2019 DryKeep Presentation

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DryKeep® Transformer Moisture Management System

Critical Asset Management and Life Extension, Condition-Based Monitoring, and Real-Time Data Analytics
Manufactured by Ardry Trading Company in the USA.
§Complete source for all substation, transmission and distribution equipment for underground
and overhead systems, OEM transformer and switchgear components, tools, fault indicators,
wire & cable, power transformer life extension, measurement & recording instruments, and
C&I products.

§Serve the utility, industrial, commercial, contractor, government, NGO, military and OEM
component markets throughout the world for over 75 years.

§Experienced electrical sales engineers that know the products they represent as well as the
markets they serve.

§A marketing, engineering, specifying, logistics, stocking distributor and manufacturer.

Power Transformers: Most Critical Asset
Power transformers are one of the most critical assets in the
electric grid.

Life expectancy of 25-40 years. Can last longer with proper


High cost of transformer failure and/or replacement.

Utilities are faced with reducing capital and maintenance


Extension of the power transformer life a key

strategy in cost reduction.

Reactive asset management is inefficient and costly.

Too much focus on the oil and not the cellulose insulation!
A transformer consists mainly of copper,
grain-oriented electrical steels (GOES), paper,
wood and insulating oil.
The copper and steel are not a problem. Will
last a long time.
While the oil ages more rapidly, it can be
changed and treated.
Temperature, oxygen and moisture cause the
cellulose insulation to degrade and age.
While temperature and oxygen are typically
monitored and addressed, moisture in the
cellulose insulation tends to be left unabated
making it the single-greatest reason the
cellulose inside a transformer ages, degrades,
and eventually causes the transformer to fail.
It is unfortunate that the cellulose insulation
cannot be renewed without major cost to the
owner. Cellulose insulation preservation
through proper dehydration needs to be
Sources of Water Contamination
1. Residual moisture after initial factory dry-out in cellulose (0.3 – 1.0%).

2. Ingress from atmosphere:

a) Absorption of water from direct exposure of the insulation to the air (installation and repair works),

b) Ingress of moisture in the form of molecular flow due to difference in the water concentration in
the atmosphere and in the oil in the tank (minimal),

c) Viscous flow of wet air into the transformer caused by the difference between the atmospheric
pressure and the pressure in the tank (bad seals, leaks).

3. Aging decomposition of cellulose.

4. Aging decomposition of oil.


 Chemically-bound water: Paper glucose molecule that gives

paper mechanical strength. Must remain. Must prevent over-

 Free Water: Collects at bottom of tank. Continuous moisture

removal prevents this.

 Suspended Water: Trapped in the oil decay byproducts.

 Dissolved Water: Moisture dissolved in oil and bound in the paper

insulation. Presence reduces dielectric strength of paper and oil
and accelerates aging of the paper which reduces mechanical
strength. Only by removing this moisture continuously can we
protect and extend the life of the transformer.
The Transfer Effect

During normal operation, any increase in operating

temperature above 35 degrees C, will drive moisture out
of the paper. This free moisture will either dissolve in the
oil if the oil is dry enough, or it will “rain” down, in an
energized field, between the interface of the oil and

Similarly, with any decrease in temperature, the moisture

will tend to migrate back into the paper but does so at a
much slower rate than when it came out of the paper.
Free water is the result.
Chemical Decomposition of Paper and Oil

The eventual breakdown of the base oil molecules due to the oxidative processes is
inevitable. H2O is formed.

Paper has an affinity for moisture much greater than oil. Moisture replaces the oil in the paper.
The presence of moisture in paper promotes acid-hydrolysis by causing carboxylic acids to
dissociate, ageing the paper more rapidly then if moisture was abated and more moisture is
formed. Ageing becomes auto-acceleratory.
Why Moisture is Bad for Transformers

Presence of moisture in a transformer leads to:

• Chemical decomposition of paper and oil.

• Deterioration of dielectric properties of paper

and oil.

• Irreversible deterioration of mechanical

properties of paper.

• The problem is auto-acceleratory

 At low moisture, aging
is slow and potential life
is long.
 As moisture level rises
above 1.5%, the rate of
decay begins to
seriously accelerate.
 Paper with 3.5%
moisture degrades 20
times faster than at
0.5%…insulation viable
for only a short period
of time.
Moisture-Induced Dielectric Breakdown:
Chain of Events
Moisture embeds in the voids of the paper, causing
partial discharges.

Partial Discharges cause carbonization.

Carbon causes Treeing.

Treeing causes Breakdown of Insulation.

Deterioration of Mechanical Properties of Paper
As the paper ages, tensile strength decreases.

Temperature and moisture are the two main causes

“Degree of Polymerization” quantities degradation.

Calculated using the Carothers Equation. Wallace

Carothers invented Nylon.

DP is a measure of the fiber bonding strength and is

the average length of the cellulose chains, in
glucose units, that make up the paper insulation.

Aging of the paper is a chemical reaction.

Shortens the molecules of the paper fibers and

reduces molecular bonding causing paper to lose
mechanical properties/strength.
Furan Analysis to Estimate DP
 When cellulose degrades, the bonds that hold
the glucose molecules together break apart,
releasing glucose into the oil. Glucose is an
unstable molecule so it is quickly converted
into furan. Furan is a stable molecule, soluble in
oil, and only produced in a transformer by the
degradation of cellulose, so it is an ideal
substance to measure in order to gain
information about the condition of the paper
 Taking a sample for Furan Analysis is a non-
invasive procedure that requires a relatively
small amount of oil and is easy to test using
routinely gathered oil samples.
 To run a Furan Analysis, the oil is analyzed with
high-pressure liquid chromatography and the
concentrations of the five main derivatives of
furan are measured:
1) 2-Furfural (2-FAL)
Furan Analysis 2) 2-Furfurol (2-FOL)
3) 2-Acetylfuran (2-ACF)
Þ Degree of 4) 5-Methyl-2-furfural (5-MEF)
Polymerization 5) 5-Hydroxy methyl-2-furfural (5-HMF)
 The concentrations are reported as an
estimated Degree of Polymerization.
Correlation studies indicate that the DP value
resulting from tests on paper samples is very
close to the estimated DP from furan analysis.
Lab Accelerated Ageing to Correlate Furan Analysis with Degree of Polymerization

When plotted, scattering shows uncertainty. This would be exaggerated in the field.
National Grid Field Study of Furan Analysis
Furan to DP example

DP =__1674____ = 668
Using DP to Estimate % of Remaining Life
“We Already Prevent Moisture”
We have “sealed” transformers.

We use a nitrogen blanket.

We have silica gel breathers.

Only limits ingress from atmosphere or the moisture content of the air
that comes into the transformer.

Preventing moisture from entering the transformer from external

sources will not inhibit production of moisture from the oil and
cellulose breakdown. Moisture will build up internally due to the
normal aging and degradation of the oil and paper insulation.

For example, a 10 year old completely sealed transformer will still

contain a minimum 1.5% moisture by weight… (0.5% factory level
plus 1% internal build up every 10 years).
“We Don’t Have Moisture Issues”
We process the oil and have the moisture removed.

We use portable dry-out units already.

Our oil samples show very low moisture PPM levels.

Never had a transformer fail because of moisture.

95-98% of moisture is in the paper, not the oil.

Moisture is a byproduct of the aging of the oil and the paper.

Always increasing. Mechanical degradation to cellulose is

6PPM at 40°C = 1.83%.......6PPM at 20° C = 3.83%

Cellulose insulation deterioration accounts for 20% of all

transformer failures, second only to line surges, according to
Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company.
The Problem With Moisture
 Moisture always accumulates-unless constantly
 Detrimental even at low levels.
 Weakens dielectric strength of oil and paper
 Weakens mechanical strength of cellulose insulation.
 Accelerates aging of cellulose insulation.
 Can result in arcing and short circuits within the
 Presence creates more moisture.
 Ultimately will cause cellulose insulation to fail.
 Reduces potential service life.
 Damage to the mechanical strength of the paper is
irreversible, rendering reactive/portable dry-outs
The Big Picture
We have seen the implications of moisture as a catalyst for adverse change in the transformer… how it
sets the stage for the decomposition of the winding insulation, and in the process limits the potential life
and performance of the transformer.
Moisture Strategies
 Ideally, keep the insulation factory dry.
 Remove moisture that has accumulated
and don’t allow further accumulation to
build up and degrade insulation with
reactive measures.
Portable Units Are Corrective, Not Proactive or Preventative.
Developing Your Moisture Management Plan of Action
Ø Step One: Revise your power transformer specifications so that a proactive moisture
management system is included with your transformer from the factory.

Ø Step Two: Rank the transformers in your current fleet to plan and budget for moisture
reduction and management for existing assets based on priority and need.
Ø Critical loads go to the top!

Ø Bước Một: Sửa đổi các thông số kỹ thuật của máy biến áp điện của bạn để hệ thống quản lý độ ẩm chủ động được bao gồm
trong máy biến áp của bạn từ nhà máy.
Ø Bước Hai: Xếp hạng các máy biến áp trong đội máy hiện tại của bạn để lập kế hoạch và ngân sách cho việc quản lý và giảm
độ ẩm cho các tài sản hiện có dựa trên mức độ ưu tiên và nhu cầu.
Ø Tải quan trọng lên hàng đầu!
DryKeep® Technology
Molecular sieves are used as drying agents throughout
the world in many industries. Extensive research in the
1990’s lead to the identification of the proper molecular
sieve adsorption technology used by DryKeep today.
DryKeep® adsorption technology is properly sized and
coated to capture moisture molecules to the exclusion
of anything else.
DryKeep® cannot remove oil inhibitors.
DryKeep® cannot destroy the transformer’s DGA

Sàng phân tử được sử dụng làm chất làm khô trên toàn thế giới trong nhiều ngành công nghiệp. Nghiên cứu mở rộng vào những
năm 1990 đã dẫn đến việc xác định công nghệ hấp phụ sàng phân tử phù hợp được DryKeep sử dụng ngày nay.
Công nghệ hấp phụ DryKeep® có kích thước và lớp phủ phù hợp để thu giữ các phân tử độ ẩm để loại trừ bất kỳ thứ gì khác.
DryKeep® không thể loại bỏ chất ức chế dầu.
DryKeep® không thể phá hủy chữ ký DGA của máy biến áp.
Công nghệ DryKeep® bao gồm hai cảm biến độ ẩm trong dầu Vaisala MMT162 đọc PPM của độ ẩm trong dầu và nhiệt độ dầu đi
vào và ra khỏi hệ thống DryKeep®. MMT162 kết hợp thế hệ mới nhất của Cảm biến Vaisala HUMICAP®. Cảm biến được phát
triển để đo độ ẩm đòi hỏi khắt khe trong hydrocacbon lỏng và đã được sử dụng thành công trong các ứng dụng dầu mỏ trong hơn
một thập kỷ.

DryKeep® Technology

DryKeep® technology includes two Vaisala MMT162

moisture-in-oil sensors that read the PPM of moisture
in the oil and the oil temperature coming into and out
of the DryKeep® system. The MMT162 incorporates
. latest generation of the Vaisala HUMICAP®
Sensor. The sensor is developed for demanding
moisture measurement in liquid hydrocarbons and
has been successfully used in oil applications for
over a decade.

Permanently installed sensors provide a repeatable

engineering-based process that continuously
measures the water content and temperature of the
oil. DryKeep® SMART technology uses this real-time
data to estimate the percent moisture in the paper
insulation, control the drying process, communicate
data to responsible personnel, log historical data,
and provide trend analysis.

Các cảm biến được lắp đặt cố định cung cấp một quy trình dựa trên kỹ thuật có thể lặp lại để đo liên tục hàm lượng nước và nhiệt
độ của dầu. Công nghệ DryKeep® SMART sử dụng dữ liệu thời gian thực này để ước tính phần trăm độ ẩm trong giấy cách nhiệt,
kiểm soát quá trình làm khô, truyền dữ liệu cho nhân viên chịu trách nhiệm, ghi lại dữ liệu lịch sử và cung cấp phân tích xu hướng.
SMART: SCADA Monitoring Analysis Reporting Technology


Oil Flow
90 MVA Transformer, 133/33 kV. Manufactured in 1978
T3 Drykeep Perfo rm an ce


Moisture ppm / Tem pe rature deg C







Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- No v- Dec- Ja n- Feb- Mar- Apr- Ma y- Ju n- Jul- Au g- Se p- Oct- Nov-
99 99 99 99 99 99 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Sam ple Date


DryKeep® is Safe!

The pump is the only active component. Presents no electrical risk to the transformer.
DryKeep® is Safe!

Normal operation and system powered will show Green,

Cylinders saturated will show Amber,
Problem detected with the system itself will show Red. System will automatically shut the
pump down and isolation safety valves will close to completely isolate system from the
DryKeep® Moisture Management
Ø Power transformer windings are designed to withstand high axial forces which result from
short circuit events.

Ø To withstand these forces, the winding assembly is clamped to a predetermined pre-load

pressure during manufacture.

Ø As long as the transformer clamping system maintains pre-load pressure, the windings will
remain tight during a short circuit event and should therefore not sustain any damage.

Ø The thickness of the conductor material will not change except for the thermal expansion
and contraction during load cycles.

Ø Cellulose insulation that was allowed to adsorb moisture will swell.

Ø As moisture is removed, swelling will subside.

Ø Các cuộn dâyØ của
Over-drying lực được
máy biến ápcan causethiết
the để chịu được
kế windings to lực
comedọc loose.
trục cao do sự cố ngắn mạch.
Ø Để chịu được các lực này, cụm cuộn dây được kẹp vào áp suất tải trước được xác định trước trong quá trình sản xuất.
Ø Miễn là hệ thống kẹp máy biến
Ø DryKeep® áp duy
SMART trì áp suất tảiprevents
technology cuộn dây sẽ vẫn chặt trong trường hợp ngắn mạch và do đó sẽ
trước, cácover-drying.
không bị hư hỏng.
Ø Độ dày của vật liệu dây dẫn sẽ không thay đổi ngoại trừ sự giãn nở và co lại do nhiệt trong các chu kỳ tải.
Ø Chất cách điện cellulose được phép hấp thụ độ ẩm sẽ trương nở.
Ø Khi độ ẩm được loại bỏ, hiện tượng sưng tấy sẽ giảm bớt.
Ø Việc sấy quá khô có thể khiến các cuộn dây bị lỏng.
Ø Công nghệ DryKeep® SMART ngăn ngừa quá khô.
DryKeep’s SMART technology continuously monitors
the estimated percent moisture in the paper.
When moisture removal is required, oil flows through
the drying cyinders.
When the transformer has reached a safe level, the
system automatically actuates the divertor valve to
bypass the drying cylinders.
Continuous pump operation ensures constant
condition-based monitoring and provides all data

DryKeep® Is Simple To Install
Ø Ngăn ngừa hỏng hóc sớm.
Ø Làm chậm các hiệu ứng lão hóa tự động tăng tốc bằng cách loại bỏ vĩnh viễn độ ẩm khỏi da
hệ thống cách nhiệt cellulose.
Ø Tăng tuổi thọ và độ tin cậy của thiết bị.
Ø Giữ nguyên tính chất điện môi và cơ học của vật liệu cách điện cellulose.
Ø Cho phép máy biến áp chạy ở chu kỳ tải cao hơn với nguy cơ hỏng hóc giảm.
Technological Benefits with DryKeep
Ø Có thể giúp giảm chi phí bảo hiểm máy biến áp.
Ø Giảm chi phí bảo trì.
Ø Prevents premature failure.
Ø Slows the auto-acceleratory aging effects by PERMANENTLY removing moisture from the
cellulose insulation system.
Ø Increases the service life and reliability.
Ø Preserves the dielectric and mechanical properties of cellulose insulation.
Ø Enables transformers to be run on higher load cycles with reduced risk of failure.
Ø May enable lower insurance cost of transformer.
Ø Reduces maintenance costs.
Ø Proactive and preventative versus corrective and reactive.
Ø Simple to install with unattended operation and remote monitoring and control.
Ø Safety is built-in with automatic shutdown, isolation and alarming.
Ø Provides real-time assessment and condition-based monitoring of insulation under actual
operating conditions.
Ø Transformer remains online and loaded during operation.
Ø Chủ động và phòng ngừa so với khắc phục và phản ứng.
Ø Đơn giản để cài đặt với hoạt động không cần giám sát và giám sát và điều khiển từ xa.
Ø An toàn được tích hợp với tính năng tự động tắt, cách ly và báo động.
Ø Cung cấp khả năng đánh giá theo thời gian thực và theo dõi tình trạng cách nhiệt theo thực tế
điều kiện hoạt động.
Ø Máy biến áp vẫn trực tuyến và được tải trong quá trình vận hành.
Transformer Life Extension with DryKeep

Adapted from Cigré Brochure 323 – Ageing of cellulose in mineral-oil insulated

transformers, Figure 33: Simulation of maintenance action of cellulosic insulation and its
effect on retarding ageing.
Financial Benefit of with DryKeep
Financial Benefit with DryKeep
System Selection Criteria

Efficient at removing Should be a low-

Should be a simple,
Easy to install and moisture from oil and cost, proactive, Should be robust,
low maintenance
maintain. more importantly the permanent substation quality.
cellulose insulation. installation.

Offers local and Have a track record

Have built-in safety Self-regulating to remote reporting, of successful Local after-sales
features. prevent over-drying. monitoring and installations and support service.
control. customer references.

Complies with
Saturated cylinders relevant industry
are simple to standards. IEEE
regenerate locally. Standard C57-140-
DryKeep® vs competitors
Competitor DryKeep

Less Experience Over 20 years, over 1000 installed units

Drying done offlline. Saturated drying media replaced offline. Transformer remains energized

Saturated cartridges must be returned to factory Saturated cylinders regenerated on site/locally

Pump not suitable for transformer oil Pump made specifically for transformer oil

No self-regulation to prevent over-drying or must shut down pump to prevent SMART system with divertor valve prevents over-drying while providing
over-drying. continuous, real-time, condition-based data
Insufficient pump flow/head DryKeep pump flow rate optimized for maximum drying of oil. DryKeep
pump head suitable up to 60 feet with constant flow rate

Pump not rated for outdoor use; must have cover. Rated for outdoor use

Does not control ESD. Static dissipative hoses prevents breakdown from ESD.

Improper gaskets TD 1049 cork compounded with Nitrile (NBR) rubber cylinder gasket suited
for mineral and silicone oil according to ASTM D3455 “Test Methods for
Compatibility of Construction Materials with Electrical Insulating Oil of
Petroleum Origin” and ASTM D5282 “Test Methods for Compatibility of
Construction Materials with Silicone Fluid used for Electrical Insulation” •
No data logging All data logged for historical and trend analysis

Doesn’t provide estimated % moisture in paper or total moisture removed. SMART system algorithm provides real-time, average, and historical
estimated % moisture in paper and total moisture removed.
Minimal outputs for remote communications, SCADA. Ethernet, fiber optic, cellular, and WLAN communications for simple
SCADA and remote control, monitoring and alarming.
DryKeep® Offers Superior Performance

Competitor’s pump:
• Not rated for transformer oil
• Inefficient and not powerful
Customization and System Testing
 Reduce moisture content
 Improve breakdown voltage
 Reuse On-Line Dry-out unit after Pilot

Outcome of Pilot

5.5 liters of moisture

removed over 5
month period (June
2015 – Nov 2015).
Verified by weighing
the cylinder before
and after replacing
molecular sieve
Ø The life of a transformer is directly related to the life of the cellulose insulation.

Ø Moisture pervasive; more serious liability than thought.

Ø Limits acceptance of load and stress.

Ø Reduces dielectric and mechanical strength.

Ø Shortens potential service life.

Ø Paper and oil aging are substantial source of moisture.

Ø Using portable dry-out systems is reactive. Does not extend life of the asset.

Ø Cellulose insulation aging reduction must be a driving consideration rather than a short term

Ø Avoidance of moisture build-up in cellulose is key to asset management of power transformers.

Ø DryKeep® technology provides proactive critical asset management that extends the life of a
transformer with clear technological and financial benefits and is the SMART solution to
moisture in power transformers.
Further Resources
Ø IEC 60422 – Supervision and maintenance guide for mineral insulating oils in
electrical equipment
Ø IEEE C57.106-2015 Guide for Acceptance and Maintenance of Insulating Oil in
Ø IEC 60076-7 - Loading Guide for oil-immersed power transformers
Ø CIGRE Brochure 248 – Guide on economics of transformer management
Ø Cigré brochure 227 “Life management techniques for power transformers”
Ø T.V. Oommen and L.N. Arnold, "Cellulose insulation materials evaluated by degree
of polymerization measurements”
Ø A.M. Emsley, R.J. Heywood, M. Ali, X. Xiao: “Degradation of cellulosic insulation in
power transformers .4. Effects of ageing on the tensile strength of paper”,
Ø A.M. Emsley, “The kinetics and mechanism of degradation of cellulosic insulation in
power transformers”
Ø H.Yoshida, Y.Ishioka, T.Suzuki, T.Yanari, T.Teranishi,: “Degradation of insulating
materials of transformers”
Ø Takayuki Kobayashi, Takayuki Kido, Kojiro Shimomugi of TEPCO Power Grid Inc,
“How Transformers Age” T&D World, January 2019
contact Ed Vance, DryKeep USA Sales Manager at [email protected].


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