Laser Uranium Separation
Laser Uranium Separation
Laser Uranium Separation
Q, -AJ = 0
R , AJ= 1
Ground State
(a) Wavenumber
Fig. 1. The shift in vibrational energy levels of one molecular shown in more detail. Each vibrational state is split into many
isotopic species relative to another shown in (a) is reflected in rotational states labeled by J, the number of rotational angular
(c) as a shift in the infrared absorption spectra, (a) Within the momentum quanta of the state. At room temperature molecules
ground electronic state of a molecule are many vibrational typically populate rotational states with high J values. During
states resulting from oscillatory motion of the nuclei about a transition between vibrational states, the change in 3, AJ, is
their equilibrium positions. Shown here schematically are the restricted to -1, 0, or +1. Such allowed transitions are
energy levels for a vibrational mode of UF6 known as the v 3 denoted as P-,Q -,and R-branch transitions, respectively. (c)
mode. The energy levels are labeled by v, the number of The infrared absorption bands of 235UF6 and "'UF6 from 620
vibrational energy quanta of the state. The arrows represent to 630 reciprocal centimeters include transitions from the
absorptions of infrared photons that raise a moleculefrom the ground state to the first excited state of the v3 vibrational
ground state to thefirst vibrational state. The different lengths mode. Absorptions that excite the v , mode occur over a broad
of the arrowsfor the two isotopic species represent the different band of frequencies because molecules in the ground state
photon energies, or frequencies, needed to excite the two occupy many rotational states and the molecules in each
isotopic species. The difference, although small (less than 1.25 rotational state can undergo P-, Q-, or R-branch transitions to
x lo'* electron volt, or I reciprocal centimeter, for UF,), the first excited vibrational state. The absorption band of
allows selective excitation by nearly monochromatic laser 235 m6is shifted slightly to higher frequencies relative to that
atom or molecule containing one isotope to a Alamos and at many other research centers covered only a small number of wavelengths.
higher energy level and leave other isotopic around the world since the early 1970s when M o n o c h r o m a t i c s o u r c e s at other
species undisturbed. Then, depending on the high-intensity tunable lasers became avail- wavelengths were created from conventional
type of excitation, the selectively excited able. However, isotope separation based on white light sources (for example, with filters
species can be separated from the others by selective photoexcitation of atoms and or gratings), but their intensity was even
conventional physical or chemical methods. molecules is not a new idea. In fact, lower.
For selective excitation to be practical as a photochemical separation was attempted High-intensity tunable lasers have re-
separation technique, it must produce a large with conventional radiation sources long moved many of the limitations of the early
change in some chemical or physical proper- before the invention of lasers. In 1922 efforts experiments. Lasers can be tuned to match
ty of the excited species. One possibility is to were made to separate the two naturally any absorption feature that shows a distinct
excite a molecule to such a high energy level occurring chlorine isotopes by irradiating isotope shift. In particular, high-intensity
that its chemical reactivity increases substan- them with white light that had been filtered infrared lasers can selectively excite the
tially. The molecule can then react with through a cell containing only the more isotopically distinct vibrational levels of
another chemical species, and the product abundant chlorine isotope. These experi- m o l e c u l e s . B e c a u s e o f i t s high
containing the desired isotope can be sepa- ments were unsuccessful. About ten years monochromaticity, laser light can excite a
rated from the mixture by conventional tech- later Stanislaw Mrozowski suggested that desired species with reasonable selectivity
niques. This type of bimolecular process has mercury isotopes might be separated by even when absorption features of other
many applications in selective photochemis- selective excitation with the 2 53.7-nanometer isotopic species partially overlap those of the
try. resonance line of a mercury arc lamp and desired isotopic species. Thus, both the
However, the more widely studied laser subsequent reaction with oxygen. This sepa- tunability and high monochromaticity of the
isotope separation techniques involve only ration was achieved experimentally by Kurt laser are crucial for selective excitation.
photons and a single atomic or molecular Zuber in 1935. In the early '40s Harold Urey Other properties of laser light contribute
species. For example, the atomic vapor proc- proposed a photochemical method for sepa- to the efficiency of selective excitation. First,
ess under development at Lawrence Liver- rating uranium isotopes, but his proposal lost since laser light has a high degree of spatial
more National Laboratory uses selective in competition with the gaseous diffusion and temporal coherence, a laser beam can
photoionization to separate uranium technique. After the war, an enlarged effort propagate over long distances and interact
isotopes. Through a multistep excitation t o s e p a r a t e mercury isotopes by efficiently with large volumes of process
process laser photons selectively ionize at- photochemical techniques succeeded in pro- material. Second, a high-intensity laser beam
oms of uranium-235. The ions are then ducing small amounts of product. Carbon can saturate the absorbing material. In other
separated from the neutral uranium-238 at- and oxygen isotopes were also separated by words, the beam contains so many photons
oms by an electric field. using a strong spectral line of an iodine lamp that almost all the molecules that can be
The separation technique being studied at to excite carbon monoxide molecules. excited will be excited. Finally, the laser
Los Alamos uses selective photodissociation These pre-laser experiments involved a pulses are short compared with the average
of molecules into stable fragments. As dis- one-step process in which absorbed photons time for the selectively excited molecules to
cussed below in more detail, a molecule can with frequencies in the visible or ultraviolet lose their energy either through collisions
be excited to the point of dissociation in spectral region selectively excite electronic with unexcited molecules or through other
several ways. A two-step process is the basis states of one isotopic species. Although this loss channels. Short pulses are essential if the
of our technique. An infrared laser selective- technique works in a few isolated cases, it is excitation process is to be isotopically selec-
ly excites vibrations of gaseous UF6 not generally applicable in molecules. Most tive and efficient in its use of laser photons.
molecules containing uranium-235 ("^uF~). molecules have very broad, structureless Laser photons are quite expensive and
These vibrationally excited molecules are electronic absorption bands, and selective represent the major cost in any laser
then dissociated by an ultraviolet laser into excitation is not possible. chemistry process, including laser isotope
uranium pentafluoride ("'uF,) plus a These early efforts were also limited by separation. To illustrate, a mole (6 x of
fluorine atom. The "'uF. molecules the radiation sources then available. photons costs about 1 to 3 dollars, whereas
coalesce to form particulates that are easily Photochemical isotope separation requires chemical reagents typically cost about 10 to
separated from the remaining gas. highly monochromatic, highly intense radi- 20 cents per mole. Efficient use of laser
The various techniques for isotope separa- ation. The few reasonably monochromatic photons is therefore a primary factor de-
tion have been investigated vigorously at Los discharge lamps were not very intense and termining the economy of a laser isotope
continued on page 8
They have, however, proved very reliable. smaller, including only about ten separation
The main disadvantage of the process is the units. In addition, the process would con-
great amount of electric power required to sume an equal or lesser amount of energy
operate the many compressors. A standard per SWU than the gas centrifuge. These
gaseous diffusion plant operating at full advantages lead directly to reduced capital
capacity demands about 3000 megawatts and operating costs.
electric. For comparison, a typical large For a laser isotope separation process
electric power plant produces 1000 mega- involving selective excitation of ^UP,;
watts electric. As the cost of electric power molecules with infrared lasers and their dis-
increases, its consumption becomes an in- sociation with an ultraviolet laser, a facility
creasingly important factor in the cost of with the standard capacity of 8.75 millions
enriched uranium. (In fiscal year 1980 about SWU per year is estimated to cost about 1
75 per cent of the production costs at billion dollars. (Laser costs account for ap-
gaseous diffusion plants was for electricity.) proximately half of the direct capital costs.)
With the expectation of reducing power This is considerably lower than the estimated
consumption, attention is now focused on cost of a new gaseous diffusion plant (about
the gas centrifuge, another method for en- 5 billion dollars) or that of a gas centrifuge
riching uranium. The Gas Centrifuge Enrich- plant (about 6 billion dollars). The annual
ment Plant now being constructed at operating cost for a laser isotope separation
Portsmouth, Ohio will contribute 8.75 mil- facility is estimated to be about 100 million
lion SWU per year to the national enrich- dollars, in contrast to about 500 million for a
ment capacity by 1994. In a gas centrifuge gaseous diffusion plant and 100 to 200
2 3 5 ~ ~and
6 ^ U F ~ are separated by the million for a gas centrifuge plant. Our esti-
centrifugal force imposed on UPo by a mates of capital and operating costs for a
rapidly rotating container. For this process a laser isotope separation facility indicate a
considerably smaller number of centrifuge cost per SWU of about $30; the current
units (less than 10) are required to reach the commercial cost for enriched uranium is
desired enrichment. However, the through- $1 10 per SWU.
put per centrifuge unit is very small com- The considerably lower cost per SWU for
pared to that of a diffusion unit-so small, in laser isotope separation opens the possibility
fact, that it is not compensated by the higher of turning the large stockpile of wastes from
enrichment per unit. To produce the same gaseous diffusion plants into a valuable
amount of reactor-grade fuel requires a con- uranium resource. These wastes contain
siderably larger number (approximately about a third of the ^uF.,originally present
50,000 to 500,000) of centrifuge units than in the feed material and are estimated to
diffusion units. This disadvantage, however, amount to more than 500,000 metric tons by
is outweighed by the considerably lower (by the end of 1990-an amount containing
a factor of 20) energy consumption per enough uranium-235 for 1800 reactor-years
SWU for the gas centrifuge. of operation.
Compared to diffusion and the centrifuge, These advantages imply that laser isotope
laser isotope separation offers the potential separation should be thoroughly investigated
for much greater enrichment and throughput as a potentially economical process for
per separation unit. Therefore, a laser large-scale production of enriched
isotope separation facility would be much uranium.
separation process.
We said earlier that a fairly large amount
of energy must be deposited in a molecule to
make a substantial change in its physical or
chemical properties. In the pre-laser experi-
ments this energy was deposited through a
one-step, or single-photon, process. When
high-intensity infrared lasers became avail-
able, new multistep excitation processes be-
came possible. Unlike the single-photon
process, these multistep methods can achieve
isotopic selectivity on virtually all atoms or
In the sections that follow, we will de-
scribe these excitation methods and their
application to isotopes of medium and heavy
elements. Great success has been achieved in
separating medium-weight isotopes with in-
frared photons through what is known as
multiple-photon excitation and dissociation.
Progress has also been made on the more
difficult problem of separating isotopes of
heavy elements such as uranium. Labora-
tory-scale experiments based on the in-
frared-plus-ultraviolet dissociation of UF6
have been very successful. The lasers and
gas flow systems necessary to scale up the
process have been built, and designs for a
full-scale plant have been studied. But
challenges still remain in both the science
and engineering needed to optimize the proc-
ess and its economics on a large scale. The
physics of the molecular excitation is not
sufficiently d e f i e d to choose process param-
eters that optimize selectivity, and some
problems associated with irradiating large
volumes of material have yet to be solved.
But we are rapidly drawing nearer to our
goal. Fig. 2. In the ground-state configuration the fluorine nuclei in a surur hexafluoride
(SF& molecule occupy the vertices of a regular octahedron about the central sulfur
Molecular Laser Isotope nucleus. Shown here are the six fundamental vibrational modes that, singly or in
combination, describe the complex motion of and other octahedral molecules,
Separation Methods
such as UF6. m y the v3 and v4 modes can be excited by absorption of infrared
photons, and, since only these modes involve motion of the sulfur nucleus, any shifts
Three methods of molecular photodissoci- due to suffur isotopes are confined to these particular modes. The v3 mode stretches
ation have been used successfully to separate one S-F bond and compresses a second S - F bond that is colinear with thefirst. The v4
isotopes: a single-photon process, in which a mode bends the four coplanar S-F bonds.
Internuclear Distance
ability. Predissociation (Fig. 3) involves a
photon-induced transition not directly to a
repulsive electronic state but to a pre-
dissociative state-a vibrational state within
a bound excited electronic state that is
energetically coupled to the repulsive elec-
tronic state. That is, the bound excited and
repulsive electronic states have the same
energy (the curve-crossing energy) at some
Fig. 3. Predissociution. The three potential energy curves depict the molecular binding internuclear distance greater than the
energy as a function of internuclear distance. The curves for the ground electronic equilibrium internuclear distance for the
state and the bound excited electronic state exhibit energy minima and thus represent ground electronic state. Then, if the bound
stable molecular configurations. The curvefor the repulsive electronic state represents excited and repulsive electronic states have
an unstable configuration in which the molecule dissociates because the forces are certain symmetry relations and if the energy
always repulsive. The usual photodissociation process involves a transition directly to of the vibrational state is near the
a repulsive electronic state. The arrow represents a photon-induced transit ion of one curve-crossing energy, dissociation occurs
isotopic species to a vibrational state within the bound excited electronic state. This by tunneling from the bound excited elec-
transition can result in predissociation in which the molecule tunnelsfrom the bound tronic state to the repulsive electronic state.
This dissociation by tunneling is called pre-
excited electronic state to the repulsive electronic state and then dissociates.
dissociation because it requires a photon
energy less than that required for dissocia-
visible or an ultraviolet photon excites a In all these processes, including pre- tion directly from the repulsive electronic
molecule to a "predissociative" state; a dissociation, selectivity is based on the state. By tuning a laser to the frequency
two-step process, in which an infrared isotopically distinct energies of the matching the transition energy of the
photon excites a vibrational state of a molecule's vibrational states. In a vibrational isotopic species of interest, that species can
molecule and an ultraviolet photon dis- state the nuclei of a molecule undergo be selectively excited and dissociated.
sociates the excited molecule; and a multi- oscillatory motion about the ground-state A requirement for isotopic selectivity of
step infrared process, in which infrared configuration (Fig. 2) at some frequency. predissociation is that the shift of the vibra-
photons excite successively higher and high- This frequency depends on the masses of the tional energy levels for the different isotopic
er vibrational states of a molecule until its nuclei. In particular, molecules containing species be greater than their energy widths.
dissociation limit is reached. lighter isotopes vibrate at higher frequencies. The energy width of a state is determined in
frared Spectroscopy" in this issue). This tion of SF6 as a function of laser fluence at a laser intensity is superimposed on the
detailed spectroscopic data has provided the laser frequency of 944 c m . We see that at low-intensity absorption spectrum. Why this
basis for quantitative theoretical models of low fluences only the "SF,, molecules are laser tuning is optimum for SF^ seems
the excitation process. dissociated, but at higher fluences the other puzzling until we realize that the laser is
Pulses from a CO, laser tuned near either isotopic species may also dissociate. This pumping molecules up the entire ladder of
of the isotopically distinct Q-branch peaks of decrease in selectivity is predominantly due vibrational states, all the way to dissociation.
the v3 vibrational mode of SF6will selectively to a broadening of the vibrational states' Since the energy difference between vibra-
dissociate that isotopic species if the laser energy widths in the presence of intense tional states decreases as the molecules reach
intensity is sufficiently great. The dissociated radiation fields. higher states, those molecules some distance
molecules, namely SF., then undergo further At high laser intensity we can achieve the up the ladder will more readily absorb radi-
dissociation to SF4, which is then converted best selectivity for SF^ by tuning the laser ation at frequencies lower than the frequency
to SOF, for separation from the other to the red of its 948-cm' peak in the required to reach the first vibrational state.
chemical species by fractional distillation. low-intensity spectrum, or closer to the ex- Thus, the frequency for selective vibrational
The selectivity of this process depends on citation frequency of the unwanted isotopic excitation at high intensity is red-shifted
both the laser frequency and its fluence. species. We can see this quantitatively in Fig. from that at low intensity.
Figure 9 shows the probability for dissocia- 10, where the dissociation spectrum at high One measure of the efficiency of an
Fig. 11. Photograph of plant prototype constructed at Los area leading into the photolysis chamber (centerfront) and the
Alarnos for production of suJfur-33 and sulfur-34 by multi- high-repetition-ratepulsed C 0 2 laser (center rear).
pie-photon dissociation of S&. Shown are the gas expansion
isotope separation process is the enrichment To see how well the process would work peak, selectively dissociates the molecules by
parameter p. In the case of the sulfur on a larger scale, Los Alamos scientists have multiple-photon excitation and produces
isotopes, p for, say, sulfur-34 is defined a s constructed and operated a small plant pro- ' 3 plus~ fluorine
~ atoms. Back reaction of
totype for production of sulfur-33 and sul- the fluorine atoms with SF^ is prevented by
fur-34 by multiple-photon dissociation. The adding hydrogen and a small amount of
prototype (Fig. 11) consists of a gas re- water vapor to the system. A fast chemical
circulation system that provides a con- reaction occurs that converts SF4 to SOF2,
tinuous flow of SF6 gas through an irradia- which is chemically inert and can be sepa-
where ^N and "N are the number densities tion zone and a C 0 2 laser with an output rated from the other chemical species.
of sulfur-34 and sulfur-32, respectively. The energy of 0.5 joule per pulse that irradiates After a fixed period of operation, the gas
laboratory experiments based on multiple- the gas at a repetition rate of 200 hertz. is pumped from the system, and the various
photon dissociation of SF6 with sin- Dimensions of the irradiation zone in cen- chemical species are separated in a distilla-
gle-frequency infrared radiation have pro- timeters are 50 by 0.3 by 0.3. The laser, tion column. In 6 hours this system produces
duced values of p^ as high as 1000. tuned to the SF^ high-intensity absorption about 1 gram of SFg with a pS4of about 2.2
ation) has achieved the status of a familiar "pumped" to achieve a population inversion. Electron
word. But the principles upon which lasers bombardment or exposure to an intense light source are
operate may not be so familiar. Atoms or molecules can common methods of pumping. And usually the active
exist only in certain definite energy levels. In the presence medium must be contained within a suitable optical
of a photon with an energy equal to the difference cavity, such as a pair of highly reflecting mirrors. The
between the energies of two such levels, atoms or cavity provides the feedback for lasing. T o extract energy
molecules can undergo either of two processes, absorp- from the cavity, one of the mirrors is partially trans-
tion or stimulated emission. In absorption, the more mitting. The output of the cavity is an intense, highly
familiar process, an atom or molecule in the lower energy monochromatic beam of light.
level absorbs the photon and makes a transition to the Compared to light from other sources, laser light can
upper energy level. In stimulated emission an atom or be much more intense, monochromatic, and directional.
molecule in the upper level makes a transition to the lower Lasers producing such light with wavelengths ranging
level and emits a photon. The emitted photon and the from the ultraviolet to the far infrared are now available.
stimulating photon are spatially and temporally coherent In fact, some lasers can be tuned to cover a wide range of
(that is, they have the same phase and energy) and travel wavelengths. The many applications of laser light take
in the same direction. If the upper energy level has a advantage of one or more of its unusual properties.
greater population of atoms or molecules than the lower Normally, a laser is developed before its applications
level (a condition known as population inversion), an are conceived. But our program for enriching uranium
intense field of coherent radiation can be produced as the presented the reverse situation-the application was a t
emitted photon in turn stimulates another atom or hand, but lasers with the required properties did not exist.
molecule in the upper level to emit a photon, and so on. The properties demanded of an infrared laser for the
The atoms or molecules are then said t o be lasing. first step in our enrichment scheme, selective vibrational
Developing a working laser is not as simple as explain- excitation of ^UF6 molecules, were a wavelength near 16
ing its operating principle. The first requirement is a micrometers, narrow frequency bandwidth, high energy
collection of atoms or molecules among whose energy per pulse (greater than 0.1 joule), and short pulse length
levels are suitable upper and lower levels between which (on the order of 0.1 microsecond). Another highly
lasing can occur. (Suitable here refers to the ease of desirable, if not mandatory, property was tunability.
producing and maintaining a population inversion. That either continuous or in discrete steps. Our search for such
is, the upper level must be easily populated, and the lower a laser began about eight years ago with suggestions from
low temperature.
Experiments a r e now done in a Further
closed-cycle system known as a pulsed re- Excitation
circulating loop (Fig. 17). Since the lasers
used in the experiments are pulsed at low
repetition rates, a continuous gas flow and a
large compressor train to move the gas
through the system were unnecessary. T o
produce a pulsed gas flow coincident with
4 Dissociation
the laser pulse, the recirculating loop in-
cludes a fast-acting hydraulic valve at the
entrance to the nozzle. The valve is actuated Dissociation
to U F 5 + F
at a typical rate of 1 hertz and provides a
fully supersonic flow of cooled gas lasting
about 2 milliseconds at the nozzle exit. With
this system experiments can be performed at
UF6 densities and temperatures that are
nearly the same as those for a full-scale
U F _ Dimer
plant. The only scaling required is increasing
the area of the gas flow and the
cross-sectional area of the irradiation zone.
UFt. After expansion through the nozzle, the
cooled gas is irradiated by a sequence of
infrared and ultraviolet laser pulses (Fig. 18).
Either one or two infrared lasers tuned in the
Fig. 18. The Los Alamos uranium enrichment scheme involves irradiating ex-
16-micrometer range provide selective vibra- pantion-cooled gas with infrared and ultraviolet lasers. The expansion super-
ti o n a 1 e x i a ion of 2 3 5 u F 6. ~h e cooling produces a substantial density of UF6 monomers at low temperature. Two
two-frequency infrared excitation described iirfrared lasers selectively excite the V3 vibrational mode of^m6molecules, and the
above provides higher selectivity than sin- excited molecules are dissociated by an ultraviolet laser. The UF5 product forms
g l e - f r e q u e n c y e x c i t a t i o n . T h e first particulatesthatareeasilyseparatedfromthegasflow.
UV Laser
Gas Flow
IR Laser
Fig. 21. Real-time diagnostic technique for determining the high-gainphotomultiplier before and after the volume has been
number density of produced during photolysis. A irradiated by the infrared and ultraviolet laser pukes. The
low-intensity dye laser induces fluorescence in the difference is a direct measure of the produced during
molecules within a small volume about I centimeter h w n - photolysis. In experiments using this diagnostic technique, the
stream of the photolysis zone. Thefluorescence is detected by a infrared laser beam can befocused to provide highfluences.
(in particular, the selectivity of the multi- undertaken the engineering design studies discuss some aspects of the scaling involved
ple-photon process as a function of laser needed to convert a small-scale laboratory in our concept of a production plant and
frequency and intensity and UFx tern- experiment into a full-scale production plant. then briefly describe the intermediate-scale
perature is uncertain), additional work will In these studies we have specified the pro- facilities.
be required before we know with certainty duction plant in as much detail as possible,
SCALING UP. The performance goals for a
that we have achieved the optimal set of identified the scaling required, and designed
two intermediate-scale facilities in which production plant include the following.
operating parameters.
plant equipment can be developed and the o Product assay: 2 3.2%
Engineering Considerations process can be evaluated. One of these 0 Tails assay: < 0.1%
facilities, the preprototype, is now as- o Capacity: 8.75 MSWUIyear
Concurrent with the experimental re- sembled; the other, the demonstration mod- 0 Availability: 2 90%
search efforts to optimize a and 0, we have ule, is still in the design stage. We will first 0 Product cost: 5 $40/SWU
In more concrete terms a plant must produce tro-optical system, which includes the lasers strongly influences the design of the
an annual throughput of 1,500,000 kilo- and the beam-transport optics; the data photolysis chamber, as does the need to
grams of reactor-grade uranium, with tails acquisition and control system; and the minimize diffraction and other optical losses.
depleted t o 0.1 per cent, at a cost of about process support system. Figure 22 shows Other parameters influencing its design are
$600 per kilogram. Obviously, developing these systems schematically. the UF6 number density and the temperature
reliable plant equipment to meet these goals The design of a production plant begins and pressure of the process gas.
is not a trivial task. with the choice, guided by the product cost For the values of a and 0 believed to be
The equipment for a production plant can goal, of a n a and 0 combination. T o arrive at attainable, a plant must have not one but
be grouped into four major systems: the a product cost less than $40/SWU, current several photolysis chambers t o achieve the
process gas system, which includes the calculations show that a must be greater desired product assay. The chambers are
photolysis chambers and the components than 3 and 9 must be between 0.05 and 0.30, arranged in what is commonly referred t o as
providing the flow of process gas; the elec- depending on a. The choice of a and 9 an enrichment cascade (Fig. 23); the term
Fig. 23. Schematic gas flow pattern in an 11-stage cascadefor exiting to the righ or l$t)jlows to another stage for further
uranium enrichment by h e r irradhtion of m6gas. Each enrkhment, and the incrementally depleted stream from each
stage consists of a photolysk chamber and associated equip- stage flows to anuther stage for further depletion. This
ment. The relative volumetricjlow through a stage is indicated recirculatingjlow pattern avoids losses of separative work that
by the area of the rectangle representing the stage. The w o u occur
~ gstreams of unlike assay were mixed.
incrementally enrkhed stream from each stage (shown here
stage refers to a single chamber and its disposal system service the entire cascade. to higher energies by gangjng several laser
associated equipment. The number of stages All of the equipment necessary for the heads together in what is termed a master
in an enrichment cascade depends directly process gas system is within the current state oscillator power amplifier chain. Several
on the a and 0 combination chosen. In of the art. In particular, the flow equipment chains are necessary for each laser type.
general, low a and 0 values lead to a large developed for gaseous diflusion plants can be Individual high-energy beams must then be
number of stages, which in turn leads to translated in a relatively straightforward combined spatially to achieve the required
increased complexity, large size, high energy manner to a molecular laser isotope separa- beam area. T o irradiate all of the gas flowing
consumption, and high capital costs for the tion plant. through a plant-scale nozzle, the repetition
plant. The electro-optical system for a pro- rate of the laser pulses must be about 10,000
Each photolysis chamber in the cascade duction plant must be capable of uniformly hertz. Direct extrapolation of current tech-
includes a nozzle that might be as much as 8 irradiating the gas flow through each nology to achieve such high rates from a
meters wide, in contrast to the single 20-cen- photolysis chamber with the required in- single laser is not likely. However, the re-
timeter nozzle used in the laboratory experi- frared and ultraviolet laser fluences. The quired rate can be achieved by temporally
ments. Further, the gas flow though the laboratory experiments were performed with combining reliable, long-lived lasers with
c h a m k r s must be continuous rather than a small beam size and a low repetition rate repetition rates of about 1250 hertz. A
pulsed. Each stage must include a com- (about 1 hertz). Both these parameters must system known as a multiplexer combines the
pressor system for moving the gas and be increased considerably in a production laser beams temporally and a reflective mir-
equipment for collecting the enriched UF5, plant. ror arrangement called a dihedral combiner
converting it back to UF6, and returning it The required increase in beam area implies performs the spatial combination.
either to the cascade or to the final product a similar increase in beam energy to main- The electro-optical system must also com-
stream. A feed system, a gas purification tain the same fluence. The C 0 2 and XeCl pensate for the reduction in beam fluence
system, a tails removal system, and a waste lasers used in the experiments can be scaled that occurs as the beam progresses through
Fig. 25, The Laboratory's preprototype for testing the molecu- between that of the laboratory experiments and a production
lar h e r isotope separation process at a scale intermediate plant.
each photolysis chamber. This fluence reduc- ment for the process support system, such as equipment and each system. This level of
tion, which is due to absorption, degrades the cooling towers, gas liquefaction plants, and detail is suficient for reasonable costing, for
enrichment. It is not large, however, and can electrical power system, is standard and can studying design tradeoffs, and for establish-
be limited by restricting the width of the be obtained in the sizes required. ing the goals that can be achieved by scaling
photolysis chambers, In addition, the beam Integration of the cascade stages with the the process and the equipment.
transport system includes interstage optics electro-optical system is a major design and
that adjust the beam area to the required engineering problem. Figure 24 shows THE PREPROTOTYPE. Our first step toward
fluence as it is transmitted from one chamber schematically how this might be ac- a production plant was design and assembly
to the next. With this approach the laser complished. A typical production plant of a preprototype by the Laboratory's Ap-
beams can be adjusted to provide optimum might consist of two integrated cascades that plied Photochemistry Division. This facility
fluence at each stage of the cascade. share common subsidiary systems. will test the process and equipment at a scale
Data acquisition and process control for a We have carried out an extensive prod- significantly larger than that of the
plant demand no new technology, Existing uction plant design at a conceptual level. pulsed-flow experiments. The preprototype
computers and instrumentation can meet all That is, detailed design of equipment is (Fig. 25) includes a gas flow system capable
of the requirements for continuously bypassed in favor of an approach that clear- of continuous operation, lasers designed to
monitoring and controlling the elec- ly identifies the function, size, and operate at 1000 hertz, and a subscale
tro-optical and process gas systems. Equip- performance requirements for each piece of plant-type collector. The short lifetimes of
Further Reading