Uts Midterms
Uts Midterms
Uts Midterms
Socratic Method allowed him to Forms are ageless and therefore are
question people’s beliefs and ideas, eternal.
exposing their misconceptions and get Forms are unchanging and therefore
them to touch their souls permanent.
Touching of the soul = get in touch Forms are unmoving and indivisible.
with true self.
He was named by the Cracle of Delphi Plato’s Dualism:
as the “Wisest of all Man” The Realm of Shadows – is composed
Most important knowledge: of changing, “sensible” things which
How to live right and how to make are lesser entities and therefore
their soul good. imperfect and flawed.
Real understanding comes from within The Realm of Forms – is composed of
the person. eternal things which are permanent
The aim of Socratic Method is to make and perfect. It is the source of reality
people think, seek, and ask again and and true knowledge.
Reach inside the self to the one’s Plato’s View of Human Nature:
deepest nature. Plato made use of Socratic Method
He believed that knowledge lies within
a person’s soul.
Plato (428-348 BCE) Considered human beings as
Real name is Aristocles “microcosms” of the universal
Born in Athens to one of Greece’s macrocosms.
aristocratic families. Humans have immortal rational soul,
Nicknamed “Plato” because of his which Plato believed is created in the
physical built which means wide broad. image of the divine.
Left Athens for 12 years after the death
of Socrates. 3 Components of Soul:
Established “The Academy” 1. The Reason – is rational and is the
Mentor of Aristotle motivation for the goodness and truth.
Both Socrates and Plato believed that 2. The Spirited – in non-rational and is
Philosophy is more than analyses but the will or the drive toward action. This
rather a way of life. part of the soul is initially neutral but
Plato wrote more than 20 Dialogues can be influenced/pull in two
with Socrates as protagonist in most of directions.
them. 3. The Appetites – are irrational and lean
towards the desire for the pleasures of
Theory of Forms: the body.
Refers to what are real
Not encountered with the senses Reason seek the true goal of man ----- to see
Can only be grasped intellectually things in their true manner.
Characteristics of Forms:
Plato believed that people are intrinsically Christianity’s influence dominated the
good. Sometimes, however, judgements are Western thought after the fall of the
made in ignorance and Plato equates Hellenistic-Roman eras.
ignorance with evil. (Price, 2000). Christian Philosophers during medieval
Plato’s Theory of Love and Becoming: era are also Theologians.
Allegory of the Cave – what people see in Concern is God and man’s relationship
the cave are only shadows which they with God.
believed are real things and represents Believed that man should rely on God’s
knowledge. commands and his judgements of what
Only forms are real constitutes good and evil.
Plato and other Greek Philosophers
Once the people get out of the cave and see man as basically good and
into the light, what they will see are the becomes evil through ignorance of
forms which is the real knowledge is. what is good.
In knowing the truth, the person must Christianity sees mans as sinners who
become the truth. – Theory of Being. reject/go against a loving God’s
To know is to be. command.
The more a person knows, the more he Christian Philosophy become so
is, and the better he is. powerful that the church ordered
Plato’s Academy in Athens closed.
Each individual has in his immortal soul a Christian Philosophers held faith
perfect set of Forms that he can recall which supreme over reason and logic. A
constitutes true knowledge. question is raised then as to whatever
reason and logic could/should be used
To recall/remember the Form = to know the to understand truths (Price, 2000).
truth and become just and wise.
St. Agustine (354-436 BCE)
How to get out of the Cave into the World From Hippo, Africa
of Forms? Initially rejected Christianity for it
Love is the way by which a person can seemed to him then that Christianity
move from a state of imperfect could not provide him answers to
knowledge and ignorance to a state of questions that interested him.
perfection and true knowledge. Wanted to know about moral evil and
Love paves the way for all beings to why it existed in people, his personal
ascend to higher stages of self- desire for sensual pleasures and
realization and perfection. questions about all sufferings in the
Love is the way of knowing and world.
realizing the truth.
St. Augustine’s View of Human Nature:
1. God as the source of all reality and
St. Agustine of Hippo (354-436 BCE) truth.
The tip of the iceberg represents with his ego already in conflict. Men
conscious awareness which then lives his life balancing the forces
characterizes the person as he deals of life and death opposing forces that
with the external world. make mere existence a challenge.
The person’s observable behavior, is
further controlled by unconscious/
subconscious mind. Gilbert Ryle (1900-1976)
Subconscious serves as repository of An English philosopher whose ideas
past experiences, repressed memories, contradicted Cartesian Dualism.
fantasies, and urges. In his book entitled “The Concept of
Mind” Ryle argues that dualism
Id – the structure that is primarily based involves category mistakes and is a
on the pleasure principle. It demands philosophical nonsense (Ryle, 1949).
immediate satisfaction and is not hindered How is a non-material mental
by societal expectations. substance known as the mind can
influence a physical material body.
Ego – the structure that is based on the Many philosophical problems were
reality principle. This structure mediates caused by the wrong use of language.
between the impulses of the Id and The categorical mistake in Cartesian
restraints of the superego. Dualism was applying properties to a
non-material thing that are logically
Superego – the last structure to develop and grammatically appropriate only for
and is primarily dependent on learning the a category of material things.
difference between right and wrong. Stigmatized the mind as the “Ghost in
Morality of actions is largely dependent on the Machine”
childhood upbringing particularly on
rewards and punishments. Ryle’s View of Human Nature and
Beyond the Pleasure Principle: Freewill was invented to answer the
Two Kinds of Instincts: question of whether the action
1. Eros – life instinct, the energy of deserves praise or blame.
eros is called Libido and includes Agrees with Kant who stated that
urges necessary for individual freewill assumes that man’s actions
and species survival like thirst, must be moral for it to be free.
and sex.
2. Thanatos – death instinct, man’s Two Types of Knowledge:
behavior directed towards 1. Knowing-that – refers to knowing
destruction in the form of facts/information, considered as
aggression and violence. empty intellectualism.
Freud’s psychoanalysis sees man as a 2. Knowing-how – using facts in the
product of his past lodged within his performance of some skill or technical
subconscious. Man’s behavior by his abilities.
pleasure-seeking life instinct and his
destructive death is said to be born
Wrote books on perception, art and Made use of the concept of the body
political thought. schema, which focus on the
At the center of his philosophy, is the relationship between self-experience
emphasis placed on the human body and the experience of other people.
as the primary site of knowing the
LESSON 2: The Self from the Perspective of
Merleau-Ponty View of Human Nature and Sociology
the Self:
Developed the concept of body- What is Sociology?
subject and contented that Sociology – is one of the disciplines in
perceptions occur existentially. the social sciences which aims to
The consciousness, the world and the discover the ways by which the social
human body are all interconnected as surrounding or environment influences
they mutually perceived the world. people’s thoughts, feelings, and
Knowledge is perceived through the behavior.
body with all its sensory functions
which take place in the here and now.
The world and the self are emergent George Herbet Mead
phenomena in the ongoing process of He graduated and taught grade school
man’s becoming. at Oberlin College. In 1887, he enrolled
at Harvard University, where his main
The Phenomenology of Perception (1945): interests were philosophy and
Described the nature of man’s psychology.
perceptual contract with the world. He wrote and published many articles
Phenomenology provides a direct and book review but did not publish
description of human experience while many books. It was his students who
perception forms the background of put together his numerous writings
the experience which serves to guide and edited them for publication.
man’s conscious actions.
He stated that consciousness is a Mead’ Social Self:
process that includes sensing as well as Social Behaviorism is the approach
interpreting/reasoning. that George Mead used to describe the
Man cannot separate himself from his power of environment in shaping
perception of the world. human behavior.
The world is a field of perception and He described the self as a dimension of
human consciousness assigns meaning personality that is made of the
to the world. individual’s self-awareness and self-
Objects may be seen from various image.
perspectives. According to Mead, the self cannot be
Marleau-Ponty has been known as the separated from the society. He
“Philosopher of the Body”. explained through set of stages the
person undergoes development.