Large Bets and Stock Market Crashes
Large Bets and Stock Market Crashes
Large Bets and Stock Market Crashes
Advance Access Publication Date: 28 March 2023
Some market crashes occur because of significant imbalances in demand and sup-
ply. Conventional models fail to explain the large magnitudes of price declines. We
propose a unified structural framework for explaining crashes, based on the insights
of market microstructure invariance. A proper adjustment for differences in business
time across markets leads to predictions which are different from conventional wis-
dom and consistent with observed price changes during the 1987 market crash and
the 2008 sales by Société Générale. Somewhat larger-than-predicted price drops
during 1987 and 2010 flash crashes may have been exacerbated by too rapid selling.
Somewhat smaller-than-predicted price decline during the 1929 crash may be due
to slower selling and perhaps better resiliency of less integrated markets.
Keywords: Crashes, Liquidity, Price impact, Market depth, Systemic risk, Market microstructure,
JEL classification: G01, G28, N22
Received September 7, 2019; accepted March 13, 2023 by Editor Alex Edmans.
After stock market crashes, market participants, policymakers, and economists are usually
unable to explain what happened. Heavy selling pressure has been recorded during crashes.
It is known that large imbalances move prices in the direction of trades, as discussed by
Kraus and Stoll (1972), Grinold and Kahn (2000), and Gabaix (2009), but there is no com-
pelling quantitative explanation for why the seemingly small quantities sold might have led
to such large price dislocations in the highly liquid stock market.
*A.S.K. was a staff member of the Task Force on Market Mechanisms (“Brady Commission”) in 1987–
88, worked on a research project examining high-frequency trading in the CME S&P 500 E-mini futures
market for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission during 2009–10, and has worked with the
Securities and Exchange Commission, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Reserve Bank of
Atlanta. He has been a member of the CFTC Technology Committee and is a member of the FINRA
Economic Advisory Board. From 2010–22, he was an independent member of the Board of Directors of
an asset management company which trades equities on behalf on institutional investors.
C The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Finance Association. All rights
reserved. For permissions, please email: [email protected]
2 A. S. Kyle and A. A. Obizhaeva
We investigate this issue through the lens of market microstructure invariance, a concep-
tual framework developed by Kyle and Obizhaeva (2016). By analyzing prices and quanti-
ties in market-specific “business time,” defined as time which is measured by counting
market events rather than seconds on a clock, we are able to explain why seemingly small
observed imbalances in demand and supply can indeed have created such large market
• After the stock market crash of October 1929, the Senate Committee on Banking and
Currency (1934) (the “Pecora Report”) documented the plunge in broker loans attrib-
uted to forced margin selling during the crash.
• After the October 1987 stock market crash, the U.S. Presidential Task Force on Market
Mechanisms (1988) (the “Brady Report”) reported quantities of stock index futures
contracts and baskets of stocks sold by portfolio insurers during the crash.
• After the futures market dropped by 20% at the open of trading 3 days after the 1987
crash, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Division of Economic Analysis
and Division of Trading and Markets (1988) identified large sell orders executed at the
open of trading; the press identified the seller as George Soros.
• After the Fed cut interest rates by 75 basis points in response to a worldwide stock mar-
ket plunge on January 21, 2008, Société Générale revealed that it had been quietly liqui-
dating billions of Euros in stock index futures positions accumulated earlier by rogue
trader Jérôme Kerviel.
• After the flash crash of May 6, 2010, the Staffs of the CFTC and SEC (2010a, 2010b)
cited as its trigger the large sales of futures contracts by one entity, later identified in the
press as Waddell & Reed.
We do not study the flash crash events in 1961 and 1989, the collapse of Long Term
Capital Management in 1998, the quant meltdown of August 2007, or the U.S. Treasury
note flash rally in October 2016 because data on the size of sales which precipitated these
events are not available.
Each of the five crashes is associated with a large sell bet, where we think of a “bet” (or
“meta-order”) as being a statistically independent decision either to speculate on informa-
tion or to hedge risks by buying or selling significant quantities of risky financial assets,
often implemented as sequences of orders executed over time. These bets resulted either
from trading by one entity or from correlated trading of multiple entities with the same
underlying motivation.
Many practitioners and academics believe that during these five crashes, selling pressure
was too small to induce significant price declines. We call this interpretation “conventional
wisdom.” Scholes (1972), Harris and Gurel (1986), and Wurgler and Zhuravskaya (2002)
illustrate conventional wisdom by claiming that the demand for financial assets is elastic in
the sense that selling 1% of the asset’s market capitalization has a price impact of less than
1%. When applied to market bets during the five crashes, this conventional thinking
implies tiny market impact. Indeed, given typical turnover rates of stocks, this implies that
sales of 5% of average daily volume are expected to have only modest impact on stock pri-
ces. Naively extrapolating these estimates to the highly liquid market for stock index
Large Bets and Stock Market Crashes 3
futures contracts further suggests that selling 5% of daily volume of the entire stock market
must have even smaller impact on the overall level of stock prices.
Microstructure invariance implies a different way to extrapolate price impact estimates
from stocks to index futures. This approach implies much larger price impacts of bets in li-
quid futures markets because it models trading in market-specific business time, not calen-
Actual and predicted price declines. The table columns show the actual price changes, pre-
dicted price changes, and bets as percent of average daily volume and GDP. The predictions
implied by invariance are much closer to actual price changes than those implied by conven-
tional wisdom.
We assume that the market impact of a bet is equal to the percentage of market capitaliza-
tion sold when calculating the estimates implied by conventional wisdom.
For all events, the price impact estimates based on conventional wisdom are minuscule
in comparison to actual price changes. Other estimates obtained from the analysis of
trades of institutional investors—such as studies by Grinold and Kahn (2000), Torre
taking the other side of these bets are exposed to risks of much smaller magnitude than the
entire stock market and hold positions over much shorter horizons than 1 year, usually a
few days or minutes. Hence, the compensation required for absorbing large bets should be
dramatically smaller than the equity market risk premium.
Indeed, when conventional wisdom was applied to the crash of 1987, prominent finan-
DlnP ¼ : (1)
Throughout this article, we adopt the convention that Q is the unsigned trade size and
DP=P is the expected unsigned price impact.1
The conventional market impact function can be also expressed in terms of average
daily volume. Let V denote daily volume in shares. Assume for simplicity that an asset’s
turnover is approximately 100% per year with 250 trading days. Since 1% of capitalization
is approximately equal to 250% of daily volume, the conventional wisdom [Equation (1)]
can be interpreted as
1 The size of market impact DlnP is either the expectation of the post-trade log-price minus pre-
trade log-price for buy bets or the expectation of the pre-trade log-price minus post-trade log-price
for sell bets. A similar formula can be written for simple percentage impact DP =P , where DP is ei-
ther the difference between post-trade price and pre-trade price for buy bets or the difference be-
tween pre-trade price and post-trade price for sell bets.
Large Bets and Stock Market Crashes 7
DlnP ¼ : (2)
P 250 days V
The Brady Report used this intuition to compare daily volume elasticities in the 1987 crash
to the 1929 crash:
To account for the contemporaneous 28% decline in price, this implies a price elasticity of 0.9
W :¼ P V r: (3)
Trading activity better reflects the rate at which the market transfers risks than dollar vol-
ume P V because it takes into account that trading assets with higher volatility r transfers
more risk per dollar traded. Since all bets sum up to volume, V ¼ c Q, we can write W in
terms of c and Q:
W ¼ c Q P r: (4)
Since dollar volume P V has units of dollars=day and returns volatility r has units per
day1=2 , trading activity W has units dollars=day3=2 .
2 This conjecture does not say that dollar returns volatility or returns volatility are constant in busi-
ness time.
3 Kyle and Obizhaeva (2018b) obtain similar predictions using dimensional analysis and leverage neu-
trality. Kyle and Obizhaeva (2018a) derive them from a meta-model, a system of simple equations in-
herent to many microstructure models. Kyle, Obizhaeva, and Wang (2018) provide illustration using
a one-period equilibrium model.
Large Bets and Stock Market Crashes 9
Second, the first invariance conjecture says that dollar risk P r transferred by an aver-
age bet of Q shares per unit of business time 1=c is invariant across markets. Thus, for
some dollar constant C, such as C ¼ $2000, we have
Q pffiffiffi ¼ C: (5)
Business time H represents different lengths of calendar time for different assets: 4 min
for the benchmark stock, an hour for thinly traded stocks, less than 1 min for
actively traded stocks, and about 1 s for the market as a whole. This is derived by
plugging values for volume and volatility into the equation above. Business time differs
across assets.
The conventional wisdom makes the mistake of extrapolating from one market to
another under the implicit assumption that business time H is constant across markets.
the same across markets if Q ~ is scaled by trading volume per business day V H, rather
than by trading volume per calendar day V. When bet size Q ~ is scaled by VH, Equation (9)
implies that the resulting scaled bet size Z has a mean of 1 and the same distribution for all
~ d
Q ~
Equivalent bets transfer the same dollar risks in business time. In calendar time, equivalent
bets correspond to a smaller fraction of daily volume in markets with larger trading activity
and thus shorter time interval between bet arrivals.
DP pffiffiffiffiffi Q
¼ r H f ðZÞ; where Z¼ : (11)
If the price impact function is modeled as a power function f ðZÞ ¼ a Zb with proportion-
ality constant a and exponent b, then Equation (11) takes the form
DP pffiffiffiffiffi Q
¼ar H : (12)
Plugging in H from Equation (9) and assuming linear market impact (b ¼ 1) yields
¼a r ; where W :¼ : (13)
In comparison with conventional intuition [Equation (2)] that bets of the same fraction of
daily volume Q/V must have the same percentage price impact, holding volatility r con-
stant, the linear specification [Equation (13)] has the additional factor ðW=CÞ1=3 , which
shows up due to the faster pace of business time in markets with higher trading activity.
This factor makes the demand more inelastic as trading activity increases. For example,
increasing W by a factor of 1,000 decreases the elasticity of demand by a factor of 10 and
reduces demand elasticity from say 0.10 to 0.01. As we shall see, if the market as a whole is
viewed as one big market with very fast business time, this makes the demand elasticity for
the market as a whole low enough for observed order imbalances to explain the average
size of price declines in market crashes.
portfolio transition occurs when assets managed by one institutional asset manager are
transferred to another manager. Trades converting the legacy portfolio into the new port-
folio are typically handled by a professional third-party transition manager. Portfolio tran-
sitions represent some of the largest changes in portfolios held by institutional investors
during the year. We estimate the distributions of portfolio transition orders to be symmetric
approximately the case. The scatter plot of largest portfolio transition orders thus confirms
the predictions of the invariance hypothesis.
Figure 1 also depicts the five crash events by big round red dots. Extrapolating along
horizontal lines, the conventional wisdom would say that these five events are not unusual
compared with the largest portfolio transition orders. These percentages of daily volume
are not very different from what is seen in the largest portfolio transition orders, which are
often about 25% of daily volume in liquid stocks and an even larger percentage of daily
volume in illiquid stocks (up to 700%). The two flash crashes are only 2.29% and 1.49%
of daily volume. Even the largest crashes—the 1929 crash, the 1987 crash, and liquidation
of Kerviel’s position—represent “only” 265%, 67%, and 28% of daily volume and only
1.36%, 0.63%, and 0.43% of market capitalization, respectively. Therefore, based on hori-
zontal extrapolation, nothing unusual would be expected to happen during crash episodes.
In contrast, in the context of invariance with its extrapolation along diagonal lines with
slope 2=3, the crash events are extremely large, even when compared with the largest in-
stitutional orders. The two flash crashes correspond to about 4.5-standard-deviation
events. The 1929 crash, the 1987 crash, and the liquidation of Jérôme Kerviel’s positions
Large Bets and Stock Market Crashes 13
This formula assumes benchmark stock values P ¼ $40 per share, V ¼ 106 shares per
day, r ¼ 0:02 per day1=2 , with H ¼ 0:01 days 4 min. Invariance says that this factor k
is the same for all markets and time periods.
Kyle and Obizhaeva (2016) estimate k using data on implementation shortfall of port-
folio transition orders.4 Introduced by Perold (1988), this metric is the difference between
the execution price and a “paper trading” benchmark price recorded before the order was
placed. The calibrated value of k is equal to 5.00, with standard error 0.38 (about 7% of
the price impact). The value k ¼ 5:00 is scaled so that the price impact of an order for 1%
of daily volume in the benchmark stock is 5 basis points. Linear price impact therefore
implies that an order for 10% of daily volume has a price impact of 50 basis points. A price
impact of 50 basis points is similar to estimates in the literature on institutional block trades
of similar size.
We use a log-linear version of the market impact model rather than a simple linear
model because our analysis deals with very large orders, sometimes equal in magnitude to
trading volume of several trading days. In contrast, Kyle and Obizhaeva (2016) consider
relatively smaller portfolio transition orders with an average size of 4.20% and a median
size of 0.57% of daily volume; for these smaller orders, the distinction between e6x and
16x is immaterial.
Equation (15) is a universal formula for market impact, which may be applied to differ-
ent markets and time periods. Having calibrated it on the sample of portfolio transition
orders in the individual US stocks for 2001–05, we extrapolate the same formula to large
market bets and to different time periods.
In Appendix A, we discuss several implementation issues for applying invariance to the
five crash events. These include defining boundaries of the market, choosing proxies for
expected volume and volatility, and understanding functioning of market institutions.
Appendix B reports estimates implied by a number of alternative models of market impact
based on conventional wisdom and the literature on institutional trades.
4 Equation (37) of Kyle and Obizhaeva (2016, p. 1400) uses a slightly different specification, which
estimates an average impact cost parameter of j I ¼ 2:50 basis points (standard error 0.19 basis
points) for transition orders, not a price impact coefficient k itself. Of course, there is a tight con-
nection between the two concepts. Assuming that orders are broken into pieces and executed at
prices which tend to increase along an upward sloping linear supply schedule, total price impact
k ¼ 2 2:50 must be about twice the average impact cost j I . Although invariance also has impli-
cations for bid–ask spread costs, these costs are negligible for large bets, and hence we ignore
them. The implied standard error of k is 2 0:19 basis points, about 7% of the estimate 2 2:50.
14 A. S. Kyle and A. A. Obizhaeva
Our calculations suggest that the overall stock market is much more fragile than most
economists believe. Sudden equity index ETF or mutual fund liquidations of $200 billion
over a few days would potentially result in a 30% crash in stock prices, matching the crash
of 1987.
5 The data for the stock market are from CRSP and the data for index futures are from Bloomberg.
6 Our analysis is based on several documents: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
(1927–1931, 1929); Galbraith (1954); Senate Committee on Banking and Currency (1934); Friedman
and Schwartz (1963); Smiley and Keehn (1988); and Haney (1932).
16 A. S. Kyle and A. A. Obizhaeva
transactions, which have been estimated to be equal about 30% of “reported” volume
(Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1943, p. 431). We thus multiply
reported volume by 13/10, obtaining an estimate of $444.97 million per day. The margin
sales of $1.181 billion during the last week of October were approximately 265% of aver-
age daily volume.
As a robustness check, Table II reports other estimates using volume and volatility calcu-
lated over the preceding m months, with m ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12. Invariance predicts price
declines ranging from 26.79% to 46.43%, somewhat larger than the actual price change of
In contrast, since the reduction of broker loans of $1.181 billion was only a very small
fraction of the $87.1 billion market capitalization of NYSE issues at the end of September
1929 (Brady Report, p. VIII-13), conventional intuition [Equation (1)] predicts a price
change of only 1.36%, much smaller than actual price decline of 25% and about forty
times smaller than the magnitude predicted by invariance.
We also make price impact calculations for margin sales of $4.348 billion during the
last 3 months of 1929. Conventional wisdom implies a price drop of 4.99%. Invariance
implies a much larger price decline ranging from 68.28% to 89.95%, more than the actual
price decline of 34% during the last 3 months of 1929 and the price decline of 44% from
high point in late September 1929 to low point in mid-November 1929.
7 To convert 1929 dollars to 2005 dollars, we use the GDP deflator, which equates $1 in 1929 to $9.42
in 2005. We use the year 2005 as a benchmark because the estimates of Kyle and Obizhaeva (2016)
are based on the sample period 2001–05, with more observations occurring in the latter part of the
8 The 7% standard error for price impact implies a 2-standard-deviation interval to be
46:43%ð162 %7Þ, which is larger than the actual price decline of 25%.
Large Bets and Stock Market Crashes 17
Table II. 1929 stock market crash: implied price impact of margin sales
The table shows the invariance-implied impact of $1.181 billion of margin sales during the
week October 24–30, 1929, and $4.343 billion of margin sales from September 25 to December
25, along with average daily 1929 dollar volume and daily volatility for m ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12
months preceding October 24, 1929. The conventional wisdom predicts a price decline of 1.36%
m: 1 2 3 4 6 12
We consider the entire stock market to be one market; this is consistent with the Brady
Report. Accordingly, we estimate daily volume as the sum of average daily volume in the
futures market and the NYSE for the previous month. Some portfolio insurers abandoned their
reliance on the futures markets and switched to selling stocks directly because futures contracts
became unusually cheap relative to the cash market. We construct a proxy for sales as the sum
of portfolio insurance sales in the futures market and the NYSE from tables in the Brady
Report, Figures 13–16, pp. 197–198, obtaining results similar to Gammill and Marsh (1988).
Over the 4 days, October 15, 16, 19, and 20, 1987, portfolio insurers sold S&P 500 futures
contracts representing $10.48 billion in index futures and $3.27 billion in NYSE stocks. The
gross sales amount of $13.75 billion in futures and stocks is combined for the purpose of ana-
lyzing price impact of portfolio insurance sales. Reported values are all 1987 dollars.
In the month prior to the crash, the historical volatility of S&P 500 futures returns was
about 1.35% per day, similar to estimates in the Brady Report. The average daily volume
in the S&P 500 futures market was equal to $10.37 billion. The NYSE average daily vol-
ume was $10.20 billion. Portfolio insurance gross sales were equal to about 67% of 1 day’s
combined volume.
Plugging portfolio insurance gross sales and market parameters into Equation (15)
yields a price decline of 16.77%9:
5:78 ð10:37 þ 10:20Þ 109 1:54
16:77% ¼ 1 exp
104 40 106
4=3 ð10:48 þ 3:27Þ
0:02 :
ð0:01Þð10:37 þ 10:20Þ
Table III reports other estimates based on historical trading volume and volatility calcu-
lated over the preceding m months, with m ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12. These estimates range from
11.87% to 16.77%. For robustness, estimates under several alternative assumptions are
Table III. 1987 stock market crash: effect of portfolio insurance sales
The table shows the invariance-implied impact triggered by portfolio insurers’ net sales of S&P
500 futures contracts ($9.51 billion) and NYSE stocks ($1.60 billion), portfolio insurers’ gross
sales of S&P 500 futures contracts ($10.48 billion) and NYSE stocks ($3.27 billion), portfolio
insurers’ sales of S&P 500 futures adjusted for purchases of index arbitrageurs ($10.48 billion
m: 1 2 3 4 6 12
S&P 500 Fut ADV (1987 $B) 10.37 11.29 11.13 10.12 10.62 9.85
NYSE ADV (1987 $B) 10.20 10.44 10.48 10.16 10.04 9.70
Daily volatility 0.0135 0.0121 0.0107 0.0102 0.0112 0.0111
Gross sells (% ADV) 66.84% 63.28% 63.65% 67.82% 66.53% 70.33%
Price impact 16.77% 14.18% 12.23% 11.87% 13.20% 13.64%
Price impact of net sales combined 13.78% 11.62% 10.00% 9.71% 10.81% 11.17%
Price impact of S&P 500 sales 14.11% 11.67% 10.10% 10.00% 10.93% 11.45%
Price impact of NYSE sales 13.00% 11.18% 9.56% 9.09% 10.32% 10.53%
presented in Table III. Details are presented in Appendix C. The similarity between pre-
dicted and observed price declines is consistent with our hypothesis that heavy selling by
portfolio insurers played a dominant role in the crash of October 1987.
The estimates based on conventional wisdom are much smaller. According to the Brady
Report, there were 2,257 issues of stocks listed on the NYSE, with a value of $2.2 trillion
on December 31, 1986. Conventional wisdom implies that gross sales of $10.48 billion in
futures and $3.27 billion in individual stocks, representing 0.63% of shares outstanding in
total, would have an impact of only 0.63%. Other alternative models yield estimates not
higher than 2%. Citing similar arguments, many experts have rejected the idea that sales of
portfolio insurers caused the 1987 market crash.
The invariance-implied estimate of 16.77% is smaller than the price drops of 32% in
the cash equity market and 40% in the S&P 500 futures market. The 1987 crash may have
been triggered by negative news about anti-takeover legislation as well as trade deficit stat-
istic on October 14. It may have been further aggravated by break-downs in the market
mechanism which disrupted index arbitrage relationships, as documented in the Brady
technical analysis that looks for recurrent long-term price patterns related to persistent
changes in investor sentiment. He pointed out similarities between the 1929 crash and the
1987 crash.
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Division of Economic Analysis and
Division of Trading and Markets (1988) issued a report describing the events of October
The table shows the invariance-implied price impact of (A) Soros’s sell order of 2,400 contracts;
(B) Soros’s sell order of 2,400 contracts plus 651 contracts of error trades (3,051 contracts in
total); and (C) Soros’s sell order of 2,400 contracts, plus 651 contracts of error trades, plus the
sell order of 2,478 contracts by the pension fund (5,529 contracts in total). Calculations use aver-
m: 1 2 3 4 6 12
S&P 500 Fut ADV (1987 $B) 13.52 11.72 11.70 10.99 10.75 10.04
Daily volatility 0.0863 0.0622 0.0502 0.0438 0.0365 0.0271
2,400 contracts as % ADV 2.29% 2.64% 2.65% 2.82% 2.88% 3.08%
Price impact A 6.27% 4.50% 3.40% 2.96% 2.36% 1.67%
Price impact B 7.90% 5.68% 4.30% 3.75% 2.99% 2.12%
Price impact C 13.85% 10.06% 7.66% 6.69% 5.36% 3.81%
Table IV presents three sets of estimates based on the historical volume and volatility of
S&P 500 futures contracts calculated over the preceding m months, with m ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6,
12. Invariance implies (i) price impact of 1.67–6.27% based on 2,400 contracts alone; (ii)
price impact of 2.12–7.90% adding 651 error contracts (3,051 contracts in total); and (iii)
price impact of 3.81–13.85% adding 2,478 contracts sold by the pension fund (5,529 con-
tracts in total).
The actual price decline of 22% is significantly larger than our estimate. Factors which
could have led to large impact include potentially underestimated expected volatility, front-
running based on leakage of information about the size of the order, and the peculiarly ag-
gressive execution strategy of placing two limit orders with a limit price of 200, more than
20% below the previous day’s close.
Conventional wisdom would imply minuscule price changes. Given the total value of
$2.2 trillion of issues listed on the NYSE at the end of 1986, the Soros’s order, the errone-
ous sales, and the sales by the pension fund would be expected to have a combined impact
of only 0.03%.
January led to losses on these secret directional bets. Internal investigators became strongly
suspicious about the nature of the positions on Friday, January 18.
Société Générale informed the heads of the central bank and the Financial Markets
Authority (AMF), the French stock market regulator. The AMF allowed the bank to delay
public announcement of the fraud for 3 days so that Kerviel’s positions could be liquidated
The table shows the invariance-predicted losses of liquidating Kerviel’s positions of e50 billion
under the assumption that the major European cash and futures markets are integrated, and
one Euro is worth $1.4690. Results are provided based on average daily volume of the major
European stock exchanges and index futures as well as daily volatilities of Stoxx Europe TMI,
m: 1 2 3 4 6 12
Stk Mkt ADV (2008 eB) 69.51 66.51 67.37 67.01 66.73 66.32
Fut Mkt ADV (2008 eB) 110.98 114.39 118.05 117.46 127.17 121.26
Daily volatility 0.0110 0.0125 0.0121 0.0117 0.0132 0.0111
Order as % ADV 27.70% 27.64% 26.97% 27.11% 25.79% 26.66%
Price impact 10.79% 12.66% 11.94% 11.53% 12.93% 10.59%
Total losses (2008 eB) 2.77 3.27 3.08 2.97 3.34 2.72
Losses: Adj. A (2008 eB) 5.08 5.58 5.39 5.28 5.65 5.03
Losses: Adj. B (2008 eB) 7.39 7.89 7.70 7.59 7.96 7.34
10:79% ¼ 1 exp
!1=3 4=3 !
180:49 1:4690 0:92 109 0:0011 50
40 106 0:02 ð0:01Þ 180:49
In this equation, we use an exchange rate of $1.4690 per Euro to convert Euro volume into
US dollar volume and convert 2008 dollars into 2005 dollars to be able to use them in our
calibrated formulas.11
Table V shows the estimates of price impact based on historical trading volume and
volatility calculated over the preceding m months, with m ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12. Invariance pre-
dicts price changes ranging from 10.59% to 12.93%. The Stoxx TMI index actually fell by
9.44% from the market close of 316.73 on January 18 to its lowest level of 286.82 on
January 21.
In contrast, conventional wisdom predicts that sales of e50 billion would have a much
smaller price impact of 0.43%, given that it represents less than 1% of the total capitaliza-
tion of European markets, which was about e11.752 trillion in December 2007, as reported
by Federation of European Securities Exchanges.
We also estimate the dollar costs of liquidating the rogue position to range from e2.72
billion to e3.34 billion under different assumptions about expected volume and volatility.
Adding mark-to-market losses sustained prior to liquidation leads to estimated losses
11 The GDP deflator of 0.92 converts 2008 dollars into 2005 dollars.
Large Bets and Stock Market Crashes 23
ranging from e5.03 billion to e7.96 billion. These estimates are consistent with officially
reported losses of e6.30 billion. Appendix C presents the details.
In explaining the costs of liquidating the positions to shareholders already concerned
about the bank’s losses on subprime mortgages, bank officials blamed “the very un-
favorable market conditions” (see the explanatory note about the exceptional fraud
12 The GDP deflator of 0.90 converts 2010 dollars into 2005 dollars.
24 A. S. Kyle and A. A. Obizhaeva
Table VI. Flash crash of May 6, 2010: effect of 75,000 contract futures sale
The table shows the invariance-implied price impact of sales of 75,000 S&P 500 E-mini futures
contracts. Calculations are based on average daily volume and volatility of the S&P 500 E-mini
futures for the m months preceding May 6, 2010, with m ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12. Conventional
wisdom predicts a price decline of 0.03%. The actual price decline in the S&P 500 E-mini futures
m: 1 2 3 4 6 12
S&P 500 Fut ADV (2010 $B) 132.00 107.49 109.54 112.67 100.65 95.49
Stk Mkt ADV (2010 $B) 161.41 146.50 142.09 143.03 132.58 129.30
Daily volatility 0.0107 0.0085 0.0078 0.0090 0.0089 0.0108
Order as % ADV 1.49% 1.72% 1.73% 1.71% 1.87% 1.94%
Price impact (hist r) 0.61% 0.49% 0.44% 0.53% 0.55% 0.73%
Price impact (r ¼ 2%) 1.39% 1.52% 1.53% 1.52% 1.61% 1.65%
5:00 ð132 þ 161Þ 0:90 109
0:61% ¼ 1 exp
104 40 106
4=3 75; 000 50 1; 164
0:02 :
0:01 ð132 þ 161Þ 109
Table VI shows estimates based on historical volume and volatility of S&P 500 E-mini
futures contracts calculated over the preceding m months, with m ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4; 6; 12. These
estimates range from 0.44% to 0.73%. Appendix C provides estimates under the alterna-
tive assumptions of 2% volatility and less integrated markets. These estimates tend to be
higher, ranging from 0.76% to 2.91%.
The predicted price impact of 0.61% is smaller than the actual decline of 5.12%. As dis-
cussed in the next section, unusually fast execution may have significantly increased the
temporary impact of these trades and led to rapid rebound in prices afterward. Given that
the capitalization of US market was about $15.077 trillion at the end of 2009, conventional
wisdom would predict a price decline of only 0.03%.
13 Financial crises eventually followed the crash events of 1929 and liquidation of Kerviel’s rogue
trades in 2008. Whether margin sales in 1929 or Kerviel’s trades in 2008 had information content is
a difficult question to frame in a meaningful manner. For example, perhaps Kerviel traded against
informed traders who correctly foresaw the impending financial crisis, delaying the incorporation
of this information into prices until his own positions were liquidated.
14 The model of smooth trading gives rise in the equilibrium to both endogenous permanent and tem-
porary impacts, k and j. In most of the traditional models such as Kyle (1985), price impact is per-
manent and transaction costs of an informed trader do not depend on the speed of trading as
long as he trades continuously.
26 A. S. Kyle and A. A. Obizhaeva
assumption that crash orders were also executed at the same “natural” or prudent pace as
portfolio transition orders.
During 1987 and 2010 flash crashes, larger-than-predicted price declines followed by
rapid price recoveries suggest that transitory price impact may have been exacerbated by
the extremely rapid rate at which selling took place. According to the Staffs of the CFTC
15 The smooth trading model implies that the temporary price impact is linear in the speed of trading.
Since selling during the flash crash occurred about fifteen times faster than normal order execu-
tion, the model implies transitory price impact to be fifteen times greater than in the case when
selling occurs at a “normal” rate, followed by a reversal. Multiplied by 15, our estimates of 0.61%
price decline become even larger than the actual decline of 5.12%.
Large Bets and Stock Market Crashes 27
16 The 1987 portfolio insurance trades of $13 billion were equal to only about 0.28% of GDP in that
year (1987 GDP was $4.7 trillion); stock prices fell 32%. During the last week of October 1929, the
margin-related sales of $1.181 billion were equal to about 1% of GDP (1929 GDP was $104 billion),
approximately four times the levels of the 1987 crash; yet stock prices fell by only 25%. Inclusion
of additional sales equal to about 3% of GDP in subsequent weeks makes margin selling in 1929 to
be more than fifteen times greater than selling during the 1987 crash, as a percentage of GDP.
28 A. S. Kyle and A. A. Obizhaeva
leveraged system in which institutional investors can spread their capital across markets by
trading hundreds of stocks simultaneously.
Invariance-implied estimates would change significantly if instead of being considered
as one large market, the stock market in 1929 was thought of as a set of many small, iso-
lated, and thus less liquid markets for individual stocks. One would expect market impact
The debate about the extent to which portfolio insurance contributed to the 1987 crash
started long before the crash itself. On the day the 1987 crash occurred, academics were
holding a conference on a topic of potential “market meltdown” induced by portfolio in-
surance sales. The term “market meltdown,” popularized by then NYSE chairman John
Phelan, was used in the year or so before the stock market crash to describe a scenario of
We indicated that average trading will amount to less than 2% of total stocks and derivatives
trading. On some days, however, portfolio insurance trades may be a greater fraction. . . .In the
event of a major one-day fall (e.g., 100 points on the Dow Jones Industrial Average), required
portfolio insurance trades could amount to $4 billion. Almost surely this would be spread over
2–3 day period. In such a circumstance, portfolio insurance trades might approximate 9–12%
of futures trading, and 3–4% of stock plus derivatives trading.
If regulators had applied simple principles of invariance prior to the 1987 crash, they
would have been alarmed by Hayne Leland’s projection of potential sales of 4% of stock-
plus-futures volume over 3 days in response to a decline in stock prices of about 4% (i.e.,
100 points on the Dow Jones average). They would see that the stock market was already
close to a tipping point. Historical volume and volatility in July 1987 implied that sales of
$4 billion in response to a 4% price decline would lead to another drop in prices, just slight-
ly smaller than 4%. Absent stabilizing trades by investors trading in an opposite direction,
potential portfolio insurance sales were already on the verge of triggering precisely the cas-
cade meltdown scenario practitioners dismissed as a near-zero probability event.
5. Conclusion
Crash-like events continue to occur. The Staffs of the Fed, the CFTC, and SEC (2015) de-
scribe the “flash rally” in the US Treasury market on October 15, 2014, during which pri-
ces rose rapidly for several minutes and then fell back down. Since the report was not based
on audit trail data identifying individual traders, it does not rule out the possibility that the
flash rally resulted from rapid buying by one trader. Obizhaeva and Piftankin (2023) de-
scribe how the sharp V-shaped devaluation of Russian currency on December 16, 2014,
was likely caused by a large multi-billion-dollar bet. The collapse of the Chinese stock mar-
ket in the summer of 2015 was likely caused by liquidations of margin accounts, as dis-
cussed in Bian et al. (2018); this crash was in many ways similar to the crash of 1929 in the
US market; in both cases, extraordinary steps were taken to stabilize the markets.
30 A. S. Kyle and A. A. Obizhaeva
Our study offers several practical insights about why stock market crashes happen, how
to prevent them if possible, and how to respond to them if they occur. Large price disloca-
tions may occur because of imbalances in demand and supply. Even in highly liquid mar-
kets and even if quantities traded are restricted to 5% or 10% of daily volume, execution of
large bets may lead to significant price changes. Rapid execution is likely to magnify transi-
Data Availability
The data underlying this article were obtained from public sources. Stock market data were
obtained from CRSP. Index futures data were obtained from Bloomberg. Other data were
obtained from cited documents.
open the possibility that unusually rapid execution of very large orders may increase their
temporary price impact, but these effects are hard to quantify properly. We discuss this
issue further in Section 4.
Fourth, there have been numerous changes in market mechanisms between 1929 and
2010, including better communications technologies, introduction of electronic handling of
¼ : (18)
• The Conv-V, based on daily volume:
32 A. S. Kyle and A. A. Obizhaeva
¼ : (19)
P 250 V
• The Barra model, discussed in Torre and Ferrari (1999) and Grinold and Kahn (2000):
¼r : (20)
In the last two models, the estimates are multiplied by a factor of 2 to convert transaction
costs estimates to price impact estimates.
The AC model [Equation (21)] explicitly depends on the execution horizon T. For the
1929 crash, we assume selling occurred over 5 days (T ¼ 5). For the 1987 crash, we assume
selling occurred over 4 days (T ¼ 4). For Soros’ trades, we assume selling occurred over
6 min from 8:28 a.m. to 8:34 a.m. (T ¼ 6/420). For the liquidation of Kerviel’s trades, we
assume selling occurred over 3 days (T ¼ 3). For the flash crash of 2008, we assume selling
occurred over about 20 min, or 1/20 of a day (T ¼ 1/20).
Panel A of Table AI presents impact estimates based on six impact models for percentage
market impact along with actual price declines for the five crashes. First, all estimates are
much lower than actual price declines, except for the Inv-LIN estimates. Second, the Conv-
N and Conv-V estimates based on the conventional intuition usually generate the smallest
estimates among models. Third, calibrated on the sample of institutional transactions, the
Barra, AC, and FIM estimates are all similar in magnitude; they are slightly larger than con-
ventional estimates but still much lower than the actual price declines. Fourth, the AC esti-
mate is significantly larger than other alternative estimates for the Soros bet because this
estimate explicitly accounts for the very short execution horizon of this bet.
For all five crashes, the Inv-SQRT estimates are quantitatively similar to the Barra esti-
mates. Due to its concavity, the square-root models predict much smaller price declines
than the linear model. Thus, invariance alone does not explain magnitudes of price declines
during crash events; instead, crash events are explained by applying invariance to a linear
Panel B of Table AI presents impact estimates based on six impact models for log-
percentage market impact DlnP along with actual price declines for the five crashes. These
estimates are obtained from models (16)–(22), where DP=P on the left-hand side of these
equations is replaced with DlnP. The Inv-LIN and the Conv-N based on market capitaliza-
tion for log-impact are the two models discussed on detail in the main part of our article.
The estimates based on log-returns are smaller than the estimates based on simple
returns, but this difference is negligible for most models. The only exception is the Inv-LIN
Large Bets and Stock Market Crashes 33
The table presents actual price declines for five market crashes along with price declines as
implied by seven price impact models: the Inv-LIN, the Inv-SQRT, the Conv-N based on market
capitalization, the Conv-N based on daily volume, the Barra model (“Barra”), AC model, and
FIM model. Panel A shows the estimates for models with simple returns DP =P and panel B
1929 market crash 25.00 62.56 3.94 1.36 1.06 3.26 6.62 4.95
1987 market crash 32.00 18.31 1.33 0.63 0.27 1.10 1.04 2.02
1987 Soros’s trades 22.00 6.47 1.58 0.01 0.01 1.31 3.47 0.62
2008 SocGén trades 9.44 11.40 0.70 0.43 0.11 0.58 0.35 1.18
2010 flash crash 5.12 0.61 0.16 0.03 0.01 0.13 0.16 0.24
Panel B: Log-percentage impact DlnP
1929 market crash 25.00 46.43 3.86 1.36 1.06 3.21 6.41 4.83
1987 market crash 32.00 16.77 1.32 0.63 0.27 1.10 1.04 1.99
1987 Soros’s trades 22.00 6.27 1.57 0.01 0.01 1.30 3.41 0.62
2008 SocGén trades 9.44 10.79 0.70 0.43 0.11 0.58 0.35 1.17
2010 flash crash 5.12 0.61 0.16 0.03 0.01 0.13 0.16 0.24
model, for which large estimates based on the simple return are reduced when log-returns
are used instead; the biggest difference is observed for the 1929 crash, for which the simple-
return model implies price decline of 63% and the log-return model implies price decline of
only 46%.
Some thought the broker loan market should be tightly controlled to limit speculative trad-
ing in the stock market on the grounds that lending to finance stock market speculation
diverted capital away from more productive uses in the real economy. Others thought it
was impractical to control lending in the market because the shadow bank lenders would
find ways around restrictions and lend money anyway. The New York Fed chose to dis-
time series on both broker loans and stock prices follow similar patterns, rising steadily
from 1926 to October 1929 and then suddenly collapsing. According to Fed data, broker
loans rose from $3.141 billion at the beginning of 1926 to $6.804 billion at the beginning
of October 1929. According to NYSE data, the broker loan market rose from $3.513 bil-
lion to $8.549 billion during the same period. As more and more non-banks were getting
involved in the broker loan market, the difference between NYSE broker loans and Fed
broker loans steadily increased until the last week of October 1929, when non-bank firms
pulled their money out of the broker loan market and the difference suddenly shrank.
During the period 1926–30, weekly changes in broker loans were typically small and
often changed sign, as shown in the tiny bars at the bottom of Figure AI. Starting with the
last week of October 1929, there were five consecutive weeks of large negative changes, al-
most twenty times larger than changes during preceding weeks. This de-leveraging erased
the increase in broker loans which had occurred during the first 9 months of the year.
For the last week of October 1929, we estimate margin selling as $1.181 billion (the dif-
ference between the estimated reduction in broker loans of $2.440 billion from $8.549 bil-
lion to $6.109 billion and an increase in bank loans on securities of $1.259 billion from
$7.920 billion to $9.179 billion). For the 3 months from September 30, 1929, to December
31, 1929, we estimate margin selling as $4.348 billion (the difference between the reduction
36 A. S. Kyle and A. A. Obizhaeva
in NYSE broker loans of $4.559 billion from $8.549 billion to $3.990 billion and an in-
crease in bank loans on securities of $0.211 billion from $7.720 billion to $7.931 billion).
2007. These estimates are similar in magnitude to losses of e6.30 billion reported by the
As a robustness check, we also estimate market impact under the assumption that the
Euro STOXX 50, the DAX, and the FTSE 100 futures markets are distinct markets, not
components of one bigger market.
X 2 rPV pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ln ¼ 5:71 ln þ 2:53 Z; ~ (23)
V 3 6
ð0:02Þð40Þð10 Þ
~ N ð0; 1Þ. Under the assumption that there is one unit of intermediation trade
where Z
volume for every bet, the bet arrival rate c per day is given by
These equations have the following implications for a benchmark stock with dollar volume
of $40 million per day and volatility 2% per day1=2 . The estimated mean of –5.71 implies a
median bet size of approximately $132; 500, or 0.33% of daily volume. The estimated log-
variance of 2.53 implies that a one-standard-deviation increase in bet size is a factor of
about 4.91. The implied average bet size is $469,500 and a four-standard-deviation bet is
about $77 million, or 1.17% and 192% of daily volume, respectively [0:33% expð2:53=2Þ
and 0:33% expð2:53 4Þ]. There are 85 bets per day. The standard deviation of daily order
imbalances is equal to 38% of daily volume [851=2 expð5:71 þ 2:53Þ]. Half the variance
in returns results from fewer than 0.10% of bets and suggests significant kurtosis in returns.
Now let us extrapolate these estimates to the entire market, where volume is the sum of
the volume of CME S&P 500 futures contracts and all individual stocks. Using convenient
round numbers based on the 2010 flash crash, the volume for the entire market is about
$270 billion per day or 6,750 times the volume of a benchmark stock. The volatility of the
index is about 1% per day or half of 2% volatility of a benchmark stock. With 6,750 con-
veniently equal to 153 2, invariance implies that market volume consists of 19,125 bets
(85 152 ) with the median bet of about $4 million ($132; 500 15 2) or 0.0014% of daily
volume. The implied average bet size is $14 million or 0.0052% of daily volume, and a
four-standard-deviation bet is $2.310 billion ($469; 500 15 2 and $77 106 15 2) or
0.86% of daily volume. The implied standard deviation of cumulative order imbalances is
2.55% of daily volume (38%=15).
Equations (23) and (24) can be used to predict how frequently crash events occur. The
three large crash events—the 1929 crash, the 1987 crash, and the 2008 Société Générale
trades—are much rarer events than the two smaller crashes—the 1987 Soros trades and the
2010 flash crash.
We estimate the 1929 crash, the 1987 crash, and the 2008 liquidation of Kerviel’s posi-
tions to be 6.15, 5.97, and 6.19 standard deviation bet events, respectively. Given corre-
sponding estimated bet arrival rates of 1,887, 5,606, and 19,059 bets per day, such events
would be expected to occur only once every 5,516, 597, and 674 years, respectively.
Obviously, either the far right tail of the distribution estimated from portfolio transitions is
fatter than a log-normal or the log-variance estimated from portfolio transition data is too
small. In the far right tail of the distribution of the log-size of portfolio transition orders in
the most actively traded stocks, Kyle and Obizhaeva (2016) do observe a larger number
observations than implied by a normal distribution. It is also possible that portfolio transi-
tion orders are not representative of bets in general. If the true standard deviation of log bet
size is 10% larger than implied by portfolio transition orders, then 6.0 standard deviation
events become 5.4 standard deviation events, which are expected to occur about thirty-four
times more frequently.
Large Bets and Stock Market Crashes 39
We estimate the 1987 Soros trades and the 2010 flash crash trades to be 4.45- and 4.63-
standard-deviation bet events, respectively. Given estimated bet arrival rates of 14,579 bets
and 29,012 bets per day, respectively, bets of this size are expected to occur multiple times
per year. We believe it likely that large bets of this magnitude do indeed occur multiple
times per year, but execution of such large bets typically does not lead to flash crashes be-
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