JANNES Teaching Profession
JANNES Teaching Profession
JANNES Teaching Profession
First Semester, SY 2018-2019
Revised: June 2018
Vision: The College of Maasin as a dynamic learning institution commits its life resources and ministry toward the development of persons, nurtured by faith in God and
the liberating process of excellent learning toward holistic and creative action for social renewal.
Mission: The College of Maasin with the dynamic integration of instruction, research and extension, commits itself in seeking a life of faith, learning and action to develop
people into becoming God-loving citizens with integrity in character, intellectually competent and honest, morally and ethically sensitive, excellent in work
performance, creatively aware and responsive to the needs and aspirations of people for the realization of a just, free and responsible Christian social
Goals: 1. Provide a general education program that will promote national identity, cultural consciousness, moral integrity and spiritual vigor
2. Train the nation’s manpower in the skills required for national development
3. Develop the professions that will provide leadership for the nation, advance knowledge through research work and apply new knowledge improving the
quality of human life and responding effectively to change societal needs and conditions.
Vision: A dynamic department of The College of Maasin which envisions itself as one of the premier teacher-training institution.
Mission: To provide quality and relevant teacher education program towards producing competitive, honest, responsible and productive teachers who are able to meet
the demands of the Basic Education sector.
Goals: 1. Develop educators who are responsive to the educational needs of the Philippine society imbued with sincerity for the service to bring about holistic
development of the learners.
Intended Learning Outcomes No. of Course Content Teaching & Learning Activities Assessment Tools
The students are able to: Hours
1. Shared their views and expectations to the school, 3 1. Orientation Period: Discussion of Discussion – interaction on the Oral Questioning
instructor and the course. CM and College of Teacher CM and College of Teacher Quiz
Education VMG Education VMG
2. Conduct Pre-test Pre-test
2. Enumerate at least seven (7) philosophies of 6 Chapter 1: You, The Teacher, as a Person Interactive and lecture Concept Map
education and draw their implications to teaching- in Society discussion Quizzes
1.1 Your Philosophical Heritage
3 The Teaching Profession
learning. 1.2 Formulating Your Philosophy of Small group discussion Journal
3. Formulate own philosophy of education. Education By means of a concept map,
4. Discuss and internalize the foundational principles 1.3 The Foundational Principles of illustrate the different
of morality. Morality and You philosophies of education and
1.4 Values Formation and You
5. Accept continuing values formation as an integral their implications to teaching-
1.5 Teaching as Your Vocation, Mission
part of personal and professional life. learning
and Profession
6. Clarify if you truly value teaching. Journal Writing on their own
7. Explain teaching as a vocation, mission and a philosophy of education.
profession Journal writing on teaching as a
vocation, mission and a
8. Explain the competencies as contained in the 6 Chapter 2: The Teacher in the Classroom Reporting Graph Matrix on the
NCBTS that each teacher must possess in order to and Community Cooperative Learning NCBTS and Code of
function effectively in the classroom and in the 2.1 The National Competency-Based Create concept map of the Ethics
community. Standards (NCBTS) relationship between the Concept map
2.2 the 21st Century Teacher
9. Relate the NCBTS to the Code of Ethics for NCBTS and Code of Ethics for Quizzes
2.3 School and Community Relations
Professional Teachers Professional Teachers
2.4 Linkages and Networking with
10. Examine the responsiveness of the present Organizations
teacher education curriculum to the needs of the
teacher as she performs her role in the classroom
and in the community.
11. Deepen understanding on the various roles of the
teacher in the classroom and in the community.
12. Describe a global teacher in the context of global 9 Chapter 3: On Becoming a Global Reporting Quizzes
education. Teacher Small Group Work Matrix
13. Analyze and compare the education of selected 3.1 Global Education and the Global Make a matrix on the Journal
countries of the world. Teacher educational system of the
3.2 A Closer Look at the Education
14. Describe multicultural diversity as an element of selected countries of the world.
Systems of Selected Countries of the
global education and the role of the teacher in Group Activity – observe a
addressing diversity among learners. 3.3 Multicultural Diversity: A Challenge to class. Observe how do children
15. Identify opportunities in teacher exchange Global Teachers differ from each other in one
programs for the development of world-class 3.4 Broadening Teaching Perspectives: class? And identify what aspect
teachers. Teacher Exchange Programs (culture, religion, gender,
16. Describe global application of technology in the 3.5 Bringing the World into the economics statues) do students
17. Compare PD 1006 and RA 7836, laws that 9 Chapter 4: The Professionalization of Brainstorming Quizzes
professionalized teaching. Teaching Reporting Matrix
18. Explain how the amendments in RA 9293 support 4.1 Presidential Decree No. 1006 Compare PD 1006 and RA 7836 Journal entry
the teaching profession. 4.2 Republic Act No. 7836 using a matrix.
4.3 Republic Act No. 9293
19. Demonstrate deep appreciation for the Journal writing on their
professionalization of teaching and for the reflection whether PD 1006, RA
teaching profession itself. 7836 and RA 9293 help you
20. Relate the impact of the professionalization of them become a professional
teaching on your future life as a full-pledged teacher?
professional teacher.
21. Explain the meaning of profession and 6 Chapter 5: Becoming a Professional Lecture – interactive discussion Quizzes
professional. Teacher Reporting Journal entry
22. Describe how the professional teacher conducts 5.1 Code of Ethics for Professional Reflection on the NCBTS –
himself/herself in the practice of his/her Teachers TSNA and IPPD Toolkit of
profession. ` DepEd.
23. Internalized the basic laws on education and their 6 Chapter 6: Other Education and Teacher- Reporting Quizzes
implementation. Related Laws Lecture – interactive discussion Journal Entry
24. Been clarified on your rights duties and 6.1 The 1987 Constitution Reflection on their realizations
obligations as a professional. 6.2 Republic Act No. 5670 about the teaching profession
6.3 Batas Pambansa Blg 232
25. Understood policies on recruitment and after they study the Magna
6.4 Republic Act No. 9155
deployment. Carta.
6.5 Organizational Structure of the DepEd
26. Clarified disciplinary procedures applied to Field offices List down their expectations as
teachers as they exercise the special parental 6.6 Excepts from the Family Code of the a future teacher based on the
authority and responsibility over the learners Philippines “authority, accountability and
inside or outside the premises of the school. 6.7 Excepts from Republic Act No. 7610 responsibility” as a school
27. Internalized the rights, duties and obligations of 6.8 Excepts from Republic Act No 7877 head.
the academic community (learners, teachers, 6.9 Excepts from RA 8980
parents, non-academic staff) 6.10 Republic Act No. 10157
28. Identified UN programs and projects affecting 6.11 UNESCO
education and see their relevance to the teaching 6.12 First Call for Children
29. Trace the development of the Philippine Chapter 7: Historical Perspective of the Lecture-discussion Quizzes
Philippine Educational System
5 The Teaching Profession
educational system from pre-Spanish era to the 7.1 Historical Development of the Reporting Journal Entry
present along national development goals and Philippine Educational System Research on decided cases of
objectives of education. 7.2 Journey towards Basic Education teachers violating the provision
30. Internalize the basic education curricular reforms Curricular Reforms on “special parental authority”
from 1946 to the present. – reflect on the cases.
31. Underscore the teachers’ roles in the national Graphic organizer to show the
program for the expansion to a 12-year Basic characteristics of a Child-
Education Cycle. Friendly School
Prepared by:
Coordinator, Liberal Arts & Education Vice President, Academic Affairs