15 Perceptions of Infection Control Among Nurses Regarding Barriers A Qualitative
15 Perceptions of Infection Control Among Nurses Regarding Barriers A Qualitative
15 Perceptions of Infection Control Among Nurses Regarding Barriers A Qualitative
Shoukat S et al.,
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54393/pjhs.v4i01.487
Orıgınal Artıcle
Perceptions of Infection Control Among Nurses Regarding Barriers: A Qualitative
Nurses play an essential role in promoting patients' health increases [3]. HCWs especially nurses, are at high risk of
and providing medical care and treatment. ICP practice, occupational hazards because they perform their clinical
often known as IPC, is one basic responsibility of ICN at all duties in hospitals [4]. The hospital infection prevalence
health care settings. IPC practices are "scienti c ideas and rate is increased worldwide. It accounts about 12 million in
practical solutions to prevent infection-related harm to the united states in 2021, and the prevalence is high in
patients and health care personnel engaged in the delivery intensive care units as compared to other units [5]. In the
of health care" [1]. To limit HAIs in patients and nurses, it is Asia-Paci c region, it is reported that 25% of patients carry
vital to adhere to the IPC's principles and practices. hospital infection during their stay in the hospital, which
Infection in healthcare facilities is an alarming public health has been estimated to be 20 times higher in growing
problem in most growing countries. Hospital infections are countries compared to developed countries [6]. In South
the most signi cant worldwide complication of healthcare Asia, the HAIs prevalence rate is higher at 15.5 % in meta-
delivery. It complicates patient care and increases hospital analysis studies [7]. In Pakistan, the HAI rate in the
stays [2]. Presently, the overall occurrence of hospital intensive care unit is 25% as compared with the general
infection has been expanded in developing countries by medicine department [8]. According to recent research,
30%–50% and the burden of these infections surprisingly 84,000-204,000 patients get infections from CLABSI and
around about 25000 die from this infection. 12–25% is a and improve the study's validity. The trustworthiness of the
death incident rate of CLABSI. Another study shows that data was checked by adopting several re exive practices.
CAUTI account for about 40% which are 70% and 95% in Secondly, to guarantee impartiality and consistency in the
intensive care units [9]. Additionally, of the patients who study ndings, the researcher designed an audit trail
undergo surgery, 13% become infected with SSI [10]. SSI throughout the analysis phase and kept diaries and
are the most common hospital infection [11]. SSI accounts research memos within the software. Finally, to eliminate
for about 20% of all HAIs [12]. This could be related to poor biased opinions or preconceptions, the researcher was
IC practices or nurses may be unable to follow basic conduct regular feedback sessions and meet with
recommended measures due to barriers and challenges specialists who have an unbiased view of the current study,
[13]. These are considered the major barriers to assuring the collection of valid data. After bringing several
implementing infection prevention practices [14]. This codes together, categories were created. Categories were
study aimed to explore the perceptions of ICN on the main labeled and describe the connection with them. Categories
barriers to IC practices that hinder the effective were converted into themes, then into Sub-themes and
implementation of IPC. major themes. The text was analyzed thematically.
Potential bias or personal motivation should be removed by
providing a rationale for the decision. Audio-recorded data
The study was conducted in the infection control was transcribed into text les, and then imported to NVIVO
departments of different private and public tertiary Data analysis software was conducted with NVIVO version
Hospitals in Lahore. An exploratory qualitative study was 12, and the contents was analyzing thematically. The
used. The exploratory qualitative design is best t in the elements of trustworthiness criteria were followed to
study because it is exible in nature [15]. This study aimed ensure the rigor of the study. Trustworthiness means the
to explore the perceptions of infection control nurses capability of the investigator to convince the reader
regarding barriers of infection control practices. Purposive regarding the accuracy, applicability, consistency and
sampling was used to select the study participants [16].The neutrality of the study ndings and interpretations.
anticipated sample size ranged from 10 to15. However, the Credibility is the con dence in representation of the data
de nite sample size was 10 as data saturated. The data was [17]. Non-verbal gestures of the participants were noted in
collected between June and August, 2022. Interviews were the eld notes. Moreover, pilot testing of the interview
conducted by the primary researcher in the Urdu language. guide was done on two clinical instructors to ensure the
Faces to face semi structured interviews were conducted. credibility of the interview questions. For the purpose of
The interview questions were developed based on barriers dependability and stability of the data, interviews were
in infection control practices. To enhance the quality of transcribed in Urdu then translated in the English language
interviews, rigor was applied in terms of trustworthiness, for a thorough understanding of readers. Additionally,
credibility, and transferability. Conformability was checked transcripts were validated by repeatedly listening to the
by r e p e a t i n g t h e a n swe r b a c k to p a r t i c i p a n t s . recorded interviews. Conformability refers to ensuring the
Con dentiality of the data and interviews was assured in objectivity and adequacy of information. Conformability
well manners. During the in-depth interviews, the following was assured by writing re ections to avoid self-biases.
questions were asked: Transferability refers to whether the ndings of the study
1. What is infection and infection control practices? would be applicable to other settings [17].
Please explain.
2. What is your point of view regarding the RESULTS
importance of infection prevention and control? A total 10 infection control nurses participated in this
3. Tell me about the practices at your hospital? research. They were all skillful in their eld of infection
4. What are the main barriers of infection prevention prevention and control program. The demographic
and control program at your hospital? characteristics were shown in table 1.
5. Your point of view regarding changes that need Gender N(%)
to improve infection control program Male 03 (30%)
In addition to the interviews, demographic data including Female 07 (70%)
age, gender, quali cation, years of experience and Age
placement of job were collected by a self-administered 28-34 03 (30%)
35-40 07 (70%)
questionnaire. The investigator was consensus-based
Quali cations
conversation with enough informant feedback, which acts
Post RN 03 (30%)
as a member check to provide more insights into the data
Generic BS 04 (40%)
NMSN 03 (30%)
Role of administration
hygiene and they don't wear PPEs” (ICN-9). Participant
Problems in mentioned that turn over of nurses create many problems
Barriers and obstacles
in all dimentions of work specially in IC practices. Skillful
in implementation policies and experienced nurses leave their job due to lack of good
Lack of manpower
oppurtumities . “We have a huge turnover of nurses in our
Suggestions &
Future implications
hospital. We lose around one-third of our intensive care
recommendations Upgrade development staff every six months to the west or the Middle East
Figure 2: Sub themes of barriers countries.” (ICN-9). Participants told that it is di cult to
trained new nurses in IC practices and activities because of caregivers' or patients' family faced di culties in
many reasons like time consuming and they need more practicing IPC due to lack of knowledge. Some patients and
nurses to supervise them. Also stated by another ICN that; their guests have negative opinions of the hospital setting.
“As patient in ow is very high but staff is short like ICU One study participant stated that; “Non-compliance on
nurses. New employees are not trained due to shortage of SOPs by family care givers as they are confusing between
time. It is also a big barrier.” (ICN-3). As one of the hand washing and sanitization. Nurses are not giving
participants stated that; “If the HCW providers, especially proper time to it. It is also a barrier or noncompliance or
nurses short in number, then we are unable to provide good showing negligence, least interest.” (ICN-7). One
IC practices. High work load make us to just nish our work participant stated that; “Culture is also a barrier e.g. most
in a way where we cannot follow measures of infection of families strictly avoid alcohol based hand sanitization.
control and prevention”. (ICN-10). The main health care Con ict arises which not resolved, proved as barrier”. (ICN-
workers related barriers are described as under. 4). All participants believe that the presence of too many
Experience: Most of the participants in the discussion families and visitors affects IPC practice and activities
noted that less experienced HCWs did not adhere to proper badly. One participant stated that; “We have a limited staff
standard measures. Participants in certain groups agreed over a huge number of patients.” (ICN-10).
that IPC practices were inadequate due to lack of
experience. For instance, one of the participants
articulated, "turnover is very important and basic barriers The study's ndings about barriers and di culties had a
for infection prevention practices. When the experience signi cant impact on IPC procedures. The results can be
staff leave and new staff join and new staff is not trained used to other setups that are comparable in order to
regarding the infection prevention measure it also affect improve IPC actions. To maintain the IPC practices for
infection control in hospitals.” (ICN-05). As one of them HCWs, patients, and families or visitors at the hospital, the
articulated, "A clinical nurse should have clinical provision of toilet, shower, hand-washing material, and
experience and should be able to supervise juniors in other facilities availability is crucial. In this study, the lack
different areas like ICU, CCU, etc. she/he should be expert of resources was seen as a barrier to proper IPC practice.
in handling different equipment and machinery used in This was further substantiated by a related study on nurses
clinical areas" (ICN-07). Most of the participants in the who ignored recommended safety measures [18]. This
session agreed that nurses trained more effectively than conclusion for IP practice was validated by a similar study.
other HCW. One study participant stated that; “negative The study results found many factors as barriers such as
behavior among HCW is also a barrier to the effective IC shortage of staff and lack of facilities. Other signi cant
practices. Sometimes some health care workers don't barriers to the practice of infection prevention were a lack
want to learn, they don't act upon SOPs of ICP.” (ICN-6). A of equipment and supplies, as well as their routine
participant said that “Negative attitude and non- maintenance. Lack of time to practice activities like
compliance on professional care level is a barrier for infection prevention techniques [19]. A similar study found
practicing infection control measures. One person is giving that not having enough time to practice IC in the workplace
good result while the other is not cooperating, it is also a was a barrier [12]. One of the main barriers to IPC practice in
hurdle.” (ICN-4). Another participant stated that “lack of this study was HCW experience. Some of the participants in
Professional communication is a perceived barrier.” (ICN- the discussion agreed that skilled HCWs did not adhere to
8). It is essential for all hospital nurses and other HCWs to proper standard precautionary measures. The importance
comprehend HAI and IPC standards. However, there was a of nurses' skills in addition to technical knowledge was
knowledge gap regarding IPC practices, particularly among emphasized to have an impact on the infection control
cleaners or caregivers. As stated by one participant “Lack practices. According to earlier studies, there may be a
of knowledge is a barrier as well. Nurses provide guidelines, professional gap between nurses and other HCW, when co
lectures, implement on SOPs but audit and monitoring is pared and found that nurses are more adherent with
not done.” (ICN-3). One other participant stated that “if we acceptable standard procedures. The majority of
have limited knowledge and lack of awareness regarding participants in this survey agreed that nurses were
new technologies and new policies is also a barrier for superior to other HCW in some practice of IPC. On the other
prevention of IC.” (ICN-5). In HCW, speci cally nurses, are hand, it was found that attitudes toward IPC (educational
required to provide knowledge to patients regarding background relations), support of organizations and,
transmission based precautions. This information should educational system' priority, availability of time and
be provided to Patients, as well as their family or cares. The capacity of staff were identi ed as the barriers. This
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