Lapril. Ffi /: (D/ U-S 2Q'

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qr{d Tr{on /Covemment of Indiir

T6 +ierdq /Ministry of Homc Allairs

E6rFrisnrq. Ilyr{, {iqr {d/ Dircctorate General, SSB
gff u-s s. 3'R A gtrl/Ecst Block-V, R.K. Puram
d ffi / NewDelhi 110066
No.36l/RC/SSB/AC(CD) LDCE-2o18/2021/ H 2q' ?2 I)atcd:- lApril. 2022
The Dy Inspector General (Rectt)
Diroctoratc General, CRPF, East Bbck-7, Lcvcl-lv, tt.K.l\ram, New Delhi-(r(r
2) Thc Dy Inspector Ceneral (Pers)
Dircclorate Gencral, BSF. CGO Complex. Lodhi Road. Ncw Dclhi-01.
i) The Dy Inspcctor Ccneral (Pers)
Dirc€lorate General, ITBP, CGO Complcx, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-03.

Suh sclcction to thc

Commandant(GD) in CAPFS throush Limiled Dcpartment{tl Conrpetitive
llxamination for the vacancv vcar-2111t|.2019.2020.2021 & 2022 ir a sinsle

Please refer to Ministry of Home Atlairs. COI, UO No.-45013/25l2021/l'crs-l dated

27.05.2021 arli lD No. 4501 3/25/202l-Pers.l dated 25.10.202 I (copies encloscd) vidc which
MHA has assigned rcsponsibility 1o conduct recruitment lbr thc posl ciled above.
2. ln this rcgard. MHA vide ID No.45013/25/2021-Pers-l dated 07.04.2022 has approved
the action plam and advcrtiscment for conducting recruilment to the posl ol Assistant
Conmandant(CD) through LDCE in CAPFs (SSB. CRPF, BSF & ITBP) lor thc vacancy year
2018, 2019. 2020,2021 & 21122 in a singlc oxamination. Copy of advertisemcnl alongwith
action plan for conducting subjcct recruitment, approved by MHA, is cnclosed herewith.
3. All CAPFS are roquesled to circulatc thc advertiscment for wide publicity arnong cligible
candidates lhrough their rcspective Field Fonrations. The advertiscment is also available on
SSB Rocruitment Websile www.ssbrec ll ro\ in

4. Concemed CAPFs may collect applicatbn liom eligiblc. willing candidatcs ol their
Organizalion in prescribcd format wef. 29.04.2022 lo 10 05.2022, consolidaie thcsc applications
and constitute a Board of Olliccrs to scrutinize fic applications as per chocklist(cncloscd with
adveiiscmcnt) and forward the list of only eligible candidatcs alongwith their admit card, one
self addressr-d envelope stamped ofRs. 25l- and dala prepared in MS Excel (dale tbrmat will be
DD-MM-YYYY) in soll copy as per format enclosed as Annexure-Il to thc Dy lnspector
General (Rectt). Directorate Gcneral. SSB, East Block-V, R.K.Puram, New Dclhi-66 on or
before 15.06.2022.
5. Conccrncd CAPFS are also requcsted l() suhnrit scannsd pholographs, captionednamed
wilh ljorce number in JPC lbrnlar in respect oI cligible candidates and thcir scanncd signature'
captionulhamcd with Force number in separele foldcr in a CDiDvD. \ h r
Enclosurei: As mentroned ehorc. \\ 0\r to>>
l)\' lnslector Ccnerxl( Il
CopY forwarded to :-
Sh. Anand Kumar Cautam, SO (PersJ), P-ll Division(PersJ Desk), MHA New Delhi- fbr
information w.r.t. MHA ID No.45013/251202 I -Pem-l datcd 07.04.2{)22.

rA<'\,. Dy Inspeclor General(Rectt)

tf r l_
rlllii lilqlr/Covernment
qarfrq /
of india
istry ol Home Affairs
M in

gtio-,, 13ia-* (6r116-t aE;)

q .o

Polic€-ll Division [Pers-l Desk)

-North Block, I.1ew Ilelhi'110001

.3;&s1" P€Jtfcf
Sull: I"imited Departmental Competitlve Examination for the post of Assistant
Commandant/GD in CAPFS for the next five vears 6:om 2O1B onwards.
J.' "**-- -k7,,
The eompetent Authority has nominated SSB as Nodal Agency to conduct Ltmited
D. p artmental Com Examination for the st of Assistant Commanda GD in
CAPFS (BSF, CRPF, SSB & ITBPJ for the next five rs liom 2 018

2. & ITBP are therefore requested to intimate category wise and year
wise vacancy oftheir Forces for the above said examination to ssB under intimation to
hb9- this Ministry at the earliest.

3. SSB is lequested to take immediate action in the matter as per SOP (copy
enclosed) on the subject.

w {
(Anand Kumar
Section 0fficer IPers' )
TeleFax - C11-23093285

A r
T4 HA 3 /25 /2021 /P ets'l Dated, the 2021

l-, i,- I i

i-o ,Jllle'"14
r( uJl ) n\
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of lnclia
aq lo2) ir;Tli1 , l.-liutaFt
Ministrv of Home Affairs ,^- Personncl Direclorate

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Slrbiecl Limit€d Departmental Competitive Examinatlon for the post of

Assistant Commandant (GD) in cAPFs for the vacancy yeal
-rl 20'18-reg.

au SSB may please refer to their lD No 361i RC/SSB/AC(GD) LDCE-2018i

2021 125?2 daled 08 .09 .2 021 on the subiect cited


2 The case has been examined' SSB is advised to adopt a methodology

for conducting Limited Departmental Competitive examination in
which the

vacancies of AC(GD) are calculated' yearwrse' candidates shall be

h- consideredonthebasisoltheirful'illingtheeligibilityrequirementoflengthol
service etc. for the particular vacancy year and separate merit list shall also
prepared for each Year

3 This issues with the approval of Competent ALlthority

'-:,*NL(,'f?) Section Officer (Pers.l)

r Gene Pers SSB R Pur New Delhi-66

MHA lD No. 450'l3l 2512021-Pers I da cl, 2021


" tJr
v b.)
qr{d {I{6R ,/Governnent oflndia
rIE riar q /Ministry of I lorne Affairs
r6rF{f:rldq. llyr., qltqr {d/ Directorate General, SSB
gd e-< -s. 3rR d gyq/East Block-V, R.K. purarn
r{ftd Z New Delhi - I t0066
No. 361/RC/SSB/AC(C D)LDCE-20t8/2021I t128 Dared :- 2l4pril,2022
]\DVERI ts uNt ]tvr
Selectio for the post ofAssistant Commandant((;D) in C,{PFS throIsh Lintited
Deoartmentol Competitive Examinfltio[-2018. 2019. 2020. 2021 & 2022.

t. n pllications are invited liom scn,ing Sub-lnspectors and lnspectoni for thc post ofAssrsrdnt
Conrmandant (CD) in thc S shastra Scema llal, Central Rescrve poljcc Force, Border
Sccurity Force and Indo-Tibehn Bonlcr Police tkough Limited Dcparhental Compeltrivc
Examinalion (LIXIE) for the vacancy year -20111 2019, 2020, 202t & 2022 as per
Recruitmcnt Rules of rcspective Forccs in a singlc cxaminatioll. Thc B)sts are temporarv
but likely to beconrc pcrmanent in accorclance rvilh the guidelin€s ofthc Covennncnt.
2. vacflncies :-
a) For thc ]ear 2018 :-

SL No NaDre of l'orcc Nunrbcr ofvacr (ies

SC sl' Totnl
I ssB 0.1 0t 00 0.1
(,RPF :0 00 05 l5
l I'I'BP lll 00 lxl 0t
,1. IBSF 00 rx) 0q 00
'fotnl vacallcics 2{ OI 05 -i0
b) l_or lhc lcxr 2019 :

SI, NO Nnm( of For'.r Nttmher ofvacancier

(Jllresc]r'cd SC S'I' Totxl
I IiSR 16 0.1 02
( ]ItPF lI 00 0l 0l
-1 I',t tiP 00 00 0(l 00
I BSF 00 00 00 00
otrl iacancies t1 0.t 0-l :J
c) Iror the lear 2020 :

Sl- No Nnmc of Forc( Nul|rher of\,acflI|cies

s(' sl
I ss lj II 00 00 u
( rRPl- ill 00 00 0l
-l I'[BP 0t 00 00 {tl
{. I}SIi ll 0.1 t)l 21
'I otnl
Yn(rrcies .1{ 0.1 o2 10
d) Iior thr \ear 202l :

SI, NO Nnme ol lorc( \unrhct of vx(xr( ie\

I nre!('r\ cd s( ST 'l otal
I sstl 0l r)t) 00 0l
2. ( rtPt,' 0t 0lt 00 0l
.t. ll ltl 0t lt: lt0 t)-1
,1. Itsl. 09 0l 0t t2
'l otnl lacfll|(ies t: 01 r)l t7
( Continucd on Pagc-2)

\r 1.."
c) for the ycflr 2022 :,

sL \0 Nanle of Forcc \unrhcr ol'racancics

Lrrertrvcd s(l s1' 'I otlrl
I SSIi 22. 0l lIt 2.',t
( l{tt' 0lr () 00 0
-1 IT RP lll lI 0l 20
.t BS t.' t1 0.1 0.2 22
'lotal \arancics 5/ 0l 65
Note :.(i) Vactlncies mentioned above arc subject to changc (May ilrrease or decroase at
any slage)
(ii) Tho Selection of candidates against vacarcies for ahc ycar 2022 in ITBP is
subjcot to outcomc oflhe Writ Petition filcd bcl-ore rhc Hon'ble l{igh Court ol Delhi.
(iii) Oul oftolal 6l vacancies in BSF, 5% i.c. ()3 vacancies (one for each ycaF2020.
2O2l & 2022\ arc lo be fillcd by female candidatcs. Howevcr, in case vaoancics
meant for female cardidates are not filled, thc samc will be filled up by rccmiting
male/other candidates and will not be carried lorward.

.1, tgy :-7'h CPC Pay Malrix Lcvel-|0, RS.56,100/-(PBJII ol Pre-revised scale Rs.l5,6{X!
39,1fi1 + GP Rs.5,400/:) ptus allolvances like DA, IIRA, CCA, and other allowanccs as
admissible under Rules.

't. Elisibili(v conditions: The cligibility for ?\C(CD) rltrough this LDCE rvill bc as pcr the
RRs of thc rcspeclivc Forccs. It \yill be lhe rcspollsihility of respec(ivc CAPFS to
sarutinize thc application accordingly before for*erding it to SSB.

a) 1g9 : - The uppcr age limil for appcaring rr the LDCE will not be more than 35
(Thirty t'ive) ai ur ltr Auqust of Dartic[lar vacan.v vcar. The cut oll date
Ior calculalion ofage ofcandidales Ibr diflbrent vacanoy years will b. as under:-

Sl. No Cut off(lxl.

20l8 0l.0ll.l0lll
1 201I 0t.08.10re
l 2020 ii1.0t 2020
I l0l I 01.08.202 t
l0:2 0l 08l0l:
a) Edua{tional orralification:- Cradualion t'roln a recognizcd Unilcrslty as applicablc
lo Assislanl Commandant (Direct Entry).
b) Rclaxation of Age : Rcltlxable by five years lor SC]S l candidates
'thc candidale should havc completed regular scNicc as on l'r Januarv of
SglyiSg :
particular vacancv vcrr in lhe ran-k oI Sub-lnspector/lnspccbr includ;ng period of
lraining as pres0ribed in RRs of respective CAPFs-'l hc cut offdate for calculation of
lcngth oI scnice ofcandidalcs lar diflcrent vacancy vears will be as under-
Sl. ){0 Vnc-rncy Cut off d,rlc
2013 0t.01.2018
2019 0 r.0 t.20t 9
I 2020 0t 0t 2011i
.1 201I 0I {)t.20ll
l 2022 0t.01.2021
Candidatcs should havc clean rccord of service as pcr l{Rs/prescribed by conccrned

( ContiDUc(l o'r page-l)

c) ical Strlldards :- Thc D]lntDrunl rcquircmclls lbr thc canddatcs (as applicahle
to ,,lssistanl CommaDdaDt (CD) iI lhe Direct E trr ) it rc as under :-
S/No ]!!alc Icnralc
0l H NiirrirnLrnr rn cnts ) 165 cms 157 c'rrs
()l Chcsl(Minimum in cms)
Uncxpandcd 8l cms \,\
Minimum Expansion 05 cms
0.1 Wcight in Kgs 50 kgs 46 KlIs
Notc:- lhe \rcight should be as pcr hcight and agc ts nrcntioned ir Annerure-I of
rcviscd unifornr Cuidelincs for rccrritmcnt llledical Exnmination of COs nDd NGOS
in CAPIS & Al{ issucd bv MIIA datcd 20.05.2015).lloHeler, as pcr [{IIA ONt
No.A.\'l.Ul.l-llcctt{SSB) dated 24,0t1.2015, ovcrneight/undcrwcight candid.tes will
hc alloNcd to participate in thc [cxt stagc of recruitmcnt alld shall not he debarred
at PST stagc. 'l hc final dccision on fitncss/unfitncss rvill bc decided h). the medical
authority al lhc linrc of lUcdical Era ination based o fhe rvcight and age on the
(lil of Nkdicul Errnrinrlio llnd hcight ar rncasurcd h! lhc I'S I Ilor' d.
I) Medical Staldards:-
i) The candidatc must bc in MedicalCatcgory SHAPE I(ONE).
ii) The standard ofMedioal fitncss lbr lhc candidatcs should be lhe samoas prcscribed
by the Covcmnrent for Assislant Commandant(CD) in thc Direc( Enlry.
lii) lt should, however, be cleirly undeNtood that the Covernmenl ol lndia rcsenes
righrabsolute discretion to reject or accept candidature of any candidatc atier
considering the report ofthe l\4edical Board.
iv) Mcdical cxanri ation will bc conductcd as pcr reviscd llledical Cuidelines
issued by NIHA dated 20.05.2015, F.No-E.32012/ADG(Mcd/DME&RME/DA-
ll2i2u(Part l'ile)/l166 datcd -1t'r Ntay, 2021 and amcnded from time to time for
recrritment of(;O. and NGOS in thc CAPF5 and AR.
5. Number of Ch{nces t As pcr SOP, a total of o3lllM} chances will be given Ibr
appcariDg in I-DCE. Howcvcr, in this coll)hind LIX]li for thc v:rcurcv yenr
2018. 2019. 2020. 2021 & 2022. orrlv otlc (01) charcc will hc counted. I he wrlling and
eligiblc candidates will submit applicalrcr as pcr A!!!!qI-qIqE ro their respecn\e
Dircclomtc Ccncral. No TA/DA, journcy cxp€nses are allowed for altending the tesl. The
pcnod of lhc lcst will br treated as on lcavc for lhe candldates appearing in the tesl, which
woukl be sanclioned by thc lcavc sanotioning authorily-
6 'I hc sclection process:- The selectioD process will be as llnder :-
6.1) Writtel Examinntion:-
There will be thrce papcrs in wrilten lcst as per dctails givcn hclow. Adnlission for lhe
writlen examination will be puroly oll produclion ol call letlcr issucd to the eligible
candidares by lhe Nodal Agency and Forcc idenlity Ca,ll ol thc candidales. Srnce, this
examination is purcly [or CAPFs pel'.sonnel. all candidalcs shall be in proper uniform.
i) 8Ep!L1 (lntelligence Test and Gencr.l knowledge) (Timc 2 hours - 100 lllarks & l0O
Qucstiols) This will include Ceneral Awarcness, Ccncml Intelligcncc, Ileisonrng.
Nunrerical Ability, Current Events, Malters of cvcry day obscrvalion aDd cxferie ce.
'Ihis paper would be objective rype (Mulliple choicc qucstiolr & hilingual ;.c I..rrBlish or
ii) Paper-ll (Professional Skill) (Time 2 hours- 100 Marks & 100 Questions)
'l"his will be dcsigned 1() lesr professional skills of tho calldidalg in relali()n Io operational
and adminislrative requirement of thc Forcc oI which hr:/shc is a mcrnber. I'hrs p0ner
would bc objeclivc type (Multiple choioe question & bilingual i.e. English or Hindi).
iii) Paper-lll (Essay, Prccis Writi,rg an(l (innprchension) ('l imc 2 hours 100 Marks )
'Ihe mcdium of writing ol essay shrll bc opled by thc ca didale as llindi or EnSlish.
IIowerer. mediuln ofwriring pricis,I)(l c(nrprchcnsioI r-rrll be English only.
( Continued on pagc-4)

--\ !

Ng!g_ : I Qualifying marks will bc 45% in each paper and 50% iD aggregate. However,
qualifying marks for SC/ST candidates will be 40% in each papcr and 45 9/o in aggrcgate
Notg:2 Thc result of paper-l & ll will be announced within 02 working days &
candidates qualified in paper-l & paper-ll will be called for pST & pET.
NSlg : 3 The result ofPaperJII will be announced atier c.onducling pST & pET.
Phr \i I Stnndard Tcst IPS I & l'hrsiral Bllicicrl Tcst (PET) :
'llrc candidatcs who qualily in PaperJ & ll ofwri cn examination as elahorated above at
Note I & 2 will only be called for Physical Standard Test & physical Eliicicncy Tcst at
placc specified by lhe Nodal Forcc by constiluting a Board of Ofliccrs. 'Ih€ phvsicrl
Staldard -l est (l'S rrill bc conductcd as Dcr st{ndards Drcs oibcd for diroct
Iccl.Uitmcnt o f Aslistant Commandrnt( GD) in CAPFs. Phvsical Elliri l csl sIall
risc of thc follo\vinp comr}o hich lrill be ou:rliliinl, in n re but f{il rc
evcl rn one evcnt will anrount to disqunlificafion
d) Xlalc Canditla(c:
(i) l0O meteni race to bo complctcd in 16 seconds.
(ii) 800 mclcrs mce lo bc completcd in 03 minules 45 seconds.
(iii) LongJump 3.50 mtrs (Three chances will be givcn)
(iv) Shot Put (7.26 Kgs.) 4.50 mtrs. (Thee chanccs will bc given)
b) Female Catrdidates r
(i) 100 meters race to be oomplctcd in 18 seconds.
(ii) 800 mctcrs race to be complcted in 04 minutes 45 seconds.
(iii) Long Jump 3.00 mtrs (Three chances will bc given)
A woman oandidatc. who as a rcsult of a test is found to be pregnant of 12 wccks
standing or ovcr, shall bc dcclarcd tcmporarily unfit and hcr appoiutrncnt hcld in
abcyance until the confinement is over. The vacancy against which a woman candidate
was selected should be kcpt reservcd for her. She should be re-examincd for Physical
EUicicncy Test six weeks after the date ofconlincment, subjcct lo the production of the
mcdical certilicate offitness ftom a rc8istcred medical practitioner. Ifshe is lbund lil she
may he ap;xrintcd lo lhc post kept reserved arld allow the benclit ol seniority in
accordance with the instruclions oflhe Govemment, as amcndql lrom timc to time.
Note iOne ofliccr of thc rank of DIG will be nomi[ated es Appellete Authority ,t
PS'I/PET venuc to dispose of PST/PET appcal, if any, of candidates on the same
6.3 Intervie\d and Dcrsonality Testi
'lhc (landidatcs lvho ourlifv in thL w te cxamiration and sccure required
tc errcnla of mrrks ir writtcn cxanrinntion i.e. PaDer-I. ll & Ill as wcll
ns qualify Phrsical Standard Test rnd Phlsicnl llfficicnc\ 'lcst rvould he callctl lbr
the Nodal A

Thc lnterview will carry 100 marks and thc break- up of Interview will bo ils undcr:-
s/\ o-.--T f".Wlt"r* Nlarimunr
01 Physical Make-up l0 Marks
()l Gcncral lrtclli !pl[qde, irlcresl apd profcssionll .skil] l0 N'larks
{ r-1 Bchavaoral and Ps t !h(r lo c l ns|ccls l0 Nlarks
(r1 Any co[spicuous irchicvcr]lcnts ( Gallantry/ lile {)5 I,4arks
rncrlll< l)V & [ire rncJnl5t(lunng.crvi(c
( Cbnlinrcd on pdgc-s )

\\ Sa.
05 lntemational/ National Sports/ AII India Police games 05 Marks
Achicvemcnts duri scrylcc
06 Ovemll asscssmcnt l0 Marks
'I otal
100 l\farks
Notc:-ln the lnterview. there are no minimurr qualifying rnarks but attendance is
6.1 II edical Ernmination:-
Thc candidates who qualily the written examination, PST,TET and Interview. shall be
cligiblc for undergoing modical cxamination to bc conductL-d by thc duly constitutcd
Medical Board of concerned CAPF-S. The rncdical exarnination will bc conducted as pcr
roviscd Mcdical Guidclincs issued by MltA dated 20.05.2015. F.No.320t2/
ADG(Mcd)/DME&RMFI/I)A-1/2020(Part Filc)/1166 dated 31'r Ma),2021 and amendcd
tiom time to time tbr recruilment of GOs and NGOS in thc CApFs and AR. Thcre would
also bc a provision fbr Right to Appeal as per the existing guidelines. The Revierl,
Medical Examination will bc in continurtion of Dctailcd Nledic.l llxamination.
6.5 iUcrit List:-
On cornplclion of abovc proccss in all respect (stuge wise), the Nodal ,{gency shall
prcparc thc final mcrit list of thc candidatcs for cach vacancy ycar scparaacly
storting from 2018 to 2022 in chronological ordcr and as pcr thc ctigibility of thc
candidates for erch Force (category wise) and the result will be declared
accordingly in a phascd manncr. A Iist offinally sclcctcd candidatcs {Forcc rvise) will
bc sent to rcspective Directorale General by the Nodal Agency for issue of offer of
F'or cxample- If a candidatc fulfils all cri tcrin. qualify all stagcs fi)r thc vacaicy ycars
2018, 2019 & 2020 dnd,lbund eligible k) place in the merit lirr all three years then lbr
giving himiter the bcnclit ol seniority, he/shc will be considercd Ibr the year 2018.
Furthcr, if a candidatc is cligible for only onc vacancy year, lris/her selection will be
considered for that particular vacancy year only iftespective of marks obtained in
comparison ofcandidalcs cligible lbr other vacancy ycar.
7. Tie Principle:-
ln case, two or more catrdidates have secured equsl sggregate marks, the tic(s) will bc
resolved in accordancc with thc following principlcs,-
a) If tho marks in aggreSatc arc equal, the candidatc ge(ing more m.rks in written total
will be ranked higher.
b) If the marks in writtei total arc cqual, thc candidatc gclting morc marks in Paper-l
(lntelligcncc Test and Ccneral Knowledgc) and Papcr-ll (Profcssional Skill) will be
ranked higher.
c) If thc nlarks in Papcr-l (lntelligence test and General Knowledge) and Paper-ll
(Proftssional Skill) are also equal, thc candidatc scnior in agc wiil b0 rankcd higher.
8' fra!!i!.s:.
Thc sclcclcd candidatcs shBll undcrgo trailring at the training centre ofrespective Forces
and they rvill remain on probation lbr a period of two years as per rrcruilmcnt rulcs for
lhe fx)st ol'Assistant Cotnmandant (GD).
9, Submission of application :-
(i) Thc I)ircctorate Gcncral of CAPFs rvill further circulatc this ldvertisement. SOP
and its related instruotions to lhcir field tbrrrutions lor obtaining thc applications of
eligiblc candidales.
(ii) The eligihle candidates shall apply for lhc posl in lhc prescribcd linr)al allached with
lhis Nolilication as Annexurc-'B" to their respective Directorate Ccneral tlrrough proper
cha ncl. At the time of filling application lirnn. candidates will have to nrenaion all
vacancy ycars for which he/she is cligible.
(Continued on Pagc-6)

Applioatiols should bc supporlcd with prool of the D tc of Birth, Educatiooal

Qualification, Caste/Iribal Certificalc issued by the Competent Authorities, Certificate
for complcting lenglh ol clean scrvicc (as prescribcd in RRs of rcspcctivc CApFs) after
verification/checking from servicc records (as pcr annexurc-D), ACRs/ApARs and
Disoiplinary/Vigilance clearance Certificate/ SIIAPE-l Medical Category. IIowever. no
marks will be allotled lbr documcnlation. No dircct corcspondsnoo by the candidates, in
this regard will be made with FHQ, SSB bcing Nodal Agency.

(iii) The concerned Directorate General ofCAPFS shall accordingiy collect applications from
willing/cligible candidates of lhcir Organization, consolidatc applications properly,
entercd scrially in a rcgister in lhc clrronological order of tlrc rcceipt. preliminary
screening of applications as per checklist (Annexure-A) will be carried out by fie
concemed Force Directorate strictly as per eligibility conditions by constiluting a Board
of Officcrc and will lbrward the list of eligiblc candidates orly showing eligibility of
candidatcs for ycar-wisc vrcancy in hard and soft copy alongwith their Ad,nit Cards
(Annexure-C) to the Dy lnspector Ceneral(Rectt). Dircctorate Ceneral, SSB. East Block-
V, Level-6, R.K-Puram, New Dclhi-66 for allotmcnl of Roll numbers lo lhc cligible
candidatcs. The applicalions receivcd aftcr duc dotc fixcd for recciving or those found
incomplete in any manner will be rejected by the concemed Force Dir€ctoratc, duly
recording thc reasons lbr rejection in thc regis(cr against tlrc rame of thc applicant.
Board Proceedings alongwith individual-wise Recruitment Dossier, containing all the
papcn including ACARs/APARs and NOC ta88cd should bc prcparcd and retained by
conccrncd CAPFS till hcaring from Nodd AgeDcy (SSB).
(iv) Applicatton received allcr due drle i.c. 30.05.2022 wil not bs considered [nder any
(v) C.[did.tes must se[d lhe following documents with his/hcr application to thci]
concerncd Directoratc Cerlersl:
(a) Admit Card duly fillcd in all respcct and signed by thc candidate wirh photograph pasted
(duly typcd on ,A4 sizc pnpcr).
(b) Two idcntical copics ofrccent passport size (5 cms x 7 cms approx) photographs ofthe
candidatc in uniform, onc pasted on the application form and the other on the admit card
in the spacc providcd therein, duly signed by the candidate as per instructions.
(c) Two self-addressed envelopes of ll.5 cms x 27.5 cms sizc aUixcd wilh Rs. 25l- postal
(d) Selfattcstcd true copy ofmatnculalio or cquivalcnt certificate as proofofage.
(c) Selfattestcd true copy ofthe cenificates ofeducation qualifications.
(0 Selfattested true copy ofcaste ccrtilicatc in casc ol SC/ST candidatcs.
(g) Servicc oortilioate/vigilancc clearancc ns per specimen enclosed with the application
(h) Attesled copy oflatcst Shape-1(ONE) Mcdical Catcgory certificate.

(l) Applications, wilich arc not in prescril)ed profonna or not accorrpanied by the spccificd
enclosures or incomplete or del'cctivc applicalions shall be surnrnarily rcjccted. No
rcprcscnlalion or con-cspondcncc rcgarding such rejection shall be enterlained undcr any
(ll) Candidatos arc not rcqlircd to submit any original certificates in support oftheir olaims
regarding cducational qualifications and olher relevant ccrtiflcatcs and will subtrit only
self attested/certit'ied tnlo oopics with their applications. If on ve fication. even at any
latcr stagc, it is fourrd lhat aoy candidflte does not t'ullill ally ofthc cligibility conditions;
llis,'hcr car i(laturc shirll bc liab le for rejection

\tl ( Continued rnr l'agc-7)


(lll) The applications ol thc cligiblc candidatcs rc\jcivcd through respectivc CAPFs IIQ will
be allocated Roll Numhers by Nodal Agency (SSB).
(lV) Admit card for thc rvrittcn examination indicatinS timclable and venue of thc
examination will be issued to each eligible candidate by FHQ, SSB, New Delhi and will
be communicatcd through their respective CAPFs I IQ. Ifany candidate does not receive
i[timation, hc/she ln.y contacl concemed CAPFS HQ and no personal cnquiry will bc
accepted by FIIQ. SSB heing Nodal Agency.

(V) Any changcj/noticc in recruitment process will only be upbaded in SSB Recruitment
website i.e- wrtr'r{ Hence, candidatcs at thcir own inlerest arc adviscd
to log on to the SSB Recruitment website from time to tinle.

10. Centre of Examination :-

Date and tirne of writlcn cxantination. Physical Standard'[est (PSf), l,hysical tifliciency
Test (PET) and interview rvill be intimated to the cundidiltes through their respectivc CAPFs
by Recruitrnenl Branch, I)iroctorate Gcncral, Sashtstrir Seema Bal, Etsl tslock-V,
ll.K.Purarn, Ncw l)clhi-ll{X)66. lhc candidntes arc rcquircd to brins alons ryith thcnr
all thcir tcstinronials iD or' !l nt thc timc of intcrviclr.
Not€ :- Call lellcrs will hc issucd ttr the elipihl caudidatcs lbr aooearine ir lhc writtcn
,minnrion onl No rate call lefter will be i
Medical examination. The list ofelipible c idatcs will bc circulated to concemcd CAPFS
lhr infirmino t^ rh..lioilrlo canrlidrto< qnd rvi ll also bc di il at the Recruitment ( entre
uploaded in SSB Recruitmcnt Website

t l- Cuidclincs for filling uD thc application form :-

(a) Thc apf'lication must be filled by the candidate in his/her own handwriting. Consctions, if
any, should be legible and attested by the candidatc.
(b) The candidate will have to mention all vscancy ycars for which he/she is eligiblc.
(c) Before filling in the application form, the candidates should read the eligibility conditions
for the recruillnent carefully to see if they are eligible. They should apply if they fulfill all
the conditions to avoid disappointment at thc latcr slagc.
((l) Bcing allowed to appear in the written cxamination will not in any way guarantee
lc) Applications, which are not legible or are incompletc or incorectly filled or arc not
accompanied by prescribod cnclosures, shall be sumnrarily rejected.
(0 No changes in thc cnlrics oncc madc in the application firnn will be allowcd at lalcr stagcs
under any circumstances.
(g) Applications supportql by all documcnts as rnentioned in above Paras will only bc aoccplcd
and no advancc copy will he entcrtained by the Nodal Agcrlcy

D) lnspector Ce rrc l(Rcctt)



Forcc Nl' LrD it

Ilank Category : SC/ST/OBC/Cen

lollowing documents/testimonlals for['arded by lhe oandidnte [ound in order:-

Application in prescribed lonnal as por ir(lvcrtisclDcnl

Two Scll-addrcssed envclopcs allixod with Rs 25/- lbslal stamps Yesi No
l Proolofdate o[birth Yes I No
.1. Agc-35 y ears as o l ,{ugusl of r):rrticulnr \ircarc\ \ear lar Ycs / No
(irnrr a l() fl (l candidatc lic lir l) le by5 lbr S C/S T
ProoIol Educational Qualilicali( ((irr(lualion). Yes/ No
Proof of Caste/Tribe cc(ificale for SC/SI' issued by Comp€tent Yes, No
Aulhorit of Slate,' UT Adminislralion
Service certificate rcgarding complclion ol' years clean Ycs", No
service as on in thc rank of Sub Inspeclor/
Inspector ( cadrc) aftcr duc vcrilication from
scrvicc records.
\ Altos(cd copics of ACRs/APARs Yesl No
Disciplinary/Vigilancc clearance certilicate Yes/ No
IO Attested copy ofSIIAPE I medicll ciltcgor,v. Ycs/ No
II Domicile,/Community Cortilicatc (rc(lrirc(l in case ol PST
tl Nu her ofchanccs of Asstt Condt (LDCE) already availcd. Nil/ Onc/
Trvo/ Thrce
tl Findings (indicale eligible / not cligiblc) lirr each vacancy years:
20 r 20t 9 1020 2021 2122

\o r t
i) Length of service. Thc candidale should have conrpleted regular servicc as on l'i Januarv
of Darticula laancv vear in lho rank ol suh-lnspectofllnspector including period ol training
as prescribcrl in RRs of respectivc (lAPls.
ii)Documcnts should be placed/taggcd ir tlc llecrttitment Dossier of ench taldidatc
scrinll! as nle[tiolred nbovc.

llcn)bcr-ll Nlembrr-l

l'resi{lirg (Xficcr
.\llne\ure 'B'
tr.] \ ,\c.\\a\
Y llA RS 201 li, 20 I 9. 202 |. |l|t & 2022 Il .\ r,itN(;t.u u\r\\t t\,1' o\

ln'r No(l.rl ROI,T, No.

l'arriculars to bc fillcd bv thc crndidrte-

Paste recml passfrcrl
l. l-orcc No. & Rark size Photograph duly
signcd by lhe
2. Name ofapplicant individual in such a
way lhat parl of
Narrc ofFonr & (lnir signalurc talls in ihe
appljcation fonn and
rest on (hc pholograph
4. l)ate ofBinh Da_v Motrth Year

Sl No
MoDtll l)iry
I 0t.0s.]l)lN
| 4. | 0r.08.202r
Js I or.on.zrrz.z

Datc ofappoinnnenrPro,notion as S.l :

7. Date of proJnotion as lnsp

Total length ofclarn scrvrce n' the mnk of STINSP :-

Sl Nrt. Len8h ofsen'icc

l\{(trulr l)u
I 1)1.01.10lli
l. 0t.0l.t0t(l
.l 01.01.2020

.t 01.01.202 t


9. LducationalQua|ficalion

10. artegory(CrnrSC,'S'l)

I L I)clails ol Punishnrenlsrl{ewards:

12. Number of chanccs o f Assis(anl Comntandaol ( LDt'lj), already availed and dclail s thereol
( Should be mentioned Ycar-wise)

(Sigtrxlur ,'f lhr npplicrnt)

( ( rtr'litr"ul ,r prge-2)
13. Pcnnanml Address:

Disrricl, Sllte- l!! (i)dc -

1.1. llesent Unit Address

Disrrlcr f in Code -

15. Force issued Idcntity Card No.

I6. l lcate eliglb ility and wr llirliress to appear agaiisl each vacancy year (ycs or no ) :-

l0It 20t9 2020 2o2t 2[22

Note :-lf a catrdidat€ is €llgible and appear for more th.n on€! yur, orll on€ chsrcc
nill be counted for appr.ring in lhis recrui(melt process.

(Signalurc ot lhr xt,t,lic!nl)

\o Obicction Ccrtilicatc

Certified thal the panicula.s given by the applicanl havc becn checked aDd found correct.
Th;s Olilcc has no objection lbr hisnrer appearing in Assistant Commandanl(CD) LDCE lor the
vacancy year-z018 to 2022. tle/ shc is eligible/ nol eliglblc fbr fie post ofAssistant Commandanl
((;l)) through this LDCE as follows:-

t0t8 l0lg :020 2022


(Signaturc of ll(tl(l ofoffice)

$'ith Officc s(.ll
/tnnerure 'C'

Ior Office use onlv Roll No.

CANDIDATE'S ADMIT CARD Pasle recenr pssporr si2e

Phologmpl duly sigDed by
Note:- Inrli.ulrrs 10 be fillcd in by lhe candi(lalc.
individual in srct a wav
tl[t pa ol signature f6lls itr
Iiorce No. & Rank rh. appllcation foirn and resl
on the photognph appror.
2. Name lr1'Candidale :-

l. Father's Nane :

Date of Binh

5 Category (Gen/SCIST)
6 Fore issued ldenlirv C.ilNo
7. Digil,le lbr the vacancy year ( Indicate cligible or not etiglbl€J
20t!t 2019 2020 2l2t 2022

8. Personal Marks ofldenlification :



9. I.nn{n.rt Address :

Distri.t Slate
l0 {Jnit Address-
Dislncr Stalc- Pin Codc -

11. Mob No. & E-Mail ID olthe candidate


Si!rI!ture of lssrinq Authorit1'



Sl \o. I):it(, S biect & IaDcr (landidatc's Signaturc



Signanrrcof l/C Uxnm Cenlre

Annexure - 'f)'

It is k) cerlilv th t IIIN Itank

of Bn. of SSB/BSIi/CRI'F/ITBP has completed
ycars of continuous service as Sub Inspcctor/lnsp actor cadre as on
and has a clean record of service. Thc individual bears a good
conduct and character.

It is also to certify that therc is no vigilance/disciplinary case either pending or

conlemplatcd against him,trer. Helshe will be released to join his/her new assignnrent ln
case ofsclection to the post, which he/shc has appiied for.



Sisnaturc of aDDropriate authority



O{fice Seal

NOTE :- i) Service certificate- Il1 the case of SIs, service certificate should bc issued
by Dy Inspector General and for INSI's, scrvice ccrtificatc should be issued by
lnspector Gcneral of conccrncd CAPFs.
ii) Length of service- The candidate slrould have completed rcgulal seNico
as on @ in the rank of Sub-
Inspector/Inspector including period of training as prcscribed in RRs ol
rcspcctivc CAPFs.
I{cviscd Tentative action plal [or conrlucling rccruitment Ibr thc post of
Asstt.Comd (;t) lhlorr h t,t)CE- 2018 to 2022 in CAPFs
S No. Evcnts Pro dalc
Schedule for receipt ofapplications by the concemed CAPFs 29.04.2022 to
l Scrutiny and lorwarding of list/data of cligible candidates by 15.06.2022
CAPFs to Nodal A enc SSI}
Dctailnrent ofBoard ofOlficcrs lbr written exarn- PST & PET as t5.06.2022
mentioned against each to the Nodal Agency (SSB):-
i) Contposition of Board lbr writtel Exam :-
RcsDonsibilitv Rank Nos. Force
P.O. IrG 02(M&R) SSB
Mernber-l Comdt(Minority Com) 02(M&l{) USF
Mcrnher-ll Comdt(SC/SlCatcgory)02(M&R) ITBP
Mernber-Ill Dy Comdt(OBC Car) 02(M&R) SSB
Mcmber-lV Lady Ollicc(DC/AC) 02(M&t() CRPF
ii) o nln osition of Roard lirr l'S'l-& I'li l :
l{esponsibilitv Rank Force
Appellate Authority DIC 02(M&R) SSB
P.O. Corndt
Mernber-l Comdt
Member-ll Corndt
Member-l Lady Of icer(Dc)
Accordingly, CAPFs will t|ominate following for composition
of PST & PET Board and Scnior most Commandant will act
as Presiding Officer :-
Rsnk t\'os, !'orce
Comdt(Minority Corn) 02(M&R) BSIi
Comdt(SC/ST 02(M&R) ITBP
Comdt(OBC) 02(M&l() SSts
l.ady Officer(DC) 02(M&R) CRPF
*( 'f,l'stands for Nlain & 'R'stands lor Rcscrve)
l Preparation and fbru'arding of I'aper-ll (l'rol'cssional skill) in 03 15.06.2022
sets (4. B & C) alongwith ansrvcr kcv lo Nodal Agency (SSB)
by CAPFs.
l Segregalion of applicatiorrdal received liom CAPFs by the 10.06.2022
Nodal A SSB
Allotlnent of Roll Number and issue of admit cards to the 08.01.2022
cligible candirlates ( l'hrough concclncd CAI'fs

( Continued on l)agc-02)

7 Conduct of Written Exarnination through outsourced Firm:- 31.07.2022

I -
Paper - 0830 hrs. to 1030 hrs.
II -
Paper I130 hrs. to 1330lrs.
Paper-III 1530 hrs. to 1730 hrs.
Venue - Delhi/NCR
8. Evaluation of Paper-l & II 02.08.2022
I Declaration of result of I'aper-l&ll 02.08.2022
l0 Conduct ol PST & PET 05.09.2022
11 Evaluation of Paper-lIl 23.09.2022
)2 Declaration of result of Paper-[[ and aggregate result of all 30.09.2022
13. Interview and penionality test at FHQ SSB New Delhi 10.t0.2022
Composition ol inier!iqr lloltrd onwards
i) Director General/ADC SSB (Nodal Force) - Chainnan
ii) One Inspector General each ofother Forces - Mernbers
( Nominated by respective DsG )
iii) Director/DS/US from MHA - Member
iv) Psychologist Co-Opted from a recognized
Govem0lent institution. - Member
v) Agency(SSB) - Member
DIG ofthe Nodal
l4 Detailed Medical Exarnination of shorllisted canditiates fbllowed 07 .t 1.2022
by Review Medical Examination of Unfit candidates in DME by onwards
the Medical Board. detailed by concerned CAPFS at their
respective Hospi tals
I5 Submission of DME/RME result to Nodal Agency (SSB) by 28.1 I .2022
l6 Preparation of fiual lcsult by Nodal Agency (SSB) and t2.t2.2022
subrnission to MIIA for approvll.
t7 Approval of MHA and declaration offinal result to CAPFS 26.1?.2022
l8 Forwarding dossiers of provisionally selected candidates to 30.12.2022
concerned CAPFs.

\ 'tt'/
IUc.rtddr erll .to ct Ir0hJ q
a luc.rldd0.rll lo r.qunnr .lrqol l
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j.l .o ,9
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at E.t 'ss.rpp\i aur()H lu.uttu.rrd

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Ministry of Home Affairs




please find
enclosed a coDv of
rne scheme/ modatities o*rat'nn Procedure (soP) delaihng
for seleclron o,tt"n91nn commandant
Departmentar comper,* (GD) through Limiled
' -''"
t"t BSF' CRPF' ssB & lrBP. Ttre iomperenr

autrority rras approve;il


(Harish Chander)
Director (pers.l)
MHA lD Nole No.450'13/O1/2009/pers
.l daled Ot .07.2014

Copy forwarded for information

fo. 0tL,.2
(i) JS(P-rl)
(ii) Director(pers.) I aT


"$\ f 01 JUtz011


No. 4501 3i/0',/2000-Pers-!
Government of india
Ministry of Home Affairs





f . i:LlGlBILlW CoNDlTlOl'is_

1.1 Bolh SuFlnspectors (GD) dnd ln8pector (GD) will be eligible to apPar in LIJL;i: for
Assistanl Commandant (GD). Other etigibilitt iLilditioirs :ie gir-Jen belowi
ROq E :; a l.'.L,n. 1.,,:l ."",. )
,,'r) SBrvice. =blo,
The candidates should have completedlhui ycxrs of igular seryice as on 1"r.Jntruary
of vacancy year ln the rank of Sub.ln3p€acr (r,D) / lr,speetor (GD) including ped'r'l of
tralnlng and have clean record of Eervice as plcrscribec Dy resllective Forces.

(b) Upp.r Aoe and Educrtlonal Oullific.ton

'l'r August
The uppor age limil for appearing in LDCE will be 35 (xlirty five) years as on
of vacanoy year and education;l qualification will be GiadLratlon lroh'a*epognized
UniveBity as appliceble to Assistant Commandant (Direct Entry).
fl- 5

(d) PhY.lcal shndards:
--1'- As applicable to Asgistant Cirmmandan{ (Di!eri :ntry). -andiriilas should satisf:'
the minimum physical standards as pres€1.i' ' i:lrcspl';tivc i-llis.-fhey shoulcl 1l$'r be
in medlcal catagory SHAPE-l (One).

(e) LiedicalStandarai:
(i) Eye Sight: i')istant Vlslon i!ear Vi6ion
Better Worse l3?trr Worse
i'iorrect Vision) (C!,l1ect Vision)
6/6 6112 J-i J-ll
The candidates must not have knock knees, ilat foot, squint eyes and slrauld
posses high colour vision. The canclidates will be tested for color vision by
lshihara'q test as !ryell as Edrich-Groen Lar ier'r losi. They must bc ilr good
..,. /rii!r!ar uereu.i fJrrr!rr rrray
interfere with the efficient performance of thri duties.

0D Subiect to (i) and {iD above, the stan(iards oi i\,4edical fitness for the can(lidates
would be the s:me aa prescril:r.d blJ the Glvemment for,,ilr.isiant
Commandant (Dir ct Entry).

(iv) ll thould, however,.be clearly und?rstoo i that the Govemmenl (,i lndia
tgaerves to ibeff, sbsotde discretion to rej..ct or accept any candirlirt! afler
considering the reirrrt ofthe Medical iloard.

(f) Number of Chances.

Atotalof 03 (three) chances willbe gi\ien;br appearirg the LDCE- The willing and
sllgible candidales will srilJtrit application in the AipendixrA' enclosed. I'le ii.JDA,
joumey e)qEnses are allo\i/sd for attendint' the tsci. The period a{ test vill be
trcated aB on leav6 for th6 candidates ilpearii. i:r :lra tesi, wililirr,,,orld be
sanctioned by thB leave ga':crionlng authcri.


2.'l ivlHA will nominate one of lhe Forces as a iil-,dal A :,iry iir rt ,rduct the LDL-:E every

Yr ar'

l\lumber of vacancies for Limited -DSr.

arlm3nt,.Cn npetitiYc Examination sh:li be
intimated by the respective Forces to the Nociiti Agei oy by 'i"' Decamber of eircir year.
Complete applications in all respects will be cdlecteri an.! scnl !)y respective Foroes to
the Nodal Agency by 31"r ilecember o, eech ;,3s1. i,"" oo-ordinator from eeroir .,i the
Forces will be nominated i)1, respective Dsal i")r cocr:' liilatiuir with Nodal Aguir{.;, . The
LDCE will be conducted tentatively in the i-l.. nih . i:e,ri y e3ch year a. i, ,- the
following stages.

The appllcation' wilr lre sent by the candidaies ro ureir respective rjirectorate
l. The applications so receiwd will he serirlly entered in a register in lhe
irrrono,ogical order of the receil)t. preliminary scrcening ,jf applications will
be cai.r.icri out by
the concemed Force Direc{orate stricuy as per flre erigiiirity corditions.
Apprications ra/ r be
supported by proof of the daie of birth, educatjonal qijalifications, castey'
tribal certificate
issued by the compelent authorities of state/ r.,T Adnrinistration in ths case
of sc/sr
candidates, service cortificate of completing follt yea:.d clean seryice afrer
checl(ing of s€rvics records, AcRs and DEi vioirnnce creararlcc c6rtiricate
and sHApE-r
medical calegory. No marks vrill be alloilod fcr documcirtation. The applicatior:.
; rei\,red
after due dat6 fixed for roceivirrg or thoso found incomptcle In any manner wlll b= iejected
duly recording th€ reaEons for tejection in the regisfer agi:nst lhe name
of the appliGtnt. No
'- direct conespondence in this iegard shall be nlade with riie i.Joilal
Agency. The ltjiei]lolate
of each Force shall further seird the number or. eligib:c received applicaflons aioirgwjth
brieflcertified copia8 of ACRS tc the Nodat Agency for iiiotment of Roll
numbcrs iry 3.lsr
Dece."nber of each y6ai.

Written Examlnation ancl physical Efficiencv iesi wjll be conducted by ie :.lodal

3. Written Examlnsflorl

3.1 'fhe written examination !r./iij bd conducieli in aebr;i,1/ eacji.year at the exatnii:afioh
centers on the dat6 flxed blr the Nodal AgBt,ry. Tit€ sanie will be communic!1ied
"- **"1 agency/ conc6m6d Frrces to the car[li,iates r,]..!fl in advance. Admission io. the
writlen examination will be purely o'i So,t,rc ton' c, Irll l:tt'r alongwith acliriii dard
disiratched to the eligible candidates by the i\Jodal €:.;e cy altd Force identity cirrd
the candidates. Since th:s ey€mination ii
purelj, for Force personnel, ill
candidates shall be in prope; uniform.

3.2 For written examinatlon, the j.lodalAgency rn:':l desigi: ihree p3peis in the foll.) iirfl
0 Papetl:1lnto[is t:no:..,todqs].
fnme 2 Hours - 1OO Marks & i0o Auesiir,,,s)

This will include General awareness, General

lntelligence, reasoning,
numerical ability, currgnt events, mattets of
every day observatjon and
elperience. This paper would be objoctive t!,pe (t/ultiple
choice questions in
English or Hindi). The Nodal Agency will
be iespoll6ible ior getting the pap6r- |

(ll) Paper-fl (professionrt skfll

(Iime 2 Hours - jOO Marks & tOO euo8tions)

This wirr be designed to tsst profsssionar

sr(i[s of the candidate in reration to
operational and administrative reciLriremenlJ oi
ihe Force o, whiclr tre is a
memb6r. This paper would also be bjective type (Muttipte droice
questions i. English or Hindi). The i\iodal Agancy will get
it from the rosrective

The Nodat Agency wilt be responsiblo fci getting
tne ea'jEi"ttt net ttre
medium of writing for essay may be opte(r
by the candidale as Hindi or
English. Howet'ar, medium ,or wriiirlg preujs and
comprehonsion \,jifl be

t'.--._rbh- tj: Qualiflng marks wijj b€ {5% in each p per aird 50%
in aggregate. However,
qualiMng marl(s for SC/ST will be 40%
in papei
each and 45% in agorc0ate.
l,cts€:- There would be more th6n one set of questiolt pap6r
and at te tiffs of
e)(amina oh, a set cl questioli
6-;jEi ,.{ll U6 r:rnri;irl}/ selocted by flrc board.
The set of question paper should i,.e .ri
03 difreient seriea / variations sc that
possibility of any of uniaii
rype m3ans
examinalion ltall is El-roidecl.

The result of papers- i and ll will be ;nriruncea .!,viihin jl hours. Ii ili

of PapgF lll will be a,,nounced afrer coit.luctin( pFT.

4. , Tho candidete6 who quatify in pap6r6_

tan.t ll (wriiten examination) will onty be callod
for Ph)6ical Effdency Test by the
Nodal l,{]ency a1 one Training C€ntre ot aIy Forc66
by cornprising a board oi offcero by the
NotJalAgency. Fhysical Effciency Test shall
complise thE tollowing items. lt will be qLraliiying
ir nat.,r.i but failur. aven in or.]e item
ot hh bst wlll amount disqualillcationi

(a) f,rro Candld.tos:.

i) 100 msters race to b6 complated in .16


lil) Long Jump - 3.S0 mlre (T.nree chances are io be given)

iv) Shot put - 4.SO mtrs (fhre€. shances are to be given)

(7.26 tgs.)

(lr) Forrlle Candldattss:-

l) 100 maters ;ace to be como!_=t:.1 in 1!


iil) Long Jlllnp - 3.00 mtss (fh ec chanc36 are io be given)

This test will be only qualifuing and ;:ii: not

c*;i-y anv marks.

-' The candrdates who quarify in stage-s- i nird rrifl be ca[ed for intervier/,,, a nd
Pcrsonallty t6st. -' €

5.1 Those who qualify in stage- ll would

be caii-, ,rirrtL,iay.,r,,thrlJorlal
lnterview will comprise the followjng te6i::
s 'ii
::i:j [t{ xlmum

(Ihe General personality oi the c:rndidate, his posture

smartness & personality)
(Simpl6 quostions may be put u: tio lhe candichtas ln hls owl
field as weii maiters of to test his awareness and
understandin(j. For professi,rii, S!!llL- aluestiotrs may be put
up to the canciidates in various iields ct the respective Force
and related to their specilic chartoi of duties.
Ohe maln ai|l under this hcari l,roul(i j)e to l,incl out if the
oandidate has any behavioral shnit comings lil(e signs of short
tgmper, casual approach, netvousn;ss wlten cornered,
stammering, stJttering etc. )



Nots: ln the inteMerv, there are no minirrum ql,alifying ma*s but attendance is


(i) Director Gereral/ADG ofthe NodatA!::ncy r;hairman

(ii) One lnspector Gene,al each o'icj... .. , ..r.ds ivlembers
Nominated by rcspetlive DsG
(iii) Director / DS/ Us_from [,iHA i!,lemller
liv) Peychologist co-optL'd from a reco!::'tir:c,l

Government lnstitrjtii: t'l iriember

(v) DIG (PeE)ofthe Nc ,alAgency iiclnber Secret.r,! 4
be drawn for those candidaies _.,
quatjfiecl jn irot h the
stages- Il ard lll of
,:_ii. .,,,:jrrUlj irte,
-:.ranjj:::tiojr i!, ue conducted by
wilh lhe heip of other t-orces. ihe i.lodal
There sir. i id also oe a provision
the existing guidelines for Right tc /.ppeai

Prin ci

/ Whenever the two or

/,oo *,n n o*i;,;"#;'flT:;,;":: ::ffL:,-,
assresate,nadis, rhe

7.1 lf the marlG in aggregato

are equa l,\the c:t:,it;datc getting
may be ranked higher; flrore marks in Writeii lbtal

lf the marl(s in Written -:

ctal are equai, rl)i rncliri,lies
gerting more mart(s iF
(General Ability and
lntctilgence and pr6iesi.irnal "ener-l
sl(iii paper) may be rankert
7.3 If the marks in paperJ((-?neral
Abi,itv ia i^, :
i'riellisclce aji(j Professional skjil Paper)
are also equar, the c,anar,:ete '!
senior;rsI eg€ i..::!, be i::tlief-t iligher.
8.1 On completion of the
abc, e proca's
proc:ss in itJ .., .a^{ iin siaq6 ''qise), {ie-}'lgqai
3ll rci'irecl
sharr prepare *"
o*, a"n, ,a, ., agency

ilil","",,ilL+"*#,,,#fi ltr!;:fl
t".l:":i'::ffi ["..:i:il:;
No.ialAser:cv :rre
vear ror issue of oil;;;rrJ#;#t" "ener'l
bv 28e Febnrar, eac,i

Note: While notirying ihe finat .esr

for the inrerview may
n,, *,,, rahdicates who quiiiified
," ,,,;Jjtte};:il:-i. .;;;,,

9.1 The selected cai_i.iicliile5

,: iall ri:ri-.t.go : :
l;crceg .: d ihei; v,/ili
ai: : ,,::i ;i,t ccrfei of r:,i..,., ,iir,:;
rci::tii r]lt i:, iilaii$ir iar.a . . r:
io: ii)e :csi oiAssisli,!l ,,
..i,t,1. .1:
-: Eer recrui;n.i. ,. r:..:
i{i. ,'tll encleavours !,,,ill r,.i,
:-;-r: ,.j in i.. ai]sL: ,
iespects by 2grh Febft!;i:,1oi
. r, : ,,,.ii is L:ot-i.:lll..: : : iil
.;..'i)lr :rr.
:.. , rj: o,d?, ,rJl , ii , i:, . ..,,",
No 45013/0'l/2009-Pers-l
Government of lndia
Ministry of Home Affairs





1.1 Both Sub-lnspeclors and lnspector $rill be eligible to appear in LDCE for Assistant
Commandant (cD) as per Recruitmenl Rules of respeciive Forces Other eligibility
conditions are given below:-

1a) Service.

The candidates should have completed four years of regular seryice as on .l,rJanuary
of vacancy year in the rank of Sub-lnspector / lnspector including period of training ll
and have clean record of service as prescribed by respective Forces.
(b) lJ o Der and Educatio nal o ualification

The upper age limit for'appearing in LDCE will be 35 (thirfy five) years as on lsrAugust
of vacancy year and educational qualification will be Graduation a recognized
University as applicable io Assistant Commandant (Di.ect Entry).

(c) Relaxation of aqe

Relaxable by 05 years for SC/ST candidates.

(d) Phvsical standards:

As applicable to Assistant Commandant (Direct Entry). Candidates should satisfy

the minimum physical standards as prescribed in respeclive RRs. They should also be
in medicalcalegory SHAPE-l (One).

D\ l.l I
(e) Medical Standardr

(i) Eye Sight: Distant Vision Near Vision

Better Worse Belter Worse
(Correct Vision) (Co.rect Vision)
6/6 6t12 J-l J-lt

6/9 6/9

(ii) The candidates must not have knock knees, flat foot, squint eyes and should
posses high colour vision. The candidales will be tesled for color vision by
lshihara's test as well as Edrich-Green Lantern tesl. They must be in good
mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect, which may
interfere wilh the efficient performance of the duties.

(iiD Subject to (i) and (ij) above, the standards of Medical fitness for the candidates
would be the same as prescribed by the Government for Assistant
Commandant (Direct Entry).

(iv) lt should, however, be clearly underslood that the Government of lndia

reserves to itself, absolute discretion to reject or accept any candidale after
considering the report of the Medical Board.

(f) Number of Chances.

A tolal of03 (three) chances will be given for appearing the LDCE. The willing and
eligible candidates will submit applicatjon in the AppendixrA' enclosed. No TAJDA,
journey expenses are allowed for attending the test. The period of the test will be
treated as on leave for the candidates appearing in the test, which would be
sanctioned by the leave sanctioning authority.


2-l MHA will trominaie onsof the F!rces as a Nodal Agelqldq cqnduct the LDCE every

0\ \
2.2 Number of vacancies for Limited Deparlment Competilive Examination shall be
intimated by lhe respective Forces to the Nodal Agency by 1sr December of each year.
Complete applications in all respects wil, be collected and sent by respeclive Forces to
the Nodal Agency by 31sr Decembe. of each year. One co-ordinator from each of the
Forces will be nominated by respective DsG for coordination with Nodal Agency. The
LDCE will be conducted tentatively in the monlh of February each year as per lhe
following stages.

Iqq The Nodal Agency while invit,ng applications will indicate the marks assigned to the
writlen tests and interview as slipulated in the SOp.


The applications will be sent by the candidates to lheir respective Direclorale

General. The applications so received wil be serially entered in a register in the
chronological order of the receipt. Preliminary screening of applications will be carried oul by
Applications will be
supported by proof of the date of birth, educational qualifications, casle/ tribal certificate
issued by the competent authorities of Slale/ UT Administration in the case of SC/ST
candidates, service certificale of completing four years clean service after verj{ication/
checking of service records, ACRS and DE/ Vigilanc€ clearance certificate and SHApE-l
medical category. No marks will be allotted ,or documentation. The applications received
after due date fixed lor receiving or those found incomplete in any manner wjll be rejected
duly recording the reasons for rejection in the register against the name of the applicant. No
direct correspondence in this regard shall be made with the Nodal Agency. The Directorate
of each Force shall Jurlher send the number of eligjble received applicatlbns to the Nodal
Agency fot allotment of Roll numbers by 31sr December of each year.

Written Examination, Physical Standard Test and physical Efficiency Test will be
conducted by the Nodai Agency.

3. Written Exami nation

3.1 The written examination will be conducted in February each year at the examination
centers on lhe date fixed by the Nodal Agency. The same will be communicated
Nodal Agency/ concerned Forces to the candidates well in advance Admission
Ior the
written examination will be purely on productjon of calt letter alongwith admit card
dispatched to the etigjble candidates by the Nodal agency and Force identity
card of
the candidates. Since this examination js purely for Force personnel, all the
candidates shall be in proper uniform.

3.2 For written examination the Nodal Agency may design three papers in
the following

(i) PaD er- l(lntellioe nce Test and neral Know ledqel
(Time 2 Hours - 100 Marks & .tOO euestions)

This will inciude General awareness, General lntelligence, reasoning,

numerical abi,ity, current events, matters of every day observalion and
experience. This paper would be objective type (Multiple choice questions in
English or Hindi). The Nodal Agency will be responsible for getting lhe paper_ |

(ii} Paper-ll (Professional Ski )

[fime 2 Hours - 100 Marks & 100 euestjons)

This will be designed to tesl prolessional skills of the candidate in relation to

operational and administrative requirements of the Force of which he is a

membe.. "Ttris paper woutd also be objective iype (lvtultiple choice

questions in English or Hindi). The NodalAgency wilt get it from the respective

(iii) Paoer-lll (Essav. Precis no and ComD rehension)

(Time 2 Hours - 100 Marks)

The Nodal Agency wil, be responsibte for gettjng the paper t set. The
medlun] of wriling for
9!say lqy be opted by the candidate as Hindi or

Engiish. However, medium for wrjting precis and comprehension
will be



(i) Presiding Officer : Dtc

(ii) MembeFl : Commandant

(ii, Member- ; Commandant

iv) Member-lll : Dy. Commandant

v) Member-lV : Lady officer (Dc orAc)

Note- 'l:- Qualifying marks will be 45% in each paper and
50% in aggregate. However,
qualirying marks for SC/ST wil
be 40% in each paper and 45% in aggregate.

Note-2:- There would be more than one set of question paper

and at the time of
examination, a set of question paper will be randomly
selecled by the board.
The set of question paper should be of 03
different series / variations so that
possibility of any type of untair means
by the candidates wilhin the
examination hqll is avoided.

Note- 3:- The result of papers- land llwill be announced

within 4g hours The result
of Paper- lll will be announced after conducting pST pET.


4.1 The candidates who qualify in papers_ land (written
Il examination) willonly be called
for Physii;l Standard lest arid physicat
Efflcien;i Test by the Nodal Age;"";;;
Training Centre of any Forces by comprjsing
a board of officers by the Nodat Agency.
Ihe Physical Standad Test will be conducted as per
standards prescribed for direct
recruitrnent of Assistant Commandant (GD)
in CApFs. physical Efficiency Test shall
comprise the folowing items. rt wi be quarifying
in nature but fairure even in one item
of this test will amounl disqualification:-

(a) Male Candidates:-

n 100 meters race ro be compteled n 16

ii) 800 meters race to be completed in 3.45 minules.

iii) Long Jump - 3.50 mtrs (Three chances are to be given)

iv) Shot Put - 4.50 mtrs {t'hree chances arelo be given)

(7.26 Kgs.)

(b) Female Candidates:-

i) 100 meters race to be completed in 18 seconds

ii) 800 meters race to be completed in 4.45 minutes.

iii) Long Jlmp - 3.OO mtrs (Three chances are to be given)

This test will be only quatifying and will not carry any marks.


i) Presiding Officer Commandant

ii) [,4ember-l Commandant

iii) [Iember,ll Commandant

iv) lr,4ember-lli Lady Officer of the rank of Dy. Commandant

Note Senior most Commandant will the presiding Officer. Besides one Dtc will be
detailed as Appeltate Aulhority at pSTlpET venue lo dispose of pST/pET appeal, if
any, of candldales on the same day.

13 The nodal agency will call for brief and certified copies of ACRs/ApARs of lhose
candidates who iuccessfulty qualified written !est, psf & iET. The Forces coi.:cerned will
furnish the same within 15 days to the nodal agency.

Staoe- lll

The candidates who quatify in Stages- I and will be ca ed for interview and
personality test.

!.,] l'1

51 lnlerview will comprise the lollowing

Tests. ltems
No I

1 Phvsical Ma ke- uo
10 l\rarks
lohe Generat personality of the candidate, his posture
smartness & personali tv)
2 General lntelliqen cea
inteaest a ndP rofess ional 30 Marks
(Simple quesiions may be put
up to the candidates in his own
lield as well as matters of interest
to test his awaren ess and
understanding For professional
skill - Queslions may be put
p to the can didates in various
I fields of the respective Force
l-q nd relaled to their specific chatier
of dutjes
3 I aspec tsa nd holoq tc al
(Ihe main ajm under this head would 30 Marks
be to iind out iI the
candidate has any behavior al
short comings like signs o, short
temper, casual approach nervousness .
I when cornered.
stammering, stu ering etc.)
4 u e n s
medals /DM &Fi rem edals) du rin 05 I/arks
5 atio tl ti als rts A dia Poli s 05 [rarks
duri ser ce
6 Ove.all ment
20 Marks
100 Marks

Note ln lhe.intervieu lhere are no minimum

qualirying marks bul attendance
mandatory. is


(i) Director ceneral/ ADG of the
Nodal Agency Chairman
(ii) One Inspector General each
of olher Forces Members
Nominated by respective DsG
(iiD Director I DS/ Us_from i/HA
lVlem be r
(iv) Psychologist co-opted from
a recognized
Governlnqnt lnstitutiofl
(v) DIG of the Nodal Agency
Member Secretary

Note l\,4HA, representative be gtven full participation and give assessment
of the candidate
oLll of total marks of 100 alongwtlh other board me;berS


6.'1 A list will be drawn for lhose candidates who qualified in both
the stages_ lt and l of
the LDCE. Thereafter, they will undergo medical examjnalion to
be conducted by Forces
concerned in their respective hospitars by detailing a medical
examination board. The.e
should also be a provision for Right lo Appeal as per
the existjng guidelines.

7. Tie principte

Whenever the two or more candidates have secured

equal aggregate marks, the
tie(s) is/are resolved jn accordance with the principles
as follows:

'1 lfthe marks in aggregate are equar, the candidate getting more marks
in written Totar
may be ranked higher:

7.2 lf the marks in Written Tolat are equal, the candidates gelting
more marks in paper_l
(lntelligerce test and General Knowledge) and paper_ll (professionat
Skill) may be
ranked higher.

7.3 lf the marks in papei-t llntelligence lest and General Knowledge) and paper_ll
(Professional SkiI) are also equal, the candidate
senior in age may be ranked higher.

6.1 On completion ofthe above process in all respect (in stage
wise), the NodatAgency
shail prepare the final merjt list of the candidates separately
for each Force category wise
end result will be declared accordingly A list of fina y
selected candidates (Forc6rwise)
would be sent to respective Directorate Gene,.al
by lhe Nodal Agency by 2grh February each
.r--.i tbr issue ot otfer of appointment.

lqllg: While nolifying the final result, the marks obtained by the
candidates who qualified
for the interview may be indicated in order of merit.


9.1 The selected candidates shall undergo training al the training center of respective
Forces and they will remain on probation lol a period of tviro years as per recruitment
rules for the post of Assistant Commandant (GD).

'10. All endeavours will be made in to ensure thal the LDCE test is completed in all
respects by 28rh February of each year.

11. This order will be etfective from 'l"t July 2014.


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