Tensile Properties of Yarns by The Single-Strand Method: Standard Test Method For

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Designation: D2256/D2256M − 10´1

Standard Test Method for

Tensile Properties of Yarns by the Single-Strand Method1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D2256/D2256M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the
year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last
reapproval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

ε1 NOTE—Added research report information to Section 21 editorially in September 2010.

1. Scope 2. Referenced Documents

1.1 This test method covers the determination of tensile 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
properties of monofilament, multifilament, and spun yarns, D76 Specification for Tensile Testing Machines for Textiles
either single, plied, or cabled with the exception of yarns that D123 Terminology Relating to Textiles
stretch more than 5.0 % when tension is increased from 0.05 to D578 Specification for Glass Fiber Strands
1.0 cN/tex [0.5 to 1.0 gf/tex]. D885 Test Methods for Tire Cords, Tire Cord Fabrics, and
Industrial Filament Yarns Made from Manufactured
1.2 This test method covers the measurement of breaking Organic-Base Fibers
force and elongation of yarns and includes directions for the D1578 Test Method for Breaking Strength of Yarn in Skein
calculation of breaking tenacity, initial modulus, chord Form
modulus, and breaking toughness. D1776 Practice for Conditioning and Testing Textiles
1.2.1 Options are included for the testing of specimens in: D2258 Practice for Sampling Yarn for Testing
(A) straight, (B) knotted, and (C) looped form. D2904 Practice for Interlaboratory Testing of a Textile Test
1.2.2 Conditions of test are included for the testing of Method that Produces Normally Distributed Data (With-
specimens that are: (1) conditioned air, (2) wet, not immersed, drawn 2008)3
(3) wet, immersed, (4) oven-dried, (5) exposed to elevated D2906 Practice for Statements on Precision and Bias for
temperature, or (6) exposed to low temperature. Textiles (Withdrawn 2008)3
NOTE 1—Special methods for testing yarns made from specific fibers;
D4848 Terminology Related to Force, Deformation and
namely, glass, flax, hemp, ramie, and kraft paper and for specific products; Related Properties of Textiles
namely, tire cords and rope, have been published: Test Methods D885, and D4849 Terminology Related to Yarns and Fibers
Specification D578. E178 Practice for Dealing With Outlying Observations
NOTE 2—For directions covering the determination of breaking force of
yarn by the skein method refer to Test Method D1578. 3. Terminology
1.3 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units 3.1 Definitions:
are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in 3.1.1 Refer to Terminology D4848 for definitions of the
each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each following terms used in this standard: breaking force, breaking
system shall be used independently of the other. Combining strength, breaking tenacity, breaking toughness, chord
values from the two systems may result in non-conformance modulus, elongation, elongation at break, elongation at rupture,
with the standard. initial modulus, knot-breaking force, knot breaking strength,
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the linear density, loop breaking force, loop-breaking strength,
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the single-strand breaking force, single-strand breaking strength,
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- strength and tenacity.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- 3.1.2 Refer to Terminology D123 and Terminology D4849
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. and for definitions of other terms used in this standard.

For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D13 on Textiles contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D13.58 on Yarns and Fibers. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Current edition approved June 1, 2010. Published July 2010. Originally approved the ASTM website.
in 1964. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as D2256 – 09. DOI: 10.1520/ The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
D2256_D2256M-10E01. www.astm.org.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

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D2256/D2256M − 10´1
4. Summary of Test Method 5.2 Fundamental Properties—The breaking tenacity, calcu-
4.1 Single-strand yarn specimens are broken on a tension lated from the breaking force and the linear density, and the
testing machine at a predetermined elongation rate and the elongation are fundamental properties that are widely used to
breaking force and the elongation at break are determined. establish limitations on yarn processing or conversion and on
Elongation at a specified force or the force or tenacity at a their end-use applications. Initial modulus is a measure of the
specified elongation may also be obtained. Breaking force, resistance of the yarn to extension at forces below the yield
breaking tenacity, elongation, initial and chord modulus, and point. The chord modulus is used to estimate the resistance to
breaking toughness of the test specimen, in terms of linear imposed strain. The breaking toughness is a measure of the
density, may be calculated from machine scales, dials, record- work necessary to break the yarn.
ing charts, or by an interfaced computer. 5.3 Comparison to Skein Testing—The single-strand method
4.2 This test method offers the following three physical gives a more accurate measure of breaking force present in the
configurations of the specimen: material than does the skein method and uses less material. The
4.2.1 Configuration A, straight. skein-breaking force is always lower than the sum of the
4.2.2 Configuration B, knotted. breaking forces of the same number of ends broken individu-
4.2.3 Configuration C, looped. ally.
4.3 This test method also offers the following six conditions 5.4 Applicability—Most yarns can be tested by this test
of test with respect to moisture content of the specimens at the method. Some modification of clamping techniques may be
time of testing: necessary for a given yarn depending upon its structure and
4.3.1 Condition 1, conditioned to moisture equilibrium for composition. To prevent slippage in the clamps or damage as a
testing with standard atmosphere for testing textiles. result of being gripped in the clamps, special clamping
4.3.2 Condition 2, wet not immersed. adaptations may be necessary with high modulus yarns made
4.3.3 Condition 3, wet immersed. from fibers such as glass or extended chain polyolefin. Speci-
4.3.4 Condition 4, oven-dried. men clamping may be modified as required at the discretion of
4.3.5 Condition 5, high temperature. the individual laboratory providing a representative force-
4.3.6 Condition 6, low temperature. elongation curve is obtained. In any event, the procedure
described in this test method for obtaining tensile properties
4.4 A test option is specified by combining a specimen must be maintained.
configuration and a moisture content condition, for example,
Option A1 means a straight specimen conditioned and tested in 5.5 Breaking Strength—The breaking strength of a yarn
a standard atmosphere for testing textiles. influences the breaking strength of fabrics made from the yarn,
although the breaking strength of a fabric also depends on its
4.5 Unless otherwise indicated, the phrase “single-strand construction and may be affected by manufacturing operations.
breaking force” is associated with Option A1.
5.5.1 Because breaking strength for any fiber-type is ap-
proximately proportional to linear density, strands of different
5. Significance and Use
sizes can be compared by converting the observed breaking
5.1 Acceptance Testing—Option A1 of Test Method D2256 strength to breaking tenacity (centinewtons per tex, grams-
is considered satisfactory for acceptance testing of commercial force per tex, or grams-force per denier).
shipments because the test method has been used extensively in
the trade for acceptance testing. However, this statement is not 5.6 Elongation—The elongation of a yarn has an influence
applicable to knot and loop breaking force tests, tests on wet on the manufacturing process and the products made. It
specimens, tests on oven-dried specimens, or tests on speci- provides an indication of the likely stretch behavior of garment
mens exposed to low or high temperatures and should be used areas such as knees, elbows, or other points of stress. It also
with caution for acceptance testing because factual information provides design criteria for stretch behavior of yarns or cords
on between-laboratory precision and bias is not available. used as reinforcement for items such as plastic products, hose,
and tires.
5.1.1 If there are differences of practical significance be-
tween reported test results for two laboratories (or more), 5.7 Force-Elongation Curve—Force-elongation curves per-
comparative tests should be performed to determine if there is mit the calculation of various values, not all of which are
a statistical bias between them, using competent statistical discussed in this test method, such as elongation at break,
assistance. As a minimum, use the samples for such a com- elongation at specified force, force at specified elongation,
parative tests that are as homogeneous as possible, drawn from initial elastic modulus which is resistance to stretching, com-
the same lot of material as the samples that resulted in disparate pliance which is ability to yield under stress, and is the
results during initial testing and randomly assigned in equal reciprocal of the elastic modulus, and area under the curve, a
numbers to each laboratory. The test results from the labora- measure of toughness, which is proportional to the work done.
tories involved should be compared using a statistical test for
unpaired data, a probability level chosen prior to the testing NOTE 3—Force-elongation curves can be converted to stress-strain
curves if the force is converted to unit stress, such as to centinewtons per
series. If a bias is found, either its cause must be found and tex, or pounds per square inch, or pascals, or grams-force per tex, or
corrected, or future test results for that material must be grams-force per denier, and the elongation is based on change per unit
adjusted in consideration of the known bias. length.

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D2256/D2256M − 10´1
5.8 Knot and Loop Breaking Force—The reduction in when testing oven-dried specimens at standard temperature
breaking force due to the presence of a knot or loop is will not necessarily agree with the results obtained when
considered a measure of the brittleness of the yarn. Elongation testing oven-dried yarns at high temperatures.
in knot or loop tests is not known to have any significance and 5.12 Tests on Specimens at Low Temperatures—Tests on
is not usually reported. specimens exposed to low temperatures are usually made only
5.9 Rate of Operation—In general, the breaking force de- on yarns that will be used at low temperatures, for example,
creases slightly as time-to-break increases. yarns used in outerwear designed for cold climates or outer-
5.9.1 Operation of CRT, CRE, and CRL tension testing space situations. Low-temperature tests are made on coated
machines at a constant time-to-break has been found to yarns used in the manufacture of materials used in outdoor
minimize differences in test results between the three types of applications, such as screening fabrics.
tension testing machines. When tensile tests are performed at a
6. Apparatus and Reagents
fixed time-to-break, then reasonable agreement in breaking
force has generally been found to exist between CRT and CRE 6.1 Tension Testing Machine, of the CRE, CRL, or CRT
tension testing machines.4 Consistent results are also obtained type, conforming to Specification D76, with respect to force
between different manufacturers of CRL tension testing ma- indication, working range, capacity, and verification of re-
chines when they are operated at the same time-to-break. The corded elongation, and designed for operation at the rates
agreement is not necessarily good, however, between CRE or specified in 9.1. A variable-speed drive, a change of gears, or
CRT tension testing machines on the one hand and CRL interchangeable weights are required to obtain the 20-s time-
tension testing machines on the other even when they are all to-break. If the rate of operation is adjusted in steps, the steps
operated at the same time-to-break. The CRE-type tester is the should be no greater than 1.25:1.00. The tension testing
preferred tension testing machine. machine may be equipped with: (1) clamps having flat-faced
5.9.2 This test method specifies an average time-to-break of jaws or (2) capstan-, drum-, or snubbing-type clamps (Note 5).
20 6 3 s as recommended by ISO TC 38 on Textiles, The Automatic (self-loading and recording) single-end tension
International Standards Association test committee for stan- testing machines may be used, provided they meet the require-
dardizing tests for fibers, yarns, and fabrics. It also provides for ments as to gage length, rate of operation, and accuracy of
alternate speeds, such as 300 6 10 mm [12 6 0.5 in.]/min calibration. The tension testing machine may be interfaced
when using a 250-mm [10-in.] gage length. See 9.2. with a computer system for operation and data gathering. The
5.9.3 The tolerance of 63 s for the time-to-break is wide CRE-type tension testing machine is recommended unless
enough to permit convenient adjustment of the tension testing otherwise agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier.
machine’s rate of operation, and it is narrow enough to ensure NOTE 4—Test machines capable of both tension and compression are
good agreement between tests. The difference in breaking force acceptable for use with Test Method D2256 when operated in the tension
between tests at 17 and 23 s will usually not exceed 1.5 % of mode.
the higher value. NOTE 5—Flat-faced clamps are usually used with fine yarns. The
snubbing-type clamps are used with coarse yarns or yarns that show a high
5.9.4 In case a tension testing machine is not capable of breaking force. They are also used when specimens slip in the clamps or
being operated at 20-s time-to-break, alternative rates of the number of breaks at or close to the jaws exceeds statistical expecta-
operation are included in this test method. These alternative tions. To check slippage, make a mark on the specimen as close as possible
rates may be used only by agreement between the parties to the back of each clamp, operate the machine to break the specimen, and
observe whether the marks have moved from the jaw faces of either
concerned or when required in an applicable material specifi-
6.1.1 Recorders on tension testing machines must have
5.10 Tests on Wet Specimens—Tests on wet specimens are adequate pen response to properly record the force-elongation
usually made only on yarns which show a loss of breaking curve as specified in Specification D76.
force when wet or when exposed to high humidity, for
example, yarns made from animal fibers and man-made fibers 6.2 Tank, that can be fitted to the tension testing machine
based on regenerated and modified cellulose. Wet tests are and used to test specimens while immersed in water.
made on flax yarns to detect adulteration by failure to show a 6.3 Container, separate from the testing machine for wetting
gain in breaking force. out specimens to be tested without immersion.
5.11 Tests on Oven-Dried Specimens and Specimens at High 6.4 Area-Measuring Device—An integrating accessory to
Temperatures—Tests on oven-dried specimens at standard or the tension testing machine or a planimeter.
high temperatures are usually made only on yarns that will be 6.5 Distilled or Deionized Water and Nonionic Wetting
used at high temperatures or will be used under very dry Agent, for wet specimens only.
conditions which will affect the observed breaking force, for
6.6 Conditioning Rack and Umbrella Reel (or Holder), on
example, on rayon yarns intended for use in tire cords and
which specimens, cut to convenient length, may be clamped
yarns for other industrial purposes. Note that results obtained
and from which they may be taken one at a time without loss
of twist.
Tweedie, A. S., Metton, M. T., and Fry, J. M., Textile Research Journal, Vol 29,
6.7 Peg or Spindle, on which the package may be mounted
March 1959, pp. 235–251, and Tweedie, A. S., and Metton, M. T., Textile Research to rotate freely as specimens are taken (for samples on bobbins,
Journal, Vol 29, March 1959, pp. 589–591. spools, tubes, etc.).

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D2256/D2256M − 10´1
6.8 Holder, on which the yarn may be supported without time of 20 6 3 s from the start of the test. Break one or more
tension and without loss of twist while in the water (for wet trial specimens, observe the time-to-break, and adjust the rate
specimens only). of crosshead displacement if necessary.
6.9 Oven and Specimen Holders, described in Test Methods 9.2 Alternative Rates of Operation—In case the tension
D885 (for oven-dried specimens only). testing machine is not capable of operating as specified in 9.1,
6.10 Oven, that can be fitted to the tension testing machine select a rate that will reach the breaking force in an average
and used to test specimens while exposed to elevated time as close to 20 s as possible and report the average time to
temperatures, as specified by an applicable order or contract. break. For CRL tension testing machines, the rate of force
See Note 6. application per minute should be approximately three times the
breaking force, and for CRE tension testing machines the rate
6.11 Cold Chamber, that can be fitted to the tension testing of extension per minute should be approximately three times
machine and used to test specimens while exposed to low the elongation at break. On CRT tension testing machines with
temperatures, such as − 40°C [−40°F] as specified by an interchangeable or adjustable pendulum weights, the lower
applicable order or contract. See Note 6. capacity ranges result in longer times to break, and higher
NOTE 6—Units described in 6.10 and 6.11 can be obtained as a capacities result in shorter times. These approximate rates are
single-unit environmental chamber capable of exposing yarns to both low not acceptable for referee testing where a time to break of 20
and elevated temperatures. 6 3 s is specified.
7. Sampling 9.2.1 By agreement, or if required by material
specifications, other operating rates may be used, for example,
7.1 Lot Sample—As a lot sample for acceptance testing, take
adjusting the rate to 1206 5 % of the gage length per minute,
at random the number of shipping units directed in an
that is, 300 6 10 mm/min [12 6 0.5 in./min] for 250-mm
applicable material specification or other agreement between
[10-in.] gage lengths on CRT and CRE tension testing ma-
the purchaser and the supplier, such as an agreement to use
Practice D2258. Consider shipping cases or other shipping
units to be the primary sampling units. 9.3 Gage Length—Adjust the tension testing machine in the
starting position to a distance of 250 6 3 mm [10 6 0.1 in.],
NOTE 7—An adequate specification or other agreement between the
purchaser and the supplier requires taking into account the variability
or by agreement 500 6 5 mm [20 6 0.2 in.], from nip to nip
between shipping units, between packages or ends within a shipping unit, of the clamps along the specimen axis (including any portion in
and between specimens from a single package so as to provide a sampling contact with snubbing surfaces).
plan with a meaningful producer’s risk, consumer’s risk, acceptable 9.3.1 For Conditions 2, 4, 5, and 6, using tension testing
quality level, and limiting quality level.
machines with an equipped water tank, oven, or cold chamber,
7.2 Laboratory Sample—As a laboratory sample for accep- the pulling mechanism may require repositioning to allow for
tance testing, take at random from each shipping unit in the lot shrinkage or stretch. When elongation is measured, the change
sample the number of packages or ends directed in an in the gage length must be considered in the calculation. When
applicable material specification or other agreement between shrinkage interferes with determination of elongation measure-
the purchaser and the supplier such as an agreement to use ments; cooling of the test chamber may be required between
Practice D2258. Preferably, the same number of packages subsequent loading of individual specimens.
should be taken from each shipping unit in the lot sample. If
differing numbers of packages are to be taken from shipping 10. Configurations of Test Specimens
units in the lot sample, determine at random which shipping
units are to have each number of packages drawn. 10.1 Configuration A, Straight Specimen—Handle speci-
mens in a manner to avoid any change in twist or any stretching
7.3 Test Specimens—From each package in the laboratory of the specimen, or both (Note 8). Secure one end of the
sample, take three specimens. When packages other than specimen in one of the clamps of the tension testing machine.
beams contain more than one parallel wound end, select one Place the other end in the other clamp, applying 0.5 6 0.1
end from which to prepare the three specimens. For beams, cN/tex or 0.05 gf/den pre-tension which is considered satisfac-
take three specimens from each end in the laboratory sample. tory to remove any slack or kinks from most yarns without
8. Conditioning of Specimens appreciable stretching. Close the second clamp. Avoid touching
the portion of the specimen between the clamps with bare
8.1 Precondition and condition test specimens as directed in hands.
Section 11 for each applicable test option and condition of test
as determined by an applicable purchase order or contract. NOTE 8—Because of the difficulty of securing the same tension in all
the filaments and because of slippage in the clamps, erratic results are
8.1.1 Avoid any change in twist or stretching of the yarn, or frequently obtained with zero-twist multifilament yarns unless a small
both, during handling.
amount of twist is inserted before testing. A twist of 14 6 1 tpcm/ =T
3663 tpi/=T or 43 6 4 tpcm/ =D 110610 tpi/=D where T !
equals yarn number in tex and D equals yarn number in denier, is usually
9. Rate of Operation and Gage Length satisfactory. But, for unfamiliar materials it may be necessary to test with
several different twist levels and determine the maximum breaking force.
9.1 Preferred Rate of Operation—Operate all tension testing Twist a test specimen length that is about 225 mm [9 in.] longer than the
machines at a rate to reach the breaking force in an average gage length.

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D2256/D2256M − 10´1
10.2 Configuration B, Knot-Breaking Force—Handle speci- on a holder and submerge in distilled or deionized water at
mens in a manner to avoid any change in twist or any stretching room temperature until thoroughly soaked (see 11.2.1). Re-
of the specimen, or both (Note 8). Place one end of the move the specimen from the water and immediately mount it in
specimen in one clamp of the machine, tie a single overhand the tension testing machine in the normal setup. If more than
knot near the middle of the specimen, place the other end in the 60 s elapse between taking the wet specimen from the water
second clamp, and tighten the clamp. Take care that the knot is bath and starting a tension testing machine without a tank,
always tied in the direction specified (see Annex A1), as the discard the specimen and take another.
breaking force may be different depending on whether the knot 11.2.1 The time of immersion must be sufficient to wet out
is made with or against the direction of twist. the specimens thoroughly, as indicated by no significant further
10.2.1 For Configuration B, Conditions 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, tie change in breaking force or elongation following longer
loose knots in specimens before water or temperature exposure periods of immersion. This time period will be at least 2 min
to avoid handling between exposure and testing. for regenerated cellulose yarns and at least 10 min for acetate.
10.3 Configuration C, Loop-Breaking Force—Handle speci- For yarns not readily wet out with water, such as those treated
mens in a manner to avoid any change in twist or any stretching with water-repellent or water-resistant materials, add a 0.1 %
of the specimen, or both (Note 8). Each specimen consists of solution of a nonionic wetting agent to the water bath. Do not
two pieces of yarn taken from one package or end. Secure both use any agent that will affect the physical properties of the yarn
ends of one piece in one clamp of the tension testing machine appreciably. When wet modulus is to be determined, some fiber
without a change in twist having the length of the loop about types may require at least 24 h of immersion prior to testing.
one half the gage length. Pass one end of the second piece 11.3 Condition 3, Wet Specimens Immersed on Tension
through the loop formed by the first, place both ends of the Testing Machine—Mount the dry specimen in the tension
second piece in the other clamp of the machine, and close the testing machine in the normal setup. Bring the water-bath tank
clamp. in position to immerse the entire specimen (see 9.3.1). Soak the
10.3.1 For Configuration C, Conditions 2, 3, 4, and 6, specimen in the water as described in 11.2.1 (Note 11).
prepare the looped specimens before water or temperature
NOTE 11—To minimize testing time, specimens may be wet-out in a
exposure to avoid handling between exposure and testing. separate container, then transferred immediately upon removal from the
11. Testing Conditions water bath to the tension testing machine equipped with a water-bath tank.

11.1 Condition 1, Ambient Air—Reel a short skein from 11.4 Condition 4, Oven-Dried Specimens—Oven-dry the
each of the packages forming the laboratory sample. Precon- specimens as directed in the oven-dried breaking force
dition the skeins as directed in Practice D1776 by bringing the (strength) procedure in Test Methods D885. Remove a speci-
material into approximate moisture equilibrium with an atmo- men from the container and immediately mount the oven-dried
sphere having a relative humidity between 5 and 25 % at a specimen in the tension testing machine in the normal setup.
temperature no higher than 50°C [120°F]. After Testing must begin within 20 6 2 s after removal of the
preconditioning, bring the sample skeins to moisture equilib- specimen from the container or discard the specimen and take
rium for testing in the standard atmosphere for testing textiles. a new one.
Equilibrium is considered to have been reached when two 11.5 Condition 5, at High Temperatures—Position the oven
successive weighings not less than 15 min apart do not differ in the tension testing machine to expose the entire specimen.
by more than 0.1 % of the weight of the yarn. Preheat the oven until equilibrium is reached at the specified
NOTE 9—Conditioning in skein form is much more rapid than condi- temperature. Mount the specimen in the tension testing ma-
tioning of tightly wound packages and is needed whenever other tests are chine in the normal setup. Set the oven for the specified time at
to be made on the same sample, that is, tests requiring a large amount of the specified temperature as determined by an applicable order
conditioned material. However, the outer layers of a tight package reach or contract. The specimens are exposed for the specified time
approximate equilibrium in a reasonable length of time; and where only a and tested while at the specified temperature (see 9.3.1).
few yards are to be used and extreme accuracy is not required (as, for
example, in production control work) it may be more convenient to 11.6 Condition 6, at Low Temperatures—Position the cold
condition the yarn in package form. chamber in the tension testing machine to expose the entire
NOTE 10—It is recognized that in practice yarns are frequently not
weighed to determine when moisture equilibrium has been reached. While
specimen. Mount the specimen in the tension testing machine
such a procedure cannot be accepted in cases of dispute, it may be in the normal setup. Set the cold chamber for the specified time
sufficient in routine testing to expose the material to the standard at the specified temperature as determined by an applicable
atmosphere for testing for a reasonable period of time before the order contract. The specimens are exposed for the specified
specimens are tested. A time of at least 24 h has been found acceptable in time and tested while at the specified temperature (see 9.3.1).
most cases. However, certain fibers may exhibit slow moisture equaliza-
tion rates from the “as received” in shipment condition. When this is
12. Measurement of Tensile Properties
known, a preconditioning cycle, as described in Practice D1776 may be
agreed upon between contractual parties. 12.1 Start the tension testing machine and the area
11.1.1 Mount the specimen directly in the tension testing integrator, if used, and continue running the test to rupture.
machine and test in the standard atmosphere for testing textiles Stop the machine and reset to the initial gage position. Record
as directed in Practice D1776. the test results to three significant figures.
11.2 Condition 2, Wet Specimens Not Immersed on Tension 12.2 If a specimen slips in the jaws, breaks at the edge of or
Testing Machine—Without disturbing twist, place the specimen in the jaws, or if for any reason attributed to faulty operation

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D2256/D2256M − 10´1
the result falls 20 % below the average of the breaking force where:
for the set of specimens, discard the result and test another εp = elongation percent,
specimen. Continue until the required number of acceptable E = distance along the zero force axis from the point
breaks have been obtained. corresponding to the point where the force-elongation
12.2.1 The decision to discard the results of a break shall be curve passes the pre-tension force to a point of
based on observation of the specimen during the test and upon corresponding force, mm [in.],
the inherent variability of the yarn. In the absence of other R = testing speed rate, mm/min [in./min],
criteria for rejecting a so-called jaw break, any break occurring C = recording chart speed, mm/min [in./min], and
within 3 mm [1⁄8 in.] of the jaws which results in a value below Lg = nominal gage length, mm [in.]
20 % of the average of the breaking force of all the other
breaks shall be discarded. No other break shall be discarded 16. Initial Modulus
unless the test is known to be faulty. It is difficult to determine 16.1 Locate the maximum slope and draw a line tangent to
the precise reason for certain specimens breaking near the edge the force-elongation curve between the tangent point for this
of the jaws. If a jaw break is caused by damage to the specimen tangent line and the proportional elastic limit and through the
by the jaws, then the results should be discarded. If, however, zero force axis. Measure the force and the corresponding
it is merely due to randomly distributed weak places, it is a elongation with respect to the force axis. Calculate initial
perfectly legitimate result. Refer to Practice E178 for treatment modulus using Eq 3. (See Appendix X1 and Fig. X1.1 and Fig.
of outlying data points. X1.2.)
12.2.2 If a yarn manifests any slippage in the jaws or if more
J o 5 ~ F 3 100! / ~ ε p 3 T ! (3)
than 24 % of the specimens break at a point within 3 mm [1⁄8
in.] of the edge of the jaw, then (1) the jaws may be padded, (2) where:
the yarn may be coated under the jaw face area, or (3) the Jo = initial modulus, cN/tex [gf/den],
surface of the jaw face may be modified. If any of these F = determined force on the drawn tangent line, cN [gf,
modifications are used, state the method of modification in the lbf],
report. εp = corresponding elongation with respect to the drawn
12.3 For instructions regarding the preparation of specimens tangent line and determined force, %, and
made from glass fiber to minimize damage in the jaws, see T = linear density, tex [denier].
Specification D578.
17. Chord Modulus
12.4 Measure the elongation of the yarn to three significant
figures at any stated force by means of a suitable recording 17.1 Determine the force for a specified elongation, such as
device at the same time as the breaking force is determined 10 %, and label that point on the force-elongation curve as P2.
unless otherwise agreed upon, as provided for in an applicable Likewise, label a second point, P1 at a specified elongation,
material specification. such as 0 % elongation. Draw a straight line (secant) through
Points P1 and P2 intersecting the zero force axis. Other
CALCULATIONS elongation values may be used, for example, when provided for
in an applicable material specification. Calculate chord modu-
13. Breaking Force lus using Eq 4. (See Appendix X2 and Fig. X2.1.)
13.1 Record the breaking force of individual specimens; J ch 5 ~ F 3 100! / ~ ε p 3 T ! (4)
that is, the maximum force to cause a specimen to rupture as where:
read directly from the tension testing machine expressed in
Jch = chord modulus between specified elongations, cN/tex
Newtons [pounds force] N [lbf].
[gf/den, lbf/den],
F = determined force on the constructed line, cN [gf, lbf],
14. Breaking Tenacity
14.1 Calculate the breaking tenacity of individual speci- εp = corresponding elongation with respect to the con-
mens using Eq 1, as follows: structed line and determined force, %, and
B 5 F/T (1)
T = linear density, tex [denier].

where: 18. Breaking Toughness

B = breaking tenacity, cN [gf, lbf] per tex or cN [gf, lbf] 18.1 When using the force-elongation curves, draw a line
per denier, from the point of maximum force of each specimen perpen-
F = breaking force, CN [gf, lbf], and dicular to the elongation axis. Measure the area bounded by the
T = linear density, tex [denier]. curve, the perpendicular and the elongation axis by means of
an integrator or a planimeter, or cut out the area of the chart
15. Elongation under the force-elongation curve, weigh it, and calculate the
15.1 Calculate the elongation of individual specimens from area under the curve using the weight of the unit area.
XY-type recorders using Eq 2, as follows: 18.2 When determining the breaking toughness of yarns that
ε p 5 ~ E 3 R 3 100! / ~ C 3 L g ! (2) exhibit take-up of slack caused by crimp or design, the area

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 6

D2256/D2256M − 10´1
under the force-elongation curve which precedes the initial 20.2.11 Type of clamps used.
modulus line represents the work to remove this slack. Auto- 20.2.12 Type of padding used in jaws, modification of
matic area measuring equipment may or may not include this specimens gripped in the jaws, or modification of jaw faces, if
area in measuring breaking toughness, and therefore, such used.
information should be reported along with the value observed 20.2.13 Full-scale force range used for testing.
for the breaking toughness.
21. Precision and Bias5
18.3 Calculate the breaking toughness for each specimen
when using XY-type recorders using Eq 5, or when using 21.1 Interlaboratory Test Data—An interlaboratory test was
automatic area measuring equipment using Eq 6, as follows: run in 1992 through 1994 in which randomly-drawn samples of
four materials were tested in each of the number of laboratories
Tu 5 ~Ac 3 S 3 R!/~Wc 3 C 3 T 3 L! (5)
as shown below. Two operators in respective laboratories each
Tu 5 ~V 3 S 3 R!/~Ic 3 T 3 L! (6) tested ten specimens of each material using 3 different criteria:
where: (1) manual test machine with 10-in. gage and testing speed of
Tu = breaking toughness, J/g [gf·cm/den cm, in. lbf/den 10 in./min, (2) manual test machine with 10-in. gage and break
cm], criterion of 20 6 3 s, and (3) automatic test machine with a
Ac = area under the force-elongation curve, cm2 [in.2], break criterion of 5 6 1 s. Analysis of the data was conducted
S = full-scale force range, cN [gf, lbf], using Practices D2904 and D2906. The components of vari-
R = testing speed rate, cm/min [in./min], ance for breaking strength and elongation at break expressed as
Wc = recording chart width, cm [in.], standard deviations were calculated to be the values listed in
C = recording chart speed, cm/min [in./min], Table 1 for respective test criteria. The four classes of fibers,
T = linear density, tex or denier, test criteria, and number of participating laboratories were:
L = nominal gage length of specimen, cm [in.], Test Criteria Number (Number of
V = integrator reading, and Material Participating Laboratories)
Ic = integrator constant, per minute, determined as directed
7.8 tex [70 denier] nylon 1 (4) 2 (5) 3 (6)
by the manufacturer. 150/34 polyester 1 (5) 2 (5) 3 (6)
32/1 cotton 1 (5) 2 (5) 3 (6)
19. Average Values 66 tex [600 denier] glass 1 (3) 2 (4) 3 (5)

19.1 Calculate the average values for breaking force, 21.2 Summary—In comparing two averages, the differences
elongation, initial modulus, chord modulus, and breaking should not exceed the single-operator precision values shown
toughness of the observations for the individual specimens in Table 2 and Table 3 for the respective number of tests and
tested to three significant figures. for materials having averages similar to those shown in Table
2 and Table 3 in 95 out of 100 cases when all the observations
REPORT, PRECISION AND BIAS, AND INDEXING are taken by the same well-trained operator using the same
piece of equipment and specimens drawn randomly from the
20. Report sample of material. Larger differences likely are to occur under
all other circumstances.
20.1 Report that the specimens were tested as directed in
Test Method D2256. Describe the material or product sampled 21.3 Precision—For the components of variance reported in
and the method of sampling used. Table 1, two averages of observed values should be considered
significantly different at the 95 % probability level if the
20.2 Report all of the following applicable items:
difference equals or exceeds the critical differences listed in
20.2.1 Average breaking force in N, gf, or lbf.
Table 2 and Table 3, for breaking strength and elongation to
20.2.2 Average breaking tenacity or tenacity at a specified
break, respectively.
elongation in cN/tex, cN/den, gf/tex, gf/den, or lbf/den.
20.2.3 Average elongation at specified force in percent. NOTE 12—The tabulated values of the critical differences should be
20.2.4 Test option and condition used. considered to be a general statement, particularly with respect to between-
20.2.5 If requested, the average initial or chord modulus in laboratory precision. Before a meaningful statement can be made about
two specific laboratories, the amount of statistical bias, if any, between
cN/tex, gf/den, or lbf/den. For chord modulus, state that portion them must be established, with each comparison being based on recent
of the force-elongation curve used to determine the modulus, data obtained on specimens taken from a lot of material to the type being
such as, 0 to 10 % elongation, reported as 10 % chord modulus. evaluated so as to be as nearly homogeneous as possible, and then
Other portions of the force-elongation curve can be reported as randomly assigned in equal numbers to each of the laboratories.
NOTE 13—Since the interlaboratory test for the 70 denier nylon and the
requested. 600 denier glass used only four and three laboratories, respectively for the
20.2.6 If requested, the average breaking toughness in manual test at a crosshead of 10 in./min, estimates should be used with
joules/g [gf·cm/den cm, in. lbf/den cm]. special caution.
20.2.7 If calculated, the standard deviation, coefficient of 21.4 Bias—The values of the breaking strength and elonga-
variation, or both, of any of the properties. tion at break only can be defined in terms of a specific test
20.2.8 If requested, include a force-elongation curve as part
of the report.
20.2.9 Number of specimens tested. 5
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
20.2.10 Make and model of tension testing machine. be obtained by requesting RR:D13-1087.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 7

D2256/D2256M − 10´1
TABLE 1 Components of Variance Expressed as Standard DeviationsA
Single Material Comparison Standard Deviation, Units of Measure
Name of Property
No. of Tests per Single-Operator Within Laboratory
Name of Product Grand Average Between Laboratory Component
Package Component Component
Test Type
Breaking Strength, lbB
Nylon, 7.8 tex [70 denier]
Manual, 10 ipm, 10 in. gage 0.52 10 0.040 0.013 0.031
Manual, 20 ± 3 s 0.55 10 0.364 0.006 0.054
Automatic, 5 ± 1 s 0.56 10 0.038 0.012 0.019
Polyester, 150/34
Manual, 10 ipm, 10 in. gage 1.25 10 0.060 0.000 0.073
Manual, 20 ± 3 s 1.28 10 0.089 0.034 0.070
Automatic, 5 ± 1 s 1.26 10 0.041 0.000 0.049
Cotton, 32/1
Manual, 10 ipm, 10 in. gage 0.57 10 0.060 0.000 0.068
Manual, 20 ± 3 s 0.56 10 0.065 0.000 0.066
Automatic, 5 ± 1 s 0.59 10 0.062 0.013 0.031
Glass, 66 tex [600 denier]
Manual, 10 ipm, 10 in. gage 7.23 10 0.748 0.297 1.450
Manual, 20 ± 3 s 8.53 10 0.481 0.219 0.926
Automatic, 5 ± 1 s 8.02 10 0.650 0.000 0.631
Elongation at break, %
Nylon, 7.8 tex [70 Denier]
Manual, 10 ipm, 10 in. gage 55.70 10 5.187 0.677 10.928
Manual, 20 ± 3 s 55.30 10 3.210 1.333 12.966
Automatic, 5 ± 1 s 59.70 10 3.044 0.000 5.222
Polyester, 150/34
Manual, 10 ipm, 10 in. gage 29.30 10 3.626 0.000 8.359
Manual, 20 ± 3 s 32.30 10 3.343 0.000 8.440
Automatic, 5 ± 1 s 33.20 10 2.162 0.000 4.615
Cotton, 32/1
Manual, 10 ipm, 10 in. gage 6.31 10 0.551 0.203 1.068
Manual, 20 ± 3 s 6.16 10 0.515 0.063 1.209
Automatic, 5 ± 1 s 6.39 10 0.477 0.454 0.234
Glass, 66 tex [600 denier]
Manual, 10 ipm, 10 in. gage 2.23 10 0.456 0.157 0.588
Manual, 20 ± 3 s 2.50 10 0.146 0.091 0.402
Automatic, 5 ± 1 s 2.37 10 0.196 0.000 0.202
The square roots of the components of variance are being reported to express the variability in the appropriate units of measure rather than as the square of those units
of measure.
The tests were conducted in U.S. Customary units and are expressed in pounds. Multiply pounds by 454 for gram units and pounds by 444.8 for a N units.

method. Within this limitation, the procedures in this test Before a meaningful statement can be made about
method for measuring these properties have no known bias. two specific laboratories performing modulus tests on yarns
21.4.1 Interlaboratory testing indicated a bias between labo- using this test method, the amount of statistical bias, if any,
ratories for modulus values related to the common selection of between them must be established with each comparison being
the force-extension curve slope and differences between vari- based on recent data obtained on specimens taken from a lot of
ous software used to calculate the modulus values. Of those material of the type being evaluated, so as to be as nearly
laboratories reporting values representing the three test criteria homogeneous as possible, and then randomly assigned in equal
used in the interlaboratory test, the following range of values numbers in each laboratory. See 5.1.1.
were observed:
Material Initial Modulus, Range of Values, gf/tex 22. Keywords
7.8 tex [70 denier] nylon 148–183 22.1 breaking strength; elongation; yarns
150/34 polyester 214–856
32/1 cotton 195–245
66 tex [600 denier] glass 1017–2299

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D2256/D2256M − 10´1
TABLE 2 Critical Differences, for Conditions as NotedA
Single Material Comparison, Units as Indicated
Name of Property
No. of Tests in Single-Operator Within-Laboratory Between-Laboratory
Name of Product
Each Average Precision Precision Precision
Test Type
Breaking Strength, lbB
Nylon, 7.8 tex [70 Denier]
Manual, 10 ipm, 10 in. gage 1 0.11 0.12 0.14
2 0.08 0.09 0.12
5 0.05 0.06 0.10
10 0.03 0.05 0.10
Manual, 20 ± 3 s 1 0.10 0.10 0.18
2 0.07 0.07 0.17
5 0.05 0.05 0.16
10 0.03 0.04 0.16
Automatic, 5 ± 1 s 1 0.10 0.11 0.12
2 0.07 0.08 0.10
5 0.05 0.06 0.08
10 0.03 0.05 0.07
Polyester, 150/34
Manual, 10 ipm, 10 in. gage 1 0.16 0.16 0.26
2 0.12 0.12 0.23
5 0.07 0.07 0.22
10 0.05 0.05 0.21
Manual, 20 ± 3 s 1 0.25 0.26 0.33
2 0.17 0.20 0.28
5 0.11 0.15 0.24
10 0.08 0.12 0.23
Automatic, 5 ± 1 s 1 0.11 0.11 0.18
2 0.08 0.08 0.16
5 0.05 0.05 0.14
10 0.04 0.04 0.14
Cotton, 32/1
Manual, 10 ipm, 10 in. gage 1 0.17 0.17 0.25
2 0.12 0.12 0.22
5 0.07 0.07 0.20
10 0.05 0.05 0.19
Manual, 20 ± 3 s 1 0.18 0.18 0.26
2 0.13 0.13 0.22
5 0.08 0.08 0.20
10 0.06 0.06 0.19
Automatic, 5 ± 1 s 1 0.17 0.18 0.20
2 0.12 0.13 0.15
5 0.08 0.09 0.12
10 0.05 0.07 0.11
Glass, 66 tex [600 denier]
Manual, 10 ipm, 10 in. gage 1 2.07 2.23 4.59
2 1.47 1.68 4.35
5 0.95 1.24 4.20
10 0.67 1.05 4.15
Manual, 20 ± 3 s 1 1.34 1.47 2.96
2 0.95 1.13 2.80
5 0.60 0.85 2.71
10 0.42 0.74 2.67
Automatic, 5 ± 1 s 1 1.80 1.80 2.51
2 1.30 1.27 2.16
5 0.76 0.76 3.54
10 0.57 0.57 1.84
The critical differences were calculated using t = 1.960, which is based on infinite df.
See Table 1, Note B.

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D2256/D2256M − 10´1
TABLE 3 Critical Differences, for Conditions as NotedA
Single Material Comparison, Units as Indicated
Name of Property
No. of Tests in Single-Operator Within-Laboratory Between-Laboratory
Name of Product
Each Average Precision Precision Precision
Test Type
Elongation at Break, %
Nylon, 7.8 tex [70 Denier]
Manual, 10 ipm. 10 in. gage 1 14.38 14.50 33.58
2 10.17 10.34 32.00
5 6.43 6.70 31.02
10 4.55 4.92 30.68
Manual, 20 ± 3 s 1 8.90 9.63 37.20
2 6.29 7.30 36.67
5 3.98 5.43 36.34
10 2.81 4.64 36.23
Automatic, 5 ± 1 s 1 8.44 8.44 16.75
2 5.97 5.97 15.65
5 3.77 3.77 14.96
10 2.67 2.67 14.72
Polyester, 150/34
Manual, 10 ipm, 10 in. gage 1 10.05 10.05 25.25
2 7.10 7.10 24.23
5 4.49 4.49 23.60
10 3.18 3.18 23.38
Manual, 20 ± 3 s 1 9.26 9.26 25.16
2 6.55 6.56 24.29
5 4.14 4.14 23.75
10 2.93 2.93 23.57
Automatic, 5 ± 1 s 1 5.99 5.99 14.12
2 4.24 4.24 13.47
5 2.68 2.68 13.07
10 1.89 1.89 12.93
Cotton, 32/1
Manual, 10 ipm, 10 in. gage 1 1.53 1.63 3.38
2 1.08 1.22 3.20
5 0.68 0.88 3.09
10 0.48 0.74 3.05
Manual, 20 ± 3 s 1 1.43 1.44 3.65
2 1.01 1.02 3.50
5 0.68 0.88 3.09
10 0.48 0.74 3.05
Automatic, 5 ± 1 s 1 1.32 1.82 1.94
2 0.93 1.57 1.70
5 0.59 1.39 1.53
10 0.42 1.33 1.48
Glass, 66 tex [600 denier]
Manual, 10 ipm, 10 in. gage 1 1.26 1.34 2.11
2 0.89 0.99 1.90
5 0.57 0.71 1.78
10 0.40 0.59 1.73
Manual, 20 ± 3 s 1 0.40 0.48 1.21
2 0.29 0.88 1.18
5 0.18 0.31 1.16
10 0.13 0.28 1.15
Automatic, 5 ± 1 s 1 0.54 0.54 0.78
2 0.38 0.38 0.68
5 0.27 0.27 0.62
10 0.17 0.17 0.59
The critical differences were calculated using t = 1.960, which is based on infinite df.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 10

D2256/D2256M − 10´1

(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Descriptive Terms Specific to Fig. A1.1 and Fig. A1.2:

A1.1.1 overhand knot—a simple single knot, tied in either
A1.1.2 bight—a bend or loop; the middle portion as distin-
guished from the ends. In Fig. A1.1 and Fig. A1.2, the bight lies
toward the bottom of the page.
FIG. A1.2 Type “U” Knot
A1.1.3 type “O” knot—one in which, when the bight is
below, the bight crosses over the right-hand end, as shown in A1.2 Choice of Knots:
Fig. A1.1(b).
A1.2.1 Unless otherwise agreed, use the Type “O” knot for
A1.1.4 type “U” knot—one in which, when the bight is Z twist yarns and Type “U” for S twist yarns. In plied yarns, the
below, the bight crosses under the right-hand end as shown in last twist determines the type of knot to be used.
Fig. A1.2(b).
A1.3 Tying Knots:
A1.3.1 To tie the Type “O” knot, bend the right-hand end
downward and bring it up behind the left-hand end, as shown
in Fig. A1.1(a), then bring the right-hand end forward and pass
it through the bight from front to back.
A1.3.2 To tie the Type “U” knot, bend the right-hand end
downward and bring it up in front of the left-hand end, as
shown in Fig. A1.2(a); then bring the right-hand end forward
FIG. A1.1 Type “O” Knot through the bight from behind.


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 In the case of a yarn exhibiting a region that obeys X1.2 In the case of a yarn that does not exhibit any linear
Hooke’s law (Fig. X1.1), a continuation of the linear region of region (Fig. X1.2), a tangent K`B` is constructed to the
the curve is constructed through the zero-force axis. This maximum slope and its extension intersecting the zero-force
intersection point B is the zero elongation point from which axis at Point B`. This intersection point B` is the zero point
strain is measured. from which strain is measured. Point C`, the point where line
K`B` first touches the force-elongation curve, is the tangent
X1.1.1 The initial modulus can be determined by dividing point.
the force at any point along the line BD (or its extension) by the
X1.2.1 The initial modulus may be determined by dividing
strain at the same point (measured form Point B, defined as
the force at any point along line B`K` (or its extension) by the
zero strain). Point C, the point where line BD first touches the
strain at the same point (measured from point B`, defined as
force-elongation curve is the tangent point.
zero strain).

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D2256/D2256M − 10´1

FIG. X1.1 Material with Hookean Region

FIG. X1.2 Material with No Hookean Region

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 12

D2256/D2256M − 10´1


X2.1 In a typical force-elongation curve (Fig. X2.1

FIG. X2.1 Construction for Chord Modulus

), a straight line is constructed through the zero force axis, such than zero and 10 % strain. In this case, the line extends through
as zero strain point A" and a second point, such as 10 % strain, the zero load axis at Point B". This intersection is the zero
point M". The intersection point A" is the zero elongation point elongation point from which elongation is measured. The
from which elongation is measured. chord modulus can be determined by dividing the force at any
X2.1.1 The chord modulus may be determined by dividing point along Line Q"R" (or its extension) by the elongation at
the force at any point along line A"M" (or its extension) by the the same point (measured from Point B", defined as zero
elongation at the same point (measured from point A", defined strain).
as zero strain).
X2.1.2 Fig. X2.1 also represents a straight line constructed
through any two specified points, Point Q" and Point R", other

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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
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