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Our Lady of Fatima

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Dear Friends, What is being asked of us is something that we need to do even if 2012 is fiction.


You may be inspired by this message and perhaps inspire others to change.

Nationality: Portuguese Born: 3-28-1907, Aljustrel , Portugal Died: 2-13-2005 (aged 97) Convent of Carmelitas Coimbra, Portugal LUCIA REVEALS THE THIRD SECRET OF FATIMA Regardless of whatever Creed or Religion, it is better to be prepared and be in good terms with GOD,...who created us; for we never know when we will be leaving this world..... LAST SECRET OF FATIMA The Church has given permission to reveal to the people the last part of the message. The Blessed Virgin appeared to three children in Fatima , Portugal , in 1917........ this is a proven fact;one of these children was Lucia, (died 2-13-05). She was a cloistered nun, and lived in a monastery in Portugal . Lucia disclosed the message for the first time; to Pope Pius Xll who, after reading , sealed it and stored it away without making it public. Later Pope John XXIII read it and, in the same manner as his predecessor, he kept it out of the public eye because he knew that once revealed; it would bring desperation and panic to mankind, But now the time has come, and permission has been granted from Pope John Paul II to reveal it to the children of God;........ . ........ not to create panic, but to make God's people aware of this important message and be prepared.

The Virgin told Lucia: 'Go, my child, and tell the world what will come to pass during the 1950's - 2000's. Men are not practicing the Commandments that God has given us. Evil is governing the world and is harvesting hate and resentment all over. Men will fabricate mortal weapons that will destroy the world in minutes!.... .. where half of the human race will be destroyed. The war will begin against Rome , and there will be conflicts amongst religious orders...... ..... God will allow all natural phenomena like smoke, hail, cold, water, fire, floods, earthquakes, winds and inclement weather to slowly batter the planet. These happenings will come to pass before the year 2012.!!!! "For those who don't/won't believe..... . . this is the time..... Your beloved mother told you:..........those lacking charity towards others, in words & deeds and those who do not love their neighbour like my beloved Son has loved you all ....... cannot survive! They will wish to have died. God will punish severely those who do not believe in him, those who despise him and those who did not have time for him." 'I call upon all of you to come to my son Jesus Christ. God will help the world, but all of those who do not show fidelity and loyalty will be destroyed!' Father Agustin, who lives in Fatima , said that Pope Paul VI gave him permission to visit Sister Lucia,a cloistered nun (she did not leave the monastery nor was allowed to receive any visitors). Father Agustin said that she received him greatly overwhelmed and told him: 'Father, Our Lady is very sad because nobody is interested in her prophecy of 1917, though the righteous are walking through a narrow path, the evil ones are walking through an ample road that is leading them straight to their destruction! Believe me, Father, the punishment will come very soon. 'Many souls will be lost and many nations will disappear from the earth. But, in the middle of all these, if men reflect, pray and practice sincerity, good deeds, kindness and respect, the world can be saved....... . .. However, if men persist with evil ways....greed, hatred, selfish acts, rivalry, and rif, the world will be lost forever!. The time has come for all to pass on the message of our Blessed Lady to

their families, friends, and to the entire world.

Continue praying, make penitence and sacrifices. We are close to the last minute of the last day and the catastrophes are near. Due to this, many that were far from the Church will return to the open arms of the Church of Jesus Christ. The joining of the churches will result in one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church; ........ England , Russia , China , Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus,Protestants, etc..... All will return believing and worshipping God our Creator, in his beloved Son and in Blessed Mother Virgin Mary.' WHAT AWAITS US ??? Everywhere there will be 'Peace Talks', but punishment will come. A MAN IN A VERY IMPORTANT POSITION WILL BE ASSASSINATED AND THIS WILL PROVOKE THE WAR. A POWERFUL ARMY WILL DOMINATE ALL THROUGH EUROPE AND THE NUCLEAR WAR WILL COMMENCE. This war will destroy everything; darkness will fall over us for 72 hours (3 days) and the one third of humanity that survives this obscurity and sacrifice, will commence to live a new era; they will be good people. On a very cold night, 10 minutes before midnight, A GREAT QUAKE will shake the earth for 8 hours. This will be the third signal that God Is, who governs the earth. The righteous and those who propagate the faith and the message of the Lady of Fatima is : 'ONE SHOULD NOT FEAR, DO NOT BE AFRAID'. WHAT TO DO??? : Bow your heads, kneel down and ask God for forgiveness. Because, only what is good and is not under the power of evil will survive the catastrophe. In order for you to prepare and remain alive and safe, I will give you the following signs: ANGUISH..... ... AND IN A SHORT PERIOD THE EARTHQUAKE WILL COMMENCE... THE EARTH WILL SHAKE..... The shake will be so violent that will move the earth

23 degrees and then it will return it to its normal position. Then, total and absolute darkness will cover the entire planet.... All the evil spirits will be mingling around and free, doing harm to all those souls that did not want to listen to this message and those who did not want to repent. To the faithful souls, remember to light the blessed candles, prepare a sacred altar with a crucifix in order to communicate with GOD and implore for His infinite mercy.... All will be dark; and IN THE SKY A GREAT MYSTIC CROSS will appear to remind us the price that his beloved Son had to pay for our redemption.. ... In the house the only thing that can give light will be the HOLY CANDLES... Once lit, nothing will put them off until the three days of darkness are over. Also, you should have holy water that should be sprinkled abundantly on windows and doors. The Lord will protect the property of the chosen ones.... Kneel down before the powerful cross of my beloved Son, pray the Rosary and after each Hail Mary you must pray the following: 'Oh God forgive us our sins, preserve us from the fires of hell, take all souls to heaven, especially those who are in more need of thy mercy. Blessed Virgin Mary, protect us, we love you, save us and save the world'. Pray 5 Creeds and the Rosary which is the secret to my immaculate Heart. All those who believe in my words go and take the message to everyone, DO NOT FEAR! FEAR NOTHING DURING THE LORD'S GREAT DAY. Talk to all, now that there is time. Those who keep quiet will be responsible for all those souls who will perish in ignorance. All those who pray humbly the rosary will have the protection of heaven. Those who are bound to die, I will help them die in peace, and they will be holy when they enter the other world. I wish all my children to attend mass every first Friday and every first Saturday of each month; to confess and receive Holy Communion; and in doing so, save the world from its TOTAL DESTRUCTION. ..!! When the earth shakes no more, those who still do not believe in our Lord will perish in a horrible way:The wind will bring gas and it will disperse it everywhere, then the sun will rise.

Maybe you will survive this catastrophe. Do not forget that God's punishment is holy and ONCE IT HAS STARTED YOU SHOULD NOT LOOK OUTSIDE, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE !!!! GOD DOES NOT WANT ANY OF HIS GOOD CHILDREN TO SEE WHEN HE PUNISHES THE SINNERS..... ......... .... All this encompasses with the writings of the Holy Scriptures.. .... Read on the New Testament: Lucas 21 - 5:121, 12:19, 20:20, 29:33 Letters of St Paul 3 - 8 - 14 Isaiah 40, 1:5:9. You must understand that God allows all this to happen. The Pope and Bishops are now awaiting another message that speaks about repentance and prayer. Please remember that God's words are not a threat, .......... but good news..... Please reproduce these pages and send them to all you know so we all can have the opportunity to repent and be saved. We do not know if those receiving this message believe or not in GOD,....but just think that, if you are receiving this message it is for a good reason!!.. from God who created us and loves us so much! Our Creator is giving us the chance to be saved, no matter what religion or creed we may be. If you don't believe in this message, at least send it to others, it costs you nothing. To all those receiving it, they can have the opportunity to judge and decide for themselves. Remember, we can avoid a great deal of evil if we practice the Commandments that Our Loving Father God gave us.... Just 10 simple ways, that if we all put into practice we can obtain God's pardon. Amen.

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