate in workplace
Servicing (Chassis i ALTASC220 communication
Repair) NC II
400311211 Work in a team environment
400311212 Solve/address general
workplace problems
400311213 Develop career and life
400311214 Contribute to workplace
400311215 Present relevant information
400311216 Practice occupational safety
and health policies and
400311217 Exercise efficient and
effective sustainable
practices in the workplace
400311218 Practice entrepreneurial skills
_ in the workplace
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines on the Page 4 of 9 pages
Deployment of Training Regulations (TR)
and Competency Assessment Tools Number 122 series of 2020
(CATs) for Automotive Servicing (Chassis
Repair) NC II
Date Issued: I Effectivity: Supersedes:
23 October 2020 I Immediately
i Common Competencies
ALT723211 Validate vehicle specification
ALT723212 Move and position vehicle
ALT723214 Utilize automotive tools
ALT723215 Perform mensuration and
ALT723216 Utilize workshop facilities and
ALT723217 Prepare servicing parts and
ALT723218 Prepare vehicle for servicing
and releasing
Core Competencies
ALT723385 Diagnose and repair drive
ALT723386 Diagnose and repair clutch
ALT723387 Diagnose and overhaul
ALT723388 Diagnose and overhaul
ALT723389 Diagnose and repair brake
ALT723390 Diagnose and repair steering
ALT723391 Diagnose and repair
suspension system

D. Trainer's Qualifications


1. Holder of National TVET Trainer Certificate (NTTC) Level I in

Automotive Servicing (Chassis Repair) NC II: and

2. Must have at least one (1) industry experience in Automotive Servicing

for the last three (3) years


1. Holder of National TVET Trainers Certificate (NTTC) Level 1 in

Automotive Servicin• Chassis Re•air NC II: and
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines on the Page 5 of 9 pages
Deployment of Training Regulations (TR)
and Competency Assessment Tools Number M series of 2020
(CATs) for Automotive Servicing (Chassis
Repair) NC II
Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
23 October 2020 Immediately

Must have industry immersion of forty (40) hours annually (industry

training which includes structured training program inclusive of hands-
on activities, observation in a workshop, and training certificates with
number of hours);

The current holders of NTTC Level I in Automotive Servicing NC II shall

follow what is stipulated in Section 4 of the TR, particularly section 4.1.6
for the renewal of their NTTC. Continued learning through (40) hours'
industry immersion annually will also be required for upskilling
purposes both for the new and existing trainers.

E. Assessment and Certification

1. Assessment and certification shall follow the Operating Procedure for

Competency Assessment (Document No. TESDA-OP-CO-05, Revision
00) and provisions of Section 4 — Assessment and Certification
Arrangements of the TRs.

2. A National Certificate (NC) is issued when a candidate has

demonstrated competence in all units of competency for Automotive
Servicing (Chassis Repair) NC II.

3. Candidates wanting to be certified will have to be assessed in

accordance with the requirements identified in the evidence guide of the
relevant unit/s of competency.

4. Candidates who have gained competencies through informal training,

previous work or life experiences may apply for recognition in a particular
qualification through competency assessment or portfolio assessment.

5. The following are qualified to apply for assessment and certification, as

long as they are holders of National Certificate in the amended
Automotive Servicing NC I:

5.1 Graduates of WTR, NTR-registered programs or formal/informal

including enterprise-based trainings related to Automotive
Servicing (Chassis Repair) NC II; or

5.2 Experienced workers (wage employed or self-employed) who have

at least two (2) years of experience in Automotive Servicing
(Chassis Repair). A Certificate of Employment and Job Description
must be provided as proof. In which case, those who have gained
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines on the Page 6 of 9 pages
Deployment of Training Regulations (TR)
and Competency Assessment Tools Number L32 series of 2020
(CATS) for Automotive Servicing (Chassis
Repair) NC II
Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
23 October 2020 Immediately
at least two (2) years of experience in Automotive Servicing
(Chassis Repair) can avail of the portfolio assessment and be
exempted from the provisions of TESDA Circular No. 59, Series of
2020, which requires that the number of years of work experience
shall be at least five (5) years to be eligible for portfolio assessment.

6. Current holders of National Certificate (NC) in AUTOMOTIVE

SERVICING NC II shall have their certificates renewed and converted
to the amended TR provided he/she has accumulated at least two (2)
years (in the last five [5] years) work experience, practicing the
competencies prescribed in his/her certificate. A Certificate of
Employment and Job Description must be provided as proof. He/she
must be a holder of National Certificate in the amended Automotive
Servicing NC I.

7. Current holders of Certificate of Competency (COC) in AUTOMOTIVE

SERVICING NC II, shall have to undergo assessment in the amended
Training Regulations upon expiration of their Certificates. He or she
must be a holder of National Certificate in the amended Automotive
Servicing NC I.


The QSO shall deploy the Competency Assessment Tools (CATs) to all
Regional/Provincial/District Offices. Concurrent with this, the Certification Office
shall conduct Capability Building Programs for Regional Lead Assessors as
stated in Section 6 of the Operating Procedure for Development of Competency
Assessment Tools (Document No. TESDA-OP-QSO-02, Rev. No. 01).

A. Qualification of Competency Assessors

In accordance with TESDA Circular No. 64, Series of 2020, on the

"Accreditation of Assessment Centers and Competency Assessors under
the Philippine TVET Competency Assessment and Certification System
(PTCACS)" amending TESDA Circular No. 15, Series of 2015, and
Operating Procedures TESDA —OP-CO-03 and 04. the accredited
Competency Assessor must fulfill all of the following conditions:

1. Practitioner of the occupation/trade in the trade area for at least one (1)
year within the last three (3) years. Candidates for Assessors without
required industry work experience shall be granted Provisional
Accreditation, subject to the guidelines promulgated by the TESDA
Board for the purpose.
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines on the Page 7 of 9 pages
Deployment of Training Regulations (TR)
and Competency Assessment Tools Number 131 series of 2020
(CATs) for Automotive Servicing (Chassis
Repair) NC II
Date Issued: Effectivity: f Supersedes:
23 October 2020 Immediately


For Trainer-Assessor, must have industry immersion of forty (40) hours

annually (industry training which includes structured training program
inclusive of hands-on activities, observation in a workshop, and training
certificates with number of hours)

Holder of a National Certificate at the same or higher level of the

Qualification where the assessor is accredited.

3. Holder of NTTC I and/or COO 2 — Conduct Competency Assessment

under TM I.

For new Applicant - Competency Assessor, he/she must have conducted

actual assessment to at least ten (10) candidates under the supervision of
a Regional/ Provincial Lead Assessor, as part of capability building of
Competency Assessors.

5. For accredited competency assessors for amended Training Regulations

— he/she shall only be required to conduct actual assessment to at least
two (2) candidates for related qualifications under the supervision of a
Regional/Provincial Lead Assessor.

Erring Assessors shall be subjected to the provisions of TESDA Circular

No. 134, Series of 2019.

B. Competency Assessment Tools (CATs)

1. The CATs shall be regarded with strict confidentiality. The

documents include the Assessor's Guide, Rating Sheet with prescribed
Tasks/Activities and time allocation for the conduct of assessment.

2. The Assessor's Guide shall be strictly followed in the conduct of

assessment. The Rating sheet shall be used to record the evaluation of

3. The Specific Instructions for the Candidate shall be provided to each

candidate at the start of assessment and returned to assessor right after
the assessment activity.

4. The CATs must be returned to the TESDA Representative/District/

Provincial Officer within the same day of assessment.
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines on the Page 8 of 9 pages
Deployment of Training Regulations (TR)
and Competency Assessment Tools Number 1.22 series of 2020
(CATs) for Automotive Servicing (Chassis
Repair) NC II
Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
23 October 2020 Immediately

C. Assessment Centers

1. Conduct of assessment shall be done in Accredited Assessment Centers.

which passed the requirements based on the Operating Procedure or
existing guidelines.

2. The CATs specification on the size requirement for the facilities and List
of Supplies, Tools and Equipment must be used in the Accreditation of
an Assessment Center or as provided in current TESDA Circulars
related to conduct of assessment in the new normal i.e. subject to health
and safety protocols.

3. Relevant enterprises may be accredited as Assessment Centers.

D. Assessment Fee

A separate TESDA Circular shall be issued upon promulgation of

assessment fee for this qualification.

E. Integrity Fortification

Integrity fortification of assessment and certification shall be strictly adhered

to through the implementation of the following measures:

1. Conduct of Capability Building Program for Regional Lead Assessors

(RLAs) by the Certification Office; Conduct of Capability Building
Program for Provincial Lead Assessors (PLAs) and Competency
Assessors by the Regional Office through the appointed RLAs;

2. Pre-scheduled assessment:

3. Presence of a TESDA Representative during the entire conduct of

assessment; and

4. Conduct of Calibration Workshop for Competency Assessors by the

TESDA Regional/Provincial/District Offices through the RLA/PLAs.

F. Registry of Certified Workers

1. The list of certified individuals will be uploaded in the online Registry of

Workers Certified.
SUBJECT: Implementing Guidelines on the Page 9 of 9 pages
Deployment of Training Regulations (TR)
and Competency Assessment Tools Number 132 series of 2020
(CATs) for Automotive Servicing (Chassis
Repair) NC II
Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:
23 October 2020 Immediately


1. The Regional and Provincial/District Offices (ROPO/DO) shall closely monitor

the implementation of the registered programs under this TR; and

2. The ROPO/DO shall require the education and training providers with
registered program under this TR to report the enrolled, graduates and
employed in the T2MIS as part of the regular monitoring and feedback system.


This Circular shall take effect as indicated and shall supersede all other issuances
inconsistent hereof. Wide dissemination of this Circular by all concerned is hereby


Director General

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