Effects of Sun S Heat and Ligth

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: LEAROSE M. BATITIA Learning Area: Science

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: June 22, 2023 Quarter: 4th QUARTER

I. Objectives Identify the beneficial and harmful effects of the sun’s heat and light on living things. KRA 1, PPST 1.1.2
Participate actively in group activities. Applied knowledge of content within
and across curriculum teaching areas
--- Knowledge, skill and attitude or KSA is
applied in lesson planning objectives in
order to meet curriculum requirements
based on the Curriculum Guide/CG. Parts
of the DLP are based on the PPST

A. Content Standards The sun as the main source of heat and light on Earth
B. Performance Standards

C. Learning Describe the effects of the Sun. KRA 1, PPST 1.1.2

Competencies/Objectiv S4ES-IVh-9 Applied knowledge of content within
es and across curriculum teaching areas
(Write the LC code for each) --- Knowledge, skill and attitude or KSA is
applied in lesson planning objectives in
order to meet curriculum requirements
based on the Curriculum Guide/CG. Parts
of the DLP are based on the PPST

II. Content Effects of Sun on Living Things

III. Learning Resources
1.Teacher’s Guide pages Science Curriculum Guide
Teacher’s Guide pp. 95-109

2.Learner’s Materials pages Learner’s Materials p. 74-78

3.Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR) Portal
5. Materials Laptop, PPT, Picture Representations
Other Learning Resources
IV.Procedures Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson Good morning class! Good morning, teacher, good morning
classmates, good morning!

You may now take your seat…. Thank you

Who is absent today?

What will you do if we have our class? Sit properly

Raise hand if we want to answer
Listen carefully
What are the processes involve in water The processes involve in water cycle are
cycle? evaporation, condensation and precipitation.
How many processes are involve in the water There are three processes.
cycle? KRA 1, PPST 1.4.2
The learners will read the objectives. Used a range of teaching strategies that
2. Review enhance learner achievement in literacy
Let us read our objectives for today.
and numeracy.
-The teacher used strategy through
questioning to enhance learner’s literacy
and numeracy.

B. .Establishing a purpose for Let us all sing the song “Mr. Sun” Pupils will sing the song.
the lesson

This can bee seen up in the sky but it is The answer is sun.
not kite. It is a giant ball of gas which
gives heat and light?

C. Presenting The teacher will let the pupils read what is The sun is the main source of heat and light.
examples/instances of the new written on the projector screen. It is made up of very hot gases. The sun’s heat
lesson and light reaches the earth through radiation.

What do you think will happen if there is no The world will be covered by darkness. KRA 1, PPST 1.5.2
sun? Applied range of teaching strategies to
develop critical and creative thinking, as
well as other higher-order thinking skills.
What do you think will happen if you have too Too much exposure to the sun may cause skin -The teacher uses thought provoking
much exposure to the sun? diseases. questions which helps learners to
develop their critical thinking skills as
well as their higher-order thinking skills.
D. Pagtalakay ng bagong  Show pictures of harmful and beneficial
konsepto at paglalahad effects of the sun’s heat and light.
ng bagong kasanayan  Ask the learners to describe each picture.

What can you see in the picture? Describe KRA 1, PPST 1.4.2
what you see in the picture. Used a range of teaching strategies that
enhance learner achievement in literacy
1. Plants need sun’s heat and light in order and numeracy.
to grow and produce food. -The teacher used strategy through
questioning to enhance learner’s literacy
and numeracy.

2. Sunburn, too much exposure to the sun

and the man didn’t protect himself from
the heat of the sun.

Solar panel, get the energy of the sun and
converted it to electricity.

Plants withering, too much heat from the

5. Cycling, outdoor activities were the man

is enjoying his cycling under the heat of

E. Discussing new concepts and Sun’s heat and light has an effect not only to
practicing new skills #2 humans but also to animals and plants. It
could be a beneficial effects or harmful effects.

Beneficial effects are useful, good and helpful

while harmful effects are bad and dangerous.

What are the beneficial effects of the sun? • Animals and human need the sun’s
heat and light in order to survive.
• Plants can make their own food
through the presence of sunlight in the
photosynthesis process.
• With the presence of sunlight, human
can do a lot of activities.
• Farmers and fishermen use the sun’s
heat and light in their farming and
fishing activities.
• The energy that we can get from the
sun can be converted to electricity.

• For human beings’ excessive

exposure to sunlight can burn or harm
What are the harmful effects of the sun? the skin.
• Exposure to intense heat can cause
dehydration and looking directly to the
sun may damage the eyes.
• For plants, too much heat from the
sun can cause withering.
• The soil becomes very dry, cracks and
loses its moisture needed by the
plants to survive. Farming will not be
possible when drought happens.
• Animals are badly affected when there
is no foo for them and exposure to
intense heat can cause them to
become ill and eventually die.

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to KRA 3, PPST 4.5.2

Formative Assessment) Let us have a game about the beneficial and
harmful effects of the sun. Selected, developed, organized and
used appropriate teaching and learning
Just raise your hand if you want to answer. 1. Beneficial resources, including ICT, to address
2. Harmful learning goals.
3. Harmful
4. Beneficial - The teacher developed a game and
5. Harmful used ICT to address the learning goals.
She also used plicker cards to let the
learners experience new way of
answering and avoid them from

G. Finding practical application Are you ready for our activity? Yes, Ma’am.
of concepts and skills in daily
living What are the things that we need to consider Participate actively in the group activity.
when we have our activity? Cooperate with the group.
Make sure to clean the area after the group
I am going to divide the class into four groups.
After the activity the leader will present each
group’s output.
 Activity 1 KRA 3, PPST 4.1.2
Direction: Group the pictures whether they are Planned, managed and implemented
harmful or beneficial effects of the sun. developmentally sequenced teaching
and learning processes to meet
curriculum requirements and varied
teaching contexts.
(PPST 4.1.2)
- Engage the learners in a differentiated
activities and collaborative teaching-
learning process to apply what they have
learned throughout the discussion.

 Activity 2

Direction: Write whether the sentences below

are beneficial or harmful.
____________________1. For drying laundry.
____________________2. It causes sunburn
and skin cancer with too much exposure.
____________________3. Drying of salted
____________________4. Visual impairment
when one often looks directly at the sun.
____________________5. Plants wilt and dry
when exposed to too much sunlight.

 Activity 3
Direction: Classify the sentence whether
Beneficial or Harmful effects of the Sun.

One’s skin will age early.

Used by plants to make their food.

Too much exposure to UV can

cause damage to the immune

Helps in some skin condition or

like psoriasis.
Psoriasis- the skin sheds its
cells too quickly.

 Activity 4
It causes
Direction: sunburn
Read andand
the question skin
answer inside the heart.

How sun affects living things?

H. Making generalizations and How is the sun beneficial in our daily lives? The sun is the source of all energy, gives off KRA 1, PPST 1.5.2
abstractions about the lesson heat and light. Plants, animals and humans Applied range of teaching strategies to
can survive because of the sun’s heat that develop critical and creative thinking, as
warms the earth. well as other higher-order thinking skills.
-The teacher uses thought provoking
Too much exposure to sunlight can cause questions which helps learners to
In what way does the sun’s heat and light sunburn and skin cancer. Looking at the sun develop their critical thinking skills as
harmful? directly can cause visual impairment. Too well as their higher-order thinking skills.
much heat from the sun can cause heat stroke.
Too much sunlight can cause a plant’s
withering and lead to its death.

I. Evaluating Learning Put a check (/) if the statement describes KRA 4 ,PPST 5.1.2
beneficial effect of the sun and cross (X) if not.
___1. Plants can make their own food. Designed, selected, organized and used
___2. Farmers can dry their crops. diagnostic, formative and summative
___3. Eye damage assessment strategies consistent with
___4. Skin gets red and become painful. the curriculum requirements.
___5. Sun as source of Vitamin D.
___6. Sun as source of electricity. -The teacher used assessment to
___7. Heat stroke. evaluate the learnings of the pupils.
___8. Plants, animals and humans can
survive because of the sun’s heat that warms
the earth.
____9. Too much heat can dries up the land
that can affect the livelihood of the farmers

10. What is the effect of sun’s heat and light?

J. Additional activities for Research on other harmful effects of the sun
application or remediation on living things.

What are the safety precautions to protect us

from the harmful effects of the sun?

V .Remarks

A. No. of learners who earned

80% of the formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities to
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
material did I use / discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by:

Observed by:


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