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European: Union

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The European Union is a unique economic and political partnership
between 27 European countries.
The EU was founded on November 1, 1993 at Maastricht Netherlands
The EU pomotes social justice and protection, equality between
women and men, and protection of the rights of the child. enhance
economic, social and territorial cohesion and solidarity among EU
countries. respect its rich cultural and linguistic diversity.
Founding Fathers of
The EU was formed as a way to prevent another war in Europe,
after World War II. The European Coal and Steel Community,
formed in 1951, was the first step towards the creation of the
EU. In 1957, the Treaty of Rome was signed, which created the
European Economic Community (EEC). Over time, the EEC
evolved into the EU.
The EU is structured around four main institutions: the European Commission, the
European Council, the European Parliament, and the Court of Justice of the European
Union. Each institution has its own role, but they work together to make decisions and
policies that affect the EU as a whole.
Single Market One of the key features of the EU is the creation of a single market. This
means that goods, services, people, and money can move freely between member
countries without restrictions. The single market has helped to boost trade and economic
growth within the EU. 5. Eurozone The eurozone is a group of 19 EU countries that have
adopted the euro as their currency. The euro was introduced in 1999 as a way to further
integrate the economies of EU countries. While the euro has faced some challenges, it is
still widely used within the eurozone.
Europe 745,173,774 Denmark 5,833,883

Belgium 11,566,041 Estonia 1,330,068

Bulgaria 6,916,548 Finland 5,527,493

Croatia 4,036,355 France 67,439,614

Cyprus 896,000 Germany 83,120,520

The European flag: The 12 stars in a circle symbolize
the ideals of unity, solidarity and harmony among the
peoples of Europe.

EU The European anthem: The melody used to

symbolize the EU comes from the Ninth Symphony
composed in 1823 by Ludwig Van Beethoven.

Europe Day: The ideas behind the European Union

were first put forward on 9 May 1950 by French foreign
minister Robert Schuman. This is why 9 May is
celebrated as a key date for the EU.

The EU motto: "United in diversity"

•EU Parliament – Currently 785 MEPs. Based in
France, Belgium and Luxembourg
–Passes laws, monitors budget, monitors EU
EU •EU Council – Ministerial representations from each
member state

Political –Passes laws, approves EU budget, co-ordination

of economic policies, develops foreign policy,
co-ordinates anti-crime strategies
•EU Commission – 20 Commissioners appointed by
each member state every 5 years
–Proposes legislation, implements EU policies,
law enforcement, international co-ordination
•European Central Bank – inflation target
of less than 2% per year, sets short term interest
rates for the whole eurozone area,
EU –Implements and monitors Eurozone monetary
Financial •European Investment Bank – ‘owned’ by
member states.
Raise finance through financial markets,
–Invest in projects to promote aims of EU –
large scale projects
•Court of Auditors – monitors legality
and efficiency of EU income and expenditure
•Court of Justice – one judge
EU from each member state
Legal –Interprets and applies EU
•CAP – Common Agricultural
EU –Food Quality
Agriculture –Animal Welfare
–Food Safety
–Farmers welfare/incomes
–Employment in agriculture
•CFP – Common Fisheries Policy
of fish stocks
EU –Aid to fishing industry to cope
Fisheries with changing circumstances
–Monitor supply
and demand for fish
–Negotiate with non-EU members
on fishing issues
•European Regional Development Fund
•European Social Fund
•European Agricultural Guidance and
Guarantee Fund
EU •Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance
–Aims to encourage development of poorer
Regions regions
–Increase employment opportunities
–Encourage new industry to locate in areas
of structural decline
–Develop infrastructure in poorer regions
–Encourage new training methods and
•Euro – monitor introduction and
•Tax Harmonisation – reduce
EU differentials
in tax regimes throughout the single
Finance & Economics market
to aid competition and transparency
•Single Market – free movement of
goods, services, labour and capital
member states

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