Desmond Smiths 5e Science Lesson Plan

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5E Lesson Plan

Teacher: Desmond Smith

Date: June 12, 2023
Subject / grade level: Science/ 2nd grade
Science journal/ Three way chart
Zip lock bag
Link to Youtube Video
GA Science GSE:
S2P1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the properties of matter and changes that occur in objects.
Additional Content Area GSE:
ELAGSE2W7: Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., read a number of books on a single topic to
produce a report; record science observations).

Lesson objective(s):
The students will be able to identify the different states of matter. (solid, liquid, and gas).
The students will be able to write a informational paragraph explaining properties.
The students will be able to explain how the states of matter changes.
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
I can refine their explanations of why they ranked their materials in that manner.
Students may need guidance in finding the properties each material has. Use questions to guide their thinking.
ELL learners may need some vocabulary to help write down the properties. They may draw pictures to illustrate the

● Describe how the teacher will capture students’ interest.

● What kind of questions should the students ask themselves after the engagement?

Students will video this two minute video and complete a notice and wondering table to activate their prior knowledge of
matter. Time-lapse: from ice to vapor
Guiding Questions:
1. What causing the ice to change in many different forms?
2. What is happening in the video?
3. What are the different stages of this ice named?
4. If you did this experiment would you have the same results?

The students will complete the graphic organizer using the powerpoint to begin noticing the differences and similarities
after viewing all three pictures and the video. (Ice cube- solid)

5E Lesson Plan

(water -liquid) (air- gas)

Graphic Organizer:

Differences: Similarities.

● Describe what hands-on/mind-on activities students will be doing.

● List “big idea” conceptual questions the teacher will use to encourage and/or focus students’ exploration

The students will have a a solid, liquid and gas chart to jot down their observations. Students are allowed to move at
their own pace to give detailed comments.

Students will click the link to a lab activity that will allow them to heat
up ice (solid) and record the temperature as it is turning into a liquid. The students will be able to visulize how the three
different phases connect to each other. Students should be watchful for the temperature the solid starts turning into
Guided Questions:
1. Is the object hot or cold starting off?
2. What caused the ice to melt inside the beaker?
3. What is the size?
4. Did the texture of the object change? If so how many times?
5. What did you notice happen at six minutes?

The students will get one popsicle and place inside a zip-lock bag. After taking observations of the popsicle inside the
bag, the student will place their hand on top of the popsicle causing warmth. The student should keep their hands
placed on top. The popsicle will turn into liquid, and the student can make observations.

1. The teacher will ask what the student's notice is changing about the popsicle. Students may notice the melting.
2. Did the shape change inside the bag?
3. Why do you think the popsicle changed when your hand was on top?
● Student explanations should precede the introduction of terms or explanations by the teacher. What questions
or techniques will the teacher use to help students connect their exploration to the concept under examination?
● List higher-order thinking questions which teachers will use to solicit student explanations and help them to
justify their explanations.

5E Lesson Plan

The students will have the opportunity to complete a padlet

pc3yz7raydda9qxo explaining the observation collected from the videos, labs, and activity. The rubric for this padlet is
displayed along with this link for completion. Students must include their names and answer 4 out of the 6 questions.

1. How is cube and popsicle the same and different?

2. What was the major different between the zip lock bag activity and the virtual lab?
3. What does the opening video and virtual lab have in common?
4. What did you notice happen at the bottom of the beaker? When did this change happen?
5. Do you think liquid can turn into gas without boiling?
6. When have you seen or used this type of method in your real life?
● Describe how students will develop a more sophisticated understanding of the concept.

● What vocabulary will be introduced and how will it connect to students’ observations?

● How is this knowledge applied in our daily lives?

Once the students have completed the padlet. There will be a slide to review the vocabulary words needed for this topic.
Students can login their PebbleGo to begin working on their informational writing.
The students will use their observations from the opener, lab, activity and PebbleGo as evidence to explain how
the temperature affects the states of matter. Students can use the login provided if their personals aren’t working.

State of Matter

The writing should use the vocabulary explained in the research.

This activity should only be one paragraph.
The beginning should be very clear.
The middle should at least be four sentences supporting the stance.
Ending should make sense of the stance and restate the observations.

Writing Rubric
● How will students demonstrate that they have achieved the lesson objective?

● This should be embedded throughout the lesson as well as at the end of the lesson.

At the end of the lesson students will read Matter: Physical Science for Kids by Andi Diehn on Epic Books. If the
student does not have access to Epic, there is a read aloud using this link Matter: Physical Science for Kids |
Literacy Lab Read Aloud This book will give students insight for how to explain the properties of a object for the
5E Lesson Plan

summary. This also integrates with connecting the illustrate to help elaborate the properties.

Summary: Using Flipgrid, students will explore around their house and pick an object and describe it using the ways
scientists describe objects. Student will not show the object in the camera. See if other students can figure out what
object you are describing. (Informal Assessment)

Reference/Inspiration (discuss in about 250 words why you chose to use this lesson/activity and where you obtained
your ideas):

As a student of science, I have always been fascinated by the properties of matter and how they interact with each
other. From the smallest particles to the largest structures, matter forms the basis of everything we see and experience
in our world. Therefore, when it came time to choose a topic for my project, I knew that exploring the properties of
matter would be both intriguing and informative.
One of the main reasons I chose to focus on properties of matter is because it is a broad and multi-dimensional topic.
There are countless aspects of matter that can be studied, such as its physical and chemical properties, its behavior
under different conditions, and its relationship to other forms of energy and matter. By delving into these different areas,
I am able to gain a deeper understanding of the world around me and how it works.
Furthermore, studying the properties of matter has practical applications in many fields, from medicine to engineering.
For example, understanding the properties of different materials can help engineers design stronger and more durable
structures, while knowledge of chemical properties can aid in the development of new drugs and treatments. By
exploring these topics in my project, I am not only satisfying my curiosity but also gaining valuable knowledge that can
be applied in the real world.

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