ATOM 3D Tutorial
ATOM 3D Tutorial
ATOM 3D Tutorial
Alibre Atom3D Tutorial
Table of Contents
Section 1, Introduction and basic part modelling:.......................................................................2
What is Alibre Atom3D?..................................................................................................................................... 3
What is Parametric CAD?.................................................................................................................................. 3
Hardware requirements:.................................................................................................................................... 3
Create the base component:............................................................................................................................. 5
Section 2, The Revolve Tool and Assemblies:..........................................................................12
Create the Vertical Column component:.......................................................................................................... 12
Create an assembly to combine the base and vertical column components together:....................................24
Section 3, modelling the clamp and 2D drawings:....................................................................34
Create the Clamp component:......................................................................................................................... 34
Create a 2D drawing of the clamp:.................................................................................................................. 49
Section 4, threads and feature pattern:....................................................................................58
Create the ‘Clamp Pin’ component:................................................................................................................. 58
Create the ‘Thumbscrew’ component:............................................................................................................. 72
Section 5, the sweep function:..................................................................................................83
Create the ‘Scriber’ component:...................................................................................................................... 83
Part modelling practice: The ‘Scriber Collar’:................................................................................................... 90
Create the Clamp Assembly:........................................................................................................................... 91
Section 6, Sub-assemblies and editing:..................................................................................103
Finish the ‘Main Assembly’:........................................................................................................................... 103
Editing the ‘Base’ component:........................................................................................................................ 116
Summary:...................................................................................................................................................... 123
Section 7, tips and tricks:........................................................................................................123
Hardware requirements:
Alibre Atom3D will run on most modern computers without issue, below are the minimum
hardware requirements:
• Windows 7, 8 or 10 (64 bit versions only)
• 4gb ram
• Direct X 9 compatible graphics card (integrated graphics are fine for light work
although a dedicated graphics board is recommended)
• Internet access
• SSD storage is recommended to improve loading times in larger models.
Fig 1.1
In this tutorial we will go through the creation of a ‘Mini Gauge’ as shown in Fig 1.1 (many
thanks to Neil Wyatt for the design).
Fig 1.2
Alibre Atom3D offers two main working environments, “Parts” and “Assemblies” (see Fig 1.2).
As a rule of thumb, anything that is cut from a single piece of material (or built as a single
component in the case of 3D printing) should be modelled using the Part workspace. If
something is comprised of multiple pieces (even if these are subsequently welded together),
then you would create the constituent components as separate parts and then combine them
together using the Assembly workspace. If you produce your model in a way that mimics how
it would actually be manufactured you shouldn’t go far wrong.
Fig 1.3
Fig 1.4
Fig 1.4 shows the part workspace. This is broken into 3 sections:
A) The main ribbon
B) The design explorer – all created features are listed here
C) The main window
Basic controls:
• Rotate view, hold left and right mouse buttons and drag
• Zoom in / out- scroll the mouse wheel (note AA3D zooms to / from the mouse cursor).
• Pan – press down the mouse wheel and drag
• Left click to select items
• Right click to bring up shortcut menus
Fig 1.6
Type in ‘25’ and press enter to size the circle.
The circle will be coloured in grey to indicate
that there are no remaining degrees of
freedom and a dialogue at the bottom of the
main window should read ‘fully defined’.
Fig 1.7
Select the sketch in the main window by left
clicking on the edge of the circle, then click
on the ‘Extrude’ button located in the ‘Boss
(add material)’ section of the main ribbon.
Fig 1.8
Fig 1.9
We can now create the support collar on the
top surface of the base. Left click on the top
face of the part in the main window- this will
highlight it blue (See Fig 1.10). Next click on
‘activate 2D sketch’ to start a new sketch on
this face.
Fig 1.10
Fig 1.11
Select the face on top of the second extrusion
and start a new sketch. Draw a circle 6mm
diameter starting on the origin point and exit
sketch mode.
Fig 1.12
Fig 1.13
In the main window, select the upper edge of
the base shape (be careful to get the edge
rather than a face), then click on the
‘Chamfer’ tool located in the ‘Geometry
Transform’ section of the ribbon.
Fig 1.14
Fig 1.15
Click on the Alibre Atom3D roundel (top left)
and then choose ‘Save’ to save the part (see
Fig 1.16).
Fig 1.16
In section 1, we looked at the basic interface of Alibre Atom3D, and how to create a simple
part using the extrude tools. In this section we will cover some more in depth sketching and
demonstrate the use of the revolve cut tool to create the ‘Vertical Column’ component, then
use the Assembly workspace to combine the new part with the base created in section 1.
Fig 2.1
Fig 2
Fig 2.3
Sketches can also be selected from the
model tree- select Sketch<1>, then create an
extrusion using the Extrude command
(located under the ‘Boss (Add Material)’
section of the main menu).
Fig 2.4
Fig 2.5
Fig 2.6
Fig 2.7
In order to position the cross section sketch, we need to create some reference geometry. To
do this we can use the Project to Sketch function- which pulls information from the part into
the sketch. Create a reference feature for the end of the rod as shown in Fig 2.7:
A) Click on the Project to Sketch button, located under the Sketch Tools section of the
B) Click on the top edge of the rod- this will add the edge into the ‘Entities to project’
section of the tool.
C) Change the Output Option to ‘Create reference figure’, and tick the ‘Maintain
association to source entity’ check box (this option links the created reference line to
the part) then click OK.
D) This creates a reference line on the end of the part that we can position / dimension
our sketch against.
Fig 2.8
B) Left click to start a line (do not hold down the mouse button), then move to the right
trying to keep horizontally aligned with the starting point. The software should
automatically snap the line to horizontal (denoted by the black arrow symbol above
the line). Left click again to finish the line.
C) After clicking, a new line will start, connected to the end point of the first. Move the
mouse directly down from this point, the line should snap perpendicular to the first as
shown. Left click to finish the second line segment.
D) A third line will start, from the end of the second- move the mouse over the start of the
first line (a little asterisk tooltip will show when you have the point selected) and left
click to close the shape. As this is a closed shape the line tool will automatically finish.
Note: If you only want to draw one or two lines, you can press the ‘Esc’ key to finish the line
tool at any point.
Fig 2.9
Now we have defined our basic shape, we can use a combination of constraints and
dimensions to finish the sketch.
A) Left click on the ‘Coincident Constraint’ option, located under the Constraints section
of the tool bar. This tool allows us to connect points together.
B) Left click on the node in the top right corner of the section sketch.
C) Left click on the right hand node of the reference line created earlier. This will snap
the section sketch to the corner of the rod.
Fig 2.10
Alibre Atom 3D allows dimensions to be input whilst sketching (as we did when creating the
Base component), however often it is easier to define the shape first and then manually add
the dimensions in afterwards.
C) Move the mouse over to the right (do not hold down the mouse button), then left click
again the position the dimension- a dialogue will appear. Input a value of 12mm and
press the enter key to accept the value.
Fig 2.11
Rotate and zoom the main view as shown in
Fig 2.12.
Fig 2.12
Fig 2.13
A) Click on the ‘Revolve’ command located under the ‘Cut (Remove Material) section of
the main menu ribbon.
B) Make sure the section sketch is listed under the ‘Sketch to Revolve’ section of the
tool, then left click in the ‘Axis’ box and select the outside cylindrical face of the rod,
then click ‘OK’.
Fig 2.14
Fig 2.15
Create a 0.5mm chamfer on the other end of
the rod (note when changing the size of a
fillet or chamfer, type the required size in the
‘Distance box’ and then left click in the
‘Entities to Fillet’ / ‘Edges/Faces to Chamfer’
box to apply the change in value).
Fig 2.16
Fig 2.17
Create an assembly to combine the base and vertical column components together:
Fig 2.18
When starting a new assembly, Alibre Atom
3D will open the ‘Insert Part / Subassembly’
window, which allows us to bring in the parts
previously modelled (by default the software
should go to the folder where you last saved
a part).
Fig 2.19
This will now enter the assembly workspace
and a preview of the part will follow the
cursor. Left click once somewhere in the main
view to place one copy of the base part (we
don’t need to worry about it’s position at this
stage). Then click the ‘Finish’ button to exit
the part insert mode (note that when in this
mode, each left click in the main view will
place an additional copy of the part- which is
handy when dealing with things such as
fasteners that are often used multiple times in
an assembly).
Fig 2.20
Fig 2.22
Fig 2.23
This will bring up the ‘Assembly Constrain’
tool (Fig 2.24).
Fig 2.24
Fig 2.25
We can now use the assembly constrain tool to create a constraint between the XY plane of
the part and XY plane of the assembly as follows:
B) left click on the green XY plane for the assembly (at this point the part will move so
that the two planes are coincident with each other).
D) An ‘Align’ constraint has now been added to the assembly model tree on the left.
Fig 2.26
Fig 2.27
Fig 2.30
Rotate the main view so that you can see the
underside face of the base component and
the flat face on the end of the vertical column.
Fig 2.31
Fig 2.32
Fig 2.33: Top perspective view of the
assembled components.
Fig 2.33
Fig 2.34
Fig 2.35
Save the assembly by clicking on the Atom roundel top left and then clicking ‘Save’.
A) This will open the assembly save dialogue (‘A’ in fig 2.35). As assemblies deal with
multiple parts, this dialogue indicates what changes are being made to each
component. As the assembly is a new file, this is denoted as ‘NEW’ in the save action
column and has a small folder icon next to it. Left click on the folder icon.
B) This brings up the standard save dialogue. Change the file name to ‘Main Assembly’
then click the Save button.
C) This will bring us back to the assembly save dialogue seen previously, with the file
name and folder location information updated with the details just entered. Hit the ‘OK’
button to save the assembly.
In section 2, we looked into creating the ‘vertical column’ component, and an introduction to
assemblies. We are going to look at creating a more complex component – the clamp, which
includes features in 2 directions and an introduction the 2D drawing module.
Fig 3.2
Fig 3.3
Fig 3.4
We will now use the ‘Tangent Constraint’ option to snap the upper and lower horizontal lines
to the 10mm diameter circle as shown in Fig 3.4:
A) Left click on the Tangent Constraint button, located along the bottom row of the
Constraints box
B) Left click on the upper sketch line as shown
C) Left click on the edge of the 10mm diameter circle
D) The line will snap to the top of the circle
Fig 3.6
To complete the sketch we can now use the Trim command to remove any unwanted line
segments as shown in Fig 3.6:
A) Click on the ‘Trim’ button located under the ‘Sketch Tools’ section of the main ribbon
B) Move the mouse over the segment of line to be removed, it will highlight black, then
left click to remove it.
Fig 3.7
Fig 3.8
Select the sketch (reminder this can either be
selected by left clicking on the edge of the
sketch in the main view, or by selecting it in
the model tree on the left).
Fig 3.10
Click on the ‘Rectangle’ button located in the
‘Sketch Figures’ section of the ribbon.
Fig 3.12
We now need to apply some constraints to position the rectangle.
Firstly we will centre the left hand edge of the shape on the origin point using a ‘Midline
constraint’ as shown in Fig 3.12:
A) Click on the ‘Midline constraint’ button located in the ‘Constraints’ section of the
B) Left click on the left hand vertical line of the sketch
C) Left click on the origin point
D) The line will be centred on the origin point.
Fig 3.13
To locate the right hand edge of the rectangle we can use the ‘Collinear Constraint’ to snap
to the existing edge of the part as shown in Fig 3.13:
A) Click on The ‘Collinear Constraint’ button located at the top of the Constraints section
of the ribbon.
B) Left click on the right hand edge of the part
C) Left click on the right hand vertical line of the sketch
D) The sketch line will be fixed to the right hand edge of the part.
Fig 3.14
Click on the ‘Deactivate Sketch’ button to exit
sketch mode.
Fig 3.16
Create a circle sketch figure to the right hand
side of the part as shown in Fig 3.17, and set
the diameter to 6.2mm.
Fig 3.18
Now we can use a reference line to lock the centre of circle in line with the origin point as
detailed in Fig 3.18:
A) Click on the ‘Line’ button located in the ‘Reference’ section of the ribbon.
B) Left click on the origin
C) Left click on the centre point of the circle
D) As the circle was already in line with the origin (thanks to the red guide line) the
reference line is automatically given a horizontal constraint (indicated by the green
double arrow shown in the middle of the reference line).
Note if the circle wasn’t lined up with the origin in the previous step, you can manually add
the constraint after creating the reference line.
Fig 3.19
Finally, we need a dimension to control the position of the circle in relation to the end of the
part, as detailed in Fig 3.19:
A) Click on the ‘Dimension’ button, then left click on right hand edge of the part.
B) Left Click on the centre point of the circle
C) Click again to position the dimension and input a value of ‘5mm’
D) The finished dimension.
Note that this automatically creates a reference figure on the right hand edge of the part.
Fig 3.20
To complete the shape we can use the Fillet
function to round off the square ends of the
part as shown in Fig 3.21.
Fig 3.22
The Colour Properties dialogue provides a
number of options to control the appearance
of the part and changes are shown in the
preview at the top.
Fig 3.23
Fig 3.24
Fig 3.25
Fig 3.25: The finished clamp component.
Fig 3.26
Click on the Alibre Atom3D roundel and then choose ‘Save’ to save the part. Save the part
into the same folder as the parts from the previous articles using ‘Clamp’ as the file name
and click ‘Save’ as shown in Fig 3.26.
Fig 3.27
This will bring up the ‘New Sheet Properties’
Fig 3.28
Fig 3.29
Fig 3.30
The software now brings up the ‘Standard View Creation’ window to allow us to choose our
initial views of the part.
Fig 3.30A shows the window as it opens. The red square (labelled ‘Front’ under the ‘View
Selections’ dialogue) is shown in the preview to the left. All other views are elevations from
this view in either 3rd or 1st angle depending on selected template (ANSI and JIS templates
all use 3rd angle projection whilst the ISO templates are set to 1 st angle).
The orientation of the front view can be changed using the arrows next to the preview.
The software also selects an appropriate view scale based on the size of the part and sheet
size- given this is a small component the part has been up scaled to 3 : 1.
Alibre Atom 3D provides front, top and right elevations by default- add in the top right
isometric view by clicking on that square under ‘view selection’ as shown in Fig 3.30B, then
click ‘OK’.
Fig 3.32
Fig 3.33
At this point it is worth changing the default circular dimension style for the drawing, as
shown in Fig 3.33:
A) Click on the ‘Dimension Styles’ button, located in the ‘Drawing Tools’ section to the
right of the ribbon
C) Change the drop down list under ‘Circular Dimension Options’ from ‘Linear’ to ‘Smart’,
then click ‘OK’.
This change means the software will automatically select the most appropriate dimension
type to use for circular figures- so for example a complete circle will be given a diameter
dimension whilst arcs will be detailed with a radius, which is a big time saver.
Fig 3.34
Next we can reposition the views to make best use of the space available on the page, as
shown in Fig 3.34:
A) Left click on the view you want to move- a 4 way ‘arrow cross’ will appear in the top
left corner of the view.
B) Move the mouse over the cross- the tool tip will change to a hand icon, then left click
and drag to reposition the view as needed.
Fig 3.35
It is often useful to show hidden lines, to help
make a part like this easier to follow.
Fig 3.37
We could also bring in all centres for this view by clicking on the ‘+’ button under Centres in
this menu, however it is often more useful to bring in centres for specific radial figures, rather
than everything in the model.
To create a centre mark for the front view as shown in Fig 37:
A) Move the mouse over the edge of the ‘C’ shape in the front view and right click, then
click on ‘Insert Center’ from the pop up menu.
Fig 3.39
Fig 3.40
We need a dimension to show the overall
length of the part, however both the front and
top views have a radius at one end.
Fig 3.42
Fig 3.43
To finish the drawing we now need to update
all the information in the title block.
Fig 3.45
Fig 3.47
Fig 3.48: The finished drawing.
Fig 3.48
Finally, save the drawing into the same folder as the Clamp component (you can use the
same name for the drawing as the part, as Alibre Atom3D uses a different file extension for
parts and drawings).
In section 3 we created the ‘Clamp’ component and looked at the basics of 2D drawings. We
are now going to create 2 new components, the ‘Clamp Pin’ and ‘Thumbscrew’, including
accurate M6 threads and a knurled pattern around the outside of the “Thumbscrew” part.
A note about threads: Accurately modelling threads greatly increases the complexity of the
model, which can slow down graphics performance and significantly increase load times. I
would only recommend modelling them if you intend to directly manufacture a component
from the 3D model (for example on a CNC lathe or a 3D printer). In instances where the
thread is to be cut manually or for reference components, such as fasteners in an assembly,
then the best option is to annotate the thread details on a 2D drawing.
Fig 4.1
Fig 4.2
Fig 4.3
Fig 4.4
Fig 4.6
Fig 4.7
Fig 4.8
Fig 4.11
Fig 4.12
Create a fillet to define the root of the thread using the fillet tool as shown in Fig 4.12:
A) Select ‘Fillet’ located under the ‘Sketch Tools’ section of the ribbon.
B) Set the radius to 0.125mm, then click in the ‘Figures to fillet:’ box and select the two
lower lines of the triangle as shown, then hit ‘Apply’
Fig 4.13
Fig 4.14
Fig 4.15
Fig 4.16
Firstly we need to convert the top horizontal line to a reference figure as detailed in Fig 4.16:
A) Right click on the horizontal line, then click on ‘Convert to Reference Figure’
B) This converts this line segment from a standard figure to a reference line.
Fig 4.17
Fig 4.18
Fig 4.19
A) Click on the Helix tool located under the ‘Cut (remove material)’ section of the menu.
B) Click in the ‘axis’ box in the helix cut tool, then select the outside surface of the pin as
C) Make sure the type is set to ‘Height and Pitch’. Set the Height to 13mm, and set the
Pitch to 1mm, then click ‘OK’
Fig 4.20
Fig 4.21
Instead of drawing the cross section again, we can use the ‘Project To Sketch’ function to
duplicate the face as detailed in Fig 4.21:
A) Click on the ‘Project to Sketch’ button located under the ‘Sketch Tools’ section of the
B) Click in the ‘Entities to project’ box, then click on the face at the end of the thread.
C) Check the ‘Maintain association to source entity’ check box, then click ‘OK’
D) This duplicates the edges of the face, creating a fully defined section sketch.
Deactivate 2D sketch.
Create a second Helix cut, and set the axis to
the outside face of the pin.
Fig 4.22
Fig 4.23
Fig 4.24
Fig 4.25
Save the part into the same folder as the parts created in the previous articles, set the File
Name to ‘Clamp Pin’ and click ‘Save’ (see Fig 4.25).
Fig 4.26
Fig 4.27
Fig 4.28
Fig 4.29
Fig 4.30
Fig 4.32
To create the cut feature on the cylindrical outer face of the thumbscrew, we will first need to
create a reference plane to work on, as detailed in Fig 4.32:
A) Click on the ‘Plane’ button located under the ‘Reference’ section of the ribbon.
B) Select the XZ plane (either by clicking in view or by selecting from the model tree) and
change the ‘Distance’ value to 10mm, then click ‘Apply’
C) This will create a plane that sits on the edge of the thumbscrew (note the plane will be
added into the model tree on the left with the name ‘Plane<1>’).
Fig 4.33
Fig 4.34
Fig 4.35
We now need to apply an angle dimension to the shape. We can dimension from the model
‘Z’ axis, however this isn’t selectable from the 2D sketch view so we have to work in 3D as
shown in Fig 4.35:
A) Whilst still in 2D sketch mode, rotate the view slightly by dragging the mouse whilst
holding down the left and right mouse buttons at the same time.
B) Click on the dimension tool, then click on the Z axis, which is now selectable.
D) Click above the shape and just to the left of the Z axis to place the dimension, and
make the angle 30 degrees.
Fig 4.36
Fig 4.37
Deactivate 2D sketch.
Fig 4.39
Fig 4.40
We can now use the ‘Circular Pattern’ tool to copy the cut feature around the outside surface
of the thumbscrew as detailed in Fig 4.40:
A) Click on ‘Circular Pattern’ located under the ‘Geometry Transform’ section of the
B) Under the ‘Circular Feature Pattern’ tool, click in ‘Center’ and then select the outside
cylindrical face of the component as shown.
C) In the ‘Instances’ box, change the value to 96, and in the ‘Angle’ section, change to
the right hand radio button (this option evenly spaces the specified number of
instances around 360 degrees) and click ‘OK’
Fig 4.41
Fig 4.42
Fig 4.43
Fig 4.45
Fig 4.47
A) Click on the ‘Helix’ tool located under the ‘Cut (remove material)’ section of the ribbon.
Click on ‘Axis’ and then select the inner cylindrical face of the hole as shown.
B) Make sure the type is set to ‘Height and Pitch’. Set the height to 6mm and the pitch to
1mm. If the preview shows the thread path moving away from the part, check the
‘Reverse’ option, then click ‘OK’.
Fig 4.48
Fig 4.49
Fig 4.50
Save the part into the project folder, use ‘Thumbscrew’ as the file name and click ‘Save’.
In section 4 we created 2 components, the ‘Clamp Pin’ and ‘Thumbscrew’, which included
accurate male and female threads respectively. We will now create the final two components
for this model, the ‘Scriber’ and ‘Scriber Collar’. The scriber component features the Sweep
function- which creates shapes by flowing a cross section along a path. We will then create
an assembly for the clamp mechanism.
Fig 5.1
Use a midline constraint to centre the
horizontal line segment onto the origin point
as shown in Fig 5.2.
Fig 5.2
Add a 50mm dimension to the horizontal line
segment as shown in Fig 5.3.
Fig 5.3
Fig 5.4
Fig 5.5
We now need to dimension the length of the angled line- the easiest way to do this is to add
a parallel dimension to this section of line as detailed in Fig 5.5:
A) Click on the ‘Dimension’ button on the ribbon, then click on the angled line segment
as shown. This will initially default to a horizontal dimension.
B) To change this to a parallel dimension, move the mouse down towards the bottom end
of the line, the preview will switch to the parallel dimension type as shown.
C) Click to place the dimension, type ‘150’ into the dimension box and press enter.
Fig 5.7
At this point, Alibre Atom 3D will bring up an
error box as shown in Fig 5.8. The reason for
this is that in most cases, 3D functions in
Alibre Atom 3D require a closed cross
section, however this is not the case for a
Sweep path so click ‘Ignore’.
Fig 5.9
Fig 5.10
Fig 5.11
A) Click on the ‘Sweep’ button located under the Boss (Add Material) section of the
ribbon as shown.
B) This will bring up the ‘Sweep Boss’ dialogue. Click on the ‘Sketch to Sweep’ box.
C) Select the cross section sketch- as this is a small sketch it may be easier to select this
from the design explorer on the left (as we created this second, this is listed as
‘Sketch <2>’).
D) Next, click in the ‘Path Objects’ box, and select the path sketch either in the main view
(as shown) or by selecting ‘Sketch <1>’ from the design explorer on the left, and click
Fig 5.12
Draw a small, right angled triangle using the
line tool, positioned just above the right hand
end of the scriber as shown in Fig 5.13.
Fig 5.13
Fig 5.14
Creating the midline constraint automatically
creates a reference figure on the end of the
Fig 5.16
Fig 5.17
Fig 5.18: The finished scriber component.
Fig 5.18
Finally, save the part into the folder with all
the previous components, set the file name to
‘Scriber’ and click Save as shown (see Fig
Fig 5.19
Fig 5.20
The final component required for the mini gauge is the Scriber Collar- we have covered all
the tools and techniques required to create this part. Please create the component as per the
drawing in Fig 5.20, and save into the model folder as ‘Scriber Collar’.
Fig 5.21
This will move into the ‘Inserting’ mode- a
copy of the selected part will be placed into
the assembly for each left click in the main
view. Left click once to place a single clamp
into the assembly, then click ‘Finish’ as shown
in Fig 5.22.
Fig 5.23
The way I recommend doing this is by aligning the planes the part was constructed around
with the planes provided in the assembly. In order to do this we first need to make the clamp
components construction planes visible, as detailed in Fig 5.23:
A) Right click on a face of the clamp, then click on ‘Show Reference Geometry’ from the
right click menu
B) The parts reference planes are shown in light grey to differentiate them from the
assembly planes.
Hint: sometimes the part and assembly planes can obscure each other (depending on where
the part was positioned in the assembly). Left click and drag on a face of the clamp to move
it until you can clearly see all 3 grey planes for the part and all 3 green plans for the
assembly as shown in Fig 5.23 B.
Fig 5.24
We can now locate the part by applying constraints between the corresponding part and
assembly planes.
Click on the ‘Quick’ button located under the ‘Constrain’ section of the ribbon to bring up the
‘Assembly Constraints’ tool, then create a constraint between the part and assembly ‘XZ’
planes as detailed in Fig 5.24:
A) With the ‘Assembly Constraints’ tool open, left click on the border of the ‘XZ’ plane for
the part (shown in grey), and then left click on the ‘XZ’ plane for the assembly (shown
in green). The part will move so the two planes line up.
B) Click the green tick to accept the constraint. This will add an ‘align’ constraint to the
Design Explorer on the left.
Fig 5.25
Fig 5.26
Fig 5.27: The part is now aligned with the
assembly planes, and we have 3 ‘align’
constraints in the design explorer on the left.
Fig 5.27
Next, click on the ‘Insert Design’ button
(located under the ‘Insert’ section of the
ribbon) and place a single copy of the ‘Clamp
Pin’ component (which we created in section
4) into the assembly as shown in Fig 5.28.
Fig 5.28
Fig 5.29
Open the ‘Assembly Constraints’ tool (the ‘Quick’ button on the ribbon), and create a
constraint between clamp and the pin as detailed in Fig 5.29:
A) Select the outer cylindrical face of the clamp pin, and the inner cylindrical face of the
hole in the split end of the clamp. This aligns the clamp pin with the hole, however the
hole in the pin ends up on the right hand side of the clamp- whereas we need this to
be positioned on left hand side.
B) Click on the ‘Flip’ button on the ‘Assembly Constrain’ tool to flip the pin over (note you
may have to click the button twice to get the pin the change position).
C) The pin is now flipped over (don’t worry about the lateral position of the pin at this
point). Click the green tick to accept the constraint.
Fig 5.30
Fig 5.31
Fig 5.32
We need to position the collar so that the flat face on the end of the collar sits to the right
hand side of the clamp as shown in Fig 5.32:
A) Select the flat face on the end of the collar, and the flat face on the right hand side of
the clamp. This will align the collar with the face as shown.
B) Click on the flip button to reposition the collar so that it is facing away from the clamp,
then click ‘Apply’.
Fig 5.33
Fig 5.35
Place a single copy of the ‘Thumbscrew’
Component into the assembly (we created
this part in section 4).
Fig 5.36
Use the ‘Assembly Constraint’ tool to create a
constraint between the flat face on the end of
the shoulder of the thumbscrew and the right
hand flat face of the clamp as shown.
Fig 5.37
Fig 5.38
Finally, we need to create an angular
reference to control the angle the scriber will
be held at, however there are no suitable flat
surfaces on either the scriber collar or the
clamp pin to define this angle.
Fig 5.39
Fig 5.40
A) Select the grey reference plane for the scriber collar, and the green reference plane
for the assembly as shown. The ‘Assembly Constraints’ tool will default to an ‘align’
B) Click on the ‘Angle’ button in the ‘Assembly Constraints’ tool to change the constraint
type from ‘Align’ to ‘Angle’ as shown. This will set the angle to the default value of 90
degrees, and the collar will rotate accordingly.
C) Change the value in the ‘Angle’ box to 30, then click on the ‘Reverse’ button, then
click ‘Apply’ to create the angle constraint.
Click on the red ‘X’ in the top right corner of the ‘Assembly Constraint’ tool to close it.
Fig 5.41
Save the assembly as detailed in Fig 5.42:
Fig 5.42
In section 5 we created 2 components, the ‘Scriber’ and ‘Scriber Collar’, featuring the sweep
function. We also created an assembly; the ‘Clamp Assembly’. We will now finish the ‘Main
Assembly’, using the ‘Clamp Assembly’ we created in the last article as a sub-assembly. We
will also look into editing parts from within the assembly.
Fig 6.1
Click on the ‘Insert Design’ button, located in
the ‘Insert’ section of the assembly toolbar as
shown in Fig 6.2.
Fig 6.2
Fig 6.3
Left click to place a copy of the ‘clamp
assembly’ into the ‘main assembly’ and click
‘Finish’ as shown in Fig 6.4.
Fig 6.4
Click on the ‘Quick’ button, located under the
‘Constrain’ section of the assembly toolbar to
open up the Assembly Constraints tool as
shown in Fig 6.5.
Fig 6.5
Fig 6.6
Create a constraint between the clamp and the vertical column as detailed in Fig 6.6:
A) With the Assembly Constraints tool open, left click on the cylindrical face on the inside
of the clamp, and the cylindrical face on the outside of the vertical column
components as shown.
B) The clamp will move to line up with the vertical column. Click the green tick to apply
the constraint.
Fig 6.7
Next, create an angle constraint between the side of the clamp and the assembly Z-X plane
as shown in Fig 6.7:
A) With the Assembly Constraints tool open, select the flat face on the side of the clamp
B) Next click on the edge of the assembly ‘X-Z’ plane (alternatively select the X-Z plane
from the design explorer on the left). Note at this point the constraints in the design
explorer will turn red as the default option for the assembly constraints tool is align,
which is not possible due to existing align constraint between the vertical column and
C) Click on the angle button to change the constraint type from an align to an angle. The
clamp will rotate to a 90 degree position and the errors in the design explorer should
now be resolved.
D) Change the value in the angle box to 180 degrees, and click the green tick to apply
the constraint. The clamp will rotate back to its original orientation and there should be
no constraint errors in the design explorer.
Fig 6.8
Fig 6.9
In a large assembly, it is often helpful to rename some of the constraints that control critical
We can rename the angle constraint we just created as detailed in Fig 6.9:
A) Right click on the angle constraint we just created in the design explorer on the left
(the default name is ‘Angle(1)’), and left click on ‘Edit’.
B) This brings up the ‘Assembly Constraints’ window. Delete the contents of the ‘Label’
D) The constraint is now named ‘Clamp Angle’ which makes it much easier to identify
from the rest of the constraints.
Fig 6.10
Next, create a constraint to control the vertical position of the clamp assembly as detailed in
Fig 6.10:
A) Open the ‘Assembly Constraints’ tool by clicking on the ‘Quick’ button, then select the
top flat face of the base component as shown.
B) Rotate the view slightly such that you can see the underside flat face of the clamp,
then left click on this face.
C) The clamp will move down the vertical column so the face is in contact with the base
component. Click in the ‘Offset’ box, and change the value from 0 (the default option)
to 100, then click the green tick to accept the constraint. The clamp will slide up the
vertical column to just over the mid point.
Fig 6.11
Next we can bring in the ‘Scriber’ component
we created in the previous article.
Fig 6.12
Right click on a face of the scriber, and select
the ‘Show Reference Geometry’ option to
make the construction planes for the scriber
visible (see Fig 6.13).
Fig 6.13
Fig 6.14
Fig 6.15
Next, apply a constraint between the reference planes for the scriber and scriber collar as
detailed in Fig 6.15:
A) With the Assembly Constraints tool open, select the large horizontal plane for the
scriber as shown.
B) Next, select the vertical plane running through the middle of the scriber collar.
C) The scriber should rotate around so that the two planes line up, with the angled end of
scriber facing up as shown. Note that if the angled end of the scriber faces down, hit
the ‘Flip’ button in the Assembly Constrain tool to flip the scriber the other way up.
Once the scriber is positioned correctly, click on the green tick to accept the
Fig 6.16
Click on the green tick to accept the
constraint (see Fig 6.17).
Fig 6.17
Fig 6.18
We now need one additional constraint to control the depth of the scriber, which is created
as shown in Fig 6.18:
B) Select the cylindrical face on the outside of the scriber collar. Note Alibre Atom 3D will
now centre the plane on the collar.
C) Change the value in offset to 50mm, and then tick the ‘Reverse’ check box. The
scriber should move to the position shown, click on the green tick to accept the
constraint and then close the Assembly Constraints tool.
Note: When creating a constraint between a flat face or plane and a cylindrical face, Alibre
Atom 3D aligns the plane with the centre axis of the cylindrical face, any offsets are
measured from the centre axis of the cylinder.
Fig 6.19
Fig 6.20
Fig 6.21
Fig 6.22
Fig 6.23: The clamp assembly is now rotated
to 135 degrees. Note that due to the
constraints used, the scriber moves with the
Fig 6.23
Save the assembly (the save option is found
under the ‘Alibre Atom 3D’ roundel, top left).
There are no new components and the
location of the assembly is already set so we
can simply click ‘OK’ on the save window as
shown in Fig 6.24.
Fig 6.24 Keep the assembly open.
There are two approaches to editing a component that is used in an assembly. The simplest
approach is to edit the part file independently of the assembly as follows:
• With the assembly closed, open up the part file to be edited.
• Make the desired changes to the part, save and then close the part.
• Open the assembly, the latest version of the part is loaded, and the assembly will
update accordingly.
The other option is to edit the part from within the assembly, which can be very helpful in
situations such as:
• Creating parts that have to fit closely together.
• When designing linkages, hinges or other arrangements where the dimensions of one
part directly impact the position of another.
• When designing things such as casings that have to enclose other components.
This type of editing is referred to as ‘in context’, the following is an example of an in context
edit for the base component:
Fig 6.25
Fig 6.26
Fig 6.27
Fig 6.28
We can now change the diameter of the base sketch as detailed in Fig 6.28:
B) Change the value in the diameter box to 50, then click the green tick to accept the
Fig 6.29
Click on the ‘Generate to Last Feature’ button
(located top right of the ‘Part Modelling’
toolbar), to rebuild the remaining features of
the base part.
Fig 6.30
Fig 6.31
Fig 6.32
Fig 6.33
Click on the Alibre Atom 3D roundel and then
click on ‘Save’ to save the changes as shown
in Fig 6.34.
Fig 6.34
Fig 6.35
In this tutorial we have created a set of parts and assemblies for the ‘Mini Scribe’ model,
covered the basics of 2D drawings and looked at in context editing. This covers a good cross
section of the functionality available in Alibre Atom 3D, and shows a typical modelling work
Here are a few things to always keep in mind when creating designs in Alibre Atom 3D:
• If you are unsure whether you should be creating a design as a single part or an
assembly, keep in mind how the finished item will be manufactured. If it is created as a
single item (either cut from a blank of material or 3D printed as a single piece) then it
should be created as a part. If it is made from multiple components then make the
individual pieces as parts, and then combine them in an assembly.
• When creating a new part, your first sketch must be positioned in relation to the origin
the software gives you. Subsequent sketches can then be positioned against the part
itself, and always remember to fully define your sketches.
• All sketches and features used to create a part are listed in the ‘Design Explorer’ on
the left hand side of the screen. If you need to make a change to your design,
remember you can edit any of these sketches or features by right clicking on the item
in the tree and selecting ‘Edit’. Once you’ve made your changes, remember to click on
the ‘Generate to last feature’ button to return the model to the end of the feature tree.
• When creating a new assembly, always constrain the first component to the assembly
construction planes. This is often easiest using the part reference planes, which can be
made visible by right clicking on the part and choosing the ‘Show Reference Geometry’