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Agenda Item 5 CX/PR 08/40/3

February 2008



Fortieth Session
Hangzhou, China, 14 - 19 April 2008


This document contains the following:

- Explanatory Notes

- Table 1 List of Pesticides Whose Maximum Residue Limits or Guidelines Levels

Have Been Withdrawn by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and for
Which No MRLs Have Been Proposed

- Indices of Pesticides

- Part A.1 List of Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticides in Food and Animal Feeds
(at various Steps of the Codex Procedure)

- Part A.2 List of Extraneous Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticides in Food and
Animal Feeds (at various Steps of the Codex Procedure)

- Part A.3 List of Pesticides for Which Guideline Levels Have Been Set

- ANNEX I MRL Periodic Review Procedure

- ii -



ADIs/PTDIs/Acute RfD The Year of estimation or confirmation is shown in parentheses.

TADIs The period from the year of estimation or most recent extension to the year by
which data needed for the estimation of a full ADI are required is shown in

(*) (following MRLs) : At or about the limit of quantification.

E (following MRLs) : The MRL based on extraneous residues.

EMRL (as heading) : Extraneous Maximum Residue Limit.

F (following MRLs for milk) : The residue is fat soluble and MRLs for milk and milk
products are derived as explained in the introductions to
Volume 2 of the Codex Alimentarius.
2004 JMPR decided that , for fat-soluble pesticides, two
maximum residue levels will be estimated, if data
permit: one for whole milk and one for milk fat. For
enforcement purposes, a comparison can be made either
of the residue in milk fat with the MRL for milk (fat) or
of the residue in whole milk with the MRL for milk (for
details see: Report of the JMPR 2004, “2.7 Revisited:
MRLs for fat-soluble pesticides in milk and milk
products”, pages 24-25.
(fat) (following MRLs for meat) : The MRL applies to the fat of the meat.

GL (as heading) : Guideline Level. GLs are elaborated by the CCPR up to

Step 4 of the Procedure and held there pending
"acceptable daily intakes" or "temporary acceptable
intakes" being estimated for the pesticides in question by
the JMPR. GLs do not represent Codex

Po (following (T) MRLs) : The MRL accommodates post-harvest treatment of the


PoP (following (T)MRLs for processed : The MRL accommodates post-harvest treatment of the
foods (Classes D and E in the primary food commodity.

T (following MRL) : The MRL is temporary, irrespective of the status of the

ADI, until required information has been provided and

TMRL (as heading) : All MRLs are temporary because the ADI is temporary.
- iii -
CXL-D : The CCPR decided to recommend to the Codex Alimentarius Commission to
delete the CXL, pending decision by the Commission.

5/8 : The draft MRL is submitted to the CAC simultaneously at Steps 5 and 8
because the CCPR has recommended the omission of, or has already carried
out, Steps 6 and 7.

(a) (following : The MRL is a proposed amendment to a CXL.

Step number)

References are normally given only for those MRLs which are due for further discussion within the
CCPR. They are therefore given only exceptionally for MRLs which are CXLs or are at Step 8, 7A, or 5/8.
References are indicated in the example shown below:

Commodity (T)MRL Step References

No Namee (mg/kg) JMPR CCPR

(1) (1) 69, 70 20.131: 21.172

(2)(3) (4)(5)

(1) : Code Number and Namee of Commodity - Reference to the Codex Classification of Foods and Animal
Feeds (Codex Alimentarius Volume 2, Second Edition, Section 2).

(2) : Year in which limit was first estimated. Note that it is not necessarily the year when the (T)MRL was
first recommended, because the limit may have been recorded originally as a Guideline Level and
converted to a (T)MRL when a (T)ADI was estimated.

(3) : Year(s) of subsequent review(s) (of new or original data or both) unless the review resulted in a revised

(4) : No of Session of CCPR at which recommendation was discussed. The document numbers of the
relevant reports are listed below.

(5) : No of paragraph in CCPR report.

T : Toxicological Evaluation
R : Residue Evaluation
only year : Both toxicological and residue evaluations
' after year : Periodic Review
brackets : Tentative year for JMPR evaluation
- iv -
Session Year Document Reference No. Session Year Document Reference No.
No. No.
1 1966 ALINORM 66/24 20 1988 ALINORM 89/24
2 1967 ALINORM 68/24 21 1989 ALINORM 89/24A
3 1968 ALINORM 69/24 22 1990 ALINORM 91/24
4 1969 ALINORM 70/24 23 1991 ALINORM 91/24A
5 1970 ALINORM 71/24 24 1992 ALINORM 93/24
6 1972 ALINORM 72/24A 25 1993 ALINORM 93/24A
7 1974 ALINORM 74/24 26 1994 ALINORM 95/24
8 1975 ALINORM 76/24 27 1995 ALINORM 95/24A
9 1977 ALINORM 78/24 28 1996 ALINORM 97/24
10 1978 ALINORM 79/24 29 1997 ALINORM 97/24A
11 1979 ALINORM 79/24A 30 1998 ALINORM 99/24
12 1980 ALINORM 81/24 31 1999 ALINORM 99/24A
13 1981 ALINORM 83/24 32 2000 ALINORM 01/24
14 1982 ALINORM 83/24A 33 2001 ALINORM 01/24A
15 1983 ALINORM 85/24 34 2002 ALINORM 03/24
16 1984 ALINORM 85/24A 35 2003 ALINORM 03/26A
17 1985 ALINORM 85/24B 36 2004 ALINORM 04/27/24
18 1986 ALINORM 87/24 37 2005 ALINORM 05/28/24
19 1987 ALINORM 87/24A 38 2006 ALINORM 06/29/24

39 2007 ALINORM 07/30/24

1 Acaricide 12 Molluscicide
2 Aphicide 13 Miticide
4 Fumigant 14 Nematicide
5 Fungicide 16 Plant Growth Regulator
7 Herbicide 17 Rodenticide
8 Insecticide 18 Repellant
9 Insect Growth Regulator 20 Synergist
10 Ixodicide (for tick control) 21 Storage Scald Preventer
11 Larvicide 22 Scald Control Agent
-v -


BENALAXYL (155) 2,4-D (20) FENTHION (39)
BENDIOCARB (137) DDT (21)** FENTIN (40)
- vi -
PERMETHRIN (120) *, See Table 1;
PHENOTHRIN (127) **, See Part A.2 (EMRLs);
PHENTHOATE (128) ***, See Part A.3 (GLs);
2-PHENYLPHENOL (56) Otherwise see Part A.1 (MRLs).
PHOXIM (141)
2,4,5-T (121)*
- vii -


19 CRUFOMATE* 71 CAMPHECHLOR* 121 2,4,5-T*
- viii -

*, See Table 1;
**, See Part A.2 (EMRLs);
***, See Part A.3 (GLs);
Otherwise see Part A.1 (MRLs).
- ix -


Code Namee ADI (mg/kg body weight) MRLs or GLs deleted

3 Binapacryl Withdrawn (1982) MRLs
4 Bromophos 0.04 (1977) MRLs
5 Bromophos-ethyl 0.03 (1975) MRLs
6 Captafol Withdrawn (TADI, 1985) MRLs, TMRLs
9 Carbon disulphide Not cleared toxicologically GLs
10 Carbon tetrachloride Not cleared toxicologically GLs
11 Carbophenothion 0.0005 (1979) MRLs
13 Chlordimeform Withdrawn (TADI, 1987) MRLs, TMRLs
16 Chlorobenzilate 0.02 (1980) MRLs
18 Coumaphos Withdrawn (TADI, 1980) GLs
19 Crufomate 0.1 (1968) MRLs
23 1,2-Dibromoethane Not cleared toxicologically GLs
24 1,2-Dichloroethane Not cleared toxicologically GLs
28 Dioxathion 0.0015 (1968) MRLs
29 Diphenyl 0.125 (1967) MRLs
36 Fenchlorphos 0.01 (1968) MRLs
38 Fensulfothion 0.0003 (1982) MRLs
42 Formothion 0.02 (1973) MRLs (no longer
44 Hexachlorobenzene Withdrawn (1978) MRLs (GLs)
45 Hydrogen cyanide 0.05 (1965) MRLs
68 Azinphos-ethyl Not cleared toxicologically GLs
71 Camphechlor Not cleared toxicologically GLs
79 Amitrole 0.0005 (TADI, 1993-97) MRLs
87 Dinocap 0.001 (1989) TMRLs (Step 6)
88 Leptophos Not cleared toxicologically
89 Sec-Butylamine Withdrawn (TADI, 1984) MRLs, GLs
91 Cyanofenphos Withdrawn (TADI, 1983) TMRLs
92 Demeton Withdrawn (1982) MRLs, GLs
98 Dialifos Withdrawn (1982) GLs
99 Edifenphos 0.003 (1981) MRLs
104 Daminozide 0.5 (1989, 91) MRLs (Step 6)
107 Ethiofencarb 0.1 (1982) MRLs
108 Ethylene thiourea 0.004 (1993) MRLs (Step 8)
121 2,4,5-T 0.03 (1981) MRLs
134 Aminocarb Not cleared toxicologically GLs
139 Butocarboxim Not cleared toxicologically GLs
140 Nitrofen Not cleared toxicologically GLs
145 Carbosulfan 0.01 (1986) MRL (Step 6)
183 Propham Not cleared toxicologically No MRLs proposed


(At Various Steps of the Codex Procedure)

Part A 1: Pesticides with MRLs

Part 1 - 1

2 Azinphos-Methyl
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 65T, 68, 72R, 73T, 74R, 91, 93R, 95R, 07'
ADI 0-0.03 mg/kg body weight (2007)
AcuteRfD 0.1 mg/kg body weight (2007)
RESIDUE Azinphos-methyl.
Note previous ADI: 0.005 mg/kg body weight (1991).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AL 1020 Alfalfa fodder 10 CXL 1995

AM 0660 Almond hulls 5 CXL 1997
TN 0660 Almonds 0.05 CXL 1997
FP 0226 Apple 2 CXL 1997
FB 0020 Blueberries 5 CXL 1995
VB 0400 Broccoli 1 CXL
FS 0013 Cherries 2 CXL 1997
AL 1031 Clover hay or fodder 5 CXL 1995
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.2 CXL
FB 0265 Cranberry 0.1 CXL 1995
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.2 CXL 1995
AO2 0002 Fruits (except as otherwise 1 CXL 26 25
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.2 CXL 1995
FS 0245 Nectarine 2 CXL 1997
FS 0247 Peach 2 CXL 1997
FP 0230 Pear 2 CXL 1997
TN 0672 Pecan 0.3 CXL 1995
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 1 CXL 1995
FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 2 CXL 1997
Part 1 - 2

VR 0589 Potato 0.05 (*) CXL 1995

VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.05 (*) CXL 1995
GS 0659 Sugar cane 0.2 CXL 1995
VO 0448 Tomato 1 CXL 1997
AO1 0002 Vegetables (except as 0.5 CXL
otherwise listed)
TN 0678 Walnuts 0.3 CXL 1995
VC 0432 Watermelon 0.2 CXL 1995
Part 1 - 3

7 Captan
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 63,65T,69,73T,74R,77,78,80R,82T,84,86R,87R,90,94R,95T,97R, 00R', 04T, 07T
ADI 0-0.1 mg/kg body weight (1984; confirmed 1990, 1995)
AcuteRfD 0.3 mg/kg body weight (for women of child-bearing age) (2007)
Note The Committee decided to return the draft MRLs for cherries; dried grapes (=currants, raisins and sultanas); grapes; melons, except watermelon; peach; plums (including prunes); pome fruits;
strawberry and tomato to Step 6, awaiting the outcome of the 2007 JMPR evaluation (38-54). The Committee decided to return the draft MRLs for cherries; dried grapes (=currants, raisins
and sultanas); grapes; melons, except watermelon; peach; plums (including prunes); pome fruits; strawberry and tomato to Step 6, awaiting the outcome of the 2007 JMPR evaluation (39-47).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

TN 0660 Almonds 0.3 CXL 00 34 2003

FP 0226 Apple 25 T CXL 37 2000 JMPR: to be repaced by MRL for pome fruits

FB 0020 Blueberries 20 CXL

FS 0013 Cherries 25 7 94, 97, 00 40 28, 31,32, Returned to Step 6. Await 2007 JMPR evaluation

VC 0424 Cucumber 3 CXL 00 35,37 2005

DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 50 7 97 40 31,32, Returned to Step 6. Await 2007 JMPR evaluation
raisins and sultanas) (38-54).

FB 0269 Grapes 25 7 94, 97 40 28, 31,32, Returned to Step 6. Await 2007 JMPR evaluation

VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 10 7 00 40 35,37,38,39 Returned to Step 6. Await 2007 JMPR evaluation

FS 0245 Nectarine 3 CXL 94, 00 37 28, 31,32 2005

FS 0247 Peach 15 CXL
FS 0247 Peach 20 7 00 40 35,37,38,39 Returned to Step 6. Await 2007 JMPR evaluation

FP 0230 Pear 25 T CXL 37 2000 JMPR: to be replaced by MRL for pome fruits

FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 10 7 94 40 28,32, Returned to Step 6. Await 2007 JMPR evaluation
Part 1 - 4

FP 0009 Pome fruits 15 Po 7 00 40 37,38,39 Returned to Step 6. Await 2007 JMPR evaluation

VR 0589 Potato 0.05 CXL 00 34 2003

FB 0272 Raspberries, Red, Black 20 CXL 00 35,37 2005
FB 0275 Strawberry 20 T CXL
FB 0275 Strawberry 15 7 94, 97, 00 40 28, 31,32, Returned to Step 6. Await 2007 JMPR evaluation

VO 0448 Tomato 15 T CXL

VO 0448 Tomato 5 7 94, 00 40 28, 31, 33,32, Returned to Step 6. Await 2007 JMPR evaluation
Part 1 - 5

8 Carbaryl
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 65T, 66, 67, 68R, 69, 70R, 73, 75R, 76R, 77R, 79R, 84R, 96T', 00T, 01T, 02R', 07R
ADI 0-0.008 mg/kg body weight (2001)
AcuteRfD 0.2 mg/kg body weight (2001)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and for estimation of dietary intake: carbaryl.
Note Previous ADI, 0.003 mg/kg bw (1996). The Committee requested the JMPR to review the basis for the ARfD of 0.2 mg/kg bw based on the written comments of Australia (CX/PR 05/37/5-
Add.1) (37-86). The Committee decided to return the draft MRLs for cherries; citrus fruits; citrus juice; citrus pulp, dry; dried grapes (=currants, raisins and sultanas); grape juice; grape
pomace, dry; grapes and stone fruits to Step 6, awaiting the outcome of the 2007 JMPR evaluation (38-56). The Delegation of Japan indicated that the life span of the temporary MRLs had
already expired and that the Committee should take decisions on them. It was decided that the background of the temporary status of these CXLs should be provided and they should be
considered at the next session. The Committee decided to return the draft MRLs for cherries; citrus fruits; citrus juice; citrus pulp, dry; dried grapes (=currants, raisins and sultanas); grape
juice; grape pomace, dry; grapes and stone fruits to Step 6, awaiting the outcome of the 2007 JMPR evaluation (39-49-50).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AM 0660 Almond hulls 50 CXL 02 35, 36 2004

FP 0226 Apple 5 T CXL 02 32 1999 1999-2003 Withdrawal recommended (2002 JMPR)
FS 0240 Apricot 10 T CXL 32 1999 1999-2003 To be replaced by the MRL for stone
fruits (2002 JMPR)

VS 0621 Asparagus 15 CXL 02 35,36 2004

VR 0574 Beetroot 0.1 CXL 02 35, 35 2004
VR 0577 Carrot 0.5 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
FS 0013 Cherries 10 T CXL 32 1999 1999-2003 Australia expressed their reserevation
for acute intake (37-85).

FS 0013 Cherries 20 7 02 40 35,36,37,38,3 Returned to Step 6 awaiting 2007 JMPR evaluation


HS 0444 Chilli peppers. dried 2 4 07 40

FC 0001 Citrus fruits 7 T CXL 32 1999 1999-2003
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 15 7 02 40 35,36,37,38,3 Returned to Step 6 awaiting 2007 JMPR evaluation

JF 0001 Citrus juice 0.5 7 02 40 35,36,37,38,3 Returned to Step 6 awaiting 2007 JMPR evaluation

AB 0001 Citrus pulp, Dry 4 7 02 40 35,36,37,38,3 Returned to Step 6 awaiting 2007 JMPR evaluation
Part 1 - 6

FB 0265 Cranberry 5 4 07 40
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 50 7 02 40 35,37,38,39 Returned to Step 6 awaiting 2007 JMPR evaluation
raisins and sultanas) (38-56).

VO 0440 Egg plant 1 CXL 02 35, 36 2004

JF 0269 Grape juice 30 7 02 40 35,37,38,39 Returned to Step 6 awaiting 2007 JMPR evaluation

AB 0269 Grape pomace, Dry 80 7 02 40 35,37,38,39 Returned to Step 6 awaiting 2007 JMPR evaluation

FB 0269 Grapes 5 T CXL 32 1999 1999-2003

FB 0269 Grapes 40 7 02 40 35,37,38,39 EC considered the database to be insufficient and
expressed intake concern (37-85). Australia
expressed their reserevation for acute intake (37-
85). Returned to Step 6 awaiting 2007 JMPR
evaluation (38-56).

MO 0098 Kidney of cattle, goats, pigs 3 CXL 02 35, 36 2004

and sheep
MO 0099 Liver of cattle, goats, pigs & 1 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
GC 0645 Maize 0.02 (*) CXL 02 35, 36 2004
AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 250 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
OC 0645 Maize oil, Crude 0.1 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.05 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
FS 0245 Nectarine 10 T CXL 32 1999 1999-2003 To be replaced by the MRL for stone
fruits (2002 JMPR)

OC 0305 Olive oil, Virgin 25 CXL 02 35, 36 2004

FT 0305 Olives 30 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
FS 0247 Peach 10 T CXL 32,37 1999 1999-2003 To be replaced by the MRL for stone
fruits (2002 JMPR). EC considered the database to
be insufficient and expressed intake concern (37-85).
Part 1 - 7

FP 0230 Pear 5 T CXL 02 32, 35 1999 1999-2003 Withdrawal recommended (2002 JMPR).
Retain pending evaluation of Australian data for fruits-
CCPR 35.

VO 0051 Peppers 5 T CXL 32 1999 1999-2003 To be replaced by the MRL for peppers,
sweet (2002 JMPR). Awaiting data from Thailand

VO 0444 Peppers, Chili 0.5 4 07 40

VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 5 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
CM 1206 Rice bran, Unprocessed 170 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
CM 1207 Rice hulls 50 CXL 02 35,36 2004
AS 0649 Rice straw and fodder, Dry 120 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
CM 1205 Rice, Polished 1 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
AF 1053 Sorghum forage (dry) 50 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.2 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
AL 0541 Soya bean fodder 15 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
AB 0541 Soya bean hulls 0.3 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
OC 0541 Soya bean oil, Crude 0.2 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
FS 0012 Stone fruits 10 7 02 40 35,37,38,39 Except cherries. Except cherries. The information
provided to the JMPR precludes an estimate that the
dietary intake would be below the acuteRfD (2002
JMPR). Australia expressed their reserevation for
acute intake (37-85). Returned to Step 6 awaiting
2007 JMPR evaluation (38-56).

SO 0702 Sunflower seed 0.2 CXL 02 35, 36 2004

OC 0702 Sunflower seed oil, crude 0.05 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.1 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
AB 0447 Sweet corn cannery waste 7.4 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
VR 0508 Sweet potato 0.02 (*) CXL 02 35, 36 2004
VO 0448 Tomato 5 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
JF 0448 Tomato juice 3 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
VW 0448 Tomato paste 10 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
Part 1 - 8

TN 0085 Tree nuts 1 CXL 02 35, 36 2004

VR 0506 Turnip, Garden 1 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
GC 0654 Wheat 2 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 2 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
CF 1211 Wheat flour 0.2 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
CF 1210 Wheat germ 1 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry30 CXL 02 35, 36 2004
Part 1 - 9

15 Chlormequat
Main Uses 16 Plant Growth Regulator
JMPR 70, 72, 76R, 85R, 94', 97T, 99T, 00R
ADI 0.05 mg/kg body weight (1997)
AcuteRfD 0.05 mg/kg body weight (1999)
RESIDUE Chlormequat cation (usually used as the chloride).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

GC 0640 Barley 2 CXL 94, 00 34 30 2003

SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.5 CXL 94 34 30 2003
PE 0112 Eggs 0.1 CXL 00 34 2003
MM 0814 Goat meat 0.2 CXL 00 34 2003
MO 0098 Kidney of cattle, goats, pigs 0.5 CXL 00 34 2003
and sheep
MO 0099 Liver of cattle, goats, pigs & 0.1 CXL 00 34 2003
AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 7 dry wt CXL 00 34 2003
MM 0097 Meat of cattle, pigs & sheep 0.2 CXL 00 34 2003
ML 0107 Milk of cattle, goats & sheep 0.5 CXL 00 34 2003
GC 0647 Oats 10 CXL 00 Confirmed (1994 & 2000 JMPR)
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.04 (*) CXL 00 34 2003
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.1 CXL 00 34 2003
SO 0495 Rape seed 5 CXL 94 34 32 2003
OC 0495 Rape seed oil, Crude 0.1 (*) CXL 94 34 32 2003
GC 0650 Rye 3 CXL 94,00 35 2003
CM 0650 Rye bran, Unprocessed 10 CXL 94, 00 35 30, 32 2003
CF 1250 Rye flour 3 CXL 00 35 2003
CF 1251 Rye wholemeal 4 CXL 94 34 32 2003
AS 0081 Straw and fodder (dry) of 30 dry wt CXL 00 35 2003
cereal grains
Part 1 - 10

GC 0653 Triticale 3 CXL 00 35 2003

GC 0654 Wheat 3 CXL 94, 00 35 30, 32 2003
CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 10 CXL 94, 00 35 30, 32 2003
CF 1211 Wheat flour 2 CXL 94, 00 35 30, 32 2003
CF 1212 Wheat wholemeal 5 CXL 94, 00 35 30, 32 2003
Part 1 - 11

17 Chlorpyrifos
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 72, 74R, 75R, 77, 81R, 82, 83R, 95R, 99T', 00R', 04R, 06R
ADI 0-0.01 mg/kg body weight (1982; confirmed 1999)
AcuteRfD 0.1 mg/kg body weight (2006)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake in plant and animal commodities: chlorpyrifos. The residue is fat-soluble.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AL 1020 Alfalfa fodder 5 CXL 00 35 2003

TN 0660 Almonds 0.05 CXL 00 35 2003
FI 0327 Banana 2 CXL 00 35 2003
VB 0400 Broccoli 2 CXL 00 35 2003
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 1 CXL 00 35 2003
VR 0577 Carrot 0.1 CXL 00 35 2003
MO 1280 Cattle kidney 0.01 CXL 00 35 2003
MO 1281 Cattle liver 0.01 CXL 00 35 2003
MM 0812 Cattle meat 1 (fat) CXL 00 35 2003
VB 0404 Cauliflower 0.05 CXL 00 35 2003
VL 0467 Chinese cabbage (type pe- 1 CXL Confirmed (2000 JMPR)
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 1 CXL 1999 Confirmed (2000 JMPR)
SB 0716 Coffee beans 0.05 CXL 00 35 2003
VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 0.01 CXL 00 35 2003
immature seeds)
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.3 CXL 04 37 2005
OC 0691 Cotton seed oil, Crude 0.05 (*) CXL Retained as part of 4-year periodic review
OR 0691 Cotton seed oil, Edible 0.05 CXL 04 37 2005
FB 0265 Cranberry 1 CXL 06 39 2007
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 0.1 CXL 00 35 2003
raisins and sultanas)
Part 1 - 12

PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 00 35 2003

FB 0269 Grapes 0.5 CXL 00 35 2003
GC 0645 Maize 0.05 CXL 00 35 2003
AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 10 CXL 00 35 2003
OR 0645 Maize oil, Edible 0.2 CXL 00 35 2003
ML 0107 Milk of cattle, goats & sheep 0.02 CXL 00 35 2003
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.2 CXL 00 35 2003
FS 0247 Peach 0.5 CXL 00 35 2003
VP 0063 Peas (pods and 0.01 CXL 00 35 2003
succulent=immature seeds)
TN 0672 Pecan 0.05 (*) CXL 00 35 2003
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 2 CXL 00 35 2003
MM 0818 Pig meat 0.02 (fat) CXL 00 35 2003
MO 0818 Pig, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 00 35 2003
FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 0.5 CXL 00 35 2003
FP 0009 Pome fruits 1 CXL 00 35 2003
VR 0589 Potato 2 CXL 04 37 2005
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (fat) CXL 00 35 2003
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 00 35 2003
GC 0649 Rice 0.5 CXL 04 37 2005
MM 0822 Sheep meat 1 (fat) CXL 00 35 2003
MO 0822 Sheep, Edible offal of 0.01 CXL 00 35 2003
GC 0651 Sorghum 0.5 CXL 00 35 2003
AS 0651 Sorghum straw and fodder, 2 CXL 00 35 2003
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.1 CXL 04 37 2005
OR 0541 Soya bean oil, Refined 0.03 CXL 04 37 2005
FB 0275 Strawberry 0.3 CXL 00 35 2003
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.05 CXL 00 35 2003
Part 1 - 13

VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.01 (*) CXL 00 35 2003

DT 1114 Tea, Green, Black 2 CXL 04 37 2005
VO 0448 Tomato 0.5 CXL
TN 0678 Walnuts 0.05 (*) CXL 00 35 2003
GC 0654 Wheat 0.5 CXL 00 35 2003
CF 1211 Wheat flour 0.1 CXL 00 35 2003
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry5 CXL 00 35 2003
Part 1 - 14

20 2,4-D
Main Uses 7 Herbicide
JMPR 70, 71, 74, 75, 80R, 85R, 86R, 96T', 98R', 01R
ADI 0.01 mg/kg body weight for sum of 2,4-D and its salts and esters expressed as 2,4-D (1996)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 2001). ()
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FB 0018 Berries and other small fruits0.1 CXL 98 34 32 2003

FC 0001 Citrus fruits 1 Po CXL 01 35, 36 2004
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 5 CXL 98 34 32 2001
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 2001
AS 0162 Hay or fodder (dry) of grasses 400 CXL 98 34 32 2003

GC 0645 Maize 0.05 CXL 2001

AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 40 CXL 2001
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.2 CXL 98 34 32 2003
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 CXL 98 34 32 2003
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.01 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
VR 0589 Potato 0.2 CXL Confirmed (1998 JMPR)
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
AS 0649 Rice straw and fodder, Dry 10 CXL 2001
CM 0649 Rice, Husked 0.1 CXL 2001
GC 0650 Rye 2 CXL 2001
GC 0651 Sorghum 0.01 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.01 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
AL 0541 Soya bean fodder 0.01 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
Part 1 - 15

FS 0012 Stone fruits 0.05 (*) CXL 2001

GS 0659 Sugar cane 0.05 CXL 2001
VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
TN 0085 Tree nuts 0.2 CXL 2001
GC 0654 Wheat 2 CXL 2001
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry100 CXL 2001
Part 1 - 16

22 Diazinon
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 65T, 66T, 67R, 68, 70, 75R, 79R, 93', 94R, 96R, 99R, 01T, 06
ADI 0-0.005 mg/kg body weight (2006)
AcuteRfD 0.03 mg/kg body weight. (2006)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake: diazinon. The residue is fat-soluble.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AM 0660 Almond hulls 5 CXL 1995

TN 0660 Almonds 0.05 CXL 1995
FB 0264 Blackberries 0.1 CXL 1997
FB 4079 Boysenberry 0.1 CXL 1997
VB 0400 Broccoli 0.5 CXL 1997
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 0.5 CXL 99 33, 35,37 2005
VC 4199 Cantaloupe 0.2 CXL 1997
VR 0577 Carrot 0.5 CXL 1997
FS 0013 Cherries 1 CXL 1997
PE 0840 Chicken eggs 0.02 (*) CXL 1999
PM 0840 Chicken meat 0.02 (*) CXL 1999
PO 0840 Chicken, Edible offal of 0.02 (*) CXL 1999
VL 0467 Chinese cabbage (type pe- 0.05 CXL 1997
VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 0.2 CXL 1997
immature seeds)
FB 0265 Cranberry 0.2 CXL 06 39 2007
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.1 CXL 1997
FB 0021 Currants, Black, Red, White 0.2 CXL 1997
VP 0529 Garden pea, Shelled 0.2 CXL 1997
MM 0814 Goat meat 2 (fat) CXL 96, 99 33, 36 30 2004 The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.
Part 1 - 17

DH 1100 Hops, Dry 0.5 CXL 1997

VL 0480 Kale 0.05 CXL 1995
MO 0098 Kidney of cattle, goats, pigs 0.03 CXL 96, 99 33, 36 30 2004 The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.
and sheep Confirmed (1999 JMPR)

FI 0341 Kiwi 0.2 CXL 1997

VB 0405 Kohlrabi 0.2 CXL 1997
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 0.5 CXL 1997
VL 0483 Lettuce, Leaf 0.5 CXL 1997
MO 0099 Liver of cattle, goats, pigs & 0.03 CXL 96, 99 33, 36 30 2004 The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.
sheep Confirmed (1999 JMPR)

GC 0645 Maize 0.02 (*) CXL 1995

MM 0097 Meat of cattle, pigs & sheep 2 (fat) CXL 96, 99 33, 36 30 2004 The MRL accommodates external animal treatment
Confirmed (1999 JMPR)

ML 0106 Milks 0.02 F CXL The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.
Confirmed (1996, 1999 JMPR)

VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.05 CXL 1995

VA 0389 Onion, Spring (green) 1 CXL 1997
FS 0247 Peach 0.2 CXL 1997
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 0.05 CXL 1995
FI 0353 Pineapple 0.1 CXL 1997
FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 1 CXL 1997
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.3 CXL 99 33, 36 2004
VR 0589 Potato 0.01 (*) CXL 1995
DF 0014 Prunes 2 CXL 1997
VR 0494 Radish 0.1 CXL 1997
FB 0272 Raspberries, Red, Black 0.2 CXL 1997
VL 0502 Spinach 0.5 CXL 1997
VC 0431 Squash, summer 0.05 CXL 1997
FB 0275 Strawberry 0.1 CXL 1997
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.1 CXL 1995
Part 1 - 18

VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.02 CXL 1995

VO 0448 Tomato 0.5 CXL 1997
TN 0678 Walnuts 0.01 (*) CXL 1995
Part 1 - 19

25 Dichlorvos
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 65, 66, 67, 69R, 70, 74R, 77T, 93'
ADI 0.004 mg/kg body weight (confirmed 1977, 1993)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Dichlorvos.
Residues decline rapidly during storage and shipment. Codex MRLs are based on residues likely to be found at harvest or slaughter.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

GC 0080 Cereal grains 5 (Po) CXL 1997

MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) CXL 1995
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.02 (*) CXL 1995
VO 0450 Mushrooms 0.5 CXL
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 CXL
CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 10 CXL 1997
CF 1211 Wheat flour 1 CXL 1997
CF 1210 Wheat germ 10 CXL 1997
CF 1212 Wheat wholemeal 2 CXL 1997
Part 1 - 20

26 Dicofol
Main Uses 1 Acaricide/Miticide
JMPR 68, 70R, 74R, 92', 94R
ADI 0.002 mg/kg body weight (1992)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Plant commodities: Dicofol (sum of o,p' & p,p' isomers) (fat-soluble).
Animal commodities: Sum of dicofol and 2,2-dichloro-1,1-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethanol (p,p'-FW152) calculated as dicofol (fat-soluble).
Note The Committee decided to retain the existing CXL for tea, green, black at the request of the Delegation of India, waiting the submission of new data by India for evaluation by JMPR. The
Committee noted that the JMPR has scheduled the toxicology evaluation for dicofol for 2010 and residue evaluation for 2011 (39-54-55).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VD 0071 Beans (dry) 0.1 CXL 1995

MM 0812 Cattle meat 3 (fat) CXL 1997
MO 0812 Cattle, Edible offal of 1 CXL 1997
FS 0013 Cherries 5 CXL 1997
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 5 CXL 1997
VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 2 CXL 1997
immature seeds)
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.1 CXL 1995
OC 0691 Cotton seed oil, Crude 0.5 CXL 1997
OR 0691 Cotton seed oil, Edible 0.5 CXL 1997
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.5 CXL 1995
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 CXL 1995
FB 0269 Grapes 5 CXL 1997
DH 1100 Hops, Dry 50 CXL 1995
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.2 CXL 1995
ML 0106 Milks 0.1 F CXL 1999
FS 0247 Peach 5 CXL 1997
TN 0672 Pecan 0.01 (*) CXL 1995
VO 0051 Peppers 1 CXL 1995
Part 1 - 21

FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 1 CXL 1997

PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.1 (fat) CXL 1997
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.05 (*) CXL 1995
DF 0014 Prunes 3 CXL 1997
VC 0431 Squash, summer 1 CXL 1995
DT 1114 Tea, Green, Black 50 CXL 35 1997 CCPR 36: Awaiting JMPR evaluation on data to be
submitted by India and Morocco (36-75,76).

VO 0448 Tomato 1 CXL

TN 0678 Walnuts 0.01 (*) CXL 1995
Part 1 - 22

27 Dimethoate
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 65T,66T,67,70R,73R,77R,78R,83R,84,86,87,88R,90R,94R,96T',98R', 03',06R
ADI 0.002 mg/kg body weight for sum of dimethoate and omethoate expressed as dimethoate (1996)
AcuteRfD 0.02 mg/kg body weight (2003)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs: dimethoate. For estimation of dietary intake: dimethoate and omethoate.
Note The Committee decided to retain draft MRLs for lettuce, head and peppers, sweet at Step 7, awaiting 2008 JMPR evaluation of alternative GAP (39-57).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

MF 0100 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003

VS 0620 Artichoke, Globe 0.05 CXL 03 36,37 2005
VS 0621 Asparagus 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
GC 0640 Barley 2 CXL 98, 06 38 32,36 2006 The MRL for barley recommended at the 1998
Meeting was agreed to be sufficient; no further
evaluation was required (JMPR 2006).

VB 0402 Brussels sprouts 0.2 CXL 03 36,37 2005 Previous JMPR recommendation: 1
VB 0403 Cabbage, Savoy 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
MO 0812 Cattle, Edible offal of 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
VB 0404 Cauliflower 02 CXL 03, 06 36,37,39 2005 The information provided to the JMPR precludes an
estimate that the dietary intake would be below the
ARfD (JMPR 2006).

VS 0624 Celery 0.5 CXL 03 36,37 2005

FS 0013 Cherries 2 CXL Confirmed (1998 JMPR).
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 5 CXL 03 38 36 2006
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 2 CXL 1997
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 3 7 03 40 36,38,39 The information provided to the JMPR precludes an
estimate that the dietary intake would be below the
acute RFd for the general population. Previous
JMPR: 0.5 Returned to Step 6 (38-58).

FI 0345 Mango 1 Po CXL 03 36,37 2005

Part 1 - 23

MM 0096 Meat of cattle, goats, horses, 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003

pigs & sheep
ML 0107 Milk of cattle, goats & sheep 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
FT 0305 Olives 0.5 CXL 03 36,37 2005
FP 0230 Pear 1 CXL 1991
VP 0063 Peas (pods and 1 CXL 98 32,37 2005
succulent=immature seeds)
VO 0051 Peppers 1 Po CXL 98 36 Retained for further review
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 5 Po 7 03 40 36,38,39 The information provided to the JMPR precludes an
estimate that the dietary intake would be below the
acute RFd for children six years and below. Previous
JMPR: Withdrawal MRLs for peppers recommended.
Returned to Step 6 (38-58).

VR 0589 Potato 0.05 CXL Confirmed (1998 JMPR).

PF 0111 Poultry fats 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
MO 0822 Sheep, Edible offal of 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.05 CXL Confirmed (1998 JMPR).
VL 0506 Turnip greens 1 CXL 98 32,36,37 2005
VR 0506 Turnip, Garden 0.1 CXL 98 32,37 2005
GC 0654 Wheat 0.05 CXL 03 36,37 2005
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry1 CXL 03 36,37 2005
Part 1 - 24

30 Diphenylamine
Main Uses 21 Storage Scald Preventor
JMPR 69, 76, 79R, 82T, 84, 98T', 01R', 03R
ADI 0.08 mg/kg body weight (1998)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 1998). ()
RESIDUE Diphenylamine.
Note Previous ADI 0.02 mg/kg bw (1984).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 10 Po CXL 01 35 2003

JF 0226 Apple juice 0.5 PoP CXL 01 35 2003
MO 1280 Cattle kidney 0.01 (*) CXL 01 35 2003
MO 1281 Cattle liver 0.05 CXL 01 35 2003
MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.01 (*) (fat) CXL 01 35 2003
ML 0812 Cattle milk 0.0004 (*) F CXL 01 35,36 2004 Equivalent to 0.01 mg/kg (*) in the milkfat. CCPR 35
requested JMPR to clarify whether fortification was
done in whole milk or milk fat in the recovery

FP 0230 Pear 5 Po CXL 01 35,36 2004

Part 1 - 25

31 Diquat
Main Uses 7 Herbicide
JMPR 70, 72, 76R, 77, 78R, 93T, 94R' (01R)
ADI 0.002 mg diquat cation/kg body weight (1993)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Diquat cation.
Generally available as dibromide.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AL 1020 Alfalfa fodder 100 CXL 1999

GC 0640 Barley 5 CXL Confirmed (1994 JMPR)
VD 0071 Beans (dry) 0.2 CXL 1999
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.05 (*) CXL Confirmed (1994 JMPR)
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) CXL Confirmed (1994 JMPR)
VD 0533 Lentil (dry) 0.2 CXL 1999
GC 0645 Maize 0.05 (*) CXL 1999
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) CXL Confirmed (1994 JMPR)
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) CXL Confirmed (1994 JMPR)
GC 0647 Oats 2 CXL 1999
VD 0072 Peas (dry) 0.2 CXL 1999
VR 0589 Potato 0.05 CXL 1999
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) CXL 1999
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.05 (*) CXL 1999
SO 0495 Rape seed 2 CXL Confirmed (1994 JMPR)
GC 0649 Rice 10 CXL 1999
CM 0649 Rice, Husked 1 CXL 1999
CM 1205 Rice, Polished 0.2 CXL Confirmed (1994 JMPR)
GC 0651 Sorghum 2 CXL Confirmed (1994 JMPR)
Part 1 - 26

VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.2 CXL 1999

SO 0702 Sunflower seed 1 CXL 1999
OC 0172 Vegetable oils, Crude 0.05 (*) CXL 1999
AO1 0002 Vegetables (except as 0.05 (*) CXL 94 25 24
otherwise listed)
GC 0654 Wheat 2 CXL Confirmed (1994 JMPR)
CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 5 CXL Confirmed (1994 JMPR)
CF 1211 Wheat flour 0.5 CXL 1999
CF 1212 Wheat wholemeal 2 CXL Confirmed (1994 JMPR)
Part 1 - 27

32 Endosulfan
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 65T, 67, 68, 71R, 74R, 75R, 82T, 85, 89, 93R, 98T' (03R'), 06R'
ADI 0.006 mg/kg body weight (1989, confirmed 1998)
AcuteRfD 0.02 mg/kg body weight (1998)
RESIDUE For compliance with the MRL and for estimation of the dietary intake: sum of alpha endosulfan, beta endosulfan and endosulfan sulphate. This definition applies to
plant and animal commodities. The residue is fat soluble.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FI 0326 Avocado 0.5 CXL 06 39 2007

VB 0400 Broccoli 0.5 CXL 89, 93 35 24, 25, 31,32 2003
VB 0400 Broccoli 3 7 06 40 39
SB 0715 Cacao beans 0.2 CXL 06 39 2007
VS 0624 Celery 2 CXL 1991
VS 0624 Celery 7 7 06 40 39
FS 0013 Cherries 1 CXL 1991
FS 0013 Cherries 2 7 06 40 39
SB 0716 Coffee beans 0.2 CXL 06 39 2007
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.3 CXL 06 39 2007
VC 0424 Cucumber 1 CXL 06 39 2007
FI 0322 Custard apple 0.5 CXL 06 39 2007
VO 0440 Egg plant 0.1 CXL 06 39 2007
PE 0112 Eggs 0.03 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
TN 0666 Hazelnuts 0.02 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
MO 0098 Kidney of cattle, goats, pigs 0.03 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
and sheep
FI 0343 Litchi 2 CXL 06 39 2007
MO 0099 Liver of cattle, goats, pigs & 0.1 CXL 06 39 2007
TN 0669 Macadamia nuts 0.02 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
Part 1 - 28

FI 0345 Mango 0.5 CXL 06 39 2007

MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.2 (fat) CXL 06 39 2007
than marine mammals)
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 2 CXL 06 39 2007
FM 0183 Milk fats 0.1 CXL 06 39 2007
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 CXL 06 39 2007
FI 0350 Papaya 0.5 CXL 06 39 2007
FI 0352 Persimmon 2 CXL 06 39 2007
VR 0589 Potato 0.05 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.03 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.03 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 1 CXL 06 39 2007
OC 0541 Soya bean oil, Crude 2 CXL 06 39 2007
VC 0431 Squash, summer 0.5 CXL 06 39 2007
VR 0508 Sweet potato 0.05 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
DT 1114 Tea, Green, Black 30 CXL 06 39 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2006). Retained
for 4 years under periodic review procedure (39-59).

VO 0448 Tomato 1 7 06 40 39 2007 The information provided to the JMPR precludes an

estimate that the dietary intake would be below the
ARfD (JMPR 2006).
Part 1 - 29

35 Ethoxyquin
Main Uses 22 Scald Control Agent
JMPR 69, 98T', 99R', 05 T'
ADI 0-0.005 mg/kg body weight The ADI and the ARfD are applicable to ethoxyquin and its metabolites/degradation products methylethoxyquin MEQ),
AcuteRfD 0.5 mg/kg body weight (2005)
RESIDUE Ethoxyquin.
Note Previous ADI 0.06 mg/kg bw (1969).
The ADI and the ARfD are applicable to ethoxyquin and its metabolites/degradation products methylethoxyquin (MEQ), dihydroethoxyquin (DHEQ), dehydromethylethoxyquin (DHMEQ) (2005).

The Committee was informed by the JMPR Secretariat that the residue evaluation in pear was scheduled for 2008 JMPR (38-60).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0230 Pear 3 Po CXL 99 33 26, 28, 29, Withdrawal recommended (1999 JMPR). Retained
for 4 years under the Periodic Review Procedure
awaiting toxicity studies. Residue evaluation in pear is
schedulled for 2008 JMPR (38-60).
Part 1 - 30

37 Fenitrothion
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 69, 74, 76R, 77, 79R, 82T, 83R, 84, 86, 88T, 89R, 00T' , 03R',04R,07
ADI 0-0.006 mg/kg body weight (1988; confirmed 2000)
AcuteRfD 0.04 mg/kg body weight (2000)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake: fenitrothion.
Note The 36th session of the the Committee was informed that data would be available for pome fruits, stone fruits, grapes, tomatoes and soya beans for evaluation at a later date (36-89). Ther
Committee noted intake concerns for this compound and requested JMPR to re-evaluate the acute RfD and ADI (37-93).
The Committee noted that the intake concern for cereal grains, identified by JMPR was based on a conservative intake estimate that had not taken into account the effect of processing on
sorghum, millet and maize. The Committee was informed that new residue data on cereals would become available supported by a revised GAP. The Committee decided to return the draft
MRLs for apple; cereal grains; edible offal (mammalian); eggs; meat (from mammals other than marine mammals); milks; poultry meat; rice bran, unprocessed; wheat bran, unprocessed to
Step 6, awaiting the outcome of the 2007 JMPR evaluation (38-61). The Committee decided to return the draft MRLs for apple; cereal grains; edible offal (mammalian); eggs; meat (from
mammals other than marine mammals ); milks; poultry meat; rice bran, unprocessed; wheat bran, unprocessed to Step 6, awaiting the outcome of 2007 JMPR evaluation (39-62).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 0.5 7 04 40 37,38,39 Returned to Step 6 awaiting 2007 JMPR evaluation

GC 0080 Cereal grains 10 Po CXL 36 Retained under 4 years periodic review procedure

GC 0080 Cereal grains 10 Po 7 04 40 37,38,39 Also cover pre-harvest use of fenitrothion. JMPR
2004: the Information provided to the JMPR
precludes an estimate that the dietary intake would
be below the ARfD. Returned to Step 6 awaiting
2007 JMPR evaluation (38-61).

GC 0080 Cereal grains 6 Po 4 07 40 Except maize

MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.05 (*) 7 04 40 37,38,39 Returned to Step 6 awaiting 2007 JMPR evaluation

MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.05 (*) 4 07 40

PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) 7 04 40 37,38,39 Returned to Step 6 awaiting 2007 JMPR evaluation

PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) 4 07 40

MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) (fat) E CXL 36 Retained under 4 years periodic review procedure
than marine mammals) (36-88).
Part 1 - 31

MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) 7 04 40 37,38,39 Returned to Step 6 awaiting 2007 JMPR evaluation
than marine mammals) (38-61).

MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) 4 07 40

than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.002 (*) E CXL 36 Retained under 4 years periodic review procedure

ML 0106 Milks 0.01 7 04 40 37,38,39 Returned to Step 6 awaiting 2007 JMPR evaluation

ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) 4 07 40

PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) 7 04 40 37,38,39 Returned to Step 6 awaiting 2007 JMPR evaluation

PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) 4 07 40

CM 1206 Rice bran, Unprocessed 20 PoP CXL 36 Retained under 4 years periodic review procedure

CM 1206 Rice bran, Unprocessed 60 PoP 7 04 40 37,38,39 Returned to Step 6 awaiting 2007 JMPR evaluation

CM 1206 Rice bran, Unprocessed 40 PoP 4 07 40

CM 1205 Rice, Polished 1 PoP CXL 04 36 Retained under 4 years periodic review procedure
(36-88). JMPR 2004: Withdrawal recommended.

VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.01 4 07 40

CF 0654 Wheat bran, Processed 2 PoP CXL 36 Retained under 4 years periodic review procedure

CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 20 PoP CXL 36 Retained under 4 years periodic review procedure

CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 30 PoP 7 04 40 37,38,39 The information provided to the JMPR 2004
precludes an estimate that the dietary intake would
be below the ADI. Returned to Step 6 awaiting 2007
JMPR evaluation (38-61).

CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 25 PoP 4 07 40 The intake of 110% was for unprocessed wheat
bran. Since this is not the edible commodity and
further processing is likely to reduce the level of
residues, the Meeting assumed that the intake from
processed wheat bran would be below the ARfD

CF 1212 Wheat wholemeal 5 PoP CXL Retained under 4 years periodic review procedure
Part 1 - 32

39 Fenthion
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 71, 75, 77R, 78, 79T, 80T, 83R, 89R, 95', 97T, 00R
ADI 0.007 mg/kg body weight (1995)
AcuteRfD 0.01 mg/kg body weight (1997)
RESIDUE Sum of fenthion, its oxygen analogue and their sulphoxides and sulphones, expressed as fenthion (fat-soluble).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FS 0013 Cherries 2 CXL Confirmed (1995 JMPR)

FC 0001 Citrus fruits 2 CXL 95 To be replaced by individual MRLs (1995 JMPR)
FC 0003 Mandarins 0.5 7B(a) 95 40 29, Awaiting the finalisation of the evaluation in the

OC 0305 Olive oil, Virgin 1 CXL

OC 0305 Olive oil, Virgin 3 7B(a) 95 40 29, Awaiting the finalisation of the evaluation in the

FT 0305 Olives 1 CXL Confirmed (1995 JMPR)

FC 0004 Oranges, Sweet, Sour 0.5 7B(a) 95 40 29, Awaiting the finalisation of the evaluation in the

CM 0649 Rice, Husked 0.05 CXL 1997

Part 1 - 33

41 Folpet
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 69, 73T, 74R, 82T, 84, 86T, 87R, 90, 93, 94R, 95T, 97R, 98R', 99R,02T, 04T,07T
ADI 0-0.1 mg/kg body weight (1995)
AcuteRfD 0.2 mg/kg body weight (for women of child-bearing age) (2004)
Note The Committee noted concerns regarding the residue definition and requested the Delegation of the EC to further specify its concerns regarding the use of variability factors and intake
concerns and make it available for the next CCPR session (37-96).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 10 CXL 97, 98 38 33,37 2006

VC 0424 Cucumber 1 CXL 94, 97, 98, 99 35 28, 33 2003
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 40 CXL 97, 98 38 33,37 2006
raisins and sultanas)
FB 0269 Grapes 10 CXL 97, 98 38 33,37 2006
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 50 CXL 99 38 33,37 2006
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 3 CXL 97, 98 35 33 2003
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 1 CXL 99 35 33 2003
VR 0589 Potato 0.1 CXL 99 35 33 2003
FB 0275 Strawberry 5 CXL 93, 97, 98 38 28, 29, 2006
VO 0448 Tomato 3 CXL 97, 98 38 33,37 2006
Part 1 - 34

46 Hydrogen Phosphide
Main Uses 4 Fumigant
JMPR 65, 66, 67R, 69R, 71R
ADI Not necessary.
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE All phosphides, expressed as hydrogen phosphide.
Good usage practices should ensure that residues are not present at time of consumption.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

SB 0715 Cacao beans 0.01 Po CXL

GC 0080 Cereal grains 0.1 Po CXL
DF 0167 Dried fruits 0.01 Po CXL
DV 0168 Dried vegetables 0.01 Po CXL
SO 0697 Peanut 0.01 Po CXL
HS 0093 Spices 0.01 Po CXL
TN 0085 Tree nuts 0.01 Po CXL
Part 1 - 35

47 Bromide Ion
Main Uses
JMPR 68R, 69, 71R, 79R, 81R, 83R, 88, 89R, 92R, 04R
ADI 1 mg/kg body weight (confirmed 1988)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Bromide ion from all sources but not including covalently bound bromine.
Note The 28th CCPR noted that the USA and Israel had registered uses of methylbromide. It decided that the compound should not be referred to the Working Group on Priorities (28.43).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FI 0326 Avocado 75 CXL

VP 0522 Broad bean (green pods and500 CXL 1997
immature seeds)
VB 0400 Broccoli 30 CXL 1997
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 100 CXL 1991
VS 0624 Celery 300 CXL 1991
GC 0080 Cereal grains 50 CXL
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 30 CXL
VC 0424 Cucumber 100 CXL 1997
DF 0295 Dates, Dried or dried & 100 CXL
DF 0167 Dried fruits 30 CXL Except as otherwise listed.
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 100 CXL
raisins and sultanas)
DH 0170 Dried herbs 400 CXL
DF 0297 Figs, Dried or dried and 250 CXL
AO2 0002 Fruits (except as otherwise 20 CXL 24
VP 0528 Garden pea (young pods) 500 CXL 1997
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 100 CXL 1991
Part 1 - 36

VO 0442 Okra 200 CXL 1997

DF 0247 Peach, Dried 50 CXL
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 20 CXL 1997
DF 0014 Prunes 20 CXL
VR 0494 Radish 200 CXL 1997
HS 0093 Spices 400 CXL
VC 0431 Squash, summer 200 CXL 1997
FB 0275 Strawberry 30 CXL
VO 0448 Tomato 75 CXL 1991
VL 0506 Turnip greens 1000 CXL 1997
VR 0506 Turnip, Garden 200 CXL 1997
CF 1212 Wheat wholemeal 50 CXL
Part 1 - 37

48 Lindane
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 65T, 66, 67R, 68R, 69R, 70, 73, 74R, 75R, 77, 78R, 79R, 89, 97T, 02T', 03R'
ADI 0.005 mg/kg body weight (2002)
AcuteRfD 0.06 mg/kg body weight (2002)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and for estimation of dietary intake for plant and animal commodities: indane. The residue is fat-soluble.
Note Previous TADI 0.001 mg/kg bw (1997-2001).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

GC 0640 Barley 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36 2004

MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36 2004
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36 2004
GC 0645 Maize 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36 2004
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.1 (fat) CXL 03 36 2004
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36 2004
GC 0647 Oats 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36 2004
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (fat) CXL 03 36 2004
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36 2004
GC 0650 Rye 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36 2004
GC 0651 Sorghum 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36 2004
AS 0081 Straw and fodder (dry) of 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36 2004
cereal grains
VO 1275 Sweet corn (kernels) 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36 2004
GC 0654 Wheat 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36 2004
Part 1 - 38

49 Malathion
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 65T, 66, 68R, 69R, 70R, 73R, 75R, 77R, 84R, 97T', 99R', 00R, 03T,04R, 05R'
ADI 0-0.3 mg/kg body weight (1997)
AcuteRfD 2 mg/kg body weight (2003)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake in plant and animal commodities: malathion.
Note The Committee decided to return the draft MRLs for alfafa fodder; clover hay or fodder; hay or fodder (dry) of grasses; maize fodder (dry); wheat straw and fodder, dry to Step 6, awaiting the
submission of data on animal transfer studies for evaluation by JMPR. The Committee agreed to consider the withdrawal of these draft MRLs at the next session if no animal transfer data
were available (39-64).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AL 1020 Alfalfa fodder 200 7 99 40 33,36,38,39 Returned to Step 6 awaiting 2004 JMPR evaluation
FP 0226 Apple 0.5 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VS 0621 Asparagus 1 CXL 99 33,36 2004
VD 0071 Beans (dry) 2 CXL 99 34 33 2003
VP 0061 Beans, except broad bean 1 CXL 99 33,36 2004
and soya bean
FB 0020 Blueberries 10 CXL 99 33,36 2004
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 7 CXL 04 38 37 2006
AL 1031 Clover hay or fodder 150 7 99 40 33,36,37,38,3 Returned to Step 6 awaiting 2004 JMPR evaluation
SO 0691 Cotton seed 20 CXL 99 38 33,36,37 2006
OC 0691 Cotton seed oil, Crude 13 CXL 99 38 33,36,37 2006
OR 0691 Cotton seed oil, Edible 13 CXL 99 38 33,36,37 2006
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.2 CXL 99 33,36 2004
FB 0269 Grapes 5 CXL 04 38 37,37 2006
AS 0162 Hay or fodder (dry) of grasses 300 7 99 40 33,36,37,38,3 Returned to Step 6 awaiting 2004 JMPR

GC 0645 Maize 0.05 CXL 99 38 33,36,37 2006

AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 50 7 99 40 33,36,37,38,3 Returned to Step 6 awaiting 2004 JMPR evaluation
VL 0485 Mustard greens 2 CXL 99 33,36 2004
Part 1 - 39

VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 1 CXL 99 33,36 2004

VA 0389 Onion, Spring (green) 5 CXL 99 33,36 2004
VO 0051 Peppers 0.1 CXL 99 34,36 33 2003
FB 0272 Raspberries, Red, Black 8 CXL
VR 0075 Root and tuber vegetables 0.5 CXL
GC 0651 Sorghum 3 CXL 99 38 33,36,37 2006
VL 0502 Spinach 3 CXL 99 34 33 2003
FB 0275 Strawberry 1 CXL Confirmed (1999 JMPR)
VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.02 CXL 99 33,36 2004
VO 0448 Tomato 0.5 CXL 99 34 33 2003
JF 0448 Tomato juice 0.01 CXL 99 33,36 2004
VL 0506 Turnip greens 5 CXL 99 33,36 2004
VR 0506 Turnip, Garden 0.2 CXL 99 34 33 2003
GC 0654 Wheat 0.5 CXL 99 38 33,36 2006
CF 1211 Wheat flour 0.2 CXL 00 38 36,37 2006
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry50 7 99 40 33,36,37,38,3 Returned to Step 6 awaiting 2004 JMPR evaluation
Part 1 - 40

51 Methidathion
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 72, 75, 79R, 92', 94R, 97T
ADI 0.001 mg/kg body weight (1992; confirmed 1997)
AcuteRfD 0.01 mg/kg body weight (1997)
RESIDUE Methidathion.
Note The Committee noted acute intake concerns of the EC for apple, grape and pear and their request for evaluation of their data by the JMPR. The EC was requested to propose methidathion
for inclusion in the Priority List (38-66).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

TN 0660 Almonds 0.05 (*) CXL 1997

FP 0226 Apple 0.5 CXL
VS 0620 Artichoke, Globe 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
VD 0071 Beans (dry) 0.1 CXL 1997
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 0.1 CXL 1997
MF 0812 Cattle fat 0.02 (*) CXL
FS 0013 Cherries 0.2 CXL
SO 0691 Cotton seed 1 CXL 1997
OC 0691 Cotton seed oil, Crude 2 CXL 1997
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.05 CXL 1997
MO 0097 Edible offal of cattle, pigs & 0.02 (*) CXL
PE 0112 Eggs 0.02 (*) CXL
MF 0814 Goat fat 0.02 (*) CXL 1995
MM 0814 Goat meat 0.02 (*) CXL 1995
MO 0814 Goat, Edible offal of 0.02 (*) CXL 1995
FC 0203 Grapefruit 2 CXL 1995
FB 0269 Grapes 1 CXL 1999
DH 1100 Hops, Dry 5 CXL 1995
FC 0002 Lemons and limes 2 CXL
Part 1 - 41

TN 0669 Macadamia nuts 0.01 (*) CXL 1997

GC 0645 Maize 0.1 CXL
FC 0003 Mandarins 5 CXL
MM 0097 Meat of cattle, pigs & sheep 0.02 (*) CXL
ML 0106 Milks 0.001 CXL 1995
FS 0245 Nectarine 0.2 CXL
OC 0305 Olive oil, Virgin 2 CXL 1995
FT 0305 Olives 1 CXL 1995
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.1 CXL 1995
FC 0004 Oranges, Sweet, Sour 2 CXL
FS 0247 Peach 0.2 CXL
FP 0230 Pear 1 CXL 1999
VD 0072 Peas (dry) 0.1 CXL 1997
VP 0063 Peas (pods and 0.1 CXL
succulent=immature seeds)
TN 0672 Pecan 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
MF 0818 Pig fat 0.02 (*) CXL
FI 0353 Pineapple 0.05 CXL 1995
FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 0.2 CXL
VR 0589 Potato 0.02 (*) CXL
PF 0111 Poultry fats 0.02 (*) CXL
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.02 (*) CXL
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.02 (*) CXL
VR 0494 Radish 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
SO 0495 Rape seed 0.1 CXL 1995
SO 0699 Safflower seed 0.1 CXL 1997
MF 0822 Sheep fat 0.02 (*) CXL
GC 0651 Sorghum 0.2 CXL 1995
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 0.5 CXL 1997
Part 1 - 42

DT 1114 Tea, Green, Black 0.5 CXL 1997

VO 0448 Tomato 0.1 CXL
TN 0678 Walnuts 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
Part 1 - 43

53 Mevinphos
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 65T, 72, 96T', 97R', 00R
ADI 0.0008 mg/kg body weight (1996)
AcuteRfD 0.003 mg/kg body weight (1996)
RESIDUE Sum of (E)- and (Z)-mevinphos.
Note The CCPR-33 requested JMPR to conduct intake calculation for cabbages, head; common bean (pods and/or immature seeds) and leak. (33.102).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 0.05 CXL 2001 Australia would supply new data to support the CXL
for Cabbages, Head.
Part 1 - 44

56 2-Phenylphenol
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 69, 75R, 83T, 85, 89T, 90, 99', 02R
ADI 0.4 mg/kg body weight (1999)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 1999). ()
RESIDUE Plant commodities: Sum of 2-phenylphenol and sodium 2-phenylphenate, free and conjugated, expressed as 2-phenylphenol.
Note Previous ADI, 0.02 mg/kg bw (1990)
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FC 0001 Citrus fruits 10 Po CXL

AB 0001 Citrus pulp, Dry 60 PoP CXL 99 34 33 2003
JF 0004 Orange juice 0.5 PoP CXL 99 34 33 2003
FP 0230 Pear 20 Po CXL 02 35 2003
Part 1 - 45

57 Paraquat
Main Uses 7 Herbicide
JMPR 70, 72, 76, 78R, 81R, 82T, 85T, 86T , 03T',04R
ADI 0-0.005 mg/kg body weight mg paraquat ion/kg body weight (2003)
AcuteRfD 0.006 mg/kg body weight (2003)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake in plant and animal commodities: paraquat cation
Note Previous ADI: 0.004 (1986). Note: no short-term dietary intake was calculated due to insufficient data (JMPR 2003).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AM 0660 Almond hulls 0.01 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006

FI 0030 Assorted tropical and sub- 0.01 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
tropical fruits - inedible peel
FB 0018 Berries and other small fruits0.01 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 0.02 CXL 04 38 37 2006
SO 0691 Cotton seed 2 CXL 04 38 37 2006
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.05 CXL 04 38 37 2006
PE 0112 Eggs 0.005 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
VO 0050 Fruiting vegetables other 0.05 CXL 04 38 37 2006
than cucurbits
VC 0045 Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits 0.02 CXL 04 38 37 2006

DH 1100 Hops, Dry 0.1 CXL 04 38 37 2006

VL 0053 Leafy vegetables 0.07 CXL 04 38 37 2006
GC 0645 Maize 0.03 CXL 04 38 37 2006
CF 1255 Maize flour 0.05 CXL 04 38 37 2006
AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 10 dry wt CXL 04 38 37 2006
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.005 CXL 04 38 37 2006
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.005 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
FT 0305 Olives 0.1 CXL 04 38 37 2006
Part 1 - 46

FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.01 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006

PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.005 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.005 (*) CXL 04 38 2006
VD 0070 Pulses 0.5 CXL 04 38 37 2006
GC 0649 Rice 10 CXL 04 38 JMPR 2004: Withdrawal recommended. At the
request of the Delegation of Thailand the Committee
decided to retain the CXL for rice for four years
under the periodic review procedure.

VR 0075 Root and tuber vegetables 0.05 CXL 04 38 37 2006

GC 0651 Sorghum 0.03 CXL 04 38 37 2006
AS 0651 Sorghum straw and fodder, 0.3 dry wt CXL 04 38 37 2006
AL 0541 Soya bean fodder 0.5 dry wt CXL 04 38 37 2006
FS 0012 Stone fruits 0.01 (*) dry wt CXL 04 38 37 2006
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 2 CXL 04 38 37 2006
DT 1114 Tea, Green, Black 0.2 CXL 04 38 37 2006
TN 0085 Tree nuts 0.05 CXL 04 38 37 2006
Part 1 - 47

59 Parathion-Methyl
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 65T, 68, 72R, 75, 78, 79T, 80T, 82T, 84, 91R, 92R, 94R', 95T', 00'R, 03R
ADI 0.003 mg/kg body weight (1995)
AcuteRfD 0.03 mg/kg body weight. (1995)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs: parathion-methyl.
For estimation of dietary intake: sum of parathion-methyl and para-oxon methyl expressed as parathion-methyl.
Note Acute RfD confirmed 2003.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 0.2 CXL 00 36 2004

VD 0071 Beans (dry) 0.05 (*) CXL 00 1997 Confirmed (2000 JMPR)
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 0.05 CXL 00 36,37 2004
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 1 CXL 00 36 2004
raisins and sultanas)
FB 0269 Grapes 0.5 CXL 00 36 2004
FS 0245 Nectarine 0.3 CXL 03 36 2004 Extrapolation from peach
FS 0247 Peach 0.3 CXL 00 36 2004
VD 0072 Peas (dry) 0.3 CXL 00 36 2004
VR 0589 Potato 0.05 (*) CXL 00 1997 Confirmed (2000 JMPR)
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.05 (*) CXL 00 Confirmed (2000 JMPR)
Part 1 - 48

60 Phosalone
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 72, 75R, 76R, 93T, 94R', 97T, 99R, 01T
ADI 0.02 mg/kg body weight (1997)
AcuteRfD 0.3 mg/kg body weight (2001)
RESIDUE Phosalone (fat-soluble).
Note Previous ADI 0.001 mg/kg (1993).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

TN 0660 Almonds 0.1 CXL 2001

TN 0666 Hazelnuts 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
FP 0009 Pome fruits 2 CXL 99 35 33 2003
FS 0012 Stone fruits 2 CXL 99 35 33 2003
TN 0678 Walnuts 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
Part 1 - 49

62 Piperonyl Butoxide
Main Uses 20 Synergist
JMPR 65, 66, 67R, 69R, 72, 92, 95T', 01R', 02R
ADI 0.2 mg/kg body weight (1995)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (2001)
RESIDUE Piperonyl butoxide (fat-soluble).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

MO 1280 Cattle kidney 0.3 CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004 The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.

MO 1281 Cattle liver 1 CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004

MM 0812 Cattle meat 5 (fat) CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004 The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.

ML 0812 Cattle milk 0.2 F CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004 The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.
"F" added (2002 JMPR).

GC 0080 Cereal grains 30 Po CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004

FC 0001 Citrus fruits 5 CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004
JF 0001 Citrus juice 0.05 CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004
DF 0167 Dried fruits 0.2 Po CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004
PE 0112 Eggs 1 CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004 The MRL accomodates external animal treatment.

VC 0045 Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits 1 CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004

MO 0098 Kidney of cattle, goats, pigs 0.2 CXL 02 35,36 2004 Excluding cattle kidney. The MRL for cattle kidney is
and sheep higher than for kidneys of other species because of
direct treatment of cattle (2002 JMPR).

VL 0483 Lettuce, Leaf 50 CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004

MO 0099 Liver of cattle, goats, pigs & 1 CXL 02 35,36 2004
Part 1 - 50

OC 0645 Maize oil, Crude 80 PoP CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004

MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 2 (fat) CXL 02 35,36 2004 Excluding cattle meat Excluding cattle meat.
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.05 F CXL 02 35,36 2004 Excluding cattle milk Excluding cattle milk.
VL 0485 Mustard greens 50 CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004
AL 0072 Pea hay or pea fodder (dry) 200 dry wt CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004
SO 0703 Peanut, whole 1 Po CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004
VO 0051 Peppers 2 CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004
PM 0110 Poultry meat 7 (fat) CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004 The MRL accomodates external animal treatment.

PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 10 CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004 The MRL accomodates external animal treatment.

VD 0070 Pulses 0.2 Po CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004

VL 0494 Radish leaves (including 50 CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004
radish tops)
VR 0075 Root and tuber vegetables 0.5 CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004 Except carrot
VL 0502 Spinach 50 CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004
VO 0448 Tomato 2 CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004
JF 0448 Tomato juice 0.3 CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004
CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 80 PoP CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004
CF 1211 Wheat flour 10 PoP CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004
CF 1210 Wheat germ 90 PoP CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004
CF 1212 Wheat wholemeal 30 PoP CXL 01, 02 35,36 2004
Part 1 - 51

63 Pyrethrins
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 65T, 66, 67R, 68R, 69R, 70T, 72, 74R, 99T', 00R', 03, 05R'
ADI 0-0.04 mg/kg body weight (1972; confirmed 1999, 2005)
AcuteRfD 0.2 mg/kg body weight (1999.)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake for plant and animal commodities: total pyrethrins, calculated as the sum of pyrethrins 1 and 2, cinerins 1
and 2, and jasmolins 1 and 2, determined after calibration with the World Standard pyrethum extract.
Note ARfD confirmed 2003.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

GC 0080 Cereal grains 0.3 Po CXL 00 36 2004

FC 0001 Citrus fruits 0.05 CXL 00 34 2003
DF 0167 Dried fruits 0.2 Po CXL 00 35 2003
VC 0045 Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits 0.05 (*) CXL 00 34 2003

AL 0072 Pea hay or pea fodder (dry) 1 CXL 00 34 2003

SO 0697 Peanut 0.5 Po CXL 00 34 2003
VO 0051 Peppers 0.05 (*) CXL 00 34 2003
VD 0070 Pulses 0.1 Po CXL 00 35 2003
VR 0075 Root and tuber vegetables 0.05 (*) CXL 00 34 2003
VO 0448 Tomato 0.05 (*) CXL 00 34 2003
TN 0085 Tree nuts 0.5 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
Part 1 - 52

64 Quintozene
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 69, 73, 74R, 75, 77, 95', 98R
ADI 0.01 mg/kg body weight for quintozene containing less than 0.1% hexachlorobenzene (1995)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Plant commodities: Quintozene (fat-soluble).
Animal commodities: Sum of quintozene, pentachloroaniline and methyl pentachlorophenyl sulphide, expressed as quintozene (fat-soluble).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

GC 0640 Barley 0.01 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003

AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 0.01 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
VB 0400 Broccoli 0.05 CXL 98 34 32 2003
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 0.1 CXL 98 34 2003
PM 0840 Chicken meat 0.1 (*) (fat) CXL 98 34 32 2003
PO 0840 Chicken, Edible offal of 0.1 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
VD 0526 Common bean (dry) 0.02 CXL 98 34 32 2003
VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 0.1 CXL 98 34 32 2003
immature seeds)
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.01 CXL 98 34 32 2003
PE 0112 Eggs 0.03 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
GC 0645 Maize 0.01 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 0.01 CXL 98 34 32 2003
AL 0072 Pea hay or pea fodder (dry) 0.05 CXL 98 34 32 2003
SO 0697 Peanut 0.5 CXL 98 34 32 2003
VD 0072 Peas (dry) 0.01 CXL 98 34 32 2003
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.01 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
AL 0541 Soya bean fodder 0.01 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.01 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
Part 1 - 53

VO 0448 Tomato 0.02 CXL 98 34 32 2003

GC 0654 Wheat 0.01 CXL 98 34 32 2003
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry0.03 CXL 98 34 32 2003
Part 1 - 54

65 Thiabendazole
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 70, 71R, 72R, 75R, 77, 79R, 81R, 97R', 00R, 06, 07R
ADI 0.1 mg/kg body weight (1992 by JECFA; confirmed 1997 by JECFA : WHO TRS No 879)
AcuteRfD 0.3 mg/kg body weight for woman of child-bearing age. 1 mg/kg/bw for the general population. (2006)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake for plant commodities: thiabendazole
For compliance with MRLs for animal commodities: sum of thiabendazole and 5-hydroxythiabendazole; and for estimation of dietary intake for animal commodities:
sum of thiabendazole, 5-hydroxythiabendazole and its sulfate conjugate.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FI 0326 Avocado 15 Po CXL 00 35 2003

FI 0327 Banana 5 Po CXL 1999
MO 1280 Cattle kidney 1 CXL 00 35 2003
MO 1281 Cattle liver 0.3 CXL 00 35 2003
MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.1 CXL 00 2001 The MRL also accommodates veterinary uses (see
also Volume 3, Section 1). The CCPR-32 amended
the MRL for the sake of harmonization with the
existing MRL for cattle muscle arising from veterinary
uses (previously 0.05 mg/kg)(32.101). 0.1 mg/kg
confirmed by the 2000 JMPR.

ML 0812 Cattle milk 0.2 CXL 00 35 2003

FC 0001 Citrus fruits 10 Po CXL 97 31 Withdrawal recommended (1997 JMPR). Retained
for 4 years under the Periodic Review Procedure as
new data became available for the 2000 JMPR
review (31.65)

FC 0001 Citrus fruits 5 Po 7 06 40 39 The Committee decided to advance the proposed

draft MRLs for citrus fruits of 5 mg/kg for adoption at
Step 5 and to request JMPR to reconsider the
statistical calculation used to derive the MRL for citrus
at its next meeting (39-67).

FC 0001 Citrus fruits 7 Po 4 07 40

PE 0112 Eggs 0.1 CXL 2001
FI 0345 Mango 5 Po CXL 00 35 2003
Part 1 - 55

VO 0450 Mushrooms 60 CXL 97 33,37 32 2005

FI 0350 Papaya 10 CXL 00 35 2003
FP 0009 Pome fruits 3 Po CXL 00 35 2003
VR 0589 Potato 15 Po CXL 00 35 2003 Postharvest use
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 CXL 1999
VS 0469 Witloof chicory (sprouts) 0.05 (*) CXL 1999
Part 1 - 56

67 Cyhexatin
Main Uses 1 Acaricide
JMPR 70, 73, 74R, 75R, 77T, 78, 80T, 81T, 82R, 83R, 85R, 88T, 89T, 91, 92R, 94T (03T')(04R')
ADI 0.007 mg/kg body weight Group ADI (2005)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Sum of azocyclotin and cyhexatin, expressed as cyhexatin.
Note The CCPR-25 decided to harmonize the residue definition as "the sum of azocyclotin and cyhexatin expressed as cyhexatin" and to have 2 separate but identical lists.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 0.2 CXL 05 38 2006

FB 0021 Currants, Black, Red, White 0.1 CXL 05 38 2006
FB 0269 Grapes 0.3 CXL 05 38 2006
JC 0001 Orange 0.2 CXL 05 38 2006
FP 0230 Pear 0.2 CXL 05 38 2006
Part 1 - 57

70 Bromopropylate
Main Uses 1 Acaricide
JMPR 73, 93', 96R
ADI 0.03 mg/kg body weight (1993)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Bromopropylate.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FC 0001 Citrus fruits 2 CXL 1997

VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 3 CXL 1997
immature seeds)
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.5 CXL 1997
FB 0269 Grapes 2 CXL 1997
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.5 CXL 1997
FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 2 CXL 1995
FP 0009 Pome fruits 2 CXL 1995
VC 0431 Squash, summer 0.5 CXL 1997
FB 0275 Strawberry 2 CXL 1995
Part 1 - 58

72 Carbendazim
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 73, 76R, 77T, 78R, 83, 85, 87R, 88R, 90R, 94R, 95T', 98R', 03R,05'
ADI 0.03 mg/kg body weight (1995)
AcuteRfD 0.1 & 0.5 0.1 mg/kg body weight for woman of child bearing age and 0.5 mg/kg bw for the general population (2005)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake : sum of benomyl, carbendazime and thiophanate-methyl, expressed as carbendazim.
Note Compounds for which sufficient data from trials complying with GAP were provided (B, benomyl; C, carbendazim; Th, thiophanate-methyl). Letters in upper case indicate the source(s) of the
data on which the MRL is based.

The Committee decided to return all MRLs currently at Step 7 to Step 6, pending the evaluation of acute toxicity by the JMPR in 2005 (37-104). The EC indicated that based on the same
toxicological data base, it set a lower ARfD than the JMPR and that the EC had intake concerns for cherries; grapes; lettuce, head; mango, and oranges. The Committee was advised that the
JMPR had set different ARfDs for the general population and for women of child-bearing age while the EC policy was to set one ARfD for the general population only. The Committee decided
to return the draft MRLs for cherries; grapes; lettuce, head; mango and oranges, sweet and sour to Step 6 (38-74-76). The Committee decided to retain the draft MRLs for cherries; grapes;
lettuce, head; mango; oranges, sweet, sour at Step 7, awaiting the response from the JMPR to the concern form submitted by the Delegation of EC with respect to the ARfD established by
JMPR. Some delegations pointed that the concerns of the EC were related to a policy in relation to safety and other factors and not to a specific evaluation and that the Committee should take
a decision on the MRL at its next session (39-69).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FS 0240 Apricot 2 B CXL 2001

VS 0621 Asparagus 0.2 C CXL 03 38 36 2006 Based on carbendazime use
FI 0327 Banana 0.2 B CXL 98 38 34,36 2006
GC 0640 Barley 0.5 C CXL 94, 98 38 34,36 2006
AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 2 C CXL 98 38 34,36 2003 Based on Carbendazim data
VD 0071 Beans (dry) 0.5 Th CXL 98 38 34,36 2006
FB 0018 Berries and other small fruits1 B,Th CXL 88, 94, 98 38 24,33, 35,36 2006
VB 0402 Brussels sprouts 0.5 B CXL 1991 Source of data: benomyl Confirmed (1998 JMPR)
VR 0577 Carrot 0.2 B CXL 98 38 34,36 2006
MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.05 (*) B CXL 98 38 34,36 2006
FS 0013 Cherries 10 Th 7 03 40 36,37,38,39 Based on thiophanate-methyl use Previous JMPR:
withdrowal recommended. EC would submit their
concern and the data on which they based their
ARfD. The EC concerns on existing CXLs should be
brought to forward in the Priority WG.
Part 1 - 59

PF 0840 Chicken fat 0.05 (*) B CXL 98 38 34,36 2006

SB 0716 Coffee beans 0.1 (*) C CXL 98 32 2001 Source of data: carbendazim
VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 0.5 Th CXL 03 38 36 2006 Based on thiophanate-methyl use
immature seeds)
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.05 (*) b, C CXL 98 38 34,36 2006
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.05 (*) B CXL 98 38 34,36 2006
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) B CXL 98 38 34,36 2006
VP 0529 Garden pea, Shelled 0.02 Th CXL 98 38 34,36 2006
VC 0425 Gherkin 0.05 (*) b,C CXL 98 38 34,36 2006
FB 0269 Grapes 3 b, Th 7 98 40 34,36,37,38,3 Pending 2005 JMPR evaluation (36-105).
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 5 Th 7 73,75,78,83,88, 40 24,33,36,37,3 Pending 2005 JMPR evaluation (36-105).

FI 0345 Mango 2 B CXL 98 32 2001 Source of data: benomyl Retained

FI 0345 Mango 5 C 7 03 40 36,37,38,39 Based on carbendazime use. C=carbendazim use
ML 0106 Milks 0.05 (*) B CXL 98 38 34,36 2006
FS 0245 Nectarine 2 B CXL 2001 Source of data: benomyl
FC 0004 Oranges, Sweet, Sour 1 B 7 98 40 34,36,38,39 Pending 2005 JMPR evaluation (36-105).
FS 0247 Peach 2 B CXL 2001 Source of data: benomyl
SO 0697 Peanut 0.1 (*) Th CXL 03 38 36 2006 Based on thiophanate-methyl use
AL 0697 Peanut fodder 3 Th CXL 03 38 36 2006 Expressed on dry weight basis. Based on thiphanate-
methyl use.

VO 0444 Peppers, Chili 2 C CXL 03 38 36 2006 Based on carbendazime use.

FI 0353 Pineapple 5 B CXL 98 34 2003
FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 0.5 B CXL 2001 Source of data: benomyl
FP 0009 Pome fruits 3 B,c,th CXL 2001 Source of data: benomyl, carbendazim, thiophanate-
methyl. Based on benomyl use.

PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) B CXL 98 38 34,36 2006

SO 0495 Rape seed 0.05 (*) C CXL 98 38 34,36 2006
AS 0649 Rice straw and fodder, Dry 15 B CXL 98 38 34,36 2006
CM 0649 Rice, Husked 2 B CXL 98 38 34,36 2006
GC 0650 Rye 0.05 C,Th CXL 94, 98 38 34,36 2006
Part 1 - 60

VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.5 Th CXL 03 38 36 2006 Based on thiophanate-methyl use
AL 0541 Soya bean fodder 0.1 (*) C CXL 98 32 2001 Source of data: carbendazim Retained pending data

VC 0431 Squash, summer 0.5 Th CXL 03 38 36 2006 Based on thiophanate-methyl use

VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.1 (*) Th CXL 03 38 36 2006 Based on thiophanate-methyl use
VO 0448 Tomato 0.5 b,C CXL 2001 Source of data: benomyl, carbendazim. Based on
carbendazim use.

TN 0085 Tree nuts 0.1 (*) B CXL 98 32 2001 Source of data: benomyl
GC 0654 Wheat 0.05 (*) b,Th CXL 94, 98 38 34,36 2006
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry1 B,C CXL 98 38 34,36 2006
Part 1 - 61

74 Disulfoton
Main Uses 8 Insecticide / Acaricide
JMPR 73, 75, 79R, 81R, 84R, 91, 94R, 96T, 98R, 06R
ADI 0-0.0003 mg/kg body weight (1991, confirmed 2006).
AcuteRfD 0.003 mg/kg body weight, confirmed 2006. (1996)
RESIDUE Sum of disulfoton, demeton-S and their sulphoxides and sulphones, expressed as disulfoton.
Note The Committee noted that the acute intake concerns had not been resolved even with the use of probabilistic method (36-106). The Committee returned the MRLs of broccoli; cabbages, head;
cauliflauwer; lettuce head and leaf to Step 6 awaiting refirements in the acute dietary intake probabilistic methodology (36-107). The Committee decided to return all the MRLs currently at
step 7 to step 6. Since this was the third time that the proposed MRLs have been returned to Step 6 for intake concerns, the Committee also decided to request the JMPR to review GAPs
that may result in lower MRL recommendations (37-105).
The Committee decided to return the draft MRLs for broccoli; cabbages, head; cauliflower; lettuce, head and lettuce, leaf to Step 6 because of acute intake concerns, and to await the
outcome of the JMPR residue evaluation in 2006 (38-77).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AL 1020 Alfalfa fodder 5 (dry wt) CXL 1995

VS 0621 Asparagus 0.02 (*) CXL 91 35 28, 31, 33 2003
GC 0640 Barley 0.2 CXL 91, 94 35 28, 29, 31, 33 2003 Confirmed (1994 JMPR).
AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 3 CXL 1995
VD 0071 Beans (dry) 0.2 CXL 91, 94, 98 35 28, 29, 31, 33 2003 Changed from 0.05 mg/kg at Step 7B (1998 JMPR)
PE 0840 Chicken eggs 0.02 (*) CXL 91 35 25, 28, 31,33 2003
AL 1031 Clover hay or fodder 10 CXL
SB 0716 Coffee beans 0.2 CXL 1995
VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 0.2 CXL 91, 94 35 28, 29, 31,33 2003
immature seeds)
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.1 CXL 91, 94, 98 35 28, 30, 31 2003
VP 0528 Garden pea (young pods) 0.1 CXL 91, 94 35 28, 29, 31, 33 2003
VP 0529 Garden pea, Shelled 0.02 (*) CXL 91, 94 35 28, 31, 33 2003
GC 0645 Maize 0.02 (*) CXL 91, 94, 98 35 26, 33 2003
AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 3 CXL 1995
ML 0107 Milk of cattle, goats & sheep 0.01 CXL 91, 94 35 25, 26, 28, 2003
AS 0647 Oat straw and fodder, Dry 0.05 CXL 91, 94 35 26, 28, 29, 2003
Part 1 - 62

GC 0647 Oats 0.02 (*) CXL 91, 94 35 28, 31, 33 2003

SO 0697 Peanut 0.1 CXL
TN 0672 Pecan 0.1 CXL
FI 0353 Pineapple 0.1 CXL
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.02 (*) CXL 91 35 28, 31, 33 2003
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.2 CXL 1995
VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.02 (*) CXL 91 35 28, 31, 33 2003
VO 1275 Sweet corn (kernels) 0.02 (*) CXL 91 35 28, 31, 33 2003
AO1 0002 Vegetables (except as 0.5 CXL 25 23 To be recommended for deletion when proposals of
otherwise listed) the relevant individual commodities reach Step 8

GC 0654 Wheat 0.2 CXL 91, 94 35 28, 29, 31, 2003

AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry5 CXL 91, 94 35 26, 28, 29, 2003
Part 1 - 63

79 Amitrole
Main Uses 7 Herbicide
JMPR 74, 77T, 93, 97T, 98R'
ADI 0.002 mg/kg body weight (1997)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Amitrole.
Note Previous TADI, 0.0005 mg/kg bw (1993).
Previous CXLs for raw agricultural commodities of plant origin were revoked by the 17th CAC.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FB 0269 Grapes 0.05 CXL 98 34,36 2004

FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34,36 2004
FS 0012 Stone fruits 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34,36 2004
Part 1 - 64

81 Chlorothalonil
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 74,77,78R,79,81,83,85,87T,88R,90,92T,93R', 97R
ADI 0.03 mg/kg body weight (1990; confirmed 1992)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Chlorothalonil.
Note The CCPR-33 invited the banana producing countries to submit data on unbagged bananas (33.127).
The 35 CCPR recommended to consider revocation of the remaining CXLs if no longer supported.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FI 0327 Banana 0.01 (*) CXL 2001 Based on trials with bagged bananas.
GC 0640 Barley 0.1 CXL 1995
AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 20 CXL 1995
VD 0071 Beans (dry) 0.2 CXL 1999
VB 0400 Broccoli 5 CXL Confirmed (1997 JMPR)
VB 0402 Brussels sprouts 5 CXL
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 1 CXL 1995
VR 0577 Carrot 1 CXL
VB 0404 Cauliflower 1 CXL 1995
VS 0624 Celery 10 CXL 1997
HH 0624 Celery leaves 3 CXL 1999
FS 0013 Cherries 0.5 CXL 1995
VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 5 CXL
immature seeds)
FB 0265 Cranberry 5 CXL
VC 0424 Cucumber 5 CXL
FB 0021 Currants, Black, Red, White 5 CXL 1999
FB 0269 Grapes 0.5 CXL 1995
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 2 CXL 1997
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.5 CXL 1995
Part 1 - 65

HH 0740 Parsley 3 CXL 1999

FS 0247 Peach 0.2 CXL 1999
SO 0697 Peanut 0.05 CXL 1995
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 7 CXL 1999
VR 0589 Potato 0.2 CXL 1997
VC 0431 Squash, summer 5 CXL
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.2 CXL 1995
VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.01 (*) CXL 1999
VO 0448 Tomato 5 CXL
GC 0654 Wheat 0.1 CXL 1995
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry20 CXL 1995
VC 0433 Winter squash 5 CXL
Part 1 - 66

82 Dichlofluanid
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 69, 74, 77, 79, 81R, 82R, 83, 85R
ADI 0.3 mg/kg body weight (1983)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Dichlofluanid
Note This compound will not be supported beyond 2000 but an alternative compound, tolylfluanid (162) will be. It was proposed that the existing CXLs be retained until the registration of
dichlofluanid expires (29.58).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 5 CXL

VC 0424 Cucumber 5 CXL
FB 0021 Currants, Black, Red, White 15 CXL
FB 0268 Gooseberry 7 CXL
FB 0269 Grapes 15 CXL
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 10 CXL
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.1 CXL
FS 0247 Peach 5 CXL
FP 0230 Pear 5 CXL
VO 0051 Peppers 2 CXL
VR 0589 Potato 0.1 CXL
FB 0272 Raspberries, Red, Black 15 CXL
FB 0275 Strawberry 10 CXL
VO 0448 Tomato 2 CXL
Part 1 - 67

83 Dicloran
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 74, 77, 98', 03R
ADI 0.01 mg/kg body weight (1998)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 2003) ()
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake: dicloran. The residue is fat-soluble.
Note Previous ADI 0.03 mg/kg (1977). The Committee was informed that new data on lettuce; plums; strawberries and tomatoes will become available by the end of 2004 (36-112).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VR 0577 Carrot 15 Po CXL 98 34 32 2003

FB 0269 Grapes 7 CXL 03 36 2004
FS 0245 Nectarine 7 Po CXL 03 36 2004
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.2 CXL 2001
FS 0247 Peach 7 Po CXL 03 36 2004
Part 1 - 68

84 Dodine
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 74, 76, 77R, 00T', 03'R
ADI 0.1 mg/kg body weight (2000)
AcuteRfD 0.2 mg/kg body weight (2000)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and for estimation of dietary intake: dodine.
Note Previous ADI, 0.01 mg/kg body weight.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FS 0013 Cherries 3 CXL 03 36,37 2005

FS 0245 Nectarine 5 CXL 03 36,37 2005
FS 0247 Peach 5 CXL 03 36,37 2005
FP 0009 Pome fruits 5 CXL 03 36,37 2005
Part 1 - 69

85 Fenamiphos
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 74, 77R, 78R, 80R, 85T, 87T, 97T', 99R', 02T, 06R
ADI 0-0.0008 mg/kg body weight (1997, confirmed 2006)
AcuteRfD 0.003 mg/kg body weight, confirmed 2006 (2002)
RESIDUE Sum of fenamiphos and its sulphoxide and sulphone, expressed as fenamiphos.
Note Previous acuteRfD, 0.0008 mg/kg bw (1997). 36th CCPR decided to consider the deletion of the of the CXLs for grapes, pineapple and carrot because of acute intake concers at its 37th
session (116). The Committee noted that acute intake concerns existed for peppers; tomato and watermelon and decided to request JMPR to review GAPs that may result in lower MRL
recommendations (37-108).
The Committee decided to return the MRLs for peppers; tomato and watermelon to Step 6 noting the acute intake concerns identified by JMPR for these commodities and agreed to request
the 2006 JMPR to consider using alternative GAPs to recommend lower MRLs for these commodities (38-78).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 0.05 (*) CXL 99 33, 36 2004

FI 0327 Banana 0.05 (*) CXL 99 33, 36 2004
VB 0402 Brussels sprouts 0.05 CXL 99 33, 36 2004
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 0.05 CXL 99 33, 36 2004
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.05 (*) CXL 99
OC 0691 Cotton seed oil, Crude 0.05 (*) CXL 99 33, 36 2004
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.01 (*) CXL 99 33, 36 2004
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 99 33, 36 2004
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.01 (*) CXL 99 33, 36 2004
than marine mammals)
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.05 CXL 06 39 2007
ML 0106 Milks 0.005 (*) CXL 99 33, 36 2004
SO 0697 Peanut 0.05 (*) CXL 99
OC 0697 Peanut oil, Crude 0.05 (*) CXL 99 33, 36 2004
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) CXL 99 33, 36 2004
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 99 33, 36 2004
Part 1 - 70

86 Pirimiphos-Methyl
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 74, 76, 77R, 79R, 83R, 85R, 92T, 94R , 03'R, 04R, 06T
ADI 0-0.03 mg/kg body weight (1992, confirmed 2006)
AcuteRfD 0.2 mg/kg body weight (2006)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake for plant and animal commodities: pirimiphos-methyl. The residue is fat-soluble.
Note The Committee noted the EC concern that JMPR had established higher ADI and ARfD values than those established by the EC (39-86).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

GC 0080 Cereal grains 7 Po CXL 03 37 2005

MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.01 (*) CXL 04 37 2005
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 CXL 04 37 2005
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.01 (*) CXL 04 37 2005
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 CXL 03 36,37 2005
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) CXL 04 37 2005
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 04 37 2005
CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 15 PoP CXL 03 36,37 2005
Part 1 - 71

87 Dinocap
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 69, 74, 89, 92R, 98, 99R, 00T, 01R
ADI 0.008 mg/kg body weight (1998)
AcuteRfD 0.008 mg/kg body weight for women of child bearing age; 0.03 mg/kg body weight for children and general population other than women of childbearing age (2000)

RESIDUE Sum of dinocap isomers and dinocap phenols, expressed as dinocap.

Note Previous ADI 0.001 mg/kg bw (1989).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 0.2 CXL 98 34 32 2003

VC 0045 Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003

FB 0269 Grapes 0.5 CXL 98, 00 35 32 2003

FS 0247 Peach 0.1 CXL 98 34 32 2003
VO 0051 Peppers 0.2 CXL 98 34 32 2003
FB 0275 Strawberry 0.5 CXL 98 34 32 2003 Except glasshouse-grown strawberry

VO 0448 Tomato 0.3 CXL 99 34 32 2003

Part 1 - 72

90 Chlorpyrifos-Methyl
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 75, 76, 79R, 90R, 91', 92T, 93R, 94R, 01T'
ADI 0.01 mg/kg body weight (1992)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 2001). ()
RESIDUE Chlorpyrifos-methyl (fat-soluble).
Note MRLs returned 2nd time to Step 6 due to intake concerns (37--110).
The Committee decided to return the draft MRLs for barley; oats and rice to Step 6 pending the JMPR toxicity evaluation in 2008 and the residue evaluation in 2009. The JMPR secretariat
informed the committee that it would consider scheduling both evaluations in 2008 (38-79). The Committee decided to maintain the proposed draft MRLs for barley, oats and rice at Step 7
due to intake concerns awaiting the outcome of the periodic re-evaluation by the 2009 JMPR (39-75).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 0.5 CXL

VS 0620 Artichoke, Globe 0.1 CXL
GC 0640 Barley 10 Po 7 91, 94 40 25, 26, 28, Confirmed (1994 JMPR). Returned the MRL to
Step 6 awaiting review by JMPR (36-119).

VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 0.1 CXL

MF 0812 Cattle fat 0.05 CXL
MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.05 CXL
MO 0812 Cattle, Edible offal of 0.05 CXL
PF 0840 Chicken fat 0.05 CXL
PM 0840 Chicken meat 0.05 CXL
PO 0840 Chicken, Edible offal of 0.05 CXL
VL 0467 Chinese cabbage (type pe- 0.1 CXL
VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 0.1 CXL
immature seeds)
FT 0295 Date 0.05 CXL 1995
VO 0440 Egg plant 0.1 CXL
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 CXL
FB 0269 Grapes 0.2 CXL 1995
Part 1 - 73

VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 0.1 CXL

ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) CXL
VO 0450 Mushrooms 0.01 (*) CXL 1995
GC 0647 Oats 10 Po 7 91, 94 40 26, 28, 29, Confirmed (1994 JMPR). Returned the MRL to
Step 6 awaiting review by JMPR (36-119).

FC 0004 Oranges, Sweet, Sour 0.5 CXL 1995

FS 0247 Peach 0.5 CXL
VO 0051 Peppers 0.5 CXL 1995
VR 0494 Radish 0.1 CXL
GC 0649 Rice 0.1 CXL
GC 0649 Rice 10 Po 7 94 40 28, 29, Returned the MRL to Step 6 awaiting review by
JMPR (36-119).The Delegation Republic of Korea
informed the Committee of their chronic dietary intake
concerns with the rice MRL and the Committee
requested the Delegation Republic of Korea to submit
their intake calculations to JMPR (36-120).

GC 0651 Sorghum 10 Po CXL 26

DT 1114 Tea, Green, Black 0.1 CXL
VO 0448 Tomato 0.5 CXL
GC 0654 Wheat 10 Po CXL 26
CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 20 PoP CXL
CF 1211 Wheat flour 2 Po CXL
CP 1211 White bread 0.5 PoP CXL
CP 1212 Wholemeal bread 2 PoP CXL
Part 1 - 74

93 Bioresmethrin
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 75R, 76, 91
ADI 0.03 mg/kg body weight (1991)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Bioresmethrin.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

GC 0654 Wheat 1 Po CXL 1995

CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 5 PoP CXL 1995
CF 1211 Wheat flour 1 PoP CXL 1995
CF 1210 Wheat germ 3 PoP CXL 1995
CF 1212 Wheat wholemeal 1 PoP CXL 1995
Part 1 - 75

94 Methomyl
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 75R, 76R, 77R, 78R, 86, 87R, 88R, 89, 90R, 91R, 01', 04R
ADI 0.02 mg/kg body weight (2001)
AcuteRfD 0.02 mg/kg body weight (2001)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and for estimation of dietary intake for plant and animal commodities: sum of methomyl and thiodicarb, expressed as methomyl.
MRLs related to methomyl and (154) thiodicarb are combined into a single list.
Note Previous ADI, 0.03 mg/kg bw (1989).
36th CCPR decided to return draft MRLs for apple and pear to Step 6 because od acute intake concerns (122) and to consider revocation of the CXLs for sweet corn and tomato at its 37th
session because of acute intake concers (125). Residue definition changed in 2004.
The Committee noted that there were acute intake concerns identified by JMPR for many commodities and decided to return draft MRLs for apple; brassica vegetables; celery; fruiting
vegetables; cucurbits; grapes; leafy vegetables and pears to Step 6.
The Committee decided to request JMPR to consider using alternative GAPs to recommend lower MRLs for these commodities and to possibly replace the group MRL for cucurbits with
individual cucurbits (38-80,81). The Committee decided to maintain the proposed draft MRLs for Brassica vegetables, celery, fruiting vegetables, cucurbits, grapes and leafy vegetables at Step
7 awaiting the outcome of the 2008 JMPR evaluation (alternative GAP) (39-77).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AL 1020 Alfalfa fodder 20 CXL 01 35,36,37 2005 Resulting from consideration of methomyl supervised
field trial data. Resulting from consideration of
methomyl supervised field trial data.

FP 0226 Apple 2 7 01 40 35,36,37,38,3 Resulting from consideration of thiodicarb supervised

field trial data. Resulting from consideration of
thiodicarb supervised field trial data. The information
provided to the JMPR precludes an estimate that the
dietary intake would be below the acute RfD (2001
JMPR). The 36th CCPR decided to return the
proposals for the draft MRLs to Step 6 because of
acute intake concerns (122).

VS 0621 Asparagus 2 CXL 1991 Resulting from consideration of methomyl supervised

field trial data. Confirmed (2001 JMPR). Resulting
from consideration of methomyl supervised field trial
data. Confirmed (2001 JMPR).
Part 1 - 76

GC 0640 Barley 2 CXL 01 35,36,37 2005 Resulting from consideration of methomyl supervised
field trial data Resulting from consideration of
methomyl supervised field trial data.

AL 0061 Bean fodder 10 CXL 01 35,36,37 2005 Resulting from consideration of methomyl supervised
field trial data. Resulting from consideration of
methomyl supervised field trial data.

VD 0071 Beans (dry) 0.05 CXL 01 35,36 2004 Resulting from consideration of methomyl supervised
field trial data. Resulting from consideration of
methomyl supervised field trial data.

VP 0061 Beans, except broad bean 1 CXL 01 35,36,37 2005 Resulting from consideration of methomyl supervised
and soya bean field trial data. Resulting from consideration of
methomyl supervised field trial data.

VB 0040 Brassica vegetables 7 7 01 40 35,36,37,38,3 Resulting from consideration of methomyl+thiodicarb

supervised field trial data. Resulting from
consideration of methomyl+thiodicarb supervised field
trial data. The information provided to the JMPR
precludes an estimate that the dietary intake would
be below the acute RfD (2001 JMPR)

VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 5 CXL 1991 To be replaced by MRL for Brassica vegetables
(2001 JMPR)

VB 0404 Cauliflower 2 CXL 1991 To be replaced by MRL for Brassica vegetables

(2001 JMPR)

VS 0624 Celery 2 CXL 1991

VS 0624 Celery 3 7 01 40 35,36,37,38,3 Resulting from consideration of methomyl supervised
field trial data. Resulting from consideration of
methomyl supervised field trial data. The information
provided to the JMPR precludes an estimate that the
dietary intake would be below the acute RfD (2001

FC 0001 Citrus fruits 1 CXL 1991 Resulting from consideration of methomyl supervised
field trial data. Resulting from consideration of
methomyl supervised field trial data. Confirmed
(2001 JMPR)
Part 1 - 77

AB 0001 Citrus pulp, Dry 3 CXL 01 35,36,37 2005

VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 1 CXL 01 35,36 2004 Resulting from consideration of methomyl supervised
immature seeds) field trial data. Resulting from consideration of
methomyl supervised field trial data.

AB 0691 Cotton sead, hulls 0.2 CXL 01 35,36 2004

SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.2 CXL 01 35,36 2004 Resulting from consideration of methomyl+thiodicarb
supervised field trial data. Resulting from
consideration of methomyl+thiodicarb supervised field
trial data.

AB 1203 Cotton seed , meal 0.05 CXL 01 35,36 2004

OR 0691 Cotton seed oil, Edible 0.04 CXL 01 35,36 2004
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.2 CXL 1991 To be replaced with MRL for cucurbits, fruiting
vegetables (2001 JMPR)

MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.02 (*) CXL 01 35,36 2004 Resulting from consideration of methomyl+thiodicarb
supervised field trial data.

PE 0112 Eggs 0.02 (*) CXL 01 35,36 2004 Resulting from consideration of methomyl+thiodicarb
supervised field trial data.

VC 0045 Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits 0.1 7 01 40 36,37,38,39 Resulting from consideration of methomyl supervised
field trial data. Resulting from consideration of
methomyl supervised field trial data. The information
provided to the JMPR precludes an estimate that the
dietary intake for watermelon would be below the
acute RfD (2001 JMPR).

FB 0269 Grapes 5 CXL 1991

FB 0269 Grapes 7 7 01 40 35,36,37,38,3 Resulting from consideration of methomyl supervised
field trial data. Resulting from consideration of
methomyl supervised field trial data. The information
provided to theJMPR precludes an estimate that the
dietary intake would be below the acute RfD (2001

VL 0053 Leafy vegetables 30 7 01 40 35,36,37,38,3 Resulting from consideration of methomyl+thiodicarb

supervised field trial data. Resulting from
consideration of methomyl+thiodicarb supervised field
trial data.
Part 1 - 78

VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 5 CXL 1991 To be replaced by MRL for leafy vegetables (2001

GC 0645 Maize 0.02 (*) CXL 01 35,36 2004 Resulting from consideration of methomyl supervised
field trial data.

OR 0645 Maize oil, Edible 0.02 (*) CXL 01 35,36 2004

MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.02 (*) CXL 01 35,36 2004 Resulting from consideration of methomyl+thidicarb
than marine mammals) supervised field trial data.

VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.2 CXL 1991 To be replaced by MRL for cucurbits, fruiting
vegetables (2001 JMPR)

ML 0106 Milks 0.02 (*) CXL 01 35,36 2004 Resulting from consideration of methomyl+thiodicarb
supervised field trial data.

AM 0738 Mint hay 0.5 CXL 04 37 2005

FS 0245 Nectarine 0.2 CXL 01 35,36 2004
GC 0647 Oats 0.02 (*) CXL 01 35,36 2004
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.2 CXL 1991 Resulting from consideration of methomyl supervised
field trial data. Confirmed (2001 JMPR).

AL 0528 Pea vines (green) 40 CXL 01 35, 36, 38 2006

FS 0247 Peach 0.2 CXL 01 35,36 2004 Resulting from consideration of methomyl supervised
field trial data.

FP 0230 Pear 0.3 CXL 01 38,39 35,36,37 2007 Resulting from consideration of methomyl supervised
field trial data.

VP 0063 Peas (pods and 5 CXL 1991 Resulting from consideration of methomyl supervised
succulent=immature seeds) field trial data. Confirmed (2001 JMPR)

VO 0051 Peppers 0.7 CXL 04 37 2005

FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 1 CXL 01 35,36 2004
VR 0589 Potato 0.02 (*) CXL 01 35,36 2004 Resulting from consideration of methomyl+thiodicarb
supervised field trial data.

PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.02 (*) CXL 01 35,36 2004 Resulting from consideration of methomyl+thiodicarb
supervised field trial data.

PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.02 (*) CXL 01 35,36 2004 Resulting from consideration of methomyl+thiodicarb
supervised field trial data.
Part 1 - 79

SO 0495 Rape seed 0.05 CXL 01 35,36 2004 Resulting from consideration of thiodicarb supervised
field trial data.

VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.2 CXL Based on thiodicarb use

AL 0541 Soya bean fodder 0.2 CXL 01 35,36 2004
AB 0541 Soya bean hulls 1 CXL 01 35,36 2004
AB 1265 Soya bean meal 0.2 CXL 01 35,36 2004
OC 0541 Soya bean oil, Crude 0.2 CXL 01 35,36 2004
OR 0541 Soya bean oil, Refined 0.2 CXL 01 35,36 2004
AS 0161 Straw, fodder (dry) and hay 10 CXL 01 35,36 2004 Resulting from consideration of methomyo+thidicarb
of cereal grains and other supervised field trial data. Resulting from
grass-like plants consideration of methomyo+thidicarb supervised field
trial data.

VC 0432 Watermelon 0.2 CXL 1991 To be replaced by MRL for cucurbits, fruiting
vegetables (2001 JMPR)

GC 0654 Wheat 2 CXL 01 35,36,37 2005 Resulting from consideration of methomyl supervised
field trial data. Resulting from consideration of
methomyl supervised field trial data.

CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 3 CXL 01 35,36,37 2005

CF 1211 Wheat flour 0.03 CXL 01 35,36,37 2005
CF 1210 Wheat germ 2 CXL 01 35,36,37 2005
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry5 CXL 1991
Part 1 - 80

95 Acephate
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 76, 79R, 81R, 82T, 84, 87T, 88T, 90, 91, 94R, 96R, 02T', 03'R, 05T', 06R
ADI 0-0.03 mg/kg body weight (2005)
AcuteRfD 0.1 mg/kg body weight (2005)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs: acephate. For estimation of dietary intake: acephate and methamidophos. The definitions apply to both plant and animal commodities.
Note Previous ADI: 0.03 mg/kg bw (1988; confirmed 1990). The Committee decided to retain the CXLs for broccoli and cauliflower until the MRL for flowerhead brassicas reaches Step 8 and to
retain the CXLs for cattle meat and pig meat until the MRL for meat (from mammals other than marine mammals) reaches Step 8 (36-128).
The Committee also decided to return the MRLs for flowerhead brassicas; mandarins; nectarine; peach and pome fruits to Step 6 and to request JMPR to consider using alternative GAPs to
recommend lower MRLs for these commodities (38-84). The Committee decided to retain the draft MRLs for flowerhead brassicas and mandarins at Step 7 awaiting the outcome of the 2009
JMPR evaluation (alternative GAP). The Committee decided to return for the second time the MRLs for nectarine; peach; peppers; and pome fruits to Step 6 because of intake concerns (39-

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VS 0620 Artichoke, Globe 0.3 CXL 03 36,37 2005

VP 0061 Beans, except broad bean 5 CXL 03 38 36,37 2006
and soya bean
VB 0400 Broccoli 2 CXL 1999 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2003)
VB 0404 Cauliflower 2 CXL 1999 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2003)
FB 0265 Cranberry 0.5 CXL 06 39 2007
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.05 CXL 03 36,37 2005
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005 Animal commodity, no residues expected from
consumption of feed commodities with acephate
residues as evaluated by JMPR
Part 1 - 81

VB 0042 Flowerhead brassicas 2 7 03 40 36,37,38,39 1. The information provided precludes an estimate

that the dietary intake would be below the acute RfD
for children six years and below. 2. The information
provided to the JMPR precludes an estimate that the
dietary intake would be below the acute RfD for
general population.

1. The information provided precludes an estimate

that the dietary intake would be below the acute RfD
for children six years and below. 2. The information
provided precludes an estimate that the dietary intake
would be below the acute RfD for general population.

FC 0003 Mandarins 7 7 03 40 36,37,38,39 1. The information provided precludes an estimate

that the dietary intake would be below the acute RfD
for children six years and below. 2. The information
provided to the JMPR precludes an estimate that the
dietary intake would be below the acute RfD for
general population.

MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 CXL 03 36,37 2005

than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.02 CXL 03 36,37 2005
FS 0245 Nectarine 2 7 03 40 36,37,38,39 The information provided precludes an estimate that
the dietary intake would be below the acute RfD for
children six years and below.

FS 0247 Peach 2 7 03 40 36,37,38,39 The information provided precludes an estimate that

the dietary intake would be below the acute RfD for
children six years and below.

VO 0051 Peppers 5 7 03 40 36,37,38,39 1. The information provided precludes an estimate

that the dietary intake would be below the acute RfD
for children six years and below. 2. The information
provided to the JMPR precludes an estimate that the
dietary intake would be below the acute RfD for
general population.
Part 1 - 82

FP 0009 Pome fruits 7 7 03 40 36,38,39 1. The information provided precludes an estimate

that the dietary intake would be below the acute RfD
for children six years and below. 2. The information
provided to the JMPR precludes an estimate that the
dietary intake would be below the acute RfD for
general population.

PF 0111 Poultry fats 0.1 CXL

PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005 Animal commodity, no residues expected from
consumption of feed commodities with acephate
residues as evaluated by JMPR

PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005 Animal commodity, no residues expected from
consumption of feed commodities with acephate
residues as evaluated by JMPR

VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.3 CXL 03 36,37 2005

Part 1 - 83

96 Carbofuran
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 76, 79, 80T, 82T, 91R, 93R, 96T', 97R', 02, 03R, 04R
ADI 0-0.002 mg/kg body weight (1996)
AcuteRfD 0.009 mg/kg body weight (2004)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs: sum of carbofuran and 3-hydroxycarbofuran expressed as carbofuran. For estimation of dietary intake in plant and animal commodities:
sum of carbofuran, 3-hydroxycarbofuran and conjugated 3-hydroxycarbofuran, expressed as carbofuran.
Note CCPR 35 asked the WHO GEMS/FOOD to perform a full acute intake assessment based on all commodities (para93). CCPR 36 returned to Step 6 MRLs for cantaloupe; cucumber;
mandarin; oranges, sweet, sour; squash, summer; sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob) for acute intake concerns (para.130). The 36th Session of the Committee noted that the EC had established
an acute RfD ten times lower than that established by JMPR, and the EC was invited to submit their data to JMPR (36-129). The Committee was advised that the EC had established an
ARfD ten times lower than that established by JMPR. The Delegations of Canada and the USA also informed the Committee that their national ARfD was much lower than the JMPR ARfD.
The WHO Joint Secretary of the JMPR informed the Committee that the relevant information from the EC had been received and that JMPR considered another study to be the critical one
The Committee was informed that the USA will send new data for evaluation of the ARfD and requested that the compound be scheduled for review by the JMPR (38-86). The Committee
decided to maintain the MRLs for cantaloupe, cucumber, mandarin, oranges, sweet, sour; potato, squash, and sweet corn to Step 7 awaiting the evaluation by 2008 JMPR. The Delegation of
USA informed the Committee that they would re-submit new data on toxicology to JMPR for reviewing the ARfD (39-80;81).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AL 1020 Alfalfa fodder 10 CXL 1999

FI 0327 Banana 0.1 (*) CXL Confirmed (1997 JMPR).
VC 4199 Cantaloupe 0.2 7 97 40 31,33,36,37,3 Returned to Step 6 due to intake concerns (36-130)
MF 0812 Cattle fat 0.05 (*) CXL Confirmed (1997 JMPR).
AB 0001 Citrus pulp, Dry 2 CXL 2001 Based on the use of carbosulfan.
SB 0716 Coffee beans 1 CXL 1999
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.1 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.3 7 97 40 31,33,36,37,3 Returned to Step 6 due to intake concerns (36-130)
MO 0096 Edible offal of cattle, goats, 0.05 (*) CXL Confirmed (1997 JMPR).
horses, pigs & sheep
MF 0814 Goat fat 0.05 (*) CXL Confirmed (1997 JMPR).
MF 0816 Horse fat 0.05 (*) CXL Confirmed (1997 JMPR).
GC 0645 Maize 0.05 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005 Based on the use of carbosulfan.
FC 0206 Mandarin 0.5 7 99 40 33,36,37,38,3 Based on the use of carbosulfan.
Part 1 - 84

MM 0096 Meat of cattle, goats, horses, 0.05 (*) CXL Confirmed (1997 JMPR).
pigs & sheep
ML 0106 Milks 0.05 (*) CXL Confirmed (1997 JMPR).
FC 0004 Oranges, Sweet, Sour 0.5 7 97 40 31,36,33,37,3 Returned to Step 6 due to intake concerns (32.116)
MF 0818 Pig fat 0.05 (*) CXL Confirmed (1997 JMPR).
VR 0589 Potato 0.1 (*) CXL 1999
VR 0589 Potato 0.2 7 03 40 37,38,39 Based on the use of carbosulfan. 2003 JMPR : the
estimates for carbofuran results from the use of
carbosulfan. Previous JMPR: 0.1*

SO 0495 Rape seed 0.05 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004

AS 0649 Rice straw and fodder, Dry 1 CXL 02 35,36 2004
CM 0649 Rice, Husked 0.1 CXL 02 35,36 2004
MF 0822 Sheep fat 0.05 (*) CXL Confirmed (1997 JMPR).
GC 0651 Sorghum 0.1 (*) CXL Confirmed (1997 & 1999 JMPR).
AS 0651 Sorghum straw and fodder, 0.5 CXL 2001
VC 0431 Squash, summer 0.3 7 97 40 31,33,36,37,3 Returned to Step 6 due to intake concerns (36-130).

VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.2 CXL 03 36,37 2005 Based on the use of carbosulfan.
GS 0659 Sugar cane 0.1 (*) CXL Confirmed (1997 JMPR). India would submit data to
support a review of the exsisting CXL for sugar cane

SO 0702 Sunflower seed 0.1 (*) CXL 1999

VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.1 7 97 40 31,33,36,38,3 Confirmed (1999 JMPR)).
Part 1 - 85

100 Methamidophos
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 76, 79R, 81R, 82, 84R, 85T, 89R, 90, 94R, 96R, 97R, 02T',04R
ADI 0-0.004 mg/kg body weight (1990; confirmed 2002,)
AcuteRfD 0.01 mg/kg body weight (2002)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and for estimation of dietary intake for plant and animal commodities: methamidophos.
Note The Committee also decided to return the draft MRLs for cabbages, head, flowerhead brassicas, mandarins, nectarine, peach, peppers, pome fruits and tomato to Step 6 because of acute
intake concerns identified by JMPR and decided to request JMPR to consider alternative GAPs for methamidophos and for acephate, where appropriate, to recommend lower MRLs for these
commodities (38-88). The Committee decided to retain the draft MRLs for flowerhead brassicas and mandarins at Step 7 awaiting the outcome of the 2009 JMPR evaluation (alternative GAP)
for acephate (095). The Committee decided to return the draft MRLs for nectarine; peach; peppers and pome fruits to Step 6 because of intake concern arising from the use of acephate
(095) (39-82;83).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VS 0620 Artichoke, Globe 0.2 Ac CXL 03 36,37 2005

VP 0061 Beans, except broad bean 1 Ac CXL 03 38 36,37 This recommendation arises from the use of
and soya bean acephate.

VB 0404 Cauliflower 0.5 CXL 03 36 1999 Based on treatment with methamidophos or

acephate. 2003 JMPR: Withdrawal recommeded

SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.2 CXL 03 36,37 2005 Previous MRL: 0.1
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005
VB 0042 Flowerhead brassicas 0.5 Ac 7 03 40 36,37,38,39 This recommendation arises from the use of
acephate. The information provided to the JMPR
precludes an estimate that the dietary intake would
be below the acure RfD. This recommendation arises
from the use of acephate. The information provided
to the JMPR precludes an estimate that the dietary
intake for acephate (acephate and methamidophos)
would be below the acute RfD for acephate, see

AM 1051 Fodder beet 0.02 CXL 03 36,37 2005

Part 1 - 86

FC 0003 Mandarins 0.5 Ac 7 03 40 36,37,38,39 Including mandarin-like hybrids. This recommendation

arises from the use of acephate. JMPR 2003: This
recommendation arises from the use of acephate.
The information provided to the JMPR precludes an
estimate that the dietary intake for acephate
(acephate and methamidophos) would be below the
acute RfD for acephate, see acephate.

MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.02 CXL 03 36,37 2005 Previous MRL 0.01*
FS 0245 Nectarine 0.5 Ac 7 03 40 36,37,38,39 This recommendation arises from the use of
acephate. This recommendation arises from the use
of acephate. The information provided to the JMPR
precludes an estimate that the dietary intake for
acephate (acephate and methamidophos) would be
below the acute RfD for acephate, see acephate.

FS 0247 Peach 0.5 Ac 7 03 40 36,37,38,39 This recommendation arises from the use of
acephate. This recommendation arises from the use
of acephate. The information provided to the JMPR
precludes an estimate that the dietary intake for
acephate (acephate and methamidophos) would be
below the acute RfD for acephate, see acephate.

VO 0051 Peppers 2 Ac 7 03 40 36,37,38,39 This recommendation arises from the use of


VO 0444 Peppers, Chili 2 CXL 03 36 1993 2003 JMPR: Withdrawal recommeded

VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 1 CXL 03 36 1993 2003 JMPR: Withdrawal recommeded
Part 1 - 87

FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.5 Ac 7 03 40 36,37,38,39 This recommendation arises from the use of
acephate. The information provided to the JMPR
precludes an estimate that the dietary intake would
be below the acure RfD. This recommendation arises
from the use of acephate. The information provided
to the JMPR precludes an estimate that the dietary
intake for acephate (acephate and methamidophos)
would be below the acute RfD for acephate, see
acephate. This recommendation arises from the use
of acephate. The information provided to the JMPR
precludes an estimate that the dietary intake for
acephate (acephate and methamidophos) would be
below the acute RfD for acephate, see acephate.

VR 0589 Potato 0.05 CXL 03 36,37 2005 Previous MRL: 0.05

PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.1 Ac CXL 03 36,37 2005 This recommendation arises from the use of

VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.02 CXL 03 36,37 2005

Part 1 - 88

101 Pirimicarb
Main Uses 2 Aphicide
JMPR 76, 78, 79R, 81, 82T, 85R, 04T', 06R'
ADI 0-0.02 mg/kg body weight (1982, confirmed 2006)
AcuteRfD 0.1 mg/kg body weight, confirmed 2006. (2004)
RESIDUE For estimation of dietary intake: sum of pirimicarb, and its demethyl, demethyl formamido metabolites, expressed as pirimicarb for plant commodities and pirimicarb
(parent compound only) for animal commodities.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VS 0620 Artichoke, Globe 5 CXL 06 39 2007

VS 0621 Asparagus 0.01 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
FB 0018 Berries and other small fruits1 CXL 06 39 2007 Excludes strawberries and grapes
VB 0040 Brassica vegetables 0.5 CXL 06 39 2007
GC 0080 Cereal grains 0.05 CXL 06 39 2007 Except rice.
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 3 CXL 06 39 2007
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.01 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
VO 0050 Fruiting vegetables other 0.5 CXL 06 39 2007 Excludes edible fungi and sweet corn (both cernels
than cucurbits and corn-on-the-cob)

VC 0045 Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits 1 CXL 06 39 2007 Excludes melons and water melons

VA 0381 Garlic 0.1 CXL 06 39 2007

VL 0480 Kale 0.3 CXL 06 39 2007
VP 0060 Legume vegetables 0.7 CXL 06 39 2007 Excludes soya beans
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 5 CXL 06 39 2007
VL 0483 Lettuce, Leaf 5 CXL 06 39 2007
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.01 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
than marine mammals)
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.2 CXL 06 39 2007
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
Part 1 - 89

VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.1 CXL 06 39 2007

AL 0072 Pea hay or pea fodder (dry) 60 dry wt CXL 06 39 2007
FP 0009 Pome fruits 1 CXL 06 39 2007
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
VD 0070 Pulses 0.2 CXL 06 39 2007 Excludes soya bean (dry)
SO 0495 Rape seed 0.05 CXL 06 39 2007
VR 0075 Root and tuber vegetables 0.05 CXL 06 39 2007
FS 0012 Stone fruits 3 CXL 06 39 2007
AS 0081 Straw and fodder (dry) of 0.3 dry wt CXL 06 39 2007 Excludes rice straw and fodder, dry
cereal grains
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 0.1 CXL 06 39 2007
VO 1275 Sweet corn (kernels) 0.05 CXL 06 39 2007
Part 1 - 90

102 Maleic Hydrazide

Main Uses 16 Plant Growth Regulator
JMPR 76, 77, 80T, 84, 96T', 98R'
ADI 0.3 mg/kg body weight (1996)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Maleic hydrazide.
Note The 1998 JMPR changed the residue definition.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VA 0381 Garlic 15 CXL 2001

VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 15 CXL 1999 Confirmed (1998 JMPR).
VR 0589 Potato 50 CXL 1999 Confirmed (1998 JMPR).
VA 0388 Shallot 15 CXL 2001
Part 1 - 91

103 Phosmet
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 76R, 78, 79, 81R, 84R, 85R, 86R, 88R, 94T', 97R', 98T, 02R, 03T, 07R
ADI 0-0.01 mg/kg body weight (1994; confirmed 1998)
AcuteRfD 0.2 mg/kg body weight (2003)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake: phosmet
Note Previous Acute RfD 0.02 mg/kg/bw (1998). The EC was likely to establish a lower AcuteRfD than recently established by the JMPR. The EC would send toJMPR data on how their acute RfD
had been derived (36-139). The Committee noted the comments of the European Community that the JMPR ARfD was not acceptable since it is based on human data (37-125).
The Committee decided to return the draft MRLs for apricot, blueberries, citrus fruits, nectarine and pome fruits to Step 6 and decided to request JMPR to consider using alternative GAP to
recommend lower MRLs for these commodities (38-90). The Committee decided to return the MRLs for apricot, blueberries, citrus fruits, nectarine and pome fruits to Step 6 due to intake
concerns waiting the evaluation by JMPR 2007 (alternative GAP) (39-89).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 10 CXL 97 31 Confirmed (1997 JMPR). To be replaced by the

MRL for pome fruits (2002 JMPR).

FS 0240 Apricot 5 CXL

FS 0240 Apricot 10 7 97 40 31,33,36,37,3 Returned to Step 6 due to acute intake concerns

FS 0240 Apricot 10 4 07 40
FB 0020 Blueberries 10 CXL 97 32 31 Withdrawal recommended (1997 JMPR). Retained
under the Periodic Review pending information on the
support (31.81). Support confirmed (32.119)

FB 0020 Blueberries 15 7 02 40 35,36,37,38,3 Returned to Step 6 due to acute intake concerns


FB 0020 Blueberries 15 4 07 40
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 5 CXL 97 31 Withdrawal recommended (1997 JMPR). Retained
under the Periodic Review pending information on the
support (31.81). Support confirmed (32.119)

FC 0001 Citrus fruits 3 7 02 40 35,36,37,38,3 Returned to Step 6 due to acute intake concerns

FC 0001 Citrus fruits 3 4 07 40

SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.05 CXL 2001
FB 0269 Grapes 10 CXL Confirmed (1997 JMPR).
Part 1 - 92

FS 0245 Nectarine 5 CXL 97 31 Withdrawal recommended (1997 JMPR). Retained

under the Periodic Review pending information on the
support (31.81). Support confirmed (31.119)

FS 0245 Nectarine 10 7 02 40 35,36,37,38,3 Returned to Step 6 due to acute intake concerns


FS 0245 Nectarine 10 4 07 40
FS 0247 Peach 10 CXL 31 Confirmed (1997 JMPR).
FP 0230 Pear 10 CXL 97 31,36 To be replaced by the MRL for pome fruits.
FP 0009 Pome fruits 10 7 02 40 35,36,37,38,3 The information provided to the JMPR precludes an
estimate that the dietary intake would be below the
acuteRfD (2002 JMPR).

FP 0009 Pome fruits 3 4 07 40

VR 0589 Potato 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
TN 0085 Tree nuts 0.2 CXL 02 35,36 2004
Part 1 - 93

105 Dithiocarbamates
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 65T, 67, 70, 74, 77, 83R, 84R, 85R, 87T, 88R, 90R, 92T, 93', 95R, 96' , 04R
ADI (1)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs in plant and estimation of dietary intake in plant and animal commodities: total dithiocarbamates, determined as CS2, evolved during acid
digestion and expressed as mg CS2/kg.
The MRLs apply to total residues from the use of any or each of the groups of dithiocarbamates.
(1) Group ADI: ferbam & ziram, 0.003 mg/kg bw (1996); thiram, 0.01 mg/kg bw (1992); mancozeb, maneb, metiram & zineb, 0.03 mg/kg bw (alone or in any
combination)(1993); propineb, 0.007 mg/kg bw (1993)

Note Recommended MRLs refer to the total residues from the use of any or each of the dithiocarbamates. Recommendations are based on trials with; n, maneb; m, metiram; c, mancozeb; p,
propineb; h, thiram, z, ziram. Compounds shown in upper case are those on which estimates of MRLs are mainly based. The 1995 JMPR changed the expression of residue definition.
Propineb: ADI for propineb 0-0.007 mg/kg/bw. Interim ARfD: 0.1 mg/kg/bw. The WHO Core Assessment Group is occasionally asked by the FAO Panel of Experts to establish an ARfD for
compounds that were not scheduled for toxicological evaluation for use in the acute dietary risk assessment. This value is derived on an ad hoc basis from available data from previous
meetings and therefore called interim ARfD. It can be used in dietary risk assessments until they are replaced by a full evaluation, if this is considered necessary. Residue for compliance with
MRLs in plant and animal commodities: total dithiocarbamates, determined as CS2, evolved during acid digestion and expressed as mg CS2/kg.
Residue for estimation of dietary intake in plant and animal commodities: sum of propineb and propylenethiourea. The 1996 JMPR recommended that the MRL for ditiocarbamates should be
designated as temporary pending review of data on environmental fate.
The 2003 CCPR considered a proposal to reduce the range of environmental fate studies to be reviewed by the JMPR (CX/PR 03/18, Agenda Item 18). The Committee agreed that the JMPR
“… should proceed with the consideration of environmental fate but should focus on those aspects that were most relevant to MRL setting” and that the current data requirements should be
revised accordingly (ALINORM 03/24A, para 212). The matter was also referred to the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) and the CAC concurred with the CCPR recommendation (25th
Session of the CAC, July 2003, Rome). Some commodities contain natural compounds that generate CS2 (36-201). The JMPR 2004 evaluated propineb and proposed MRLs for the use of
propineb alone and for the use of dithiocarbamates including propineb in several commodities (37-127). The Committee agreed not to establish separate MRLs for propineb as the residue
definition applies to all dithiocarbamates (37-128).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AM 0660 Almond hulls 20 N,z CXL 1999 Source of data: maneb, ziram
TN 0660 Almonds 0.1 (*) N, Z CXL 1999 Source of data: maneb, ziram
FP 0226 Apple 2 CXL 04 37 Source of data: propineb 2004 JMPR: Withdrawal

VS 0621 Asparagus 0.1 c CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb

FI 0327 Banana 2 c CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb
GC 0640 Barley 1 c CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb
AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 25 C, n CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb, maneb
Part 1 - 94

VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 5 c, N CXL 1999 Source of data: maneb, mancozeb

VR 0577 Carrot 1 c CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb
FS 0013 Cherries 0.2 p CXL 04 38 37 Source of data: propineb
VL 0510 Cos lettuce 10 n CXL 1999 Source of data: maneb
FB 0265 Cranberry 5 c CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb
VC 0424 Cucumber 2 c, N, p CXL 04 37 2005 Source of data: mancozeb, maneb, propineb
FB 0021 Currants, Black, Red, White 10 C, m CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb, metiram
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.1 C, m, p CXL 04 2005 Source of data: ferbam
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) C, p CXL 04 37 2005 Source of data: ferbam
VA 0381 Garlic 0.5 c CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb
FB 0269 Grapes 5 C, m, n CXL 04 37 2005 Source of data: propineb
DH 1100 Hops, Dry 30 m CXL 1999 Source of data: metiram
VL 0480 Kale 15 c, N CXL 1999 Source of data: maneb, mancozeb
VA 0384 Leek 0.5 c CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 10 C, N, m CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb, maneb, metiram
AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 2 c CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb
FC 0003 Mandarins 10 c CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb
FI 0345 Mango 2 c CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) c, m, p CXL 04 37 2005 Source of data: propineb
than marine mammals)
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.5 C CXL 04 37 2005 Source of data: mancozeb
ML 0106 Milks 0.05 (*) c, m, p CXL 04 37 2005 Source of data: mancozeb, metiram, propineb
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.5 C CXL 04 37 2005 Source of data: mancozeb
VA 0389 Onion, Spring (green) 10 n CXL 1999 Source of data: maneb
FC 0004 Oranges, Sweet, Sour 2 c CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb
FI 0350 Papaya 5 c CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb
SO 0697 Peanut 0.1 (*) c CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb
AL 0697 Peanut fodder 5 c CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb
TN 0672 Pecan 0.1 (*) Z CXL 04 37 2005 Source of data: ziram
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 1 c, n CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb, maneb
Part 1 - 95

FP 0009 Pome fruits 5 C, M, H, Z CXL 04 37 2005 Source of data: except propineb

VR 0589 Potato 0.2 c, m, n, pCXL 04 37 2005 Source of data: mancozeb, maneb, metiram

PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.1 c, p CXL 04 37 2005 Source of data: mancozeb, propineb
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.1 c, p CXL 04 37 2005 Source of data: mancozeb, propineb
VC 0429 Pumpkins 0.2 c CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb
VC 0431 Squash, summer 1 c CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb
FS 0012 Stone fruits 7 h, p, Z CXL 04 37 2005 Source of data: thiram, propineb, ziram
FB 0275 Strawberry 5 H CXL 2001 Source of data: thiram
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.5 C, n CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb, maneb
VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.1 (*) c CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb
VO 0448 Tomato 2 p CXL 04 38 37 2005 Source of data: propineb
VC 0432 Watermelon 1 c, N CXL 1999 Source of data: maneb, mancozeb
GC 0654 Wheat 1 C, n, m CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb, maneb, metiram
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry25 C, n, m CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb, maneb, metiram
VC 0433 Winter squash 0.1 c CXL 1999 Source of data: mancozeb
Part 1 - 96

106 Ethephon
Main Uses 16 Plant Growth Regulator
JMPR 77, 78, 83R, 85R, 93T, 94R', 95T, 97T, 99R,02T
ADI 0.05 mg/kg body weight (1993; confirmed 1995, 1997)
AcuteRfD 0.05 mg/kg body weight (2002)
RESIDUE Ethephon.
Note Before the establishment of an ADI in 1993, the CCPR was considering guideline levels.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 5 CXL 1997

GC 0640 Barley 1 CXL 1997
AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 5 CXL 1997
FB 0020 Blueberries 20 CXL 1997
VC 4199 Cantaloupe 1 CXL 2001
FS 0013 Cherries 10 CXL 1997
PE 0840 Chicken eggs 0.2 (*) CXL 1997
SO 0691 Cotton seed 2 CXL 1997
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 5 CXL 99 35 33 2003
raisins and sultanas)
MO 0096 Edible offal of cattle, goats, 0.2 (*) CXL 1997
horses, pigs & sheep
DF 0297 Figs, Dried or dried and 10 CXL 1997
FB 0269 Grapes 1 CXL 2001
TN 0666 Hazelnuts 0.2 CXL 1997
MM 0096 Meat of cattle, goats, horses, 0.1 (*) CXL 1997
pigs & sheep
ML 0107 Milk of cattle, goats & sheep 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
VO 0051 Peppers 5 CXL 2001
FI 0353 Pineapple 2 CXL 2001
Part 1 - 97

PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.1 (*) CXL 1997

PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.2 (*) CXL 1997
GC 0650 Rye 1 CXL 1997
AS 0650 Rye straw and fodder, Dry 5 CXL 1997
VO 0448 Tomato 2 CXL 2001
TN 0678 Walnuts 0.5 CXL 1997
GC 0654 Wheat 1 CXL 1997
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry5 CXL 1997
Part 1 - 98

109 Fenbutatin Oxide

Main Uses 1 Acaricide
JMPR 77, 79R, 92T, 93R'
ADI 0.03 mg/kg body weight (1977 ;confirmed 1992)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Fenbutatin oxide.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

TN 0660 Almonds 0.5 CXL 1995

AB 0226 Apple pomace, Dry 40 CXL 1995
FI 0327 Banana 10 CXL 1997
FS 0013 Cherries 10 CXL 1997
PM 0840 Chicken meat 0.05 (*) CXL 1995
PO 0840 Chicken, Edible offal of 0.05 (*) CXL 1995
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 5 CXL
AB 0001 Citrus pulp, Dry 25 CXL 1995
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.5 CXL 1995
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.2 CXL 1997
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 CXL 1995
AB 0269 Grape pomace, Dry 100 CXL 1995
FB 0269 Grapes 5 CXL
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) CXL 1995
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.05 (*) CXL 1995
FS 0247 Peach 7 CXL
TN 0672 Pecan 0.5 CXL 1995
FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 3 CXL
FP 0009 Pome fruits 5 CXL 1995
DF 0014 Prunes 10 CXL 1997
Part 1 - 99

DF 5263 Raisins 20 CXL 1997

FB 0275 Strawberry 10 CXL 1995
VO 0448 Tomato 1 CXL
TN 0678 Walnuts 0.5 CXL 1997
Part 1 - 100

110 Imazalil
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 77, 80, 84, 85, 86T, 88R, 89R, 91T, 94R, 00T', 01T, 05T
ADI 0.03 mg/kg body weight (1991; confirmed 2000, 2001)
AcuteRfD 0.05 mg/kg body weight (2005)
RESIDUE Imazalil.
Note The Committee was informed that the 2005 JMPR had established a new ARfD but the compound was not yet scheduled for residue evaluation or exposure assessment. The EC was invited
to propose this compound for JMPR review (38-92).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FI 0327 Banana 2 Po CXL

FC 0001 Citrus fruits 5 Po CXL
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.5 CXL
VC 0425 Gherkin 0.5 CXL
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 2 Po CXL 1997
FT 0307 Persimmon, Japanese 2 Po CXL
FP 0009 Pome fruits 5 Po CXL
VR 0589 Potato 5 Po CXL 1991
FB 0272 Raspberries, Red, Black 2 CXL
FB 0275 Strawberry 2 CXL
GC 0654 Wheat 0.01 (*) CXL
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry0.1 CXL
Part 1 - 101

111 Iprodione
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 77, 80R, 92T, 94R', 95T, 01R'
ADI 0.06 mg/kg body weight (1995)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Iprodione.
Note Acute RfD may be necessary but has not been established (2001 JMPR).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

TN 0660 Almonds 0.2 CXL 1997

GC 0640 Barley 2 CXL 1997
VD 0071 Beans (dry) 0.1 CXL 1997
FB 0264 Blackberries 30 CXL 1997
VB 0400 Broccoli 25 CXL 1997
VR 0577 Carrot 10 Po CXL 1997
FS 0013 Cherries 10 CXL 1997
VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 2 CXL 1997
immature seeds)
VC 0424 Cucumber 2 CXL 1997
FB 0269 Grapes 10 CXL
FI 0341 Kiwi 5 CXL
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 10 CXL
VL 0483 Lettuce, Leaf 25 CXL 1997
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.2 CXL 1997
FS 0247 Peach 10 CXL 1997
FP 0009 Pome fruits 5 Po CXL 1997
SO 0495 Rape seed 0.5 CXL 1997
FB 0272 Raspberries, Red, Black 30 CXL 1997
CM 0649 Rice, Husked 10 CXL 1997
Part 1 - 102

FB 0275 Strawberry 10 CXL

VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.1 (*) CXL 1997
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 0.5 CXL 1997
VO 0448 Tomato 5 CXL 94, 01 33 28, 29, 30, 31

VS 0469 Witloof chicory (sprouts) 1 CXL

Part 1 - 103

112 Phorate
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 77, 82T, 83T, 84R, 85T, 90R, 91R, 92R, 93R, 94T, 96T, 04T', 05R'
ADI 0-0.0007 mg/kg body weight 2004
AcuteRfD 0.003 mg/kg body weight (2004)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and for estimation of dietary intake in plant and animal commodities: sum of phorate, its oxygen analogue, and their sulphoxides and
sulphones, expressed as phorate.
Note Former ADI (1994; confirmed 1996).
The Committee decided to retain the existing CXL for wheat for 4 years under the periodic review procedure at the request of India who agreed to submit data (38-95). The Committee was
informed that the manufacturers would provide additional data for processed potato in 2008 for evaluation by the 2009 JMPR. The Delegation of Chile expressed its concern over the high
toxicity of the compound due to its extremely low ADI and ARfD. The Committee noted that the EC would submit a “concern form” regarding the acute intake concern associated with the MRL
for potato, which would be taken into account by the 2009 JMPR.
The Committee decided to retain the draft MRL for potato at Step 7, awaiting 2009 JMPR evaluation (39-91;92).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VD 0071 Beans (dry) 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006

SB 0716 Coffee beans 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
immature seeds)
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.02 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
GC 0645 Maize 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
CF 1255 Maize flour 0.05 CXL 05 38 2006
OC 0645 Maize oil, Crude 0.1 CXL 05 38 2006
OR 0645 Maize oil, Edible 0.02 CXL 05 38 2006
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.02 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
VR 0589 Potato 0.2 CXL 1999
Part 1 - 104

VR 0589 Potato 0.5 7 05 40 38,39 2005 JMPR: the information provided precluded an
estimate that the dietary intake would be below the
ARfD for children aged ≤ 6 years.

PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006

GC 0651 Sorghum 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
GC 0654 Wheat 0.05 CXL 05 2005 JMPR: Withdrawal recommended
Part 1 - 105

113 Propargite
Main Uses 1 Acaricide
JMPR 77, 78R, 79R, 80, 82, 99T', 02R', 06R
ADI 0.01 mg/kg body weight (1999)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary. Confirmed 2006. (1999)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and for estimation of dietary intake: propargite. This definition applies to both plant and animal commodities. The residue is fat-soluble.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AM 0660 Almond hulls 50 CXL 02 35,36 2004

TN 0660 Almonds 0.1 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
FP 0226 Apple 3 CXL 02 35,36 2004
JF 0226 Apple juice 0.2 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VD 0071 Beans (dry) 0.3 CXL 06 39 2007
VD 0523 Broad bean (dry) 0.3 CXL 06 39 2007
VD 0524 Chick-pea (dry) 0.3 CXL 06 39 2007
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 3 CXL 02 35,36 2004
AB 0001 Citrus pulp, Dry 10 CXL 02 35,36 2004
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.1 CXL 02 35,36 2004
OR 0691 Cotton seed oil, Edible 0.2 CXL 02 35,36 2004
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 12 CXL 02 35,36 2004
raisins and sultanas)
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.1 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
PE 0112 Eggs 0.1 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
JF 0269 Grape juice 1 CXL 02 35,36 2004
AB 0269 Grape pomace, Dry 40 CXL 02 )
FB 0269 Grapes 7 CXL 02 35,36 2004
DH 1100 Hops, Dry 100 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VD 0545 Lupin 0.3 CXL 06 39 2007
GC 0645 Maize 0.1 (*) CXL 02
Part 1 - 106

CF 1255 Maize flour 0.2 CXL 02 35,36 2004

OC 0645 Maize oil, Crude 0.7 CXL 02 35,36 2004
OR 0645 Maize oil, Edible 0.5 CXL 02 35,36 2004
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.1 (*) (fat) CXL 02 35,36 2004
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.1 (*) F CXL 02 35,36 2004
JF 0004 Orange juice 0.3 CXL 02 35,36 2004
SO 0697 Peanut 0.1 (*) CXL 02
OC 0697 Peanut oil, Crude 0.3 CXL 02 35,36 2004
OR 0697 Peanut oil, Edible 0.3 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VR 0589 Potato 0.03 CXL 06 39 2007
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.1 (*) (fat) CXL 02 35,36 2004
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.1 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
FS 0012 Stone fruits 4 CXL 02 35,36 2004
DT 1114 Tea, Green, Black 5 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VO 0448 Tomato 2 CXL 02
TN 0678 Walnuts 0.3 CXL 06 39 2007
Part 1 - 107

115 Tecnazene
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 74, 78, 81R, 83T, 87R, 89R, 94
ADI 0.02 mg/kg body weight (1994)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Tecnazene.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VR 0589 Potato 20 Po CXL 1997 Washed before analysis.

Part 1 - 108

116 Triforine
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 77T, 78, 97T' (04R')
ADI 0.02 mg/kg body weight (1978; confirmed 1997)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Determined as chloral hydrate and expressed as triforine.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 2 CXL

FB 0020 Blueberries 1 CXL
VB 0402 Brussels sprouts 0.2 CXL
GC 0080 Cereal grains 0.1 CXL
FS 0013 Cherries 2 CXL
VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 1 CXL
immature seeds)
FB 0021 Currants, Black, Red, White 1 CXL
VC 0045 Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits 0.5 CXL

FB 0268 Gooseberry 1 CXL

FS 0247 Peach 5 Po CXL
FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 2 CXL
FB 0275 Strawberry 1 CXL
VO 0448 Tomato 0.5 CXL
Part 1 - 109

117 Aldicarb
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 79, 82, 85R, 88R, 90R, 92T, 93R, 94R', 95T, 96R, 01R, 02R', 06R
ADI 0.003 mg/kg body weight (1992)
AcuteRfD 0.003 mg/kg body weight (1995)
RESIDUE Plant commodities: Sum of aldicarb, aldicarb sulphoxide and aldicarb sulphone, expressed as aldicarb.
Note The Committee, noting that the acute RfD was exceeded, decided to return the MRLs for bananas and potatoes to Step 6 for the third time and requested JMPR to examine residue data from
the alternative GAP (37-135).
The Committee decided to return the draft MRL for banana and potato to Step 6, due to acute intake concern and to request the 2006 JMPR to consider using alternative GAPs to
recommend lower MRLs (38-117).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

GC 0640 Barley 0.02 CXL 1997

AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 0.05 CXL 1997
VD 0071 Beans (dry) 0.1 CXL
VB 0402 Brussels sprouts 0.1 CXL 1997
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 0.2 CXL 1991
SB 0716 Coffee beans 0.1 CXL
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.1 CXL
OR 0691 Cotton seed oil, Edible 0.01 (*) CXL 1997
FB 0269 Grapes 0.2 CXL 1997
GC 0645 Maize 0.05 CXL
AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 0.5 CXL 1997
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.01 (*) CXL
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) CXL
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.1 CXL 1997
SO 0697 Peanut 0.02 CXL 1997
OR 0697 Peanut oil, Edible 0.01 (*) CXL 1997
TN 0672 Pecan 1 CXL 1997
Part 1 - 110

GC 0651 Sorghum 0.1 CXL 1997

AS 0651 Sorghum straw and fodder, 0.5 CXL
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.02 (*) CXL
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.05 (*) CXL
GS 0659 Sugar cane 0.1 CXL 1997
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
VR 0508 Sweet potato 0.1 CXL
GC 0654 Wheat 0.02 CXL 1997
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry0.05 CXL 1997
Part 1 - 111

118 Cypermethrins (including alpha- and zeta-

Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 79, 81, 82R, 83R, 84R, 85R, 86R, 88R, 90R (04R'), 06T
ADI 0-0.02 mg/kg body weight Group ADI (JMPR 2006)
AcuteRfD 0.04 mg/kg body weight. Group ARfD (JMPR 2006). (2006)
RESIDUE Cypermethrin (sum of isomers) (fat-soluble).
Note The Delegation of the EC expressed the opinion that the chronic risk of the compound might be overestimated as the toxicological evaluation was based on the most toxic isomer, alpha-
cypermethrin, while residues in crops, arising from its use were cypermethrin, which was less toxic and requested the JMPR to develop toxicity equivalence factors for the different isomers.
The JMPR Secretariat indicated that it would require data for all isomers in order to develop these potency factors. The Committee noted that three manufacturers would submit residue data
to JMPR for consideration by the 2008 JMPR (39-97)..

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

GC 0640 Barley 0.5 CXL

VP 0062 Beans, Shelled 0.05 (*) CXL
FB 0018 Berries and other small fruits0.5 CXL 1991
VB 0040 Brassica vegetables 1 CXL
FS 0013 Cherries 1 CXL
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 2 CXL
SB 0716 Coffee beans 0.05 (*) CXL
VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 0.5 CXL
immature seeds)
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.2 CXL
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.05 (*) CXL The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.

VO 0440 Egg plant 0.2 CXL

PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) CXL
VL 0480 Kale 1 CXL
VA 0384 Leek 0.5 CXL
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 2 CXL
GC 0645 Maize 0.05 (*) CXL
Part 1 - 112

AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 5 dry wt CXL

MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.2 (fat) CXL The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.05 F CXL The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.

VO 0450 Mushrooms 0.05 (*) CXL

FS 0245 Nectarine 2 CXL
SO 0089 Oilseed, except peanut 0.2 CXL
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.1 CXL
FS 0247 Peach 2 CXL
SO 0697 Peanut 0.05 (*) CXL
VP 0063 Peas (pods and 0.05 (*) CXL
succulent=immature seeds)
VO 0051 Peppers 0.5 CXL
FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 1 CXL
FP 0009 Pome fruits 2 CXL
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) CXL
VR 0075 Root and tuber vegetables 0.05 (*) CXL
AS 0651 Sorghum straw and fodder, 5 CXL
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.05 (*) CXL
VL 0502 Spinach 2 CXL
VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.05 (*) CXL
DT 1114 Tea, Green, Black 20 CXL
VO 0448 Tomato 0.5 CXL
OR 0172 Vegetable oils, Edible 0.5 CXL
GC 0654 Wheat 0.2 CXL
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry5 CXL
Part 1 - 113

119 Fenvalerate
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 79, 81, 82T, 84, 85R, 86, 88R, 90R
ADI 0.02 mg/kg body weight (1986)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Fenvalerate (fat-soluble).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AL 1020 Alfalfa fodder 20 dry wt CXL

VP 0061 Beans, except broad bean 1 CXL
and soya bean
VP 0062 Beans, Shelled 0.1 CXL
FB 0018 Berries and other small fruits1 CXL
VB 0400 Broccoli 2 CXL
VB 0402 Brussels sprouts 2 CXL 1991
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 3 CXL
VB 0404 Cauliflower 2 CXL
VS 0624 Celery 2 CXL
GC 0080 Cereal grains 2 Po CXL
FS 0013 Cherries 2 CXL
VL 0466 Chinese cabbage (type pak- 1 CXL
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 2 CXL
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.2 CXL
OC 0691 Cotton seed oil, Crude 0.1 CXL
OR 0691 Cotton seed oil, Edible 0.1 CXL
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.2 CXL
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.02 CXL
VL 0480 Kale 10 CXL
Part 1 - 114

FI 0341 Kiwi 5 CXL

VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 2 CXL
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 1 (fat) CXL
than marine mammals)
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.2 CXL
ML 0106 Milks 0.1 F CXL
FS 0247 Peach 5 CXL
SO 0703 Peanut, whole 0.1 CXL
VP 0064 Peas, Shelled (succulent 0.1 CXL
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 0.5 CXL
FP 0009 Pome fruits 2 CXL
VR 0075 Root and tuber vegetables 0.05 CXL
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.1 CXL
VC 0431 Squash, summer 0.5 CXL
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 0.1 CXL
VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.1 CXL
VO 0448 Tomato 1 CXL
TN 0085 Tree nuts 0.2 CXL
VC 0432 Watermelon 0.5 CXL
CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 5 PoP CXL
CF 1211 Wheat flour 0.2 PoP CXL
CF 1212 Wheat wholemeal 2 PoP CXL
VC 0433 Winter squash 0.5 CXL
Part 1 - 115

120 Permethrin
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 79, 80R, 81, 82R, 83R, 84R, 85R, 86, 87T, 88R, 89R, 91R, 99T'
ADI 0.05 mg/kg body weight (1987; confirmed 1999)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 1999). ()
RESIDUE Permethrin (sum of isomers) (fat-soluble).
ADI applies to technical grade permethrin with cis:trans ratios of 25:75 to 40:60.
Note Permethrin was reviewed by the 54th JECFA (February 2000) but as a different formulation (cis:trans ration of 80:20) was used for veterinary applications, it did not make any proposals on
ADI or MRLs.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AL 1020 Alfalfa fodder 100 dry wt CXL

TN 0660 Almonds 0.1 CXL
AB 0226 Apple pomace, Dry 50 CXL
VS 0621 Asparagus 1 CXL
VD 0071 Beans (dry) 0.1 CXL
FB 0264 Blackberries 1 CXL
VB 0400 Broccoli 2 CXL
VB 0402 Brussels sprouts 1 CXL
VB 0403 Cabbage, Savoy 5 CXL
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 5 CXL
VR 0577 Carrot 0.1 CXL
VB 0404 Cauliflower 0.5 CXL
VS 0624 Celery 2 CXL
GC 0080 Cereal grains 2 Po CXL
VL 0467 Chinese cabbage (type pe- 5 CXL
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 0.5 CXL
SB 0716 Coffee beans 0.05 (*) CXL
Part 1 - 116

VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 1 CXL

immature seeds)
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.5 CXL
OR 0691 Cotton seed oil, Edible 0.1 CXL
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.5 CXL
FB 0021 Currants, Black, Red, White 2 CXL
FB 0266 Dewberries (including 1 CXL
boysenberry and loganberry)
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.1 CXL The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.

VO 0440 Egg plant 1 CXL

PE 0112 Eggs 0.1 CXL
VC 0425 Gherkin 0.5 CXL
FB 0268 Gooseberry 2 CXL
FB 0269 Grapes 2 CXL
DH 1100 Hops, Dry 50 CXL
VR 0583 Horseradish 0.5 CXL
VL 0480 Kale 5 CXL
FI 0341 Kiwi 2 CXL
VB 0405 Kohlrabi 0.1 CXL
VA 0384 Leek 0.5 CXL
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 2 CXL
AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 100 dry wt CXL
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 1 (fat) CXL The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.
than marine mammals)
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.1 CXL
ML 0106 Milks 0.1 F CXL
VO 0450 Mushrooms 0.1 CXL
FT 0305 Olives 1 CXL
VA 0389 Onion, Spring (green) 0.5 CXL
Part 1 - 117

SO 0697 Peanut 0.1 CXL

VP 0064 Peas, Shelled (succulent 0.1 CXL
VO 0051 Peppers 1 CXL
TN 0675 Pistachio nuts 0.05 (*) CXL
FP 0009 Pome fruits 2 CXL
VR 0589 Potato 0.05 (*) CXL
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.1 CXL
VR 0591 Radish, Japanese 0.1 CXL
SO 0495 Rape seed 0.05 (*) CXL
FB 0272 Raspberries, Red, Black 1 CXL
AS 0651 Sorghum straw and fodder, 20 CXL
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.05 (*) CXL
AL 0541 Soya bean fodder 50 dry wt CXL
OC 0541 Soya bean oil, Crude 0.1 CXL
VL 0502 Spinach 2 CXL
VC 0431 Squash, summer 0.5 CXL
FS 0012 Stone fruits 2 CXL
FB 0275 Strawberry 1 CXL
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.05 (*) CXL
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 1 CXL
OC 0702 Sunflower seed oil, crude 1 CXL
OR 0702 Sunflower seed oil, Edible 1 CXL
VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.1 CXL
DT 1114 Tea, Green, Black 20 CXL
VO 0448 Tomato 1 CXL
CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 5 PoP CXL 1993
CF 1211 Wheat flour 0.5 PoP CXL 1993
Part 1 - 118

CF 1210 Wheat germ 2 PoP CXL 1993

CF 1212 Wheat wholemeal 2 PoP CXL 1993
VC 0433 Winter squash 0.5 CXL
Part 1 - 119

122 Amitraz
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 80, 83R, 84, 85R, 86R, 89R, 90, 98T' (03R')
ADI 0.01 mg/kg body weight (1998)
AcuteRfD 0.01 mg/kg body weight (1998)
RESIDUE Sum of amitraz and N-(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-N'-methylformamidine calculated as N-(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-N'-methylformamidine.
Note Previous ADI 0.003 mg/kg bw (1984, confirmed 1990).
In view of the lack of responses to repeated requests to submit information on national residue definitions to the JMPR, the 26th CCPR agreed to maintain the residue definition as currently
defined (26.224).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.05 CXL The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.

FS 0013 Cherries 0.5 CXL

SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.5 CXL
OC 0691 Cotton seed oil, Crude 0.05 CXL
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.5 CXL
MO 0097 Edible offal of cattle, pigs & 0.2 CXL The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) CXL The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.

FC 0004 Oranges, Sweet, Sour 0.5 CXL

FS 0247 Peach 0.5 CXL
MM 0818 Pig meat 0.05 CXL The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.

FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.5 CXL

MM 0822 Sheep meat 0.1 CXL The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.

VO 0448 Tomato 0.5 CXL 1991

Part 1 - 120

126 Oxamyl
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 80, 83R, 84T, 85, 86R, 02T'
ADI 0.009 mg/kg body weight (2002)
AcuteRfD 0.009 mg/kg body weight (2002)
RESIDUE Sum of oxamyl and oxamyl oxime expressed as oxamyl.
Note Previous ADI, 0.3 mg/kg-bw (1984). The Committee noted that there are acute intake concerns for some commodities for the second time (37-136).
The Committee noted the comments of Australia, EC and USA, opposing the advancement of MRLs beyond Step 6 based on acute dietary intake concerns. The Committee was informed
that the manufacturer would provide residue data for cucumber; melons; peppers sweet and tomato. The Committee decided to return draft MRLs for citrus fruits; cucumbers; melons, except
watermelon, and peppers to Step 6 for the third time (38-97,98,99). The Delegation of Ireland informed the Committee that a “concern form” would be submitted to the JMPR with the
differing assessment of toxicology data leading to a lower ARfD within the EC. The Committee decided to retain the draft MRLs for citrus fruits; cucumber; melons, except watermelon and
peppers at Step 7 awaiting the JMPR review (alternative GAP) in 2008. The Committee also decided to consider revocation of the CXLs for apple and tomato at the next session as no data
seemed to be available for those commodities (39-98,99).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 2 CXL 02 Confirmed (2002 JMPR). The information provided

to the JMPR precludes an estimate that the dietary
intake would be below the acuteRfD (2002 JMPR).

VR 0577 Carrot 0.1 CXL 02 35,36 2004

FC 0001 Citrus fruits 5 CXL The information provided to the JMPR precludes an
estimate that the dietary intake would be below the
acuteRfD (2002 JMPR).

FC 0001 Citrus fruits 3 7 02 40 35,36,37,38,3 Returned to Step 6 because of acute intake

problems (36-145).

SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.2 CXL 02 Confirmed (2002 JMPR).

VC 0424 Cucumber 2 CXL The information provided to the JMPR precludes an
estimate that the dietary intake would be below the
acuteRfD (2002 JMPR).

VC 0424 Cucumber 1 7 02 40 35,36,37,38,3 Returned to Step 6 because of acute intake

problems (36-145).

MO 0096 Edible offal of cattle, goats, 0.02 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
horses, pigs & sheep
PE 0112 Eggs 0.02 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
Part 1 - 121

MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.02 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
than marine mammals)
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 2 CXL 02 The information provided to the JMPR precludes an
estimate that the dietary intake would be below the
acuteRfD (2002 JMPR).

VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 1 7 02 40 35,36,37,38,3 Returned to Step 6 because of acute intake
problems (36-145).

ML 0106 Milks 0.02 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004

SO 0697 Peanut 0.05 CXL 02 35,36 2004
AL 0697 Peanut fodder 0.2 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VO 0051 Peppers 5 7 02 40 35,36,37,38,3 Returned to Step 6 because of acute intake
problems (36-145).

VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 2 CXL To be replaced by the MRL for peppers (2002

VR 0589 Potato 0.1 CXL 02 35,36 2004

PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.02 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.02 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
VO 0448 Tomato 2 CXL Confirmed (2002 JMPR). The information provided
to the JMPR precludes an estimate that the dietary
intake would be below the acuteRfD (2002 JMPR).
Part 1 - 122

129 Azocyclotin
Main Uses 1 Acaricide
JMPR 79R, 81T, 82R, 83R, 85R, 89, 91R, 94T, 03T, 05R'
ADI 0-0.003 mg/kg body weight (1994; Group ADI 2005)
AcuteRfD 0.02 mg/kg body weight. Group ARfD for woman of child-bearing age and unnecessary for the rest of the population (2005)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake in plant and animal commodities: cyhexatin.
Note The CCPR-25 decided to harmonize the residue definition as the sum of azocyclotin and cyhexatin expressed as cyhexatin and to have 2 separate but identical lists.
The CCPR-33 decided to retain the draft MRLs for apple, nectarine, peach, pear and plums (including purnes) and maintained the CXLs for citrus fruits, grapes, meat (from mammals other
than marine mammals), milk products and milks (33-152).
The Committee confirmed that the existing list of MRLs for cyhexatin (67) should be replaced with the agreed list for azocyclotin (38-103).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 0.2 CXL 05 38 2006

FB 0021 Currants, Black, Red, White 0.1 CXL 05 38 2006
FB 0269 Grapes 0.3 CXL 05 38 2006
JC 0001 Orange 0.2 CXL 05 38 2006
FP 0230 Pear 0.2 CXL 05 38 2006
Part 1 - 123

130 Diflubenzuron
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 81, 83R, 84, 85, 88R, 01T, 02R'
ADI 0.02 mg/kg body weight (1985)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 2001). ()
RESIDUE Diflubenzuron (fat-soluble).
Note The 2002 JMPR changed the residue definition (previously diflubenzuron).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 5 CXL 02 36 2004 Replaced by the MRL for pome fruits (2002 JMPR).
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 0.5 CXL 02 35,36 2004
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.1 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) CXL 02 Confirmed (2002 JMPR)
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.1 (fat) CXL 02 35,36 2004
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.02 (*) F CXL 02 35,36 2004
VO 0450 Mushrooms 0.3 CXL 02 35,36 2004
FP 0230 Pear 5 CXL 02 36 2004 Replaced by the MRL for pome fruits (2002 JMPR)
FP 0009 Pome fruits 5 CXL 02 35,36 2004
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) (fat) CXL 02 35,36 2004
GC 0649 Rice 0.01 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
AS 0649 Rice straw and fodder, Dry 0.7 CXL 02 35,36 2004
Part 1 - 124

132 Methiocarb
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 81, 83, 84T, 85T, 86R, 87, 88R, 98T', 99R', 05R'
ADI 0-0.02 mg/kg body weight (1998; confirmed 2005)
AcuteRfD 0.02 mg/kg body weight (2005)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and for estimation of dietary intake in plant commodities: the sum of methiocarb, methiocarb sulfoxide and methiocarb sulfone, expressed
as methiocarb.
Note Previous ADI 0.001 mg/kg bw (1981; confirmed 1987).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VS 0620 Artichoke, Globe 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006

GC 0640 Barley 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 0.05 CXL 05 38 2006
VB 0402 Brussels sprouts 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 0.1 CXL 05 38 2006
VB 0404 Cauliflower 0.1 CXL 05 38 2006
TN 0666 Hazelnuts 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
VA 0384 Leek 0.5 CXL 05 38 2006
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
GC 0645 Maize 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.2 CXL 05 38 2006
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.5 CXL 05 38 2006
AL 0072 Pea hay or pea fodder (dry) 0.5 CXL 05 38 2006
VD 0072 Peas (dry) 0.1 CXL 05 38 2006
VP 0063 Peas (pods and 0.1 CXL 05 38 2006
succulent=immature seeds)
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 2 CXL 05 38 2006
Part 1 - 125

VR 0589 Potato 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006

SO 0495 Rape seed 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
FB 0275 Strawberry 1 CXL 99 34 33 2003
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
GC 0654 Wheat 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry0.05 CXL 05 38 2006
Part 1 - 126

133 Triadimefon
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 79R, 81, 83, 84R, 85, 86R, 88R, 89R, 92R, 95R, 04', 07R
ADI 0-0.03 mg/kg body weight (1985)
AcuteRfD 0.08 mg/kg body weight (2004)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake: sum of triadimefon and triadimenol.
The residue is fat soluble.
Note 1992 JMPR changed definition of residue. Previous MRLs referred to the sum of triadimefon and triadimenol.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 0.3 4 07 40 Based on triadimenol use only

VS 0620 Artichoke, Globe 0.7 4 07 40 Based on triadimenol use only
FI 0327 Banana 1 4 07 40 Based on triadimenol use only
GC 0640 Barley 0.5 CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 2 CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
GC 0080 Cereal grains 0.2 4 07 40 Except maize and rice. Based on triadimefon and
triadimenol uses

VD 0524 Chick-pea (dry) 0.05 (*) CXL 07 40 1997 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
HS 0444 Chilli peppers. dried 5 4 07 40 Based on triadimefon and triadimenol uses
SB 0716 Coffee beans 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
SB 0716 Coffee beans 0.5 4 07 40 Based on triadimenol use only
FB 0021 Currants, Black, Red, White 0.2 CXL 1997 Based on triadimenol use only
FB 0021 Currants, Black, Red, White 0.7 4 07 40
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 10 4 07 40 Based on triadimefon and triadimenol uses
raisins and sultanas)
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.01 (*) 4 07 40 Based on triadimefon and triadimenol uses
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) 4 07 40 Based on triadimefon and triadimenol uses
AM 1051 Fodder beet 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
Part 1 - 127

VO 0050 Fruiting vegetables other 1 4 07 40 Based on triadimefon and triadimenol uses

than cucurbits
VC 0045 Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits 0.1 CXL 1997

VC 0045 Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits 0.2 4 07 40 Except fungi and sweet corn. Based on triadimefon
and triadimenol uses

FB 0269 Grapes 0.5 CXL 1995

FB 0269 Grapes 5 4 07 40 Based on triadimefon and triadimenol uses The
information provided to the 2007 JMPR precludes an
estimate that the dietary intake would be below the

DH 1100 Hops, Dry 10 CXL 1997

FI 0345 Mango 0.05 (*) CXL 07 40 1997 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
than marine mammals)
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.02 4 07 40 [in the fat]. Based on triadimefon and triadimenol
than marine mammals) uses

ML 0106 Milks 0.05 (*) CXL 1997

ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) 4 07 40 Based on triadimefon and triadimenol uses
AS 0647 Oat straw and fodder, Dry 2 CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
GC 0647 Oats 0.1 CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
VA 0389 Onion, Spring (green) 0.05 (*) CXL 07 40 1997 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
VA 0387 Onion, Welsh 0.05 (*) CXL 07 40 1997 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
VP 0063 Peas (pods and 0.05 (*) CXL 07 40 1997 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
succulent=immature seeds)
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 0.1 CXL 07 40 1997 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
FI 0353 Pineapple 2 Po CXL 1997
FI 0353 Pineapple 5 Po 4 07 40 Based on triadimenol use only
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.5 CXL 07 40 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) 4 07 40 Based on triadimefon and triadimenol uses
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) 4 07 40 Based on triadimefon and triadimenol uses
Part 1 - 128

FB 0272 Raspberries, Red, Black 1 CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
GC 0650 Rye 0.1 CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
AS 0650 Rye straw and fodder, Dry 2 CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
AS 0081 Straw and fodder (dry) of 5 4 07 40 Except maize. Based on triadimefon and triadimenol
cereal grains uses

FB 0275 Strawberry 0.1 CXL 1997

FB 0275 Strawberry 0.7 4 07 40 Based on triadimenol use only
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.1 (*) CXL
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.05 (*) 4 07 40 Based on triadimenol use only
AV 0596 Sugar beet leaves or 2 4 07 40 Based on triadimenol use only
AV 0596 Sugar beet leaves or 2 4 07 40 Based on triadimenol use only
VO 0448 Tomato 0.2 CXL 07 40 1997 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
GC 0654 Wheat 0.1 CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry2 CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
Part 1 - 129

135 Deltamethrin
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 80, 81, 82, 84R, 85R, 86R, 87R, 88R, 90R, 92R, 00T', 02R'
ADI 0.01 mg/kg body weight (1982; confirmed 2000)
AcuteRfD 0.05 mg/kg body weight (2000)
RESIDUE Sum of deltamethrin, alpha-R- and trans-deltamethrin (1R-[1alpha(R*),3alpha]]-3-(2,2-dibromoethenyl)-2,2-dimethyl-cyclopropanecarboxylic acid, cyano(3-
phenoxyphenyl)methyl ester and [1R-[1alpha(S*),3beta]]-3-(2,2-dibromoethenyl)-2,2-dimethyl-cyclopropanecarboxylic acid, cyano(3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl

Note The 2002 JMPR changed the residue definition (previously: deltamethrin (fat-soluble)). The 28th CAC noted concers expressed by the EC on leafy vegetables regarding the acute intake
concerns and returned this MRL to Step 6 (28-55).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 0.2 CXL 02 35,36 2004

VD 0071 Beans (dry) 1 Po CXL 2004
VR 0577 Carrot 0.02 CXL 02 35,36 2004
GC 0080 Cereal grains 2 Po CXL 02 35,36 2004
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 0.02 CXL 02 3536 2004
PE 0112 Eggs 0.02 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
VD 0561 Field pea (dry) 1 Po CXL 02
VB 0042 Flowerhead brassicas 0.1 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VC 0045 Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits 0.2 CXL 02 Confirmed (2002JMPR).

FB 0269 Grapes 0.2 CXL 02 35,36 2004

TN 0666 Hazelnuts 0.02 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
MO 0098 Kidney of cattle, goats, pigs 0.03 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
and sheep
VL 0053 Leafy vegetables 2 CXL 02 38 35,36,37
VA 0384 Leek 0.2 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VP 0060 Legume vegetables 0.2 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VD 0533 Lentil (dry) 1 Po CXL 02 2004
Part 1 - 130

MO 0099 Liver of cattle, goats, pigs & 0.03 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.5 (fat) CXL 02 1993 The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.
than marine mammals) Confirmed (2002 JMPR).

ML 0106 Milks 0.05 F CXL 02 35,36 2004

VO 0450 Mushrooms 0.05 CXL 02 35,36 2004
FT 0305 Olives 1 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.05 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VR 0589 Potato 0.01 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.1 (fat) CXL 02 35,36 2004
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.02 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
VD 0070 Pulses 1 Po CXL 02 35,36 2004
VR 0494 Radish 0.01 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
FS 0012 Stone fruits 0.05 CXL 02 36 2004
FB 0275 Strawberry 0.2 CXL 02 35,36 2004
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 0.05 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.02 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
DT 1114 Tea, Green, Black 5 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VO 0448 Tomato 0.3 CXL 02 35,36 2004
TN 0678 Walnuts 0.02 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 5 PoP CXL 02 1995 Confirmed (2002 JMPR)
CF 1211 Wheat flour 0.3 PoP CXL 02 35,36 2004
CF 1212 Wheat wholemeal 2 PoP CXL 02 35,36 2004
Part 1 - 131

136 Procymidone
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 81R, 82T, 89, 90R, 93R, 98R, 07T
ADI 0-0.1 mg/kg body weight (2007)
AcuteRfD 0.1 mg/kg body weight (2007)
RESIDUE Procymidone.
Note Previous ADI 0.1 mg/kg body weight (1989)
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 2 CXL 2001

FS 0013 Cherries 10 CXL 1995
VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 1 CXL 1995
immature seeds)
VC 0424 Cucumber 2 CXL 1995
VP 0528 Garden pea (young pods) 3 CXL 2001
VP 0529 Garden pea, Shelled 1 CXL 2001
VC 0425 Gherkin 2 CXL 1995
FB 0269 Grapes 5 CXL 1995
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 5 CXL 1995
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.2 CXL 1995
FS 0247 Peach 2 CXL 2001
FP 0230 Pear 1 CXL 2001
VO 0051 Peppers 5 CXL 1995
FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 2 CXL 2001
FB 0272 Raspberries, Red, Black 10 CXL 1995
FB 0275 Strawberry 10 CXL 1995
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 0.2 CXL 1995
OR 0702 Sunflower seed oil, Edible 0.5 CXL 1995
VO 0448 Tomato 5 CXL 1995
Part 1 - 132

138 Metalaxyl
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 82, 84R, 85R, 86R, 87R, 89R, 90R, 92R, 95R, 02T', 04R
ADI 0.08 mg/kg body weight Group ADI for metalaxyl and metalaxyl-M (alone or in combination; 2002)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 2002). ()
RESIDUE Metalaxyl.
Note Previous ADI, 0.03 mg/kg-bw for metalaxyl (1982). All MRLs to be revoked in 2008, superseded by metalaxyl-M. The Committee noted that this compound was no longer supported and
agreed to consider revocation of all CXLs at its next session.
The Delegation of Australia indicated that at the 37th Session of CCPR it was decided to recommend revocation of CXLs after two years and that at that time the metalaxyl-M MRLs at Step 6
would be advanced for adoption at Step 8. The Committee agreed to request information from Codex members and observers regarding support for metalaxyl-M before the CCPR 40 (39-

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VS 0621 Asparagus 0.05 (*) CXL

FI 0326 Avocado 0.2 CXL
VB 0400 Broccoli 0.5 CXL 1993
VB 0402 Brussels sprouts 0.2 CXL 1991
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 0.5 CXL 1993
SB 0715 Cacao beans 0.2 CXL 1991
VR 0577 Carrot 0.05 (*) CXL 1991
VB 0404 Cauliflower 0.5 CXL 1993
GC 0080 Cereal grains 0.05 (*) CXL
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 5 Po CXL
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.05 (*) CXL
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.5 CXL 1991
VC 0425 Gherkin 0.5 CXL 1991
FB 0269 Grapes 1 CXL
DH 1100 Hops, Dry 10 CXL
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 2 CXL 1995
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.2 CXL
Part 1 - 133

VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 2 CXL 1995

SO 0697 Peanut 0.1 CXL
VP 0064 Peas, Shelled (succulent 0.05 (*) CXL
VO 0051 Peppers 1 CXL
FP 0009 Pome fruits 1 Po CXL 1993
VR 0589 Potato 0.05 (*) CXL
FB 0272 Raspberries, Red, Black 0.2 CXL 1991
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.05 (*) CXL
VL 0502 Spinach 2 CXL 1995
VC 0431 Squash, summer 0.2 CXL
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.05 (*) CXL
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 0.05 (*) CXL
VO 0448 Tomato 0.5 CXL
VC 0432 Watermelon 0.2 CXL
VC 0433 Winter squash 0.2 CXL
Part 1 - 134

142 Prochloraz
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 83, 85R, 87R, 88R, 89R, 90R, 92T, 01T', 04R,
ADI 0-0.01 mg/kg body weight (1983; confirmed 2001)
AcuteRfD 0.1 mg/kg body weight (2001)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake in plant and animal commodities: sum of prochloraz and its metabolites containing the 2,4,6-
trichlorophenol moiety, expressed as prochloraz. The residue is fat-soluble.
Note The Committee was informed that the manufacturer would provide alternative GAP information and corresponding trial data by February 2008 to be reviewed by the 2009 JMPR. The
Committee decided to retain the draft MRL for mushrooms at Step 7 due to acute intake concerns, awaiting 2009 JMPR evaluation (39-103,104).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FI 0030 Assorted tropical and sub- 7 Po CXL 04 37 2005

tropical fruits - inedible peel
GC 0080 Cereal grains 2 CXL 04 37 2005
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 10 Po CXL 04 37 2005
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 10 CXL 04 37 2005
PE 0112 Eggs 0.1 CXL 04 37 2005
SO 0693 Linseed 0.05 (*) CXL 04 37 2005
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.5 (fat) CXL 04 37 2005
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.05 (*) CXL 04 37 2005
VO 0450 Mushrooms 2 CXL
VO 0450 Mushrooms 40 7 04 40 37,38,39 2004 JMPR had noted acute intake concerns for
mushrooms. The Committee noted the comments of
Australia, opposing the advancement of the MRL of
mushrooms beyond Step 6 because of possible
dietary intake concerns identified by the 2004 JMPR

HS 0790 Pepper, Black; White 10 CXL 04 37 2005

PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) CXL 04 37 2005
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.2 CXL 04 37 2005
SO 0495 Rape seed 0.7 CXL 04 37 2005
Part 1 - 135

AS 0081 Straw and fodder (dry) of 40 CXL 04 37 2005

cereal grains
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 0.5 CXL 04 37 2005
OR 0702 Sunflower seed oil, Edible 1 CXL 04 37 2005
CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 7 CXL 04 37 2005
Part 1 - 136

143 Triazophos
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 82T, 83R, 86, 90R, 92R, 93, 02T', 07R
ADI 0-0.001 mg/kg body weight (1993; confirmed 2002)
AcuteRfD 0.001 mg/kg body weight (2002)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake: triazophos
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VP 0523 Broad bean, Shelled 0.02 (*) CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
(succulent)(=immature seeds)

VB 0402 Brussels sprouts 0.1 CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 0.1 CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
VR 0577 Carrot 0.5 CXL 07 40 1997 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.01 (*) CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
ML 0812 Cattle milk 0.01 (*) CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
VB 0404 Cauliflower 0.1 CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
GC 0080 Cereal grains 0.05 (*) CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
SB 0716 Coffee beans 0.05 (*) CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 0.2 CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
immature seeds)
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.1 CXL 1995
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.2 4 07 40
OC 0691 Cotton seed oil, Crude 1 4 07 40
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.05 (*) CXL 07 40 1995
VP 0063 Peas (pods and 0.1 CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
succulent=immature seeds)
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.2 CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
VR 0589 Potato 0.05 (*) CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.05 (*) CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
Part 1 - 137

VP 0541 Soya bean (immature 1 4 07 40 With the pod. The information provided to the 2007
JMPR precludes an estimate that the dietary intake
would be below the ARfD

FB 0275 Strawberry 0.05 (*) CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.05 (*) CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
Part 1 - 138

144 Bitertanol
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 83T, 84R, 86R, 87T, 88R, 89R, 91R, 98T', 99R', 02R
ADI 0.01 mg/kg body weight (1988, confirmed 1998)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 1998). ()
RESIDUE Bitertanol (fat-soluble).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FS 0240 Apricot 1 CXL 99, 02 2001 Retained under periodic review. The 2002 JMPR
recommended an MRL at 1 mg/kg.

FI 0327 Banana 0.5 CXL 2001 Confirmed (1999 JMPR)

GC 0640 Barley 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
FS 0013 Cherries 1 CXL 2001
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.5 CXL 1991 Confirmed (1999 JMPR)
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 2001
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) (fat) CXL 2001
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
FS 0245 Nectarine 1 CXL 1993 Confirmed (1999 JMPR)
AS 0647 Oat straw and fodder, Dry 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
GC 0647 Oats 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
FS 0247 Peach 1 CXL 1993 Confirmed (1999 JMPR)
FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 2 CXL 1991 Confirmed (1999 JMPR)
FP 0009 Pome fruits 2 CXL 1991 Confirmed (1999 JMPR)
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) CXL 2001
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 2001
GC 0650 Rye 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
Part 1 - 139

AS 0650 Rye straw and fodder, Dry 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
VO 0448 Tomato 3 CXL 99 34 33 2003
GC 0653 Triticale 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
AS 0653 Triticale straw and fodder, Dry 0.05 (*) CXL 2001

GC 0654 Wheat 0.05 (*) CXL 2001

AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry0.05 (*) CXL 2001
Part 1 - 140

145 Carbosulfan
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 84, 86T, 91R, 93R, 97R', 02R, 03
ADI 0-0.01 mg/kg body weight (1986)
AcuteRfD 0.02 mg/kg body weight (2003)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and for estimation of dietary intake for plant and animal commodities: carbosulfan.
Note The 28th CAC noted the concerns expressed by the Delegation of the EC for the draft MRLs on manadarin, oranges, and potato which should be subject to further evaluation by JMPR of the
opinion of the EFSA on variability factors and returned these MRLs to Step 6 (28-55). The Committee decided to return the draft MRLs for mandarin; oranges, sweet, sour; and potato to
Step 6 in line with the decisions on these commodities for carbofuran (096), as they were based on the use of carbofuran (38-108). The Committee decided to retain the draft MRLs for
mandarin; oranges, sweet, sour, and potato at Step 7 in line with the decisions on these commodities for carbofuran (096) (39-105).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AB 0001 Citrus pulp, Dry 0.1 CXL 97 33,36,37 31, 32 2005

SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.05 CXL 03 36,37 2005
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.05 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005
GC 0645 Maize 0.05 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005
FC 0206 Mandarin 0.1 7 99 40 36,37,38,39
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.03 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005
FC 0004 Oranges, Sweet, Sour 0.1 7 97 40 31,33,37,38,3
VR 0589 Potato 0.05 7 03 40 36,37,38,39
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.05 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005
AS 0649 Rice straw and fodder, Dry 0.05 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.3 CXL 03 36,37 2005
Part 1 - 141

146 Cyhalothrin
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 84, 86R, 88R, 07T
ADI 0-0.02 mg/kg body weight (TADI; 2000 by JECFA)
AcuteRfD 0.02 mg/kg body weight. Group ARfD (JMPR 2007). (2007)
RESIDUE Cyhalothrin (sum of all isomers).
Note Previous ADI, 0.02 mg/kg body weight (1984)
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 0.2 CXL

SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.02 (*) CXL
OC 0691 Cotton seed oil, Crude 0.02 (*) CXL
OR 0691 Cotton seed oil, Edible 0.02 (*) CXL
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.2 CXL
VR 0589 Potato 0.02 (*) CXL
Part 1 - 142

147 Methoprene
Main Uses 9 Insect Growth Regulator
JMPR 84, 86R, 88R, 89R, 01T', 05
ADI 0.09 & 0.05. mg/kg body weight (0-0.09 mg/kg bw for the R,S racemate; 0- 0.05 mg/kg bw for S-methoprene (JMPR 2005)).
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 2005) ()
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and for estimation of dietary intake in plant and animal commodities: methoprene.
The residue is fat soluble.
Note Previous ADI, 0.1 mg/kg bw (1987). (2001; 0.09 mg/kg bw for the R,S racemate; 0.05 mg/kg bw for S-methoprene).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

GC 0080 Cereal grains 10 Po CXL 05 38 2006

MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.02 CXL 05 38 2006
PE 0112 Eggs 0.02 CXL 05 38 2006
OC 0645 Maize oil, Crude 200 PoP CXL 05 38 2006
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.2 (fat) CXL 05 38 2006
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.1 F CXL 05 38 2006
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.02 CXL 05 38 2006
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.02 CXL 05 38 2006
CM 1207 Rice hulls 40 PoP CXL 05 38 2006
CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 25 PoP CXL 05 38 2006
Part 1 - 143

148 Propamocarb
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 84, 86, 87R, 05T', 06R'
ADI 0-0.4 mg/kg body weight (1986; confirmed 2005)
AcuteRfD 2 mg/kg body weight (2005)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake for plant commodities: propamocarb.
Note The Committee noted that the EC disagreed with the selection of toxicological end points used by JMPR in establishing the ADI and ARfD (38-111).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VB 0404 Cauliflower 0.2 CXL 06 39 2007

MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.01 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
VO 0440 Egg plant 0.3 CXL 06 39 2007
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
VC 0045 Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits 5 CXL 06 39 2007

VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 100 CXL 06 39 2007

VL 0483 Lettuce, Leaf 100 CXL 06 39 2007
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.01 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 3 CXL 06 39 2007
VR 0589 Potato 0.3 CXL 06 39 2007
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
VR 0494 Radish 1 CXL 06 39 2007
VL 0502 Spinach 40 CXL 06 39 2007
VO 0448 Tomato 2 CXL 06 39 2007
VS 0469 Witloof chicory (sprouts) 2 CXL 06 39 2007
Part 1 - 144

149 Ethoprophos
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 83T, 84R, 87T, 99T', 04R
ADI 0-0.0004 mg/kg body weight (1999)
AcuteRfD 0.05 mg/kg body weight (1999)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake in plant and animal commodities: ethoprophos.
Note Previous ADI, 0.0003 mg/kg bw (1987).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FI 0327 Banana 0.02 CXL 04 37 2005

VC 0424 Cucumber 0.01 CXL 04 37 2005
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.01 (*) CXL 04 37 2005
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.01 (*) CXL 04 37 2005
than marine mammals)
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.02 CXL 04 37 2005
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) CXL 04 37 2005
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 0.05 CXL 04 37 2005
VR 0589 Potato 0.05 CXL 04 37 2005
FB 0275 Strawberry 0.02 (*) CXL
GS 0659 Sugar cane 0.02 CXL 04 37 2005
AM 0659 Sugar cane fodder 0.02 (*) CXL
VR 0508 Sweet potato 0.05 CXL 04 37 2005
VO 0448 Tomato 0.01 (*) CXL 04 37 2005
VR 0506 Turnip, Garden 0.02 (*) CXL
Part 1 - 145

151 Dimethipin
Main Uses 16 Plant Growth Regulator
JMPR 85, 87, 88, 99T', 01R, 04T
ADI 0-0.02 mg/kg body weight (1988; confirmed 1999, 2004)
AcuteRfD 0.2 mg/kg body weight (2004)
RESIDUE Dimethipin.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

SO 0691 Cotton seed 1 CXL 01 35 2003

OC 0691 Cotton seed oil, Crude 0.1 CXL Confirmed (2001 JMPR)
OR 0691 Cotton seed oil, Edible 0.1 CXL 01 35 2003
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.01 (*) CXL 01 35 2003
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 01 35 2003
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.01 (*) CXL 01 35 2003
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) CXL 01 35 2003
VR 0589 Potato 0.05 (*) CXL Confirmed (2001 JMPR)
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) CXL 01 35 2003
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 01 35 2003
SO 0495 Rape seed 0.2 CXL 01 35 2003
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 1 CXL 01 35 2003
Part 1 - 146

155 Benalaxyl
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 86R, 87T, 88R, 92R, 93R, 05T'
ADI 0-0.07 mg/kg body weight (2005)
AcuteRfD 0.1 mg/kg body weight for women of child- bearing age and unnecessary for the rest of the population. (2005)
RESIDUE Benalaxyl.
Note Previous ADI xx (1987). The Committee noted that the EC had established an ADI which is different from the ADI established by the JMPR and had concluded that an ARfD was not necessary

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VC 0424 Cucumber 0.05 CXL

FB 0269 Grapes 0.2 CXL 1991
DH 1100 Hops, Dry 0.2 CXL 1991
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.1 CXL
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.2 CXL
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 0.05 CXL 1991
VR 0589 Potato 0.02 (*) CXL 1995
VO 0448 Tomato 0.5 CXL 1991
Part 1 - 147

156 Clofentezine
Main Uses 1 Acaricide
JMPR 86, 87R, 89R, 90R, 92R, 05T', 07R
ADI 0-0.02 mg/kg body weight (1986; confirmed 2005)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (2005 JMPR) ()
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake for plant commodities: clofentezine
For compliance with MRLs for animal commodities: sum of clofentezine, and all metabolites containing the 2-chlorobenzoyl moiety, expressed as clofentezine
The residue is fat soluble.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AM 0660 Almond hulls 5 4 07 40

MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.05 (*) CXL 07 40 Withdrawal recommended. Replaced by a group
MRL (JMPR 2007).

ML 0812 Cattle milk 0.01 (*) CXL 07 40 Withdrawal recommended. Replaced by a group
MRL (JMPR 2007).

MO 0812 Cattle, Edible offal of 0.1 CXL 07 40 Withdrawal recommended. Replaced by a group
MRL (JMPR 2007).

FC 0001 Citrus fruits 0.5 CXL 1995

FC 0001 Citrus fruits 0.5 4 07 40
VC 0424 Cucumber 1 CXL 1991
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.5 4 07 40
FB 0021 Currants, Black, Red, White 0.05 CXL 1993
FB 0021 Currants, Black, Red, White 0.2 4 07 40
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 2 4 07 40
raisins and sultanas)
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.05 (*) 4 07 40
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) CXL
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) 4 07 40 Residues are not expected as dietary burden in
poultry is zero (JMPR 2007)

FB 0269 Grapes 1 CXL 1995

FB 0269 Grapes 2 4 07 40
Part 1 - 148

MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) 4 07 40

than marine mammals)
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.1 4 07 40
ML 0106 Milks 0.05 (*) 4 07 40
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.5 CXL
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.5 4 07 40
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) CXL
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) 4 07 40 Residues are not expected as dietary burden in
poultry is zero (JMPR 2007)

PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.05 (*) CXL

PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.05 (*) 4 07 40 Residues are not expected as dietary burden in
poultry is zero (JMPR 2007).

FS 0012 Stone fruits 0.2 CXL

FS 0012 Stone fruits 0.5 4 07 40
FB 0275 Strawberry 2 CXL
FB 0275 Strawberry 2 4 07 40
VO 0448 Tomato 0.5 4 07 40
TN 0085 Tree nuts 0.5 4 07 40
Part 1 - 149

157 Cyfluthrin/beta-cyfluthrin
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 86R, 87T, 89R, 90R, 92R, 06T', 07R
ADI 0-0.04 mg/kg body weight Group ADI (JMPR 2006).
AcuteRfD 0.04 mg/kg body weight. Group ARfD (JMPR 2006). (2006)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake: cyfluthrin (sum of isomers).
Note The Committee noted the concerns expressed by the EC on the ADI and ARfD allocated by 2006 JMPR (39-108).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 0.5 CXL 1995

FP 0226 Apple 0.1 4 07 40
VB 0400 Broccoli 2 4 07 40
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 4 4 07 40
ML 0812 Cattle milk 0.01 F CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
VB 0404 Cauliflower 2 4 07 40
HS 0444 Chilli peppers. dried 1 4 07 40
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 0.3 4 07 40
AB 0001 Citrus pulp, Dry 2 4 07 40
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.05 CXL 1995
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.7 4 07 40
OC 0691 Cotton seed oil, Crude 1 4 07 40
VO 0440 Egg plant 0.2 4 07 40
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) 4 07 40
MO 0098 Kidney of cattle, goats, pigs 0.05 4 07 40
and sheep
MO 0099 Liver of cattle, goats, pigs & 0.05 4 07 40
GC 0645 Maize 0.05 CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 1 (fat) 4 07 40
than marine mammals)
Part 1 - 150

ML 0106 Milks 0.04 4 07 40

FP 0230 Pear 0.07 4 07 40
VO 0051 Peppers 0.2 4 07 40
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 0.2 CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
VR 0589 Potato 0.01 (*) 4 07 40
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) (fat) 4 07 40
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) 4 07 40
SO 0495 Rape seed 0.05 CXL 1995
SO 0495 Rape seed 0.07 4 07 40
VO 0448 Tomato 0.5 CXL 1995
VO 0448 Tomato 0.2 4 07 40
Part 1 - 151

158 Glyphosate
Main Uses 7 Herbicide
JMPR 86, 88R, 94R, 97, 04T', 05R'
ADI 0-1 mg/kg body weight (1986; confirmed in 1997 for sum of glyphosate and aminoethylphosphonic acid). Changed 2004; confirmed 2005.
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 2005) ()
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs in plant and animal commodities: glyphosate. Residue for estimation of dietary intake: sum of glyphosate and AMPA expressed as
Note See also (198) aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA). Previous ADI 0.3 mg/kg/bw (1997).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AL 1020 Alfalfa fodder 500 CXL 05 38 2006

FI 0327 Banana 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 400 CXL 05 38 2006
AL 0061 Bean fodder 200 CXL 05 38 2006
VD 0071 Beans (dry) 2 CXL 05 38 2006
GC 0080 Cereal grains 30 CXL 05 38 2006 Except maize and rice
SO 0691 Cotton seed 40 CXL 05 38 2006
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 5 CXL 05 38 2006 Except pigs. Except pigs
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
AS 0162 Hay or fodder (dry) of grasses 500 CXL 05 38 2006

GC 0645 Maize 5 CXL 05 38 2006

AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 150 CXL 05 38 2006
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
AS 0647 Oat straw and fodder, Dry 100 CXL 05 38 2006
AL 0072 Pea hay or pea fodder (dry) 500 CXL 05 38 2006
VD 0072 Peas (dry) 5 CXL 05 38 2006
MO 0818 Pig, Edible offal of 0.5 CXL 05 38 2006
Part 1 - 152

PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006

PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.5 CXL 05 38 2006
SO 0495 Rape seed 20 CXL 05 38 2006
AS 0651 Sorghum straw and fodder, 50 CXL 05 38 2006
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 20 CXL 05 38 2006
GS 0659 Sugar cane 2 CXL 05 38 2006
DM 0659 Sugar cane molasses 10 CXL 05 38 2006
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 7 CXL 05 38 2006
CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 20 CXL 05 38 2006
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry300 CXL 05 38 2006
Part 1 - 153

159 Vinclozolin
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 86, 88, 89R, 90R, 92R, 95T
ADI 0.01 mg/kg body weight (1995)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Sum of vinclozolin and all metabolites containing the 3,5-dichloroaniline moiety, expressed as vinclozolin.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FB 0264 Blackberries 5 CXL

FB 0020 Blueberries 5 CXL 1991
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 1 CXL
MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.05 (*) CXL
ML 0812 Cattle milk 0.05 (*) CXL
VB 0404 Cauliflower 1 CXL
FS 0013 Cherries 5 Po CXL
PE 0840 Chicken eggs 0.05 (*) CXL
PM 0840 Chicken meat 0.05 (*) CXL
VR 0469 Chicory, roots 5 CXL
VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 2 CXL
immature seeds)
VC 0424 Cucumber 1 CXL
FB 0021 Currants, Black, Red, White 5 CXL
FB 0266 Dewberries (including 5 CXL
boysenberry and loganberry)
VP 0529 Garden pea, Shelled 1 CXL
VC 0425 Gherkin 1 CXL
FB 0268 Gooseberry 5 CXL
FB 0269 Grapes 5 CXL
DH 1100 Hops, Dry 40 CXL 1991
Part 1 - 154

FI 0341 Kiwi 10 CXL

VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 5 CXL 1995
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 1 CXL
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 1 CXL
FS 0247 Peach 5 Po CXL
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 3 CXL 1991
FP 0009 Pome fruits 1 CXL
VR 0589 Potato 0.1 CXL
SO 0495 Rape seed 1 CXL 1991
FB 0272 Raspberries, Red, Black 5 CXL
FB 0275 Strawberry 10 CXL
VO 0448 Tomato 3 CXL
VS 0469 Witloof chicory (sprouts) 2 CXL
Part 1 - 155

160 Propiconazole
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 87, 91R, 94R, 04T', 06R, 07R
ADI 0-0.07 mg/kg body weight (2004)
AcuteRfD 0.3 mg/kg body weight. Confirmed 2006. (2004)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs for plant and animal commodities: propiconazole
For estimation of dietary intake for plant and animal commodities: propiconazole plus all metabolite convertible to 2,4-dichloro-benzoic acid, expressed as
The residue is fat soluble.

Note ADI changed. Previous ADI 0.04 (1987).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

TN 0660 Almonds 0.05 CXL 07 40 1991 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).

FI 0327 Banana 0.1 CXL 1991
FI 0327 Banana 0.1 4 07 40
GC 0640 Barley 0.05 CXL 1997
GC 0640 Barley 0.2 4 07 40
AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 2 4 07 40
SB 0716 Coffee beans 0.1 CXL 1991
SB 0716 Coffee beans 0.02 4 07 40
FB 0265 Cranberry 0.3 CXL 06 39 2007
FB 0265 Cranberry 0.3 4 07 40
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.05 CXL 1991
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.01 (*) 4 07 40
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) CXL 1991
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) 4 07 40
FB 0269 Grapes 0.5 CXL 07 40 1991 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
GC 0645 Maize 0.05 4 07 40
FI 0345 Mango 0.05 CXL 07 40 1991 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
Part 1 - 156

MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) CXL 1991

than marine mammals)
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.01 (*) (fat) 4 07 40
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) CXL 1991
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) 4 07 40
GC 0647 Oats 0.05 (*) CXL 07 40 1993 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
SO 0697 Peanut 0.05 CXL 07 40 1991 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
SO 0703 Peanut, whole 0.1 CXL 07 40 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
TN 0672 Pecan 0.05 CXL 1991
TN 0672 Pecan 0.02 (*) 4 07 40
FI 0353 Pineapple 0.02 (*) 4 07 40
GC 0656 Popcorn 0.05 4 07 40
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) CXL 1991
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) (fat) 4 07 40
SO 0495 Rape seed 0.05 CXL 1991
SO 0495 Rape seed 0.02 4 07 40
GC 0650 Rye 0.05 (*) CXL 1993
GC 0650 Rye 0.02 4 07 40
AS 0650 Rye straw and fodder, Dry 2 4 07 40
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.07 4 07 40
AL 0541 Soya bean fodder 5 4 07 40
AL 1265 Soya bean forage (green) 2 4 07 40
FS 0012 Stone fruits 1 CXL 07 40 1991 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.05 CXL 1991
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.02 4 07 40
GS 0659 Sugar cane 0.05 CXL 1991
GS 0659 Sugar cane 0.02 (*) 4 07 40
VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.05 4 07 40
Part 1 - 157

GC 0653 Triticale 0.02 4 07 40

GC 0654 Wheat 0.05 (*) CXL 1993
GC 0654 Wheat 0.02 4 07 40
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry2 4 07 40
Part 1 - 158

162 Tolylfluanid
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 88, 90R, 02T', 03R
ADI 0.08 mg/kg body weight (2002)
AcuteRfD 0.5 mg/kg body weight (2002)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs for plant commodities: tolyfluanid.
For estimation of dietary intake for plant commodities: sum of tolylfluanid and N,N-dimethyl-N-(4-methylphenyl)-sulfamide expressed as tolylfluanid.
Note Previous ADI, 0.1 mg/kg bw (1988).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FB 0264 Blackberries 5 CXL 02 35,36 2004

VC 0424 Cucumber 1 CXL 02 35,36 2004
FB 0021 Currants, Black, Red, White 0.5 CXL 02 35,36 2004
FB 0269 Grapes 3 CXL 02 35,36 2004
DH 1100 Hops, Dry 50 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VA 0384 Leek 2 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 15 CXL 36,37 2005
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 2 CXL 02 35,36 2004
FP 0009 Pome fruits 5 CXL 02 1991
FB 0272 Raspberries, Red, Black 5 CXL 02 35,36 2004
FB 0275 Strawberry 5 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VO 0448 Tomato 3 CXL 02 35,36 2004
Part 1 - 159

165 Flusilazole
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 89, 90R, 91R, 93R, 95T, 07
ADI 0-0.007 mg/kg body weight (2007)
AcuteRfD 0.02 mg/kg body weight (2007)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake for plant commodities: flusilazole
For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake for animal commodities: flusilazole plus [bis(4-fluorophenyl)methyl]silanol.
Flusilazole is fat-soluble.

Note Previous ADI: 0.001 mg/kg body weight (1989).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AB 0226 Apple pomace, Dry 2 4 07 40

FS 0240 Apricot 0.5 CXL 1997
FS 0240 Apricot 0.2 4 07 40
FI 0327 Banana 0.1 CXL 1993
FI 0327 Banana 0.03 4 07 40
GC 0640 Barley 0.1 CXL 07 40 1993 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 2 CXL 07 40 1993 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
MF 0812 Cattle fat 0.01 (*) CXL 07 40 1993 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.01 (*) CXL 07 40 1993 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
ML 0812 Cattle milk 0.01 (*) CXL 07 40 1993 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
MO 0812 Cattle, Edible offal of 0.02 (*) CXL 07 40 1993 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
GC 0080 Cereal grains 0.2 4 07 40
PE 0840 Chicken eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 07 40 1993 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
PM 0840 Chicken meat 0.01 (*) CXL 07 40 1993 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
PO 0840 Chicken, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 07 40 1993 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 1 CXL 1993
raisins and sultanas)
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 0.3 4 07 40
raisins and sultanas)
Part 1 - 160

MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 2 4 07 40

PE 0112 Eggs 0.1 4 07 40
AB 0269 Grape pomace, Dry 2 4 07 40
FB 0269 Grapes 0.5 CXL 1993
FB 0269 Grapes 0.2 4 07 40
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 1 (fat) 4 07 40
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.05 4 07 40
FS 0245 Nectarine 0.5 CXL 1995
FS 0245 Nectarine 0.2 4 07 40
FS 0247 Peach 0.5 CXL 1995
FS 0247 Peach 0.2 4 07 40
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.2 CXL 1993
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.3 4 07 40
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.2 4 07 40
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.2 4 07 40
SO 0495 Rape seed 0.05 CXL 1993
SO 0495 Rape seed 0.1 4 07 40
GC 0650 Rye 0.1 CXL 07 40 1993 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
AS 0650 Rye straw and fodder, Dry 2 CXL 07 40 1993 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.05 4 07 40
AB 0541 Soya bean hulls 0.05 4 07 40
OR 0541 Soya bean oil, Refined 0.1 4 07 40
AS 0081 Straw and fodder (dry) of 5 4 07 40 Except rice
cereal grains
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.01 (*) CXL 1993
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.05 4 07 40
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 0.1 4 07 40
VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.01 (*) 4 07 40
Part 1 - 161

GC 0654 Wheat 0.1 CXL 07 40 1993 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).

AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry2 CXL 07 40 1993 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
Part 1 - 162

166 Oxydemeton-Methyl
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 89, 92R, 98R', 02T, 04R
ADI 0-0.0003 mg/kg body weight (Group ADI for demeton-S-methyl and related compounds, JMPR 2004)
AcuteRfD 0.002 mg/kg body weight (2002)
RESIDUE Residue for compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake in plant commodities: sum of oxydemeton-methyl, demeton-S-methyl and demeton-S-
methylsulphon expressed as oxydemeton-methyl.
The residue definition and MRLs are based on the use of oxydemeton-methyl only.

Note The definition of residue and recommendations for MRLs are based on the use of oxydemeton-methyl (2004). Group ADI for demeton-S-methyl and related compounds. The Committee
noted that there are short-term intake concerns for children for apple; cabbages head; grapes, oranges; sweet, sour and pear (37-153). The Committee decided to return the draft MRLs for
apple; cabbages, head; grapes; oranges, sweet, sour to Step 6 for the second time because of dietary intake concerns. JMPR stressed its request for information to support for alternative
GAP reviews for these commodities (39-110,111).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 0.05 7 73, 84, 92, 98 40 32,33,37,38,3 The information provided to the 2004 JMPR
precludes an estimate that the dietary intake would
be below the ARfD for chlidren aged ≤ 6

GC 0640 Barley 0.02 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006

AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 0.1 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 0.05 (*) 7 84, 92, 98, 04 40 32,33,37,38,3 Returned to current Step. The information provided
to the JMPR precludes an estimate that the dietary
would be below the ARfD for children aged < 6years.
STMRs/STMRPs or HRs/HRPs were estimated
based on 1998 evaluation.

MF 0812 Cattle fat 0.05 (*) CXL 73, 92, 98 38 32,33,36 2006
VB 0404 Cauliflower 0.01 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
VD 0526 Common bean (dry) 0.1 CXL 98, 04 38 32,37 2006
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.05 CXL 73, 92, 98, 04 38 32,33,37 2006
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) CXL 73, 92, 98, 04 38 32,33,37 2006
FB 0269 Grapes 0.1 7 73, 84, 92, 98, 04 40 32,33,37,38,3 Returned to current Step. The information
to the JMPR precludes an estimate that the dietary
would be below the ARfD for children aged < 6years
Part 1 - 163

VL 0480 Kale 0.01 (*) CXL 84, 92, 98, 04 38 32,33,37 2006
VB 0405 Kohlrabi 0.05 CXL 84, 92, 98, 04 38 32,33,37 2006
FC 0204 Lemon 0.2 CXL 73, 92, 98, 04 38 32,33,37 2006
MM 0097 Meat of cattle, pigs & sheep 0.05 (*) CXL 73, 92, 98, 04 38 32,33,37 2006
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) CXL 73, 92, 98, 04 38 32,33,37 2006
FC 0004 Oranges, Sweet, Sour 0.2 7 73, 92, 98, 04 40 32,33,37,38,3 Returned to current Step. The information provided
to the JMPR precludes an estimate that the dietary
would be below the ARfD for children aged < 6years.
3 STMRs/STMRPs or HRs/HRPs were estimated
based on 1998 evaluation. The Committee noted the
strong reservation of the European Community
against the advancement of the MRL for pear to Step
8 due to intake concerns (38-116).

FP 0230 Pear 0.05 CXL 73, 84, 92, 98, 04 38 32,33,37 2006

MF 0818 Pig fat 0.05 (*) CXL 73, 92, 98, 04 38 32,33,37 2006
VR 0589 Potato 0.01 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
PF 0111 Poultry fats 0.05 (*) CXL 73, 92, 98, 04 38 32,33,37 2006
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) CXL 73, 92, 98, 04 38 32,33,37 2006
GC 0650 Rye 0.02 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
AS 0650 Rye straw and fodder, Dry 0.1 CXL 04 38 37,37 2006
MF 0822 Sheep fat 0.05 (*) CXL 73, 92, 98, 04 38 32,33,37 2006
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.01 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
GC 0654 Wheat 0.02 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry0.1 CXL 04 38 37 2006
Part 1 - 164

167 Terbufos
Main Uses 14 Nematicide
JMPR 89, 90, 03T', 05R'
ADI 0-0.0006 mg/kg body weight (1989)
AcuteRfD 0.002 mg/kg body weight (2003)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and for estimation of dietary intake in plant and animal commodities: sum of terbufos, its oxygen analogue and their sulphoxides and
sulphones, expressed as terbufos.
Note Previous ADI: 0-0.0002 mg/kg/bw. Note: no short-term dietary intake was calculated due to insufficient data (JMPR 2003).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FI 0327 Banana 0.05 CXL 05 38 2006

SB 0716 Coffee beans 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
GC 0645 Maize 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 0.2 CXL 05 38 2006
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
GC 0651 Sorghum 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
AS 0651 Sorghum straw and fodder, 0.3 dr wt CXL 05 38 2006
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.02 CXL 05 38 2006
VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.01 CXL 05 38 2006
Part 1 - 165

168 Triadimenol
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 89, 92R, 95R, 04T', 07R
ADI 0-0.03 mg/kg body weight (2004)
AcuteRfD 0.08 mg/kg body weight (2004)
RESIDUE Triadimenol.
The limits accommodate triadimenol residues resulting from the use of triadimefon and/or triadimenol.
Note Source of data resulting from the uses of: TF=triadimefon; TN=triadimenol. ADI changed. Previous ADI 0.05 (1989). See triadimefon ((133), 2007 JMPR).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VS 0620 Artichoke, Globe 1 TF TN CXL 1997 Source of data: triadimefon, triadimenol

FI 0327 Banana 0.2 TN CXL 1997 Source of data: triadimenol
GC 0640 Barley 0.5 TF TN CXL 1995 Source of data: triadimefon, triadimenol
AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 5 TF TN CXL 1995 Source of data: triadimefon, triadimenol
VD 0524 Chick-pea (dry) 0.05 (*) TF CXL 1997 Source of data: triadimefon
SB 0716 Coffee beans 0.1 (*) TF TN CXL 1995 Source of data: triadimefon, triadimenol
FB 0021 Currants, Black, Red, White 0.5 TF CXL 1997 Source of data: triadimefon
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) TF TN CXL 1995 Source of data: triadimefon, triadimenol
AM 1051 Fodder beet 0.05 (*) TF CXL 1997 Source of data: triadimefon
VC 0045 Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits 2 TF TN CXL 1997 Source of data: triadimefon, triadimenol

FB 0269 Grapes 2 TF TN CXL 1995 Source of data: triadimefon, triadimenol

DH 1100 Hops, Dry 5 TF CXL 1997 Source of data: triadimefon
FI 0345 Mango 0.05 (*) TF CXL 1997 Source of data: triadimefon
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) TF TN CXL 1995 Source of data: triadimefon, triadimenol
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) TF TN CXL 1995 Source of data: triadimefon, triadimenol
AS 0647 Oat straw and fodder, Dry 5 TF TN CXL 1997 Source of data: triadimefon, triadimenol
GC 0647 Oats 0.2 TF TN CXL 1997 Source of data: triadimefon, triadimenol
VA 0389 Onion, Spring (green) 0.05 (*) TF CXL 1997 Source of data: triadimefon
Part 1 - 166

VA 0387 Onion, Welsh 0.05 (*) TF TN CXL 1997 Source of data: triadimefon, triadimenol
VP 0063 Peas (pods and 0.1 TF CXL 1997 Source of data: triadimefon
succulent=immature seeds)
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 0.1 TF CXL 1997 Source of data: triadimefon
FI 0353 Pineapple 1 Po TF CXL 1997 Source of data: triadimefon
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.5 TF TN CXL 1997 Source of data: triadimefon, triadimenol
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) TF TN CXL 1995 Source of data: triadimefon, triadimenol
FB 0272 Raspberries, Red, Black 0.5 TF CXL 1997 Source of data: triadimefon
GC 0650 Rye 0.2 TF TN CXL 1995 Source of data: triadimefon, triadimenol
AS 0650 Rye straw and fodder, Dry 5 TF TN CXL 1995 Source of data: triadimefon, triadimenol
FB 0275 Strawberry 0.1 TF CXL 1997 Source of data: triadimefon
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.1 (*) TF TN CXL 1997 Source of data: triadimefon, triadimenol
VO 0448 Tomato 0.5 TF CXL 1997 Source of data: triadimefon
GC 0654 Wheat 0.2 TF TN CXL 1995 Source of data: triadimefon, triadimenol
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry5 TF TN CXL 1995 Source of data: triadimefon, triadimenol
Part 1 - 167

169 Cyromazine
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 90, 92R, 06T', 07R
ADI 0-0.06 mg/kg body weight (2006)
AcuteRfD 0.1 mg/kg body weight (2006)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRL and for estimation of dietary intake for plants and animal commodities: cyromazine.
Note 1992 JMPR decided to maintain the definition of residue established in 1990, not including melamine in the residue definition.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VS 0620 Artichoke, Globe 3 4 07 40

VD 0071 Beans (dry) 3 4 07 40
VB 0400 Broccoli 1 4 07 40
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 10 4 07 40 The information provided to the 2007 JMPR
precludes an estimate that the dietary intake would
be below the ARfD.

VS 0624 Celery 5 CXL 1993

VS 0624 Celery 4 4 07 40
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.2 CXL 1993
VC 0424 Cucumber 2 4 07 40
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.3 4 07 40
PE 0112 Eggs 0.2 CXL 1993 The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.

PE 0112 Eggs 0.3 4 07 40

VO 0050 Fruiting vegetables other 1 4 07 40 Except mushroom and sweet corn-on-the-cob
than cucurbits
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 5 CXL 1993
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 4 4 07 40
VL 0483 Lettuce, Leaf 4 4 07 40
VP 0534 Lima bean (young pods 1 4 07 40
and/or immature beans)
Part 1 - 168

FI 0345 Mango 0.5 4 07 40

MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.3 4 07 40
than marine mammals)
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.2 CXL 1993
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.5 4 07 40
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) CXL 1993 The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.

ML 0106 Milks 0.01 4 07 40

VO 0450 Mushrooms 5 CXL 1993
VO 0450 Mushrooms 7 4 07 40
VL 0485 Mustard greens 10 4 07 40
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.1 4 07 40
VA 0389 Onion, Spring (green) 3 4 07 40
VO 0051 Peppers 1 CXL 07 40 1995 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) CXL 1993 The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.

PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.1 4 07 40

PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.2 4 07 40
MM 0822 Sheep meat 0.05 (*) CXL 07 40 1993 The MRL accomodates external animal treatment.
Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).

VL 0502 Spinach 10 4 07 40
VC 0431 Squash, summer 2 4 07 40
VO 0448 Tomato 0.5 CXL 07 40 1993 Withdrawal recommended (JMPR 2007).
Part 1 - 169

171 Profenofos
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 90, 92R, 94R, 95R, 07T
ADI 0-0.03 mg/kg body weight (2007)
AcuteRfD 1 mg/kg body weight (2007)
RESIDUE Profenofos.
Note Previous ADI: 0.01 mg/kg body weight (1990)
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 1 CXL 1997

SO 0691 Cotton seed 2 CXL 1997
OR 0691 Cotton seed oil, Edible 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
PE 0112 Eggs 0.02 (*) CXL 1995
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) CXL 1995
VO 0444 Peppers, Chili 5 CXL 1997
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 0.5 CXL 1997
VR 0589 Potato 0.05 (*) CXL 1995
VO 0448 Tomato 2 CXL 1995
Part 1 - 170

172 Bentazone
Main Uses 7 Herbicide
JMPR 91, 94R, 95R, 98, 99, 04T
ADI 0-0.1 mg/kg body weight (1991, confirmed 1998)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 2004). ()
RESIDUE Plant commodities: Sum of bentazone, 6-hydroxybentazone and 8-hydroxybentazone expressed as bentazone.
Animal commodities: Bentazone.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

GC 0640 Barley 0.1 CXL 1997

VD 0071 Beans (dry) 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
VD 0523 Broad bean (dry) 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 0.2 CXL 1997
immature seeds)
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
VD 0561 Field pea (dry) 1 CXL 1997
VP 0528 Garden pea (young pods) 0.2 CXL 1995
VP 0534 Lima bean (young pods 0.05 CXL 1995
and/or immature beans)
SO 0693 Linseed 0.1 CXL 1995
GC 0645 Maize 0.2 CXL 1997
AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 0.2 CXL 1997
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
GC 0647 Oats 0.1 CXL 1997
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.1 CXL 1995
SO 0697 Peanut 0.05 CXL 1995
VR 0589 Potato 0.1 CXL 1997
GC 0649 Rice 0.1 CXL 1997
Part 1 - 171

GC 0650 Rye 0.1 CXL 1997

GC 0651 Sorghum 0.1 CXL 1997
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.05 (*) CXL 1995
GC 0654 Wheat 0.1 CXL 1997
Part 1 - 172

173 Buprofezin
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 91, 95R, 99TR
ADI 0.01 mg/kg body weight (1991)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 1999). ()
RESIDUE Buprofezin (fat-soluble).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VC 0424 Cucumber 1 CXL 1997

FC 0004 Oranges, Sweet, Sour 0.5 CXL 2001
VO 0448 Tomato 1 CXL 1997
Part 1 - 173

174 Cadusafos
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 91, 92R
ADI 0.0003 mg/kg body weight (1991)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Cadusafos.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FI 0327 Banana 0.01 (*) CXL 1995 1992 JMPR noted that cadusafos was recovered
quantitatively from bananas at fortification levels of
0.05 and 0.25 mg/kg.

VR 0589 Potato 0.02 CXL 1995

Part 1 - 174

175 Glufosinate-Ammonium
Main Uses 7 Herbicide
JMPR 91, 94R, 98R, 99R
ADI 0.02 mg/kg body weight (1999; for glufosinate-ammonium, 3-[hydroxy(methyl)phosphinoyl]propionic acid and N-acetyl-glufosinate, alone or in combination)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 1999). ()
RESIDUE Sum of glufosinate-ammonium, 3-[hydroxy(methyl)phosphinoyl]propionic acid and N-acetyl-glufosinate, calculated as glufosinate (free acid).
Note Previous ADI, 0.02 mg/kg bw for glufosinate-ammonium (1991).
Residue definition changed by the 1999 JMPR.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AM 0660 Almond hulls 0.5 CXL 98 34 32 2003

VS 0621 Asparagus 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
FI 0030 Assorted tropical and sub- 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003 Except banana. Except banana.
tropical fruits - inedible peel
FI 0327 Banana 0.2 CXL 1997
FB 0018 Berries and other small fruits0.1 CXL 1997 Except currants.
VD 0523 Broad bean (dry) 2 CXL 1997
VR 0577 Carrot 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 0.1 CXL 1997
VD 0526 Common bean (dry) 2 CXL 1997
VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
immature seeds)
VL 0470 Corn salad 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
FB 0021 Currants, Black, Red, White 0.5 CXL 1997
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.1 (*) CXL 99 34 33 2003
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) CXL 99 34 33 2003
GC 0645 Maize 0.1 CXL 1997
AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 10 CXL 99 34 33 2003
AF 0645 Maize forage 5 CXL-DF 99 38 33,34 2003
Part 1 - 175

MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) CXL 99 34 33 2003

than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.02 (*) CXL 99 34 33 2003
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.05 CXL 1997
VD 0072 Peas (dry) 3 CXL 1997
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
VR 0589 Potato 0.5 CXL 1997
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) CXL 99 34 33 2003
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.1 (*) CXL 99 33 2003
SO 0495 Rape seed 5 CXL 1997
OC 0495 Rape seed oil, Crude 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 2 CXL 99 34 33 2003
FS 0012 Stone fruits 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 5 CXL 1997
OC 0702 Sunflower seed oil, crude 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
TN 0085 Tree nuts 0.1 CXL 98 34 32 2003
Part 1 - 176

176 Hexythiazox
Main Uses 1 Acaricide
JMPR 91, 94R, 98R
ADI 0.03 mg/kg body weight (1991)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Hexythiazox.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 0.5 CXL 1997

FS 0013 Cherries 1 CXL 1997
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 0.5 CXL 1997
VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 0.5 CXL 1997
immature seeds)
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.1 CXL 1997
FB 0279 Currant, Red, White 0.2 CXL 1997
FB 0269 Grapes 1 CXL 1997
DH 1100 Hops, Dry 2 CXL 2001
FS 0247 Peach 1 CXL 1997
FP 0230 Pear 0.5 CXL 1997
FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 0.2 CXL 1997
FB 0275 Strawberry 0.5 CXL 1997
VO 0448 Tomato 0.1 CXL 1997
Part 1 - 177

177 Abamectin
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 92, 94, 95T, 97, 00R
ADI 0.002 mg/kg body weight for sum of abamectin & 8,9-Z-isomer (1997)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Plant commodities: sum of avermectin B1a, avermectin B1b, 8,9-Z-avermectin B1a and 8,9-Z-avermectin B1b.
Animal commodities: sum of avermectin B1a and 8,9-Z-avermectin B1a.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AM 0660 Almond hulls 0.1 CXL 2001

TN 0660 Almonds 0.01 (*) CXL 2001
FP 0226 Apple 0.02 CXL 2001
MF 0812 Cattle fat 0.1 CXL 2001 The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.

MO 1280 Cattle kidney 0.05 CXL 2001 The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.

MO 1281 Cattle liver 0.1 CXL 2001 The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.

MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.01 (*) CXL 2001

ML 0812 Cattle milk 0.005 CXL 2001
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 0.01 (*) CXL 2001
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.01 (*) CXL 2001
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.01 CXL 2001
MM 0814 Goat meat 0.01 (*) CXL 2001
ML 0814 Goat milk 0.005 CXL 2001
MO 0814 Goat, Edible offal of 0.1 CXL 2001
DH 1100 Hops, Dry 0.1 CXL 2001
VL 0483 Lettuce, Leaf 0.05 CXL 2001
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.01 (*) CXL 2001
FP 0230 Pear 0.02 CXL 2001
Part 1 - 178

VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 0.02 CXL 2001

VR 0589 Potato 0.01 (*) CXL 2001
VC 0431 Squash, summer 0.01 (*) CXL 2001
FB 0275 Strawberry 0.02 CXL 2001
VO 0448 Tomato 0.02 CXL 2001
TN 0678 Walnuts 0.01 (*) CXL 2001
VC 0432 Watermelon 0.01 (*) CXL 2001
Part 1 - 179

178 Bifenthrin
Main Uses 8 Insecticide/Acaricide
JMPR 92, 95R, 96R, 97R
ADI 0.02 mg/kg body weight (1992)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Bifenthrin (fat-soluble).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

GC 0640 Barley 0.05 (*) CXL 1999 Residues are not expected to exceed 0.01 mg/kg.
AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 0.5 CXL 1995
MF 0812 Cattle fat 0.5 CXL 1999
MO 1280 Cattle kidney 0.05 (*) CXL 1995
MO 1281 Cattle liver 0.05 (*) CXL 1995
MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.5 (fat) CXL 1995
ML 0812 Cattle milk 0.05 (*) CXL 1999
PE 0840 Chicken eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 1995
PF 0840 Chicken fat 0.05 (*) CXL 1995
PM 0840 Chicken meat 0.05 (*) (fat) CXL 1995
PO 0840 Chicken, Edible offal of 0.05 (*) CXL 1995
FC 0203 Grapefruit 0.05 (*) CXL 1995 Residues are not expected to exceed 0.01 mg/kg.
DH 1100 Hops, Dry 10 CXL 1997
FC 0204 Lemon 0.05 (*) CXL 1995 Residues may occur near this level.
GC 0645 Maize 0.05 (*) CXL 1999 Residues are not expected to exceed 0.01 mg/kg.
AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 0.2 CXL 1995
FC 0208 Orange, Sweet 0.05 (*) CXL 1995 Residues may occur near this level.
FP 0230 Pear 0.5 CXL 1995
VR 0589 Potato 0.05 (*) CXL 1995 Residues are not expected to exceed 0.01 mg/kg.
FB 0275 Strawberry 1 CXL 1995
GC 0654 Wheat 0.5 Po CXL 1999
Part 1 - 180

CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 2 PoP CXL 1999

CF 1211 Wheat flour 0.2 PoP CXL 1999
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry0.5 CXL 1995
CF 1212 Wheat wholemeal 0.5 PoP CXL 1999
Part 1 - 181

179 Cycloxydim
Main Uses 7 Herbicide
JMPR 92, 93R
ADI 0.07 mg/kg body weight (1992)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Sum of 3-thian-3-ylglutaric acid (TME) and 3-hydroxy-3-thian-3-ylglutaric acid (OH-TME), expressed as cycloxydim.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VD 0071 Beans (dry) 2 CXL 1997

VB 0040 Brassica vegetables 2 CXL 1995
VR 0577 Carrot 0.5 CXL 1995
VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 1 CXL 1995
immature seeds)
FB 0269 Grapes 0.5 CXL 1997
VA 0384 Leek 0.2 CXL 1995
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 0.2 CXL 1997
VL 0483 Lettuce, Leaf 0.2 CXL 1997
VP 0063 Peas (pods and 1 CXL 1997
succulent=immature seeds)
VP 0064 Peas, Shelled (succulent 2 CXL 1997
VR 0589 Potato 2 CXL 1997
SO 0495 Rape seed 2 CXL 1995
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 2 CXL 1997
FB 0275 Strawberry 0.5 CXL 1997
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.2 CXL 1995
Part 1 - 182

180 Dithianon
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 92, 95R
ADI 0.01 mg/kg body weight (1992)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Dithianon.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FS 0013 Cherries 5 CXL 1997

FB 0269 Grapes 3 CXL 1997
DH 1100 Hops, Dry 100 CXL 1995
FC 0206 Mandarin 3 CXL 1995
FP 0009 Pome fruits 5 CXL 1997
FC 0005 Shaddocks or pomelos 3 CXL 1995
Part 1 - 183

181 Myclobutanil
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 92, 97R, 97R, 98R (01R)
ADI 0.03 mg/kg body weight (1992)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Myclobutanil.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FI 0327 Banana 2 CXL 2001

MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.01 (*) CXL 1995
ML 0812 Cattle milk 0.01 (*) CXL 1995
MO 0812 Cattle, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 1995
FB 0278 Currant, Black 0.5 CXL 1999
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 1995
FB 0269 Grapes 1 CXL 1997
DH 1100 Hops, Dry 2 CXL 2001
FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 0.2 CXL 1997
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.5 CXL 1997
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) CXL 1995
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 1995
DF 0014 Prunes 0.5 CXL 1995
FS 0012 Stone fruits 2 CXL 2001 Except plums.
FB 0275 Strawberry 1 CXL 2001
VO 0448 Tomato 0.3 CXL 1999
Part 1 - 184

182 Penconazole
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 92, 95R
ADI 0.03 mg/kg body weight (1992)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Penconazole.
Note The compound was no longer suppoted at the international level. The Committee decided to postpone consideration of this compound due to periodic re-evaluation in 2005 (36-162).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.05 (*) CXL 1995

ML 0812 Cattle milk 0.01 (*) CXL 1995
MO 0812 Cattle, Edible offal of 0.05 (*) CXL 1995
PE 0840 Chicken eggs 0.05 (*) CXL 1995
PM 0840 Chicken meat 0.05 (*) CXL 1995
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.1 CXL 1997
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 0.5 CXL 1997
raisins and sultanas)
FB 0269 Grapes 0.2 CXL 1997
DH 1100 Hops, Dry 0.5 CXL 1995
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.1 CXL 1997
FS 0245 Nectarine 0.1 CXL 1995
FS 0247 Peach 0.1 CXL 1995
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.2 CXL 1997
FB 0275 Strawberry 0.1 CXL 1997
VO 0448 Tomato 0.2 CXL 1997
Part 1 - 185

184 Etofenprox
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 93, 06
ADI 0.03 mg/kg body weight (1993)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Etofenprox (fat-soluble).
Note CCPR 36: The Committee recalled that the compound was no longer supported at the international level. However, as the compound has not yet been scheduled for period re-evaluation, the
Committee decided to postpone consideration of this compound (36-162).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0009 Pome fruits 1 CXL 1997

VR 0589 Potato 0.01 (*) CXL 1995
Part 1 - 186

185 Fenpropathrin
Main Uses 8 Insecticide/Acaricide
JMPR 93, 06R
ADI 0.03 mg/kg body weight (1993, confirmed 2006)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE For compliance with the MRLs and for estimation of the dietary intake: fenpropathrin. The residue is fat-soluble.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.5 (fat) CXL 1997

ML 0812 Cattle milk 0.1 F CXL 1997
MO 0812 Cattle, Edible offal of 0.05 CXL 1995
SO 0691 Cotton seed 1 CXL 1995
OC 0691 Cotton seed oil, Crude 3 CXL 1995
VO 0440 Egg plant 0.2 CXL 1997
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 1995
VC 0425 Gherkin 0.2 CXL 1995
FB 0269 Grapes 5 CXL 1997
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 1 CXL 1995
FP 0009 Pome fruits 5 CXL 1995
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.02 (fat) CXL 1995
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 1995
DT 1114 Tea, Green, Black 2 CXL 06 39 2007
VO 0448 Tomato 1 CXL 1995
Part 1 - 187

187 Clethodim
Main Uses 7 Herbicide
JMPR 94, 97R, 99, 02R
ADI 0.01 mg/kg body weight (1994)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 1999). ()
RESIDUE Sum of clethodim and its metabolites containing 5-(2-ethylthiopropyl)cyclohexene-3-one and 5-(2-ethylthiopropyl)-5-hydroxycyclohexene-3-one moieties and their
sulphoxides and sulphones, expressed as clethodim.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AL 1020 Alfalfa fodder 10 CXL 97 35 31, 32,33 2003

AL 0061 Bean fodder 10 CXL 99 35 33 2003
VD 0071 Beans (dry) 2 CXL 94, 97, 99 35 28, 31,33 2003
VP 0061 Beans, except broad bean 0.5 (*) CXL 97 35 31,33 2003
and soya bean
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.5 CXL 94 35 28, 31,33 2003
OC 0691 Cotton seed oil, Crude 0.5 (*) CXL 94, 97 35 28, 31,33 2003
OR 0691 Cotton seed oil, Edible 0.5 (*) CXL 94, 97 35 28, 31,33 2003
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.2 (*) CXL 99 35 33 2003
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) CXL 99 35 33 2003
VD 0561 Field pea (dry) 2 CXL 94, 97 35 28, 31,33 2003
AM 1051 Fodder beet 0.1 (*) CXL 97 35 31, 32,33 2003
VA 0381 Garlic 0.5 CXL 97 35 31, 33 2003
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.2 (*) CXL 99 35 33 2003
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.05 (*) CXL 99 35 33 2003
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.5 CXL 97 35 31,33 2003
SO 0697 Peanut 5 CXL 97 35 31,33 2003
VR 0589 Potato 0.5 CXL 94, 99 35 28, 31,33 2003
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.2 (*) CXL 99 35 33 2003
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.2 (*) CXL 99 35 33 2003
Part 1 - 188

SO 0495 Rape seed 0.5 CXL 94 35 28, 31,33 2003

OC 0495 Rape seed oil, Crude 0.5 (*) CXL 94, 97 35 28, 31,33 2003
OR 0495 Rapeseed oil, Edible 0.5 (*) CXL 94, 97 35 28, 31,33 2003
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 10 CXL 94 35 28, 31,33 2003
OC 0541 Soya bean oil, Crude 1 CXL 94 35 28, 31,33 2003
OR 0541 Soya bean oil, Refined 0.5 (*) CXL 94, 97 35 28, 31,33 2003
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.1 CXL 94, 97 35 28, 31,33 2003
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 0.5 CXL 94, 97, 99 35 28, 31,33 2003
OC 0702 Sunflower seed oil, crude 0.1 (*) CXL 94, 97, 99 35 28, 31,33 2003
VO 0448 Tomato 1 CXL 97 35 31,33 2003
Part 1 - 189

188 Fenpropimorph
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 94T, 95R, 99R, 01T. 04T
ADI 0-0.003 mg/kg body weight (1994)
AcuteRfD 0.2 mg/kg body weight (2004)
RESIDUE Plant products: fenpropimorph.
Animal products: 2-Methyl-2-{4-[2-methyl-3-(cis-2,6-dimethylmorpholin-4-yl)propyl]phenyl}propionic acid, expressed as fenpropimorph
Note Previous ARfD 1 (2001).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

MF 0100 0.01 CXL 2001

FI 0327 Banana 2 CXL 99 34 33 2003
GC 0640 Barley 0.5 CXL 2001
AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 5 CXL 2001
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 2001
MO 0098 Kidney of cattle, goats, pigs 0.05 CXL 2001
and sheep
MO 0099 Liver of cattle, goats, pigs & 0.3 CXL 2001
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.02 CXL 2001
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 CXL 2001
AS 0647 Oat straw and fodder, Dry 5 CXL 2001
GC 0647 Oats 0.5 CXL 2001
PF 0111 Poultry fats 0.01 (*) CXL 2001
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) CXL 2001
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 2001
GC 0650 Rye 0.5 CXL 2001
AS 0650 Rye straw and fodder, Dry 5 CXL 2001
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
Part 1 - 190

GC 0654 Wheat 0.5 CXL 2001

AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry5 CXL 2001
Part 1 - 191

189 Tebuconazole
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 94, 97R
ADI 0.03 mg/kg body weight (1994)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Tebuconazole.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FI 0327 Banana 0.05 CXL 1999

GC 0640 Barley 0.2 CXL 1997
AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 10 CXL 1997
MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
ML 0812 Cattle milk 0.01 (*) CXL 1997
MO 0812 Cattle, Edible offal of 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
FS 0013 Cherries 5 CXL 2001
PE 0840 Chicken eggs 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
PM 0840 Chicken meat 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
PO 0840 Chicken, Edible offal of 0.05 (*) CXL 1997
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.2 CXL 1999
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 3 CXL 2001
raisins and sultanas)
FB 0269 Grapes 2 CXL 2001
GC 0647 Oats 0.05 (*) CXL 1999
FS 0247 Peach 1 CXL 1999
SO 0697 Peanut 0.05 CXL 1997
AL 0697 Peanut fodder 30 CXL 1997
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 0.5 CXL 1999
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.5 CXL 1999
SO 0495 Rape seed 0.05 CXL 1997
Part 1 - 192

GC 0650 Rye 0.05 (*) CXL 1997

AS 0650 Rye straw and fodder, Dry 5 CXL 1997
VC 0431 Squash, summer 0.02 CXL 1997
VO 0448 Tomato 0.2 CXL 1997
GC 0654 Wheat 0.05 CXL 1997
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry10 CXL 1997
Part 1 - 193

190 Teflubenzuron
Main Uses 9 Insect Growth Regulator
JMPR 94T, 96R
ADI 0.01 mg/kg body weight (1994)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Teflubenzuron (fat-soluble)
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VB 0402 Brussels sprouts 0.5 CXL 1999

VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 0.2 CXL 1999
FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 0.1 CXL 1999
FP 0009 Pome fruits 1 CXL 1999
VR 0589 Potato 0.05 (*) CXL 1999
Part 1 - 194

191 Tolclofos-Methyl
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
ADI 0.07 mg/kg body weight (1994)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Tolclofos-methyl.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 2 CXL 1997

VL 0483 Lettuce, Leaf 2 CXL 1997
VR 0589 Potato 0.2 CXL 1997
VR 0494 Radish 0.1 CXL 1997
Part 1 - 195

192 Fenarimol
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 95, 96R
ADI 0.01 mg/kg body weight (1995)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Fenarimol.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AB 0226 Apple pomace, Dry 5 CXL 1999

VS 0620 Artichoke, Globe 0.1 CXL 1997
FI 0327 Banana 0.2 CXL 1997
MO 1280 Cattle kidney 0.02 (*) CXL 1999
MO 1281 Cattle liver 0.05 CXL 1999
MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.02 (*) CXL 1999
FS 0013 Cherries 1 CXL 1997
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 0.2 CXL 1999
raisins and sultanas)
FB 0269 Grapes 0.3 CXL 1999
DH 1100 Hops, Dry 5 CXL 1999
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.05 CXL 1997
FS 0247 Peach 0.5 CXL 1999
TN 0672 Pecan 0.02 (*) CXL 1997
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 0.5 CXL 1999
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.3 CXL 1999
FB 0275 Strawberry 1 CXL 1997
Part 1 - 196

193 Fenpyroximate
Main Uses 1 Acaricide
JMPR 95, 99R, 04T, 07T
ADI 0-0.01 mg/kg body weight (1995)
AcuteRfD 0.02 mg/kg body weight (2007)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake: fenpyroximate. The residue is fat soluble.
Note Previous ARfD 0.01 (2004) changed in 2007.
The Committee decided to return for the second time the MRLs for apple and grapes to Step 6 because of acute intake concerns for children and the general population (grapes only) (37-
The Committee decided to return the draft MRLs for grapes and apple to Step 6 because of acute intake concerns, awaiting the outcome of the 2007 JMPR evaluation (ARfD) (38-119). The
Committee decided to return the draft MRLs for apple and grapes to Step 6 because of acute intake concerns, awaiting the outcome of the 2007 JMPR review of the ARfD (39-115).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 0.3 7 99 40 33,37,38,39

FP 0226 Apple 0.3 4 07 40 The maximum residue level was recommended by
the 1999 JMPR. The 2007 JMPR calculated the
IESTI and concluded that the short-term intake of
residues is unlikely to present a public health concern.

MO 1280 Cattle kidney 0.01 (*) CXL 99 34 33 2003

MO 1281 Cattle liver 0.01 (*) CXL 99 34 33 2003
MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.02 (fat) CXL 99 34 33 2003
ML 0812 Cattle milk 0.005 (*) F CXL 99 34 33 2003
FB 0269 Grapes 1 7 99 40 33,37,38,39
DH 1100 Hops, Dry 10 CXL 99 34 33 2003
FC 0004 Oranges, Sweet, Sour 0.2 CXL 99 33,37 2005
Part 1 - 197

194 Haloxyfop
Main Uses 7 Herbicide
JMPR 95, 96R, 01R, 06T
ADI 0-0.0007 mg/kg body weight (2006)
AcuteRfD 0.08 mg/kg body weight. (2006)
RESIDUE Haloxyfop esters, haloxyfop and its conjugates expressed as haloxyfop.
Note Previous ADI - 0.0003 (1995). CCPR 36: Await 2004 JMPR to establish an acute RfD (36-164). The Committee decided to postpone discussions awaiting the 2006 JMPR risk assessment
The Committee decided to return the proposed draft MRLs for cattle kidney; cattle liver; cattle meat and cattle milk to Step 3 and all draft MRLs to Step 6 because of chronic intake concern
and awaiting the outcome of toxicological evaluation by the JMPR including consideration of acute toxicity. The Delegation of Australia was of the view that the haloxyfop residues should be
classified as エfat solubleエ and therefore MRLs should be set for fat of meat and if possible for milk fat. Australia requested JMPR to look at MRLs of products of animal origin in relation to fat
solubility, including extension of the MRL for cattle meat to mammalian meat. The Delegation of the Netherlands suggested to establish two MRLs, one for meat as such and the other for fat,
in order to be able to check compliance for meats without any trimmable fat moving in international trade (38-120,121). The Committee decided to retain the proposed draft MRLs for cattle
kidney; cattle liver; cattle meat and cattle milk at Step 4 and all draft MRLs at Step 7, awaiting the outcome of the 2009 JMPR evaluation (39-116).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FI 0327 Banana 0.05 (*) CXL 36 2001

MO 1280 Cattle kidney 1 4 01 38 36,37
MO 1281 Cattle liver 0.5 4 01 38 36,37
MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.05 4 01 38 36,37
ML 0812 Cattle milk 0.3 4 01 38 36,37
PE 0840 Chicken eggs 0.01 (*) 7 96, 01 40 30,33,36,37,3
PM 0840 Chicken meat 0.01 (*) 7 96, 01 40 30,33,36,37,3
PO 0840 Chicken, Edible offal of 0.05 7 96, 01 40 30,33,36,37,3
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.2 7 96 40 30,33,36,37,3
OC 0691 Cotton seed oil, Crude 0.5 7 96 40 30,33,36,37,3
AM 1051 Fodder beet 0.3 7 96 40 30,
FB 0269 Grapes 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
SO 0697 Peanut 0.05 7 96 40 30,33,36,37,3
Part 1 - 198

VP 0063 Peas (pods and 0.2 7 96 40 30,33,36,37,3

succulent=immature seeds)
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
VR 0589 Potato 0.1 7 96 40 30,33,36,37,3
VD 0070 Pulses 0.2 7 96 40 30,33,36,37,3
SO 0495 Rape seed 2 7 96 40 30,33,36,37,3
OC 0495 Rape seed oil, Crude 5 7 96 40 30,33,36,37,3
OR 0495 Rapeseed oil, Edible 5 7 96 40 30,33,36,37,3
CM 1206 Rice bran, Unprocessed 0.02 (*) 7 96 40 30,
CM 0649 Rice, Husked 0.02 (*) 7 96 40 30,
CM 1205 Rice, Polished 0.02 (*) 7 96 40 30,
OC 0541 Soya bean oil, Crude 0.2 7 96 40 30,33,36,37,3
OR 0541 Soya bean oil, Refined 0.2 7 96 40 30,33,36,37,3
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.3 7 96 40 30,33,36,37,3
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 0.2 7 96 40 30,33,36,37,3
Part 1 - 199

195 Flumethrin
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
ADI 0.004 mg/kg body weight (1996)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Flumethrin (fat-soluble)
Note The 1996 JMPR proposed an MRL of 0.005 mg/kg (*) for honey which has not been included in the Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.2 (fat) CXL 1999 On carcass fat basis. The MRL accommodates
external animal treatment.

ML 0812 Cattle milk 0.05 F CXL 1999 The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.
Part 1 - 200

196 Tebufenozide
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 96, 97R, 99R, 01, 03
ADI 0-0.02 mg/kg body weight (1996)
AcuteRfD 0.9 mg/kg body weight (2003)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and for estimation of dietary intake for plant and animal commodities: tebufenozide. The residue is fat-soluble.
Note Previous Acute RfD: 0.05 mg/kg/bw (2001 JMPR).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AM 0660 Almond hulls 30 CXL 01 35,36 2004

TN 0660 Almonds 0.05 CXL 01 35,36 2004
FI 0326 Avocado 1 CXL 01 35,36 2004
FB 0020 Blueberries 3 CXL 01 35,36 2004
VB 0400 Broccoli 0.5 CXL 01 35,36 2004
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 5 CXL 01 35,36 2004
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 2 CXL 01 35,36 2004
FB 0265 Cranberry 0.5 CXL 01 35,36 2004
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 2 CXL 01 35,36 2004
raisins and sultanas)
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.02 (*) CXL 03 36 2004
PE 0112 Eggs 0.02 (*) CXL 01 35,36 2004
FB 0269 Grapes 2 CXL 96, 99, 01 35,36 30, 31 2004
FI 0341 Kiwi 0.5 CXL 1999
VL 0053 Leafy vegetables 10 CXL 01 35,36 2004
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (fat) CXL 03 36 2004
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36 2004
HH 0738 Mint top 20 CXL 01 35,36 2004
FS 0245 Nectarine 0.5 CXL 01 35,36 2004
Part 1 - 201

FS 0247 Peach 0.5 CXL 01 35,36 2004

TN 0672 Pecan 0.01 (*) CXL 01 35,36 2004
VO 0051 Peppers 1 CXL 01 35,36 2004
FP 0009 Pome fruits 1 CXL 1999 Confirmed (1999 JMPR)
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.02 (*) CXL 01 35,36 2004
SO 0495 Rape seed 2 CXL 01 35,36 2004
FB 0272 Raspberries, Red, Black 2 CXL 01 35,36 2004
CM 0649 Rice, Husked 0.1 CXL 35 1999
GS 0659 Sugar cane 1 CXL 01 35,36 2004
VO 0448 Tomato 1 CXL 01 35,36 2004
TN 0678 Walnuts 0.05 CXL 1999
Part 1 - 202

197 Fenbuconazole
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 97 (02R)
ADI 0.03 mg/kg body weight (1997)
AcuteRfD ()
RESIDUE Fenbuconazole (fat soluble).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FS 0240 Apricot 0.5 CXL 2001

FI 0327 Banana 0.05 CXL 1999
GC 0640 Barley 0.2 CXL 2001
AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 3 CXL 2001
MF 0812 Cattle fat 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
MO 1280 Cattle kidney 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
MO 1281 Cattle liver 0.05 CXL 2001
MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
ML 0812 Cattle milk 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
FS 0013 Cherries 1 CXL 1999
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.2 CXL 1999
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
FB 0269 Grapes 1 CXL 1999
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.2 CXL 1999
FS 0247 Peach 0.5 CXL 2001
TN 0672 Pecan 0.05 (*) CXL 1999
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.1 CXL 1999
PF 0111 Poultry fats 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
SO 0495 Rape seed 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
Part 1 - 203

GC 0650 Rye 0.1 CXL 1999

VC 0431 Squash, summer 0.05 CXL 1999
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 0.05 (*) CXL 1999
GC 0654 Wheat 0.1 CXL 1999
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry3 CXL 1999
Part 1 - 204

199 Kresoxim-Methyl
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 98, 01R
ADI 0.4 mg/kg body weight (1998)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 1998). ()
RESIDUE Plant commodities: kresoxim-methyl.
Animal commodities: alpha-(p-hydroxy-o-tolyloxy)-o-tolyl(methoxyimino)acetic acid, expressed as kresoxim-methyl.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

MF 0100 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003

GC 0640 Barley 0.1 CXL 98 34 32 2003
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 2 CXL 2001
raisins and sultanas)
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
FC 0203 Grapefruit 0.5 CXL 01 35 2003
FB 0269 Grapes 1 CXL 2001
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
OC 0305 Olive oil, Virgin 0.7 CXL 01 35 2003
FT 0305 Olives 0.2 CXL 01 35 2003
FC 0004 Oranges, Sweet, Sour 0.5 CXL 01 35 2003
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.2 CXL 98 34 32 2003
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) CXL 98 34 32 2003
GC 0650 Rye 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
AS 0081 Straw and fodder (dry) of 5 CXL 2001
cereal grains
GC 0654 Wheat 0.05 (*) CXL 2001
Part 1 - 205

200 Pyriproxifen
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 99, 00R, 01T
ADI 0.1 mg/kg body weight (1999)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 1998). ()
RESIDUE Pyriproxifen (fat-soluble).
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.01 (*) (fat) CXL 99 34 33 2003

MO 0812 Cattle, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 99 34 33 2003
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 0.5 CXL 2001
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.05 CXL 99 34 33 2003
OC 0691 Cotton seed oil, Crude 0.01 CXL 99 34 33 2003
OR 0691 Cotton seed oil, Edible 0.01 CXL 99 34 33 2003
MM 0814 Goat meat 0.01 (*) (fat) CXL 99 34 33 2003
MO 0814 Goat, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 99 34 33 2003
Part 1 - 206

201 Chlorpropham
Main Uses 16 Plant Growth Regulator
JMPR 00T, 01R, 05T'
ADI 0-0.05 mg/kg body weight (2005)
AcuteRfD 0.5 mg/kg body weight (2005)
RESIDUE Chlorpropham (fat-soluble).
Note Previous Acute RfD 0.03 (2000 JMPR). CCPR 36: noting that this compound was tentatively scheduled for toxicological evaluation by JMPR in 2005, all commodities have been retained at
Step 7 (36-166). The Committee decided to return all the MRLs to Step 6 because of acute intake concerns for potato (before peeling and cooking) and awaiting the toxicological evaluation by
the 2005 JMPR (37-163).
The Committee noted the reservation of the EC on the advancement of the MRL for potato because of intake concerns related to micro-waved unpeeled potatoes for toddlers. The Committee
requested the JMPR to review the basis on which the draft MRL for cattle milk was established. A similar request applied for diphenylamine (030) (38-123).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.1 (fat) CXL 01 38 35,37

ML 0812 Cattle milk 0.0005 (*) F CXL 01 38 35,37
MO 0812 Cattle, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 01 38 35,37
VR 0589 Potato 30 Po CXL 01 38 35,37
Part 1 - 207

202 Fipronil
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 00T, 01R', 05T
ADI 0.0002 mg/kg body weight Group ADI for fipronil and fipronil-desulfinyl [5-amino-3-cyano-1-(2,6-dichloro-4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-4-trifluoromethylpyrazole (MB
AcuteRfD 0.003 mg/kg body weight for fipronil and fipronil-desulfinyl, alone or in combination (2000)
RESIDUE Plant commodities: fipronil (fat-soluble).
Animal commodities: sum of fipronil and 5-amino-3-cyano-1-(2,6-dichloro-4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-4-trifluoromethylsulphonylpyrazole (MB 46136), expressed as
fipronil (fat-soluble).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FI 0327 Banana 0.005 CXL 01 35 2003

GC 0640 Barley 0.002 (*) CXL 01 35 2003
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 0.02 CXL 01 35 2003
MO 1280 Cattle kidney 0.02 CXL 01 35 2003
MO 1281 Cattle liver 0.1 CXL 01 35 2003
MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.5 (fat) CXL 01 35 2003
ML 0812 Cattle milk 0.02 CXL 01 35 2003
PE 0112 Eggs 0.02 CXL 01 35 2003
VB 0042 Flowerhead brassicas 0.02 CXL 01 35 2003
GC 0645 Maize 0.01 CXL 01 35 2003
AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 0.1 dry wt CXL 01 35 2003
GC 0647 Oats 0.002 (*) CXL 01 35 2003
VR 0589 Potato 0.02 CXL 01 35 2003
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) CXL 01 35 2003
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.02 CXL 01 35 2003
GC 0649 Rice 0.01 CXL 01 35 2003
AS 0649 Rice straw and fodder, Dry 0.2 dry wt CXL 01 35 2003
GC 0650 Rye 0.002 (*) CXL 01 35 2003
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.2 CXL 01 35 2003
Part 1 - 208

SO 0702 Sunflower seed 0.002 (*) CXL 01 35 2003

GC 0653 Triticale 0.002 (*) CXL 01 35 2003
GC 0654 Wheat 0.002 (*) CXL 01 35 2003
Part 1 - 209

203 Spinosad
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 01, 04R
ADI 0-0.02 mg/kg body weight (2001)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 2001). ()
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and for estimation of dietary intake for plant and animal commodities: sum of spinosyn A and spinosyn D. The residue is fat-soluble, but
residues in milk should be determined in the whole milk.
Residues in milk should be measured on the whole milk.

Note The recommendations are derived from a dairy cow feeding study and the corresponding animal dietary burden. They
are extended to ‘Edible offal (Mammalian) [except cattle]’ and ‘Meat (from mammals other than marine mammals) [except cattle]’ following the policy of the 2002 JMPR. The proposed MRLs
for cattle meat (3 mg/kg, fat), cattle kidney (1 mg/kg) and cattle liver (2mg/kg), arising from the direct use of spinosad on cattle, should remain. They exceed the recommendations for
mammalian meat and offal, and so require the restriction ‘except cattle’ to the general commodity descriptions.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AM 0660 Almond hulls 2 CXL 01 35 2003

TN 0660 Almonds 0.01 (*) CXL 01 35 2003
FP 0226 Apple 0.1 CXL 01 35 2003
VB 0040 Brassica vegetables 2 CXL 01 35 2004
MO 1280 Cattle kidney 1 CXL 01 35 2003 The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.

MO 1281 Cattle liver 2 CXL 01 35 2003 The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.

MM 0812 Cattle meat 3 (fat) CXL 01 35 2003 The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.

ML 0812 Cattle milk 1 CXL 01 35,36,37 2005 The MRL accommodates external animal treatment.

FM 0812 Cattle milk fat 5 CXL 04 37 2005

VS 0624 Celery 2 CXL 01 35 2003
GC 0080 Cereal grains 1 Po CXL 04 37 2005
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 0.3 CXL 01 35 2003
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.01 (*) CXL 01 35 2003
OC 0691 Cotton seed oil, Crude 0.01 (*) CXL 01 35 2003
Part 1 - 210

OR 0691 Cotton seed oil, Edible 0.01 (*) CXL 01 35 2003

DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 1 CXL 04 37 2005
raisins and sultanas)
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.5 CXL 04 37 2005 Except cattle.
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 CXL 01 35 2003
VC 0045 Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits 0.2 CXL 01 35 2003

FB 0269 Grapes 0.5 CXL 04 37 2005

FI 0341 Kiwi 0.05 CXL 01 35 2003
VL 0053 Leafy vegetables 10 CXL 01 35 2004
VP 0060 Legume vegetables 0.3 CXL 01 35 2003
AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 5 CXL 01 35 2003
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 2 (fat) CXL 04 37 2005
than marine mammals)
VO 0051 Peppers 0.3 CXL 01 35 2003
VR 0589 Potato 0.01 (*) CXL 01 35 2003
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.2 (fat) CXL 01 35 2003
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.01 (*) CXL 01 35 2003
FS 0012 Stone fruits 0.2 CXL 01 35 2003
VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.01 (*) CXL 01 35 2003
VO 0448 Tomato 0.3 CXL 01 35 2003
CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 2 CXL 04 37 2005
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry1 CXL 01 35 2003
Part 1 - 211

204 Esfenvalerate
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 02, 04R
ADI 0-0.02 mg/kg body weight (2002)
AcuteRfD 0.02 mg/kg body weight (2002)
RESIDUE Sum of fenvalerate isomers (fat-soluble).
Note Noting that esfenvalerate and fenvalerate have the same residue definition, and that higher fenvalerate CXLs exist for cotton seed; tomato and wheat, the Committee decided to return the
MRLs for these commodities to Step 6 until fenvalerate is phased out (36-169).
The Committee decided to return the draft MRLs of cotton seed; tomato and wheat to Step 6 awaiting information on the phasing out of fenvalerate and the subsequent revocation of its CXLs
(38-124). The Committee decided to retain the draft MRLs for cotton seed; tomato; and wheat at Step 6, awaiting information on the phasing out of fenvalerate and the subsequent revocation
of its CXLs. The JMPR secretariat clarified that “phase-out” meant that the relevant compound was no longer supported in Codex; therefore the existing CXLs would be proposed for
revocation. The Committee decided to request information from Codex Members and Observers regarding the support for fenvalerate and also for metalaxyl (39-117,118,119).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.05 7 02 40 35,36,37,38,3 Returned to Step 6 until fenvalerate is phased out

PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004

PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) (fat) CXL 02 35,36 2004
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
SO 0495 Rape seed 0.01 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
VO 0448 Tomato 0.1 7 02 40 35,36,37,38,3 Returned to Step 6 until fenvalerate is phased out

GC 0654 Wheat 0.05 7 02 40 35,36,37,38,3 Returned to Step 6 until fenvalerate is phased out

AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry2 CXL 02 35,36 2004

Part 1 - 212

205 Flutolanil
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
ADI 0.09 mg/kg body weight (2002)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 2002). ()
RESIDUE For plant commodities: flutolanil. For animal commodities, flutolanil and transformation products containing the 2-trifluoromethyl-benzoic acid moiety, expressed as

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004

MO 0098 Kidney of cattle, goats, pigs 0.1 CXL 02 35,36 2004
and sheep
MO 0099 Liver of cattle, goats, pigs & 0.2 CXL 02 35,36 2004
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.05 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.05 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
CM 1206 Rice bran, Unprocessed 10 CXL 02 35,36 2004
AS 0649 Rice straw and fodder, Dry 10 CXL 02 35,36 2004
CM 0649 Rice, Husked 2 CXL 02 35,36 2004
CM 1205 Rice, Polished 1 CXL 02 35,36 2004
Part 1 - 213

206 Imidacloprid
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 01T, 02R, 06R
ADI 0-0.06 mg/kg body weight (2002, confirmed 2006)
AcuteRfD 0.4 mg/kg body weight, confirmed 2006 (2002)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake: sum of imidacloprid and its metabolites containing the 6-chloropyridinyl moiety.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 0.5 CXL 02 35,36 2004

AB 0226 Apple pomace, Dry 5 CXL 02 35,36 2004
FS 0240 Apricot 0.5 CXL 02 35,36 2004
FI 0327 Banana 0.05 CXL 02 35,36 2004
AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 1 dry wt CXL 02 35,36 2004
VP 0061 Beans, except broad bean 2 CXL 02 35,36 2004
and soya bean
VB 0400 Broccoli 0.5 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VB 0402 Brussels sprouts 0.5 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 0.5 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VB 0404 Cauliflower 0.5 CXL 02 35,36 2004
GC 0080 Cereal grains 0.05 CXL 02 35,36 2004
FS 0244 Cherry, Sweet 0.5 CXL 02 38 2006
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 1 CXL 02 35,36 2004
AB 0001 Citrus pulp, Dry 10 CXL 02 35,36 2004
FB 0265 Cranberry 0.05 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
VC 0424 Cucumber 1 CXL 0.2 35,36 2004
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.05 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VO 0440 Egg plant 0.2 CXL 02 35,36 2004
PE 0112 Eggs 0.02 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
FB 0269 Grapes 1 CXL 02 35,36 2004
Part 1 - 214

DH 1100 Hops, Dry 10 CXL 02 35,36 2004

VA 0384 Leek 0.05 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 2 CXL 02 35,36 2004
AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 0.2 dry wt CXL 02 35,36 2004
FI 0345 Mango 0.2 CXL 02 35,36 2004
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.02 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
than marine mammals)
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.2 CXL 02 35,36 2004
ML 0106 Milks 0.02 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
FS 0245 Nectarine 0.5 CXL 02 35,36 2004
AS 0647 Oat straw and fodder, Dry 1 dry wt CXL 02 35,36 2004
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.1 CXL 02 35,36 2004
FS 0247 Peach 0.5 CXL 02 35,36 2004
FP 0230 Pear 1 CXL 02 35,36 2004
TN 0672 Pecan 0.05 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VO 0051 Peppers 1 CXL 02 35,36 2004
FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 0.2 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VR 0589 Potato 0.5 CXL 02 35,36 2004
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.02 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.02 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
SO 0495 Rape seed 0.05 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
AS 0650 Rye straw and fodder, Dry 1 dry wt CXL 02 35,36 2004
VC 0431 Squash, summer 1 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.05 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.02 (*) CXL 02 35,36 2004
VO 0448 Tomato 0.5 CXL 02 35,36 2004
VC 0432 Watermelon 0.2 CXL 02 35,36 2004
CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 0.3 CXL 02 35,36 2004
CF 1211 Wheat flour 0.03 CXL 02 35,36 2004

AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry1 CXL 02 35,36 2004

Part 1 - 216

207 Cyprodinil
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
ADI 0-0.03 mg/kg body weight (2003)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 2003) ()
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and for estimation of dietary intake for plant and animal commodities: cyprodinil. The residue is fat soluble.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AM 0660 Almond hulls 0.05 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005

TN 0660 Almonds 0.02 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005
FP 0226 Apple 0.05 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005
GC 0640 Barley 3 CXL 03 36,37 2005
VP 0061 Beans, except broad bean 0.5 CXL 03 36,37 2005
and soya bean
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.2 CXL 03 36,37 2005
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 5 CXL 03 36,37 2005
raisins and sultanas)
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005
VO 0440 Egg plant 0.2 CXL 03 36,37 2005
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005
FB 0269 Grapes 3 CXL 03 36,37 2005
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 10 CXL 03 36,37 2005
VL 0483 Lettuce, Leaf 10 CXL 03 36,37 2005
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.01 (*) (fat) CXL 03 36,37 2005
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.0004 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005 The MRL is calculated as 4% of the LOQ for milk fat
(0.01 mg/kg). Milk fat is the fraction of the milk that is
analyzed (JMPR 2003). The MRL is calculated as
4% of the LOQ for milk fat (0.01 mg/kg). Milk fat is
the fraction of the milk that is analyzed.
Part 1 - 217

VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.3 CXL 03 36,37 2005

FP 0230 Pear 1 CXL 03 36,37 2005
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 0.5 CXL 03 36,37 2005
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) (fat) CXL 03 36,37 2005
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005
DF 0014 Prunes 5 CXL 03 36,37 2005
FB 0272 Raspberries, Red, Black 0.5 CXL 03 36,37 2005
VC 0431 Squash, summer 0.2 CXL 03 36,37 2005
FS 0012 Stone fruits 2 CXL 03 36,37 2005
AS 0081 Straw and fodder (dry) of 10 CXL 03 36,37 2005
cereal grains
FB 0275 Strawberry 2 CXL 03 36,37 2005
VO 0448 Tomato 0.5 CXL 03 36,37 2005
GC 0654 Wheat 0.5 CXL 03 36,37 2005
CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 2 CXL 03 36,37 2005
Part 1 - 218

208 Famoxadone
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
ADI 0-0.006 mg/kg body weight (2003)
AcuteRfD 0.6 mg/kg body weight (2003)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and for estimation of dietary intake for plant and animal commodities: famoxadone. The residue is fat soluble.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

GC 0640 Barley 0.2 CXL 03 36,37 2005

AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 5 CXL 03 36,37 2005
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.2 CXL 03 36,37 2005
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 5 CXL 03 36,37 2005
raisins and sultanas)
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.5 CXL 03 36,37 2005
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005 Animal commodity, no residues expected from
consumption of feed commodities with famoxadone
as evaluated by JMPR.

AB 0269 Grape pomace, Dry 7 CXL 03 36,37 2005

FB 0269 Grapes 2 CXL 03 36,37 2005
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.5 (fat) CXL 03 36,37 2005
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.03 (F) CXL 03 36,37 2005
VR 0589 Potato 0.02 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005 Animal commodity, no residues expected from
consumption of feed commodities with famoxadone
as evaluated by JMPR.

PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005 Animal commodity, no residues expected from
consumption of feed commodities with famoxadone
as evaluated by JMPR.

VC 0431 Squash, summer 0.2 CXL 03 36,37 2005

VO 0448 Tomato 2 CXL 03 36,37 2005
Part 1 - 219

GC 0654 Wheat 0.1 CXL 03 36,37 2005

CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 0.2 CXL 03 36,37 2005
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry7 CXL 03 36,37 2005
Part 1 - 220

209 Methoxyfenozide
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 03, 06R
ADI 0-0.1 mg/kg body weight (2003, confirmed 2006)
AcuteRfD 0.9 mg/kg body weight, confirmed 2006 (2003)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and for estimation of dietary intake for plant and animal commodities: methoxyfenozide.
Note 1. No residues are expected in animal commodities from consumption of feed commodities with cyprodinil residues as evaluated by JMPR.
2. The information provided to the JMPR precludes an estimation that the dietary intake would be below the acute intake RfD for children.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AM 0660 Almond hulls 50 CXL 03 36,37 2005

AB 0226 Apple pomace, Dry 7 CXL 03 36,37 2005
VB 0400 Broccoli 3 CXL 03 36,37 2005
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 7 CXL 03 36,37 2005
VS 0624 Celery 15 CXL 03 36,37 2005
SO 0691 Cotton seed 7 CXL 03 36,37 2005
FB 0265 Cranberry 0.7 CXL 06 39 2007
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 3 CXL 03 36,37 2005
raisins and sultanas)
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.02 CXL 03 36,37 2005
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 CXL 03 36,37 2005
FB 0269 Grapes 1 CXL 03 36,37 2005
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 15 CXL 03 36,37 2005
VL 0483 Lettuce, Leaf 30 CXL 03 36,37 2005
GC 0645 Maize 0.02 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005
AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 60 CXL 03 36,37 2005
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (fat) CXL 03 36,37 2005
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 CXL 03 36,37 2005
VL 0485 Mustard greens 30 CXL 03 36,37 2005
Part 1 - 221

VO 0051 Peppers 2 CXL 03 36,37 2005

FP 0009 Pome fruits 2 CXL 03 36,37 2005
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005 Animal commodity, no residues expected from
consumption of feed commodities with
metoxyfenozide residues as evaluated by the JMPR.

PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005 Animal commodity, no residues expected from
consumption of feed commodities with
metoxyfenozide residues as evaluated by the JMPR.

DF 0014 Prunes 2 CXL 03 36,37 2005

FS 0012 Stone fruits 2 CXL 03 36,37 2005
VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.02 (*) CXL 03 36,37 2005
VO 0448 Tomato 2 CXL 03 36,37 2005
TN 0085 Tree nuts 0.1 CXL 03 36,37 2005
Part 1 - 222

210 Pyraclostrobin
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 03T, 04R, 06R
ADI 0-0.03 mg/kg body weight 2003
AcuteRfD 0.05 mg/kg body weight. Confirmed 2006. (2003)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and for dietary intake estimation: pyraclostrobin.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AM 0660 Almond hulls 2 CXL 04 38 37 2006

TN 0660 Almonds 0.02 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
FP 0226 Apple 0.5 CXL 06 39 2007
FI 0327 Banana 0.02 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
GC 0640 Barley 0.5 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VD 0071 Beans (dry) 0.2 CXL 04 38 37 2006
FB 0020 Blueberries 1 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VB 0402 Brussels sprouts 0.3 CXL 06 39 2007
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 0.2 CXL 06 39 2007
VC 4199 Cantaloupe 0.2 CXL 06 39 2007
VR 0577 Carrot 0.5 CXL 04 38 37 2006
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 1 CXL 04 38 37 2006
SB 0716 Coffee beans 0.3 CXL 06 39 2007
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.5 CXL 06 39 2007
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 5 CXL 04 38 37 2006
raisins and sultanas)
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.05 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
VO 0440 Egg plant 0.3 CXL 06 39 2007
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
VB 0042 Flowerhead brassicas 0.1 CXL 06 39 2007
VA 0381 Garlic 0.05 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
Part 1 - 223

FB 0269 Grapes 2 CXL 04 38 37 2006 EC: acute intake concern (37-172)

DH 1100 Hops, Dry 15 CXL 06 39 2007
VL 0480 Kale 1 CXL 06 39 2007
VA 0384 Leek 0.7 CXL 06 39 2007
VD 0533 Lentil (dry) 0.5 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 2 CXL 06 39 2007
GC 0645 Maize 0.02 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
FI 0345 Mango 0.05 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.5 (fat) CXL 04 38 37 2006
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.03 CXL 04 38 37 2006
GC 0647 Oats 0.5 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.2 CXL 04 38 37 2006
FI 0350 Papaya 0.05 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
AL 0072 Pea hay or pea fodder (dry) 30 CXL 04 38 37 2006
AL 0697 Peanut fodder 50 CXL 04 38 37 2006
SO 0703 Peanut, whole 0.02 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
VD 0072 Peas (dry) 0.3 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VP 0063 Peas (pods and 0.02 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
succulent=immature seeds)
TN 0672 Pecan 0.02 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
VO 0051 Peppers 0.5 CXL 06 39 2007
TN 0675 Pistachio nuts 1 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VR 0589 Potato 0.02 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.05 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.05 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
VR 0494 Radish 0.5 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VL 0494 Radish leaves (including 20 CXL 04 38 37 2006
radish tops)
FB 0272 Raspberries, Red, Black 2 CXL 06 39 2007
Part 1 - 224

VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.05 CXL 06 39 2007

GC 4673 Spelt 0.2 CXL 06 39 2007
VC 0431 Squash, summer 0.3 CXL 04 38 37 2006
FS 0012 Stone fruits 1 CXL 06 39 2007
AS 0081 Straw and fodder (dry) of 30 CXL 04 38 37 2006
cereal grains
FB 0275 Strawberry 0.5 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.2 CXL 04 38 37 2006
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 0.3 CXL 06 39 2007
VO 0448 Tomato 0.3 CXL 04 38 37 2006
GC 0654 Wheat 0.2 CXL 04 38 37 2006
Part 1 - 225

211 Fludioxonil
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 04,06R
ADI 0-0.4 mg/kg body weight 2004
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 2006). ()
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake in plant commodities: fludioxonil. Residue for compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake in
livestock commodities: fludioxonil and metabolites determined as 2,2-difluoro-1,3-benzodioxole-4-carboxylic acid and calculated as fludioxonil. Fludioxonil is fat-

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AB 0226 Apple pomace, Dry 20 CXL 06 39 2007

HH 0722 Basil 10 CXL 04 38 37 2006
DH 0722 Basil, dry 50 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VD 0071 Beans (dry) 0.07 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VP 0061 Beans, except broad bean 0.3 CXL 04 38 37 2006
and soya bean
VP 0062 Beans, Shelled 0.03 CXL 04 38 37 2006
FB 0264 Blackberries 5 CXL 04 38 37 2006
FB 0020 Blueberries 2 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VB 0400 Broccoli 0.7 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 2 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VR 0577 Carrot 0.7 CXL 04 38 37 2006
GC 0080 Cereal grains 0.05 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
HH 0727 Chives 10 CXL 04 38 37 2006
DH 0727 Chives, dry 50 CXL 04 38 37 2006
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 7 CXL 04 38 37 2006
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.05 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.3 CXL 04 38 37 2006
FB 0266 Dewberries (including 5 CXL 04 38 37 2006
boysenberry and loganberry)
Part 1 - 226

MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.05 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006

VO 0440 Egg plant 0.3 CXL 04 38 37 2006
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
FB 0269 Grapes 2 CXL 04 38 37 2006
FI 0341 Kiwi 15 Po CXL 04 38 37 2006
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 10 CXL 04 38 37 2006
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.01 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
than marine mammals)
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.03 CXL 04 38 37 2006
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VL 0485 Mustard greens 10 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.5 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VA 0389 Onion, Spring (green) 5 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VD 0072 Peas (dry) 0.07 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VP 0063 Peas (pods and 0.3 CXL 04 38 37 2006
succulent=immature seeds)
VP 0064 Peas, Shelled (succulent 0.03 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 1 CXL 04 38 37 2006
TN 0675 Pistachio nuts 0.2 CXL 04 38 37 2006
FP 0009 Pome fruits 5 Po CXL 06 39 2007
VR 0589 Potato 0.02 CXL 04 38 37 2006
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.05 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
SO 0495 Rape seed 0.02 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
FB 0272 Raspberries, Red, Black 5 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VC 0431 Squash, summer 0.3 CXL 04 38 37 2006
FS 0012 Stone fruits 5 Po CXL 04 38 37 2006
AS 0081 Straw and fodder (dry) of 0.06 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
cereal grains
Part 1 - 227

FB 0275 Strawberry 3 CXL 04 38 37 2006

VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.01 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
VO 0448 Tomato 0.5 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VL 0473 Watercress 10 CXL 04 38 37 2006
Part 1 - 228

212 Metalaxyl-M
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
ADI 0-0.08 mg/kg body weight (2004) for metalaxyl-M + metalaxyl
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 2004). ()
RESIDUE Residue (of metalaxyl including metalaxyl-M) for compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake in plant commodities: metalaxyl. Residue (of metalaxyl
including metalaxyl-M) for comliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake in animal commodities: sum of metalaxyl and metabolites containing the 2,6-
dimethylaniline moiety, expressed as metalaxyl.

Note JMPR 2004: No new MRLs are recommended because all MRLs required for metalaxyl-M are covered by existing MRLs for Metalaxyl. The values listed in the "New" column (see JMPR 2004)
are the estimated maximum residue levels for metalaxyl-M and, because they do not exceed the existing metalaxyl MRLs, are not intended to replace them
Metalaxyl is a racemic mixture of エ- and (S)- enantiomers. Metalaxyl-M is the エ- enantiomer.
No MRLs are currently recommended for animal commodities. The Committee decided to return all draft MRLs to Step 6 and to consider revocation of all CXLs for metalaxyl in two years time
(38-130). The Committee decided to return all MRLs to Step 6 awaiting phasing out of metalaxyl (138) and to request information on support for metalaxyl CXLs. The Delegation of Thailand
informed the Committee that metalaxyl was used in Thailand and that the phase-out of metalaxyl would cause trade problems (39-126).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

FP 0226 Apple 0.02 (*) 7 04 40 37,38,39

SB 0715 Cacao beans 0.02 7 04 40 37,38,39
FB 0269 Grapes 1 7 04 40 37,38,39
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 0.5 7 04 40 37,38,39
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.03 7 04 40 37,38,39
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 0.5 7 04 40 37,38,39
VR 0589 Potato 0.02 (*) 7 04 40 37,38,39
VL 0502 Spinach 0.1 7 04 40 37,38,39
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 0.02 (*) 7 04 40 37,38,39
VO 0448 Tomato 0.2 7 04 40 37,38,39
Part 1 - 229

213 Trifloxystrobin
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
ADI 0-0.04 mg/kg body weight (2004)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 2004). ()
RESIDUE In plant commodities for compliance with MRLs: trifloxystrobin; for estimation of dietary intake: sum of trifloxystrobin and [(E,E)-methoxyimino-{2-[1-(3-
trifluoromethylphenyl)ethylideneaminooxymethyl]phenyl}acetic acid] (CGA 321113), expressed as trifloxystrobin. Residue in animal commodities for compliance with
MRLs and estimation of dietary intake: sum of trifloxystrobin and [(E,E)-methoxyimino-{2-[1-(3-trifluoromethylphenyl)ethylideneamino-oxymethyl]phenyl}acetic acid]
(CGA 321113), expressed as trifloxystrobin. The residue is fat-soluble.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AM 0660 Almond hulls 3 dry wt CXL 04 38 37 2006

FI 0327 Banana 0.05 CXL 04 38 37 2006
GC 0640 Barley 0.5 CXL 04 38 37 2006
AS 0640 Barley straw and fodder, Dry 7 dry wt CXL 04 38 37 2006
VB 0402 Brussels sprouts 0.1 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 0.5 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VR 0577 Carrot 0.1 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VS 0624 Celery 1 CXL 04 38 37 2006
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 0.5 CXL 04 38 37 2006 STMR, STMR-P based on whole fruit residue data
AB 0001 Citrus pulp, Dry 1 dry wt CXL 04 38 37 2006
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 5 CXL 04 38 37 2006
raisins and sultanas)
PE 0112 Eggs 0.04 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
VB 0042 Flowerhead brassicas 0.5 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VC 0045 Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits 0.3 CXL 04 38 37 2006

FB 0269 Grapes 3 CXL 04 38 37 2006

DH 1100 Hops, Dry 40 CXL 04 38 37 2006
Part 1 - 230

MO 0098 Kidney of cattle, goats, pigs 0.04 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006

and sheep
VA 0384 Leek 0.7 CXL 04 38 37 2006
MO 0099 Liver of cattle, goats, pigs & 0.05 CXL 04 38 37 2006
GC 0645 Maize 0.02 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 10 dry wt CXL 04 38 37 2006
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (fat) CXL 04 38 37 2006
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.02 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
SO 0697 Peanut 0.02 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
AL 0697 Peanut fodder 5 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 0.3 CXL 04 38 37 2006
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.7 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VR 0589 Potato 0.02 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.04 (*) (fat) CXL 04 38 37 2006
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.04 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
GC 0649 Rice 5 CXL 04 38 37 2006
CM 1206 Rice bran, Unprocessed 7 dry wt CXL 04 38 37 2006
AS 0649 Rice straw and fodder, Dry 10 dry wt CXL 04 38 37 2006
FS 0012 Stone fruits 3 CXL 04 38 37 2006
FB 0275 Strawberry 0.2 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.05 CXL 04 38 37 2006
DM 0596 Sugar beet molasses 0.1 dry wt CXL 04 38 37 2006
AB 0596 Sugar beet pulp, Dry 0.2 CXL 04 38 37 2006
VO 0448 Tomato 0.7 CXL 04 38 37 2006
TN 0085 Tree nuts 0.02 (*) CXL 04 38 37 2006
GC 0654 Wheat 0.2 CXL 04 38 37 2006
CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 0.5 dry wt CXL 04 38 37 2006
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry5 dry wt CXL 04 38 37 2006
Part 1 - 231

214 Dimethenamid-P
Main Uses 7 Herbicide
ADI 0-0.07 mg/kg body weight The ADI and the ARfD apply to dimethenamid-P and the racemic dimethenamid (JMPR 2005).
AcuteRfD 0.5 mg/kg body weight (2005)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and for estimation of dietary intake: dimethenamid-P and its enantiomer. This definition applies to both plant and animal commodities. The
residue definition could apply to residues arising from the use of either dimethenamid-P or dimethanamid.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AL 0061 Bean fodder 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006

VD 0071 Beans (dry) 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
VR 0574 Beetroot 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
AM 1051 Fodder beet 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
VA 0381 Garlic 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
GC 0645 Maize 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
SO 0697 Peanut 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
AL 0697 Peanut fodder 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
VR 0589 Potato 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
VA 0388 Shallot 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
GC 0651 Sorghum 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
AS 0651 Sorghum straw and fodder, 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
Part 1 - 232

VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006

VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
VR 0508 Sweet potato 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
Part 1 - 233

215 Fenhexamid
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
ADI 0-0.2 mg/kg body weight (2005)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary( JMPR 2005) ()
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and for estimation of dietary intake in plant and animal commodities: fenhexamid.
The residue is fat-soluble.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AM 0660 Almond hulls 2 CXL 05 38 2006

TN 0660 Almonds 0.02 (*) dry wt CXL 05 38 2006
FS 0240 Apricot 10 CXL 05 38 2006
FB 0261 Bilberry 5 CXL 05 38 2006
FB 0264 Blackberries 15 CXL 05 38 2006
FB 0020 Blueberries 5 CXL 05 38 2006
FS 0013 Cherries 7 CXL 05 38 2006
VC 0424 Cucumber 1 CXL 05 38 2006
FB 0021 Currants, Black, Red, White 5 CXL 05 38 2006
FB 0266 Dewberries (including 15 CXL 05 38 2006
boysenberry and loganberry)
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 25 CXL 05 38 2006
raisins and sultanas)
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.05 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
VO 0440 Egg plant 2 CXL 05 38 2006
FB 0267 Elderberry 5 CXL 05 38 2006
VC 0425 Gherkin 1 CXL 05 38 2006
FB 0268 Gooseberry 5 CXL 05 38 2006
FB 0269 Grapes 15 CXL 05 38 2006
FB 0270 Juneberry 5 CXL 05 38 2006
FI 0341 Kiwi 15 CXL 05 38 2006
Part 1 - 234

VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 30 CXL 05 38 2006

VL 0483 Lettuce, Leaf 30 CXL 05 38 2006
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) fat CXL 05 38 2006
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) F CXL 05 38 2006
FS 0245 Nectarine 10 CXL 05 38 2006
FS 0247 Peach 10 CXL 05 38 2006
VO 0051 Peppers 2 CXL 05 38 2006
FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 1 CXL 05 38 2006
FB 0272 Raspberries, Red, Black 15 CXL 05 38 2006
VC 0431 Squash, summer 1 CXL 05 38 2006
FB 0275 Strawberry 10 CXL 05 38 2006
VO 0448 Tomato 2 CXL 05 38 2006
Part 1 - 235

216 Indoxacarb
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
JMPR 05, 07R
ADI 0-0.01 mg/kg body weight The ADI and ARfD applies to indoxacarb (S-enantiomer) and it’s R-enantiomer ( 2005).
AcuteRfD 0.1 mg/kg body weight (2005)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake for plant commodities: sum of indoxacarb
For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake for animal commodities: sum of indoxacarb, its R enantiomer and methyl 7-chloro-2,5-dihydro-2-[[[4-
(trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]amino]carbonyl]indeno[1,2-e][1,3,4]oxadiazine-4a(3H)- carboxylate, expressed as indoxacarb.
The residue is fat soluble.

Note Indoxacarb is a fat-soluble compound. Previously, the milk MRL would have been marked with an "F" to indicate a procedure for calculating “MRLs” for processed dairy products. Currently,
indoxacarb MRLs for milk and milk fat are available to support “MRLs” for processed dairy products (2005). CCPR 38: The Committee decided to advance the proposed draft MRLs for
cabbages, head; lettuce, leaf; milk fats and milks to Step 5 noting the acute intake concerns for children aged ≤ 6 years expressed by EC (38-135). The Committee decided to return the MRL
for cabbages, head to Step 6 due to short-term intake concerns and noted that indoxacarb has been scheduled for evaluation by 2007 JMPR (alternative GAPs) (39-127).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AL 1020 Alfalfa fodder 60 CXL 05 38 2006

FP 0226 Apple 0.5 CXL 05 38 2006
VB 0400 Broccoli 0.2 CXL 05 38 2006
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 3 7 05 40 38,39 The information provided to he 2005 JMPR
precluded that the dietary intake would be below the
ARfD for children aged ≤ 6 years.

VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 3 4 05 40 From 2005 JMPR.

VB 0404 Cauliflower 0.2 CXL 05 38 2006
VD 0524 Chick-pea (dry) 0.2 CXL 05 38 2006
AM 0691 Cotton fodder, dry 20 CXL 05 38 2006
SO 0691 Cotton seed 1 CXL 05 38 2006
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.2 CXL 05 38 2006
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 5 CXL 05 38 2006
raisins and sultanas)
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.05 CXL 05 38 2006
VO 0440 Egg plant 0.5 CXL 05 38 2006
Part 1 - 236

PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006

FB 0269 Grapes 2 CXL 05 38 2006
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 7 CXL 05 38 2006
VL 0483 Lettuce, Leaf 15 CXL 05 38,39 2007
AS 0645 Maize fodder (dry) 25 CXL 05 38 2006
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 1 (fat) CXL 05 38 2006
than marine mammals)
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.1 CXL 05 38 2006
FM 0183 Milk fats 2 CXL 05 38,39 2007
ML 0106 Milks 0.1 CXL 05 38,39 2007 Indoxacarb is a fat-soluble compound. Previously,
the milk MRL would have been marked with an "F" to
indicate a procedure for calculating “MRLs” for
processed dairy products. Currently, indoxacarb
MRLs for milk and milk fat are available to support
“MRLs” for processed dairy products.

VD 0536 Mung bean (dry) 0.2 CXL 05 38 2006

FS 0247 Peach 0.3 CXL 05 38 2006
SO 0697 Peanut 0.02 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
AL 0697 Peanut fodder 50 CXL 05 38 2006
FP 0230 Pear 0.2 CXL 05 38 2006
VO 0051 Peppers 0.3 CXL 05 38 2006
VR 0589 Potato 0.02 CXL 05 38 2006
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) (fat) CXL 05 38 2006
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.5 CXL 05 38 2006
VO 0447 Sweet corn (corn-on-the- 0.02 CXL 05 38 2006
VO 0448 Tomato 0.5 CXL 05 38 2006
Part 1 - 237

217 Novaluron
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
ADI 0-0.01 mg/kg body weight (2005)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 2005) ()
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and for estimation of dietary intake in plant and animal commodities: novaluron. The residue is fat soluble.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AB 0226 Apple pomace, Dry 40 CXL 05 38 2006

SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.5 CXL 05 38 2006
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.7 CXL 05 38 2006
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 10 (fat) CXL 05 38 2006
than marine mammals)
FM 0183 Milk fats 7 CXL 05 38 2006
ML 0106 Milks 0.4 CXL 05 38 2006
FP 0009 Pome fruits 3 CXL 05 38 2006
VR 0589 Potato 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) (fat) CXL 05 38 2006
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
VP 0541 Soya bean (immature 0.01 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
VO 0448 Tomato 0.02 (*) CXL 05 38 2006
Part 1 - 238

218 Sulfuryl fluoride

Main Uses 4 Fumigant
ADI 0-0.01 mg/kg body weight (2005)
AcuteRfD 0.3 mg/kg body weight (2005)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs in plant commodities: sulfuryl fluoride. For the estimation of dietary intake from plant commodities: sulfuryl fluoride and fluoride ion,
measured separately. Note: Residues resulting from sulfuryl fluoride fumigation of foodstuffs are primarily fluoride. The dietary risk assessment for fluoride from
fumigant use needs to be considered in light of the overall exposure to fluoride from other sources.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

CM 0081 Bran, Unprocessed of cereal 0.1 Po CXL 05 38 2006

grain (except buckwheat,
caエhua and quinoa)

CF 0081 Cereal bran, Processed 0.1 Po CXL 05 38 2006

GC 0080 Cereal grains 0.05 Po CXL 05 38 2006
DF 0167 Dried fruits 0.06 Po CXL 05 38 2006
CF 1255 Maize flour 0.1 Po CXL 05 38 2006
CF 0645 Maize meal 0.1 Po CXL 05 38 2006
CM 0649 Rice, Husked 0.1 Po CXL 05 38 2006
CM 1205 Rice, Polished 0.1 Po CXL 05 38 2006
CF 1250 Rye flour 0.1 Po CXL 05 38 2006
CF 1251 Rye wholemeal 0.1 Po CXL 05 38 2006
TN 0085 Tree nuts 3 Po CXL 05 38 2006
CF 1211 Wheat flour 0.1 Po CXL 05 38 2006
CF 1210 Wheat germ 0.1 Po CXL 05 38 2006
CF 1212 Wheat wholemeal 0.1 Po CXL 05 38 2006
Part 1 - 239

219 Bifenazate
Main Uses 1 Acaricide
JMPR 06, 07R
ADI 0-0.01 mg/kg body weight (2006)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 2006). ()
RESIDUE For compliance with the MRL and for estimation of dietary intake: sum of bifenazate and bifenazatediazene (diazenecarboxylic acid, 2-(4-methoxy-[1,1'-biphenyl-3-yl]
1-methylethyl ester), expressed as bifenazate. The residue is fat soluble.
Note Bifenazate is a fat-soluble compound. Previously, the milk MRL would have been marked with an F to indicate a procedure for calculating “MRLs” for processed dairy products. Currently,
bifenazate MRLs for milk and milk fat are available to support “MRLs” for processed dairy products (JMPR 2006).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AM 0660 Almond hulls 10 CXL 06 2007

SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.3 CXL 06 39 2007
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 2 CXL 06 39 2007
raisins and sultanas)
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.01 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
VC 0045 Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits 0.5 CXL 06 39 2007

FB 0269 Grapes 0.7 CXL 06 39 2007

DH 1100 Hops, Dry 20 CXL 06 39 2007
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (fat) 7 06 40 39 Committee asked JMPR to address the US concern
than marine mammals) relating to the animal dietary burden (39-129).

MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (fat) 4 07 40

than marine mammals)
FM 0183 Milk fats 0.05 CXL 06 39 2007
Part 1 - 240

ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) CXL 06 39 2007 Indoxacarb is a fat-soluble compound. Previously, the
milk MRL would have been marked with an "F" to
indicate a procedure for calculating “MRLs” for
processed dairy products. Currently, indoxacarb
MRLs for milk and milk fat are available to support
“MRLs” for processed dairy products (JMPR 2006).

HH 0738 Mint top 40 CXL 06 39

VO 0444 Peppers, Chili 3 CXL 06 39 2007
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 2 CXL 06 39 2007
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.7 CXL 06 39 2007
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) (fat) CXL 06 39 2007
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
FS 0012 Stone fruits 2 CXL 06 39 2007
FB 0275 Strawberry 2 CXL 06 39 2007
VO 0448 Tomato 0.5 CXL 06 39 2007
TN 0085 Tree nuts 0.2 CXL 06 39 2007
Part 1 - 241

220 Aminopyralid
Main Uses 7 Herbicide
JMPR 06, 07
ADI 0-0.9 mg/kg body weight (2007)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary(JMPR 2007) (2007)
RESIDUE For compliance with the MRL and for estimation of dietary intake: aminopyralid and its conjugates that can be hydrolysed, expressed as aminopyralid.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

GC 0640 Barley 0.1 4 07 40

MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.05 4 07 40 Except kidney
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) 4 07 40
AS 0162 Hay or fodder (dry) of grasses 70 4 07 40

AS 0162 Hay or fodder (dry) of grasses 3 4 07 40

MO 0098 Kidney of cattle, goats, pigs 1 4 07 40

and sheep
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.1 4 07 40
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.02 4 07 40
GC 0647 Oats 0.1 4 07 40
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) 4 07 40
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) 4 07 40
AS 0081 Straw and fodder (dry) of 0.3 4 07 40
cereal grains
GC 0653 Triticale 0.1 4 07 40
GC 0654 Wheat 0.1 4 07 40
CM 0654 Wheat bran, Unprocessed 0.3 4 07 40
Part 1 - 242

221 Boscalid
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
ADI 0-0.04 mg/kg body weight
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 2006). ()
RESIDUE For compliance with the MRL for plant and animal commodities and for estimation of dietary intake for plant commodities: boscalid. For estimation of dietary intake for
animal commodities: sum of boscalid, 2-chloro-N-(4’-chloro-5-hydroxybiphenyl-2-yl)nicotinamide including its conjugate, expressed as boscalid. The residue is fat

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AM 0660 Almond hulls 15 CXL 06 39 2007

FP 0226 Apple 2 CXL 06 39 2007
FI 0327 Banana 0.2 CXL 06 39 2007
FB 0018 Berries and other small fruits10 CXL 06 39 2007 Except strawberry and grapes
SB 0716 Coffee beans 0.05 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 10 CXL 06 39 2007
raisins and sultanas)
FB 0269 Grapes 5 CXL 06 39 2007
TN 0675 Pistachio nuts 1 CXL 06 39 2007
FS 0012 Stone fruits 3 CXL 06 39 2007
TN 0085 Tree nuts 0.05 (*) CXL 06 39 2007 Except pistachio
Part 1 - 243

222 Quinoxyfen
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 06, 07R
ADI 0-0.2 mg/kg body weight (2006)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (JMPR 2006). ()
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake: quinoxyfen.
The residue is fat soluble.
Note The Committee decided to advance the MRL for meat (from mammals other than marine mammals) at Step 5 only due to concerns of Australia that the use of the dairy cattle animal burden
instead of the beef cattle animal burden would lead to higher MRL for meat. The Committee noted that Australia would submit the concern form for meat. The Committee also noted that the
JMPR would re-evaluate the animal dietary burden for quinoxyfen at its 2007 meeting (39-133,134).

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

GC 0640 Barley 0.01 (*) CXL 06 39 2007

FS 0013 Cherries 0.4 CXL 06 39 2007
FB 0278 Currant, Black 1 CXL 06 39 2007
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.01 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
FB 0269 Grapes 2 CXL 06 39 2007
DH 1100 Hops, Dry 1 CXL 06 39 2007
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 8 CXL 06 39 2007
VL 0483 Lettuce, Leaf 20 CXL 06 39 2007
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.02 (fat) 7 06 40 39
than marine mammals)
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.2 (fat) 4 07 40
than marine mammals)
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.1 CXL 06 39 2007
FM 0183 Milk fats 0.2 CXL 06 39 2007
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 CXL 06 39 2007
VO 0051 Peppers 1 CXL 06 39 2007
VO 0444 Peppers, Chili 10 CXL 06 39 2007
Part 1 - 244

PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.02 (fat) CXL 06 39 2007

PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 CXL 06 39 2007
FB 0275 Strawberry 1 CXL 06 39 2007
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.03 CXL 06 39 2007
GC 0654 Wheat 0.01 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
Part 1 - 245

223 Thiacloprid
Main Uses 8 Insecticide
ADI 0-0.01 mg/kg body weight (2006)
AcuteRfD 0.03 mg/kg body weight (2006)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake in plant and animals commodities: thiacloprid. The residue is not fat soluble.
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AM 0660 Almond hulls 10 CXL 06 39 2007

FB 0018 Berries and other small fruits1 CXL 06 39 2007 Except grapes
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.02 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.3 CXL 06 39 2007
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.5 CXL 06 39 2007
VO 0440 Egg plant 0.7 CXL 06 39 2007
PE 0112 Eggs 0.02 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
FI 0341 Kiwi 0.2 CXL 06 39 2007
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.1 CXL 06 39 2007
than marine mammals)
VC 0046 Melons, except watermelon 0.2 CXL 06 39 2007
ML 0106 Milks 0.05 CXL 06 39 2007
SO 0485 Mustard seed 0.5 CXL 06 39 2007
VO 0445 Peppers, Sweet 1 CXL 06 39 2007
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.7 CXL 06 39 2007
VR 0589 Potato 0.02 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.02 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.02 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
SO 0495 Rape seed 0.5 CXL 06 39 2007
GC 0649 Rice 0.02 (*) CXL 06 39 2007
FS 0012 Stone fruits 0.5 CXL 06 39 2007
Part 1 - 246

VO 0448 Tomato 0.5 CXL 06 39 2007

TN 0085 Tree nuts 0.02 CXL 06 39 2007
VC 0432 Watermelon 0.2 CXL 06 39 2007
GC 0654 Wheat 0.1 CXL 06 39 2007
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry5 CXL 06 39 2007
Part 1 - 247

224 Difenoconazole
Main Uses 5 fungicide
ADI 0-0.01 mg/kg body weight (2007)
AcuteRfD 0.3 mg/kg body weight (2007)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake for plant commodities: difenoconazole
For compliance with MRLs for animal commodities: sum of difenoconazole and 1-[2-chloro-4-(4-chloro-phenoxy)-phenyl]-2-(1,2,4-triazol)-1-yl-ethano), expressed as
The residue is fat soluble

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VS 0621 Asparagus 0.03 4 07 40

FI 0327 Banana 0.1 4 07 40
VB 0400 Broccoli 0.5 4 07 40
VB 0402 Brussels sprouts 0.2 4 07 40
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 0.2 4 07 40
VR 0577 Carrot 0.2 4 07 40
VB 0404 Cauliflower 0.2 4 07 40
VR 0578 Celeriac 0.5 4 07 40
VS 0624 Celery 3 4 07 40
FS 0013 Cherries 0.2 4 07 40
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.2 4 07 40
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) 4 07 40
VA 0381 Garlic 0.02 (*) 4 07 40
FB 0269 Grapes 0.1 4 07 40
VA 0384 Leek 0.3 4 07 40
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 2 4 07 40
VL 0483 Lettuce, Leaf 2 4 07 40
FI 0345 Mango 0.07 4 07 40
Part 1 - 248

MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (fat) 4 07 40

than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.005 (*) 4 07 40
FS 0245 Nectarine 0.5 4 07 40
FT 0305 Olives 2 4 07 40
FI 0350 Papaya 0.2 4 07 40
FS 0247 Peach 0.5 4 07 40
FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 0.2 4 07 40
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.5 4 07 40
VR 0589 Potato 0.02 4 07 40
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) (fat) 4 07 40
PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) 4 07 40
SO 0495 Rape seed 0.05 4 07 40
VD 0541 Soya bean (dry) 0.02 (*) 4 07 40
VR 0596 Sugar beet 0.2 4 07 40
SO 0702 Sunflower seed 0.02 4 07 40
VO 0448 Tomato 0.5 4 07 40
GC 0654 Wheat 0.02 (*) 4 07 40
AS 0654 Wheat straw and fodder, Dry3 4 07 40
Part 1 - 249

225 Dimethomorph
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
ADI 0-0.1 mg/kg body weight (2007)
AcuteRfD 0.6 mg/kg body weight (2007)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake: dimethomorph (sum of isomers)
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VB 0400 Broccoli 1 4 07 40
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 2 4 07 40
HS 0444 Chilli peppers. dried 5 4 07 40
VL 0470 Corn salad 10 4 07 40
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 5 4 07 40
raisins and sultanas)
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.01 (*) 4 07 40
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 (*) 4 07 40
VO 0050 Fruiting vegetables other 1 4 07 40 Except fungi, edible; mushrooms; sweet corn (corn-
than cucurbits on-the-cob); sweet corn (kernels)

VC 0045 Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits 0.5 4 07 40

FB 0269 Grapes 2 4 07 40
DH 1100 Hops, Dry 80 4 07 40
VB 0405 Kohlrabi 0.02 4 07 40
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 10 4 07 40
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.01 (*) 4 07 40
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 (*) 4 07 40
FI 0353 Pineapple 0.01 (*) 4 07 40
VR 0589 Potato 0.05 4 07 40
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 (*) 4 07 40

PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of 0.01 (*) 4 07 40

FB 0275 Strawberry 0.05 4 07 40
Part 1 - 251

226 Pyrimethanil
Main Uses 5 fungicide
ADI 0-0.2 mg/kg body weight (2007)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary (2007)
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake for plant commodities: pyrimethanil
For compliance with MRLs for milk: the sum of pyrimethanil and 2-anilino-4,6-dimethylpyrimidin-5-ol, expressed as pyrimethanil, and for livestock tissues (excluding
poultry) is the sum of pyrimethanil and 2-(4-hydroxyanilino)-4,6-dimethylpyrimidine, expressed as pyrimethanil.

Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

AM 0660 Almond hulls 12 4 07 40

TN 0660 Almonds 0.2 4 07 40
AB 0226 Apple pomace, Dry 40 4 07 40
FS 0240 Apricot 3 4 07 40
FI 0327 Banana 0.1 4 07 40
VR 0577 Carrot 1 4 07 40
FS 0013 Cherries 4 Po 4 07 40
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 7 Po 4 07 40
AB 0001 Citrus pulp, Dry 3 4 07 40
VP 0526 Common bean (pods and/or 3 4 07 40
immature seeds)
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 5 4 07 40
raisins and sultanas)
MO 0105 Edible offal (mammalian) 0.1 4 07 40
VD 0561 Field pea (dry) 0.5 4 07 40
FB 0269 Grapes 4 4 07 40
VL 0482 Lettuce, Head 3 4 07 40
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (*) 4 07 40
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.01 4 07 40
Part 1 - 252

FS 0245 Nectarine 4 4 07 40
VA 0385 Onion, Bulb 0.2 4 07 40
VA 0389 Onion, Spring (green) 3 4 07 40
AL 0072 Pea hay or pea fodder (dry) 3 4 07 40
FS 0247 Peach 4 4 07 40
FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 2 4 07 40
FP 0009 Pome fruits 7 Po 4 07 40
VR 0589 Potato 0.05 (*) 4 07 40
FB 0275 Strawberry 3 4 07 40
VO 0448 Tomato 0.7 4 07 40
Part 1 - 253

227 Zoxamide
Main Uses 5 fungicide
ADI 0-0.5 mg/kg body weight (2007)
AcuteRfD Unnecessary(JMPR 2007) ()
RESIDUE For compliance with MRLs and estimation of dietary intake for plant commodities: zoxamide
Code Name MRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note

VC 0424 Cucumber 1 4 07 40
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=currants, 15 4 07 40
raisins and sultanas)
FB 0269 Grapes 5 4 07 40
VR 0589 Potato 0.02 4 07 40
VO 0448 Tomato 2 4 07 40
Part 1 – 254


53 Mevinphos
Spices, grains 5 7
Spices, fruits and berries 0.2 (*) 7
Spices, roots and rhizomes 1 7



(At Various Steps of the Codex Procedure)

Part 2: Pesticides with Extraneous MRLs

Part 2 - 1

1 Aldrin and Dieldrin

JMPR 65T, 66, 67, 68R, 69R, 70, 74R, 75R, 77T, 90R, 92R
PTDI 0.0001 mg/kg body weight (confirmed 1977; converted to PTDI in 1994)
RESIDUE Sum of HHDN and HEOD (fat-soluble).
Code Name EMRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR Note

VA 0035 Bulb vegetables 0.05 CXL

GC 0080 Cereal grains 0.02 CXL
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 0.05 CXL
PE 0112 Eggs 0.1 CXL
VC 0045 Fruiting vegetables, 0.1 CXL
VL 0053 Leafy vegetables 0.05 CXL
VP 0060 Legume vegetables 0.05 CXL
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.2 (fat) CXL
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.006 F CXL
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.05 CXL
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.2 (fat) CXL
VD 0070 Pulses 0.05 CXL
VR 0075 Root and tuber vegetables 0.1 CXL
Part 2 - 2

12 Chlordane
JMPR 65T, 67, 69R, 70, 72R, 74R, 77, 82T, 84, 86T
PTDI 0.0005 mg/kg body weight (1986; converted to PTDI in 1994)
RESIDUE Plant commodities: sum of cis- and trans-chlordane (fat-soluble).
Animal commodities: sum of cis- and trans-chlordane and "oxychlordane" (fat-soluble).

Code Name EMRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR Note

TN 0660 Almonds 0.02 CXL

OC 0691 Cotton seed oil, Crude 0.05 CXL
PE 0112 Eggs 0.02 CXL
AO2 0003 Fruits and vegetables 0.02 (*) CXL
TN 0666 Hazelnuts 0.02 CXL
OC 0693 Linseed oil, Crude 0.05 CXL
GC 0645 Maize 0.02 CXL
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.05 (fat) CXL
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.002 F CXL
GC 0647 Oats 0.02 CXL
TN 0672 Pecan 0.02 CXL
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.5 (fat) CXL
CM 1205 Rice, Polished 0.02 CXL
GC 0650 Rye 0.02 CXL
GC 0651 Sorghum 0.02 CXL
OC 0541 Soya bean oil, Crude 0.05 CXL
OR 0541 Soya bean oil, Refined 0.02 CXL
TN 0678 Walnuts 0.02 CXL
GC 0654 Wheat 0.02 CXL
Part 2 - 3

21 DDT
JMPR 65T, 66, 67, 68, 69, 78R, 79T, 80T, 83T, 84T, 93R, 94R, 96R, 00
PTDI 0.01 mg/kg body weight (2000)
RESIDUE Sum of p,p'-DDT, o,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDE and p,p'-TDE (DDD) (fat-soluble).
Note Previous PTDI, 0.02 mg/kg (1984, converted to PTDI in 1994)
The CCPR-33 decided to propose to the CAC an EMRL of 5 mg/kg and a level of 3 mg/kg in square brackets and to ask the CAC to take a decision regarding the level, taking
into account that the CCPR would not be able to reach consensus by deferring consideration of this matter to a later session. The CCPR also decided not to request a new
evaluation of the monitoring data by the next meeting of JMPR.(33.195)
The CAC-24 decided to retain the current temporary EMRL of 5 mg/kg and agreed that the proposal to lower the EMRL to 1 mg/kg should be referred to the CCPR for further
consideration (ALINORM 01/41, para. 145)

Code Name EMRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR Note

VR 0577 Carrot 0.2 CXL

GC 0080 Cereal grains 0.1 CXL
PE 0112 Eggs 0.1 CXL
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 5 (fat) T CXL
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.02 F CXL
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.3 (fat) CXL 00 35
Part 2 - 4

33 Endrin
JMPR 65T, 70, 74R, 75R, 90R, 92R
PTDI 0.0002 mg/kg body weight (1970; converted to PTDI in 1994)
RESIDUE Sum of endrin and delta-keto-endrin (fat-soluble).
Code Name EMRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR Note

VC 0045 Fruiting vegetables, 0.05 CXL

PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.1 (fat) CXL
Part 2 - 5

43 Heptachlor
JMPR 65T, 66, 67R, 68R, 69R, 70, 74R, 75R, 77R, 87R, 91, 93R, 94R
PTDI 0.0001 mg/kg body weight (1991; converted to PTDI in 1994)
RESIDUE Sum of heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide (fat-soluble).
Note The 1994 JMPR agreed that for the general monitoring of heptachlor and its metabolite, a suitable limit of determination for the total residue would be 0.01 mg/kg.
Code Name EMRL (mg/kg) Step JMPR CCPR Note

GC 0080 Cereal grains 0.02 CXL

FC 0001 Citrus fruits 0.01 CXL
SO 0691 Cotton seed 0.02 CXL
PE 0112 Eggs 0.05 CXL
MM 0095 Meat (from mammals other 0.2 (fat) CXL
than marine mammals)
ML 0106 Milks 0.006 F CXL
FI 0353 Pineapple 0.01 CXL
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.2 (fat) CXL
VP 0541 Soya bean (immature seeds)0.02 CXL
OC 0541 Soya bean oil, Crude 0.5 CXL
OR 0541 Soya bean oil, Refined 0.02 CXL
- Part A3 -



- Part A3 -

Part A 3: List of pesticides for which guideline levels have been set
52 Methyl Bromide
Main Uses 4 Fumigant
JMPR 65, 66, 67R, 68, 71R, 79R, 85R, 92R
Note Not cleared toxicologically by JMPR.
Code Namee MRL Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note
CP 0179 Bread and other cooked 0.01 (*) 79 31 To apply to commodity at point of retail sale or
cereal products when offered for consumption

SB 0715 Cacao beans 5 Po 79 31 To apply at point of entry into a country and, in case
of cereal for milling, if product has been freely
exposed to air for a period of at last 24 h after
fumigation and before sampling

GC 0080 Cereal grains 5 Po 79 31 To apply at point of entry into a country and, in case
of cereal for milling, if product has been freely
exposed to air for a period of at last 24 h after
fumigation and before sampling

AO6 0001 Cocoa products 0.01 (*) Po 79 31 To apply to commodity at point of retail sale or
when offered for consumption

DF 0167 Dried fruits 2 Po 79 31 To apply at point of entry into a country and, in case
of cereal for milling, if product has been freely
exposed to air for a period of at last 24 h after
fumigation and before sampling

DF 0167 Dried fruits 0.01 (*) Po 79 31 To apply to commodity at point of retail sale or
when offered for consumption

AO4 0001 Milled cereals products 1 Po 79 31 To apply at point of entry into a country and, in case
of cereal for milling, if product has been freely
exposed to air for a period of at last 24 h after
fumigation and before sampling

AO4 0001 Milled cereals products 0.01 (*) Po 79 31 To apply to commodity at point of retail sale or
when offered for consumption

SO 0697 Peanut 0.01 (*) Po 79 31 To apply to commodity at point of retail sale or

when offered for consumption
SO 0697 Peanut 10 Po 79 31 To apply at point of entry into a country and, in case
of cereal for milling, if product has been freely
- Part A3 -
exposed to air for a period of at last 24 h after
fumigation and before sampling

TN 0085 Tree nuts 0.01 (*) Po 79 31 17 To apply to commodity at point of retail sale or
when offered for consumption

TN 0085 Tree nuts 10 Po 79, 85 31 17 To apply at point of entry into a country and, in case
of cereal for milling, if product has been freely
exposed to air for a period of at last 24 h after
fumigation and before sampling
- Part A3 -
114 Guazatine
Main Uses 5 Fungicide
JMPR 78, 80R, 97' (02)
ADI ADI withdrawn (1997)
RESIDUE Guazatine.
Note Until 1986 the ISO Namee guazatine was applied to iminoctadine. However, now the ISO Namee guazatine applies to a reaction mixture.
The proposals remain as guideline levels until a new ADI is recommended.
Previous ADI 0.03 mg/kg bw (1978).

Code Namee MRL Step JMPR CCPR and prior CCPR CAC Note
GC 0080 Cereal grains 0.05 (*) 4 97 31
FC 0001 Citrus fruits 5 Po 4 31 Data would be submitted in 2000 (31.88)
ANNEX I Page xi



The periodic Review Procedure consists of two distinct phases as described below:



(Year 1, CCPR Meeting)

1. Identify Candidate Chemicals for Re-evaluation

On an annual basis the CCPR (Working Group on Priorities) lists chemicals meeting the following criteria:
- pesticide chemicals for which MRLs were first estimated more than 10 years ago; or
- pesticide chemicals for which a periodic review was conducted more than 10 years ago.
Tentative lists for several years may be prepared when feasible.

2. Notify Data Owners or Other Parties of Candidate List

Governments and international organizations represented at the annual CCPR Meeting expeditiously notify
current data owners (or other interested parties) of the candidate list for periodic reviews, and when
available, tentative lists for the following years. A copy of the most recent procedure for periodic review is
also included.

3. Invite Commitment to Support Continued (or New) Codex Maximum Residue Limits (CXLs)

With their notification to data owners (or other interested parties) on the candidacy of chemicals for periodic
review, governments and international organizations inquire of these parties their willingness to provide data
for that review and as well as to advise them of the implications if they choose not to.
The invitation for a commitment will request a written response within six months to be provided to:
- Chairman, CCPR
- Chairman, Priorities Working Group
- JMPR Secretariats
- the requester (government or international organization representative) (Namees, titles and
addresses will be provided).
Tile invitation will request that the following information be provided in the response:
a. A list of all commodities for which interested parties are willing to support CXLs.
b. A brief summary of all current Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) which they are willing to provide
and which is pertinent to residue data they are willing to provide (e.g. commodities and countries for with
detailed GAP summaries and representative labels can be provided).
c. A list of all chemistry (residue, metabolism, animal transfer, processing, analytical sample storage
stability, analytical methods etc.) and toxicology studies and other data that they are willing to provide
(regardless of whether previously provided) and the data they commit to make complete data package
submissions to the JMPR. Comments on the status of registrations for the chemicals at the national level are
encouraged. Data for which a submission is committed should be identified in the response by study or
report title and number, author, date.
ANNEX I Page xii

4. Repeat the Notification and Invitation

By means of a Codex Circular Letter to accompany the report of the Meeting the Secretariat will repeat the
notification and request. On receipt of the request by the Circular Letter, governments and international
organizations will immediately repeat their notification and invitation to identified interested parties who
may not have been represented at the CCPR (they would not have received the report of the Meeting and the
accompanying Circular Letter). Interested parties need only respond to one of the request, but should copy
addresses listed in item 3 above.



(Year 2, CCPR Meeting)

1. Status Report on Data Commitments - The Priorities Working Group will provide a report and
room document to the CCPR on the status of commitments received to provide data for each
compound identified in year 1. This information will be used to schedule JMPR reviews or to make
other recommendations such as withdrowal of CXLs.

2. Response to Data Commitments

a. If there is no commitment – to provide and identify or develop data to support current CXLs,
the CXL(s) will be recommended by the CCPR for withdrowal by the next session of the Codex
Alimentarius Commission.
b. If a commitment is made – to provide and identify or develop data to support current CXLs, the
MRL(s) are scheduled for JMPR review. The JMPR review will result in one of the following scenarios:
- Sufficient data are submitted to confirm the CXL and it remains in place.
- Sufficient data are submitted to support a new proposed MRL, it enters the process at Step 3 and the
existing CXL is deleted automatically after no more than 4 years.
Insufficient data have been submitted to support a new MRL or to confirm the existing CXL, data submitters
are so advised by written notification from the FAO Joint Secretary and/or by issuance of the JMPR Report.
On being advised of the data inadequacy, data submitters may be the next CCPR Meeting, provide to the
FAO and the CCPR Secretaries a written commitment to generate and submit a complete dossier of required
data for review within 4 years. The CXL is maintained for no more than 4 years following advice of data
inadequacy (by direct notification or by issuance of the JMPR Report). The 4 year period may be extended
by the CCPR only to the extent necessary for the JMPR to schedule and complete review of the available
new data. The new data are scheduled for the second JMPR review and the first part of the PHASE II 2b
procedure is repeated:
- Sufficient data are submitted to confirm the CXL and it remains in place.
- Sufficient data are submitted to support a new proposed MRL, it enters the process at Step 3. The
CXL is automatically deleted no more than the 4 years after the new proposal enters the process.
- Insufficient data are submitted to confirm the CXL or support a proposed MRL the CCPR
recommends deletion of the CXL.
c. If the committed data are not submitted, or if the data submitted for the initial periodic review are
insufficient and no commitment is made by the next CCPR Meeting to generate new data, the CCPR
recommends deletion of the CXL.
ANNEX I Page xiii



















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