Annual Report 2018-19 English Report

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(01-01-2018 to 31-12-2018)








Sl. subject page number

1. I. Origin of the Department 3 to 7
2. II. Organizational chart of the Department 8
3. III. Administration of the Department 9 to 11
4. IV. Ease of Doing Business initiative under process 12 to 13
5. V. Achievement of the Labour Department 14 to 17
6. VI. Minimum wages act – 1948 18 to 20
7. VII. Industrial Relations Report 21 to 27

VIII. Karnataka State Building and other construction

workers Welfare Board
9. IX. Karnataka State Unorganised Workers Social 39 to 43
Security Board
10. X. Karnataka State Child Labour Eradication Project 44 to 45
11. XI. Structure of the Karnataka Labour Welfare Board 46 to 56




The Department of Labour in Karnataka was established in the year 1935 and
will set centenary celebrations in the year 2035. The Department is instrumental in
resolving industrial disputes arising between employers and employees through
tripartite conciliation mechanism, thereby fostering harmonious relationship between
them and ensure optimum productivity. Thereby, the Department of Labour being a
very important wing of the Government contributes to the economic progress of the
 Constitutional Provisions for Labour
Jurisdiction: Under the Constitution of India, Labour is a subject in the Concurrent
List where both the Central and State Governments are competent to enact Legislation,
subject to certain matters being reserved for the Centre.
 Jurisdiction relating to Labour: Constitutional Status

List Concurrent List
Entry Regulation of labour and safety in mines and oil fields
No. 55
Entry Trade Unions; Industrial and labour disputes
No. 22
Entry Industrial disputes concerning Union employees
No. 61

Entry Social Security and Insurance, Employment and Unemployment

No. 23
Entry Union agencies and Institutions for Vocational Training
No. 65
Entry Welfare of labour including conditions of services, provident fund, disability
No. 24 and old age pension and maternity benefit

 Vision of the Department:

Making Karnataka as a model state for global investment and progressive
industrial production based on the twin principles of decent quality employment
generation and inclusive all-round development of working class by designing and
implementing feasible creative approaches and pragmatic operational strategies.

 Mission of the Department:

To evolve model frameworks in respect of Labour Legislation, Policies, Action Plans,
Schemes and Programmes by involving all the parties vitally concerned and
implementing the same using advanced technologies so as to achieve efficiency and
effectiveness in reaching the target group and thereby ensuring Karnataka’s
competitiveness in the Domestic and Global market as a preferred destination for
investment and decent quality employment generation.

 Aim of the Department:

To evolve and implement progressive reform measures which usher in the inclusive
development of productive partners namely employees and employers and to achieve
peaceful, symbiotic and harmonious industrial relations in the State by creating
congenial atmosphere for socio-economic development through pro-active labour

 Objectives of the Department:

1. To implement the labour laws for ensuring decent and qualitative living and
working standards for employees.
2. To strive to ensure labour market security, employment security, income
security and socio-economic security for the working population both in
organized and unorganized sectors of economy.

3. To create conducive and enabling eco-system for rapid generation of decent

employment through attraction of large scale private and public investment in
the five year span 2015-2020.
4. To foster symbiotic relationship between the workers and employers and
minimization of adversarial labour relations in the state.
5. To declare Karnataka as a “child labour – free” State by 2020, with the active
support of all the Departments and civil society.
6. To strengthen, modernize and energize labour administration by re-structuring
of the Department and equip it with requisite infrastructure, intellectual
resources, and advanced technologies and by providing life-long continued
education to the officials and functionaries.
7. To create decent and enabling environment and cater to special needs for
women workers in workplaces.
8. To evaluate functioning of the Department by involving professional
organizations like National Productivity Council.
9. To strengthen the culture of Research and Development (R&D) in the
Department by involving reputed Academic Bodies and Professional Research
10. To design and implement schemes and programmes aimed at continuously
raising the quality of life of the unorganized workforce, by putting in place basic
lifeline social security as well as consolidating social security made available by
different Ministries and Departments as well as society at large.
11. To strengthen the service-delivery mechanisms in the Department of Labour by
creating on-line and time-bound systems for issuance of approvals under various
labour laws.
12. To document success stories concerning the working of tri-partite social
partners and replicate the same with appropriate local adaptations.
13. To review the working of labour legislations, rules and subordinate notifications
and to identify the bottlenecks, problem areas, and recommend feasible
amendments and changes for their improvement.
14. To design measures and programmes for improving safety, security, health,
welfare and environment standards for all workers at workplaces.
15. To design schemes and programmes and thereby create enabling eco-system for
the meaningful implementation of Labour Standards of the International Labour
Organization (ILO) in the State.
16. To evolve a Protocol and implement the same for protecting the inter-state and
intra-state migrant labour against exploitation, discrimination and safeguard
their rights and interests.
17. To strengthen the statutory Boards created for the welfare of organized and un-
organized workers towards unified and beneficial management of their funds,
keeping in view long-term sustainable social security needs of the vulnerable
groups, in the State.

18. To evolve mechanisms for continuous social dialogue involving tripartite social
partners and others vitally concerned with the issues at different levels so as to
make Karnataka a hub of democratic consultation and broad consensus based
labour administration.
19. To evolve and experiment non-statutory models of alterative schemes and
programmes, based on voluntary co-operation of multi-partite social partners for
the betterment of the working class.
20. To work-out Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) with a view
of achieving transparency in employer employee relationship and motivate
officials and organizations to work with mutual cooperation.
21. To make Karnataka as a preferred destination of domestic and foreign
investment hub of talented, skilled, productive and meritocratic pool of human

I. Functions of the Department:

The major functions of the State Labour Department are as follows;

I. Enforcement of Labour Laws: The Labour Department in the State of
Karnataka is administrating and enforcing various Central and state enacted
Labour Laws through its enforcement machinery. Important enactments
administered by the State Department of labour are as follows;
1. 1936 The Payment of Wages Act
2. 1972 The Payment of Gratuity Act
3. 1948 The Minimum Wages Act
4. 1965 The Payment of Bonus Act
5. 1976 The Equal Remuneration Act
6. 1986 The Child and Adolescent (Prohibition & Regulation) Act
7. 1970 The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition ) Act
8. 1976 The Inter-State Migrant Workmen ( Regulation of Employment &
Conditions of Service ) Act
9. 1996 The Building and Other Construction Workers Act
10. 1996 The Building and Other Construction Workers Cess Act
11. 1963 The Karnataka Industrial Establishments (National & Festival
Holidays) Act
12. 1961 The Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishments Act
13. 1961 The Maternity Benefit Act
14. 1955 The Working Journalists and Other Newspaper Employees (Conditions
of Service) and Misc Provisions Act
15. 1951 The Plantations Labour Act
16. 1947 The Industrial disputes Act
17. 1926 The Trade Unions Act
18. 1965 The Karnataka Labour Welfare Fund Act

19. 1988 The Karnataka Payment of Subsistence Allowance Act

20. 1961 The Motor Transport Workers Act
21. 1981 The Cine-Workers & Cinema theatre Worker (Regulation of
Employment) Act
22. 1976 The Sales Promotion Employees (Condition of Service) Act
23. 1946 The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders)Act
24. 1966 The Beedi & Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment)Act
25. 2008 The Unorganised Workers Social Security Act

II. Maintenance of Industrial Peace and Harmony: Industrial peace and

harmony is one of the main pre-requisites to the smooth development of
economy of a state. The Labour Department headed by the Labour
Commissioner is charged with the responsibility of maintaining peace and
harmony through its industrial relations machinery.

III. Registration of Trade Unions: The Trade Unions Act, 1926 provides for
registration and regulation of trade unions of workers and employers.
The Department registers trade unions under the aforesaid Act. For this
purpose the Labour Commissioner and the Assistant Labour Commissioner
have been notified/appointed as Registrar and Deputy Registrar of Trade
Unions respectively.
IV. Administration of Labour Welfare Schemes: In the sphere of labour
welfare, the Labour Department makes efforts to provide such services,
facilities and amenities to working class that enable them to work in healthy
and congenial and safe environment.
V. Social Security Measures: Labour Department is extending social security
measures for un organized workers and industrial workers through the
VI. Registration and Licensing of establishments: Under various provisions of
Labour enactments, the Labour Department is the registering and issuing
licenses for protecting interest of the workers.
VII. Quasi-judicial functions: Under various Labour Laws, The Department is
entrusted with adjudication of the matters under various enactments viz:
Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, Payment of Wages Act, 1936,Maternity
Benefit Act, 1961, Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act, 1946,
Minimum Wages Act 1948, and Karnataka Payment of Subsistence
Allowance Act, 1988.
VIII. Co-ordination with District Administration and Line Departments: The
authorities of Labour Department assist the district administration in
Karnataka Development Programmes, release and repatriation of child
labour and any other matter of public importance.

IX. Creating awareness among the Workers : Labour department in

association with Legal Services Authority Employer Associations, NGO and
Other Organizations, organizes awareness programmes to the all section of
workers regularly to bring awareness and enlightenment about the statutory
provisions of various enactments and schemes.


Ho n’ ble Minister o f S t at e for L abo ur
Develo pment


Secretary to Government, Labour Department

Sri M .K. Bharmarajappa Sri. L. S. Srikantababu

Joint Secretary to Government Deputy Secretary to Government


Commissioner of Labour in Karnataka


Addi ti onal Labour DR. S.B. SRIPAD Joint Addi ti onal Labour
Commi ssi one r (Admi ni st Labour Commissioner Commi ssi one r (Ind ustr i al
r ati on& Ac c ount s) (Minimum Wages) Re l ati on)

DR. S.B. RAVIKUMAR, Deputy Labour S M T. VI NUTH A Se c r e ta r y,

Commissioner (Publicity & statistics) K a r n a t a ka S t at e M i ni mu m
W a g e s a d vi s or y b oa r d

Deputy Labour Deputy Labour Deputy Labour APPAIAH SHINDHIHATTI, Deputy Labour
Commissioner, Commissioner Deputy Labour Commissioner
Region-1, Bengaluru Region-2, Bengaluru ,HASSAN Region Commissioner KALBURAGI
BELAGAVI Region Region,

Division Level 12 Assistant Labour Commissioner and 07

Assistant Labour Commissioners on Deputation

42 Labour Officer and 09 Labour officers on Deputation

83+7 Senior Labour

Inspectors 164 Labour Inspectors

III. Administration of the Department:

1. Head Office:
The Commissioner of Labour is the head of the Department. The Commissioner
is assisted at the Head Quarters by two Additional Labour Commissioners, one Joint
Labour Commissioner, One Deputy Labour Commissioner, one Gazetted Manager,
One Labour Officer (Industrial Relation) and three Managers.
2. Subordinate Offices:
There are
1. 05 Regional Officers in the Cadre of Deputy Labour Commissioner in the
State of Karnataka, of which, two are at Bengaluru and one each at Hassan,
Belgavi and Kalburgi
2. 11 Divisional Offices, each, headed by the Assistant Labour Commissioner;
3. 41 Sub-Divisional Offices, each headed by the Labour Officers at the Sub-
Division Level;
4. 83 Senior Labour Inspectors are functioning in the City Municipal
Corporations and Plantation Areas; and
5. 164 Labour Inspectors out of whom17 Labour Inspectors are working as
Office Assistants, 147 Labour Inspectors are functioning at the taluk levels in
the State.


Total number of officials [Group - A, B, C & D] in the Department

and their subordinate offices, etc., are indicated in |Tables 1,2,3 and 4.


Staff position of the Department of Labour as on 31.12.2018

Sl Designation Posts Posts Filled Posts Vacant

No Sanctioned
1 2 3 4 5
1 Commissioner of Labour 01 01 -
2 Addl. Labour Commissioner 02 02 -
3 Joint Labour Commissioner 01+03** 01+02** 01**
4 Deputy Labour Commissioner 06+04** 05+02** 01+02**
5 Asst. Labour Commissioner 12+07** 12+05** 02**
6 Gazetted Manager 01 01 -
Total 23+14** 22+09** 01+05**
1 Manager 03 03 -
2 Labour Officer 42+9** 20+03** 22+06**
3 Junior Programmer (Deputation) 01 - 01
Total 46+09** 23+03** 23+06**
1 Superintendent 07 05 02
2 Sr. Labour inspector 83+07** 79+01** 04+06**
3 Labour inspector 164 90 74
4 Asst. Statistical Officer (Deputation) 02 - 02
5 Sub. Editor 01 - 01
6 First Division Assistant 80+05** 61 19+05**
7 Second Division Assistant 84+02** 22 62+02**
8 Stenographer 51 23 28
9 Data Entry Operator 02 - 02
10 Typist 31 06 25
11 Driver 14 02 12
Total 519+14** 288+01** 231+13**
1 Literate Attender 98 27 71
2 Stencil Operator 01 - 01
3 Jamedar 01 - 01
4 Peon 161 49 112
5 Sweeper 01 00 01
6 Watchman 03 00 03
Total 265 76 189
GRAND TOTAL 853+37** 409+13** 444+24**
** Deputation


Sanctioned strength, Number of Male / Female working (As on 31.12.2018)

Sanctioned Number of Number of
strength Male Female

853+37** 409+13** 280 142

** Deputation
Sanctioned strength, working & Number of SC / ST working
(As on 31.12.2018)
Sanctioned Number of
Working Number of SC
strength, ST

853+37** 409+13** 77 27

** Deputation

Number of superannuation / voluntarily retirement / Death
(As on 31.12.2018)
No. of persons No. of voluntary
No. of death Total
superannuation retirement

22 01 03 26

IV. Ease of Doing Business Initiatives under Process:

During 2018-19, under the Ease of Doing Business 14 points pertaining to the
Department have been implemented. According to Ease of Doing Business following
reforms have been taken.

a) Inspection System:

Web portal named ‘Karmika Sahayoga’ has been developed by the

Department, for uploading inspection reports immediately after conducting the
inspections under various enactments by the Officers / Inspectors of the Department.
The provision is also made for the Establishments to upload the compliance report
online by obtaining the Kar. L.I.N. [Karnataka Labour Identification Number].
This software has been developed for random selection of the establishments for
inspections. With this Software, Inspection Procedure will be streamlined.
The efforts are made to digitise the information of establishments. The Department
Officers / Inspectors will be trained and empowered to use this Web Portal.
b) Self-Certification Scheme:
Government vide its Notification No. LD/24/LET/2016, dt.16.9.2016 to implement
this Scheme, The establishments which opt for this Scheme may not be inspected in
regular course. The establishments which opt for this Scheme will be listed out and
randomly selected for inspection such inspections shall not exceed 30% of the total
establishments. The randomisation shall be made with the help of the software
annually. This Scheme is optional and valid for a period of 5 years.

c) The Karnataka Third Party Certification of Compliances under

Labour Law Scheme – 2016 :

Among various points under Ease of Doing Business, Third Party Certification
is also one among them. Government has issued Notification dt.24.10.2017. The
objective of this Scheme is that a Third Party Certificate will have to filed in the
Department declaring that all the provisions of the various Labour Acts have been
implemented. As per this the Agencies with required educational qualification may
inspect various shops / establishments / factories for every 2 years issue Certificate.

Online Services :

The Department with an intention to render services under various Acts

through Online has developed development and at present under the following
8 Acts Online services are implemented.

1. The Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1961

2. The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition ) Act, 1970
3. The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of
Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996
4. The Plantation Labour Act, 1951
5. The Trade Unions Act, 1926

6. The Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961

7. The Beedi and Cigar Workers (Service Conditions) Act, 1966
8. The Inter State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Service) Act, 1979

I. The details of Work Stoppage at industry:

Stopage of Work Strikes Lockouts Total

[1] [2] [3] [4]
1. No. of strikes / lockouts 1 - 1
2. No. of workers involved 190 - 190
3. No. of Man days lost 1330 - 1330

Industrial Disputes:

No. of Cases pending as on 01-01-2017 532

2. No. of Cases received during the year: 1,193
Total: 1,725
(a) Settled: 37
(b) Failed: 751
(c) Withdrawn: 173
No. of Cases disposed off: 961
No. of Cases pending as on 31-12-2017 764
V. Achievements of the Labour Department for the year - 2018

(1) Under the Minimum Wages Act 1948 in 917 cases Rs. 2,15,58,973 have
been disbursed to the applicants.
(2) Under the Payment of Gratuity Act 1972, in 1038 cases
Rs. 5,51,60,485/- have been disbursed to the applicants.
(3) Under Building and other Construction Workers Act 1996, 805605 workers
have been registered as beneficiaries.
(4) Under the Building and other Construction Workers Welfare Cess Act,
1996, Rs, 834.17 Crore has been leveled as cess.
(5) Under the Building and other Construction Workers Act 870 establishments
have been registered.




1. No. of claim petitions pending at the 6910
beginning of the year
2. No. of claim petitions received 1151
3. Total 8061
4. No. of claim petitions disposed 1535
5. Pending claim petitions 6526
Amount of difference of Minimum Wages 2,15,58,973
amount paid to the applicants. (in Rs.)
No. of Inspections and Prosecution Details for the year 2018
1 No. of Inspections conducted in Agriculture 11904
2 No. of Inspections conducted in Non 15406
Agriculture Sector
3 No. of Prosecutions filed 1022
4 No. of cases fined 632
Total Amount of fine imposed by Hon’ble 19,85,005


1 No of Applications pending as on 01- 6,903

2 No of Applications received during the 1,840
3 Total 8,743
4 No of application disposed during the 1,038
5 No of applications pending as on 31-12- 7,705
Gratuity amount paid 5,51,60,485


1 No of Registered Trade Unions as on 01- 4,550

2 No of Trade Unions Registered up to 31- 124
3 Total 4,674
4 No of Trade Unions Registration 05

5 No of Trade Unions left on the live 4,669
Register as on 31-12-2017
6 Revenue collected (fees Collected) (in Rs) 1,240


1 No of Standing orders pending for 135

certification as on 01-01-2018
2 No of Standing order received for certification 89
during the year(from 1-1-2018 to 31-12-2018)
3 Total 224
4 No of Standing order certified 114
5 No of Standing order pending for certification 110
as on 31-12-2018

 Enforcement Statistics (under Various Labour laws)

No. of Inspections/Prosecutions/Convictions

Sl. Labour Laws No of No of No of Fine

No. Inspe Prose convi Imposed
ction cution ctions (in Rs)
1 The Karnataka Shops &
Commercial Establishment Act 14705 1044 612 1985005
2 The Maternity Benefit Act, 1963 80 - - -
3 Minimum Wages Act 1948 13528 931 649 1684190
4 The Payment of wages Act, 1936 8691 560 434 1655480
5 The Plantation Labour Act 1951 150 1 1 500
6 The Payment of Gratuity 3103 18 7 37000
7 The Motor Transport workers 252 7 - -
Act, 1961
8 The Karnataka Industrial 163 4 - -
Establishment(National &

festival Holidays) Act, 1963

9 The Karnataka Labour welfare 984 2 - -
Fund Act 1965
10 The Payment of Bonus Act,1965 283 - - -
11 The Beedi & Cigar Workers
(Conditions of Employments)Act 44 4 - -
12 The Equal Remuneration 5239 294 243 1970850
13 The Inter- state Migrant
Workmen (Regulation of 107 21 11 101000
Employment and Conditions of
Service) Act 1979
14 The Contract Labour (Regulation
& Abolition)Act,1970 2030 129 79 356200

15 The child Labour (Prohibition & 15085 94 22 217050

Regulation) Act, 1986
16 The Agriculture Unit (MW) 11904 - - -
17 The Trade Union Act, 1926 35 - - -
18 Industrial Employment (Standing - - - -
Orders) Act 1946
19 KS&CE Act (Sec-24) 1850 49 17 50300
Total 78233 3158 2075 8057575

It can be seen that the Department has made considerable progress under the
Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishment Act, 1961, The Minimum Wages
Act, 1948, The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 and Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 and
the Child and Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act – 1986.
Substantial number of prosecutions have been filed under the said Act and fine
imposed on the delinquent employers.


1970 :

1 No of Registered Principal Employers as on 12075


2 No of Establishments registered as Principal 998

Employer during the year 2018
Total 13073
No of Licenses issued to the contractors as on 17247
No of Licenses issued during the year 2018: 2686
Total 19,933


 The State Government has initiated steps for issuance of notification under
Section 4-A of the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. This initiative of the state
will create opportunities for compulsory insurance system for Payment of
Gratuity amount to the eligible employees, working in various establishments
in Karnataka.

 The State Government has initiated actions for amendment of the Minimum
Wages Act, 1948. In order to in cluse norms and related details, for fixation
and revision rates of Minimum wages in the state.

 The Department is redressing various grievances of the violation employees

and others received from various sources related mainly to the human rights of
the working class.

 So far 107 Scheduled Employments have been added to the Schedule of

the Minimum Wages Act, 1948. Out of these, rates of minimum wages
have been fixed / revised for 82 Scheduled Employments.
 The Government has issued Draft Notification fixing the rates of
Minimum Wages for the Scheduled Employments “Workers engaged in
Loading and Unloading work” for the first time, and Draft Notifications
revising rates of Minimum Wages for the Scheduled Employments
“Agriculture” and “Coffee Curing”.

 The Government has issued final Notification revising rates of Minimum

Wages for the Scheduled Employments “Beedi making”, “Cashew
Processing” and “Handloom and Power loom (Cotton) Employment”
through Committee method.

 22 Scheduled Employments to Part-1 and One (1) Employment to part-2

have been added to the Schedule of the Minimum Wages Act 1948, as

The Schedule
Section 2 (g) Read with Section -27
Part- I
1 Employment in E-commerce (Online Business) and Courier Service
2 Employment in Gymnastic Units, Fitness Centers, Spa, Massage
Centres, Beauty Therapy, Hair Plantation (Cosmetic Care Centres),
Yoga Studios, and allied Fitness and Health Establishments.
3 Employment in Religious and Social Institutions (Including Temples,
Mutts, Churches, Masjids, Gurudhwaras, Shrines, Basadis, Vihars and
such other establishments along with offices attached there to including
Offices and Establishments of ISKCON, Arya Samaj, Theosophical
Society etc).
4 Employment in Amusement Parks, Water Theme Parks, and such other
Commercial Places of Public Amusement/Entertainment
5 Employment in Maintenance of Mobile Towers, Television Cable
Network and incidental Processes.
6 Employment in Inland Water Transport like Commercial Motor
Boats/Launches, Traditional Boats and Motor Fishing Boats.
7 Employment in Old Age Homes, Orphanages, Destitute Women and
Child Care Centers, Early Childhood Care and Education Centers and
such other Establishments.
8 Employment in Non Governmental Organizations (NGOS), Voluntary
Organizations, Registered Societies, Trusts, Foundations including their
Office and Field Staff.
9 Employment in Aluminum and Tin Products
10 Employment in Cane and Bamboo Industry
11 Employment in Coconut and Coir Products Industry

12 Employment in Computer and Cyber Centers

13 Employment in Handicrafts Establishments.
14 Employment in Khadi and Village Industries Establishments.
15 Employment in LPG Storage and Distribution Industry
16 Employment in River Sand Collection Process Agencies.
17 Employment in Drilling Operation and Maintenance of Tube-Wells.
18 Employment in Rags Clearing, Scrap Collection and Sorting Processes.
19 Employment in Salt-Pan Industry.
20 Employment in Erection, Dismantling of Pendals, Shamiana Structures,
Floral Decorations, Arrangement of Chairs and Furniture etc.
21 Employment in M-Sand Establishments.

The Schedule
Section 2 (g) Read with Section -27
Part- II

Sl. Proposed amendment to the Title (Name) of the Employment in the

No Schedule
1 Employment in Poultry, Animal Husbandry and care of Livestock.

 With the vision of enhancing the applicability of the Minimum Wages

Act, 1948, the titles of 84 Scheduled Employments have been amended.
 Detailed Written Statements and Arguments were submitted to the
Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka in more than 100 Writ petitions based
on which the Hon’ble High Court has passed judgement dated 29-3-2019,
upholding the notifications issued by the State Government, with respect
to 34 Scheduled Employments, thereby enhancing the standard of living
of crores of workers working in the State of Karnataka.


The Department is redressing various grievances of the violation employees and
others received from various sources related mainly to the human rights of the
working class. Industrial Relations Scenario :-

a) The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, is the principal act which makes
provision for the investigation and settlement of industrial disputes
through the process of collective bargaining, conciliation, arbitration and
b) The Commissioner of Labour is the State Conciliation Officer under the
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
c) Two Additional Labour Commissioners, Joint Labour Commissioner and
Deputy Labour Commissioner (Publicity and Statistics) are notified as
Conciliation Officers under the provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act,
1947, for the entire State.
d) All other Regional, Divisional, Sub-Divisional Officers, up to the rank of
Labour Officers are notified as Conciliation Officers in their respective
e) The Senior Labour Inspectors are also notified as Conciliation Officers for
establishments employing less than 20 workers covered under the
Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1961, in their
respective jurisdiction in respect of the industrial disputes pertaining to
discharge, termination, retrenchment and dismissal cases.
f) The Department is trying its best to resolve the disputes through timely
and prompt intervention for maintaining industrial peace and harmony
throughout the State.
 Major Functions :-
a) Prevention and settlement of Industrial Disputes in the State Sphere;
b) Enforcement of Labour Laws and Rules made there under in the State Sphere.
c) Implementation of awards of Labour Courts and Industrial Tribunals.
d) Quasi-Judicial functions
e) Intervention in situations of threatened strikes and lockouts with a view to
avert the strikes and lockouts.
f) Implementation of settlements.
g) Enforcement of other provisions in the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 relating
to; (1) Works Committee, (2) Recovery of Dues, (3) Lay off, (4)
Retrenchment, (5) Closure and (6) Unfair Labour Practices.

The details of Work Stoppage at industry:

Stopage of Work Strikes Lockouts Total

[1] [2] [3] [4]

1. No. of strikes / lockouts - - -

2. No. of workers involved - - -
3. No. of Man days lost - - -

Industrial Disputes:
No. of No. of No of cases
cases cases sent for
No. of cases pending
pending as Received Total adjudication
at the end of the year
on 01-01- during during the
2017 the year year

65 1454 1519 1423 96

Important and Major Settlements under Section 12 (3) of the Industrial

Disputes Act, 1947:


Settlement Details under Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 Sec. 12(3) (01.01.2018 to 31.12.2018)

Establishment Name and Settlement

Sl.No. Conciliation Officer Address
address Date
Sequent Scintific Ltd., Deputy Labour Commissioner, Hassan
1 Mangaluru 29.1.18 Region, Hassan
Deputy Labour Commissioner, Region-2,
2 Shahi Exports Pvt. Ltd., 02.01.2018 Bengaluru
A.B. Cortal India Pvt. Ltd., DB Labour Officer, Sub-Division-5,
3 Pur 02.01.2018 Bengaluru
Assistant Labour Commissioner, Division-
4 Amco Batteries Ltd., Bengaluru 29.01.2018 2, Bengaluru
Deputy Labour Commissioner, Region-1,
5 Vipro Enterprises, Bengaluru 02.01.2018 Bengaluru
Boruka Extrution Pvt. Ltd.,
6 Mysore 5.3.2018 Assistant Labour Commissioner, Mysore
Shunka Metal & Carbon, Assistant Labour Commissioner, Division-
7 Bengaluru 24.3.2018 3, Bengaluru

8 KPTCL, Bengaluru 02.03.2018 Additional Labour

Commissioner(Industrial Relations),
TE Connectivity India Pvt. Ltd., Labour Officer, Sub-Division-6,
9 Bengaluru 08.03.2018 Bengaluru
10 TVS Motors Company, Mysore 22.01.2018 Assistant Labour Commissioner, Mysore
Labour Officer, Sub-Division-6,
11 Bosch Ltd., Bengaluru 25.01.2018 Bengaluru
Deputy Labour Commissioner, Region-2,
12 ITC Ltd., Mysore 6.2.2018 Bengaluru
British Engines (India) Pvt. Labour Officer, Sub-Division-6,
13 Ltd., Bengaluru 1.2.18 Bengaluru
Pepsico India Holdings Pvt. Deputy Labour Commissioner, Region-1,
14 Ltd., Bengaluru 21.2.18 Bengaluru
Assistant Labour Commissioner, Division-
15 Vipro Ltd, Bengaluru 12.2.18 3, Bengaluru
Snedar Electric Presequent Deputy Labour Commissioner, Region-2,
16 Systems Ltd.,Bengaluru 5.3.18 Bengaluru
17 Hector Beveragies, Mysore. 3.2.2018 Assistant Labour Commissioner, Mysore
18 ITC Business Division, Mysore 28.4.2018 Assistant Labour Commissioner, Mysore
19 LGB Forge Ltd., Mysore 12.4.2018 Assistant Labour Commissioner, Mysore
Labour Officer, Sub-Division-5,
20 Hotel Kanishka, Bengaluru 23.4.2018 Bengaluru
Labour Officer, Sub-Division-6,
21 Kanoriya Plasam, Bengaluru 6.4.2018 Bengaluru
CS Holds Works Memorial
22 Hospital, Mysore 17.4.2018 Assistant Labour Commissioner, Mysore
Snedar Electric Presequent Deputy Labour Commissioner, Region-2,
23 Systems Ltd.,Bengaluru 24.4.2018 Bengaluru
24 KSIC Ltd., Mysore 21.5.2018 Assistant Labour Commissioner, Mysore
Elins Switch Boards Pvt Ltd., Labour Officer, Sub-Division-6,
25 Bengaluru 19.5.2018 Bengaluru
Ontop Farmaciticals Pvt. Ltd., Labour Officer, Sub-Division-6,
26 Bengaluru 19.5.2018 Bengaluru
DPK Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Labour Officer, Sub-Division-6,
27 Bengaluru 19.5.2018 Bengaluru
Labour Officer, Sub-Division-6,
28 Ball Farma Ltd., Bengaluru 19.5.2018 Bengaluru
29 Southern Star Hotels, Mysore 4.6.2018 Assistant Labour Commissioner, Mysore
30 T T Steels Services India Pvt. 1.6.2018 Deputy Labour Commissioner, Region-1,

Ltd., Ramanagar Bengaluru

Labour Officer, Sub-Division-6,
31 Ball Farma Ltd., Bengaluru 19.5.2018 Bengaluru
United Spirit Shayora, Labour Officer, Sub-Division-2,
32 Bengaluru 1.6.2018 Bengaluru
33 SKF Technologies, Mysore 18.6.18 Assistant Labour Commissioner, Mysore
AT & S India Pvt. Ltd.,
34 Nanjangud 6.8.2018 Assistant Labour Commissioner, Mysore
Marish Spinners (L) Hunsur
35 Taluk, Mysore 6.8.2018 Assistant Labour Commissioner, Mysore
Myni Precision Products Ltd., Deputy Labour Commissioner, Region-2,
36 Bengaluru 15.3.2018 Bengaluru
Maharashra Hibrid Seeds Co. Deputy Labour Commissioner, Belagavi
37 Ltd., Haveri 31.7.2018 Region, Belagavi
Labour Officer, Sub-Division-5,
38 Leotech Uniq, Bengaluru 28.7.2018 Bengaluru
Stable Welfare Society, Additional Labour
Bengaluru Turf Club Ltd., Commissioner(Industrial Relations),
39 Bengaluru 15.10.2018 Bengaluru
ACN Automotive Karnataka Assistant Labour Commissioner, Division-
40 Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru 15.9.2018 3, Bengaluru
Goodrich Aerospace Services, Deputy Labour Commissioner, Region-2,
41 Bengaluru 15.9.2018 Bengaluru
TTK Health Care Ltd., Hoskote, Deputy Labour Commissioner, Region-2,
42 Bengaluru 2.5.2018 Bengaluru
Labour Officer, Sub-Division-6,
43 Lap India Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru 30.5.2018 Bengaluru
Mohan & Co. Exports Pvt. Ltd., Labour Officer, Sub-Division-6,
44 Bengaluru 30.5.2018 Bengaluru
Labour Officer, Sub-Division-6,
45 DIC India Ltd., Bengaluru 30.5.2018 Bengaluru
Labour Officer, Sub-Division-6,
46 Medrich Ltd., Bengaluru 30.5.2018 Bengaluru
Vivo Group India Pvt. Ltd., Deputy Labour Commissioner, Region-2,
47 Bengaluru 23.6.2018 Bengaluru
Hindustan Coca-Cola Deputy Labour Commissioner, Region-1,
48 Beveragies Pvt. Ltd., Ramanagar 2.6.2018 Bengaluru
Tractor & Farma Equipment Labour Officer, Sub-Division-5,
49 Ltd., DBPur 1.10.2018 Bengaluru
50 Moog Controls India Pvt. Ltd., 1.10.2018 Deputy Labour Commissioner, Region-2,

Bengaluru Bengaluru
Volvo Group India Pvt. Ltd., Deputy Labour Commissioner, Region-2,
51 Bengaluru 1.10.2018 Bengaluru
J K Tyre & Industrial Ltd., Deputy Labour Commissioner, Region-2,
52 Mysore 16.11.2018 Bengaluru
Thriveni Engineering &
53 Industries Ltd., Mysore 17.11.2018 Assistant Labour Commissioner, Mysore
Taj, M.G. Road, Bengaluru Deputy Labour Commissioner, Region-2,
54 15.12.2018 Bengaluru
West Coast Paper News Ltd., Deputy Labour Commissioner, Belagavi
55 UK 7.12.2018 Region, Belagavi
West Coast Paper News Ltd., Deputy Labour Commissioner, Belagavi
56 UK 7.12.2018 Region, Belagavi
Grasim Industries Ltd., Haveri Deputy Labour Commissioner, Belagavi
57 7.12.2018 Region, Belagavi
Solar Fire Safety Equipment Pvt. Labour Officer, Sub-Division-5,
58 Ltd., Bengaluru 1.12.2018 Bengaluru
Sonsera Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Deputy Labour Commissioner, Region-2,
59 Plot No.7, Bengaluru 6.12.2018 Bengaluru
Sonva Dimond Tools Pvt. Ltd.,
60 Maddur 10.12.2018 Assistant Labour Commissioner, Mysore
Sonsera Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Deputy Labour Commissioner, Region-2,
61 Plot No.3, Bengaluru 7.12.2018 Bengaluru
Sonsera Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Deputy Labour Commissioner, Region-2,
62 Plot No.1, Bengaluru 7.12.2018 Bengaluru
Sonsera Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Deputy Labour Commissioner, Region-2,
63 Plot No.2, Bengaluru 7.12.2018 Bengaluru

Implementation of Awards:

No. of
No. of cases No of cases
cases No. of cases
pending as disposed
Received Total pending at the
on 01-01- during the
during end of the year
2017 year
the year

IAA-1 85 146 231 94 137

IAA-2 74 41 115 43 72

Total 159 187 346 137 209


 During the year 2018, 2078 Awards of Labour Courts and Industrial Tribunals
have been published under Section 17-A of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.

Brief note on implementation of “Ashadeepa” Scheme

The Government of Karnataka is planning to implement a new scheme called,

“ Ashadeepa” Scheme, to provide employment opportunities to Schedule Caste and
Schedule Tribe categories in private sectors so as to provide social justice and to
encourage the Employers.

Under this scheme, the PF and ESI subscription pertaining to fresh

employment to be contributed by the employer, for a period of first 2 years and for
contract workers for a period of One year from the date of appointment, the same
will be reimbursed by the Karnataka State Government. Further, it is also proposed
to reimburse the Training Allowance and Apprenticeship Allowance of SC/ST fresh
candidates to the concerned employers.



Government of Karnataka has constituted the Karnataka Building and Other

Construction workers’ Welfare Board on 18-01-2007 (under Section 18(1)).
Objectives of the Board

The objectives of the Karnataka Board are - Collection of 1% Cess on the total
cost of the construction of building and other works incurred by the Government or
private builders, registration of building and other construction workers and issuing

them identity cards and Providing welfare and social security benefits to the
registered building and other construction workers / dependants.

The workers to be registered under the Board as beneficiary have to be

employed in the following building and other construction works

The construction, alteration, repairs, maintenance or demolition of, or in relation

to, buildings, streets, roads, railways, tramways, airfields, irrigation, drainage,
embankment and navigation works, flood control works (including storm water
drainage workers), generation, transmission and distribution of power, water works
(including channels for distribution of water) oil and gas installations, electric lines,
wireless, radio, television, telephone, telegraph and overseas communications, dams,
canals, reservoirs, watercourses, tunnels, bridges, viaducts, aqueducts, pipelines,
towers, cooling towers, transmission towers Stone Work for road and building
construction excluding that covered under Mines Act,1952., Fixing of slabs/ tiles in
constructions., Sewerage and plumbing work, including UGD construction.,
Electrical works including wiring, distribution, panel fixing etc., Installation, fixing
of cooling and heating systems., Installation of lifts, escalators etc., Installation of
security gates., Installation of iron/ metal grills, windows, doors., Construction of
water harvesting structures., Interior work for flooring, False ceiling, wall paneling
ect., Installation of glass panels, ACP Sheets, spider glazing during construction.,
Installation of pre-fabricated concrete bricks, blocks, hollow blocks, tiles, etc.,
Erection of signage. Road furniture, bus shelters/ depots/ stands, signaling systems
etc., Erection and Installation of fountains, swimming pools in public parks and
gardens etc., Earth work, earth spreading, leveling and earth cutting etc, for
construction purposes. Construction and Erection of temporary shelters.,
Construction and Erection of film In Cutting, breaking and crushing of stone, Fixing
of slabs/tiles, Sewerage and plumbing work, including UGD construction, Electrical
works including wiring, distribution, panel fixing etc., Installation and repair of
firefighting systems, Installation and repair of cooling and heating systems,
Installation of lifts, escalators etc., Installation of security gates, devices etc.,
Fabrication and installation of iron/metal grills, windows, doors, Construction of
water harvesting structures, Interior work including carpeting, false ceiling, lighting,
plaster of Paris, Cutting, glazing and installation of glass panels, Making of bricks,
roofing tiles etc. not covered under Factories Act, 1948, Installation of energy
efficient equipment like solar panels etc., Installation of modular units for use in
places such as kitchens, Making and installation of pre-fabricated concrete modules
etc., Construction of sports/recreation facilities including swimming pools, golf
course etc., Construction/erection of signage, road furniture, bus shelters/depots/
stands, signaling systems etc., Construction of rotaries, installation of fountains etc.,

Construction of public parks, walking tracks, landscaping etc. and such other work as
may be specified in this behalf by the appropriate Government, by notification.

Building and Other Construction Workers Registration details:

 Eligibility: Any Construction Worker between the age group of 18 and 60 years
can become a beneficiary of the Board.
 Registering Officers: Concerned Labour Officer/Senior Labour
Inspector/Labour Inspector/Chief Engineers of Bengaluru Metro Rail
Corporation Ltd.,
 Documents required for registration:
(a) Duly filled-in Form No. V-I (Application)
(b) Three (3) Passport size photographs
(c) Employment Certificate from present Employer/Contractor/Registered Trade
Union/Builders’ Associations of India/CREDAI/Contractors’ Association
(d) Proof of Age –school record, birth certificate, driving licence, passport EPIC
Card, Aadhar Card, LIC Insurance Policy or an affidavit regarding age or the
birth certificate issued by the Village Accountant or Revenue Inspector or
Officers of Local Body or by the Registrar of Births & Deaths, Certificate from a
Doctor not below the rank of Assistant Surgeon in Government Hospital/ESI
Hospital/ Hospitals of Local Bodies, or Registered MBBS, Ayurveda, Unani or
Homeopathy qualified Medical, Government or registered private Dentist with
BDS qualification.
 Registration Fee: ` 25/- (one time)
 Subscription and Renewal Fee: `25/- for 1 year
Self-attested Adar Card is Mandatory

Benefits Provided by the Karnataka Building & Other Construction Workers’

Welfare Board
1. Pension -{Sec. 22(1)(b) read with Rule 39}: After completion of 3 years as a
beneficiary Rs. 1,000/- per month
2. Disability Pension -{Sec. 22(1)(b) read with Rule 40}: Rs. 1,000/- per month
and Ex gratia payment up to Rs. 2,00,000/- depending upon the percentage of
3. Shrama Samarthya Toolkit-cum- Training Programme -{Sec. 22(1)(h) read
with Rule 41}: Rs. 20,000/-
4. Housing (Karmika Gruha Bhagya) {Sec. 22(1)(c) read with Rule 42} :
Rs. 2,00,000/-

5. Maternity Assistance (Thayi Lakshmi Bond)- {Sec. 22(1)(g) read with Rule
43}: Assistance of Rs. 30,000/- in case of female child and a sum of Rs.
20,000/- in case of male child (for first two children only)
6. Funeral Expenses: {Sec. 22(1)(h) read with Rule 44} Rs. 4,000/-to meet the
funeral expenses of the deceased construction worker and Rs. 50,000/- as ex-
7. Educational Assistance - (Kalike Bhagya) {Sec. 22(1)(e) read with Rule 45}:
(Two children of the registered construction worker)

- Passing 1st 2nd and 3rdRs. 2,000/-

- Passing 4th, 5th and 6thRs. 3,000/-
- Passing 7th & 8th Rs. 4,000/-
- Passing 9th & 10th Std and 1st PUC Rs. 6,000/-
- Passing II PUC Rs. 8,000/-
- Passing I.T.I or 2 years Professional Diploma Course – Rs. 7,000/-
(each year of passing)
- Passing Degree Course – Rs.10,000/- (each year of passing)
- Masters Degree – Rs. 20,000/- for entry and Rs. 10,000/- (each year of
- Entering into Engineering or Medical courses (B.E or MBBS on
merit seat)- BE: Rs.25,000/- for entry and Rs. 20,000/- after each year
of passing subject to the maximum number of years of the course.
- MBBS: Rs.30, 000/-for entry and Rs.25, 000/- after each year of
passing subject to the maximum number of years of the course.
- Entry into Doctoral Research- Rs.20,000/- after completion of
every y e a r ( m a x i m u m 2 y e a r s ) a n d thereafter, an
additional Rs. 20,000/-after acceptance of thesis.


I. Above 75% in SSLC or Equivalent Rs. 5,000/-

II. Above 75% in PUC or Equivalent Rs. 7,000/-
III. Above 75% in Degree or Equivalent Rs. 10,000/-
IV. Above 75% in Masters Degree or Equivalent Rs. 15,000/-

8. Medical Assistance ( Karmika Arogya Bhagya)- {Sec. 22(1)(f) read with Rule
46} : Rs. 300/- per day of hospitalization to a maximum of Rs. 10,000/- for
continuous period of hospitalization
9. Accidental Death/ Permanent Disability-{Sec. 22(1)(a) read with Rule 47}: Up
to Rs. 5,00,000/-

10. Treatment of Major Ailments (Karmika Chikitsa Bhagya)- {Sec. 22(1)(f) read
with Rule 48}: Upto ` 2,00,000/-: Treatment of Major Ailments viz. Heart
Operation, Kidney Transplantation and Cancer, Eye Operation, Paralysis,
Orthopedics Operation, Uterus Operation, Asthma, Miscarriage, Gall Bladder
Ailments, Kidney Stone Removal, Brain Hemorr hage, Ulcer, Dialysis,
Kidney Related Surgery, ENT Treatment & Surgery, Neurosurgery, Vascular
Surgery, Esophagus Treatment & Surgery, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Breast
Related Treatment and Surgery, Hernia Surgery, Appendix Surgery, Treatment
of Factures / Dislocation, General Surgery. (Subject to C.G.H.S. Rates)
11. Marriage Assistance (Gruha Lakshmi Bond)- {Sec. 22(1)(h) read with Rule
49} 50,000/-: Marriage Assistance to the beneficiary or to his 2 children.
12. LPG connection to re gistered construction workers.( Karmika
Anila Bhagya)-{Sec. 22(1)(h) read with Rule 49D}connection including
a two burner stove and refill for his or her family
13. BMTC bus pass-{Sec. 22(1)(h) read with Rule 49E} Assistance of free Bus
Pass to registered construction workers to commute in Bengaluru Metropolitan
Transportation Corporation (BMTC) buses
14. KSRTC bus pass-{Sec. 22(1)(h) read with Rule 49 F}Assistance of free
Student Bus Pass to children of registered construction workers travelling in
KSRTC buses
15. Assistance for pre-school education and nutritional support of the child of the
registered woman construction worker –Thayi Magu Sahaya Hastha: –{Sec.
22(1)(g) read with Rule 43A} : Rs. 6000/-(at the rate of Rs. 500/- per month)

Jurisdiction of Officers

District Labour Officers are appointed as Registering Authority for registration of

establishments and the same officers are appointed as Cess Assessing Authority.At
present there are 41 Labour Officers working throughout the State. Senior Labour
Inspectors and Labour Inspectors are appointed as the Beneficiary Registration
Authorities and their number is 230. Apart from this, Board has notified Chief
Engineers working in Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited as beneficiary
Registration Officers.

implementation of Acts by the Board

1. Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Cess Act, 1996 and Central
Rules 1998.

2. Building and Other construction Workers (Regulation of Employment And

Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 and Karnataka Rules, 2006.

Details of the Cess Collection

Cess Collection Amount(in
2018 834,17

Details of the Registered Beneficiaries

Total No. of registered
2018 8,05,605

Details of the financial assistance to the Beneficiaries

Sl. Name of the Welfare No. of Amount (in

No. Scheme Beneficiaries Crores)
1 Education Assistance 99,731 54,55,19,252
2 Marriage Assistance 11,742 57,71,75,000
3 Funeral Expenses 2536 13,49,12,850
4 Major Ailments 739 1,97,35,494
Accidental Death /
5 61 1,34,31,000
Permanent Disablement
6 Maternity Benefit 605 94,70,000
7 Medical Benefit 197 51,19,699
8 Pension Scheme 554 1,05,12,000
Partial Disability
9 05 8,87,000
Shrama Samarthya Toolkit-
10 cum- Training Programme
1655 -
BMTC bus pass 5,24,79,000
11 1914

Total 1,19,739 136,92,41,295

Details of the registered establishments

No of registered

2018 870

a)Budget Allocation
No budget is allocated to the Board by the Government.
b) Share of the Central and State Governments for the project: Nil

c) Object of the Programme, Project of plan: Providing Social Security Benefits to

the registered Building andfor the registered Construction workers

Board Meetings held in the year of 2018 ( Proceeding copies are enclosed in
Annexure-1 & 2)

Si.No Details of Meeting Chairmanship

1 25th Board Meeting Sri. Santosh Lad
2 26th Board Meeting Sri. Venkataramannappa

Monitoring Committee Meeting :

Monitoring Committee Meeting was held at Ministry of Labour and Employment in

New Delhi on 13-08-218. On behalf of Board Additional Labour Commissioner of
Labour Department and Joint Secretary of the Board were present and submitted the
Amendments were made to the Building and Other Construction Workers
(Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Karnataka Rules, 2006 vide
Notification No. LD 02 LET 2018, Bengaluru, dated: 19-02-2018 (Copy enclosed in
Annexure- 3


Sl No. of
Group Details
No Posts
1 A 5 Secretary-1 Post (Men)
Joint Secretary- 1 Post (Men)
Deputy Labour Commissioner & Deputy Secretary-1
Post (Women) Special Officer- 1 Post (Women)
Assistant Secretary-1Post (Men)

2 B 4 Assistant Labour Commissioner-1 Posts (Men)

Assistant Secretary-1 Post (Men)
(Under Rule-32)
Assistant Labour Commissioner-2 Posts (women)
(Under Rule-32)
3 C 5 Labour Officer- 1 Posts (Under Rule-32) (Men)
Labour Officer- 2 Posts (Under Rule-32) (Women)
Senior Labour Inspector-2 Posts (Women)


Sl No. of
Group Details
No Posts
1 A - -
2 B - -
3 C 9 Labour Officer- 4 Posts
Senior Labour Inspector- 05 Posts


Sl No. of
Group Details
No Posts
1 - - -


Post No. of Posts Working
1 Accounts Officer 03 In the Board
2 Legal Expert 01 In the Board


Post No. of Posts Working
1 Personnel 01 In the Labour Secretariat
Secretary to the
Govt. Secretary,


Sl No. of
Post Working
No Posts
1 Desk Managers 01 In the Board
2 Executives 40 In the Districts
3 Junior Executives 07 In the Board
4 Data Entry Operators 161 Board & in Districts
5 Steno - -
6 Cess Recovery Executives - -
7 Junior Librarian - -
8 Assistant Programmer 01 In the Board
9 Network Administrator 01 In the Board
10 Junior Engineer 01 In the Board
11 Security Staff 06 In the Board
12 Office Boys 15 Board, Govt Secretary
& Labour Minister’s


Sl No. of
Post Working
No Posts
1 Desk Managers 03 In the Board
2 Executives 11 In the Districts
3 Junior Executives 04 In the Board
4 Data Entry Operators 137 Board & in Districts
5 Steno - -
6 Cess Recovery Executives - -
7 Junior Librarian - -
8 Assistant Programmer - -
9 Network Administrator - -
10 Junior Engineer 01 In the Board
11 Security Staff 01 In the Board
12 Office Boys - -


Sl No. of
Post Working
No Posts
1 Driver 01 In the Board
2 Driver 01 With Board Chairman
3 Driver 01 With Personnel

Secretary to the Labour



Sl No. of
Post Working
No Posts
1 Senior Programmer 01 In the Board
2 Programmer - -
3 Assistant Programmer 04 In the Board
4 Graphic Designer - -


Sl No. of
Post Working
No Posts
1 Senior Programmer - -
2 Programmer 03 In the Board
3 Assistant Programmer 04 In the Board
4 Graphic Designer 01 In the Board



Post No. of Posts
1 Internal Accounts Auditors 01
2 Accounting & Financial Services 01
3 Internal Legal Advisors 01

e) Administrative measures taken up by the department/ Board for

Improvisation or modernization in 2018

Laptops, Printers / Scanners and Internet connections are provided to the

Assistant Labour Commissioners, Labour Officers, Senior Labour Inspectors /
Inspectors across the State of Karnataka and this has in a way strengthened the
infrastructure at the ground level especially for the registration of construction
workers who are working at work sites and providing them welfare and social

security benefits. And also imprest amount is released for the maintenance of record
room, handling grievance redressal mechanism and help line.
f) Functions and achievement of the Board in 2018

In the year 2018 Board has implemented the following new scheme to the
registered building and other construction workers and to their dependents.

Assistance for pre-school education and nutritional support of the child of the
registered woman construction worker -ThayiMaguSahayaHastha: –{Sec. 22(1)(g)
read with Rule 43A} : Rs. 6000/-(at the rate of Rs. 500/- per month).

Chapter 5:

Details of the parliament questions

Year LokSabha Subject
Information about Registered beneficiaries and welfare and
2018 3
social security schemes provided to them.

Details of the RajyaSabha questions

Year No. of question Subject
2018 2 Information about Registered beneficiaries and welfare and
social security schemes provided to them.

Details of the Legislative Council questions

Year No. of question Subject

Details of Welfare and Social Security Benefits and claims
provided to the registered building and other construction
2018 52 workers, registration details, cess details, Training and skill
programme, about Karmika bandu, Identity card, Publicity,
regarding Board staffs and fixed deposits.

Details of the Legislative Assembly questions

Year No. of question Subject

Details of Welfare and Social Security Benefits and claims
2018 40 provided to the registered building and other construction
workers, registration details, cess details, Training and skill
programme, about Karmika bandu, Identity card, Publicity,
regarding Board staffs and fixed deposit.

Remarks regarding purchase: Nil

Utilization of funds and delay in discharging benefits: Nil.

Para wise Remarks regarding audit for the last three years and the paras for
compliance as on the reporting date:
The audit of annual accounts of the Board for the year 2015-2016 has been
conducted by the Principal Accounted General (G&SSA) Bangalore and received
report on 27-03-2018. The same has been certified by the C&AG and received on
26-09-2017 and approved by the Board meeting held on 18-05-2019. Further, The
audit of the annual accounts for the year 2016-17 has been conducted during April-
May, 2019 and Draft Report is awaited.

Board Audit Inspection

Inspection of the Accounts of the Board for the year 2017-18 u/s 19 of CAG’s
(DPC) Act 1971 was conducted by the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA)
Bangalore, was conducted in May-June 2018.
Certification of Accounts of the Board for the year 2015-16 was conducted
February-March 2018 by the Principal Accountant General (G&SSA) Bangalore.

Income Tax Matters

The Board has filed Income Tax returns for A.Y 2015-16 and 2016-17 as usual.
Income Tax Department has selected these returns for scrutiny assessment and called
for certain documents. Board has furnished required documents along with form 10A
through Board’s CA with a request to condone the delay in filing form 10. The
Department concluded the assessment for the said years without considering the
request of the Board. Tax demand of Rs.413.08 crore has raised for the AY 2015-16
and brought attachment order and transfer the demanded amount from Canara Bank,
Hombhe gowda Nagar Branch in 2018. Appeal has been filed before the Income Tax
Authority. For 2016-17 Rs.371.99 crore has been demanded out of which Rs.69.49
crore has been paid and appeal filed before the Income Tax Authority in 2019.


It is estimated that more than 83% of the working population of the country
belong to the unorganised sector, economy. To improve the living conditions of
these unorganised workers by providing social security, the Government of India

has enacted the Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Act, 2008. The State
Government has framed the Unorganized Workers Social Security (Karnataka)
Rules, 2009 and constituted the Karnataka State Unorganized Workers’ Social
Security Board, on 05-10-2009.
The Board is headed by the Hon’ble Minister of Labour, Government of
Karnataka and the Secretary to Government, Department of Labour has Member
Secretary and the following 28 persons are it's members:-
i. Representatives of unorganized sector workers- Seven (7),
ii. Representatives of Employers of Unorganised Sector Workers-Seven (7),
iii. Sitting members of Legislative Assembly-Two (2),
iv. Eminent persons from civil society-Five(5),
v. Representing State Government Departments- Seven (7).

The Board is implementing the following Social Security Schemes:-

1. Karnataka State Private Commercial Vehicle Drivers Accident Benefit Scheme
2. Ambedkar Karmika Sahaya Hasta Scheme
(1) Karnataka state private commercial transport workers accident benefit scheme:-

Under this scheme implemented by the Board, the following benefits will be
given and programmes are being organised.
(a) Accident Benefit Facility:-
The drivers of private commercial transport vehicles are frequently prone to
the accidents, which may results in death, permanent total disablement and
temporary disablement. As a result, their family depending on their earnings will
face social and financial insecurity.
To provide Social Security to such families, the Karnataka State Govt. is
implementing “Karnataka State Private Commercial Vehicle Drivers Accident
Benefit Scheme” from 2011-12 and during the year 2016-17 said scheme has been
revised as, “Karnataka State Private Commercial Transport Workers Accident
Benefit Scheme”, to extend said benefits to the conductors and cleaners.
Under this scheme all the private commercial vehicle drivers who are holding
valid commercial driving license issued by the Transport Department in Karnataka
are treated as beneficiaries automatically and steps will be taken to register the
Conductors and Cleaners.

Under the scheme, the accident benefits were given through the insurance
company selected through tender, as per the provisions of KTPP Act, 1999 till
31-11-2018. From 01-12-2018, the said facility has been given directly by the Board
to the beneficiaries.
 Accident benefits available:-
 The accident benefit in case of death - Rs.5 lakh to the nominee .
 In case of permanent disability - Upto Rs.2 Lakhs depending upon the
percentage of disability.
 Accident resulting in Temporary Disablement;
 For hospitalization upto 15 days - maximum extent of Rs.50,000/- or
actual hospitalization charges whichever is lower
 For hospitalization more than 15 days - maximum extent of
Rs.1,00,000/- or actual hospitalization charges whichever is lower.

 Beneficiaries :
All the drivers who are holding valid driving licence issued by the Transport
Department to drive private commercial transport vehicles are the beneficiaries under
the scheme.
 Compensation paid to the beneficiaries from 01-01-2018 to 31-12-2018
Sl.No Details Number of Claims Amount
(Amount in Rs.)
01 Death Cases 53 2,14,00,000/-
02 Permanent Disability - -
03 Hospital Expenses 14 5,11,238/-
Total 67 2,19,11,238/-

(b) Educational Assistance:-

From the current year, it is decided to provide Educational Assistance of
Rs. 10,000/- per annum to maximum 2 children of the deceased /permanent total
disabled drivers due to accident, from 1st std. to 12th std. / pre-university. Action has
already been taken in this regard.

(c) Smart Card Facility:-

To create awareness among the beneficiaries about the Scheme, Smart Card
will be issued to all the eligible Private Commercial Transport Vehicle Drivers and
work order has been issued to M/s Keonics.
(d) Shrama Samman, Special Award & Consolation Award:-

 During the current year, to encourage safety and better driving, it is

decided to identify and facilitate the drivers with Shrama Samman,
Special Award & Consolation Award on the occasion of Karmika
Sammana Day to be celebrated on 1st of March every year.
 As per this across the State 60 drivers with Shrama Samman Award
among which one each from three wheeler and four wheeler, 300
drivers with Special Award among which five each from three wheeler
and four wheeler and 1500 drivers with Consolation Award among
which 25 each from three wheeler and four wheeler respectively.
 ShramaSamman Award consists of Rs.10,000 cash price, memento and
certificate; Special Award consists of Rs.1,000 cash price, memento and
certificate; and Consolation Award consists of memento and certificate.
(e) Accident Life SaviourProgramme:-
To encourage the Life Saviour, who saves the life of accident victim by treating with
first aid treatment, admit to the nearest hospital and informed to the concerned police
station, the Govt. of Karnataka is implanting Accident Life Saviour Programme from
the year 2016-17. Under the scheme, the trainee will be given a daily allowance of
Rs.350, Certificate and advanced first aid kit through the Board. During the year
2018-19, it was targeted to provide training in first aid to 25000 drivers among which
11,460 drivers have been trained. An incentive of Rs.1,000/- will be given to the Life
Saviour who save the life of accident victim under the scheme.

Physical and Financial Achievement During the Year 2018

Financial Physical
Amount Expenditure Tar Achieveme Remarks
Released (in Lakhs) get nt (No. Of

Karnataka State Maximum

Private Comme expenditure has been
rcial Vehicle 1750 143.49 - - incurred during the
Drivers Scheme month of Jan-2019 to

(2) Ambedkar Karmika Sahaya Hasta Scheme:-

Under this scheme implemented by the Board, the following benefits will be
given and programmes are being organised.
(a) Smart Card to Unorganised Workers:-
During the year, under Ambedkar Karmika Sahaya Hasta Scheme
action has been taken to register and issue of Smart Cards under one logo
and one title to 5 categories of Unorganised Workers belonging to Hamalies,
Domestic Workers, Tailors, Rag Pickers and Mechanics.
In this regard, Board has already printed 3 lakh prescribed application
forms and distributed among the Trade Unions, workers and to the Labour
Department Officers. So for 51,881 filled applications have been received by
the board and the same has been sent to M/s Keonics for printing. Out of
this, 7572 Smart Cards have been printed and sent to the concerned District
Labour Officers for distribution to the concern workers.
At the same time, the G.O. has been issued to register and issue of
Smart Cards under one logo and one title to 6 categories of Unorganised
Workers belonging to washer men, goldsmiths, potters, barbers, ironsmith
and klin workers. Action will be taken in this regard.
(b) Provident Fund Facility:-
Action has been taken to formulate Contributory Provident Fund and
Pension Scheme for 7 lakh Workers belonging to 11 Category of
Unorganised Workers. In this regard, 2 Retired Officers of Higher Grade
from Provident Fund Depertment have been recruited on contract basis.

(c) Karmika Seva Kendra:-

As per the provisions of Section 9 of the Unorganised Workers Social
Security Act 2008, to reachout the targeted beneficiaries, action has been taken to
establish Karmika Seva Kendra in all the 175 Talukas across Karnataka. The main
Object is to create awareness among beneficiaries about the Schemes, to facilitate
them to fill the application, processing and forwarding to avail the benefits under

different Social Security Schemes. For this purpose an amount of Rs. 3,00,01,550/-
has been released to the all District Labour Officers.
In Karmika Seva Kendras, the services of Karmika Bandhus who are
appointed by the Karnataka Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare
Board will be used for providing information, to assist them to avail the benefits
under the various Social Security Scheme of this Board.
(d) Shrama Samman, Special Award :-

During the current year, it is decided to identify and facilitate the unorganised
workers belonging to 11 categories such as hamalis, domestic workers, ragpickers,
tailers, mechanics, washermen, goldsmiths, potters, barbers, ironsmith and klin
workers whoSpecial Service rendered by them by ShramaSammanaSammana Award
and Special Award on the occasion of KarmikaSammana Day to be celebrated on 1 st
of March every year. As per this, across the State 330 workers among which, one
each from each category from each district will be honoured with ShramaSamman
Award and 3300 workers among which, ten each from each category from each
district will be honoured with Special Award. ShramaSammanAward consists of
Rs.10,000 cash price, memento and certificate; Special Award consists of Rs.1,000
cash price, memento and certificate.
The said award will be given to the selected workers on the occasion of
KarmikaSammana Day to be celebrated on 1st of March.

Physical and Financial Achievement During the Year 2018

Financial Physical
Amount Expendi Tar Achieve Remarks
Released ture (in get ment
Ambedkar 453.81 Maximum expenditure has
Karmika Sahaya been incurred during the
Hastha Scheme
2777.80 - - month of Jan-2019 to Mar-

To create awareness among the public and beneficiaries about the scheme
implemented by the Board the Calendar and pocket calendar for the year 2018 has
been got printed and distributed



Government of India vide its Gazette Notification dated 30.07.2016 has published
the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) (Amendment) Act-1986 with the
object of bringing within its scope even adolescent labour and thereby regulate and
prohibit child and adolescent labour. The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act
- 2015, the Right to Education Act, 2009 and other legislations which are meant for
protection of the rights of the children are also in force supplementing the Child and
Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986. The harmonious and
effective enforcement of the laws concerned helps in containing the child and
adolescent labour problem in the state. In this regard, the State Government has
taken mainly following activities;

 The Child and Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 is
being implemented in the State of Karnataka. The Government of Karnataka
has published the Child Labour(Prohibition and Regulation) (Karnataka)
(Amendment) Rules, 2017 vide Notification No. LD 113 CLC 2017 (P1)
Bangalore, Dated: 04/10/2018 in Volume 153, Issue 44 of the Karnataka
Gazette dated: 08/11/2018.

 Government of Karnataka has issued Notification No. LD 124 CLC 2016,

Bangalore, Dated: 01/13/2019 under Section 14-B of the Child and
Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 constituting
"Child and Adolescent Labour Rehabilitation Fund" Scheme.

 In the year 2018-19, the State Government by involving Rural Development

and Panchayath Raj Department, Department of Women and Child
Development, Department of Primary and Secondary Education, Department
of Labour and the relevant stakeholders has conducted a joint survey of Out-
of-School Children (OoSC), in which 49 child labourers and 103 adolescent
labourers, i.e a total of 152 working children were identified.

 The Government of Karnataka through its Department of Primary and

Secondary Education has started Students Achievement Tracking System
(SATS)- Karnataka Portal, which provides opportunities to upload

information of all the children enrolled in educational institutions. All the

District Child Labour Project Societies are instructed to upload all
information of the children enrolled in Special Training Center (STCs)
working as per the National Child Labour Project (NCLP)/State Child
Labour Project (SCLP) scheme in Karnataka State.

 Government of India has started National Child Labour Projects Scheme

(NCLPS) in1988 to rehabilitate rescued child labourers. Through this
scheme, opportunities for rehabilitation and learning to the rescued child
labourers in Special Training Centers (STCs) are provided.

 Government of Karnataka has launched State Child Labour Project (SCLP)

as a supplement to the National Child Labour Projects Scheme (NCLPS) to
extend beneficial support system in non-NCLP districts.

 Generating awareness about the problems and remedies to the child and
adolescent labour system is being taken–up on priority basis. the task is
being implemented by using traditional media and modern electronic / print
media in the districts under the leadership of Deputy Commissioners
throughout the state.

 The Child Helpline No. 1098 and Helpline No. 080-29752833 are being used
to receive complaints about the child labour. The complaints received
through Help lines are scrutinised and appropriate legal actions are initiated
for rescue, rehabilitation and repatriation of the working child, as per law.

XI. Structure of the Karnataka Labour Welfare Board

Karnataka Labour Welfare Board is an autonomous body. Government of
Karnataka has enacted Act called Karnataka Labour Welfare Fund Act,1965 and
framed rules in1968.Under the rules a fund has been constituted for financing and
conducting activities for the welfare of organized Labour in the State of Karnataka

UnderSection–4 rule10 of the Karnataka Labour Welfare Fund Act,1965 and

Rules 1969,The board Shall Consist members as mentioned below:

1. Employer's Representatives -4
2. Employee's Representatives -4
3. Independent Members -4
4. Independent Women Representatives 2

The 13th board has been re-constitute dasper Government notification

KAE-44- LET-2013, BANGALORE dated 12.12.2016 (Karnataka Gazette, Special
Issue, 06.03.2017). The member sare:
Independent Members
1. Shri Venkataramanappa
Honorable Minister for Labour And Chairman, Govt.of Karnataka
Karnataka Labour Welfare Board Bangalore.
2. The Adl.Chief Secretary and Principal Secretary
Finance Dept.,/ His representative Govt. of Karnataka
Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore
3. The Adl.Chief Secretary and Principal Secretary Finance Dept.,/His
representative Govt. of KarnatakaVidhanaSoudha, Bangalore
4. The Adl. Chief Secretary to the Government Labour Department
Vikasa Soudha, Bangalore
5. The Labour Commissioner, Labour Department Govt. Karnataka
Karmika Bhavan, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore 560029

Employers Representatives

1. Representative from Federation of KarnatakaChamberofCommerceand

2. Representative from Greater Mysore Chamber of Industries and
Commerce (BCCI), (Mysore Division)
3. Representative from Karnataka Small Scale Industries(KASSIA), (Kalburgi
4. RepresentativefromKarnatakaTextileMillsAssociation,Bangalore(Belgaum

Employees Representatives

1. RepresentativefromAllIndiaTradeUnionCongress,No3,VinayakaBuilding, Sampige

Road, Malleshwaram, Bangalore (Bangalore Division)

2. Representative from Centre for Indian Trade Union (CITU),No20/1,VG Gopal

Building, Lalbhag For Road,Near Minerva Circle,Bangalore(Mysore Division)

3. RepresentativefromIndianNationalTradeUnionCongress(INTUC),No26/1.
11thCross,18thMain,Malleshwaram,Bangalore(Kalburgi Division)

4. BharatiyaMazdoorSangha(BMS),SubedharChatramRoad,Bangalore(Belgaum Division
Women Representatives

1. Smt.MS Manjula Bin Late Shantananda MN., No 26, 1st Cross, Rajyotsava Nagar,

Smt. Nalini Raghu, No204, Aryan Basil,V Nagenahalli Main Road,Guddahalli, RT

Nagar, Bangalore560032

The Honorab’le Minister for Labour is the Chairman of the Board and the
Welfare Commissioner is the Chief Executive Officer
In the year 2017 and 2018, the board meetings were conducted on dated:
27.04.2017, 30.11.2017 and 20.03.2018

2.Karnataka Welfare Board Achievements and Progress details

*For the organized labours board introducing Welfare and Social Security Schemes.
Registered Factories, Plantations, Transport Institutes and Shops and Business
organizations which consists more than 50 employees comes under the board.
1. Contribution
 In the year2016-17GovernmenthascontibutedRs2.40
 In the year2017-18GovernmenthascontributedRs6.00Crores
2. Number ofLabours
 In the year 2015-16, 33.02 Lakhs

 In the year 2016-17, 35.80 Lakhs


3. Contribution
 In the year2015-16,total contribution was Rs 5.94Crores

 In the year2016-17,total contribution was Rs 6.44 Crores

 In the year2017-18,total contribution was Rs 20.63 Crores

3. Board’s Welfare Schemes

Financial assistance to the children of the workers is one of the 5 major welfare
schemes implemented by Karnataka Labour Welfare board.

 Intheyear2015-16,fromRs1.55Croresfund7,936studentsgotfinancial
assistance for theire ducation

 Intheyear2016-17, fromRs2.59Crores12,902studentsgotfinancial
assistance for theire ducation

 Intheyear2017-18,fromRs7.11Crores,17,414studentsgotfinancial assistance
for theireducation
 In the year 2017-18,36.05 Lakhs In last 3years there is an significantin crease in the
numbers of organised workers contribution. Smiliarly the number beneficiaries of
Labour Welfare Board, welfare schemes also increased.
Honorable Labour Minister, Board members and Secretary of Labour department
appreciated the achievements and progress of the board.

3. Details of UnpaidAccumulations collected from the workers, from the date:

01.01.2018 to 31.12.2018

S No Details 2018

1 Total amount of Income (345 Establishments) Rs 4,99,01,583

2 Refund to the workers 99,996


4. Details of Unpaid Accumulations collected from the workers, from the

date:01.01.2018 to 31.12.2018

S No Details 2018

1 Total amount of Income(345Establishments) Rs 4,99,01,583

2 Refund to the workers 99,996

3. Details of Income, expenditure and fixed deposits, from the date: 01.01.2018 to

S. No Particulars Income Total in Rs

A) Contributions from
1 Employees and Employer 26,52,14,359
B) Matching Contribution 5,00,00,000

Rental amount received from

2 the Board Buildings and 50,31,448 50,31,448
samudaya Bhavana

Interest on FD's and Gen SB

3 3,82,19,144 3,82,19,144

4 G I S Contributions 100 100

5 Miscellaneous 64,758 64,758

Total 30,85,29,809 30,85,29,809


Details of Expenditures

S.No Particulars Expenditures in Rs Total in Rs

1. Staff Salaries 3,75,65,547

1 4,44,74,567
2. Pensions 69,09,020

2 Welfare Schemes 7,73,95,500 7,73,95,500

3 General Expenses 2,23,87,237 2,23,87,237

Board's maintenance and

4 machine repairs cost 5,44,091 5,44,091

Development of Board's
5 property 83,28,333 83,28,333

Total 15,31,29,728 15,31,29,728

Details of Fixed Deposit Investment for the year 2018

Amount Deposited in
Details Total In Rs

FD Investment amount 79,04,00,000 79,04,00,000


5. Pension details, from 01.01.2018 to 31.12.2018

Karnataka Labour Welfare Board Pension Scheme came to existence as per the
Government order no KaE- 349-LET-2000, Bangalore, dated: 27.06.2001 as
resolved in 55th board something held on dated: 31.03.2000

As on 2017 December, there are 43 retired employees, among them 30 pension

holders and 7family pension holders.

2018 Income Statement (From dated: 01.01.2018 to 31.12.2018)

S.No Details Total

1 Pension contribution from the staff @8.1/3% to the fund for 18,37,346
the year 2017

Total amount in Rs 18,37,346

 2018 Expenditure Statement (01.01.2018 to 31.12.2018)

S.No Details Total

1 Pension, Family Pension and DA 69,09,020

Total amount in Rs 69,09,020

 Resolutions of the 86th Board meeting held on dated: 27.04.2017

1. Health Check up for organized workers and separate blood bank for workers:

Exclusive Blood Bank should be established by Karnataka Labour Welfare Board in

all the four regions, with the help of Rotary, Lions Club, Educational Institutions,
Factories, or any other organizations, blood campus hould also be organised.
By establishing blood banks, Karnataka Labour Welfare Board, stretch the helping
hands to the workers who met accidents during duty hours.

Council un anxiously decided to allow such arrangements may be given to the four
regional departments of the state, Bangalore, Belgaum, Mysore, Gulbarga.
With help of local labour unions, labour officers, Rotary and Lions Clubs conducting
blood camps and giving appreciation certificate to the blood onors, and to organise
blood camps in all regional office providing approximate expense of 5lakhs,
andconductinghealthcheckupcampsfororganizedworkersandtheirfamily members.

2. State wide awareness programs to the employers/workers/other partners:

One crore rupees for statewide awareness program will be provided to the state
employers/workers/other partners, with the participation of in rotary clubs,
local labour association sand district collectors.

2. Resolutions of the 87th Board meeting held on dated: 30.11.2017

1. Karnataka Labour Welfare Board Property Development and Maintenance
Karnataka Labour Welfare Board has built Samudaya Bhavana for the utilization by
organized workers and their dependants in the Vijaypura, Gadag, Peenya, Bapuji
Nagar. Board has decided avail the space at can be rentedat discount
rate.Workers canrent it for at the discount rate of 9,300/-perday. Bhavana also
available for publicat the rate for 20,000/-per day.
For organized workers Board has built well furnished samudaya bhavana at
Bagalakunte, Manjunath Nagar at the cost of Rs. 5 Crore, where 2000 people can
attend at single time. Workers can use this bhavan for any kind of family
functions.This bhavanisa waiting for the inauguration and board is waiting for
the free dates of Honorable Labour Minister.
In Dandeli, Uttara Kannada district board is building samudaya
bhavana/office/Commercial Complex in 18guntasite at the cost of Rs. 5 Crores.
Work is in progress.
3. Resolutions of the 88th Board meeting held on dated:20.03.2018
1. Seeking approval for the Karnataka Labour Welfare Board Budget 2018-19
As there solution taken in the meeting Karnataka Labour Welfare Board has
submitted the 2018-19 budgets on dated: 22.03.2018 for the government
2. Order to MCA for the printing and distribution of calendars which consist
details of Labour Department/Board schemes, for the year 2018
With reference to the government order KaE 70 KaBaNi 2017, Bangalore,
dated 05.01.2018, Government of Karnataka given order to MCA Company to design,
printand distribute the annual and pocket calendars, which displays the details of
Labour Department, Skill Development, Entrepreneur and Liveli hood Department and
all Department and Boards information related worker.Property details of the Board
in the year of 2018 - 2019
Land/Sites of the Board and
S. No Surve No Dimension

1. Bangalore. City Survey No North 28.60 Mtrs,

Board Building 151/2 South 26.68 Mtrs
Labour Welfare Centre, Mattikere East 14.70 Mtrs
Main Road, Behind Mahanagara West 14.60 Mtrs(31/2
Palike Complex, Yashavanthapur Guntas)

Board head office situated in 2 nd floor of the building, Mattikere main road, Yashavanthapur.
1stfloor give non rent to the Central Board of Workers Education and the Ground
floor rented to State Bank of India branch and Its Atm.

2. Bangalore Ward No 42 North And South

nd th
2 Main,5 Cros,BapujiNagar, Mysore 103 Fts
Road, (Near Gali Anjaneya Temple) East and West 65 Fts
103’x 65 SqFts

Samudaya Bhavana Given on rent to the workers family functions

3. Bangalore Survey No85 Land
BagalakunteVillage, Dasarahalli 7Acres20Gunta
City Municipality, Manjunath

In 7 Acres 20 Gunta land:

1. 2Acres of land lease dout for 30years to the Employment and Training Department
2. 2Acres of land lease dout for 30 years to the Labour Department Research Institute
3. Samudayana bhavana build in 30 Gunta land

4. Bangalore, Site No 29 East–27-30Mtrs

SamudayaBhavana1stStage,Pee (New 4-1) West -24-90Mtrs
nya,11thWard, Bangalore South – 21-60
Mahanagara Palike, Tumkur Mtrs
Road North- 24-80
Mtrs80x90 SqFts

Samudaya Bhavana being rented toWorkers family functions. 2nd and 3rd floor
rented to there a dygarment company Art of Fashion
5 Mandya District Survey No 341 Land
Hongalli Village, Belagola 4 Acres
Panchayat, Sri Rangapatna
6 Chitradurga District Survey No 22.2 Land
Vani Vilas Pura Village 3.30 Gunta
(BesideVani Vilasa Sagar)
Hiriyur Taluk
For the protection of above mentioned 4A cre and 3.30 gunta land fencing has
been done
7 Vijayapura Site No CTS East100Fts
No 1294/1A 1294/1A West80Fts
Ward No 6 North279Fts
Sindhagi Road,Rampura Road South 289Fts
(0.20 Gunta)

Deputy Director, Co-operative Society Audit is on rent in the 1st floor of the
building Labour Office 1-2, Labour Department is on rent in the 2nd floor

8 Davanagere Site No 6 12-15MtrLength

Site No 6, (Labour Colony) Division No 7, (30x40SqFt)9Mtr
Nittuvalli Road, Davangare, Door 920/10, Width (30x40 Sq
920/11, 920/12 Ft) Building Built
in North x South 23
East x West 22½ft
(30x40Sq Ft) Site

Basaveshwara Marketing Company is on rent in this building

9. Uttara Kannada District Division West 275Fts
Dandeli City Municipality No 1 Property No South 108Fts
Dandeli City 1/767 East 239 Fts
North 42 Fts
(18 Guntas)
Old building is
Rs 5 Crore Samudahaya Bhavana/office Complex construction is on progress
10 Mysore Block/House No North x South 93
Kesare Colony, 53 East x West 42
Rajendra Nagar 7 Cross, Welfare Centre
(Laskar Mohalla) NR Mohalla, building
Mysore constructed
11, Gadag CTSNo4012/133
Gadag-Betageri Settlement Land 1360Fts 20 Gunta Land/Site
Gadag City Municipality
Samudaya Bhavana and office complex Constructed and compound is built to
protect the property
12 Raichuru Survey No 852/2 Old building is
Neelakanteshwara Nagar there in this 23
gunta land
13 Tumkur Survey No 72/1B, Site
Site at Tumkuru 72/1B, 72/2B 17.68x30.48Mtr(
DevarayaTown 58’x100’’SqFts)
Fencing has been done to TumkurDevarana Town Site

From all the buildings and Samudaya Bhavana’s Rs.50,31,448/- income generated
through rent to the Karnataka Labour Welfare Board.

Karnataka Labour Welfare Board, in the welfare of labourers to execute all the
above mentioned activities effectively tried to utilize the Contribution and the
government grants. For the social security of labourers, board is working -objective of its
installation-to progress of the states labourers.




FOR THE YEAR 2018-19





Minister for Labour


Secretary to Government, Labour Department
M .K. Bharmarajappa L. S. Srikantababu
Joint Secretary to Government Deputy Secretary to Government




E.S.I.C Model Hospital

Rajajinagar, ESIC Hospital Med.
Med. Med. Med. Med. Med. Med. Med. Suptd.
Peenya& ESIC Med College Suptd. ESI
Suptd. ESI Suptd. ESI Suptd. ESI Suptd. ESI Suptd. ESI Suptd. ESI ESI
KalburgiUnder thecontrol of Hospital
Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Diagnostic
ESIC Med.Suptd. Indiranag
Mysuru Mangalur Davanage Hubballi Belagavi Dandeli Centre
u re
Dispensaries 32 + 6
Dispensaries. Dispensaries
dispensaries attached to Dispensaries. 15 Dispensaries. 9 Dispensaries. 9 Dispensaries. Dispensaries.
17 Adm. . 9 Adm.
Shahabad ESI Hospital Adm. Medical Adm. Medical Adm. Medical 9Adm. Medical 7 Adm. Medical
Medical Medical
Adm. Medical Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer
Officer Officer



FOR THE YEAR 2018-19

The E.S.I. Scheme is a premier social security scheme implemented in accordance with the
E.S.I. Act, 1948 and rules framed there under. The scheme was inaugurated on February 24 th
1952 in the Industrial Town of Kanpur and Delhi. The Non-Medical services are rendered
through E.S.I. Corporation, which is under the control of Central Government. The Scheme
provides two types of services, namely Medical and Non-Medical. Medical services are
rendered by E.S.I.S. Medical Service, which is under the control of State Government and Non-
Medical service is extended by ESI Corporation which under the control of Central

The Scheme made a humble beginning with 12 E.S.I. Dispensaries and one 100 bedded
E.S.I. Hospital in Karnataka as on 27.07.1958 at Bangalore, catering to 48,000 beneficiaries
with a wage limit of Rs.400/- p.m.

The E.S.I. Act, 1948 envisage the following seven benefits to the Insured Persons and
their families.

1. Medical Benefit.
2. Sickness Benefit.
3. Maternity Benefit.
4. Disablement Benefit.
5. Dependent Benefit.
6. Funeral Expenses.
7. Un-employment allowance (Rajiv Gandhi Shramik Kalyan Yojana)


The Scheme was first implemented to cover non-seasonal factories using power and
employing 20 or more persons who were drawing a salary of Rs. 400/- P.M. or less. This wage
limit has been raised to Rs. 21,000/- p.m. with effect from 01-01-2017. The Act has also been
amended to cover other sectors of employment for example factories with 10 or more persons
using power / not using power, Factories with 10 or more persons, shop and commercial
establishments employing 10 or more persons, hotels, restaurants, cinema and preview theatres,

Journalism Organizations, road motor transport undertaking employing 10 or more persons are
covered under the scheme. The Act has also been amended to cover Private Medical Institution
& Private Educational Institutions.


The Department has the responsibility of extending medial benefit to the

Insured Persons and their fa milies. The s anctioned strength of the department is
as follows: -

Sl.No. Group Sanction Working Vacant

610 328 282
1 Group ‘A’
Group ‘B’ 24 12 12
Group ‘C’ 1697 840 857
Group ‘D’ 848 229 619
TOTAL 3179 1409 1770

The details of budget allocation and expenditure under the major head of account 2210 to
the department for the year 2017-2018 is as follows:

(in Crores)

Head of Account Allocation Expen. Achievement

1 2210-01-102-0-01 346.37 321.74

2 2210-01-102-0-03 0.15 0.08

346.52 321.82


The details of budget allocation and expenditure under the major head of account 2210 to
the department for the year 2018-19 is as follows:

(in Crores)

Head of Account Allocation Expen. Achievement

1 2210-01-102-0-01 323.49 315.93

2 2210-01-102-0-03 0.15 0.10

323.64 316.03


The details of budget allocation and expenditure under the major head of account 2210 to
the department for the year 2019-20 is as follows:

(in Crores)

Sl. Expn. (upto Achieve-

Head of Account Allocation Released
No. Apr 2019 ment

1 2210-01-102-0-01 366.65 91.66 8.87

2 2210-01-102-0-03 0.19 0.04 0.93

366.84 91.71 8.88



In Karnataka full medical care has been extended to about 34.96 lakhs Insured Persons
and about 150.00 lakhs of their families through a network of 10 E.S.I. Hospitals (Including
ESIC Hospital, Gulbarga, Rajajinagar& Peenya) 113 full time E.S.I. Dispensaries, 06 I.M.P.
system dispensaries and 01Diagnostic Centre.


The State Government entered into an agreement with E.S.I. Corporation to provide full
medical care to Insured Persons and their families for which E.S.I. Corporation reimburses the
7/8th share of the total expenditure and the State Government bears 1/8 th share subject to ceiling
As per the new instruction of ESI Corporation the Corporation will bear entire expenditure
within the ceiling on medical care incurred by the State Government for an initial period of 03
years w.e.f 2018-19 prescribed by the E.S.I. Corporation on full medical care from time to time.

(in Crores)
Expenditure Achievements
Year made by State
Plan/Non plan %

2014-15 162.41 151.37 93.20

2015-16 332.52 318.85 95.89

2016-17 347.22 320.58 92.32

2017-18 346.37 321.83 92.91

2018-19 323.64 316.03 97.66

Details of the amount re-imbursed by ESI Corporation for the last 05 years are as follows:

(in Crores)

Year Amount
Sl. No.

1 2014-15 103.22
2 2015-16 189.93
3 2016-17 180.00
4 2017-18 230.54
5 2018-19 234.37


A Grievance Redressal Machinery is functioning in ESI Hospitals / Dispensaries and the

Directorate of ESIS Medical Services. A State level Grievance Cell is established in the
Directorate consisting of Officials from ESIS Medical Services and Officials from ESI
The Committee meets on the third working Friday of every month to hear complaints
relating to administration of Medical Benefits.

In cases of emergency the patients who are directly admitted to the Private Hospitals, the
Committee recommends to reimburse the Medical expenses as per the emergency of the
situations in the interest of the beneficiaries.

210th Grievance Cell meeting was successfully completed on March 2019 making
Karnataka a foremost state in the country to have successfully completed such meetings.

RTI Applications:

RTI applications received in ESI Directorate for the year 2018-19 is 111 out of which 111
cases has been resolved.


Attention has been given to achieve progress under Family Welfare and Immunisation
programme. The details of progress made during 2018-19 are as follows:

1 POLIO 5567


All the 10 E.S.I. Hospitals, one ESI Diagnostic Centre, 38 E.S.I. Dispensaries and E.S.I.
Directorate are housed in E.S.I. Corporation building. Further, 554 residential quarters are built
in the Department.

PERCENTAGE OF BED OCCUPANCY (2018-19): (Excluding ESIC Model Hospital,

Rajajinagar, B’lore)
a. E.S.I.Hospital Indiranagar 58.04%
b. E.S.I.Hospital Mysuru 34.95%

c. E.S.I.Hospital Mangaluru 5.14%

d. E.S.I.Hospital Davangere 57.66%
e. E.S.I.Hospital Belgavi
f. E.S.I.Hospital Hubballi 76.00%
g. E.S.I.Hospital Dandeli 38.00%

PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENTS ( 01-04-2018 TO 31-03-2019)

1. The Department has procured the drugs worth of Rs.35.00 crores for continuous supply of
drugs to the patients for the year 2018-19
2. ESI Hospital, Davanagere, Hubli & Mysore has been shifted to renovated buildings.
3. 80 Medical Officers has been appointed on contract basis, 03 Part time Dental Doctors
and 86 para medical posts are filled through outsourcing.
4. 313 Group D posts has been filled through outsourcing
5. The proposal has been submitted to K.P.S.C. to recruit 159 IMO’s, 60 FDA, 75 SDA, 100
Staff nurses and 73 Pharmacist posts.
6. A survey was conducted for 46,887 women employees of Garments factories out of that,,
12,010 are identified as Anemic, 3,56,380 Iron Tabs were distributed to them.
7. In Chikkaballapur a ESI Dispensary cum Branch office (D.C.B.O) has been
commissioned on 01-09-2018
8. Department has appointed 10 retired doctors on contract basis to overcome the shortage
of doctors.
9. Employer Facilitation Dispensary has commissioned at R.L. Jalappa Hospital, Tamaka,
Kolar Distt and S.D.M. Hospital, Ujire, South Kanara.
10. A Health Check-up camp was organised for about 170 Building construction labourers
At Kalburgi Area
11. ESI Dispensary, Tiptur has commissioned on 08-03-2019.
12. Totally 111 RTI Applications has been received and disposed
13. The Department conducted 11 Medical Health Checkup, 04 CME programmes, 01 Well
Baby camps.

TARGET FOR 2019-20:

1. The Department is in the process of commissioning ESI Hospitals at the following areas:

Sl No Location District

1 Bommasanda Bengaluru, Rural

2 Doddaballapura Bengaluru, Rural

3 Narasapura Kolara

4 Bidadi Ramanagar

5 Shivamogga, Shivamogga

6 Hosapet Ballary

2. The Department will commission full time ESI Dispensaries at the following areas:

Sl No Location District

1 Gowribidanur Chikkaballapura

2 Kolara Kolara

3 Narasapura Kolara

4 Harohalli Ramanagara

5 Navabad Bidar

6 Chikkamagaluru Chikkamagaluru (Govt. order issued)

3. State Government has given its consent to ESI Corporation to commission Dispensary
cum branch office (DCBO) in the following areas. 1. Bidar 2. Chamarajnagar 3. Haveri
4. Kodagu 5. Yadagiri 6. Uttar Kannada (Karwar) and 7. Chikkamagaluru.
4. The Department has planned to procure the emergency equipments worth of Rs. 98.00
Lakhs for upgradation of facilities.
5. The Department has proposed to upgrade ESI Hospital Hubli and Davangere from 50 to
100 bedded Hospital. The Department has intended to achieve this in the year 2019-20.


Department Of Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety and Health


Annual Report 2018 (01.01.2018 to 31.12.2018)

Minister for Labour

Amlan Aditya Biswas, IAS L. S. Srikantababu

M .K. Bharmarajappa
Secretary to Government, Labour Department Deputy Secretary to Government
Joint Secretary to Government

Director, Factories and Boilers Department




GM-1 GM-5 Bengaluru
Belagavi Davangere
DDF-1 Mysuru SADB- 1 SADB- SADB-
DDF-1 DDF-4 Bengaluru Kalaburgi Hubballi


GM ADF-2 ADF- Bengaluru Mangaluru Shivamogga
ADF- ADF- ADF- ADF- Mysuru Hassan
13 18 19 20 ADB -3 ADB-
GM Bengaluru Mysuru
DDF-1 Belagavi
DDF-2 DDF-3 DDF-5 DDF-Tumakuru
Ballari Kalaburgi Koppal Raichur
SADF-1 Hubballi
Mangal Udupi ADF-2 ADF-2 ADF- ADF-
uru Belagavi Hubballi Davangere Shivamogga
-14 -16 -12 -17 -11 -15


Department Of Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety and Health

ANNUAL REPORT-2018 (From 01.01.2018 to 31.12.2018)

Chapter – I


To become a leading organization in providing value added services to protect the

workers and work environment in factories from Industrial Occupational Hazards by
disseminating the knowledge & information to all the stake holders. To ensure greater
awareness and participation of all the stakeholders in achieving work safety, better health
and work environment through capacity building measures and knowledge dissemination



The Department of Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety and Health is working under the
administrative control of the Labour Secretary to the Government of Karnataka. The head
office of the department is situated at the 2nd Floor, Kalyana Suraksha Bhavana,
Bannerughatta Road, Bangalore–560 029. The department has two wings viz., Factories
wing and Boilers wing. The Director of Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety and Health is
the administrative and statutory head of both the wings. The Director also heads the
supportive activities of Central Safety Monitoring Cell, Pressure Vessels and Plant Safety
Monitoring Cell, Boiler Testing Training and Examination Cell and is the secretary for
Karnataka State Safety Institute, The activities are carried out under the supervision of the
Additional Director of Factories and Boilers / Joint Directors. The Director is a PUBLIC
AUTHORITY under the Right to Information Act, 2005. The Director is assisted in his day

to day work by 14 senior/junior officers. The officers are delegated with powers and made
to supervise the work as stated below.

The following officers are assisting the Director in Administrative and Statutory works.

 One Additional Director of Factories and Boilers in the Administrative and Statutory
 One Joint Director of Factories (Medical) and one Occupational health specialist in the
occupational health subject under the Factories Act, 1948.
 Four Joint Directors in the subjects of Enforcement of Factories Act & allied laws,
Indian Boilers Act & allied statutes, Accounts, Statistics, Receipts and stationary
 One Administrative Officer in General Administration
 One Deputy Director of Boilers (BMTT Center) to monitor establishment of new
 Five Gazetted Managers for administrative and statutory subjects.


The departmental head office is situated at the 2 nd Floor, of the Kalyana Suraksha
Bhavana, Banneru ghatta Road, Bangalore – 560 029. At present there are 48 divisional
offices in the department. Totally there are 146 ministerial staff and 55 officers posts. 10
new Assistant Director of Factories offices are sanctioned and these offices are already
established and have started working.

The details of field offices located in different places are as listed below: -

No. of Offices
Name of the Office
Joint Director of Factories 01
Senior Assistant Director of Factories 01

Deputy Director of Factories 05

Senior Assistant Director of Factories 05

Senior Assistant Director of Boilers
Bangalore 10
Assistant Director of Factories
Assistant Director of Boilers

Deputy Director of Factories 01

Mysore Assistant Director of Factories 01

Assistant Director of Boilers 01

Senior Assistant Director of Factories 01

Senior Assistant Director of Boilers 01

Assistant Director of Factories 01

Deputy Director of Factories 01

Mangalore Assistant Director of Factories 01

Assistant Director of Boilers 01

Deputy Director of Factories 01

Belgaum Deputy Director of Boilers 01

Assistant Director of Factories 01

Deputy Director of Boilers 01

Assistant Director of Factories 01

Senior Assistant Director of Factories 01

Senior Assistant Director of Boilers 01

Tumkur Deputy Director of Factories 01

Assistant Director of Factories 01

Assistant Director of Boilers 01

Raichur Assistant Director of Factories 01

Hassan Assistant Director of Factories 01


Koppala Assistant Director of Factories 01

Udupi Assistant Director of Factories 01

All the above officers are appointed as Inspectors to enforce the various statutes and
also discharge duties as Public Information Officers under the Right to Information Act,

Out of total sanctioned strength of 273 various category of posts, as on 31.12.2018,

about 128 posts are vacant (Group “A”-10, Group ‘B’ – 10, Group ‘C’ – 72 and Group ‘D’ –
36). Out of these vacancies, about 90 posts are identified as direct recruitment vacancies and
already request letter has been sent to the Government for sanction and filling of the said
posts at the earliest. The government has accorded permission for recruitment of 03 group –
c posts and 30 group – D posts through outsourcing. As the Department is facing acute
shortage of staff it is very highly essential to fill up these posts early. Organogram /
Organization chart of the department is enclosed as “Annexure - A”.


3.1 The Factories Act, 1948
 The Karnataka Factories Rules1969
 The Major Accident Hazard Control (Karnataka) Rules 1994

3.2 The Payment of Wages act, 1936

 The Karnataka Payment of Wages Rules 1963

3.3 The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961

 The Karnataka Maternity Benefit Rules 1963.

3.4 The Child Labour (Prohibition And Regulation) Act, 1986

3.5 The Environment (Protection )Act, 1986

 The Chemical Accident (Emergency Planning, Preparedness & Response) Rules 1996.
 The Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules 1989.
3.6 The Building and other Construction Workers (Regulation of employment and
conditions of service) Act 1996

The Karnataka Building and other Construction Workers (Regulation of employment

and conditions of service) Rules, 2006. The provisions of the above Act & Rules are
implemented by the Department for the safety & health provisions of Building & Other
Construction Projects above Rs. 25 crores.

3.7 The Boiler Act 1923.

 The Indian Boiler Regulation, 1950.

 The Karnataka Boilers Rules, 1982.
 Karnataka Boiler Operation Engineers Rules – 2011.
 Karnataka Boiler Attendants Rules – 2011.
 The Karnataka Economizers Rules, 1959.


 To ensure workers are provided with accident-free, hazard-free, healthy work

environment and to prevent any harm to public property and environment.
 To provide transparent and speedy services to all the stakeholders related to factories and
boilers by submission of applications online, payments through online transaction,
submission of yearly and half yearly returns online etc from their respective places.
 By conducting training programmes, seminars, discussions and workshops, awareness is
provided to the workers of factories, construction workers and also management
regarding occupational safety, health, disaster management, their rights and
responsibilities. By printing and distribution of safety handbooks, safety magazines etc
awareness regarding occupational safety and health is provided among workers,
industrialists and stakeholders and also to improve their working skills.
 For the generation of electricity in the industries, by installing high pressure boilers and
using steam at low pressures encouragement is given for saving of fuel.
 To reduce the usage of naturally available fuels and to preserve for the future generation,
to prevent the unused heat dissipation to the environment, minimize pollution, to
encourage the production of electricity and heat by using waste organic fuels, improve

work efficiency, to point out boilers that are not working at required efficiency and to
encourage to replace such boilers with safe and efficient boilers.
 To identify the non registered boilers and to encourage establishing of recognized quality
and fuel efficient boilers.



 To give prior sanction for establishing the factories and extension of factories after
ensuring the safety and healthy environment, basic welfare facilities to workers, prevent
any harm to public property and environment. To register and issue license to all such
factories that are amenable under the Factories Act.
 Periodic inspections of the registered factories and implementation of provisions relating to
workers health, safety, welfare facilities, working hours etc. To file complaint against the
factories who are not following the provisions of law before the appropriate court.
 To investigate into the accidents that takes place in the factories.
 To provide speedy and transparent services to the stakeholders like factory registration,
licence renewal/amendment/transfer, approval of plans etc through online.
 To conduct training, workshops and seminars for industrial workers, supervisors and
management to create awareness regarding occupational health and safety, accident
prevention, health conservation, their rights and responsibilities.
 To strengthen the hazardous factories regarding disaster control and management by
conducting mock drills on disasters.
 To dispose-off the complaints received from workers, workers’ union and public after
 To recognize and issue license to competent persons for conducting test and examination
of dangerous machinery/equipment in the factories.
 To set the guidelines for submission of information regarding the hazardous processes to
be followed by the units engaged in dangerous operations.

 To guide the management regarding safety policy, preparation of on-site emergency plan
and precautionary steps to be taken during emergency.
 To assist the district administration in preparation and implementation of off-site
emergency plan and district disaster management plan.
 To monitor the payment of wages to the workers within stipulated time in the registered
 To ensure that the eligible women workers are provided with maternity benefits.
 Detection of unregistered factories and to take action to register them under the Factories
 To identify the closed/relocated factories and to take action to cancel the license and delete
them from factory list.
 To collect yearly and half yearly reports, consolidate the information and send the statistics
to the state, central governments and other organisations.
 To conduct inspections of all building and other construction site having project cost of 25
Crore rupees or above regarding safety and health of workers working therein.
 Seminars are conducted to create awareness about the Building and other Construction
Workers Act, 1996 and its implementation among the stakeholders like builders,
developers, contractors and workers.

 To register the boilers/economizers/steam pipelines under the Boiler Act.

 To certify the fitness of the boilers/economizers/steam pipelines for use.
 To certify the Boilers/ economizers / Steam Piping / Boiler Components for safe use after
completion of manufacturing activity through periodic inspection.
 To advise the managements to get the boilers/economizers/steam pipelines repaired by
repairers approved by the Department & to supervise the repairs for conformity to the design
 To investigate into accidents of boilers/economizers/steam pipelines
 To conduct welder examination as prescribed under the Indian Boiler Regulation 1950 &
issue certificates to eligible candidates.

 To implement Boiler Operation Engineers /Boiler Attendants Rules, conduct examinations

under said rules & select eligible candidates as Boiler Operation Engineers /Boiler
 To scrutinize & approve the designs & drawings for manufacturing and erection of
boilers/economizers/steam pipelines.
 To conduct stage inspection for manufacturing and erection of boilers / economizers /
steam pipelines.
 To conduct training to the Boiler users, Boiler Operation Engineers& Boiler attendants for
safe & efficient operation of Boilers.
 To conduct periodical training for manufacturers / Erectors / Boiler repairers regarding safe
construction and repairs of equipments.
Chapter – II



The Department of Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety and Health is a regulatory

department enforcing various Labour laws related to workplace safety, health and welfare
measures. The State has 17,396 registered factories. There are about 18,05,865 workers
working in such industries. The State also has 1205 hazardous industries out of which 81 are
Major Accident Hazard units.

“SAFETY is considered as a human right; there is a growing awareness of this among

the stakeholders to whom it is due-the working class.” In this direction, the objective of the
department is to ensure a safe workplace. The aim is to prevent occupational
accidents/disasters by identifying unsafe acts and unsafe conditions in the factories during
periodical inspections. In order to achieve the said objectives, the department, in addition to
the primary function of periodical inspections, has changed its focus over the years by
shifting to training the factory management and workers in safety & health issues, thus
creating awareness about safety & health amongst industrialists, employees. The factory
wing of the department provides services such as registration of factories, license

amendment, transfer, renewal, plan approval, extension related approval of plans by

bringing them under sakala and also the applications are received online, payments done
through e – payments ensuring fast, transparent and easy services.


Targets are fixed for the regular inspections and training programmes. The department
has fixed time limits for delivery of some of the services for the benefit of the citizens &
applications are disposed accordingly. The statistics of the targets achieved for the year
2018 is enclosed as Annexure “B”.

1.1.3 New and Ongoing programmes approved for 2018:


The scheme has been proposed to enhance performance of the online portal of the
department so as to give faster and effective service, as well as to convert the department
into a paperless office, through complete digitization of the department.

Accident Prevention and Skill Training cell:-

The cell has been proposed to develop skills in the prevention of industrial accidents so
as to reduce workers being exposed to pains and sufferings.

Hazardous Factories Monitor cell:-

This cell has been proposed to prevent, mitigate and minimize damage from chemical
accidents/disasters to the environment, both to the workers of the factories as well as the
public residing in the vicinity of the factories.

Boiler Material Training and Testing Center:-

This scheme is sanctioned during 2015-16 and is continued this year also. To make the
Karnataka state a leader in boiler manufacturing and providing speedy and minimum
expenditure in testing the quality of material used in boiler manufacturing and also by
conducting boiler welder examination to improve welding skills and job opportunities.



Aim :
The safety in industrial activity has drawn utmost attention in maintaining certain safety
standards which are not detrimental or injurious to the industrial community. The
dissemination of knowledge in the field of safety and working environment through
effective communication and education and training is considered as one of the effective
tools in rejuvenating the minds of working personnel. The objective is to propagate
awareness on safety and health to all stake holders to inculcate the safe work procedures
for accident free production activity. The institute was registered under Karnataka
Societies Registration Act 1960 as a society vide Registration No. 186/2007-08, dated : 31-
03-2008 in the year 2008.

Activities of the institute:

The Institute organizes awareness programmes for workers on the issues of safety,
health and work environment. It conducts training programmes in different modules on
need basis to shop floor, supervisory and management level personnel in the factory
premise itself. Workshops/seminars are also held for the senior officers of the management
of the factory on the subjects of safety, health and personality development, etc. The safety
officers, welfare, personnel and medical officers who are supposed to safeguard the interest
of workers working in the factories are also trained through this institute on their roles and
responsibilities. Further as per the desire of the factory management, the subjects are
selected for the training programmes.

47th National Safety Day Celebrations:-

The 47th National Safety Day Celebration was organized through Karnataka State
Safety Institute in association with Foundry Cluster, Belagavi on 4th March 2018 at
Visveswaraya University Auditorium, Belagavi.

The programme started with Safety walk followed by Hoisting of Safety Flag, taking
Safety Oath and Distribution of state level Safety Awards at the public function The
National Safety Day celebration was organized and conducted successfully. In order to
create awareness amongst the citizens of Belagavi on Occupational Safety and Health,
Hoardings were displayed at prominent locations in the city. About 1100 industrial
workmen, Representatives of Industries and Government officials participated in this
programme to mark the National Safety Day Celebration. The Industries were selected in
various categories such as construction sector, maga, large, medium and small industry, oil
industry for safe industry, for safe boiler operation and maintenance and were conferred
the safety Awards. The workers were also given awards recognizing their contribution to
safety at work.

Training programmes, Target and Achievements during 2017-18:

Sl Annual Achieved
Programmes Achievements Proposed
No Target Beneficiaries
One day Training 150 180 4500 5986
Special Training 8 1 240 275
Seminars / 2 2 200 418
Boiler Operators
4 Training 9 - 270 -
Total 169 183 5210 6679

 Two Day workshop on “Risk Reduction and Disaster Management in Industries (RRDMI-
2018)” was conducted on 20-01-2018 and 21-01-2018 in association with Departmental of
Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Suratkal. about 250
participants participated in the said workshop and were benefited.

 A Training Program for Industrial Health & Safety Committees was held in association
with work safe, an NGO promoting Occupational Health & Safety on 21-07-2018 at
Bengaluru and 167 Industrial Health & Safety Committee members have participated and
were benefited.



Aim :

To oversee the safe working of pressure vessels, lifting machines, lifting tackles, hoists,
pressure plants, power presses, Dust extraction systems and other dangerous machinery used in
industrial activity by periodical inspections.


Competent persons have been recognised to achieve the objectives of this cell. The
eligible persons in accordance with their educational qualifications & experience are recognised
as competent persons to carry out examination of equipment for safety under the Factories Act,

Competent persons have been recognised to examine the following equipments:

 Lifts, hoists, Lifting machines & lifting tackles-chains & ropes

 Pressure Vessels, pressure plant
 Dangerous machines-Centrifugal machines, power presses
 Dust Extraction Systems
 Driers & Ovens
 Shot Blasting Equipment
 Water Sealed Gas Holders
 Ventilation Systems
 Solvent Extraction Plants
 Gas Holding Systems

Achievements: 24 competent persons, 22 institutions and 08 Factories were recognized for

the year 2018 and the Annual fees collected through such recognition under the Factories Act,
1948 was Rs. 5,83,000/=

 For continuous supervision of such activities, the department has issued guidelines to
departmental officers. This action of the department has reduced industrial accidents

1.1.6 Building and Other Construction workers

(Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act-1996

With effect from 11-02-2011, the officers of the Department of Factories, Boilers, Industrial
Safety and Health have been notified as Inspector for the provisions of the sections 38,39 and 40
of the Building and Other Construction workers ( Regulation of Employment and Conditions of
Service ) Act-1996 and rules 50 to 251 of the Building and Other Construction Workers
(Regulation of Employment and Conditions Of Service)(Karnataka)Rules 2006 for
implementation of above provisions in building and other construction projects of Rs. 25 crores
and above.

Total 53 inspections were carried out during the year 2018 and 3 prosecutions were




To identify the industries involved in hazardous process and to secure the compliance
under chapter IV A of the Factories Act, 1948 and The Chemical Accidents (Emergency
Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996 framed under The Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986.

Activities :

The tragedy of Bhopal that occurred on 3rd December of 1984 woke up the whole world
to a greatest industrial tragedy ever heard in the civilized society. The states having
chemical industries, chemical process industries reviewed their system of working and the
competency possessed by them to meet the exigencies that are likely to occur in industrial
scenario. This process required a dedicated agency so that the safety status evaluation of
existing industries and proposed industries could be assessed. The activities of such

industries are closely monitored and new projects are cleared having proper sitting
guidelines. The effective mechanisms to prevent and contain industrial disasters are well-
planned and rehearsed for emergency planning and response. These plans are needed to be
generated at the local level, sub division level, district level and at state level. This
emergency preparedness plan and response are not limited only to the department but
involves multiple agencies of the state which includes the district administration as a whole,
the NGO’s, the experts, etc., The central safety monitoring cell is working in all the areas
specified above in a focused way.

1.5 Occupational Health and Hygiene

Occupational Health Specialist is regularly visiting hazardous industries to verify

whether medical examination of works are being carried on and to ensure compliance to
relavant provision of Karnataka Factories Rules to identify Occupational Diseases and to
detect the same at the early stage on priority at the time of inspections. Addition to the
above, advising the preventive measures to be taken to prevent occupational diseases and
the personal protective equipments to be used by the workers. Conduct safety training
programmes in association with Karnataka safety institute. Medical examination for
anaemia as per the directions of women and child Welfare Legislature Committee, with
instruction from honorable secretary of Dept of Labour was started in may 2018 & is being
conducted for garment factory female workers in association with ESI (M) services &
around 64,000 workers have been subjected to the survey. For the workers being found to
be anaemic tablets for 3 months have been issued. The aim of the survey is to cover around
3,00,000 workers as the data available according to our department. A serious of awareness
programs about silicosis has been planned with Karnataka State Labour Institute as per
instruction of National Human Rights Commission.

1.1.9 OTHER SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES:- Prevention of Accidents:-

The performance of the department can be accessed on the basis of the number of
accidents and disasters that occurred in the State. The available statistics with the department
reveals an increase in the industrial activity and in a progressive direction.
There is an increase in number of registered factories from 16,892 to 17,396 during the
year. The increased industrial activity has resulted in an increase in factory workers from
16.92 lakhs to 18.05 lakhs. During the year 2018, although there is increase in workers but
only 51 cases of fatal accidents and only 17 serious accident have occurred. The number of
workers and the number of man-days have increased whereas the number of accidents have

reduced. It is important to note that no Chemical / Industrial disasters have occurred during
the year, all though there are Hazardous and Major Accident Hazard industries are working in
the state. There were no boiler explosions also during 2018 in the State of Karnataka. Prosecutions:-

During the year 2018, the department has filed 157 criminal prosecutions against the
management of the factories across the state for violations of the provisions of Factories act,
which is enforced by the department. In addition 03 prosecutions were filed against the
Employers under Building and Other Construction workers (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Service) Act-1996 and 07 prosecutions have been registered under Payments of
Wages Act, 1936.


The Boiler wing of the Directorate of Factories, Boilers, Industrial Safety and Health is
saddled, with the duties of promoting safety in industries, prevent boiler accidents and to
protect the life and property of the public as well as workers by enforcing the relevant laws(
as per para 2-3 of chapter 1). In order to ensure safety in using a boiler, the three main aspects
viz., safety in manufacturing of boilers, Safety in maintenance and Safety in operations, are
dealt within the Indian Boiler Regulations,1950 and the rules framed by the State
Government under the Boilers Act,1923. The statutory provisions are under constant review
by the Central Boilers Board, having regard to technological advances in the field of
manufacture of boilers.

In the state as on 31-12-2018 there are about 5096 boilers, 113 economizers and 4220
Steam pipelines. In accordance with the new industrial policy of the State Government and
also the new liberalization and globalization policies of the country, the Department is
enforcing legislations effectively without compromising with the Safety of the Boilers and
steam lines or causing hindrance to the production activities within the stipulated time frame


Targets are fixed for the regular inspections & training programmes. The department has
fixed time limits for delivery of some of the services for the benefit of the citizens &

applications are disposed accordingly. The statistics of the targets achieved for the year
2018 is enclosed as Annexure “C”.



Aim and Objective:-

To conserve fuel and efficient use of steam, the boiler using industries started installing
high pressure boilers, for these high-pressure boilers, the technical skill of the operating
personnel, erection personnel, and pressure parts manufacturers should be of highest order.
Hence, to train these personnel and also verify the design and drawings of these pressure parts,
suitability of materials used, welding techniques to be adopted and welding consumables to be
used. Every year Boiler Operation Engineers exam and Boiler Attendant Examinations are
being conducted and competency certificates are being issued.

In addition, Boiler Material Testing and Training Centre established in the year 2017
headed by a Deputy Director with the main objective of having a fully equipped laboratory for
testing of all materials involved in the manufacturing of Boilers and Boiler Components,
Training of welders and conducting of examinations, Training of Boiler operating personnel,
Boiler users and others involved in operation, manufacturing, maintenance of Boilers and
Boiler components.


A. Activities under the Boiler Material Testing and Training Centre.

B. Conducting of welders examination and conducting of training programmes.
C. Conducting of training programmes for Boiler Attendants and Boiler Operation
D. Conducting training programmes for Manufacturers and Boiler users.
E. Testing of Materials.
F. Organising for energy audits.


Working Conditions & Safety Inspector of Factories

Head of Account (2230-01-102-0-01)

The health, safety and welfare of the workers of the factories registered under Factories
Act 1948 are ensured by the periodical inspections of the factories, the payment of earned
wages within the stipulated time and Maternity Benefits as per Payment of Wages Act, 1936
and Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 are also ensured. As per the Indian Boiler Act, 1923 and the
rules made there under, the safe working of the boilers and the pressure parts are ensured by
inspecting and certifying.

Target Achieved

(01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019) (01.04.2018 to 31.02.2019)

Condition Physical Physical
Financial Financial
and Safety
Inspector of (No of (Rs in Lakhs) (No of (Rs in Lakhs)
Factories Inspections) Inspections)

10,500 1260 11,305 1261.23

4. Additional Activities:

4.1 Usage of Kannada in Administration:-

Department is keen in usage of Kannada in Administration as per directions of

Government. Department is using Kannada in its daily administration at maximum level
excluding in some circumstances such as correspondence with Courts, Commissions and out of
state correspondence, Right to Information Act, Administrative / Annual Reports etc.

During the calendar year 22,419 letters are received and 14,201 letters are dispatched in
Head Office out of which 20,859 & 13,124 are in Kannada respectively.

The Divisional Offices have received 68,120 letters & dispatched 49,502 letters out of
which 22,601 & 47,915 are in Kannada respectively.

4.2 Citizen Charter:-

Citizen charter is published in the web portal providing information about activities of the
department, services available to public etc.

4.3 Right to information Act-2005:-

Under Right to Information Act-2005 this department has published list of all public
Information Officers. Accordingly two Additional Directors and four Joint Directors of
Factories are appointed as the First Appellate Authorities, 44 officers are appointed as Public
Information Officers. During this year 112 applications were received and 103 applications
were disposed and an amount of Rs. 2596/- was fees realized under this Act.

4.4 Public Grivances Rederessal Cell:

Sri T.R.Ramesh, Deputy Director of Factories, Division-4, Bangalore is appointed to as

the public Grievances Redressal officer at state level and will be attending public
Grievances Meeting in Deputy Commissioner’s office on the first and third Saturday of
every month. Applications received regarding grievances in the year 2018 at the Public
Grievances Redressal Cell is Nil.

4.5 e-governance:-
The Department is actively involved in e-governance. It has its own web portal e-
surakshate. Presently services have been started on a pilot basis. In the year 2015, from web
portal, link has been established with Khajane-2, there by provision has been made to pay fees
through e-payment. Hence, all fees have been paid through e-payment thus paving way for ease
of doing business. The integration for the web-portal with various other department web portal
is also under progress. The services of the department have been brought under the
SAAKAALA scheme of the Government to ensure effective monitoring and disposal. The on-
line web portal of the department e-surakshate, has been developed to ensure a transparency and
speedy delivery of services of the department to the stakeholders. The department is planning to
provide more services to the public and to make the web-portal more public user friendly.

Rationalisation of Inspection of the department:

1. Introduction of self certification and third party certification for inspection of
factories and boilers.
2. Elimination of multiple inspections, by computerized selection of random sample and risk
based inspection system.
The department has taken all measures to implement all the 46 recommendations under
“Ease of Doing Business” fixed for the department, to ensure that our state is industry friendly.
The following On-line services are rendering to the industries i.e. stake holders
a) E- filling services under Factories
 Approval of factory plans
 Registration of factories
 Renewal of factory license
 Annual returns
 Half yearly returns
b) E-filling services under boilers
 Registration Of boilers, Economisers and steam pipelines
 Issue of boiler certificate on annual inspection
 Approval of boiler manufacturer and renewal thereof
 Approval of boiler erector and renewal thereof

4.6 Ease of Doing Business:-

As per the directions of the government, the provisions has been made for providing speedy
and transparent on-line services of factory plan approval, registration of factories, registration of
factories and boilers, issue of licenses, amendment of licenses, economizers and steam pipelines,
issue of boiler certificate on annual inspection under the boiler act for the stake holders. Further
on-line payment through Khajane-2 has been started, there by the stake holders need not waste
their time for visiting bank, khajane / Treasury etc.,

4.7 SAKAALA-Guarantee of Services to Citizens Act:-

The Department has been offering the SAKAALA-i.e Guarantee of Services to Citizens for the
time bound delivery of 12 services of the Department since the year 2012.

In the year 2018 the Department has received 16,326 applications under SAKAALA & has
disposed 13,614 applications and remaining applications will be disposed within the limited
period of time.


As per the provisions of statutes enforced by the department, fee is being levied for
various services (like approval of plans of factory and boilers, registration, renewal of
licenses, boiler inspection, etc.,) rendered. Expenditure is being incurred only for pay and
allowances of officers/staff, as well as for maintenance of various offices. No developmental
schemes/programmes are being implemented by the department.

Following is the details of fee realized for the year 2018:

(Rs in Lakhs)

Revenue Target
(upto 31-12-2018)
1. 0230-00-104-0-00
2250 2721.44
Fees realized under the Factories Act
2. 0230-00-103-0-00
350 429.84
Fees realized under inspection of Steam Boilers
Total 2600.00 3151.28

Following is the details of expenditure incurred for the year 2018

(Rs in Lakhs)

(upto 31-12-2018)
Allotment Expenditure
2230-01-102-0-01 Non-plan 1255 1290
Total 1255 1290

Increase in Expenditure is because of the increase in the salary of the officers and staffs in
the 6 pay commission.

Address of the website and URL: For further information stake holders may visit departmental
website: &

"Annexure – B"

(FROM 01-01-2018 TO 31-12-2018)


Particulars Regarding Registered Factories

Sl.No 2018
Details of works
1. 17,396

No. of registered factories

2 No. of workers employed in registered factories 18,05,865

3 No. of factories de-registered during the year 246

4 No. of factories registered during the year 750

5 No. of hazardous factories 1205

6 No. of major accident hazard units 81

7 No. of on-site emergency plans approved 81

8 Off-site emergency plans prepared by district 19


Approval of Plans
1 92

No. of plans pending at the beginning of the year

2 1908

No. of plans received during the year

3 1961

No. of plans approved during the year

4 39

No. of plans pending at the end of the year


No. of factories inspected
No. of contraventions noticed
No. of Show Cause notices issued


1 170

No. of prosecutions launched

2 23

No. of prosecutions ended in convictions

3 8,97,000/-

Amount of fines imposed (in rupees)

4 6

No. of cases withdrawn


No. of Exemption order issued under sec. 65(2) and 65(2) - 507
66(1)(b) of Factories Act

No. of Exemptions rejected


1 78

No. of complaints/petition received

2 66

No. of complaints/petitions disposed


Total No. of accidents
No. of fatal accidents occurred during the year
No. of non-fatal accidents occurred during the year
No. of fire accidents reported

Detection of Unregistered Factories

1 617

No. of new factories detected

Public Grievance Statistics

1 -

No. of complaints received

2 -

No. of complaints disposed

3 -

No. of complaints pending


Right to Information Act, 2005

1 112

No. of applications received seeking information

2 103

No. of applications disposed giving information

3 01

No. of applications transferred to other departments

4 09

No. of applications pending

5 Rs. 2596/-
Fees collected (in rupees)
6 Received – 48

No. of 1st appeals (public authority) Disposed – 39

7 01

No. of 2nd appeals (State Information Commission)

"Annexure – C"

(FROM 01-01-2018 TO 31-12-2018)

Boiler Wing

Sl no
Particulars of Boilers
1 5096

Total number of boilers in the State

2 184

No. of boilers registered during the period

3 2930
No. of boilers inspected

4 2871

No. of boilers certified

5 80

No. of boilers suggested for repairs

6 68

No. of boilers completed repairs


Sl no Nos

Particulars of Economizers
1 113

Total number of economizers in the State

2 12

No. of economizers registered

3 36

No. of economizers inspected

4 26

No. of economizer certified

5 2

No. of economizers suggested for repairs

6 2

No. of economizers repairs completed

Steam Pipeline

Sl no Nos

Particulars of steam pipelines

1 4220

Total number of steam pipelines in the State

2 165

No. of steam pipelines registered

3 2028

No. of steam pipelines inspected


4 16

No. of welders Examination

5 15

No. of welders passed in Examination

6 04



Sl no Nos

Particulars of repairers
1 15

Total number of special class boiler repairers

2 23

Total no. class I boiler repairers

3 07

Total no. class II boiler repairers

4 09

Total no. class III boiler repairers


Sl no
Particulars of examinations
1 788

No. of candidates eligible for Boiler Operation Engineers

2 568

No. of candidates appeared for Boiler Operation

Engineers examination
3 201

No. of successful candidates

4 516
No. of candidates appeared for First Class Boiler
Attendant examination

5 372

No. of successful candidates in First Class Boiler

Attendant examination
6 1052

No. of candidates appeared for Second Class Boiler

Attendant examination
7 664

No. of successful candidates in Second Class Boiler

Attendant examination
8 13

No. of periodical testing of welding electrodes

9 10

No. of periodical testing of filler wires


Sl. No. Particulars Numbers

1. No. of small Industrial Boilers 116

2. No. of Package Boilers 66

3. Water Tube Boilers -
4. No. of Valves 34629

5. Ferrous Casting 239

6. Forgings -

7. No of Pressure gauges 39
8. No of Thermo well 480

9. No of Super heater coils 65

10. No of Economizer coils 585

11. No of headers 02

12. No of tubes 5899

13. No of stubs 280
14. No of Bends 162

15. No of Half Coupling 1110


16. 02

No of pipes
17. 2761

Bed coils
18. -

Hot rolled coils

19. -

C.B.D Tank
20. -

21. 650

22. -
Spool piece
23. -

Miter bends
24. -


Address of the website and URL: For further information stake holders may visit departmental
website: & for Online Services:


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