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What Is Extensive Reading

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What is Extensive Reading?

Extensive Reading (ER) is an approach to second language reading. When learners read
extensively, they read very easy, enjoyable books to build their reading speed and fluency.
Another way to say this is students learn to read by actually reading rather than examining
texts by studying the vocabulary, grammar and phrases. It is instructive to compare Intensive
Reading (IR) with Extensive Reading.
Intensive Reading
For many teachers, there is only one way to teach reading which involves the teacher walking the
whole class through a reading passage. The passage is usually short and the instruction is focused
on carefully checking comprehension, studying the grammar and/or vocabulary, or developing a
reading skill. Here is an example.
The above reading for elementary learners is short and introduces vocabulary and grammar. The
reading is followed by comprehension questions and other activities. Using a passage like this is
useful when teaching students new language. This type of reading is called Intensive
Reading because the learners study the reading and check their comprehension. Typically these
types of text are used by the whole class with the teacher guiding them.
The limits of Intensive reading
o However, if learners only use reading passages like these:
o The reading is difficult, so learners have few chances to build reading speed and fluency.
o The reading is short and because it is difficult, the learners read slowly and they cannot
meet a lot of language.
o The whole class reads the same material, which is too easy for some and too difficult for
o All the students have to read at the same pace as they do the tasks together.
o The reading is interesting to some learners but not others.
The benefits of Extensive Reading
Extensive Reading gives students chances to read longer pieces of reading, which they choose,
which they can read at their own speed and at their own ability level. This can be done with
Graded readers.
Intensive Reading and Extensive Reading are complementary and teachers should use both. A
balanced reading program uses Intensive Reading to introduce new language, and complements
this with Extensive Reading which consolidates and raises awareness of this language leading to
reading fluency.
Why do Extensive Reading?
There are many reasons why Extensive Reading is good for language development.
Extensive Reading builds vocabulary. When learners read a lot, they meet thousands of words
and lexical (word) patterns that are not taught in textbooks. Extensive Reading allows the learner
to develop an awareness of collocations (common word partnerships) and thousands of lexical
Extensive Reading helps learners understand grammar. In textbooks learners meet hundreds of
grammar patterns. However, textbooks do not provide enough meetings with grammar for real
acquisition to occur. Extensive Reading provides opportunities to see grammar in context so
learners can deepen their understanding of how grammar is really used.
Extensive Reading helps learners to build reading speed and reading fluency. In particular,
developing reading speed is important because it helps learners to understand language faster and
One objective of Extensive Reading is reading for pleasure. This builds confidence and
motivation which makes the learner a more effective user of language.

Extensive Reading: Belajar Bahasa Kedua yang Menyenangkan

December 2, 2021superadmin
Dalam pemerolehan bahasa kedua, manusia membutuhkan input. Adapun input yang dibutuhkan
yaitu mendengarkan dan membaca. Terutama membaca, para peneliti menemukan terdapat dua
pendekatan besar yaitu Intensive Reading (IR) dan Extensive Reading (ER). Intensive
Reading atau IR dapat diartikan sebagai pendekatan pemerolehan bahasa kedua dengan cara
membaca yang dilaksanakan di dalam kelas dengan bantuan guru dan terdapat interaksi antara
guru dan murid dan murid dengan murid. Sedangakan Extensive Reading atau ER dapat
diartikan sebagai proses membaca yang dilakukan oleh siswa yang dilaksanakan di luar kelas
tanpa ada paksaan, tanpa meresa tertekan, atau tanpa tuntutan untuk membaca. Di sisi
lain, Extensive Reading bisa diartikan sebagai sebuah kegiatan dimana para pembelajar bahasa
kedua mencoba membaca hal yang mereka sukai untuk mendapatkan input terutama input
membaca di luar kelas.
Iswandari and Paradita (2019) menyebutkan bahwa dalam melaksanakan Extensive
Reading harus dimulai dalam kelas dengan cara guru menjelaskan manfaat dari Extensive
Reading, bagaimana melakukan Extensive Reading, dan mengapa Extensive Reading itu
penting. Pernyataan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa meskipun kegiatan Extensive
Reading dilaksanakan di luar kelas, namun penjelasan guru sebelum kegiatan Extensive
Reading adalah sebuah keharusan. Pada tahun 2002, Day and Bamford (pp. 137-141)
mengembangkan 10 prinsip Extensive Reading yang dapat dianggap sebagai bahan utama dari
program Extensive Reading yang sukses dan mendorong guru untuk gunakan mereka. 10 prinsip
tersebut adalah:
1. Bahan bacaannya mudah.
2. Bahan bacaan tersedia berbagai macam topik.
3. Peserta didik memilih apa yang ingin mereka baca.
4. Peserta didik membaca sebanyak mungkin.
5. Membaca adalah untuk kesenangan, untuk mendapatkan informasi umum dan pengertian.
6. Membaca adalah hadiah itu sendiri bukan paksaan
7. Peserta didik umumnya membaca dengan cepat dan tidak lambat.
8. Membaca adalah diam dan individual.
9. Guru mengorientasikan dan memberikan bimbingan kepada siswa.
10. Guru harus mampu menjadi contoh pembaca di Extensive Reading
Teori utama yang mendasari Extensive Reading adalah Hypothesis Comprehension oleh
Krashen. Hypothesis Comprehension menyatakan bahwa “kita memperoleh bahasa dan
mengembangkan literasi ketika kita memahami pesan. Yaitu, ketika kita memahami apa yang
kita dengar dan apa yang kita baca, ketika kita menerima masukan yang dapat dipahami”
(Krashen, 2003). Adapun untuk manfaat Ng et al. (2019) mengungkapkan bahwa
kegiatan Extensive Reading sangat memengaruhi kemampuan membaca para pembelajar dan
mampu meningkatkan angka input dalam mempelajari bahasa kedua. Tidak hanya
membaca, Extensive Reading juga berkontribusi pada kemampuan menulis dan tata bahasa yang
lebih baik. Hal ini bisa terjadi karena kalimat dalam buku cerita lebih menarik dan lebih mudah
dipahami. Dengan begitu pembelajar akan mendapatkan lebih banyak masukan untuk perolehan
pola kalimat, kosa kata dan aspek lainnya dalam tata bahasanya (Lee, Hsieh, Wang, 2009).
How have you demonstrated leadership ability in your school, work, or community?
core to my leadership philosophy is the belief that great leaders are made, not born. See, I never
was picked to head a group of kids growing up. Perhaps this was because I came across as a shy
and introverted kid, but today I have surprised myself by taking on demanding leadership roles,
not to mention applying to B.A. in leadership. Therefore, I do not consider myself born a leader,
but I have acquired and honed leadership qualities over the years. My primary goal in pursuing a
degree in leadership is to expand my organizational leadership skills beyond an organization-
specific setting to a global arena.
Being the firstborn in a family of four children is not a walk in the park. It doesn’t help when you
are the only girl and your siblings are looking up to you for leadership. This is the story of my
life. Although leading my siblings is not explicitly demanded of me, I have always felt that it is
my responsibility to provide leadership. Perhaps the knowledge that my siblings looked up to me
made me take up leadership roles at the university. I was nominated the class representative for
one of the courses on my first day in class at Manchester Metropolitan University. As a class
representative, I was tasked with relaying information between students and the lecturer,
including setting up makeup classes, collecting assignments, and organizing class trips. Until
then, I hadn’t seen myself as the leading type, but the nomination gave me a different perspective
of my capabilities. I mean, if a stranger deemed it best to nominate me to lead them then I had to
have a huge potential.
The biggest test to my potential came when I caught wind of a vacancy in the Student
Ambassador position. I second-guessed myself, but I was not deterred when our faculty head
announced that they normally receive over 300 applications. I submitted my application, and
three weeks later, I was among the ten potential candidates shortlisted for an interview with the
dean. I hadn’t grasped the responsibilities of the position by the time I was sworn in to defend
the honor of MMU.
I would spend the next two years as the face of MMU. It was my responsibility to welcome new
students and coordinate a range of student affairs such as career week, open days, and
symposiums. Student Ambassadorship exposed me to a range of challenges and opportunities.
For instance, it was not easy communicating with international students who did not speak
English, yet thoroughness was expected of me. The role, however, sharpened my communication
skills and taught how to harness team dynamics as a leader. Of all the lessons I learned as a
leader, the greatest takeaway is that good leadership is not about imposing ideas on people, but
providing information so they can make informed decisions. My goal is to complete a B.A. in
leadership, and a scholarship will allow me to focus all my time and effort on this goal.

Feedback on this essay.

The good.

 The applicant answers the prompt.

 She uses nice transitions between each paragraph.
 She touches on her leadership abilities within her family and school and provides a great
example about her student ambassador role. This showcases her leadership abilities and
role. In other words, she just doesn’t say she’s a leader, but proves it.
Opportunities for improvement.

 Other than the introductory sentence, which opens awkwardly with a quote, the remainder
of the opening paragraph is fine. In fact, we can eliminate the first sentence altogether and
reword the new opening sentence to “I was never picked to lead a group of kids growing
 Change passive verbs to active verbs when possible. For example, where it says, “your
siblings are looking up to you for leadership,” we can change that to “your siblings look up
to you for leadership.”
 Remove unnecessary (filler) words. For instance, change “Although leading my siblings is
not explicitly demanded of me, I have always felt that it is my responsibility to provide
leadership” to “Although I was not expected to lead my siblings, I felt responsible to
provide leadership.”
 Remove words like “always,” “never” and other extremes or absolutes.
 We can break up the last paragraph, starting with, “Of all the lessons I learned as a leader,
the greatest takeaway is that good leadership…” and move it and the remaining sentence to
the next paragraph, so it’s the closing paragraph.
 Reword the sentence, “Of all the lessons I learned as a leader, the greatest takeaway is that
good leadership is not about imposing ideas on people, but providing information so they
can make informed decisions.” Instead say, “My greatest takeaway is that good leadership
is not about imposing your ideas on people, but providing information they can use to
make informed decisions.”

What’s the verdict? Scholarship or not?

I love the examples within the essay, which solidify the student’s leadership abilities. She
appears to have a can-do attitude, which is a plus. She doesn’t beg for a scholarship, but says
how a scholarship will help. Although she used a lot of passive tense, all in all, this essay is a

Examples are key. Add them whenever you can. Active verbs make your essay impactful. Use
Most quotes make your essay look like everyone else’s. It’s best not to open your essay with a
quote. In the applicant’s case, the quote works. Still, I’d suggest leaving it off. If you must
include a quote, research the source and be sure it ties in with your overall essay.

Leadership skills are a common selection criteria for many scholarships, which makes it essential
that you know how to provide examples of leadership that would help you clinch a coveted
award. Source: Marc Wattrelot/AFP

5 examples of leadership skills to highlight in your scholarship essay

Highlight the extent of your leadership
Using the STAR (situation, task, action, result) method  to demonstrate your leadership skills
can help substantiate your ability to propel change or lead.
For instance, were you a student ambassador who worked with a wide variety of people? Are
you an active volunteer who is able to solve problems and identify needs as they come along?
Think of an example from your life and summarise it using the STAR method.
State the reasons for getting involved in a leadership role
Do you lead a community project? Are you a manager at the company you work for? What
inspired you to get involved in a leadership role?
Have you always gravitated towards a leadership position and have consistently made an
This is important to highlight to the scholarship decision-makers to assess your sincerity and
passion in your desired pursuit.
State the obstacles you faced and how you overcame them
Have you participated in a community-based project or outreach programme? Have you
organised or were involved in a fundraising project? Think back to a time when you got
involved with trying to mitigate or alleviate issues facing your community, school or family
and the ideas and actions you took to achieve your intended goals.
Ensure that you outline the measures taken to alleviate the problems you identified. For
example, you may have noticed that there is underwhelming participation of female students
in STEM-related courses at your local university.
You identify that this is an issue that you can leverage to encourage female participation in
the STEM fields . Your next course of action would involve writing a letter to your
university’s admissions team, suggesting that you would like to start a club or organisation
centred on female empowerment and participation in the STEM fields.
The obstacle lies in getting female students on campus to participate in such programmes.
This can be done by advocating for present-day female engineers, scientists and those
involved in the technology sector, which encourages female students to see a bright prospect
in their future should they follow the footsteps of other female influencers in the STEM fields.
This is just a hypothetical example of how you can demonstrate leadership by addressing
obstacles and showing examples of how you overcome them. It’s important that you
demonstrate strong evidence of your leadership qualities as well as relevant examples.
How did your leadership skills help you grow as a person and leader?
Some believe that leaders are born not made, while others think the contrary.
In your scholarship essay, it would be helpful to explain how your leadership roles have
helped you grow as a person, from teaching you new lessons to presenting numerous personal
growth opportunities.
Ensure that you demonstrate a true understanding of what leadership is. For instance, you lead
by your actions and not by the title that has been given to you. You lead by working alongside
others in creating change and not by merely barking orders at people.
 How will your leadership skills impact your future?
The admissions committee will likely be looking for a candidate who is a future leader and
influencer in their respective countries.
It helps to think about the leadership roles you’ve held, and how they have, for instance,
changed your outlook on life, how you interact with people, or even galvanised you to create
positive change in your community, which can affect your long-term career goals.
In QS, Hayley Capp, winner of the 2013 QS Leadership Scholarship, also encourages students
to tell the judges if they plan to continue being involved in their particular leadership activity
in the future.
This helps the scholarship committee shortlist who really deserves the scholarship. The essay
must reflect on certain points that can help you earn the particular scholarship. In this blog, we
will discuss the scholarship essay format and tips for an effective essay with scholarship essay
You must present a distinctive perspective on yourself in your scholarship essay in addition to
your academic accomplishments, GPA, and achievements. You must demonstrate your writing
abilities and do so in an interesting way, regardless of the essay prompt. The award money will
go to the essay that captures the scholarship committee’s attention and keeps them reading.
How to Write a Scholarship Essay?

1. Take more time than needed to write your scholarship essay because great things take
time. Write the essay in a relaxed atmosphere rather than in a haste manner.
2. Understand the essay question asked and answer that in a comprehensive and to the point
3. Be clear about the question asked in the scholarship statement as it lays the foundation of
the essay.
4. Write it in a genuine and authentic manner and don’t give false details just to impress the
scholarship committee. As in the long term it is honesty and authenticity which makes an
individual stand out.
5. Research about the scholarship committee and understand what they actually desire from
the applicant tp write your essay on similar lines to grab the scholarship.
Scholarship Essay Format
A pervasive and generalised scholarship format exists tells you what to include while penning
down a scholarship essay. The format of the scholarship essay should ideally be like the

1. In a Scholarship Essay, first, the applicant has to elucidate upon their personal
2. For the second paragraph, they get to write about their educational background in a brief
and comprehensive manner.
3. The Third paragraph must explain why they want to get the scholarship and course for
which they have applied.
4. In the last paragraph, the applicant explains why they are suitable for the scholarship and
the course for which they have applied.
Points to add in your Scholarship Essay
While writing your scholarship essay, you must include components that have worked out before
for others. Together, the points mentioned below thread your scholarship essay into a story of a
candidate worth giving a chance- 

 Leadership– Funding parties go for the candidates that have leadership qualities all the
time. You can write in your essay that you are a leader but how will you prove it? That is
why we suggest that you add certain special circumstances where you took the lead and
got success. 
 Extracurricular– Maintaining academic records is a lesser important criterion when it
comes to scholarship. Anyone can be book smart and get higher grades. Your overall
performance in various other aspects of life- sports, community, skills, etc that add value
to your scholarship essay. 
 Community– We talked about community in extracurricular but the significance of your
connection to the community is much larger. Scholarships, funded by organisations,
governments or universities, wish to invest in a candidate who puts community needs
before his/her own. Try adding instances of community service (working with NGOs,
cleaning drives, campaigns, etc) without sounding boastful about the same. 
 Emotion– Subtle emotions make a scholarship essay worth reading till the end. At the
end of the day, the main purpose of it is to sell your story to earn the scholarship. So add
those subtle yet important emotions of perseverance, patience and dedication quietly into
your scholarship essay.
Tips for Scholarship Essay

 Know the word limit so you don’t overwrite. 

 Don’t start with a quote as it will eat up space for your profile. 
 Keep the tone formal yet descriptive. 
 Make notes of what you wish to add before you start on your first draft. 
 Avoid overcrowding of achievements and only add those relevant to your course and
scholarship nature. 
 Use communicative vocabulary and don’t add difficult words to sound more formal or
 Your conclusion should be brief with a thank you.
 Research about the scholarship provider and their motive so that you can match your
essay to that. 
 Don’t oversell yourself as it only bores the reader. 
 Read the scholarship statement thoroughly to know what they expect out of you and
your scholarship essay. 
 Emphasize how the scholarship will be instrumental in achieving your dreams.
 Proofread the scholarship essay draft more than a couple of times to avoid silly mistakes.

Scholarship Essay Examples

Essay to Study Abroad

I have always been a people person right from my childhood and every friend and family
member of mine used to compliment me on my people’s skills like empathy, compassion,
altruism, and patience. During my teen years, I slowly and steadily realized that destiny is
unfolding the answers to my unresolved questions and I realised after profound analysis and
contemplation that careers that involve dealing with people are the best fit for a person like me. I
have always been proactive in volunteering activities so I genuinely understand the value of
kindness and communication skills. I can clearly recall my school days when my friends used to
come up to me for sharing their problems and I used to empathize with them and patiently listen
to what they are going through and during those moments, a huge sense of satisfaction dawned
upon me when I used to see my friends happy because I helped them feel better.
Instances like these gave a boost to my decision of pursuing a Psychology major in my Bachelors
and during my bachelors apart from scoring High marks in my semester exams, I did numerous
practical learning based internships, published my research paper on well-being in the
workplace, and worked as an HR intern in 3-4 well-known firms to get practical insights into
Organizational Psychology. I was an associate member in the Enactus and Placement cell of my
college which developed my personality to a great extent and honed my communication skills in
the best possible manner.
I have a strong desire to pursue an MA in Organizational Psychology and receive this
scholarship. I have also had a genuine interest in the well-being of people in their workplace and
thus, helping them lead a balanced life. And adding on to that I come from a lower-middle-class
family, so the high fee of prestigious Ivy League Universities is not affordable and that is the
reason I am applying for the scholarship. Rest assured, I never believe in a victim mentality as
my parents have always taught me to be a warrior and their encouragement has propelled me to
walk the whole nine yards for my dream University
I strongly believe that I am the best fit for this scholarship as I have everything ranging from a
high GPA to a Strong ECA, which makes the profile of a student remarkable.I have left no stone
unturned in exploring things, developing skills, and shaping up my personality in the right
To get admission to a prestigious university like yours in the USA would definitely help me scale
up to huge heights of success and along with that, it is my commitment that I will leave no stone
unturned in contributing positively to others’ lives through my work.
Essay to Study in India
Right from my childhood, I have had the knack of explaining things well to people of any age
group be it children, adolescents, or adults and because of my great public speaking skills, I have
always won debate and oratory competitions. Everyone in my family and School used to
appreciate my public speaking skills and confidence which I considered as a regular compliment
but in my high school I was renowned for teaching my peers and they used to understand it so
well and the smiles on my friends’ faces brought me immense satisfaction. In the first year of my
college, I started teaching to students and that was a turning point in my life as from that moment
I had decided that I will be a college professor
I have pursued a major in psychology and a minor in management in my bachelor’s and further
pursued MBA in HR from Delhi University. I have an ardent desire to get a Scholarship and
admission to an esteemed and top-notch University for the realisation of the dream which is
really close to my heart. Adding on to that, I come from a lower-middle-class family, and
affording the fees of top institutions would be really tough but problems bring with themselves
potential opportunities. I will leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of my dream. I have realised
that my true calling lies in teaching school and college students and for fulfilling that dream of
mine I want to pursue a B.ED and P.hD in Management.
As APJ Abdul Kalam said, rightly that the future of the nation lies in its young minds and I have
always believed that I have the potential to shape up the young minds and help them channelize
their energy in the right direction. I have great communication skills and a strong sense of
altruism and putting these strengths of mine into use will help me contribute positively to society
through my work. The above-mentioned reasons clearly illustrate why I am the best candidate
for this course and scholarship.
Scholarships can be a godsend for a student who desires to pursue higher education and lead an
extraordinary life. Writing an essay that is worthy of a scholarship will help you get the best
grants. We hope that this article has given you a clearer understanding of how scholarship essays
are produced and the techniques you should employ to write an essay that will convince the
scholarship committee to select your essay as the winner.

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