Ultrasound in Gynecology and Obstetrics
Ultrasound in Gynecology and Obstetrics
Ultrasound in Gynecology and Obstetrics
ord obstetrics
Sam N. Hassani
ultrasound in
and obstetrics
(in collaboration with R. L. Bard)
I Springer-Verlag
New York Heidelberg Berlin
S. N. Hassani, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Radiology
State University of New York at Stony Brook and
Physician in Charge, Ultrasound Division, Department of Radiology
Queens Hospital Center
Jamaica, New York 11432
R. L. Bard, M.D.
New York City
as yet remains unknown. As a consequence,
practitioners are urged to limit its use only to
those situations in which genuine clinical indica-
tions exist and real benefit to the patient is likely
to result.
This sequential observation of pathophysiology The comprehensive scope serves as a general
in the fetus and the mother provides important reference for both the family practitioner and the
data on the progression of acute and chronic student in training.
diseases and their response to treatment. The
In the sections on physical and practical applica-
unusual accuracy of ultrasound in differentiating
tions, precise directions for examination are
cystic from solid masses and its ability to local-
given and scanning pitfalls with the production
ize the lesion in a three-dimensional representa-
of artifacts have been underscored. The evolu-
tion have rendered other diagnostic procedures
tion of scanning systems has been traced so that
unnecessary for the practicing obstetrician and
the potential features and limitations of each
gynecologist. The standard radiologic evaluation
imaging unit are recognized. Representations of
for abdominal masses has generally included the
each type of scanning device are illustrated and
plain x-ray film of the abdomen, intravenous
their inherent advantages discussed.
urography, barium enema, gastrointestinal se-
ries, cholecystography, and radioisotopic proce- Examination of each area has been arranged so
dures. Invasive and time-consuming studies that the reader may review the pertinent regional
such as lymphangiography and arteriography anatomy before studying the ultrasonic presenta-
have also been used, sometimes without adding tion of normal structures. The pathology of each
further diagnostic information. Sonography is organ is presented as a disease spectrum and the
safe and relatively inexpensive and should be evolution of the disorder is discussed. Correla-
included in the workup of a mass lesion. Since tion between sonographic findings and the histo-
ultrasound may give a specific diagnosis, its ap- pathologic changes is emphasized. The combina-
plication should follow the plain x-ray film. This tion of real-time and gray-scale scanning offers
simple and rapid study may eliminate the need the reader a comprehensive understanding of
for a prolonged hospital stay and the discomfort ultrasonic pathology.
of further examinations. Diagnostic ultrasound
Where controversy exists, the opinions ofvar-
has greatly reduced the patient time spent in the
ious authorities are cited and compared with our
x-ray department, giving the obstetrician and
experience. The diagnostic versatility of the var-
gynecologist faster and more reliable diagnostic
ious imaging systems are evaluated for each or-
information, and generally speeding up the pa-
gan complex and the investigative method of
tient turnover at the hospital. With the economic
choice is suggested for each disorder.
emphasis on the cost reduction of medical ser-
vices and hospitalization expense, the ultra- Considerable attention has been given to clinical
sound department serves a vital function in facil- and pathologic aspects. The practice of ultra-
itating diagnostic services. sonic scanning requires a thorough knowledge of
The purpose of this book is to introduce the the diagnostic problems of obstetrics and gyne-
physician to the essential principles of ultra- cology and their related specialties. The text is
sound physics and the practical aspects of scan- designed as a bridge between sonographic imag-
ning procedures. Important concepts are clearly ing and general obstetric and gynecologic
and thoroughly presented. Mathematical formu- principles.
las and advanced physics principles beyond the
scope of the clinician have been omitted. The
text is limited to the pelvis and medically related
areas in order to concentrate on each area in
sufficient depth so as to be valuable to the spe-
cialist who must be familiar with the diagnostic
capabilities of atraumatic scanners in his field.
The methods of examination and diagnostic find-
ings are detailed to be useful to the obstetrician,
gynecologist, radiologist, and general surgeon.
Introduction XVll
1 principles of ultrasonography
2 gynecologic ultrasound 40
3 ultrasonography in obstetrics 71
index 177
ease and accuracy of the study, its use did not new horizons in the study of tissue signatures.
become fashionable until very recently. The Soon we were imaging the medium-sized arteries
nature of the sound beam is that of mechanical and veins in the upper abdomen and, comparing
energy and its possible long-term biologic effects these with our anteroposterior (AP) and cross-
still remain unclear. However, it is known that table lateral angiograms, we were able to
the ionizing effects of X rays make even small sonographically map the organs in relation to the
doses potentially harmful. Sonar mechanical vascular anatomy.
vibrations are such that energy below the level
that breaks tissue bonds will not produce any The fundamentals of ultrasound, like those of
tissue damage. Our experience to date with low any other branch of medicine, require the user to
intensity ultrasound suggests that no hazardous be familiar with the effects and limitations of the
effects will occur in the short or long term in method. By this technique we are able to locate
patients. different organs and tissues and measure the
interfaces between them, and to cut in cross
The field of ultrasonography has assumed such
sections through different structures. In contrast
importance primarily as a result of the harmless
to other eXaIninations which yield indirect infor-
nature of the modality. Also, the tireless efforts
mation, ultrasound enables us to outline the le-
of a large number of investigators from varied
sion directly and to investigate its relationship
medical fields and allied services have developed
with neighboring structures. There is no need for
sonography into one ofthe best diagnostic tools.
the adIninistration of any radiologic contrast,
The pioneers in ultrasound, using only A-mode
possibly harmful to the function of the impaired
to combat the skepticism of their colleagues,
organ. Ultrasound, both as a screening and diag-
must have been exceptionally dedicated and pa-
nostic modality, is a noninvasive and atraumatic
tient. Scanning the abdomen and mentally inte-
procedure and is complimentary to angiography
grating thousands of A-mode spikes to give an
in many cases. The unique feature of ultrasound
answer to the clinician in need of a firm diagnosis
is the ability to recognize and differentiate deep
must have produced great frustration. This prob-
body organs and lesions having similar density
lem was alleviated by the introduction of B-
on conventional X-ray studies.
mode scanning units. Soon this technique was
followed by the time-motion- or M-mode.
The information gained through ultrasound, as in
My personal experience with ultrasonography other imaging procedures, is optimized when
began with the late Dr. Lajos von Micsky and his coupled with the patient's clinical picture. At
experiments conducted in a water tank. This present, parenchymal lesions of the lung cannot
type of study was mainly intended to produce be evaluated by ultrasound since the air-
higher quality pictures in order to improve diag- containing lung will not transInit sound waves.
nostic accuracy. The introduction of Doppler
ultrasound proved to be an instant success with The history of Ultrasonography is a long one and
clinicians in the evaluation of the fetal heart. The the procedure has suffered from many setbacks
idea of scanning the pelvis with a full bladder in its attempt for acceptance by the medical
opened the ultrasonic door to the visualization of profession. Its inherently harmless nature has
the deep pelvic organs and dramatically im- accounted for a significant portion of its
proved diagnostic accuracy in this region. popularity in modem medical practice. Whether
the sophisticated electronic technology that
The true revolution in Ultrasonography began spawned high resolution ultrasound will cause
with the development of the scan converter with the growing field of ultrasound to supersede
its sophisticated logarithmic compression other diagnostic modalities, or create
amplifiers. This presentation of a scan in various non ultrasonic imaging systems that will phase
shades of gray related to echo amplitude opened out ultrasonography, remains to be determined.
The pioneers of ultrasonography had much diffi- of the first medical sonar units in the late 1940s
culty in applying sonar to diagnosis since they and early 1950s.
were using first generation scanners based on
ultrasonic technology used in industry and mili- Continuing new developments in ultrasound
tary pursuits. In later years newer ultrasonic were spurred on by dedicated researchers. The
units designed to meet specific clinical purposes application of new electronic circuitry and rapid
have been constructed. Cooperation of physi- reporting data retrieval systems changed the use
cists, engineers, and physicians dedicated to ul- of ultrasound from that of a research tool to an
trasonic imaging has led to development of diag- essential diagnostic modality. The fields of
nostic systems of considerable practical value. echoencephalography and then of M-Mode
Since the early days of the application of sonar echocardiography were developed. Next,
principles in medicine, there have been continual unidimensional and two-dimensional ultrasonic
new innovations in this field. The progress of scanning were combined.
acoustic waves in diagnostic imaging has been
aided by the development of special ultrasonic As various medical teams cooperated in the de-
transducers, sophisticated amplifiers, and sensi- velopment of ultrasonic scanners, smaller and
tive electronic displays. The introduction of re- more practical ultrasonographic units became
cently perfected scan converter systems adds a available. Pioneer work in the use of ultrasonog-
new dimension to the field of ultrasonography. raphy in obstetrics and gynecology was done by
Thompson (5) and Gottesfeld (6). W. L. Wright
The word sonar is an acronym of sound naviga- designed a hand-operated ultrasonic unit. Subse-
tion and ranging. Historically, ultrasound was quently many compact commercial ultrasono-
developed during World War I. Langevin (1) graphic units became available. J. J. Wild made
used the principle of sonar to detect and locate great contributions to the field ofultrasonogra-
submarines. Sounding of the ocean floor to pro- phy. In particular, he devoted his work to the
vide depth measurements was employed in 1918 differentiation of benign and malignant tumors
to aid in shipping and navigation (1). Further (7).
improvement in technology created more exten-
sive usage of sonar in industry and military situa- When the prototype of the contact ultrasonic
tions. Military sonar used by the navy could scanner became more popular, since the
measure the depth of a reflecting surface and transducer could now be placed on the patient's
also track an object in motion. In 1930 ultra- skin with direct contact, many further advances
sound was used in industry to detect flaws in iron in equipment design became possible. Water
castings. Prior to World War II, Dussik (2) used bath scanning of the eye (8) was another
ultrasound in the field of medicine. His attempt technical development, and was soon followed
to visualize the ventricular system of the brain by the application of time-motion displays (9).
was unsuccessful. However, in 1937, he de- By using two-dimensional real-time scanning
signed an ultrasonic device for application to the systems respiratory and vascular motion can be
brain (3). The first ultrasonic instrument, called detected and pathological conditions evaluated,
the supersonic reflectoscope, was introduced in in addition to detection and evaluation of their
1940 (4). This practical instrument, based on the three-dimensional images.
pulse-echo technique, measured distance on the
principle of transmission of very short pulses of At present, use of ultrasonography is spreading
sonic energy. During World War II the applica- into many branches of medicine. It has become
tion of radar principles in military imaging fur- an integral part of many subspecialties, such as
ther helped to develop the sonar technique. The obstetrics and gynecology and urology, since it
conjoint use of both imaging systems speeded is one of the most accurate diagnostic tools in
progress in each field and led to the availability many disorders involving soft tissue pathology.
Modern electronics has given the medical
sonographer high-resolution equipment which is
relatively simple to use. The application of ultra-
sonography has been so rapid that it is now the
preferred diagnostic test in many clinical prob-
lems. In certain disorders, such as placenta
previa, it is virtually the only diagnostic tool that
is available.
principles of
The piezoelectric effect is fundamental to the Sonic waves travel through a medium as
development of ultrasound. "Piezo" is derived alternate condensations and rarefactions. The
from the Greek word piesis, ie, to press. following practical definitions are commonly
Piezoelectric actually means' 'pressure used (Fig. l.1c).
electric." Quartz has piezoelectric qualities,
since its size and shape change under the
influence of an electric field. When an electric 1. Cycle. One cycle is the entire
current is passed through quartz, the crystal condensation and rarefaction phase.
expands and contracts according to the polarity 2. Wavelength. The length of one cycle is
of the current. Sound waves are generated as a a wavelength, or, a complete
result of these compressions and rarefactions. condensation and rarefaction zone is a
On the other hand, mechanical energy, in the wavelength.
form of sound waves applied to the crystal,
produces an electric current. This is known as 3. Frequency. The number of cycles per
the piezoelectric principle (Fig. 1.1a and b). unit time. The frequency of sound
Several other substances are known to have waves is described in terms of hertz
piezoelectric properties, such as barium titanate, (cycles per second).
lithium sulfate, and lead zirconate (11). The 4. Velocity . Velocity is the speed of sound
titanates are the more commonly used crystal in the medium through which sound is
(10) for sonography. propagated.
Piezoelectric effect. (a) Mechanical
stress deforming crystal and
producing current. (b) Expansion of
crystal as current is applied and
contraction of crystal as current
polarity is reversed. (c) Wave pattern
produced by alternate compressions
and rarefactions. A, spatial pulse
length; B, full cycle; C, wavelength;
D, amplitude.
---4 T
ill A NN\ (a)
=0 (b)
-- -- -- --
-- . -- -- --
-- -- -- -- =1
~ (c)
Resolution is the minimum distance between two Echo shape and beam path. (a) Narrow beam. Point target
displayed as sharp dot. (b) Wide beam. Point target displayed
point targets required to register each point as a as short line perpendicular to beam. (c) Narrow beam.
distinct entity. The greater the resolving power, Oblique linear target displayed as short line. T, transducer.
T • •
T /
Axial resolution. (a) Two point targets
displayed as one echo. (b) Two point
• • targets partially resolved. (c) Two point
targets resolved as two distinct
structures. T, transducer.
• •
• FIGURE 1.5
Lateral resolution. (a) Three point
• targets displayed as one point. (b)
• Two point targets shown as one
"'- point with better azimuthal resolution
due to narrower beam width. (c)
Optimal resolution distinguishing two
(b) closely spaced targets. T, transducer.
1 T
F-==~ (e)
of air is low. Therefore, the incident beam at a The A-mode ultrasound system displays the
soft tissue-air interface is totally reflected. Since electrically converted echo pattern as a vertical
there is no penetration, lung scanning with deflection (Fig. 1.7a). The amplitUde of each
ultrasound is impossible at present. At soft deflection is proportional to the reflected energy
tissue-bone interfaces, significant quantities of received by the transducer. The deflections
ultrasound are absorbed. Thus, the ribs may occur at different points on a calibrated tracing,
produce some difficulty when the liver or spleen corresponding to the distance of the reflecting
is scanned. The bony structures of children, surface from the face of the transducer. The
however, cause fewer problems because these
structures are smaller and contain less calcium.
Display modes. (a) A-mode. Echo-producing inteIfaces
produce vertical deflections proportional to echo amplitude.
DISPLAY MODES (b) B-mode. Vertical deflections converted into dots of
brightness may be used for scanning. Brightness of dots is
proportional to echo amplitude. (c) M-mode. Motion of
The reflected echoes may be displayed by A- objects recorded by moving the B-mode tracing along the
mode, B-mode, or M-mode presentations. time axis. T, transducer.
I 1
The real-time scanner has greatly increased the
scope of information available from ultrasonic
exmnination. This modality has been applied to
numerous areas of the body (15-17). The two
main advantages of real-time scanning are the
rapidity with which the examination can be
FIGURE 1.9 completed and the ability to observe motion.
Demonstration of multiple shades of gray. Real-time scanners usually employ either a
rotating transducer or a linear array of
The operation of Doppler instruments is based The essential part of a sonographic unit consists
on transmitting and receiving an ultrasonic beam of the following elements.
that hits moving structures or fluids, such as
blood in the cardiovascular system. The simplest 1. Transducer. The transducer acts as a
Doppler has a transducer with two crystal ele- sender and receiver of sonic waves. It
ments. One crystal transmits a continuous sonic functions as a receiver 99.9 percent of
beam and the second receives the reflected the time.
waves. The transmitting crystal is excited 2. Transmitter. The transmitter regulates
through a low-power oscillator which operates in the sonic waves through the transducer.
the range of 3 to 8 MHz. The sound intensities A timer in the transmitter controls the
are usually under 50 mW/cm2 • frequency and duration of ultrasonic
pulses emitted by the transducer.
The transmitted and received signals occur at the
3. Receiver. Returning echoes reconverted
surface of the transducer and the returned
through the transducer to electric
information appears in electronic form at the
impulses are picked up by the receiver
receiving amplifier. The end result is called
and signal amplifier.
amplitude-modulated or AM waves. These AM
waves are sinlilar to radiowaves in that the 4. Signal amplifier. The signal amplifier,
amplitude of the modulation is proportional to located between the receiver and
the amplitude of the returned signal. A radio cathode-ray tube, increases the voltage
frequency amplifier with a special detector may of the signal.
be used to clarify the returning Doppler signal. 5. Cathode-ray tube. The cathode-ray tube
receives the amplified impulses of the
With modem Doppler instruments we are able to
returning echo. The processed impulses
listen to the Doppler signal range for almost all
are displayed on the cathode-ray tube or
physiologic flow patterns. As we gain more oscilloscope.
experience, a great deal of information can be
obtained regarding the blood flow. For example, The transducer is the only element discussed in
areas of stenosis in a blood vessel produce a this section.
high-velocity-type jet flow which yields a high-
frequency Doppler signal. These signals are
clearly differentiated from those either distal to TRANSDUCER
or proximal to the stenotic signal. As previously
described, structures in motion can easily be
detected. For example, fetal heart motion can be The transducer has a lead zirconate crystal with
identified as early as 8 to 10 weeks after piezoelectric properties, which can expand and
conception. contract in response to electric pulses (Fig. 1.1).
The piezoelectric crystal has a small cylindrical
The most modem Doppler equipment shape and is generally 1 to 2 cm wide and 1 mm
incorporates features of continuous-wave thick. The electrodes providing the electric po-
Doppler combined with pulse-echo type tential are connected to both sides of the crystal.
ultrasound, and has the capability to determine The vibrating crystal causes compressions and
quency of 2.25 MHz is used in abdominal stud- To increase the resolution ofthe ultrasonic beam
ies. For echocardiography, a transducer (12), its width should be as small as possible. To
frequency of 3.5 MHz is utilized (18). The char- enlarge the near field and obtain better informa-
acteristics of the system depend on the fre- tion, the size of the crystal is increased or wave-
quency of the transducer and the choice of fre- length decreased. Reducing the diameter of the
quency depends on the region to be studied (18). crystal narrows the width of the beam but de-
Transducers oflow frequency have longer wave- creases the length of the near field and increases
lengths, resulting in greater beam penetration the divergent angle of the far field (12).
and better depth of study. However, increasing
the wavelength decreases the resolution of the To obtain the optimum size of the transducer
system. High frequency offers high resolution. crystal, the beam width should be constructed in
In ophthalmology, the transducer frequency var- such a way that the near field is half the desired
ies from 7.5 to 20 MHz. As a result, the higher operating range of the transducer. To obtain
frequency provides optimal definition of small higher resolution, frequency should be in-
objects but the depth of penetration is limited. creased. In practice, the highest frequency con-
sistent with maximum penetration for the re-
quired study is utilized (Fig. 1.14a,b, and c).
The disc of piezoelectric crystal in the FOCUS
transducer has a suitable mounting arrangement Resolution can also be improved by using
for optimal resolution (19-21). To produce focused or collimated transducer to reduce beam
continuous waves a thin layer of a matching width within the focal zone. By applying a
wave is used to improve the sensitivity (18). In focusing lens with a concave surface, the focus
the back of the transducer is a loading or backing of the ultrasonic beam will be narrowed to a
material, which absorbs sound energy directed predetermined distance from the face of the
or transmitted backward. Consequently, the transducer (Fig. 1.13). The focused transducer
quality and shape of forward energy, especially has helped to improve resolution of deep
of short pulses, are improved. abdominal structures.
Damping effect. (a) Underdamping
resulting in multiple oscillations of
-4 ))))))111 11
T transducer crystal. (b) Proper damping
producing optimal spatial pulse length.
(c) Overdamping with insufficient pulse
cycles. T. transducer.
-4 T )) )1
Signal processing. (a) RF signal
produced by incoming echo on
T transducer crystal. (b) Amplification RF
signal. (c) Rectification of RF signal and
envelope detection. T. transducer.
Signal processing. (a) Envelope
T detection of rectified RF signal. (b)
Leading edge display or differentiation of
signal. (c) Rectification and amplification
of signal for oscilloscope display. T.
(bl transducer.
This presentation is called video display. Enve- adjust the rejection level, as needed, for proper
lope detection or video display with its multiple ultrasonic examination.
peaks can be converted into a smooth, single,
large peak called the video signal (Fig. 1.17a).
This signal may be further amplified or .modified
by accentuating the leading edge of the signal POWER SWITCH
(Fig. 1.17b) by taking the first derivative of the An on-off switch is connected to a standard 110-
video signal that produces a thin echo. The small volt outlet. The line is grounded to prevent an
negative phase (Fig. 1.17b and c) following the electric hazard.
initial signal further accentuates the leading edge
of the echo by rectification, giving finer echoes REJECT
and enhancing the resolution of the system. An- The reject control varies the amplitude threshold
other step in processing the video is to add a required to record an echo. It discriminates
reject level so that only large-amplitude echoes against low-level echoes and is used to remove
above a certain threshold will be detected (Fig. "grass"-like interference at higher gain settings.
1. 18a,b, and c). Rejection is very important to
eliminate unnecessary echoes (Fig. 1.18b) and
electric noise or "grass" (Fig. 1.18b and c). The gain control amplifies the electronic signal of
However, certain low-level echoes are required the received echo. Some units employ an
for optimal information. The sonographer should attenuation system to achieve this effect. Two
Rejection. (a) RF signal. (b) Amplified
T signal with unwanted echoes and
electric noise. (c) Elevation of
baseline echo threshold displaying
only amplified signal. T, transducer.
types of gain are available: near gain and total adjusts the cycles of sound available from each
gain. Near gain increases the amplitude of pulse. A shorter pulse increases resolution;
echoes in the near field. Total or coarse gain however, a beam too highly damped lacks
produces a uniform increase in size of all sufficient penetrating ability and sensitivity.
displayed signals, and sets the overall gain of the Increasing the damping decreases the amplitude
receiver, which is independent of range. of all recorded echoes and is similar to
decreasing the total gain.
Time gain compensation (TGC) or depth DELAY
compensation control is an adjustable amplitude Delay adjusts the starting point of the
correction to increase or decrease the echo oscilloscope display, and the crystal artifact as
intensity in any given region of the field. It was well as other near field echoes can be moved out
originally designed to compensate for the loss of of the visual display. Selected segments of tissue
sound energy with increasing distance due to may be displayed in the far field. Delay actually
tissue attenuation. Newer systems make it helps to determine where the TGC curve
possible to selectively enhance or depress any starts.
part of the field.
DAMPING The amount of tissue or field represented on the
The damping control regulates the oscillation of oscilloscope or television face can be varied
the transducer. By reducing or damping from 5 to 40 cm in most commercially available
transducer ringing from the excitation pulse, it systems.
Brightness of the trace for all display modes may A computer types patient information and scan
be adjusted manually. identification which can be introduced directly
onto the television display, and may then be
FOCUS photographed. Electronic calipers measure di-
The beam can be focused for optimal display. mensions instantaneously on the monitor.
Focusing should be performed after intensity is RECORDING
A permanent record can be obtained on photo-
graphic film of the 35-mm, 70-mm, or Polaroid
type. X-ray film can also be used. Videotape
Astigmatism may be incorporated into the focus systems and multi-imagers may be adapted for
system so that the focusing process can be permanent displays.
refined further.
A reference scale for measurements, the grati- Difficulties in scanning due to bone, gas, and
cule's illumination can be adjusted. Parallel radiographic contrast will be discussed in this
transverse and longitudinal lines form a pattern section. Echoes from internal structures vary
of squares. according to acoustic impedance, organ size and
shape, tissue attenuation from overlying
SCALE structures, and organ depth. Artifacts may result
The field may be varied in increments of 0.5 to 3 when the ultrasound beam is not perpendicular
cm per square, which is valuable for examining to the skin surface, and from organ contour and
smaller organs. image distortion due to beam width. Echoes in
the near field, close to the transducer, may be
MAGNIFICA TION lost in the "dead zone" of the beam due to
continued oscillation of the crystal during the
The echoes displayed can be magnified by either
receiving phase. Newly designed low-pulse-
rescanning on a smaller scale per unit square or
voltage units with effective damping systems
by electronically "zooming" the image
compensate for this problem.
presented on the television monitor.
Reverberation artifacts are recognized by their
periodicity and decreasing echo amplitude on the
Newer gray-scale units offer scan converter A-mode and B-mode. These occur when sound
tubes that make it possible to emphasize various encounters a highly reflecting interface, such as
shades of gray to maximize the information bone or air. The loud-echo artifact, distal to a
display. strongly reflecting surface and appearing as an
echo-free region immediately following the
ERASE strong echo, is due to crystal reverberation. It is
An erase switch clears the oscilloscope or noted on the A-mode as echoes elevated from
television tube so that a new scan can be started. the baseline (22). This artifact is frequently noted
when the gallbladder and edematous renal
CENTER transplants are scanned. Lowering the
sensitivity permits the echoes to return to the
The scanning beam must be centered over the
baseline and the echo-free artifact disappears.
oscilloscope field, either manually or
automatically. Distortion caused by misalignment of
Types of scanning. (a) Linear scan. Sound beam THREE-DIMENSIONAL
perpendicular to the skin surface. (b) Sector scan. CONCEPTUALIZATION
Transducer rotated about a fixed axis. (c) Compound scan.
Combination of linear and sector scan. T, transducer.
In ultrasonography the examination of the organ
is performed in various specific planes. These
include the transverse and longitudinal planes,
but may also include oblique and decubitus or
erect scanning positions. The area of pathology
must be confirmed in at least two planes. The
shape, location, and configuration of the lesion
should be evaluated by right-angle scanning to
produce a three-dimensional representation of
the region of pathologic interest. In order to
produce complete mental integration of the scan
data, the examiner should continually
concentrate on the images appearing upon the
oscilloscope and link them together in his mind
as they are produced and erased. In this way, the
ultrasonographer has a mental image of the area
scanned which is formed from two right-angle
scan planes to produce a total three-dimensional
summation of the two-dimensional pictures.
Thus, two Polaroids at perpendicular scan
planes can document the lesion which is
extrapolated to a three-dimensional
1IGURE 1.22
FIGURE \-22 :upine transverse scan in case shown in Fig. 1.21. Gray
cale. Scan in this plane shows the placenta to completely
ne the visualized uterine cavity.
l!GURE 1.23(a)
FIGURE 1-23a .upine transverse scan. A serial complete transverse scan
hows the placental echoes to fuse toward the fundus.
'IGURE 1.23(b)
.upine longitudinal scan. A serial complete longitudinal scan
hows the placental echoes to fuse toward the fundus.
Experience has shown that many obstacles
present in previous studies would be avoided if a
fixed structure in the body was used as a
reference point (38). We use the xiphoid process
of the sternum, symphysis pubis, and crest of the
ilium as reference points.
ATC series
In the anterior projection, if a line is drawn
between the two iliac crests, it will pass approxi-
mately through the plane of the umbilicus. This
line or plane represents the zero point and is
,:alled the ATe (anterior transcrestal) plane. All
sections above this plane are known as A TC-
crosses the umbilicus and is called the LXP line If the patient is sitting, instead of the term
or plane. The LXP plane transecting the decubitus (D) we use the term erect (E), and
midportion of the body is designated as LXP-O abbreviations such as REC or LEC and REA or
and all the sections toward the patient's right LEA are used.
side are known as LXP-plus (eg, LXP+ 1, +2,
These views are specifically used to study the
+ 3), while sections toward the patient's left side
chest wall, as for pleural effusion, and to
are called LXP-minus (eg, LXP-l, -2, -3).
evaluate the effect of gravity on abdominal
POSTERIOR PROJECTION structures, ptotic organs, or positional changes
of organ relationships in normal and abnormal
PTC series
conditions in the supine, semierect, and erect
In the posterior projection the transcrestalline or
plane represents the zero point and is called the
PTC (posterior transcrestal) plane. The ANGULATION
transcrestal plane is PTC-O and all sections
If the transducer is pointing toward the head or
above this plane are known as PTC-plus (eg,
the right side, the degree of angulation relative to
PTC+ 1, +2, +3).
the perpendicular body section is designated as
PLS series plus. If the transducer is pointing toward the feet
The spine is also used as a reference point for or the left side it is designated as minus. For
posterior views and sections, and is called the example, A TC + 2 + 15° is the section 2 cm above
PLS (posterior longitudinal spine) line or plane. the transcrestalline in anterior projection with a
PLS-O indicates a midline scan. Sections toward 15° angulation toward the head.
the right side of the spine are called PLS-plus
sections (eg, PLS+ 1, +2, +3), and those toward SUBCOSTAL AND INTERCOSTAL SECTIONS
the left are called PLS-minus sections (eg, Subcostal sectional study starts at the xiphoid
PLS-l, -2, -3). process and runs parallel to the ribs from the
xiphoid. Intercostal section is similar to
DECUBITUS PROJECTION subcostal section. On the right side it is called
Transverse decubitus right subcostal (RSC) section, and on the left
In the lateral projection, with the patient lying on side it is called left subcostal (LSC) section. The
his side, the crest of the ilium is the zero point rib itself is the zero point. Thus, RSC-O is
and all planes above it are plus cuts. If the meaningless because the rib produces a sonic
patient's right side is up he is said to be lying in shadow. The sections below the pertinent rib are
the right lateral decubitus (RDC) position, and if numbered accordingly. For example, RSC-ll is
his left side is up he is in the left lateral decubitus a section below the lIth rib on the right side, and
(LDC) position (right decubitus crest or left LSC-l1 is the section below the II th rib on the
decubitus crest). The term decubitus in left side.
The term echo-poor signifies the presence of
Supine longitudinal scan. Note dumbbell-shaped uterus with scattered, homogeneous, or nonhomogeneous
caudal bowing of the bladder wall. Sharply outlined distal low-amplitude internal echoes within a range of
wall of the fundal portion of the fibroid uterus indicates
moderate degree of cystic degeneration. Note low-amplitude interest. The borders may be well defined or
internal echoes. This is an example of an echo-poor region indistinct. This echo pattern is often seen in
leiomyomata (Fig. 1.27).
The term echo-rich implies the presence of high-
amplitude echoes occurring at medium
sensitivity settings. The outlines of the echo-rich
area may be intact or interrupted. Echo-rich
areas are found in many solid tumors (Fig. 1.28).
FiGURE l.30(a)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Below the echoes of the DETECTION OF THROUGH
distal bladder wall-uterus interface is a total sonic shadow.
Air or calcium will produce a total acoustic shadow. Gas TRANSMISSION PATTERN
gangrene of the uterus is demonstrated.
Through transmission is the sound energy that
passes through a structure and is then recorded
by the receiving transducer. It is inversely
proportional to the attenuating properties of the
medium and is registered on the oscilloscope as
the number of echoes and their amplitudes at the
distal interface of the region insonated.
Analysis of altered morphology must be
modified by the internal echo pattern of the
lesion, through transmission characteristics,
and clinical and palpatory findings. A thorough
appreciation of the gross pathology of the
ovaries and uterus is necessary to fully assess
B ladde r --'&,:,.....:lL..- ... the restructured anatomy and variable echo
pattern of pelvic diseases.
FIGURE 2.1(b)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. An echo-free cystic mass
with irregular posterior borders is distal to the bladder. This VAGINA
midline cystic structure developed following hysterosalpingo-
oophorectomy. Diagnosis was localized hematoma.
The vagina is a musculomembranous structure
arising from the vulva and extending to the
uterus, and is located between the bladder and
Anteriorly, the vagina is in contact with the
bladder wall and urethra, this portion being
called the vesicovaginal septum. Approximately
one-fourth of the vagina is separated from the
rectum, which is called the cul-de-sac of Douglas
or rectouterine pouch. The anterior and poste-
rior walls of the vagina lie in close apposition
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The normal uterus may
produce a slight impression against the bladder wall. Note the
typical echo pattern of the vagina projecting from the region
of the fornix.
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The presence of an
overdistended bladder may produce difficulty in the imaging
of a distinct interface between the bladder and a cephalically
located ovarian cyst.
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Same patient as in Fig.
2.4. The bladder is now partially emptied. Note the echogenic
area separating the ovarian cyst from the bladder. We
routinely empty the bladder in all patients with pelvic cystic
FIGURE 2·4 lesions.
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The normal uterus may
produce a slight impression against the bladder wall. The
posterior fornix appears as an echo-free area when fluid
filled. Note the typical echo pattern of the vagina projecting
from the region of the fornix.
FIGURE 2.7(a)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The endometrial cavity
is frequently seen as a central linear echo running along the
craniocaudal axis of the uterus. Note ovarian cyst.
FIGURE 2.7(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The echo pattern of the
endometrial cavity is heavier during menstruation.
FIGURE 2.7(c)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Scattered low-
amplitude echoes may be noted within the uterus
corresponding to the endometrial canal. These frequently
disappear at low gain settings, which distinguishes this entity
from an IUCD of similar ultrasonographic appearance. The
echo pattern of the endometrial cavity is heavier in
postpartum patients.
FIGURE 2-7 (b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The echo pattern of an
FIGURE 2-7 (c) IUCD is usually stepladder-shaped and does not disappear by
changing the sensitivity setting.
FIGURE 2.9(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The linear stepladder-
type echoes of Lippes loop are seen in the uterine cavity. A
number of echo-reflecting portions of an IUeD related to the
beam axis during the study.
FIGURE 2.9(c)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. A halo of echo-poor
tissue surrounds the centrally located IUeD. Through
transmission is increased. Localized bulging of the uterus at
this site is due to acute endometritis secondary to the IUeD.
Incidentally noted is the echo-poor outline of the rectum.
FIGURE 2.10(b}
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. The iliopsoas lines the
ventral sidewalls of the pelvis with a winglike pattern.
FIGURE 2. I O(c)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. A triangle of echo-free
fluid is noted during scanning over the pelvic sidewalls.
Beneath the ascitic fluid is the bandlike configuration of the
Supine transverse scan. Patient with epigastric mass. Liver
and kidney noted on right. Echo-free area extended from
pelvis to xiphoid process. Paraovarian cyst at surgery.
tational sac Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The uterus is enlarged
with an irregular outline. It is generally echo poor. Areas of
high and low through transmission are noted, consistent with
FIGURE 2·16 the diagnosis of a fibroid uterus.
FIGURE 2.22(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The echoes of the
outline of the tumor are quite useful to the ultrasonographer.
Cystic structures have a sharp anterior and posterior
interface. Diagnosis in the cystic lesion shown in Fig. 2.22a
using multiple sectional studies was compatible with ovarian
cyst, which was later proven at surgery.
FIGURE 2.22(c)
Supine longitudinal scan. B-mode. Same case as in Fig. 2.22a
FIGURE 2-22 (a) and b. Demonstration of well-defined ovarian cyst.
FIGURE 2.23(c)
Supine transverse scan. Real-time scanner. The body of the
uterus is enlarged with a diffuse low-level echo pattern.
Through transmission is high in this example of a fibroid
FIGURE 2.23(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The bladder is
incompletely filled. The uterus is massively enlarged with an
echo-poor pattern. High through transmission is noted in the
degenerating portion of the superior fibroid uterus. The poor
through transmission of the lower fibroid portion signifies FIGURE 2.23(d)
lack of cystic changes. Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The uterus is enlarged
with a distinctly nodular outline. An irregular echo pattern
and the presence of a variable through transmission pattern
confirm the diagnosis of fibroid uterus.
The most common pathologic cause for an
enlarged uterus is leiomyoma uteri (Fig.
2.23a,b,c, and d). Other conditions enlarging the
uterus include polyps, endometriosis,
endometrial hyperplasia, adenomyosis (Fig.
2.24), idiopathic uterine enlargement, and
malignant tumors of the uterus (Fig. 2.25).
The majority of uterine fibroids occur in the
myometrium as intramural fibroids. The submu-
cus variety tend to bulge into the endometrial
Degenerative changes are more common in the
submucous, subserous types (Fig. 2.30a,b, and
Cervical fibroid c), ligamentous and pedunculated fibroids due to
the poorer blood supply. Various degrees ofhya-
FIGURE 2-26 line degeneration are noted in all types of fi-
broids. Cystic degeneration is a sequel to hyaline
changes and increases with the size of the tumor
and the age ofthe growth (Fig. 2.30d). Torsion is
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Massive elongation of
the cervix which is also echo-free due to fibroid tumor. The
gestational sac is eccentric with opening of the caudal sac and
multiple irregular echoes. Spontaneous abortion soon
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Massive protrusion of
myoma from the dorsal uterine outline characteristic of
subserous myoma.
FIGURE 2.30(a)
Supine longitudinal scan. Rounded lesion with sharp
septations simulates ovarian cyst of multilocular type. This is
a degenerating portion of a large fibroid uterus.
FIGURE 2.30(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Inferior portion of
fibroid uterus produces sonic shadow due to great attenuation
of sonic beam. Superior myoma has completely degenerated
with cystic changes and high through transmission.
FIGURE 2.30(c)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Bulbous, irregular
outline to this fibroid uterus. Note that internal degeneration
FIGURE 2·30 (b) is best demonstrated by observing areas of high through
FIGURE 2.30(d)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Cystic degeneration is a
sequel to hyaline changes and increases with the size ofthe
FIGURE 2·30 (c)
tumor and the age of the growth. Note focal area of cystic
FIGURE 2.30(0
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Very cellular FIGURE 2.3J(a)
leiomyomas may show a snowflake pattern due to wide Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. A rounded echogenic
separation of the fibroid supporting framework, and may structure is seen in the echo-poor uterus. This calcific fibroid
mimic hydatidiform mole. Note the echo pattern of the mimics a fetal head outline. Another calcific fibroid might
uterus. Compact fibroid tissue in the cervix and snowflake mimic the body. Absence offetal motion and fetal heartbeat
pattern in the fundus are observed. signifies the presence of a uterine fibroid.
FIGURE 2.31(b)
Supine film from IVP (Intervenous
Pyelogram). Double ringlike shadows (
calcific fibroids are noted in the
pelvis. These films are useful in
evaluating a heavily calcified pelvic
mass when sonic shadowing prevents
optimal ultrasonic imaging.
larity of the uterine echo pattern and the fre-
quent intense desmoplastic changes tend to fuse
the neighboring organs together.
Sonic shadow
Our experience with uterine cancer or sarcoma
has shown an enlarged uterus that could not be
definitively distinguished from other causes of
FIGURE 2.32(a)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Foley catheter in uteromegaly.
bladder. High-amplitude echoes anteriorly with sonic shadow
represent clusters of amorphous calcification.
FIGURE 2.33(b)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Adenomyosis simulates
fibroid uterus. Adenomyosis was demonstrated at operation.
FIGURE 2.34(a)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Occasionally, in routine
study normal ovaries can be seen.
FIGURE 2.34(b)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. As the ovaries enlarge
there is a better chance of recording their image by scanning
Ovaries since they occupy more space within the pelvic cavity.
FIGURE 2.35(b)
Supine transverse scan. B-mode. Large echo-free area with
sharp boundaries and high through transmission.
FIGURE 2-35 (a) Multiloculated ovarian cyst.
FIGURE 2.37(b)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Cystic teratoma with
heterogeneous echo pattern. Note cystic and solid
FIGURE 2.37(c)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Huge mass posterior to
the bladder is noted with cystic degeneration. Diagnosis at
surgery was ovarian fibroma. Ovarian fibromas cannot be
differentiated from pedunculated fibroids by
FIGURE 2.38(a)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Small, sharply
circumscribed lesion with scattered central echo pattern and
high through transmission represents degenerating ovarian
fibroma. This tumor cannot be differentiated from a
pedunculated uterine fibroid.
FIGURE 2.38(b)
Supine transverse scan. An irregular solid mass with a large
FIGURE 2-37 (b) cystic component is fused to the uterus. Surgery showed
ovarian carcinoma infiltrating the uterus and local structures.
FIGURE 2.39(a)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Area ofloculated ascites
may simulate an ovarian cystic tumor. Motion of bowel loops
noted with real-time scanner and presence of other areas of
ascites confirm the diagnosis.
FIGURE 2.39(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The bladder is empty.
There is an echogenic mass with irregular contours superiorly
representing bowel and omentum adhesion. Anteriorly, a
single bowel loop apparently "standing erect" in the ascites
is noted. This is connected to the anterior abdominal wall by
an adhesion which is cut by the ultrasound beam at an angle
too oblique to permit registration on the oscilloscope.
FIGURE 2.39(c)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. The "erect" bowel loop
is connected to the anterior abdominal wall by an adhesion.
Adhesions are characteristic of malignant ascites. Patient had
FIGURE 2-39 (b) ovarian carcinoma.
FIGURE 2.39(d)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. The bladder has been
emptied. Echo-free areas with scattered internal echoes and
irregular margins were fixed and did not change position with
motion. Malignant ascites from ovarian carcinoma.
FIGURE 2-39 (e)
FIGURE 2.40(b)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Echo-free ovarian
carcinoma with a few internal echoes. Note absence of
through transmission.
FIGURE 2.4O(c)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Echo-free ovarian
carcinoma. Again absence of through transmission is noted.
FIGURE 2-40 (a) loculated ascites develop and the pelvic organs
become fixed by malignant adhesions or frozen
pelvis (Fig. 2.40a,b, and c).
upward and comparison of earlier with later for the first time to an infant alive or dead with a
pictures is difficult. Transverse, longitudinal, minimal weight of 500 g. A multipara is a female
and oblique scans with varying angulation are who has given birth two or more times to infants
used to produce a diagnostic set of data suitable weighing 500 g or more, alive or dead. The term
for comparison. grand mUltipara is applied to a female who has
given birth seven or more times to infants
In obstetrics, B-mode or gray-scale two-
weighing 500 g or more. In our history taking, we
dimensional ultrasound in combination with a
follow a scheme of recording obstetric data using
real-time scanner yields the greatest diagnostic
four digits. The first number refers to the number
information. In scanning certain areas, such as
of pregnancies, the second number refers to the
the fetal head, the usage of A-mode adds more
number of premature deliveries, the third
information and improves accuracy.
number refers to the number of abortions, and
the fourth number refers to the number of living
PATIENT HISTORY children. For example, 4-2-1-1 would mean four
pregnancies, two premature deliveries, one
The examiner's first procedure in using abortion, and one living child.
ultrasound is to take a proper history from the
patient. All information should be recorded. PARTURIENT
In early pregnancy or in the case of small pelvic The position of the fetus is first identified. The
lesions, the interval between sections is location of the head in either the breech (Fig.
approximately 1 cm. In later pregnancy or with 3.5a) or vertex (Fig. 3.5b) presentation is stud-
large pelvic masses, sections at 2- to 4-cm ied. The cranial vault is echogenic and appears
intervals may be used. However, the type of as a circle of high-amplitude echoes. The circle
sectioning and the intervals used are up to the of echoes produced by the body is oflower echo
examiner. Permanent records can be obtained amplitUde. The fetal thorax is found and the
through the use of a Polaroid or 9O-mm filming relationship of the fetal head to the fetal body
from the oscilloscope. Gray-scale images are and thorax is noted (Fig. 3.6a). This is important
usually obtained from the screen of a scan in abnormal fetal lie where intrauterine rotational
converter. A series of pictures is then taken to maneuvers are considered. The fetal respiratory
complete the study. These include the transverse excursions are monitored either with A-mode,
sections, ATC series, and the longitudinal M-mode, or the real-time scanner. The fetal
sections, LXP series, which are attached in aorta is followed from the heart as it descends
order so they may be displayed for final into the fetal abdomen (Fig. 3.6b). The relation
interpretation. The transverse pictures are of the aorta to the spine is noted with the real-
arranged in an ascending manner and the time scanner. The echogenic liver and spleen in
Supine transverse scan. Demonstration of fetal head with
gray scale. Note midline echo pattern and anterior
reverberation artifacts. Measurement ofbiparietaI diameter is
performed from the darkest anterior to the darkest distal
echoes of the bony calvarium .
FIGURE 3.5(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale . The fetus is in the
vertex presentation. The middle portion of the anterior
placenta is indented by the flexed fetal knee which extends
from the fetal hip and returns from the placenta as the fetal
leg which tapers appropriately.
FIGURE 3.6(a)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The fetal aorta appears
as a parallel series oflines passing from the thorax into the
abdomen. The pulsatile nature of this structure is best shown
with M-mode or real-time scanning.
IGURE 3-6(a)
FIGURE 3.6(b)
Supine transverse scan. The fetal aorta appears as a parallel
series of lines passing from the thorax into the abdomen.
Supine cross-sectional scan . Gray scale. On either side of the
echogenic fetal spine are the kidney outlines. One kidney is
echo-free since the cut is above the level of the calyceal
system. The central echo pattern is clearly visible in the other
FIGURE 3-5(a)
FIGURE 3-5(b) ~
FIGURE 3.8(a)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The fetal body is seen
in longitudinal scan and the echo-free region in the fetal pelvis
represents the fetal bladder. Note posterior placenta.
FIGURE 3.8(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The fetus is in the
vertex presentation. The fetal buttocks are noted facing
ventrally. There is no evidence of a penis or scrotum. A
female was delivered.
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The umbilical cord is
imaged as a stepladder-type of echo passing between the
placenta and the umbilicus.
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The fetus lies in the
vertex presentation. Extending from the anterior placenta is
the fragmented echo pattern of the umbilical cord which
FIGURE 3-8 (b) enters the fetal abdomen.
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Anterior placenta. The
fetal parts are scanned in a perpendicular manner and
produce a sonic shadow so that distal structures may not be
adequately imaged.
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Tn multiple sections, a
fundal placenta with anterior, posterior, and both lateral FIGURE 3.14
extensions is seen. Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. In multiple sections a
fundal placenta with anterior and posterior extensions is
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The gestational sac or FIGURE 3.18
pregnancy ring seen in the fundus of the uterus. Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The usual location of
the gestational sac is in the upper half of the uterus.
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The gestational sac-
like structure is seen within the uterine fundus and in the
midline. No echogenic boundary is noted. This differentiates
this cystic structure from the gestational sac. Diagnosis,
endometrial cyst.
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Gestational sac of early
pregnancy. Flat echogenic outline may be a normal variant of
the usually rounded gestational sac, and may be due to an
overdistended bladder.
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Note flattening of the
gestational sac by a posteriorly located fibroid uterus with
echogenic internal echo pattern.
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Echo pattern of a
centrally located ring is noted in the uterine fundus. This is
the ideal location for the gestational sac.
FIGURE 3.24(a)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The thin echogenic rim
of the gestational sac is noted with increased thickness of
echoes along the periphery of the sac denoting the early
placenta. Within the gestational sac scattered echoes identify
the developing fetus.
FIGURE 3.24(b)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Thickening of the
gestational sac denotes formation of the early placenta. Fetal
FIGURE 3·23 echoes are not yet noted.
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Thirteen weeks'
gestation shows a placenta occupying 60 percent of the
uterus. Within the echo-free amniotic fluid the early outline of
the fetal head and body is demonstrable.
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. The uterine outline is
minimally enlarged. Scattered internal echoes are noted.
Patient was in the fourth month of gestation. Incomplete
FIGURE 3.28(c)
Supine transverse and longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The
bladder is optimally distended. Gestational sac is well seen in
the uterine cavity. A 3 x 3 cm lutein cyst in the left adnexal
region is noted.
FIGURE 3.28(d)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Simple lutein cyst in the
right adnexal region.
FIGURE 3.30(b)
Supine longitudinal and transverse scan. Gray scale .
Demonstration of the fetal head, fetal body , and placenta in
the early second trimester.
FIGURE 3.32(a)
Supine longitudinal scan. B-mode. For accurate evaluation of
gestational age it is best to wait approximately 17 weeks of
FIGURE 3.32(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The fine echo pattern of
the placenta is noted between the echo-poor space of the
uterine wall and the echo-free zone of the amniotic fluid. At
17 weeks' gestation the fetal head may be clearly imaged.
FIGURE 3-3 1
the standard tables. It has been noted that fetal
head sizes may be placed into one of three
percentile ranks. Large is denoted as being
greater than the 75th percentile, average as
between the 25th and 75th, and small as less than
the 25th. Under normal conditions fetuses falling
within one group will remain at the same
cephalic level during growth until birth. One
group studying fetal development for
intrauterine growth retardation found it optimal
to take a first measurement at 22 weeks'
gestation and again at 32 weeks' gestation (7).
We make multiple serial measurements between
20 and 36 weeks for the most accurate
assessment of fetal growth and development. It
must be noted that, late in pregnancy, the
diabetic fetus will have a larger biparietal
diameter due to the macrosomic condition. Fetal
FIGURE 3-32 (a) well-being may not be established by measuring
the biparietal diameter in this group. A mature
fetus with weight greater than 2500 g may be
diagnosed when the biparietal measurement is at
least 8.7 cm.
FIGURE 3-32 (b)
certain particular planes, eg, the lateral or sections to localize the fetal head and fetal
anteroposterior planes. If conditions do not meet thorax. The real-time scanner permits the
the optimal pelvimetry criteria and the amount of ultrasonographer to detect immediate changes in
magnification cannot be estimated precisely, the fetal head position or motion of the individual
reliable dimensions of the fetal head cannot be fetal parts.
ascertained. Using ultrasound, the most
Exact measurement of the biparietal diameter
accurate measurements may be obtained
(BPD) depends upon precise localization of the
disregarding the fetal position and lie.
fetal lie and the angle of the fetal head with
The majority of fetuses are in the cephalic respect to the investigating sound waves. The
presentation. The discernment of another biparietal diameter is defined as the maximum
orientation is extremely important in obstetric reproducible distance between the fetal temporal
management. Information regarding fetal or parietal bones. The midline echo of the falx
presentation is best obtained with longitudinal must be centered between the strong echoes of
FIGURE 3.35(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Simultaneous comparison between
bistable and gray scale for the measurement of the biparietal
FIGURE 3.35(a)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Gray-scale scanners
produce a thicker skull outline and the output must be
reduced to depict the calvarium as a single line.
FIGURE 3.36(a)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Measurement of the
BPO. After detection of the calvarium and midline echo with
leading edge, A-mode translation may be performed and
superimposed over the scan.
FIGURE 3-36 (a)
FIGURE 3.36(b)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Nonperpendicular
studies produce false echo pattern which is not valid for the
measurement of the biparietal diameter.
FIGURE 3.36(c)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Another diameter that
presents perpendicular surfaces is that of the occipitofrontal
plane. The occipitofrontal diameter is much larger than the
biparietal diameter. This also is not a valid measurement.
FIGURE 3.36(d)
Supine transverse scan. Occasionally, midline echoes appear
as a curve . This is still a valid reading.
FIGURE 3.37(b)
Supine transverse scan. Occasionally, motion of the fetus
may produce some difficulty in measuring BPD.
FIGURE 3.37(a)
Supine transverse scan. B-mode. The optimal outline of the
head can be obtained through bistable study.
FIGURE 3.38(d)
FIGURE 3.38(c) Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The fetus is in the
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The spine produces a vertex presentation. Linear parallel echoes extend from the
sonic shadow in later weeks of pregnancy. dorsal spine representing the posterior rib cage. A sonic
shadow is produced by the dorsal spine.
FIGURE 3.40(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The fetal body is seen
in cross section and an echo-free region with a dividing
septum is noted to represent cardiac chambers. Note sonic
shadowing by fetal parts .
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The fetal thorax may
occasionally produce a sonic shadow sign as a normal
variation. Echo-free area represents fetal heart.
FIGURE 3-40 (a)
FIGURE 3.42(a)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The flat chorionic plate
of the anterior placenta protrudes into the amniotic cavity
and extrudes the umbilical cord. The cord generally appears
FIGURE 3-40 (b) as an interrupted linear array of parallel echoes due to its
tortuous course and motion.
FIGURE 3.42(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The cord appears as a
stepladder pattern in this case.
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The fetal heart is noted
as an echo-free zone within the thoracic cavity divided by a
linear echo representing the interventricular septum.
Immediately cranial and to the left of the cardiac chambers is
noted a rounded echo-free structure in the fetal left upper
quadrant characteristic of the fetal stomach.
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Cross section through
the fetal abdomen. The placenta is posterior. The fetal back is
ventral to the maternal abdominal wall and the spine casts a
sonic shadow. On either side of the spine are the ovoid renal
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Cross section through
the fetal abdomen. The thorax produces a sonic shadow sign.
The fetal back is ventral to the maternal abdominal wall and FET AL WEIGHT
the spine casts a sonic shadow. On either side of the spine are
the ovoid renal outlines. With optimal calibration of the ultrasonograph
machine, the measurement of the head and
thorax is obtained and used in evaluation offetal
weight. This is accomplished in the third
trimester by measuring the biparietal diameter of
the fetal head and the anteroposterior diameter
of the chest (14). The cross section of the chest is
shown when the circular structure of the thorax
is visible and the vertebral bodies are delineated.
By using the biparietal diameter and
anteroposterior diameter of the fetal chest and
by placing a straightedge across the nomogram,
the estimated age or weight of the fetus can be
evaluated (15).
In 80 percent of our cases, the estimated weight
by using both BPD and anteroposterior diameter
FIGURE 3.47 of the chest is within 0.5 pounds (lb) of the actual
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Section through the fetal birth weight. In the remaining 20 percent, there
kidneys shows multiple disorganized echo-free areas instead are a number of reasons to explain these
of the expected renal outline. Fetus born with massive
bilateral hydronephrosis which after autopsy was proven to differences. For instance, in diabetes, the fetal
be due to posterior urethral valves. weight is approximately 1 lb more than that
predicted by the measurements. In malnourished
fetuses due to such causes as placental
insufficiency, the weight of the fetus would be
less than that of the estimated range. In our
series, such fetuses with BPDs of9 cm or greater
had a weight of more than 5.5lb, and 98 percent
of the infants were mature. Normally, the fetus
with a BPD of over 9 cm has a weight of6.7Ib.
By using the clinical data and combined
ultrasonic studies proper decisions regarding
elective cesarean section can be made.
FiGURE 3.48(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Round echo-free The upper and lower limbs of the fetus are best
bladder in the fetal pelvis is seen. Note posterior placenta.
studied with a combination of high-resolution
gray-scale scanning and real-time scanning. The
real-time scanner is most suitable for observing
FIGURE 3.49 the motion of the arms and legs. The presence of
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. A small echo-free area is
noted near the echo-free bladder. Multiple scans showed this appropriate fetal movements assures that gross
to have the typical configuration of the fetal colon. neurologic function is intact. Sonofluoroscopy of
the uterus shows the coordinated motion of the
upper and lower limbs with respect to the fetal
trunk. Mental integration of the movement
allows the ultrasonographer to decide which
extremity is part of the upper trunk and which
limb is associated with the lower portion of the
fetus. After real-time scanning has located and
identified the fetal limbs with accuracy, the gray-
scale unit may study these regions with either a
2.25 or a 3.5-MHz transducer to image the bony
structures of the arms and legs as well as the
FIGURE 3.50(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Scan taken through
fetal perineum. Search produced no echoes protruding from
the fetal buttock region. Female infant delivered.
FIGURE 3.50(c)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Vertex presentation.
The echo-free bladder clearly outlines the fetal pelvis. In the
region of the perineum no projections of a penis or scrotum
are noted. Female infant delivered.
FIGURE 3-50 (e)
experience with the real-time scanner, fetal heart
motion can be detected at 14 weeks of gestation
in most cases. Later in gestation, movement
patterns of head bobbing and chest wall
excursion become discernable. Each type of
motion provides specific clinical data about the
fetus. Head bobbing implies a certain degree of
neurologic function is present in the fetal
nervous system. The presence of chest wall
motion implies that the fetus may be able to
breathe when born (17). Indeed, fetal motion
sometimes is so vigorous that one may have
great difficulty in obtaining true and accurate
FIGURE 3.50(e)
Supine oblique scan. Gray scale. The fetal penis sppears as a
linear echo extending from the fetal perineum. On either side
are noted shorter and rounder echogenic structures
representing the fetal scrotum with its testicles. Courtesy of
D. J. Flanigan, Santa Barbara, California.
FIGURE 3.50(f)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The fetal penis
extending from the fetal perineum . Note both fetal knees.
FIGURE 3-50 (d)
FIGURE 3.51(c)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. The fetal thorax is
identified in an oblique plane . The fetal elbow, forearm, and
FIGURE 3.51(b) hand with distinct echoes from the digits are clearly
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Anterior placenta. Fetal displayed.
extremities are noted.
Fetal elbow
FIGURE 3.51(d)
Supine transverse scan . Gray scale . The fetal elbow,
forearm , and hand are clearly displayed.
FIGURE 3.51(e)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Anterior placenta with a
prominent umbilical cord is visualized. The fetal hand with
distinct digits is imaged clearly with high-resolution gray
FIGURE 3.51(f)
FIGURE 3-51 (e) Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Clearly displayed fetal
Supine longitudinal scan . Gray scale. Vertex presentation.
FIGURE 3-51 <0 There is a double outline due to the fetal skull. Also noted is a
double outline to the distal bladder wall. Real-time scanner
revealed vigorous fetal movement against the bladder.
FIGURE 3.58(a)
Supine longitudinal scan. Real-time scanner. The uterus is
enlarged. The gestational sac is flattened in the
anteroposterior diameter by a fibroid tumor of irregular
outline and patchy echo pattern. Spontaneous abortion
FIGURE 3.58(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The uterus is enlarged.
Infarcted fibroid nodule with internal echoes is seen in the
FIG URE 3-57 uterine fundus. Clear, well-defined gestational sac is located
in lower portion of the uterus.
FIGURE 3.S9(a)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Rounded incomplete ring
of echoes is noted within a large fibroid uterus. Distal to the
posterior wall of the calcific mass is an artifactual
reverberation echo simulating the distal boundary of the
fibroid. This may be confused with a fetal head. Ring-shaped
calcified fibroid.
FIGURE 3.S9(b)
Supine transverse scan. Real-time scanner demonstrates
calcified fibroid simulating a fetal head. Note the sonic
shadowing distal to the calcific interface. Sonic shadowing is
generally better appreciated with the real-time scanner due to
it~ linear beam path.
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Ovarian cyst in the right
side is seen. Ovarian cysts are usually echo-free unless the
cyst is loculated.
gestation a distinct placenta can be identified in the majority
of cases. Fundus posterior placenta of early pregnancy.
FIGURE 3.64(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Fine placental echoes are noted
anteriorly which cross over the fetal body. The distal border
of the placenta is bounded by the dark echoes of the
chorionic plate. Note echo-free area of amniotic fluid .
FIGURE 3.64(c)
Supine longitudinal scan. Anterior placenta demonstrating
homogenous low-amplitude echo pattern bounded by high-
amplitude echoes of the chorionic plate.
FIG RE 3-64 (a) FIGURE 3.65(a)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale . The fetal head is in the
vertex presentation. The anterior placenta shows the
echogenic margin of the chorionic plate. Sonic shadow is cast
by fetal parts in a normal fetus.
FIGURE 3.65(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The fetal head is in the
Amniotio fluid vertex presentation. The echogenic margin of the chorionic
plate against the amniotic fluid is well outlined.
Supine longitudinal scan . Gray scale. Echoes inside the
placenta arise from the internal texture of the placenta, the
chorionic villi, and are easily recorded with high
amplification. The placenta is anterior. There is an
indentation in the mid portion of the placenta due to pressure
by a fetal extre mity.
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Between 13 and 28
weeks, the internal echoes of the placenta lie within the
chorionic plate and the echoes of the uterine walls are low
amplitude in intensity.
FIGURE 3.68(a)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The posterior placenta
is echo free and poorly imaged. Posterior placenta should
always be suspected when the fetal body and head are
FIGURE 3-67 anterior and separated from the posterior uterine wall by any
significant distance.
FIGURE 3.68(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The overlying fetus
generally attenuates much of the sound beam. so that the
weak echoes of the posterior placenta may not be of sufficient
intensity to register on the oscilloscope.
FIGURE 3-68 (a)
Posterior Posterior
placenta placenta
FIGURE 3.69(b)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. The placenta may
enlarge markedly in the presence of edema. This is seen in
erythroblastosis fetalis. Posterior placenta.
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The uterus is markedly
distended with a large echo-free area due to polyhydramnios.
Note the thin rim of placental tissue from rapid uterine
FIG RE 3-69 (a)
uterus, while the placentas located posteriorly
are frequently left sided. This relationship may
be of value to the ultrasonographer trying to
adjust the scanning technique to confirm the
location of a posterior placenta. One means of
filling the posterior placenta with echoes is to
compound scan from the right and left lateral
walls to the abdomen, using the diffuse reflecting
characteristics to produce the typical low-level
, echoes of the placental tissue.
j The placental form is subject to local pressure
changes (Fig. 3.69a). It may enlarge markedly in
the presence of edema. This is seen in
FIGURE 3-69 (b)
erythroblastosis fetalis (Fig. 3.69b). The placenta
may be thinned and depressed when adjacent to
some fetal structure or in the distended uterus of
polyhydramnios (Fig. 3.70) (32).
After 28 weeks, small anechoic spaces appear
FIGURE 3-70 within the homogeneous echo pattern and
enlarge as gestation progresses (Fig. 3.71).
These represent blood-filled spaces. As term
approaches, further changes in the homogeneous
echo pattern are noted. By 36 weeks, the
anechoic areas become separated by echogenic
intercotyledonary septa due to calcification of
these septa. Also, poorly margined echogenic
areas may show up in the placenta and are
irregular, amorphous placental calcifications
most likely due to old infarcts (Fig.
3.72a,b,c,d,e, and D.
FIGURE 3.73(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The placenta occupies
one-half of the uterus on the posterior wall. There is anterior
extension of the placenta over the internal cervical os
producing placenta previs. Fetal structures are noted within
the amniotic fluid cavity.
FIGURE 3.73(c)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The posterior fundal-
corporeal-isthmic placenta extends completely over the
internal cervical os. Note sonic shadowing of the placenta by
the fetal spine.
FIGURE 3-73 (g)
FIGURE 3.75(d)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Early detection of
placenta previa. Sixteen weeks' gestation showing placental
echoes completely covering the internal cervical os.
FIGURE 3.75(e)
Supine longitudinal scan. Real-time scanner. The echo-free
bladder is fully distended. The echoes of the placenta extend
from anterior and posterior directions and completely cover
the internal cervical os. The echo-free amniotic fluid
separates the anterior and posterior leaves of the placenta
FIGURE 3.73(f)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The speckled anterior
placental echoe s extend over the internal cervical os in this
placenta previa.
FIGURE 3.73(g)
Supine transverse scan. Scan is taken over the engaged fetal
head. The distance between the sacral wall echoes and the
fetal head is 3 cm. The normal distance is less than 1.6 cm.
FIGURE 3-73 (h) The placenta is posterior and separates the head from the
sacrum by a distance greater than normal in placenta previa.
This distance did not change after pressure was applied.
FIGURE 3.73(h)
FIGURE 3-73 (i) Supine longitudinal scan. Middle pregnancy with placenta
previa. Note cephalic presentation of fetal head. Serial scans
may show migration of placenta upward to a normal position.
FIGURE 3.73(i)
Supine transverse scan. B-mode. The fetal midline and lateral
ventricular walls are demonstrated within the fetal head. The
calvarium is separated from the sacrum by a distance greater
than 1.6 cm due to the presence of a posterior placenta
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The low-amplitude
echoes of the placenta are contained within the echogenic
boundary of the chorionic plate. Fetal parts are noted.
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. The outline of the fetal
skull is irregular with overlapping of the strong cranial
echoes. Fetal demise.
Supine longitudinal scan. Double-ring contour to the fetal
head is due to fetal motion during the scanning procedure.
This problem does not occur with real-time scanning.
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Section through distal
part of cranium. Note massive edema of scalp surrounding
FIGURE 3-77 the oval outline of the fetal skull. High through transmission
noted distal to edematous tissues of the pericranium.
Erythroblastosis fetalis.
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Scan through the fetal
body shows no recognizable anatomic structures. Internal
disorganization is due to fetal demise of several days length.
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The distal border of the
fetal body is not imaged due to sonic shadowing. Large
amounts of gas were present intraabdominally due to tissue
decomposition resulting from fetal death.
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. The uterus is normal in
size. An echo-free adnexal cyst was noted on serial scans. No
hemoperitoneum was noted. Ectopic pregnancy at surgery. INTRAABDOMINAL PREGNANCY
rather than cesarian section. When the diagnosis Polyhydramnios exists when the fluid volume of
of hydrocephalus is made, a cannula may be the amniotic cavity exceeds 2000 ml. This
inserted into the fetal cranium under ultrasonic condition is first clinically detectable when
guidance. Drainage of the dilated ventricles roughly 3000 ml of fluid is present within the
permits serial decrease in cephalic size. Vaginal uterine cavity. Ultrasonographically, a large area
delivery may then be accomplished. of sonolucency inside the uterus is noted with
separation of the limbs from their usual position
closely adjacent to the fetal body. The freely
floating fetal parts are due to the large fluid
volume in which the fetus lies. The fetal outline
is sharply delineated due to the high through
In normal gestation, the fetal head is usually
transmission of the excess amniotic fluid (Fig.
demonstrable by 12 to 14 weeks' gestation.
3.86a and b).
Anencephaly may be diagnosed after 15 weeks'
gestation when scanning fails to reveal a normal OLIGOHYDRAMNIOS
fetal head despite use of multiple scanning
Oligohydramnios occurs when the fluid volume
planes. When the abnormal skull is definable,
is below the normal range. Hyperflexion of the
poor through transmission is noted due to the
fetal head onto the trunk is observed along with
lack of sonolucent brain tissue and a relative
an associated decrease in size of the expected
overgrowth of the bony craniofacial structures
echo-free zone of amniotic fluid surrounding the
(Fig. 3.85). The fetal outline is generally easily
fetus. This produces poor acoustic visualization
imaged due to the frequently associated
of the external fetal contours and impaired
polyhydramnios. When polyhydramnios is
imaging of the posterior uterine wall and
present the fetus and placenta are more sharply
retrouterine structures.
identifiable, and in many situations the placenta
seems to be compressed by a massive amount of Either polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios may
fluid. reflect fetal abnormality. Anencephaly is
FIGURE 3.86(a)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The uterus is markedly
distended with a large echo-free area due to poly hydranmios.
Note the thin rim of placental tissue from rapid uterine
FIGURE 3.86(b)
- .~ Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The freely floating parts
are due to the large fluid volume in which the fetus lies. The
fetal outline is sharply delineated due to the excess amniotic
FIGURE 3-85 fluid.
FIGURE 3.88(b)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. The snowstorm pattern
FIGURE 3.88(a) within the uterus with moderate through transmission is
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. The enlarged uterus is sometimes noted in recurrent molar pregnancy. The
filled with a snowstorm echo pattern. Bilateral cystic lesions increasing size of the bilateral luteal cysts indicates
with septations are characteristic of the luteal cysts recurrence of this disease.
associated with hydatidiform mole.
Hydatidiform mole •
1. Presence of an echo-free zone within
the mass due to a homogeneous
2. Sharp definition of the distal wall of the
mass with a smooth contour to this
surface, due to the large change in
acoustic impedance at the cyst wall
interface and the parabolic shape
reflecting more sound back to the
3. Greater energy of the sound beam due
to minimal attenuation of sound
FIGURE 4-1 (a) traversing the homogeneous fluid-filled
medium, resulting in increased through
transmission and, therefore, increased
echo density distal to the lesion. This
FIGURE 4.l(a)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Marked
hydronephrosis thins the renal parenchyma and produces
sacs of fluid with septa radiating centrally.
FIGURE 4.1(b)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Marked hydronephrosis
thins the renal parenchyma and produces sacs of fluid with
multiple septations.
FIGURE 4.2(a)
Prone longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Echo-free lower-pole
renal cyst with sharp demarcation from renal substance.
FIGURE 4.3(b)
Erect position. Gray scale. Same case as in Fig. 4.3a. Note
space-occupying mass in upper pole. Solid hypernephroma
with high through transmission, and area of cystic necrosis.
FIGURE 4.3(c)
Prone transverse scan. Gray scale. Irregular mass in upper
pole of kidney. Scattered internal echoes of low amplitude
are noted, and a high through transmission pattern is
observed when compared with the opposite side.
Hypernephroma Degenerating hypernephroma.
FIGURE 4.6(a)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. The liver is diffusely
enlarged. Scattered echogenic foci of small to moderate size
are within the liver parenchyma. Liver metastases from
ovarian carcinoma.
FIGURE 4.6(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Enlarged liver with
multiple echogenic metastases due to ovarian carcinoma.
FIGURE 4.6(c)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Large areas of
degenerating metastatic foci are noted within the liver.
FIGURE 4.6(d)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Note mUltiple anechoic
regions within the liver parenchyma at high senstitivity.
Sonolucent areas represent foci of necrotic metastatic
FIGURE 4-6 (b)
FIGURE 4.6(e)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Huge sonolucent zone
with high through transmission. This cystic-appearing region
represents a massive area of tumor replacement in the liver.
Note the irregular distal wall.
FIGURE 4-6 (e)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Riedel's lobe is a ULTRASONOGRAPHY OF ASCITES IN
normal variation of the right lobe of the liver. This right lobe
extends into the right pelvis and may be mistaken for GYNECOLOGIC DISORDERS
hepatomegaly or a mass lesion.
Ascites is a frequent complication of
inflammatory processes and pelvic tumors.
Intraperitoneal fluid assumes the form of either a
transudate (low protein) or exudate (high
protein). A common cause of transudates is
portal obstruction, either intrahepatic or
extrahepatic. Intrahepatic disease usually refers
to cirrhosis of diverse etiology. Extrahepatic
obstruction occurs with portal vein obstruction.
Congestive heart failure, renal disease, and
benign tumors of the ovary also cause ascites.
Exudates usually occur with inflammatory
conditions of the peritoneum. The usual entities
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. In massive ascites noted are infectious peritonitis and metastatic
without adhesions, the liver floats in the fluid and is lifted off carcinoma, generally from the stomach,
the liver bed. Ascites with adhesions generally holds the liver pancreas, and ovary. The peritoneum reacts to
adjacent to the kidney. The appearance of the thumblike
kidney and the "four finger" shape of the liver produce the inflammation with a fibroblastic exudate that
"mitten sign" characteristic of cirrhotic ascites. causes the peritoneum to adhere to other
peritoneal surfaces, causing adhesions.
Ascites may be free (Fig. 4.8) or loculated (Fig.
4.9a and b). Free ascites is a transudate, except
in the case of chylous ascites resulting from
thoracic duct obstruction. Loculated ascites is
seen with inflammatory conditions in which fluid
is trapped in compartments sealed by peritoneal
adhesions. This may be localized to one area or
diffusely situated throughout the intraabdominal
Minimal ascites may be detected with A-mode.
As little as 100 ml offree fluid may be detected
with the patient in the hand-knee position with
FIGURE 4.9(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Note small, trapped,
loculated peritoneal effusion. Ovarian carcinoma was the
cause of effusion.
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Echo-free triangle of
moderate amount of ascites. As fluid overflows the pelvic
cavity it appears in the flank bordered by the abdominal wall,
FIGURE 4-9 (a) psoas, and displaced bowel loops.
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. The liver is shrunken and
floats in an echo-free zone of ascites. Note elevation ofthe
inferior liver edge from the retroperitoneal organs . Cirrhosis
with ascites .
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Massive ascites usually
prevents proper scanning. Echogenic bowel loops project
into the ascitic fluid. The bowel loops usually float freely in
10 RE 4-11 the ascitic fluid and change with position. Fixation of bowel
occurs in malignant and chronic inflammatory processes.
repeated after the fluid is aspirated, either blindly
or through ultrasonically guided paracentesis.
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Note the bowel loop
fixed in peritoneal fluid due to adhesion.
FIGURE 4.15(a)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Large amounts of
ascites collect in the pelvis in the supine position. This echo-
free fluid has the same echo pattern as does the urine-filled
bladder. Bowel loops projecting into the fluid are echogenic
and produce a characteristic irregular outline to the ascitic
FIGURE 4.l5(b)
Prone posterior longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Echo-free area
above the renal and liver outline is due to a large benign
FIGURE 4-15 (a) pleural effusion secondary to an ovarian tumor. Meigs's
FIGURE 4.l5(c)
Erect posterior longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Echo-free area
above the renal outline is due to a large benign pleural
FIGURE 4-15 (b) effusion secondary to an ovarian tumor. Meigs's syndrome.
FIGURE 4.l6(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale . The superior
mesenteric artery is markedly displaced anteriorly by a mass
of echo-poor lymph nodes. The celiac axis is also noted
FIGURE 4. l6(c)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The aortic silhouette is
poorly defined due to the large adjacent lymph nodes in this
advanced case of Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia. The
real-time scanner is used to locate the aorta in this situation.
FIGURE 4.l6(d)
Supine longitudinal scan. Real-time scanner. The aorta is
displaced dorsally by echo-free matted lymph nodes. Note
the concave shape of the normally straight anterior aortic
FIGURE 4.17(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Discrete clusters of
anechoic and echogenic masses obscure the normal aortic
outline. Hodgkin's disease.
FIGURE 4.17(c)
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Periaortic
lymphadenopathy presenting as multiple anechoic masses.
Left paraaortic lymph nodes displace the left kidney laterally.
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The inferior vena cava
is well demarcated from the mass of lymph nodes
immediately adjacent to the vessel.
FIGURE 4-17 (b)
Prone longitudinal scan. Echo-free retroperitoneal hematoma
displaces the lower pole of the kidney anteriorly. Leaking
aortic aneurysm.
FIGURE 4-17 (e)
FIGURE 4.21(b)
Prone longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Patient with acute
nephritis . Note renal parenchyma produces higher through
Prone longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Splitting of the renal
sinus echoes forming an ovoid echo pattern. Obstructive
chyma may be read off the ()scilloscope directly. The size of the obstructed kidney may appear
The ultrasonically guided renal biopsy uses a increased, normal, or decreased. Interstitial
needle which will fit through the center of the edema of acute obstruction tends to enlarge the
puncture transducer. Follow-up examination af- renal parenchyma. Back pressure atrophy of the
ter 24 hours may be added to evaluate the possi- cortex associated with chronic obstruction
bility of local hematoma formation. Basically, produces a small kidney in most cases (11).
renal biopsy with a puncture transducer needs Thus, renal size may only be interpreted
extensive experience and patient cooperation. diagnostically with reference to sequential
studies over a known period of time.
Pathophysiologic changes in the pelvicalyceal
OBSTRUCTIVE UROPATHY system reflect the degree and duration of
increased pressure and damage from
Routine evaluation of obstructive uropathy in- superimposed infection. Dilatation of the
cludes a plain X-ray film of the abdomen and calyces, infundibula, and pelves usually
intravenous urography. Nephrotomography, re- progresses proportionately. However, the
trograde pyelography, arteriography, and renal extrarenal pelvis acts as a hydraulic buffer,
isotope studies are frequently added for further sparing infundibula and calyces as it dilates to
information. The poor function of the obstructed dissipate the increased pressure.
kidney generally necessitates delayed films, mul- The earliest pathologic changes of chronic
tiple injections of contrast medium, significant increased pressure occur in the calyceal system.
radiation exposure, and patient discomfort asso- Blunting of the acute forniceal angle is followed
ciated with long waiting periods on a hard table. by flattening and eventual clubbing of the calyx.
In addition, osmolality of the contrast medium Subtle calyceal alterations often escape
may increase intrapelvic pressure sufficiently to
ultrasonic detection (12) due to the resolution of
produce pyelosinus reflux or even peripelvic ex- the 2.25-MHz transducer routinely used in renal
travasation of urine and contrast medium into scanning. The renal sinus is the invagination of
the retroperitoneum (10). The routine study of the renal hilus and contains the renal pelvis,
the kidney in pregnancy is limited due to expo- major caylces, and main renal vessels. The
sure. Ultrasonography may yield extensive in-
principle ultrasonic observation in early
formation; however, for urinary stasis or deter-
obstruction is dilatation of the renal sinus
mination of the site of obstruction the contrast produced by intrarenal enlargement of the renal
study is necessary. pelvis and adjacent major calyces.
tilocular cyst (15). Eventually, only a fluid-filled distinguishes between the swollen kidney of
sac of variable size can be visualized (13). Differ- acute renal failure and the dilated pelvicalyceal
entiation between hydronephrosis and pyone- system of the obstructed kidney.
phrosis may be suggested by observing irregular-
The high calcium content of the usual
ity of tissue septa dividing cystic collections
radioopaque calculus markedly reflects sound
within the kidney (14). However, in our experi-
waves. The echo from the stone will appear to be
ence, differentiation of these two conditions by
stronger than the surrounding calyceal echoes, if
ultrasonography is extremely difficult, and again
it acts as a specular reflector. An irregular or
appropriate clinical data and laboratory findings
amorphous calculus will act as a diffuse reflector
are more informative.
and will be difficult to image. The lack of through
transmission may cause a sonic shadow (Fig.
Polycystic renal disease is a disorder transmitted 4.24) (16). A secondary observation may be
by an autosomal dominant gene and is frequently splitting of the renal sinus echoes due to
found in many members of an affected family. concurrent hydronephrosis. In the presence of a
Since the clinical manifestations of this disease dilated renal collecting system, renal calculi of
usually appear in the early forties, it is usually lower reflecting qualities may be demonstrated
not a common problem in pregnancy. as low-amplitude echogenic masses lying against
the dependent wall of the dilated collecting
Polycystic disease is generally diagnosed by
observing bilaterally enlarged renal outlines with
a markedly lobulated outer contour, as The advent of renal transplantation techniques
contrasted to the smoother surface produced by now allows previously infertile females with
hydronephrosis. In addition, septa in the chronic renal disease to bear children. As
polycystic kidney have a random distribution, as surgical and immunosuppressive techniques
opposed to the central radiation noted in the improve, some women with renal transplants
obstructed and dilated calyceal system (Fig. will become pregnant. The usual site of
4.23a and b) (15). It is difficult to distinguish a transplantation is in the pelvis. Because of this
hydronephrotic sac from a massive renal cyst location, during delivery, the transplant may be
severely compressing the remaining renal compressed and injured by the fetal head.
parenchyma. Ultrasonography may now replace the previous
combined usage of renal urography and
Ultrasound is an excellent screening procedure
pelvimetry in showing the fetal head in relation
for the diagnosis and follow-up of polycystic
to the transplanted kidney.
disease. Early cystic changes will enlarge the
kidney, but will not distort the calyces If contraceptive devices are not employed, the
sufficiently to be detected on routine intravenous transplanted patient may become pregnant soon
urograms. Gray scale may identify cystic lesions after surgery. Ultrasonography is excellent for
before calyceal changes appear. Other affected monitoring the possible complications of renal
organs may also be studied. Thus, transplants.
ultrasonography is ideal for evaluating
asymptomatic family members.
Serial measurements of the size of renal trans-
Anuria may accompany acute renal failure or plants are useful for detecting acute or interme-
calculous disease with obstructive uropathy. diate rejection and shrinkage secondary to pro-
Both have approximately the same overall low gressive fibrosis of the transplanted kidney.
incidence in pregnancy. Renal failure is often Magnification on X-ray film (approximately 20
due to septic abortion or toxemia. The resultant percent) should be corrected before the film is
nonfunctioning kidney cannot be diagnosed by compared with the undistorted scan. The trans-
routine radiography. Ultrasonography quickly planted kidney is located in the iliac fossa
FIGURE 4.23(b)
Prone transverse scan. Gray scale. The enlarged renal outline
has sonolucent regions with random septations.
Prone longitudinal scan. Gray scale. A very dark echo
complex within the gray renal collecting system echoes
represents a calcified renal calculus. The distal wall of the
kidney is not imaged. Sonic shadowing may be produced by
highly reflecting renal stones. Head is toward the right.
tendineae. Mitral regurgitation is more common
in males than in females, in contrast to mitral
stenosis which is most common in females.
However, the apical systolic murmur associated
with pregnancy may be difficult to distinguish
from the murmur of mitral insufficiency.
Echocardiography in mitral insufficiency shows
dilatation of the left heart, especially of the left
which is a generalized category that includes The gravid term uterus lies upon the abdominal
idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis. The aorta when the patient is in the supine position.
pathologic change is that of marked and A series of aortograms performed for the
asymmetric thickening of the interventricular diagnosis of placenta previa before the advent of
septum, which narrows the left ventricular diagnostic ultrasound showed anterior
outflow cavity and simultaneously produces compression by the uterus on the wall of the
abnormal mitral valve motion. The characteristic aorta. Reduced blood flow to the peripheral
echo cardiographic picture is that of a thickened vessels was noted. None of the patients were
interventricular septum larger than the left symptomatic for arterial vascular disease.
ventricular wall thickness by a certain degree, However, it is logical to anticipate that younger
accompanied by a paradoxic systolic anterior patients with collagen disease or other forms of
motion of the mitral valve so that it almost arterial insufficiency may have their symptoms
touches the interventricular septum. aggravated by gestational pressure. The aorta
may be imaged during gestation either with the
CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE real-time scanner or with gray scale instruments.
Due to the effective treatment of streptococcal The degree of compression of the aortic lumen in
infections by antibiotics, the incidence of the anteroposterior diameter may be measured.
rheumatic heart disease is decreasing. The
Aneurysms of the abdominal aorta may be
obstetrician is thus faced with a greater
identified easily. Although the cystic medial
percentage of patients with congenital cardiac
necrosis responsible for dissecting aneurysm
abnormalities. The most common cardiac lesion
most often produces a dissection in the thoracic
in the clinical practice of obstetrics is the atrial
aorta, this may extend into the abdominal aorta.
septal defect. The physiologic right heart
Widening of the anterior aortic root is
overload caused by the lesion produces a large
demonstrable with echocardiography in the
right ventricular cavity with a left ventricular
usual positions. Dissection of blood may be
chamber correspondingly decreased in size. A
noted at higher gain settings. The aneurysm of
paradoxic motion of the interventricular septum
the descending thoracic aorta may be studied if
is often demonstrable.
the aneurysmal dilatation comes into contact
Other common types of congenital heart disease with the posterior pleura-chest wall interface.
include ventricular septal defect, patent ductus This may then be demonstrated with M-mode,
arteriosus, congenital aortic stenosis, and gray scale, or real-time scanning. The
Ebstein's anomaly. In each of these suspected complications of rupture into the pleural space
disorders, echocardiography may either confirm or into the pericardial sac may be easily
the clinical diagnosis or discover another cardiac documented with conventional ultrasonic
disorder simulating the physician's impression. techniques.
Ultrasonography of the abdominal aorta is
performed in the transverse and longitudinal
planes. Combined use of the real-time scanner
with gray scale is particularly appropriate in
pUlsating structures. Ultrasonography is not
only an excellent diagnostic modality, but is also
the least invasive for the detection and follow-up
of aortic aneurysms. Indeed, this was one of the
first uses of ultrasound in the upper abdomen.
Improved diagnostic techniques have revealed a
greater incidence of asymptomatic abdominal
aortic aneurysms in the elderly than was
previously recognized (20, 21).
FIGURE 4.28(a)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The aorta appears as a Abdominal aortic ultrasonography assumes
linear echo-free structure that tapers smoothly. It usually
may be imaged from the xiphoid process down to the level of
increased importance since this may be the only
the umbilicus. Generally, the distal wall is more sharply method available for examining the geriatric
outlined than is the proximal wall. patient or the pregnant patient with suspected
dissecting aneurysm.
Shifting method
Where uncertainty exists in verification of the
Although this may be documented by observing inferior vena cava, the aorta can easily be found
total anteroposterior compression of the walls of with the real-time scanner. The applicator of the
the vena cava, this problem is generally not one machine is then shifted toward the right side to
of clinical difficulty. It is, however, of great locate the inferior vena cava. This maneuver can
importance to the ultrasonographer who may also be done from the location of the inferior
examine a patient for an extended period of time vena cava toward the aorta when this artery is
in the supine position (Fig. 4.31a,b, and c). After difficult to identify.
the study is completed, the patient must be
returned gradually to the sitting position. After
Evaluation of the inferior vena cava
the removal of uterine pressure allows
In right-sided cardiac conditions, the respiratory
restoration of circulating blood volume, the
motion of the vena cava diminishes and, in
patient may assume an erect posture and
severe cases, completely disappears; the vein,
ambulate with an attendant nearby.
however, will be seen clearly, measuring at least
Imaging of the inferior vena cava and 2 cm in anteroposterior diameter. Increased
simultaneous measurement of its diameter are diameter of the inferior vena cava usually
valuable in conditions that cause this vessel to signifies right-sided heart failure.
FIGURE 431(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The ovoid portal vein
may be distinguished from an enlarged common bile duct by
noting its confluence from the splenic vein and the superior
mesenteric vein. This may be observed with gray scale or the
real-time scanner. Note typical location of the portal vein
anterior to the inferior vena cava.
FIGURE 4.31(c)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The echo-free lumen of
the inferior vena cava extends into the right atrium. The vena
cava may be completely surrounded by the substance of the
FIGURE 4-31 (a) liver as a normal variant. The kinking of the midportion of the
inferior vena cava is due to the pressure of the
musculotendinous diaphragm on deep inspiration. This kink
may disappear on expiration.
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The gallbladder usually
lies in an oblique position. The neck of the gallbladder is often
situated over the inferior vena cava.
A-mode at high sensitivity. High through transmission
demonstrated as multiple echoes distal to the posterior wall
of the anechoic gallbladder. No change in size will be noted
when the transducer is over the gallbladder. A duodenal bul b
filled with fluid will change in size with normal contractions.
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. Dilated gallbladder
over kidney. Sharply outlined anterior and posterior walls.
FIGURE 4-34 No response to fatty meal. Acute cholecystitis.
Supine oblique scan. Gray scale. The gallbladder was not
imaged in the routine scanning planes. Partial outline of the
gallbladder appears when the oblique scanning plane is used
to locate this structure.
Enlarged pancreas
Ultrasonography is extremely helpful in the
acute stage of pancreatitis when the gland is
edematous and usually well visualized (30). The
margin of the inflamed pancreas is smooth and
the gland becomes highly transonic (Fig. 4.39a
and b).
We have noted that turgescence of the superior
mesenteric vein frequently accompanies
pancreatic enlargement. Other studies show that
inflammation of the pancreas is accompanied by
the body. Chronic leukemia.
Supine longitudinal -can. Gray scale. Echo-free zone above
the right hemidiaphru6m. Note the high through transmission
associated with the pleural fluid. One liter of pleural effusion
was evacuated.
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The left hemidiaphragm
is well imaged. The gas-containing organs in the left upper
quadrant are displaced by the enlarged spleen of chronic
FI URE 4-40
spleen has an echo pattern consistent with the
degree of internal necrosis and fibrosis. Our case
material showed moderately echo genic
parenchyma in patients with such disorders.
FIGURE 4.43(b)
Supine longitudinal scan. Gray scale. The normal carotid
artery appears as an echo-free structure. It should be
identified to determine the normal position of the thyroid
Supine transverse scan. Gray scale. Adenoma of the thyroid
usually presents as a tumor with a core of high-amplitude
echoes surrounded by a periphery of low-amplitude echoes.
Doppler instruments, operation of, 16 presentation and position of, 75-76, 103-106
Doppler ultrasound, in early pregnancy, 83-84 sex determination in, 99
upper and lower limbs of, 99-100
Fibroids (fibroid tumors, fibromas), 51, 54
E intramural, 55-56, 59
ovarian, 63-64
Early pregnancy, see also Pregnancy pathological process of, 57-58
diagnosis of, 80-87 pedunculated, 57
Doppler sound in, 83-84
Echo amplitude, reverberation and, 23
Echocardiography, principles of, 152
Echoes, from tumors, 53-55
Echogenic pattern, 3, 35
Gallbladder, ultrasonography of, 164-167
Echo-poor vs. echo-rich patterns, 35
Gallstones, 165
Ectopic pregnancy, 124-125
Gastroenteric diseases, ultrasonography of, 161-
ruptured, 67
Endometrial cavity, sonoanatomy of, 45
Gaucher's disease, 169
Endometrial cyst, in pregnancy, 81
Genital tract, congenital anomalies of, 68-69
Endopetrial hyperplasia, uterus and, 55
Gestational age, biparietal diameter and, 91
Endometriosis, 55, 58-59
Gestational sac, 80-81
cause of, 60
abnormality of, 83
differential diagnosis of, 70
in obstetrical ultrasonography, 106
Enteritis, regional, 161
GI, see Gastrointestinal diseases
Gray-scale imaging, 10-12
in fetal measurement, 89
of placenta, 111-112
Gynecologic disorders
Fallopian tube, inflammation of, 66
ascites in, 139-141
Fetal abdomen
liver metastases in, 137-138
distention of, 126
liver ultrasonography in, 137-139
in obstetrical ultrasonography, 97-98
radiation therapy in, 146
Fetal death, 121-122
renal ectopia in, 136
hydropic degeneration and, 130
retroperitoneal area and, 143-149
radiologic signs of, 122
solid tumors in, 135-136
Fetal extremities, in obstetrical ultrasonography, 99-
ultrasonography and, 133-173
100, 102
Gynecologic pathology, detection of: 43
Fetal growth, in obstetrical ultrasonography, 101-
Gynecologic tumor masses, ultrasomc
characterization of, 52-60
Fetal hand, 103, 105 Gynecologic ultrasound, 40-70, see also Obstetrical
Fetal head, 92-93 ultrasonography
Fetal heart, 94-95
anatomy in, 41-47
Fetal heart rate, monitoring of, 95
sonoanatomy in, 43-47
Fetal intracranial hemorrhage, 160
sonolaparotomy in, 47-52
Fetal kidneys, in obstetrical ultrasonography, 97-98
ovaries in, 43
Fetal motion, detection of, 100 uterus in, 42-43
Fetal penis and testicles, in obstetrical vagina in, 41-42
ultrasonography, 101
Fetal size, measurement of, 87-92
Fetal spine, in obstetrical ultrasonography, 93-94
Fetal thorax, 95-97 H
Fetal trunk, 104
Fetal weight, 98 Hemotocele, 67
Fetus, see also Fetal (adj.) Hematoma, in obstructive uropathy, 149
abnormal, 126 Hepatic cysts, 163-164
in early pregnancy, 85-87 Hydatid cysts, 163
evaluation of in obstetrical ultrasonography, 75-77, Hydatidiform mole, 127-130
86-87,92-106, 119-121 Hydrocephalus, 126
Hydronephrosis, 134, 147-149 o
Hydropic degeneration of pregnancy, 130
Hypernephroma, 135 Obstetrical disorders
Hysterography, 69 cardiac disease and, 152-161
Hysterosalpingography, contrast, 69 ultrasonography of, 133-173
Obstetrical sonography, patient history in, 72-73, see
also Gynecologic ultrasound
I Obstetrical ultrasonography, 71-130
abnormal fetuses in, 126
Image production abortions in, 123-124
gray-scale imaging and, 10-12 biparietal diameter measurement in, 87-92
real-time scanning in, 12-15 differential diagnosis in, 106--107
Inferior vena cava, ultrasonography of, 159-160 early placenta in, 82
Intestinal obstruction, in pregnancy, 162 early pregnancy in, 80-88
Intrauterine contraceptive devices ectopic pregnancy and, 124-125
infection from, 66 fetal death in, 121-122
in sonolaparotomy, 49-50 fetal evaluation in, 119-121
IUCD, see Intrauterine contraceptive devices fetal growth in, 101-103
fetal head in, 92-93, 105
fetal presentation and position in, 103-106
J fetal size in, 87-92
fetal trunk in, 104
Jaundice, cholestatic, 163 fetus in, 75-76, 86-88, 92-103,119-121
gallbladder and biliary tract in, 164-174
gastroenteric disorders in, 161-162
K gestational sac in, 80-82
intraabdominal pregnancy and, 125-126
Kidney last normal menstrual period and, 72
displaced, 136 maternal pelvis in, 92
pathological changes in, 147-148 menstrual pattern changes in, 72-73
pleural effusion and, 142 molar pregnancy in, 127-130
multiple pregnancy in, 108
in obstetrical disorders, 149-151
L obstructive uropathy in, 149-151
pain history in, 73
Lateral resolution, defined, 6 palpation of abdomen in, 73
Leiomyoma icteri, 55, see also Fibroids pancreatic disorders in, 167-168
Liver, ultrasonography of, 137-139 placenta in, 78-80, 108-118
Liver disorders, 162-163 placenta previa in, 113-117
Lymphadenopathy, 149 primigravida in, 72
paraaortic, 157 pseudocyesis in, 108
Lymphoma, cystic lesions and, 51 renal disorders in, 147-151
splenic disorders in, 168-170
Oscilloscope displays, B-mode and M-mode in,
M 10
Ovarian cyst, 53, 60-62
Main system control, of sonographic unit, 21-23 differential diagnosis of, 107
Menstruation, in obstetrical history, 72 echo-free, 61, 107
Mitral stenosis, 153-154 in pregnancy, 130
M-mode (motor mode), in oscilloscope displays, 10 teratomas and, 63
Molar pregnancy, 127-130 Ovarian fibromas, differentiation of, 63-64, see also
Morning sickness, 161 Fibroids
Ovarian mass
ultrasonic appearance of, 62-63
N ultrasonic differential diagnosis of, 67-68
Ovarian sarcoma, 64
Nephritis, in pregnancy, 148, see also Kidney Ovarian teratomas, 63
Ovaries hydropic degeneration of, 130
anatomy of, 43 intestinal obstruction in, 162
cul-de-sac mass in, 66 intraabdominal, 125-126
enlargement of, 60-61 masses in, 130
molar, 127-130
mUltiple, 108
P nephritis in, 148
patient history in, 72-73
Pain, history of, 73 renal disease in, 147-149
Pancreatic disorders, 167-168 sonoanatomy of, 74
Pancreatitis, 167-168 sonofluoroscopy in, 75-79
pseudocyst formation in, 168 sonolaparotomy in, 74-75
Paraaortic adenopathies, 145 sonophysiology of, 80-103
Paraaortic lymphadenopathy, 157 spurious, 108
Paraovarian cyst, 67 vascular disease in, 155-161
Parity, in obstetrics, 72 venous disorders of, 157-161
Pelvic lesions Pregnancy ring, thickening of, 82
inflammatory, 69-70 Primigravida, defined, 72
in sonolaparotomy, 50-52 Pseudocyesis, 108
Pelvic mass Pseudocyst formation, in acute pancreatitis, 168
differential diagnosis of, 106 Puerperal female, defined, 72
as functional renal tissue, 136 Pulse characteristics, damping system and, 18
in sonolaparotomy, 50 Pulse-echo relationship, 8
Pelvic structures, anatomy of, 40-47 Pulse emission, by piezoelectric crystals, 18
Pelvis Pulse length, optimal, 18
free fluid collection in, 70
metastatic lesions to, 70
in obstetrical ultrasonography, 92 R
fetal, 101
Piezoelectric crystals, pulses emitted by, 18 Radiation therapy, in gynecological disorders, 146
Piezoelectric principle, 2 Real-time scanning, 12-15
Placenta Reflecting interface, distance measurement of, 7-8
corporeal, 113 Reflectivity, in ultrasonography, 8- 9
echoes in side, 109 Renal cyst, diagnosis of, 133-135
form of, 112 Renal disorders, in pregnancy, 147-149
gray-scale imaging of, 151 Renal ectopia, 136
normal, 109-113 Renal transplantation, 150-151
in obstetrical ultrasonography, 78-80, 108-llIl Resolution, in ultrasonography, 5-6
posterior, 113 Retrocaval ureter, 149
premature separation of, 118 Retroperitoneal area, ultrasonography of, 143-145
size of, 118 Retroperitoneal hematoma, 145
types of, 113 Retroperitoneal tumors, 143
Placenta previa, 113-117 Reverberation, 7
Polycystic renal disease, 150 Reverberation artifacts, 23
Polyps, uterine, 55, 59-60 Rheumatic heart disease, ultrasound in, 153-155
Pregnancy, see also Obstetrical ultrasonography
amniocentesis in, 119-121
anomalies of, 121-126 s
associated defects in, 126-130
bleeding in, 123-124 Salpingitis, 66
cardiac disease and, 152-155 Scanning, sectional, 28-31, see also Ultrasonic
characteristic jaundice of, 163 scanning
diagnosis of, 80-88 Sensitivity settings, 32
Doppler examination in, 119 Signal processing, 19-21
early, 80-87 Sigmoid colon, redundant, 67
ectopic, 67, 124-125 Solid tumors
gastrointestinal diseases in, 161-162 degenerating, 136
hepatic disorders in, 162-163 in older female patients, 135-136
Sonic beam, attenuation of, 3-4, see also Ultrasonic Testicles, fetal, 101
beam TOC curve, in ultrasonography, 26
Sonic shadow sign, 36-37 Three-dimensional conceptualization, 27-28
Sonoanatomy Thromboembolic disease, 160
in gynecologic ultrasound, 40-47 Through transmission, in degenerating solid tumor, 52
in pregnancy, 74 Through transmission pattern, detection of, 37-38
Sonofluoroscopy, of pregnant uterus, 75-79 Thyroid adenoma, 173
Sonographic unit Thyroid carcinoma, 173
astigmatism in, 23 Thyroid cysts, 173
contrast enhancement in, 23 Thyroid disorders, 171-173
damping control in, 22 Thyroid gland
delay feature in, 22 normal anatomy of, 172-173
depth control in, 22 volume of, 173
digital readout in, 23 Thyroid tumors, 171-173
erase switch in, 23 Time gain compensation, 22
essential parts of, 16 Tissue, acoustic impedance of, 9
focus in, 23 Tissue echo patterns, 35, 53-55
gain control in, 21-22 Transducer, 16-18
graticule in, 23 beam patterns for, 18
intensity control in, 23 components of, 16-17
magnification in, 23 focus of, 17
main system control in, 21-23 mounting of, 17
power switch in, 21 near and far fields of, 17
recording feature in, 23 optimal crystal size for, 17
reject control in, 21 Transmissivity, in ultrasonography, 8-9
Sonolaparatomy Transverse lie, in obstetrical ultrasonography, 105-
abdominal, 156 106
in deep-seated lesions, 146-147 Tubal inflammation, 66
examination in, 48 Tumors, see also Fibroids
gynecological ultrasound and, 47-52 echoes from, 53-55
location of IUCDs in, 49-50 retroperitoneal, 143
patient preparation in, 25 solid, in female patients, 135-136
pelvic masses in, 50 through transmission in, 51-52
practical aspects of, 25 thyroid,171-173
of pregnant female, 74-75 ultrasonic characterization of, 52-66
Sonophysiology, of pregnancy, 80-103
Sound, velocity of, 3
Sound waves, see also Sonic beam u
attenuation of, 3-4
characteristics of, 2 Ulcerative colitis, 161
medium and, 3 Ultrasonic beam, see also Sonic beam; Sound waves;
reflection of, 4 Ultrasonography
Spleen acoustic impedance and, 4-5
cysts of, 169 transmissivity of, 4
enlarged, 169-170 Ultrasonic echoes, electrical impulse from, 19,23,53-
volume determination for, 170 55
Splenic disorders, ultrasonography of, 168-170 Ultrasonic energy, repetition rate for, 6
Stein-Leventhal syndrome, 60 Ultrasonic identification, 28-31
Supradiaphragmatic fluid, 171 reference points in, 30
Surgical disorders, ultrasonography of, 133-173, see Ultrasonic scanning
also Obstetrical ultrasonography A-mode with B-scan display in, 34-35
angulation in, 31
T anterior projection in, 30-31
attenuation studies and, 32
Technologist, duties of, 25-26 changes in, 33
Teratomas decubitus projection in, 31
cystic, 64 detection of through transmission pattern in, 57-58
ovarian, 63 erect projection in, 31
LXP plane in, 31 technologist's role in, 25-26
orientation in, 34 three-dimensional conceptualization in, 27-28
sonic shadow sign in, 36-37 of thyroid diseases, 171-173
subcostal and intercostal sections in, 31 transducer positioning in, 27
transducer contact in, 32 transmissivity in, 8-9
tissue echo pattern in, 35 types of scanning in, 27
types of, 27 of urinary tract, 133-137
Ultrasonic waves, see also Sonic beam Ultrasound
beam width of, 3 biophysical effects of, 24-25
echo pattern of, 3 characteristics of, 1-16
nature of, 1 genetic effects of, 25
Ultrasonography, see also Sonographic unit; gynecological, see Gynecological ultrasonography
Sonolaparotomy intensity of, 3
artifacts in, 23-24 resolution in, 5-6
cross-sectional image production in, 10-15 tissue damage from, 24
of diaphragmatic disorders, 170-171 Ultrasound scanner, contact diagnostic, 13, see also
directivity in, 8-9 Ultrasonic scanning
display mades in, 9-10 Urinary tract, ultrasonography of, 133-137
Doppler effect in, 15-16 Uterine masses, 55-60
equipment used in, 16-38 Uterine polyps, 55, 59
of gallbladder and biliary tract disorders, 164-167 Uterus
gray-scale imaging in, 10-12 abdominal palpatation of, 73
of gynecologic ally and obstetrically related surgical anatomy of, 42-43
disorders, 133-173 congenital anomalies of, 68-69
in obstetrics, see Obstetrical ultrasonography degenerative changes in, 56
patience and search in, 26 in ectopic pregnancy, 125
pelvic, 47 enlarged, 55, 127
physician participation in, 26 in pregnancy, 73-79
polycystic renal disease and, 150 sonoanatomy of, 44-45
principles of, 1-38 tumors of, 53-60
pulse-echo relationship in, 8, 19, 23
in radiation therapy for gynecological disorders, 146
real-time scanning in, 12-15 v
reflection interface measurement in, 7-8
reflectivity in, 8 Vagina
in renal transplantations, 150-151 anatomy of, 41-42
repetition rate in, 6 sonoanatomy of, 43-44
resolution in, 5-6 congenital anomalies of, 68
reverberation in, 7 Vascular disease, in pregnancy, 155-161
safety of, 7 Vena cava, imaging of, 159
sectional scanning in, 28-30 Venous disorders, in pregnancy, 157-161
signal processing in, 19-21 Vitamin K injection, 161