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Welcome boys and


I am your English
Teacher, I sent you this
workbook so you can
learn and have fun
at home with help of
your family.

The skills you will

develop are:


Reading Speaking

Activity 1
Look, read and point. / Observa, lee y señala.

mouse bed meat

socks old house

eat floor head

cold today box

play four
Activity 2
Read the rhyming words and write. / Lee las palabras que riman y escribe.

1. mouse house
2. old cold four floor
3. eat meat
today today
4. play
5. bed head
6. socks
7. floor four



Activity 3
Look the pictures, read and complete the poem. / Observa los dibujos,
lee y completa el poema.

1. I am a mouse

2. I live in a h

3. My shower is old

4. It is very c

5. I love to eat

6. But we don't like m

7. After work we like to play

8. We are going to the country t

Activity 4
Rewrite. / Copia el nombre.

1. Box 2. Fox 3. House 4. Mouse

5. King 6. Ring 7. Night 8. Light

9. Tree 10. Three

Activity 5
Look and complete. / Observa y completa.

1. B X 2. T EE 3. KI G

4. M USE 5. F X 6. R NG

Activity 6
Unscramble. / Ordena las letras.

1. N G K I 2. G T L H I 3. O S U M E

4. H T E R E 5. N G R I 6. O B X

7. O U H S E 8. E T R E 9. X F O

Activity 7
Read aloud the following poem called “My squirrel” and underline the
words that rhyme. / Lee en voz alta el siguiente poema titulado “Mi ardilla”
y subraya las palabras que rimen.

My Squirrel

I had a little squirrel.

His step was quick and light.
His tail was long and furry.
And his eyes were large and bright.

Activity 8
Draw a picture of a squirrel and then color it. / Haz un dibujo de
una ardilla y coloréalo.

What is a rhyme?

A rhyme is a repetition of similar sounds in two or more words.

Una rima es una repetición de sonidos similares en dos o más pala.bras
Example: fun / run

Activity 9
Complete each sentence below with a word from the word box.
Completa cada enunciado con una palabra de las siguientes opciones.

Feet slip slice

fowl soar

1. A word that rhymes with owl is

2. A word that rhymes with keep is

3. A word that rhymes with lip is

4. A word that rhymes with roar is

5. A word that rhymes with slide is

Activity 10
Write a word from the word box that goes with each picture. Then,
draw a line to match the rhyming words. / Escoge una palabra del
siguiente cuadro y escríbela debajo de la imagen que corresponda.
Después une con una línea las imágenes que riman.

snake bed jet

bread umbrella lake


Activity 1
Let's take a look at the elements of a poem!
Look and read. / Observa y lee

“Humpty Dumpty”
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Rhyme
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
All the king's horses all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again. Verse

Humpty Dumpty was a balloon,

Humpty Dumpty went to the moon.
All the king's horses all the king's men Stanza
Couldn't find Humpty ever again.


Activity 12
Read again and underline the words that rhyme. / Lee de nuevo y
subraya las palabras que riman.

Humpty Dumpty was a balloon,

Humpty Dumpty went to the moon.
All the king's horses all the king's men
Couldn't find Humpty ever again.
Activity 13
Look and read, then circle the words that rhyme with the first one.
Observa y lee, después circula las palabras que riman con la primera.





Activity 14
Read the following verses and write the missing words.
Lee los siguientes versos y escribe la palabras faltantes.

roll mat

There once was a cat that ate a rat,

And after that it sat on a .

If you drop the ball

On the floor, it will .

Activity 15
Now, do the same with the next stanza. / Ahora, haz lo mismo con la
siguiente estrofa.

dock clock
Hickory, dickory, dock.
The mouse ran up the .
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory, dickory, .


Activity 16
Let's talk about poems!
I like to go to the mall
The mall is big, so I feel small
It is boring to go to the bank
I prefer to go to the park

Sometimes, when I see a tree

I smile because I feel free
I live in a beautiful town
Because it is good to walk around

Read the poem and write the rhymings words. / Lee el poema y escribe
las palabras que rimen en los espacios en blanco.

1. mall- 2. bank- 3. tree- 4. town-

Can you identify the parts of a poem?

(¿Puedes identificar las partes de un poema?)

My favorite number is seven

My favorite number is seven

My favorite color is blue

My favorite class is science
My favorite person is you

verse stanza rhyming words

Activity 17
Read the poem again and answer the questions. / Lee el poema de nuevo
y contesta las preguntas.
I like to go to the mall
The mall is big, so I feel small
It is boring to go to the bank
I prefer to go to the park
Sometimes, when I see a tree
I smile because I feel free
I live in a beautiful town
Because it is good to walk around

1. How many stanzas are there? _

2. How many verses are there? _

Write the meaning of each word. / Escribe el significado de las

siguientes palabras.

stanza _ verse _
rhyme _ poem _

Draw a picture for the poem “Caterpillar”. / Haz un dibujo del poema

Brown and furry
Caterpillar in a hurry,
Take your walk
To the shady leaf, or stalk,
Or what not,
Which may be the chosen spot.
No toad spy you,
Hovering bird of prey pass by you;
Spin and die,
To live again a butterfly.
By Christina Rossetti

Activity 18
Let's talk about poems!
Find all the words. / Encuentra las palabras.

e v e r s e
t y u h o p
a d v y i q
p o e m u s
i u n e g a
r h y t h m

s t a n z a

Match the rhyming words. / Une las palabras que rimen.

Activity 19
Find the rhyme
Cut the pictures from the bottom of the page and paste them under the
words that rhyme. / Corta las imágenes que están en la parte de abajo
de la hoja y pégalas debajo de la palabra con la que rima.

Activity 20
Cut the words from the bottom of the page. Glue
the words under the word that rhymes with them. /
Recorta las palabras que están en la parte de abajo.
Pega las palabras en la columna donde riman.

hat ball tree

all see fat

sat tall free
hall tee bat
bee cat me
mat fee call
fall wall Rat
Activity 21
Rhyming bugs
Match the rhyming bugs. Color the rhyming bugs using the same
color. / Buscar los pares de palabras que rimen. Pintar el par del mismo

Activity 22
Color all of the short words in the poem with a crayon. / Colorea todas
las palabras cortas en el poema con un crayón.

Black Cat, Tan Cat

Look at Black Cat.

He’s on his mat.

He’s happy, fat, and glad.

Tan Cat walks by,

His tail heldhigh.

And now Black Cat is mad.

He thinks Tan Cat

Want son his mat.

Black Cat will never share.

It is so sad.

Tan Cat feels bad.

They could have been a pair.

Activity 23

Black Cat, Tan Cat

Circle the short words. / Encierra las palabras cortas.

cat tan share mat

same bad sad pat

glad made have late

play rat hat say

Color one cat black. / Colorea un Color the other cat tan. / Colorea el
gato negro. otro gato color piel.

Draw a mat under the black cat. / Dibuja un tapete debajo del gato negro.


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