Triads Tat Wing3

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Peter Yam Tat-wing *

I. INTRODUCTION This paper will draw heavily on the

experience gained by law enforcement
Tr i a d s o c i e t i e s a r e c r i m i n a l
bodies in the HKSAR in tackling the triad
organisations and are unlawful under the
problem. Emphasis will be placed on anti-
Laws of Hong Kong. Triads have become a
triad law and Police enforcement tactics.
matter of concern not only in Hong Kong,
Background knowledge on the structure,
but also in other places where there is a
beliefs and rituals practised by the triads
sizable Chinese community. Triads are
is important in order to gain an
often described as organized secret
understanding of the spread of triads and
societies or Chinese Mafia, but these are
how triads promote illegal activities by
simplistic and inaccurate descriptions.
resorting to triad myth. With this in mind
Nowadays, triads can more accurately be
the paper will examine the following issues:
described as criminal gangs who resort to
triad myth to promote illegal activities.
• History and Development of Triads
• Triad Hierarchy and Structure
For more than one hundred years triad
• Characteristics of Triads
activities have been noted in the official law
• Differences between Triads, Mafia
and police reports of Hong Kong. We have
and Yakuza
a long history of special Ordinances and
• Common Crimes Committed by
related legislation to deal with the problem.
The first anti-triad legislation was enacted
• Current Triad Situation in Hong
in 1845. The Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region (HKSAR) has, by
• Anti-triad Laws in Hong Kong
far, the longest history, amongst other
• Police Enforcement Strategy
jurisdictions, in tackling the problem of
• International Cooperation
triads and is the only jurisdiction in the
world where specific anti-triad law exists.
It must be pointed out that legal
enactments alone cannot solve the problem.
This has to be supplemented by effective The term “Triad” is a relatively modern
police enforcement action, proper education English word describing the sacred symbol
and publicity campaigns to remind people of the secret societies, a triangle enclosing
of the undesirable consequences of a secret sign derived from the Chinese
associating with triads and the importance character HUNG (洪) depicting a union of
of coming forward to report triad-related heaven, earth and man. The origin of
crimes and more importantly to testify in triads is unclear, being a mixture of facts
courts. and myth. It is generally believed that in
t h e m i d - 1 7 t h c e n t u r y, w h e n t h e
Manchurians from the northern part of
China conquered the whole of China,
overthrowing the Ming Dynasty and
* Assistant Commissioner (Crime), Hong Kong Police
establishing the Ching Dynasty, some
Force Headquarters, Hong Kong


supporters of the former Ming Dynasty each triad society is generally presided over
formed politically motivated secret by the Chairman and Treasurer who are
societies with a declared goal to overthrow often elected for a fixed term, normally two
the ruling Manchurians who were years, by a group of senior members and/
considered as “foreigners” by the Han or area leaders of that triad society.
people. One of these societies was the Usually, the most influential area boss, who
HUNG League (洪門), which is now has the largest group of followers or the
regarded as the original triad society, from most wealth, is elected. In some triad
which today’s triad societies have societies, the same person holds both posts.
originated. It must however be emphasized that these
days the Chairman and Treasurer are
Over the years the original society has honorary positions without actual power.
fragmented into numerous separate Appendix C shows the present day
societies. With the political developments structure of a typical triad society in Hong
in China, the original political objectives Kong.
have long been lost and these once
“patriotic” secret societies have IV. CHARACTERISTICS OF TRIADS
degenerated into present day criminal
Contrary to what the movies may
gangs. Nowadays, triad societies exist only
portray, triad societies are in fact a
for the pursuit of criminal activity for
collection of loose-knit groups or gangs who
monetary gain. A common modern term -
operate independently. They are mainly
“Dark Society” or “Dark Association” ( 社
local area gangs, each active in certain
會) is used to describe all triads, and
areas and activities. Their disputes
represents the public feeling that triads are
sometimes result in fighting and it is not
sinister and evil rather than a mystic
uncommon that gangs within the same
triad society often fight with each other
over a disputed interest or territory.
Despite the fact that today’s triad
The traditional triad societies adopted members do not belong to one organization,
a military style and had a well-organized some of them continue to use triad jargon,
rank structure, not dissimilar to present rank structure etc. This is to convince a
day guerrilla organizations. They had a new recruit that he has indeed joined an
rigid rank structure of members and elite and is used to instil fear into members
officials, called “office bearers”. Each rank of the public. Cooperation between triad
had specific responsibilities. Many of the groups in criminal activities is normally
traditional rank terms are still used today. based on personal acquaintance and
As well as a title, an office bearer would mutual interest. The chairpersons do not
h a v e a n a u s p i c i o u s n u m b e r. T h e usually direct gang members’ criminal
traditional rank structure of a triad society activities but are only ‘ceremonial heads’
can be seen at Appendix A. and ‘mediators’ of disputes.

To enhance efficiency, increase flexibility There is a recognized Chinese triad

and to avoid police detection, the present presence in a number of countries. These
day triad societies in Hong Kong have overseas groups may bear the same triad
adopted a flattened organizational names as those in Hong Kong but apart
structure. Apart from a few exceptions, from that, they have no connection and


little in common. Although there have been examples of organized crimes. However,
occasions when overseas triad members triad membership is not a prerequisite for
perpetrated crimes together with triads in joining a drug syndicate. It is experience,
Hong Kong, the triad membership was expertise, contacts or money that count.
merely incidental. When an opportunity Whilst it may be true that many drug
arises to make a profit, criminals will traffickers have triad connections, triad
establish a joint venture. membership does not enhance one’s
position in a drug organization. The same
Triad identity is not a pre-requisite to applies to other organized crime groups,
establish a criminal joint venture except which specialise in such activities as illegal
to serve as a reference to the criminal gambling, prostitution, loan sharking and
background of that person. It is thus a fraud. It is not uncommon to find major
gross simplification to associate organized organized crime syndicates with members
crimes in Hong Kong with triad societies. from several different triad societies
Drug trafficking and smuggling are typical working together.


The table below depicts the major differences between Triads, the Mafia and Japanese
Triads Mafia / Japanese Yakuza
• Loose-knit group (gangs) • Monolithic criminal organization
• Independent power base • Power diffused from a central core
• Horizontal organization • Rigid chain of command
• Chairperson - limited influence, • Chairperson - the ‘Godfather’ post
honorary post
• Full autonomy • Central leadership
• Profit belongs to individual gangs • Profit goes to organization
• Disputes settled through negotiations • Disputes adjudicated by core
and fights leadership
• Made up of criminal fraternities • A criminal enterprise


Triad gang activities are mainly
• Other opportunistic crimes, such as
territorial and fall into one or more of the
selling of pirated and contraband
following categories:
goods, smuggling, dealing in
counterfeit currency and credit cards.
• Extortion and protection
Experience in Hong Kong, however has
• Monopoly of certain business and
shown that triads are extremely adaptive
and versatile. They will make use of every
• Street-level drug trafficking;
opportunity to make money, whether legal
• Illegal gambling activities;
or illegal. In tackling current and future
• Prostitution and pornography;
triad activities, there is a need to be vigilant
• Loan sharking and debt collection;
of emerging trends.


Over the years, some of the criminal number of reported triad-related crimes
groups have established legitimate fronts and the percentage of triad-related crimes
so as to cover their criminal activities. in total reported crimes between 1990 and
More sophisticated triad members, referred 1999.
to as second or third generation triads,
have received the best education paid for At present there are around 50 known
by money generated through illegal means. triad societies in Hong Kong, of which
Many of them are trained as professionals about 15 regularly come to Police attention
such as lawyers and accountants. They are through overt criminal activities. This does
also involved in legitimate business and not mean that the remaining societies are
part of the profit from legitimate sources inactive, but possibly only that their
can be used to fund triad activities so as to activities go unreported for a variety of
create an environment favourable for their reasons. The clandestine nature of triad
business. They may present themselves activity precludes an accurate assessment
as reputable entrepreneurs and mix with of the triad membership. The accumulated
reputable socialites. Since they rarely number of people convicted for triad
involve themselves in crimes, they are membership since 1936, including
becoming known as the “untouchables”. recidivists, is about 32,000 and accounts
Such a practice is typical in the for 5% of all convicts. It serves as a rough
development of organized crime. Control indication of the size of triad population.
of and investigation into their activities San Yee On, 14K, Wo Shing Wo, Wo Hop
becomes increasingly difficult. To and Wo On Lok are the five most active
triad societies and they together account
At the lower level, triads are shifting for the majority of triad-related crimes in
from hardcore criminals to service Hong Kong.
providers. Their services include the
supply of bouncers to entertainment VIII. ANTI-TRIAD STRATEGY IN
businesses, car jockeys for valet parking, HONG KONG
debt collectors and regulators to ward off
In Hong Kong, we adopt a four-pronged
business competitors. Those at the
approach to tackle triad activities, namely:
receiving end of the service are willing
(a) Legislation
hirers, which may include reputable
(b) Enforcement
commercial corporations, making attempts
(c) Education
to shrink the income of triads difficult or
(d) Rehabilitation
even futile.
A. Legislation
Hong Kong is determined to combat
triad activities. The first anti-triad
In 1999, there were 76,771 crimes legislation dates back to 1845. Relevant
reported and the crime rate (the number anti-triad laws were consolidated
of crimes per 100,000 of the population) was subsequently under Societies Ordinance,
1,121.9. As a result of sustained police which was enacted in 1949. Hong Kong
efforts in Hong Kong the ratio of triad has the most effective and strictest
involvement in overall crimes, in the past legislation aimed at tackling triad
few years, has been contained at below 4%. activities:
Appendix D contains charts showing the
total number of reported crimes, the total


1. The Societies Ordinance are Public Light Bus drivers engaging

Under the Societies Ordinance, Cap 151, triads to monopolize profitable routes and
Laws of Hong Kong, and its subsequent decoration contractors using triads to drive
amendments, all triad societies are deemed out competitors in the Public Housing
to be unlawful societies in Hong Kong. It decoration sector. Victim reassurance is
includes a series of criminal offences therefore important to encourage people to
relating to triad membership, recruitment come forward and report triad activities.
and activities. Any person convicted of Additionally, coercive power is required to
professing or claiming to be an office-bearer enhance the police’s ability to uncover
or managing or assisting in the evidence of triad criminal activities.
management of a triad society is liable to
a maximum fine of HK$1 million and to 2. The Organized and Serious Crimes
imprisonment for 15 years. A person Ordinance (OSCO)
convicted as a triad member may be fined The OSCO was enacted in 1994.
a maximum of HK$250,000 and jailed for “Organized Crime” is defined as any one of
7 years. a wide range of criminal offences listed in
Schedule I of the Ordinance and includes
The courts usually regard a charge of those, which are connected with the
Triad membership alone as not being activities of a particular triad society.
particularly serious and accordingly the
penalties awarded range from being ‘Bound The objectives of the Ordinance are
Over ’ to being placed on probation. fourfold:
However, in respect of recruitment and (i) To provide powers under sections
office bearer offences, a more serious view 3, 4 and 5 to investigate organized
is taken and up to one year’s imprisonment crimes and the proceeds from
is not uncommon. In addition, most courts organized crimes or serious
are less inclined to leniency if other offences offences, including the power to
such as blackmail, wounding or compel a person to attend an
intimidation are involved. In a recent trial interview, to supply information or
an officer bearer was convicted of the to produce material for inspection.
offence of managing a triad society and The person is deprived of his right
some other related offences under the of silence though his admission
Societies Ordinance. He was sentenced to cannot be used against him;
three and a half years’ imprisonment. (ii) To provide for confiscation of
proceeds of crimes;
The enactment of the Societies (iii) To create a general “money
Ordinance has to a great extent assisted laundering” offence under section
us in the fight against triads in the last 25 to cover those who deal with
couple of decades. However, the greatest property, knowingly or having
difficulty faced by Police in combating triad reasonable ground to believe that
activity is the reluctance of victims and it represents proceeds of an
witnesses to report crimes and to testify in indictable offence; and,
subsequent trials. This has largely (iv) To enable the prosecution to
stemmed from the perceived fear of triads submit to the courts, information
and possible triad revenge. In addition, in concerning the nature and impact
many triad crimes, there are simply no of serious crimes and for the courts
“victims” because they have become to impose more stringent sentences
“satisfied customers”. Typical examples in appropriate cases under section


27. witnesses to report crimes and testify in

subsequent trials. The Witness Protection
It is assessed that the police force’s Ordinance was passed in June 2000. It
investigative capability to combat triads provides a legal framework for the Witness
and organized crime syndicates has been Protection Programme, which has been
enhanced by these new provisions. The operating since 1992. It reassures
power to compel the production of witnesses, especially accomplice witnesses,
documents and statements from victims of their own and their family members’
and witnesses has been particularly useful safety, such as giving a new personal
in breaking through “the wall of silence” identity after trial.
which effectively hampered police efforts
to fight this scourge of society. B. Police Enforcement Strategy
1. Three-Tier Structure
The creation of a money laundering The fight against triads and organized
offence is a step forward in tracking and crimes in Hong Kong is spearheaded by a
cracking down on the financial source of three-tier structure within the Hong Kong
the triads. Through the successful Police Force. The Hong Kong Police has
application of this new provision, the dedicated units at headquarters level (e.g.
laundering of dirty money by triads can be Organized Crime and Triad Bureau,
stopped, preventing its use for funding Criminal Intelligence Bureau) to collate
further triad activities. intelligence and to take proactive action
against the triads, such as using
It is also notable that the enhanced undercover agents to infiltrate into the
sentences for those convicted in connection triads, as well as the establishment of a
with triad and organized crime not only Witness Protection Unit to provide support
remove more criminals from the streets for and protection to vulnerable witnesses and
much longer periods, but also act as a family members.
deterrent to those who would otherwise
follow in their footsteps. There are also designated crime units
at the Regional and District levels to
By far the most powerful and effective interdict those mid-level and street-level
elements of the Ordnance are the triad personalities and activities. They are
confiscation provisions, which empower the supported by Intelligence Sections in the
court to restrain criminal assets whilst Regions and Districts.
under police investigation and also to order
its forfeiture upon conviction of the In each Police District, there is a school
offender. Depriving the criminal of his ill- liaison team to deal with the triad activities
gotten gains is the greatest hurt that can amongst school children. Criminal
be done to him and also stops the money investigation units at all levels also
from being used to corrupt officers as well investigate criminal activities involving
as for rebuilding the criminal enterprise triads.
upon the discharge of the triad member
from prison. 2. Intelligence Gathering and Undercover
3. Witness Protection Ordinance Given that vulnerable victims are
As mentioned earlier, the greatest reluctant to report triad-related crimes and
difficulty faced by Police in combating triad testify at court because of the fear of
activity is the reluctance of victims and revenge, the deployment of police officers


to infiltrate triad groups to gather witnesses to triad related crimes, to report

intelligence and to collect evidence for to the police in the first instance. The
prosecution purposes has proved an identity of complainants is protected.
effective tactic. Anonymous complaints are also handled
Many successful Police anti-triad 5. Triad Research and Triad Experts
operations were the result of proactive The clandestine and mythical nature of
undercover infiltration actions. There have triad activities has made a general
been successful deployments of undercover understanding of the triads difficult. A lot
police officers in schools, resulting in the of their activities including their structure,
arrest of triad elements that intimidate and rituals, ceremonies, hand signs and
recruit students to join triad societies. insignia are unknown to members of the
public. A thorough understanding of triads
3. High Profile Operations is vital both in detecting triad activities and
Apart from investigation and in the subsequent prosecution in the courts.
intelligence, operations are mounted from The Hong Kong Police have set up a
time to time at various levels of the Hong research unit, specializing in triad
Kong Police Force, to suppress and research. The research unit is responsible
neutralise triad activities, particularly at for conducting research into triad activities
their source of income. and training the Force Triad Expert Cadre.
The Triad Expert Cadre assists, both in the
Triads prosper from the threats and investigation of triad-related crimes and in
fears that they instil in their victims. It is the giving of expert evidence in court trials.
very important therefore that, in successful Regular seminars are held to keep the
police operations, every opportunity should Triad Experts abreast of current trends.
be taken to publicise arrests, in order to
remove the fear that the public may have C. Education
of triads. There is no doubt that public support
and awareness are essential in combating
4. Witness Reassurance/Protection triad activity. The Junior Police Call (JPC)
Support from members of the public is is a scheme administered by the Police,
vital in our fight against crime. A lot of which apart from providing recreational
Chinese however are reluctant to report activities, also serves as a well-established
crimes either because they thought it was network for disseminating anti-triad
not their business, or because of the fear of messages to youngsters. Regular school
revenge. The Hong Kong Police has made talks are conducted on the adverse effects
efforts to assure witness protection in many of triad membership. As portrayed in the
ways, such as allowing witnesses to live in movies and television, there is always an
safe houses, omitting addresses in witness over-glorification of triads. The JPC
statements etc. Recently, new legislation Scheme develops a better understanding
has been passed to further enhance witness of the police by the youngsters and fosters
protection - The Witness Protection youth values to make them more resistant
Ordinance. to triad influence.

A police hotline for reporting triad More importantly, through various

activities has also been set up. The purpose publicity campaigns we continue to strive
of the hotline is to encourage members of to show the public that triad societies are
the public who might be victims of, or simply criminals, not legitimate problem


solvers or business people, and certainly The Hong Kong Police Force
not role models for our youth. undoubtedly enjoys the close and
productive relationship with many
The continuous and sustained effort by Overseas Law Enforcement Agencies,
the Hong Kong Government through especially those with liaison officers posted
education and publicity campaigns in the to Hong Kong, such as National Police
past decades has witnessed a change in Agency of Japan, FBI, DEA, INS, Customs
people’s attitudes towards triads in recent Service, Secret Service and Internal
years. People come forward more than they Revenue Service of the US, RCMP of
did in the 60’s and 70’s. Yet there is no Canada, AFP of Australia, the Korean
room for complacency because triads still National Police and the UK Customs.
exist and that our method of dealing with
these groups should be continually From time to time Japanese delegates
evolving. visit the Hong Kong Police Force. During
the visit topics of common interest are
D. Rehabilitation discussed and experiences in combating
In Hong Kong, outreach social workers crimes shared. Since the beginning of this
have been employed to counsel vulnerable year, two such visits have been arranged.
youngsters to stay away from triad
personalities and activities. A legally The Hong Kong Police Force will
sanctioned warning system administered continue to be committed in forging closer
by a senior police officer can be used instead cooperation with our counterparts,
of a young person attending court. After exchanging intelligence, mounting joint
being warned, the young person will be operations, sharing experience, returning
advised by police officers as to follow-ups fugitives where Mutual Legal Assistance
for their rehabilitation. Following prison is applicable and attending international
release, triad offenders like other criminals conferences.
will be supervised by after-care services by
the Correctional Services Department. X. CONCLUSION
While Hong Kong has enacted special
laws to deal with the triad menace, as has
been explained earlier, triad-related crime
Since 1995, the Triad Course for is no different from any organized crime
Overseas Law Enforcement Officers has and can be effectively tackled by legislation
been conducted annually by the Hong Kong targeting the latter activities. Anti-money
Police Force. Apart from sharing laundering and asset forfeiture laws, for
knowledge of triads and experience in example, are considered effective measures
tackling triad crimes, the participants are to tackle triad activities.
able to build up an intelligence network
that fosters future exchange of information However, a good working knowledge of
on triad activities. Apart from that we also what triads are, their structure and
organize Triad Courses in other countries. methods of operation are essential.
Two such courses were organized in Equally important is an understanding of
Canada before and two will be organized the Chinese culture and establishing an
in Australia later this year. effective means of communication with the
local Chinese community so as to encourage
the reporting of triad activities.


As in the case of organized crime, it is

not expected that triads could be totally
eradicated even with the rigorous
application of enforcement and judicial
measures. Hong Kong has been tackling
the triad problem for many years and we
are more than willing to share our
experience with the other law enforcement


Appendix A


Leader of the Society

(Shan Chu 山主)

* Vanguard or * Deputy Leader * Incense Master or

Ceremony Assistant (Fu shan Chu 副山主) Ceremony Master
(Sin Fung 先鋒) 438 (Heung Chu 香主)
438 438

Advisor Fighter Liaison officer

(White Paper Fan (Red Pole (Straw Sandal
Pak Tze Sin 白紙扇) Hung Kwan 洪棍) Cho Ha 草鞋)
415 426 432

Ordinary ** Temporary Member

Member (Hanging Blue Lantern
or Lam Tang Lung
49 掛藍燈籠)

Note: A fuller explanation of the roles and numerical figures can be found at Appendix B1

* = In the smaller triad societies all the 438 posts are filled by one individual
** = A member that has not been initiated


Appendix B


(a) 489 - The Leader of the Society is generally known as the First Route Marshal or
Dragon Head. He is also referred to as the Shan Chu, the literal meaning is
‘Mountain Master’ 山主.

(b) 438 - The Deputy Leader is generally known as the Second Route Marshal or Fu
Shan Chu 副山主.
This title of 438 can also be awarded to the office bearers officiating as ‘Incense
Master’ or Heung Chu 香主 or Vanguard 先鋒 in a triad ceremony.

(c) 415 - An official generally known as Pak Tsz Sin 白紙扇 (meaning White Paper Fan)
whose duty is to advise generally on the organization, administration and
finance of the Branch.
In other words he is the Counselor or the Chief of Staff.

(d) 426 - An official generally known as the Hung Kwan 洪棍 (meaning Red Pole) whose
duty is to take charge of the fighting section of the Branch and play the leading
role in fights against rival groups.
This official is also responsible for the Society or Branch membership.

(e) 432 - An official generally known as the Choi Hai 草鞋 (meaning Straw Sandal) is
the liaison officer as well as the chief messenger of the Branch and through
whom messages from the Branch concerning meetings, manpower, rallying
for settlement talks or gang fights are passed on to other members of the

(f) 49 - An ordinary member of a Triad Society who is normally the protégé of a

particular junior office bearer.

(g) Blue Lantern Member or Hanging Blue Lantern Member 掛藍燈籠

A member who has undertaken an oath of allegiance to a Triad Society or to a Triad

Society member without having been initiated through a Hung Mun ritual. His
allegiance may have been shown by having paid a fee, or by the adoption of Triad
title or Triad slang, or by verbal recognition of joining the Society or by becoming a
follower of a Triad member or an Office Bearer (known to be a protector).
Depending on the Triad Society, some Blue Lantern members may undergo initiation
rites later.


Appendix C


(Cho Kwun 坐 )

(Cha So 數)

Public Relations Officer

(Kau Chai 交際)

Group Leader

Ordinary Member ** Temporary Member

49 (Hanging Blue Lantern
or Lam Tang Lung

* Any Office bearer of 426, 415 or 432 rank

** A member that has not yet been initiated


Appendix D


88300 88659 87804 91886
85000 84056
80000 82564 79050
70000 67367 71962
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999


4015 3959
3487 3746
3340 3487 3126
2599 2872
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999



4.50% 4.22% 4.31%
3.95% 4.27% 3.95%
3.77% 3.86% 3.74%
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999


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