Science in Early Childhood Education Edited
Science in Early Childhood Education Edited
Science in Early Childhood Education Edited
(ECED 33)
Science in early childhood is
about providing experiences that can
stimulate young children's curiosity and
motivate them to become interested in
their environment and in the mechanisms
of nature.
Scientificthinking and the desire to
explore and investigate can be used to
your advantage in the classroom. You
can use children's natural curiosity to
teach any one of your curricula learning
Why is science important in
early childhood education?
Science encourages and teaches
children how to discover and wonder
about everything in the world around
Why is teaching science
Itis important to teach science because
of the following: Science is a significant
part of human culture and represents one
of the pinnacles of human thinking
capacity. It provides a laboratory of
common experience for development of
language, logic, and problem-solving skills
in the classroom.
What is science concept in
early childhood education?
Theconcept of science in early childhood
programs is an abstraction that represents
objects, events, activities or relationships
that have the same sign that is related to
scientific knowledge (science).
What is the importance of
science in education?
Science instills a sense of intrigue and
enables students to develop
understanding and form questions based
both on the knowledge they already have
and the insight they wish to gain in the
future. Students who excel in science
lessons are likely to develop a strong
ability to think critically.
Science Increases our Fundamental
New Technology.
Creates New Applications.
Science Allows us to Share Ideas.
Helps us Understand Our World Even
Importance to School Students.
Learning Science: The Benefits
What are the components of
science in early childhood
It proposes four basic ideas:
(1) doing science is a natural and critical part
of children's early learning;
(2) children's curiosity about the natural world
is a powerful catalyst for their work and play;
(3) with the appropriate guidance, this
natural curiosity and need to make sense of
the world become the foundation for
beginning to use skills of inquiry to explore
basic phenomena and materials of the world
surrounding children; and
(4) this early science exploration can be a
rich context in which children can use
and develop other important skills,
including working with one another, basic
large- and small-motor control, language,
and early mathematical understanding.
How do you explain science
to a child?
According to Elaine Duncan (September 23, 2020)
I love talking to other people about science! As a STEM Ambassador, I’m
passionate about going into local schools and encouraging the next generation
of drug discovery scientists. However, explaining scientific research to children and
young people can be really, really challenging! Check out this ebook, Jill & Doug
and the Whompwhompoulus Bug, which talks about the process of how
medicines are discovered, tested, and approved.
However, explaining scientific research to children and young people can be
really, really challenging!
Here's my Top 5 tips for talking to kids about science:
Ask questions. ...
Don't oversimplify the science. ...
Choose your words wisely. ...
Make it relatable. ...
Be prepared for difficult questions
1. Ask questions.
I wholeheartedly believe that being a good
scientist is not necessarily about what you know,
but about how you think. Science is a practical
and creative subject – of course learning the
theory is important, but being inquisitive and
knowing how to solve problems are requirements
of the best scientists. Rather than simply telling the
child about the research, ask questions to
encourage them to work things out for themselves.
If something is wrong, provide additional
information to guide them in the right direction.
Encouraging curiosity and letting conversations be
driven by the child’s interest are key when
increasing engagement with science.
2. Don’t oversimplify the
Every year in chemistry class at school, we
were told that something we’d learned the
previous year was incorrect. Children are
often willing to accept the most complex
scientific principles, so try to clearly explain
the underlying theory and take-home
messages of your work without oversimplifying
the science. Getting the right balance is
tricky, but if you start simple and are checking
their understanding as you go, you soon get a
feel for the appropriate level of complexity.
3. Choose your words wisely.
Often it’s not the science that’s
inaccessible to young minds, but the
endless jargon and complex vocabulary
used in research. Even experienced
scientists can struggle to read a paper in
an unfamiliar field! Make sure to clearly
explain any unfamiliar terms and avoid
using them if possible!
That being said, it’s still important to introduce
the language we use. My personal favorites
when running kitchen science experiments
are to ask what the child thinks will happen
(“what’s your hypothesis?”) and then whether
they were right (“what’s your conclusion?”).
Combining technical terms with their non-
scientific equivalents (“making observations”
vs “what does it look like?”) is a great way to
introduce the right vocabulary without
making the child overwhelmed.
4. Make it relatable.
Research has shown that engagement in
scientific subjects is increased when children
can directly relate to the scientific principles
being taught and see their impact in their
day-to-day lives. I love hearing about
engineers who talk about the structural
integrity of different chocolate bars, and
physicists who talk about the forces involved
in wearing different shoes for different sports.
Demonstrating the applications of the theory
is important in showing young people that
science is everywhere!
It’s hard to visualize abstract scientific
concepts, especially when talking about
things we can’t see with the naked eye,
so use analogies! Build on existing
experiences the child has from everyday
life, and think about linking the science
you’re discussing to anything they’ve
recently learned at school.
5. Be prepared for difficult
When I asked a class of 11-year olds how they
think medicines are made, I will never forget
the strong-minded answer from one girl: “You
test them on animals which is WRONG!” The
hardest questions I’ve ever had to answer
about my work have come from non-
scientists. In drug discovery, care of our
animals and their responsible use in research is
our priority, and conveying this message to
the general public is also part of our
responsibility as scientists.
Anyone involved with scientific engagement
will tell you that talking to children is one of
the most difficult yet rewarding experiences
we have. Children are often very imaginative
and can provide welcome inspiration to
solving your own scientific projects. More than
anything, it often reminds me why I decided
to be a scientist in the first place – to be
curious and have fun!
1. Curiosity of Children
How is curiosity related to science?
Science curiosity is a desire to seek out
and consume scientific information just for
the pleasure of doing so. People who are
science-curious do this because they take
satisfaction in seeing what science does
to resolve mysteries.
Why is curiosity so important?