Door 55 - Unlock Your Design
Door 55 - Unlock Your Design
Door 55 - Unlock Your Design
This is the Game Changer. At a first glance it may appear to have a lot of negative characteristics. It's the same thing if you look
at the world today. You may see a lot of problems and have no idea how they can be solved.
The Game Changer tells us that a lot of the old has to fall apart for the new to come through. When the old structures crack,
spirit can come through and rise. Spirit opens up for freedom and love. Something that was impossible to foresee with the
rational mind!
This archetype is called the Game Changer because it is literally what will change the game of life. It knows deep down this
maya, this matrix is an illusion and just a game to be played. It can access the realm of freedom because it is no longer
confined, constricted and victimized by the game of life itself.
Instead of life playing this archetype, it plays life. The Game Changer knows it is FREE. It stops taking life so seriously and
stops being a victim to life. It's attitude about life CHANGES THE GAME. No longer weighed down by life, it is filled with an
abundance of spirit. The spirit of freedom -- and this spirit within cannot be stolen by anything in the external world. Life is never
the same when you have freedom in your heart.
This archetype is symbolized by the dream of the dragonfly: it lives most its life as a nymph underwater and one day it finds the
stalk of a plant and and climbs out of the water. The sunlight catalyzes the crack of the larval skin and out comes the dragonfly.
Free Resources
Phone Backgrounds
EMBRACE your shadows. Sometimes our shadows just need
attention and love to be transformed. An embrace is a hug. We
pull it in; we do not push away. Hug until it blends and
transforms inside of you revealing the GIFT within. The gift is
then RELEASED inside you and out of you. You EMBODY the
Siddhi when this essence vibrates through your whole being.
Indra’s Net “The form is the skin, the fruit is the awareness and the seed
is consciousness.”
“On an energetic level, you truly do always reap exactly as
you sow.”
Digital Chapter
Download Richard Rudds Master Key chapter for Gene Key 55. Unlock the Game Changer archetype through the 55th Gene
Key. Or purchase the whole Gene Key Book to unlock the higher purpose hidden in your DNA.
(29 pages)
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Premium Offerings
Embodiment Practice
Workbook to guide your explorations
Only when silence has been attained can we hear the hidden harmony that
is the true nature of humanity.
-The Game Changer
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If you enjoy what we are doing here at Unlock Your Design and the 64 Doors, please consider making a contribution to our business.
Be it $1 or $100, you will help sustain our mission of bringing these archetypes to life. Let us expand. Thank You.
Featured Guardian
Dylan Varenhorst
The 55h Mudra of Freedom Dream Arc by Jane Adams: Dragonfly (Shadow), Seal (Gift),
“Thumbs overlap 3 fingers folded down – point the Albatross (Siddhi)
indexes upward. What things hold you back from
freedom? This is also called the Dragon’s Tooth –
freedom of the current’s potential power to cut you
loose from any chains or ties that bind.” (RR)
Caressing the
Feathers of the
Sleeping ( soon
awake) Phoenix
By Adela Dumitriu | August 27,
Harmonic Gate: The Liberator (55) Programming Partner: The Playmate (59)
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Delphine Supanya
1 year ago
Thank you so much for the interview with Dylan. I have 55.6 as my life’s work and am a 6/2 manifestor (with
incarnation cross Left Angle Cross of Spirit) and this video has been the most insightful source of information I
have found out there. I will contemplate being in extremes and how that shows up for me – the deep melancholy
and the very high highs and everything in between. Can you elaborate more on the difference between Sleeping
Phoenix and Spirit? Thanks so so much!
1 Reply
1 year ago
This is my culture key. Line 4. YES. Definitely has been the life of the Dragonfly!
0 Reply
Michael A. S.
1 year ago
I already have had my personal 55 situations, solving a long during problem. It seems to be released without any
conscious activity from myself…55☆☆☆☆
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