Himachal Pradesh Land Revenue Act, 1953
Himachal Pradesh Land Revenue Act, 1953
Himachal Pradesh Land Revenue Act, 1953
Website : www.courtkutchehry.com
CHAPTER 1 :- Preliminary
1. Title, Extent And Commencement
2. Repeal
3. Savings
4. Definitions
5. Section 5
6. Power To Vary Limit And Alter Number Of Tehsils, Districts And
CHAPTER 2 :- Revenue Officers Class and Powers
7. Classes Of Revenue Officer
8. Financial Commissioner
9. Appointment Of Commissioners Etc
10. Appointment Of Tehsildars And Naib Tehsildar
11. Powers Of Revenue Officers
12. Superintendence And Control Of Revenue Officer
13. Power To Distribute Business And Withdraw And Transfer Cases
14. Appeals
15. Limitation For Appeals
16. Review By Revenue Officers
17. Power To Call For, Examine And Revise Proceedings Of Revenue
18. Power To Make Rules As To Procedure
19. Persons By Whom Appearance And Applications May Be Made
Before And To Revenue Officers
20. Power Of Revenue Officer To Summon Persons
21. Mode Of Service Of Summons
2 2 . M od e Of Service Of Notice, Order Of Proclamation Or Copy
23. Mode Of Making Proclamation
23B. Xxx
24. Place Of Sitting
25. Holidays
26. Discharge Of Duties Of Collector Dying Or Being Disabled
27. Retention Of Power By Revenue Officers On Transfer
28. Conferment Of Powers To Revenue Officer
29. Rules Respecting Kanungos And Village Officers
30. Village Officers Cess
3 1 . Restriction On Attachment Or Assignment Of Kanungos And
Village Officers
32. Records-Of Rights And Documents Included Therein
33. Making Of Special Revision Of Record Of-Rights
34. Periodical Record
35. Making Of That Part Of The Periodical Record Which Relates To
Landowners Etc. Assignees Of Revenue And Occupancy Tenants
36. Marking Of That Part Of The Periodical Record Which Relates To
Other Persons
37. Determination Of Disputes
38. Restrictions On Variations Of Entries In Record
39. Mutation Fees
40. Penalty For Neglect To Report Acquisition Of Any Right Referred
To In Section 35
4 1 . Obligation To Furnish Information Necessary For The
Preparation Of Records
42. Right Of The Government In Mines And Minerals
43. Presumption As To Ownership Of Forests, Quarries And Waste
44. Compensation For Infringement Of Rights Of Third Parties In
Exercise Of Right Of The Government
4 5 . Presumption In Favour Of Entries In Records Of Rights And
Periodical Records
46. Suit For Declaratory Decree By Persons Aggrieved By An Entry
In A Record
47. Powers To Make Rules Respecting Records And Other Matters
Connected Therewith
48. Record Of-Rights And Periodical Records For Groups Of Estates
49. Assessment Of Land Revenue
50. Basis Of Assessment- The Assessment Of Land Revenue Shall
Be Bases On An Estimate Of
51. Limits Of Assessment
52. Notification Of Intended Re-Assessment And Instruction As To
Principles Of Assessment
53. Mode Of Determining Assessment
54. Announcement Of Assessment
55. Application For Reconsideration Of Assessment
56. Confirmation And Duration Of Assessment
57. Duration Of Assessment
58. Assessment To Remain Till New Assessment Takes Effect
5 9 . Refusal To Be Liable For Assessment Of An Estate And
Consequences Thereof
6 0 . Distribution Of The Assessment Of An Estate Over Holdings
Comprised Therein
6 1 . Application For Amendment Of The Distribution Of An
62. Appeals From Orders Under Sections 55 And 61
63. Special Assessment
64. Power To Make Rules
65. Procedure To Be Followed In Making Rules
6 6 . R u l e s And Executive Instruments Issued Before
Commencement Of This Act, To Be Followed For The Purpose Of
Assessment Operations Begun Before Issue Of Rules Made Under
The Provisions Of Section 65
67. Power To Issue Instructions
68. Security For Payment Of Land Revenue
69. Further Security For Payment Of Land Revenue
70. Orders To Regulate Payment Of Land Revenue
71. Rules To Regular Collection, Remission And Suspension Of Land
72. Costs Recoverable As Part Of Arrears
73. Certified Account To Be Evidence As To Arrears
74. Process For Recovery Of Arrears
75. Writ Of Demand
75A. Xxx
76. Distress And Sale Of Movable Property And Crops
77. Transfer Of Holding
78. Attachment Of Estate Or Holding
79. Annulment Of Assessment Of Estate Or Holding
80. Proclamation Of Attachment Or Annulment Of Assessment And
Consequence Of The Proclamation
81. Sale Of Estate Or Holding
82. Effects Of Sale On Encumbrances
83. Proceedings Against Other Immovable Property Of Defaulter
84. Remedies Open To Person Denying His Liability For An Arrear
85. Proclamation Of Sale
8 6 . Indemnity To Revenue Officer With Respect Of Contents Of
87. Publication Of Proclamation
88. Time And Conduct Of Sale
89. Power To Postpone Sale
90. Stay Of Sale
91. Payment Of Deposit By Highest Bidder
92. Consequence Of Failure To Pay Deposit
93. Time For Payment In Full
94. Procedure In Default Of Payment
95. Report Of Sale To Commissioner Or Financial Commissioner
96. Application To Set Aside Sale
97. Order Confirming Or Setting Aside Sale
98. Refund Of Purchase Money On Setting Aside Of Sale
99. Proclamation After Postponement Or On Resale
100. O n Confirmation Of Sale, Possession And Certificate To Be
Granted To Purchaser
101. Proceeds Of Sale
102. Recovery Of Certain Arrears Through Revenue Officer Instead
Of By Suit
103. Other Sums Recoverable As Arrears Of Land Revenue
104. Recovery Of Arrears Due From Co-Sharers Paid By Nambardar
105. Application Of Chapter Vi To Sums Recoverable Under This
1 0 6 . P o w e r s Of
Financial Commissioner To Make Rules For
Demarcation Of Boundaries And Erection Of Survey-Marks
107. Power Of Revenue Officers To Define Boundaries
108. Power To Fix Boundary Between Riverain Estates
109. Effect Of Fixing A Boundary Between Riverain Estates
110. Application For Immediate Transfer Of Rights, Reserved Under
The Proviso To Sub-Section (1) Of Section 109 Upon Payment Of
Compensation And Procedure Thereupon. Award Of Compensation
And Extinguishment Of Rights Thereby
111. Order Under The Proviso To Sub-Section
112. Rights Transferred To Be Liable To All The Incidents Of Tenure
Of The Estate To Which The Transfer Is Made
113. Meaning Of The Expression "Collector" In Sections 108 To 110
114. Deleted
115. Recovery Of Cost Incurred By The Government
116. Power Of Revenue Offices To Enter On Land For Purpose Of
Survey And Demarcation
117. Survey For Purpose Of Preparation Of Records
118. Provision Of Flag-Holders And Chain-Men For Those Surveys
119. Professional Surveys
120. Section 120
121. Report Of Destruction Or Removal Of Or Injury To Survey
122. Effect Of Partitions Of Estates And Tenancies On Joint Liability
For Revenue And Rent
123. Application For Partition
124. Restriction And Limitations On Partition
125. Notice Of Application For Partition
126. Addition Of Parties To Application
127. Absolute Disallowance Of Partition
128. Procedure On Admission Of Application
129. Disposal Of Questions As To Title In Property To Be Divided
130. Disposal Of Other Questions
131. Administration Of Property Excluded From Partition
132. Distribution Of Revenue And Rent After Partition
133. Instrument Of Partition
134. Delivery Of Possession Of Property Allotted On Partition
135. Affirmation Of Partition Privately Effected
136. Estimates And Levy Of Costs
137. Redistribution Of Land According To Customs
138. Officers Who May Be Empowered To Act Under This Act
139. Power To Refer To Arbitration
140. Order Of Reference And Contents Thereof
141. Nomination Of Arbitrators
142. Substitution Of Arbitrators By Parties
1 4 3 . Nomination And Substitutions Of Arbitrators By Revenue
144. Process For Appearance Before Arbitrators
145. Award Of Arbitrators And Presentation Thereof
146. Procedure On Presentation Of Award
147. Effect Of Award
148. Power To Invest Officers Making Records Of Rights Or General
Re-Assessments With Powers Of Civil Courts
149. Control Over Such Officer And Appeals From And Revision Of
Their Decree And Orders
150. Power To Deposit Certain Sums Other Than Rent
151. Procedure In Case Of Deposit On Account Of A Payment Due
To Government
152. Procedure In Case Of Other Deposits
153. Orders Of Civil And Criminal Courts For Execution Of Processes
Against Land Or The Produce Thereof To Be Addressed To Revenue
154. Attachment Of Assigned Land Revenue
155. Preservation Of Attached Produce
156. Section 156
157. Village Cesses
158. Section 158
159. Section 159
160. Recovery Of Cost Of Assessing Assigned Land Revenue
1 6 1 . Pow e r To Cancel The Remission Or Assignment Of Land
1 6 2 . Penalty For Failure To Attend Within Limits Of Estate In
Obedience To Order Of Revenue Officers
163. Section 163
163A. Regularisation Of Encroachment In Certain Cases
1 6 4 . Pa p e rs Kept By Village Officers To Be Deemed Public
165. Costs
166. Computation Of Periods Limited For Appeals And Application
For Review
167. Restriction On Revenue Officers Bidding At Auction Or Trading
168. Power To Make Rules
169. Rules To Be Made After Previous Publication
170. Powers Exercisable By The Financial Commissioner From Time
To Time
171. Exclusion Of Jurisdiction Of Civil Courts In Matters Within The
Jurisdiction Of Revenue Officers
Himachal Pradesh Land Revenue Act, 1953
06 of 1954
CHAPTER 1 Preliminary
1. Title, Extent And Commencement :-
(1) This Act may be called the Himachal Pradesh Land Revenue Act,
(3) It shall come into force on such day as the State Government
may, by notification, appoint in this behalf.
2. Repeal :-
The State Government shall fix the number of Tehsildars and Naib
Tehsildars to be appointed.
11. Powers Of Revenue Officers :-
(1) The Financial Commissioner may at any time call for the record
of any case pending before,
[or disposed of by) any Revenue Officer subordinate to him.
(2) A Commissioner or Collector may call for the record of any case
pending before, or disposed of by, any Revenue Officer under his
[(3) If in any case in which a Commissioner or Collector has called
for a record he is of the opinion that the proceedings taken or order
made should be modified or reversed, he shall report the case with
his opinion thereon for the orders of the Financial Commissioner
whose decision shall be final.]
[(4) The Financial Commissioner may in any case, called for by
himself under sub-section (1) or reported to him or under sub-
section (3) pass such orders as he thinks fit:]
[Provided that he shall not under this section pass an order
reversing or modifying any proceeding, or order of a subordinate
Revenue Officer and effecting any question of right between private
persons without giving those persons an opportunity of being
It has been held as under :-
(i) The powers of revision vested in a Financial Commissioner are
unfettered. He may revise an order which may even be appealable
and yet not appealed against. Even if the limitation for appeals is
over the Financial Commissioner can interfere in revision. 1982 SLJ
36 F.C.
(ii) The Collector and the Commissioner found nothing wrong with,
the orders of Assistant Collector in partition proceedings wherein no
illegality or irregularity had been committed no interference in
revision was called for. 1976 SLJ 5 F.C.
( iii) The Financial Commissioner before entertaining a revision
petition under Section 17 has to satisfy himself that all other
remedies available to the petitioner have been duly and diligently
exhausted by him and that a prima facie case warranting
interference is made out. 1978 SLJ Himachal Pradesh F.C. 8.
(iv) No specific time limit has been prescribed for entertaining
revision petition by a Financial Commissioner. 1984 SLJ 67 (F.C.)
(v) Appeal - Adoption - Held, that question of adoption - Basti Ram
about 119 years ago and his consequent dis-entitlement from any
share in the joint lands in his ancestral property is to be decided by
the civil Court - No embargo or stay etc. has been given - Plea has
no bearing on the partition proceedings -Revision petition
dismissed. Balbir Singh v. Partap Singh & Ors., 2003(2) Cur.L.J.
(H.P.) 258 (F.C.)
(vi) Hindu Succession Act- Revision - Held, that in view of the clear
cut findings by the Ld. District Judge, the plea of the petitioner that
the respondent did not have possession of land and that she re-
married after the death of her husband, as such had no right to
alienate the property are not tenable -Consequently the mutation is
held to be rightly attested -Revision petition dismissed. Shri Dev
Raj v. Shri Tarapati & Ann, 2003(1) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 368 (F.C.)
(vii) Appeal - Mode of partition - Held, that approved mode of
partition with regard to land abutting road side has not been
adopted - Partition of land abutting road side is struck down -
Assistant Collector directed for carrying out partition of land
abutting road side afresh. Sital Ram & Ors. v. Sant Ram & Ors.,
2003(2) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 392 (F.C.)
(viii) Appeal - Partition - Held, that non-provision of developed land
for allotment to the concerned shareholder and non-preparation of
"Fard Kabza" - Pertain to the stage prior to the formulation and
approved mode of partition - Contention lacks any force and
dismissed - Revision petition dismissed. Balbir Singh v. Partap
Singh & Ors., 2003(2) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 258 (F.C.)
(ix) Appeal - Succession - Held, that the succession of said Jogi
Ram opened at the time when his real brothers were alive and
therefore they were the legal heirs of the deceased - The estate
should have devolved on him - Ld. Commissioner wrongly set aside
the order of learned District Collector - Matter remanded to the
Assistant Collector for disposal. Sesh Ram & Anr. v. Smt. Reshmu &
Anr., 2003(2) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 275 (F.C.) (x) Correction in the
Revenue record - Held, Settlement Officer has already allowed
correction in favour of the petitioner to the extent of an area
measuring 40.50 Sq. Meters in khata No. 798/1 - The officer did
not allow the correction in this khata -Orders of Ld. Commissioner
are set-aside and those passed by the Ld. Settlement Officer are
affirmed. Braham Dass v. State of Himachal Pradesh, 2003(1)
Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 243 (F.C.)
(xi) Correction in the Revenue record - Held, that the nature of
claim petitioner has raised with regard to discription of title by way
of adverse possession is not maintainable in this Court -Civil court
is not appropriate forum to entertain such a claim -Revision petition
dismissed. Dev Kumar v. Raj Kumar, 2003(2) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 75
(xii) Inheritance - Ownership Rights - Held, that once the position
of Naru as tenant is clear - He is entitled to acquire ownership of
Land under the provisions of section 104, of the HP Tenancy and
Land Reforms Act, 1973 - His interest as tenant is inheritable under
Section 45 of the Act. Nar Singh v. Bhimi Ram, 2002(2) Cur.L.J.
(H.P.) 23 (F.C.)
(xiii) Ownership - Correction of Revenue Record - Held, that the
civil court dismissed the suit of the present petitioner and recorded
that the respondent No. 1 owner is in possession of the land -
Petitioner could not prove his ownership and possession of the land
- Further held, in view of he position agreed by both the sides the
matter is decided in accordance with the judgment - Revision
petition dismissed. Baba Vishnu Deva Nand Chela Mahant Daulata
Nand v. Mohinder Singh & Anr., 2003(1) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 235 (F.C.)
(xiv) Partition - Held, subsequent purchaser could not and cannot
main t ain any claim that has the effect of dislodging the
respondents from possession - Further held, petitioners claim if any
lie against the original owners and not against the present
respondent - Respondents who in our view, are entitled to maintain
the possession that they acquire much before the present
petitioners come on the scene - No justification to interfere with the
orders of the Ld. Commissioner - Revision petition dismissed.
Santokh Singh (Shri) & Ors. v. Sukh Dev Singh (Shri) & Anr.
2002(2) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 121 (F.C.)
(xv) Partition - Held, that civil Court has decided the case against
the petitioner, restraining him permanently from interfering in the
peaceful possession of the respondent No. 5 -
Application filed by petitioner for partition cannot be allowed -
Recommendations of learned Commissioner cannot be accepted -
Revision petition dismissed. Kishori Lal v. Gian Chand & Ors.,
2003(2) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 374 (F.C.)
(xvi) Partition - New Plea - Pleaded that the Revenue authorities
not competent to partition Abadies - Held, that the allotment of
Abadies to the parties have been affected in accordance with the
mode of partition - It is not the case of the petitioners that house
build, by them have been allotted to respondents in violation of the
agreement - Further, held, that the petitioners have not taken the
plea for allotment of land in any of the Court below and they thus
cannot be allowed to set up new plea at this stage - Revision
Petition is dismissed. Ashwani Kumar (Shri) & Ors. v. Paramjit
Kumar (Shri) & Ors. 2002(2) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 186 (H.P.)
(xvii) Partition of Land - Title - Held, that baring a portion of land,
t h e rest of the land is cultivable land and the applicants were
entitled to get their share partitioned - Further held, that no
question of title is involved in the matter as per record -Revision
Petition is dismissed. Tarsem Lal v. Harbans Lal & Ors. 2002(2)
Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 263 (F.C.)
(xviii) Revision - Change of Classification of Land - Case time
barred - Held, that no legal information can be held imputable to
one of the petitioner Sh. Gita Ram on the ground that the
knowledge was privy to other share holders - Limitation deserved
to be condoned by the Ld. Commissioner and matter needed to be
heard on merits - Impugned order set aside case remanded to Ld.
Commissioner for disposing of the appeal on merits, as if the appeal
has been filed within time limit before him. Geeta Ram & Ors. v.
Nokh Ram, 2003(1) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 403 (F.C.)
(xix) Revision - Common purpose land - Held the plea of the
petitioners have not been substantiated by any material on record -
No justification to interfere with the orders of the Ld. Commissioner
- Revision being devoid of any merits -Dismissed. Dhani Ram &
Anr. v. Dharam Singh & Ors., 2003(1) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 326 (F.C.)
(xx) Revision - Correction of enteries - Held, that so far
demarcation undertaken by the settlement Naib Tehsildar is
concerned, detailed report of the S.N.T. has not pointed out any
factual error in the report - Report was also considered by Ld.
A.D.J. Kangra - Appeal decreed in favour of the present petitioner -
In this view of mutation order passed by Ld. Commissioner is set
aside - Revision petition accepted. Chain Singh & Anr. v. Onkar
Singh, 2003(1) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 378 (F.C.)
(xxi) Revision - Encroachment of Govt. Land - Held, that the order
of District Collector Una, has since been held to be legal and valid
b y my predecessor - No fresh orders are required to be passed on
this reference - Proposition made therein stand already accepted by
order of this Court - Revision petition is accordingly disposed of
State of Himachal Pradesh v. Shri Bhagat Singh, 2003(1) Cur.L.J.
(H.P.) 312 (F.C.)
(xxii) Revision - Entries of jamabandi - Title/ownership - Held, that
the predecessors of the respondents Smt. Ishro Devi has been
shown in possession of the land in question as per jamabandi -
Petitioners have not been able to bring on record any evidence to
rebut the entries of jamabandi to which presumption of truth is
attached - No evidence to show the ouster of said respondent -
Revision petition dismissed. Purshotam Chand & Ors. v. Subhash
Chand & Anr., 2003(2) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 22 (F.C.)
(xxiii) Revision - Interference in peaceful possession of land -Wrong
preparation of tatima - Held, that a mere fact that a revenue
official inadvertently caused out a wrong tatima on the relevant
mutation does not extinguish his legally acquired title over the land
- The orders of Commissioner Kangra Division dated 15.1.1998 as
well as those of the Settlement Collector dated 18.6.1993 and the
Tehsildar Settlement dated 31.1.1992 are set aside - Revision
accepted. Charan Dass v. Smt. Subhadra Devi & Ors., 2004(1)
Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 539 (F.C.)
(xxiv) Revision-- Mutation on the basis of "WILL" - Held, that the
interest of non-occupancy tenancy is heritable and the said Smt.
Rukmani was competent to make a "WILL" in respect of the land in
question - Orders passed by A.C.-II grade are set aside - Case
remanded for disposal as per recommendation made by the Id.
Commissioner. Deep Ram v. Shri Hiru & Anr., 2003(1) Cur.L.J.
(H.P.) 408 (F.C.)
(xxv) Revision - Partition - Held, that the mode of partition is set-
aside and the matter is remanded to the Assistant Collector 1st
Grade with the direction that the parties be given opportunity of
being heard and decide the case afresh - Revision Petition
accepted. Ram Justa (Sh.) v. Sh. Shiv Ram, 2003(1) Cur.L.J. (H.P.)
278 (F.C.)
(xxvi) Revision - Possession - Held, that the land is situated within
the DPF and it is very strange that the lower revenue courts have
ordered to record possession of private parties thereon - No
question of recording of possession of any of the parties on the land
in question - A.C. ordered to initiate eviction proceedings against
the encroachers - Revision Petition dismissed. Dhanvar v. Bhagi
Dass, 2003(1) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 456 (F.C.)
(xvii) Revision - Violation of mode of partition - Held, that the
partition proceedings are complete in all respects, instrument of
partition has been issued and possession in consequence there of
has also been delivered to the parties -
Recommendations made by the Ld. Commissioner are without any
force and therefore turned down - Order passed by A.C. affirmed -
Revision petition dismissed. Tara Chand & Anr. v. Smt. Pushpa Devi
& Anr." 2003(1) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 467 (F.C.) (xviii) Title - Held, that
question of title is not a magic wand so as to suggest that
whenever it is raised, it is incumbent upon the authorities to treat it
as such without factually verifying the factum of such a question -
M a t t e r remitted to Assistant collector 1st Grade for holding
preliminary inquiry to find out whether question of title really exists
or not - Matter remitted to Assistant Collector 1st Grade for holding
enquiry, whether question of title really exists or not. Jagiri Lal
(Sh.) & Anr. v. Hem Raj (Shri) & Ors. 2002(2) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 61
(xxix) Partition - Mode - Held, that the contention of the petitioners
that the Assistant Collector has not adhered to the mode of
partition while carrying out the actual partition on the spot, has not
been substantiated by adducing any evidence in support of the
plea, also the contention of the petitioners that they were not
afforded opportunity of hearing by he Revenue officers below is not
correct. Tara Chand and others v. Puspa Dvi and others 2002(2)
Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 137 (F.C.)
(xxx) Partition - Held, that there has been equal distribution of land
and it cannot be said that the partition has been done in violation
of the mode of partition - Petition dismissed. Chatar Singh v. Mehar
Singh & others, 2002(2) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 132 (F.C.)
(xxxi) Revision - Eviction from Govt. Land - Adverse Possession -
Allotment of land at Market value - Held, that the claim of the
petitioner as to adverse possession is not borne out from the record
- Not entitled to relief - Claimed on the ground of longstanding
possession maturing into title - Orders of lower Court held in order
- Request for allotment of land be made before the appropriate
authority - This order shall not prejudice the request of the
petitioner. Jaimal Singh (deceased) through LRs. v. State of H.P.,
2003(1) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 394 (F.C.)
(xxxii) Agreement change of ownership - Held, the fact that the
said agreement was presented by the respondent after a gap of
almost four years before the Land Reforms Officer as an evidence
seeking to prove his claim against the petitioner casts a shadow
upon the implementation thereof - Revision petition allowed. Twarsi
Devi (Smt.) v. Shri Surat Singh, 2005(Suppl.) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 325
(FC, H.P.)
(xxxiii) Correction in records was made - Appeal before the
Additional Commissioner (Appeals) - Copy of order of settlement
officer not filed alongwith appeal being not available in the records
- Held, that Id. Commissioner could not have adjudicated upon the
issue raised by the present petitioner before him in appeal without
having pursued the case file of the order appealed against - Had
the petitioner sought to get the record reconstructed as per the
provisions of Rule 5 of Chapter 19A and Rule 4 of Chapter 16D of
Volume IV of the Punjab High Court Rules and Orders, Instructions
applicable to both Civil and Criminal Courts, by making a plea to
this effect before the Id. Commissioner or by filing an application
for correction of revenue entries before a competent authority, for
consideration by him - Revision petition dismissed. Harminder
Singh v. Smt. Dharshana Devi & Anr., 2005(Suppl.) Cur.L.J. (H.P.)
246 (FC, H.P.)
(xxxiv) Interference - Concurrent findings of fact - Where the
authorities failed to exercise the jurisdiction - Interference
warranted - Concurrent findings of fact by the Courts below are not
an insurance against perversity - Revision petition allowed. Twarsi
Devi (Smt.) v. Shri Surat Singh, 2005(Suppl.) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 325
(FC, H.P.)
(xxxv) Mutation - Held, respondent No. 1 who was the exclusive
owner qua her share in the land in dispute has executed registered
gift deed in favour of the respondent No. 2, the validity or
genuineness of which has not been challenged by the petitioner
before any competent Court of law and hence the Revenue Officer
was duty bound to give effect thereto in the revenue record by way
of a mutation - Revision petition dismissed. Dharam Singh (Shri) v.
S mt . Phoolan Devi & Anr., 2005(Suppl.) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 63 (FC,
(xxxvi) Owners in possession - Predecessors - Restoration of land -
Held, that the predecessors of the present petitioner were recorded
to be in possession of Khata/Khatauni No. 55/64, Khasra No. 3 and
5 measuring 172 Bighas in Mauza Jungal Saugal to the extent of
1 / 4 shares and this entry, evidently been deleted during
settlement-operations - There is nothing in record to show how this
entry has been deleted -The same are ordered to be restored, as
the petitioner is willing to repay the loan amount. Bhupinder Singh
(Retd.) (Major) v. State of H.P. through Collector Bilaspur, H.P. &
Anr., 2005(Suppl.) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 359 (FC, H.P.)
(xxxvii) Possession - Adverse possession - Held, that the plea of
adverse possession being raised by the petitioner is not supported
by any credible evidence - The plea of adverse possession was
raised by the petitioner before the courts below and the Courts
below have duly and diligently arrived at a concurrent finding of
fact against this plea - Petitioner failed to raise any new point not
adjudicated upon by the courts below -No material irregularity or
illegality has been committed by these Courts - Revision petition
dismissed. Charan Dass v. State of H.P., 2005(Suppl.) Cur.L.J.
(H.P.) 400 (FC, H.P.)
(xxxviii) Revision - Partition - Held that the respondents are in
equal shares with the petitioner and are entitled to seek partition of
their shares recorded in the record of the rights -Petition rejected.
Ram Raksh Pal v. Raksha Devi & Ors." 2003(1) Cur.LJ. (H.P.) 15
(xxxix) Tenancy - Held, that in view of the inconsistent and
contradictory pleas of the petitioners, their claim of sub-tenancy in
absence of any specific contract therefor, with the respondent
cannot sustain - Revision petition dismissed. Tota Ram & Ors. v.
Sh. Jallah Ram & Ors., 2003(1) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 27 (F.C.)
(xi) Expression at any time - Although sub-section (1) of Section 17
of H.P. Land Revenue Act uses expression at any time yet it cannot
be indefinite - The word any time cannot be construed as eternity -
The suo moto powers of Financial Commissioner has to be exercised
within a reasonable time - It will be unreasonable to hold that the
Financial Commissioner has unlimited powers to entertain a revision
petition even after a lapse of sixteen years. State of H.P. Through
Collector Kangra at Dharamshala v. Shri Moot Chand Diwan,
2005(Suppl.) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 303 (FC, H.P.)
. Inserted by Section 3 of H.P. Act of 1955.
2. Substituted by Act No. 1 of 2004.
3 Substituted by Act 15 of 2000 and Re-substituted by Act No.
4; Substituted by Act 15 of 2000 and resubstituted by Act, No. 1 of
18. Power To Make Rules As To Procedure :-
(1) The State Government, may make rules consistent with this Act
for regulating the procedure of Revenue Officers under this Act in
cases in which a procedure is not prescribed by this Act.
(2) The rules may provide, among other matters, for the mode of
enforcing orders of ejectment from, and delivery of possession of
immovable property, and rules providing for those mattes may
confer on a Revenue Officer all or any of the powers, in regard to
contempt, resistance and the like which a Civil Court may exercise
in the execution of a decree whereby it has adjudged ejectment
for, or delivery, or possession of such property.
(3) Subject to the rules under this Section, a Revenue Officer may
refer any case which he is empowered to dispose of under this Act
to another Revenue Officer for investigation and report, and may
decided the case upon the report.
It has been held as under
(i) Land Revenue Rules have been framed by the State
Government under provisions of this Section. The provisions of
Code of Civil Procedure are also applicable to the proceedings
before Revenue Officers. 1971 SLJ 405.
19. Persons By Whom Appearance And Applications May Be
Made Before And To Revenue Officers :-
23B. Xxx :-
1. Added by Act No. 15 of 2000 and deleted by Act No. 1 of 2004.
(1) An Assistant Collector may exercise his power under this Act, at
any place within the limits of the district in which he is employed.
(2) Any other Revenue Officer may only exercise his power under
this Act within the local limits of his jurisdiction.
25. Holidays :-
(1) Revenue Officers [* * *] shall observe holidays as are notified
by the State Government for its employees."
(2) A proceeding had before a Revenue Officer on a day specified in
the list as a day to be observed by him as a holiday shall not be
invalid by reasons only of its having been had on that day.
. Inserted by Act 15 of 2000 & deleted by Act No. 1 of 2004.
26. Discharge Of Duties Of Collector Dying Or Being
Disabled :-
When a Revenue Officer of any class who has been invested under
the foregoing provisions of this Act with any powers to be exercised
in any local area is transferred from that local area to another as a
Revenue Officer of the same or a higher class he shall continue to
exercise those powers in that other local area unless the State
Government otherwise directs or has otherwise directed.
28. Conferment Of Powers To Revenue Officer :-
(1) The State Government may toy notification impose on all or any
estates in the territories, for the time being administered by it a
cess to be called the village officers cess, at such rate or rates not
(five paise) per rupee of the annual value as it may think fit for
remunerating Nambardars in these territories and for defraying
other expenditure directly connected with the supervision of those
officers or with the performance of their duties.
(2) "Annual value" in sub-section (1) means :-
(a) double the land-revenue for the time being assessed on any
land, whether the assessment is leviable or not; or
(b) where the land-revenue has been permanently assessed or has
been wholly or in part compounded for or redeemed, double the
amount which, but for such permanent assessment, composition or
redemption, would have been leviable; or
(c) where no land revenue has been assessed, double the amount
which would have been assessed, if the average village rate had
been applied :
Provided that, in any tract in which, under the settlement for the
time in force, the improvement of the land owing to kuhl or other
artificial irrigation has been excluded from account in assessing the
land-revenue, and a rate has been imposed in respect of such
improvement, that rate shall be added to the land-revenue for the
purpose of computing the annual value.
(3) The Financial Commissioner may make rules for the collection,
control and expenditure of the village officers cess.
(4) All cesses now levied in any local area for the purposes
mentioned in sub-section (1) shall be deemed to have been lawfully
imposed and shall, until the village officers cess is imposed in that
local area under that sub-section, be deemed to be lawfully leviable
and, for the purposes of this section, to be that cess.
. Substituted for the words "half an anna" by Act No. 21 of 1976,
Pub. in H.P. Rajpatra (Extra) 1976 at p. 123.
31. Restriction On Attachment Or Assignment Of Kanungos
And Village Officers :-
[(1) Save as otherwise provided by this Chapter, there shall be a
record-of-rights for each estate.
(2) The record-of-rights for an estate shall include the following
documents, namely:-
(a) Statements showing, so far as may be practicable:
(i) the persons who are landowner tenants or assignees of land
[ i n the estate or who] receive any of the rents, profits in the
estate, or who are entitled to the produce of the estate or to
occupy land therein;
(ii) the nature and extent of the interests of those persons and the
conditions and liabilities attaching thereto; and
(iii) the rent, land revenue, rates, cesses or other payments due
from and to each of those persons and to the Government;
(b) a statement of customs respecting rights and liabilities in the
(c) a map of the estate; and
(d) such other documents as the Financial Commissioner may, with
the previous sanction of the State Government prescribe.
It has been held as under held as under
( i ) Although the revenue authorities rely on the entries in the
revenue records yet if it is established by other evidence that
certain transaction has taken place it cannot be ignored merely
because it has not been given effect to in the revenue records (Neki
Ram v. Punjab State 1965 PLJ).
(ii) Entries in Jamabandi prevail over those in Khasra Girdddwri
(Nirmal Devi V. Gurdit Singh 1967 PLJ 13, 1967 LLT 70 (FC)]
. Added by Act No. 21 of 1976.
33. Making Of Special Revision Of Record Of-Rights :-
[(1) The Collector shall cause to be prepared by the patwari of each
estate yearly, or at such other intervals as the Financial
Commissioner may prescribe, an edition of the record of rights
amended in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.
(2) This edition of the records of rights shall
[* * *] comprise the statements mentioned in sub-section (2)
clause (a) of Section 32 and as such other documents, if any, as
Financial Commissioner may, with the previous sanction of the
State Government prescribe.
(3) For the purposes of the preparation of the annual record, the
Collector shall cause to be kept up by the patwari of each estate a
register of mutations and such other registers as the Financial
Commissioner may prescribe.
. Substituted for the word "annual" vide HP Act 21 of 1976.
2. Omitted the Act No. 21 of 1976.
35. Making Of That Part Of The Periodical Record Which
Relates To Landowners Etc. Assignees Of Revenue And
Occupancy Tenants :-
[(1) Any person acquiring by inheritance, purchase, mortgage, gift
or otherwise, any right in an estate as a landowner
[etc.] assignees of land revenue, or tenant having a right of
occupancy, shall report his acquisition of the right to the patwari of
the estate.
(2) If the person acquiring the right is a minor or otherwise
disqualified, his guardian or other person having charge of his
property shall make the report to the patwari.
(3) The patwari shall enter in his register of mutations every report
made to him under sub-Section (1) or sub-section (2) and shall
also make an entry therein respecting the acquisition of any such
rights as aforesaid which he has reason to believe to have taken
place and of which a report should have been made to him under
one or other of those sub-sections and has not been so made.
(4) No Revenue Court shall entertain a suit or application by the
person so succeeding or otherwise obtaining possession until such
person has made the report required by this section.
(5) A Revenue Officer shall from time to time inquire into the
correctness of all entries in the register of mutations and into all
such acquisitions as aforesaid coming to his knowledge of which,
under the foregoing sub-sections report should have been made to
the patwari and entry made in that register and shall in each case
make such order as he thinks fit with respect to the entry in the
[periodical] record of right acquired.
(6) Such entry shall be made by the insertion in that record of a
description of the right acquired and by the omission from that
record of any entry in any record previously prepared which by
reason of the acquisition has ceased to be correct.
"(7) The Revenue Officer shall afford an opportunity of being heard
to all the interested parties and also all the co-sharers in
a joint holding in a mutation proceedings. After proper
identification of the parties he shall get affixed signatures of
[all the parties present]. If any party is illiterate, then the Revenue
Officer shall get the thumb impression of such party affixed on the
foil (parat sarkar) of the mutation.".
It has been held as under as under
(i) A deed of adoption is to be presumed to be correct and the
revenue authorities cannot question its authenticity in summary
mutation proceedings. Party questioning authenticity should
approach a civil Court (Ujagar Singh v. Dharam Singh, 1966 LLT
106 (FC).
(ii) Allegations of fraudulent - - Change of revenue entries -
Certified copy of orders not attached - Held, the petition filed by
the Collector without a certified copy of the impugned order dated
29.12.1988 cannot be adjudicated upon in absence of any record.
State of H.P. Through Collector Kangra at Dharamshala v. Shri
Moot Chand Diwan, 2005(Suppl.) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 303 (FC, H.P.)
. Inserted by Act No. 21 of 1976.
2. Substituted by Act No. 21 of 1976.
3. Substituted for the word "annual" vide HP Act 21 of 1976.
4. Added by Act No. 15 of 2000.
5. Substituted by Act 3 of 2001.
36. Marking Of That Part Of The Periodical Record Which
Relates To Other Persons :-
The acquisition of any interest in land other than a right referred to
in sub-section (1) of the last foregoing section shall -
(a) if it is undisputed, be recorded by the patwari in the such
manner as the Financial Commissioner may by rule in this behalf
prescribe; and
(b) if it is disputed, be entered by the patwari in the register of
mutations and dealt with in the manner prescribed in subsections
(5) and (6) of the last foregoing section.
. Substituted by Act No. 21 of 1976.
37. Determination Of Disputes :-
[(1) If during the making, revision or preparation of any record or
in the course of any enquiry under this Chapter, a dispute arises as
to any matter of which an entry is to be made in a record or in a
register of mutations, a Revenue Officer may of his own motion or
on the application of any party interested, but subject to the
provisions of net following Section and after such enquiry, as he
thinks fir determine the entry to be made as to that matter.]
(2) If in any such dispute Revenue Officer is unable to satisfy
himself as to which of the parties thereto is in possession of any
property to which the dispute relates, he shall ascertain through
the Gram Panchayat constituted under the Himachal Pradesh
Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 or any other agency, so prescribed by the
Financial Commissioner or by summary
enquiry who is the person best entitled to the property and shall by
order direct that, the person be put in possession thereof, and that,
an entry in accordance with that order, be also made in the record
or register.]
[(3) A direction of a Revenue Officer under sub-section (2) shall be
subject to any decree or order which may be subsequently passed
by any Court of competent jurisdiction.]
It has been held as under
(i) Correction of revenue entries - Ownership - Held, this approach
cannot be justified since the ownership and rights as recorded in
the record of rights the preceding settlement has to be kept in view
for preparing the new record - The rights and titles as were
continuing in the record as right cannot be ignored while preparing
the new record. Tulsi Ram (Shri) & Ors. v. Smt. Satya Chauhan &
Anr., 2005(Suppl.) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 320 (FC, H.P.)
. Substituted by Act 15 of 2000 and re-substituted by Act No. 1 of
38. Restrictions On Variations Of Entries In Record :-
(1) The State Government may fix a scale of fees for all or any
classes or entries in any record or register under this Chapter and
for copies of any such entries.
(2) A fee in respect of any entry shall be payable by the persons in
whose favour the entry is made.
40. Penalty For Neglect To Report Acquisition Of Any Right
Referred To In Section 35 :-
All mines of metal and coal and all earth oil and gold washing shall
be deemed to be the property of the Government
[for the purposes of the state and the State Government shall have
all powers necessary for the proper enjoyment of government right
. Added Act 21 of 1976.
43. Presumption As To Ownership Of Forests, Quarries And
Waste Lands :-
Any entry made in a record of rights in accordance with the law for
the time being in force, or a
[periodical] record in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter
and the rules thereunder, shall be presumed to be true until the
contrary is proved or a new entry is lawfully substituted therefor:
Provided that notwithstanding anything contained in this section
any entry made in the areas comprised in Himachal Pradesh
immediately before 1st November, 1966
[during the period between the first day of April, 1948 and the first
day of April, 1956] in record of rights or in a
[periodical] record whereby the land is shown as under self-
cultivation shall not be presumed to be true.
"Provided further that the records of rights and periodical record,
prepared by means of computerisation in the prescribed manner
shall be presumed to be true and shall be deemed to have been
prepared under this Chapter.".
It has been held as under as under
(i) It has been held that presumption of truth attaches to a Shajra
Nasab pedigree table which forms a part of record of rights in SLJ
1974 (Himachal Pradesh) 241 and SLJ 1981 326 & SLJ 1982(9)
(ii) Entries in revenue record - Change - Held, the onus was thus
on the defendants to show either that the tenancy was relinquished
by the plaintiff or that the plaintiffs was ejected from the land in
dispute by process of law -Ownership of plaintiffs cannot be
disputed - Appeal dismissed. Suresh Chand & Ors. v. Gurdas Ram &
Ors., 2004(1) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 155 (H.P.)
. Substituted by Act No. 21 of 1976.
2. Substituted by Act No. 11 of 1955 for the words and figures
"after April, 1948".
3. Added by Act 15 of 2000.
46. Suit For Declaratory Decree By Persons Aggrieved By An
Entry In A Record :-
[ If any person considers himself aggrieved as to any right of which
he is in possession by an entry in a record-of-rights or in a
[periodical] record, he may institute a suit for a declaration of his
right under Chapter VI of the Specified Relief Act, 1963].
It has been held as under
(i) The civil court cannot direct, the revenue officer to make entries
in the record-of-rights or khasra Girdawri which is in the purview of
the revenue officer-1975 RLR/1.
(ii) Entries in the revenue records are an important piece of
evidence on the question of occupation-1978 Curr. LJ 199.
(iii) Stray entries should be ignored-1978 RCR 237.
(iv) Entries in jamabandi would prevail over those in khasra
Girdawri if at variance 1967 LLT 70.
. Substituted by Act No. 1 of 2004.
47. Powers To Make Rules Respecting Records And Other
Matters Connected Therewith :-
[the average money value of the net-assets of the estate or group
of estates in which the land concerned is situated; or]
(b) in the case of special assessment of land put to non-agricultural
use in an assessment circle or part thereof-
(i) on the average net letting value of category and class of sites,
(ii) where for any reason it is not possible to ascertain the net
letting value, on the average market value of sites as determined in
the manner prescribed:
Provided that when special assessment is made under Section 63,
notwithstanding the period fixed for the continuance of an
assessment or the limit provided in section 51 or the area having
been declared to be urban assessment circle, the land revenue may
b e assessed as fixed annual charge payable in a lumpsum or by
instalments in accordance with the rules made under this Act.]
. Substituted by Act No. 21 of 1976.
2. Re-substituted by Act no. 1 of 2004.
51. Limits Of Assessment :-
[If the land revenue is assessed as a fixed annual charge the
amount thereof, and, if it is assessed in the form of prescribed rate,
the average amount which, according to an estimate in writing
approved by the State Government will be levied annually shall
not, in the case of any assessment circle exceed one-fourth of the
estimated money value of the net assets of such assessment circle
or in the case of special assessment on a category and class of sites
of land put to non-agricultural use in an assessment circle or part
(a) exceed one-forth of the estimated average net letting value; or
(b) exceed two to four per cent of the average market value; or
(c) in the case of sites lying vacant and out of use, exceed one per
cent of the average market value:
Provided that nothing contained in this section shall effect any
assessment in force at the time of the commencement of this Act]
. Substituted by Act No. 15 of 2000 and resubstituted by Act No. 1
of 2004.
52. Notification Of Intended Re-Assessment And Instruction
As To Principles Of Assessment :-
(1) The landowner, may, within thirty days from the date of the
announcement of the assessment, present a petition to the
Officer for a reconsideration of the amount, form or conditions of
the assessment.
(3) The order passed by the Revenue Officer on the petition shall
set forth his reasons for granting or refusing it.
. Deleted by Act 15 of 2000.
56. Confirmation And Duration Of Assessment :-
(1) At any time within ninety days from the date of the
announcement if an assessment of the estate, the landowner or
where there are more landowners than one, any of them who would
be individually or collectively liable for more than half the sum
assessed may give notice to the Revenue Officer or refusal to be
liable for the assessment.
(2) When the Revenue Officer receives a notice under sub-section
(1) the Collector may take possession of the estate and deal with it
himself as nearly as may be, or refer it to the Gram Panchayat as if
the annulment of the assessment thereof had been ordered as a
process for the recovery of an arrears of land revenue due thereon.
(3) While the estate is in the possession of the Collector the
landowner or landowners shall be entitled to receive from the State
Government an allowance to be fixed by the Financial
Commissioner, which shall not be less than five and more than ten
per cent of the net income realised by the Government from the
60. Distribution Of The Assessment Of An Estate Over
Holdings Comprised Therein :-
Before making any rules under the provisions of Section 64, the
S t at e Government shall publish by notification a draft of the
proposed rules for the information of persons likely to be affected
66. Rules And Executive Instruments Issued Before
Commencement Of This Act, To Be Followed For The
Purpose Of Assessment Operations Begun Before Issue Of
Rules Made Under The Provisions Of Section 65 :-
(1) In the case of every estate the entire estate and the landowner
or, if there are more than one, the landowners jointly and severally
shall be liable for the land revenue for the time being assessed on
the estate :
Provided that -
(a) the State Government may by notification declare that in any
estate a holding or its owner shall not be liable for any part of the
land revenue for the time being assessed on the estate except that
part which is payable in respect of the holding; and
(b) when there are superior and inferior landowners in the same
estate, the Financial Commissioner may by rule, or by special order
in each case, determine whether the superior or interior landowners
shall be liable for the land revenue, or whether both shall be so
liable, and, if so, in what proportions. (2) A notification under
proviso (a) to sub-section (1) may have reference to any single
estate or to any class of estate or estates generally in any local
Each share-holder is liable not only for the demand due on his own
holding, but also for any arrears that may arise in respect of
another holding. When an estate consists of two or more recognised
sub-divisions, pattis or tarafs the joint and several responsibility for
an arrears arising in any particular subdivision should, in the first
instance, be enforced against the share holders in the sub-division,
and not against the whole community.
69. Further Security For Payment Of Land Revenue :-
(1) The Financial Commissioner may make rules consistent with this
Act to regulate the collection, remission and suspension of land
revenue and may by those rules determine the circumstances and
terms in and on which land revenue may be collected by the
(2) Where land revenue due to an assignee is collected by a
Revenue Officer, there shall be deducted from the sum collected
such a percentage on account of the cost of collection as the
Financial Commissioner may by rule in this behalf prescribe
(3) A suit for an arrears of assigned land revenue shall not be
entertained unless there is annexed to the plaint at the time of the
presentation thereof a document under the hand of the collector
specially authorizing the institution of the suit.
72. Costs Recoverable As Part Of Arrears :-
(1) At any time after an arrears of land revenue has accrued, the
movable property under and ungathered crops of the defaulter may
be distrained and sold by order of a Revenue Officer
(2) The distress and sale shall be conducted as nearly as may be, in
accordance with the law for the time being in force for the
attachment and sale of movable property under the decree of a
Revenue Court constituted under the
[Law for the time being in force]
Provided that, in addition to the particulars exempted by that law
from liability to sale, so much of the produce of the land of the
defaulter as the Collector think necessary for seed grain and for the
subsistence, until the harvest next following, of the defaulter and
his family, and of any cattle exempted by that law, shall be
exempted from sale under this section.
. Substituted by Act No. 21 of 1976.
77. Transfer Of Holding :-
(1) When an arrears of land revenue has been due for a longer
p eriod than one month, and the foregoing are not deemed
sufficient for the recovery thereof, the Financial Commissioner,
may, in addition to or instead of all or any of those processes, order
the existing assessment of the estate or holding in respect of which
the arrears is due to be annulled.
(2) The provision of this section shall not be put in force for the
recovery of an arrears of land revenue which has accrued on land :-
(a) while under attachment under the last foregoing section; or
(b) while under the charge of the Court of Wards.
(3) When the assessment of any land has been annulled, the
Collector may, with the previous sanction of the Financial
Commissioner, either manage the land himself or through an agent,
or let it in farm to any person willing to accept the farm, for such
term and on such conditions as may be sanctioned by the Financial
Provided that the term for which land may be so managed or
farmed shall not be longer than fifteen years from the
commencement of the agricultural year next following the date of
the annulment.
(4) At some time before the expiration of that term the Collector
shall determine the assessment to be paid in respect of the estate
or holding for the remainder of the term of the current assessment
of the district or tehsil and, when that assessment has been
sanctioned by the Financial Commissioner, shall announce it to the
(5) The landowner may give notice to the Collector of refusal to be
liable for the assessment within thirty days from the date on which
the assessment was announced to him.
(6) If notice is so given, the Collector may, with the previous
sanction of the Financial Commissioner, take the estate or holding
under direct management or farm it for, the remainder of the term
of the current assessment of the district or tehsil, or for any period
within that term which the Financial Commissioner may fix.
( 7 ) When the assessment of a holding is annulled, the joint
responsibility of the other landowners of the estate for the land
revenue of that holding becoming due after the annulment shall be
in abeyance until a new assessment takes effect.
(8) The Financial Commissioner may direct that any contract made
by the defaulter, or by any person through whom the defaulter
claims, with respect to any land comprised in an estate or holding
of which the assessment has been annulled, shall not be binding on
the Collector or his agent or farmer during the period for which the
estate or holding remains under the management of the Collector
or his agent or is let in farm.
80. Proclamation Of Attachment Or Annulment Of
Assessment And Consequence Of The Proclamation :-
(1) When any land is attached under Section 78, or when the
assessment of any land has been annulled under the last foregoing
section, the Collector shall make proclamation thereof.
(2) No payment made by any person to the defaulter before the
making of the proclamation on account of rent or any other asset in
anticipation of the usual time for the payment shall, without the
special sanction of the Collector, be credited to that person or
relieve him from liability to make the payment to the Collector or
his agent or farmer.
(3) No payment made after the making of the proclamation on
account of rent or any other asset of the estate or holding to any
person other than the Collector or his agent or farmer shall be
credited to the person making the payment or relieve him from the
liability to make the payment to the Collector or his agent or
81. Sale Of Estate Or Holding :-
(1) Land sold under the last foregoing section shall be sold free of
all encumbrances, and all grants and contracts previously made by
any person other than the purchaser in respect of the land shall
become void as against the purchaser at the sale.
(2) Nothing in sub-section (1) shall affect :-
(a) a tenants right of occupancy, unless the right was created by
the defaulter himself; or
(b) any lease at a fair rent, temporary or perpetual, for the erection
of a dwelling house or manufacture, or for a mine, garden, tank,
canal, place of worship, or burial ground, so long as the land
continues to be used for the purposes specified in the lease; or
(c) any encumbrances, grant, contract, or right of occupancy
specially saved by order of the Financial Commissioner and
proclaimed as hereinafter provided.
83. Proceedings Against Other Immovable Property Of
Defaulter :-
(1) The sale shall not take place on Sunday or other holiday, or till
after the expiration of at least thirty days from the date on which
the copy of the proclamation was pasted in the office of the
(2) The sale shall be by public auction, and shall be conducted
either by the Collector in person or by a Revenue Officer specifically
appointed by him in this behalf.
89. Power To Postpone Sale :-
When the highest bid at the auction has been ascertained the
person who made that bid shall, on the requisition of the officer
conducting the sale, pay to that officer a deposit of twenty-five per
centum on the amount of his bid, and shall, on payment thereof,
be declared to be the purchaser subject to the provisions of this
chapter with respect to the exercise of any right of pre-emption.
92. Consequence Of Failure To Pay Deposit :-
If the person who made the highest bid fails to pay the deposit as
required by the last foregoing section, the property shall forthwith
be put up again and sold, all expense attending the first sale, and
the deficiency of price, if any, which may happen on the resale,
may be recovered from him by the Collector as if the same were an
arrears of land revenue.
93. Time For Payment In Full :-
(1) At any time within thirty days from the date of the sale,
application may be made to the Commissioner to set aside the sale
on the ground of some material irregularity or mistake in publishing
or conducting it.
( 2 ) But a sale shall not be set aside on that ground unless the
applicant proves to be satisfaction of the Commissioner that he has
sustained substantial injury by reason of the irregularity or mistake.
It has been held as under :-
(i) The Commissioner entertained an application for setting aside a
sale barred by one days delay and referred it to the Deputy
Commissioner for report. The latter confirmed the commission of
irregularities in the sale resulting in substantial loss to the
petitioner. Held, the Commissioner could not reject the application
being time-barred - Bachittar Singh v. State of Punjab, 1972 PLJ
246 (ii) under Order 21 Rule 89 of the Civil Procedure Code the
owner of the property or anyone having interest can file the
application - 1970 PLR 438, 1975 RLR 315, 1974 Cur.LJ 43.
97. Order Confirming Or Setting Aside Sale :-
(1) After the expiration of thirty days from the date of the sale, if
such application as is mentioned in the last foregoing section has
not been made, or if such application has been made and rejected,
the Commissioner shall make an order confirming the sale, and, if
such application has been made and allowed, the Commissioner
shall make an order setting aside the sale.
(2) An order made under this section shall be final.
98. Refund Of Purchase Money On Setting Aside Of Sale :-
Whenever the sale of any property is set aside, the purchaser shall
be entitled to receive back his purchase money within three months
of the date of rejection of the sale after which date the purchaser
will be entitled to interest at such rate not exceeding three per cent
per annum as the Financial Commissioner thinks fit on the money
99. Proclamation After Postponement Or On Resale :-
(1) The provisions of Chapter VI, shall, with respect of any sum
mentioned or referred to in this Chapter, apply, so far as they can
be made applicable as if the sum were an arrear of land revenue
and the person from whom, either as principle or as surety, it is
due where a defaulter in respect of such, an arrear.
(2) Unless any such sum is declared by any enactment for the time
being in force to be recoverable as if it were an arrear of land
revenue due in respect of the land charged therewith, the
provisions of section 83 shall apply under sub-section (1) to the
recovery thereof."
It has been held as under :-
(i) Where arrears of rent due to a Panchayat under some other
enactment are declared as arrears of land revenue the only remedy
available to an aggrieved person is to deposit the dues and then
approach a competent civil court under section 84 of HP Land
Revenue Act (corresponding section 78 of the Punjab Land Revenue
Act)- Faqir Chand v. Gram Sabha, Lataur 1970 RLR 408.
106. Powers Of Financial Commissioner To Make Rules For
Demarcation Of Boundaries And Erection Of Survey-Marks :-
(1) A Revenue Officer may for the purpose of framing any record or
making any assessment under this Act or on the application of any
person interested, define the limits of any holding, field or other
portion of an estate, and may, for the purpose of indicating those
limits, require survey-marks to be erected or repaired.
(2) In defining the limits of any land under sub-section (1) the
Revenue Officer may, cause survey-marks to be erected on any
boundary already determined by or by order of any Court, Revenue
Officer or Forest Settlement Officer, or restore any survey-marks
already set up, or by order of any Court of any such Officer.
It has been held as under :-
(i) Demarcation of boundary by a competent Revenue Officer under
Section 107. Order of fresh demarcation by the Collector
subsequently is illegal and without jurisdiction under subsection (3)
of Section 17 the Collector is empowered only to call for record in a
case and report such case together with his opinion for the orders
of the Financial Commissioner - 1984 SLJ 378.
1. Added by Act No. 15 of 2000 and deleted by Act No. 1 of 2004.
108. Power To Fix Boundary Between Riverain Estates :-
(1) When any two or more estates are subject to river action and
the limits of any such estates are by any law, custom, decree or
order applicable thereto, liable to vary according to variations may
from time to time occur in the course or action of river, the State
Government may order a permanent boundary line to be fixed
between any such estates or such portion thereof as are liable to
river action.
(2) Upon an order being made under sub-section (1), the Collector
shall fix a boundary line between such estates or portion of such
estates accordingly, and shall demarcate the same, in accordance
with the rules (if any) made under section 106 and the provisions
of Section 107.
(3) Every such boundary line shall be fixed with due regard to the
history of the estates and the interests of the persons respectively
owning them or possessing rights therein, in such a manner as may
be just and equitable in the circumstances in each case.
(4) No such boundary line shall be deemed to have been
permanently fixed until it has been approved by the Financial
109. Effect Of Fixing A Boundary Between Riverain Estates
For the purpose of sections 108, 109 and 110, respectively, the
expression "Collector" shall be deemed to include any Revenue
Officer appointed by the State Government to perform all or any of
the functions of a Collector under any of the provisions thereof.
114. Deleted :-
["114. Cost of erection and repair of survey-mark.--
(1) Subject to any rules which the Financial Commissioner may
make in this behalf, survey-marks shall be erected or repaired at
the cost of the State Government.]
[During the making or special revision of record of rights, the
S ettlement Officer shall get the survey-mark erected, and
therefore, it shall be the duty of the Collector of the District to
maintain the survey-mark in good condition."].
1. Substituted by Act 15 of 2000.
115. Recovery Of Cost Incurred By The Government :-
1. Substituted by Act 15 of 2000.
116. Power Of Revenue Offices To Enter On Land For
Purpose Of Survey And Demarcation :-
Any Revenue Officer, and any person acting under the order of a
Revenue Officer may, in the discharge of any duty under this Act,
enter upon and survey land and erect survey marks thereon and
demarcate the boundaries thereof, and do all other acts necessary
for the proper performance of that duty.
117. Survey For Purpose Of Preparation Of Records :-
(1) For the purposes of the survey of any land in pursuance of rules
under section 47, clause (c), the landowners shall be bound to
provide fit persons to act as flag holders and chain-men.
(2) If the landowners fail to provide such persons or to provide
them in sufficient number, such other persons as a Revenue Officer
considers necessary may be employed and the cost of employing
them recovered from the landowners as if it were an arrear of land
119. Professional Surveys :-
If the Revenue Officer does not refuse the application under the
last foregoing section, he shall ascertain the questions, if any, in
dispute between any of the persons interested distinguishing
(a) questions as to title in the property of which partition is sought:
( b ) questions as to the property to be divided, or the mode of
making the partition.
129. Disposal Of Questions As To Title In Property To Be
Divided :-
(1) The amount of revenue to be paid in respect of each of the
holdings into which land has been divided on a partition, and the
amount of rent to be paid in respect of each of the portion into
which a tenancy has been so divided, shall be determined by the
Revenue Officer making the partition.
(2) The determination of the Revenue Officer as to the revenue to
be paid in respect of each holding shall, where the estate in which
the holding is situate is subject to a fixed assessment, be deemed
to be an order under Section 60, sub-section (1).
(3) Where new estates have been created at a partition and the
land revenue has been fraudulently or erroneously distributed
among them, the State Government may within twleve years from
the time of discovery of the fraud or error, order a new distribution
of the land revenue among several estates, on an estimate of the
assets of each estate at the time of the land revenue partition, to
be made conformably to the best evidence and information
procurable respecting the same.
1. Substituted by Act No. 15 of 2000.
133. Instrument Of Partition :-
(1) In any case in which a partition has been made without the
intervention of a Revenue Officer for an order affirming the
" ( 2 ) On receiving the application, if the Revenue Officer, after
hearing the parties, finds that, the partition has taken place and
acted upon, he may make an order affirming the partition and get
his order implemented by getting the mutation of private partition
attested within one month and he shall also distribute the land
revenue and rents involved in the holding in accordance with the
shares partitioned therein.]
[(3) Where all the co-sharers make a report in writing duly signed
by all of them to the patwari, that, they have privately partitioned
the land separated the possession thereof amicably, the patwari
shall make an entry of such report in his diary and enter the
mutation which will be decided by the Revenue Officer after hearing
the parties within three months."]
It has been held as under :-
Instrument of partition - Held, that after the amended subsection
(3) of Section 135 of the Act, after the entry of private
partition in daily diary and entry of mutation it is for the Revenue
Officer to decide it after hearing two parties - No force in the
submissions made that in the absence of preparation of instrument
of partition, the status of parties continued to be that of co-sharers
- No merit in appeal. Pritam Singh v. Dhian Singh & Ors., 2003(1)
Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 36 (H.P.)
1. Substituted sub-section (2) and sub-section (3) added by Act 15
of 2000.
136. Estimates And Levy Of Costs :-
(1) Any Revenue Officer may, with the consent of the parties, refer
to arbitration any dispute arising before him in any matter under
this Act.
(2) A Collector, or any Assistant Collector of the first grade may,
without the consent of the parties, refer to arbitration any dispute
before him without respect to -
(a) any matter of which an entry is to be made in any record or
register under Chapter IV;
(b) any matter relating to the distribution of an assessment under
section 60;
(c) the limits of any estate or of any holding, field or other portion
of an estate;
(d) the property to be divided at a partition or the mode of making
a partition.
It has been held as under :-
(i) The power of an Assistant Collector I Grade to refer any dispute
for arbitration without the consent of the parties is discretionary. It
is not possible for a revising authority to interfere where there has
not been an irregularity of any kind in the exercise of jurisdiction -
1942 LLT 20.
140. Order Of Reference And Contents Thereof :-
When an order of reference has been made, the parties may each
nominate the number of arbitrators specified in the order
[and the revenue officer shall nominate one other arbitrator on
behalf of the State Government.]
(2) The Revenue Officer may for reasons to be recorded by him
make an order disallowing any nomination made by either party
and require that party to make another nomination within a period
to be specified in the order and if such other arbitrator is not
nominated within the period so specified, the Revenue Officer may
from time to time, enlarge the period or may cancel the order of
(3) An order under the last foregoing sub-section shall be final.
1. Added by Act No. 11 of 1955.
142. Substitution Of Arbitrators By Parties :-
(1) When the award has been received, the Revenue Officer shall, if
the parties are present, consider forthwith any objections which
they may have to make thereto, and, if they are not present, fix a
date for the consideration thereof.
(2) Where a date has been fixed for the consideration of an award,
the Revenue Officer shall on that date, or on any subsequent date
to which an adjournment may be made, hear any objections which
the parties may have to make to the award.
( 3 ) The Revenue Officer may also, if he thinks fit, question the
arbitrators as to the grounds of their award.
147. Effect Of Award :-
(1) The Revenue Officer may accept, modify or reject the award,
recording his reasons for doing so in his decision, respecting the
dispute which was referred to arbitration.
(2) An appeal shall lie from the decision as if arbitrators had not
been appointed.
148. Power To Invest Officers Making Records Of Rights Or
General Re-Assessments With Powers Of Civil Courts :-
1. Deleted by Act 15 of 2000.
157. Village Cesses :-
1. Deleted by Act 15 of 2000.
159. Section 159 :-
1. Deleted by Act 15 of 2000.
160. Recovery Of Cost Of Assessing Assigned Land Revenue
"(1) Where Government land or land which has been reserved for
the site of the village or for common purposes or uses of the estate
right holders or of the co-sharers therein, has been encroached
upon by any person or co-sharers for any purpose including the
construction of a building or other structures or by planting trees
therein, then -
(a) the Revenue Officer may of his own motion or on the report of
the patwari of the circle duly verified by the Kanungo of the circle
or on the application of any estate right holder or co-sharers, after
giving reasonable opportunity of being heard, shall eject him from
such land by order, in the manner prescribed;
(b) if the encroacher has erected any building or other structure or
has planted trees on the encroached land, the same shall, in the
prescribed manner, vest in the State Government free from all
encumbrances :
Provided that if the building or structure and attachments thereto
are situated partly in the owned land of the encroacher and partly
on the encroached land, the Revenue Officer shall be competent to
demolish the portion of the building or structure on the encroached
land if the encroacher fails to demolish it himself as ordered by the
Revenue Officer; and
(c) the Revenue Officer shall impose upon the encroacher a fine
upto [Rs. 2,000/-] per bigha or part thereof, which shall be
recoverable, as if it were an arrears of land revenue.
(2) If a person who has been evicted from any land under this
section again occupies the land without authority for such
occupation, he shall be punished with imprisonment for a term
which may extend to one year, or with fine which may extend to
[five thousand] rupees or with both;
["(3) When there is a question as to title or to the adverse
possession, wherein the possession is claimed by an encroacher for
a period beyond thirty years in relation to the land from which
ejectment is made or is to be made under this Section, the
Revenue Officer, not below the rank of an Assistant Collector of the
First Grade
[may proceed] to determine the question, as if he were a civil court
a n d shall exercise all such powers as are exercisable by a civil
(4) For the determination of the question under sub-section (3),
the Revenue Officer shall follow the same procedure as is applicable
to the trial of an original suit by a civil court, and he shall record a
judgment and decree containing the particulars required by the
Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 to be specified therein.
(5) An appeal from the decree of the Revenue Officer made under
sub-section (4) shall lie to the District Judge as if that decree were
a decree of a Subordinate Judge in an original suit.
(6) A further appeal from the appellate decree of a District Judge
upon an appeal under sub-section (5), shall lie to the High Court
only if the High Court is satisfied that a substantial question of law
is involved.";
(7) No suit or other legal proceeding shall lie again the Revenue
Officer or any person acting under this Section in respect of
anything in good faith done or purported to have been done under
the provisions thereof or the rules made thereunder.
It has been held as under :-
(i) A notice under Section 163 was issued to the respondent to
show cause against his eviction from the suit land and imposition of
fine-whereas respondent asserted that he has become owner of the
suit land by way of adverse possession -The appeal is accepted -
The judgment and decree of the First Appellate Court are set aside.
State of H.P. v. Gurnam Singh, 2001(1) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 129
(ii) Adverse possession - Held that the petitioner applied for the
lease of the land in the year, 1982 and participated in auction bid
in the year 1970 demonstrates that he was not in possession of the
land in question his claim as to adverse possession is devoid of any
merit - Revision petition dismissed. Duni Chand & Anr. v. State of
Himachal Pradesh, 2003(1) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 215 (F.C.)
(iii) Encroachment - Eviction - Held that the land claimed under the
colour of exchange is merely presumptive and has not come into
existence - Petitioners are encroachers simpliciter on the land in
question - The orders passed by the Assistant Collector are
maintained - Petition dismissed. Jamit Singh (deceased) & Ors. v.
State of Himachal Pradesh, 2002(2) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 134 (F.C.)
(iv) Encroachment - Eviction - Held, that there appears to be in-
consistency in the report with regard to actual area under
encroachment submitted by field officials vis-à-vis the finding of
fact by A.C. 1st grade on the spot - In view of the varying versions
of the factual encroachment of the petitioner on the government
land, it appears necessary to determine the factum of actual
encroachment of the petitioners by A.C. 1st grade on the spot - In
view of the varying versions of the factual encroachment of the
petitioners - A.C. 1st grade should enquire into the matter afresh.
Satya Pal v. Rattan Chand and others, 2002(2) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 143
(v) Jurisdiction - Appeal, held, that the perusal of record show that
the District Collector has passed a well reasoned order in the
matter, after obtaining detailed report from the Assistant Collector -
Collector noted in his order that the predecessor of the petitioners
purchased area of 872.914 sq. meters - This area during settlement
operations has been measured 760.53 sq. meters - That these
khasra numbers formed the area that belonged to the predecessor
of petitioners in the settlement record - No illegality in the orders
passed by the District Collector - No merit in reference. State of
Himachal Pradesh v. Lal Chand (Shir) & Anr. 2002(2) Cur.L.J.
(H.P.) 208 (F.C.)
(vi) Adverse possession - Appeal - Remanding back of case -
Framing of issue - Held, that since no reply was filed by the
respondent, no issues were to be framed - The evidence of the
objector was recorded - The orders of the lower appellate Court are
wholly inconsistent with the record - The orders of D.J. remitting
the case back to the A.C. is set aside - District Judge directed to
decide the same on merits - Parties directed to appear before the
Ld. District Judge, Kangra. Kehar Singh v. State of H.P., 2005(2)
Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 480 (H.P.)
(vii) Order of eviction passed by Assistant Collector was confirmed
in appeal by the Collector under Section 14 of the Act - District
Judge could not have entertained the appeal filed against the order
passed by Assistant Collector, which was already challenged before
Collector. State of H.P. v. Bagshi Ram, 2001(2) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 520
(viii) Assistant Collector passed order of eviction of the respondent
under Section 163(i) - Respondent preferred appeal under Section
163(5) before district Judge - District Jduge allowed the appeal and
set aside the order of Asstt. Collector and remanded the matter to
the Asstt. Collector with direction to decide afresh the matter in the
light of section 163(3) & (4) - Held, the impugned order of District
Judge passed under Section 163(5) is without jurisdiction - Set
aside. State of H.P. v. Lachhu Ram, 2002(1) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 78
(ix) Appeal by State Challenging the competency and authority of
the civil court to deal with the claim and grant relief in favour of
the plaintiffs in the manner it has been done in the teeth of the bar
engrafted in section 163 and 171 of the Act - Held, no infirmity or
perversity in the judgment and decree of the courts below which
otherwise are concurrent, to interfere in this appeal - Appeal
dismissed. State of H.P. v. Durga Singh, 2001(1) Cur.L.J. (H.P.)
381 (H.P.)
(x) Possession - Eviction - Held, that Section 171 of the Act
expressly exclude the jurisdiction of the civil courts in all matters
which are within the jurisdiction of the Revenue officers - The
present suit could not have been entertained by the civil Court for
want of jurisdiction to try such suit - Appeal accepted. State of
Himachal Padesh v. Sandhya Devi, 2003(1) Cur.L.J. (H.P.) 314
(xi) Encroachment - Eviction proceedings - Change of ownership -
Held, when it was established by the filed enquiry that the
respondent No. 1 has constructed her house on a part of old Khasra
No. 592/348 now denoted Khasra No. 1062, Settlement Collector
could not have chosen to get this area entered in the ownership of
respondent No. 1 and at the same time could not have ordered
carving out of Khasra No. 1064, 1070 and 1132 out of Khasra No.
685/347 which was in recorded ownership of Shri Udia Ram - The
order of Settlement is illegal and beyond the competency of the
Settlement Collector - Revision petition allowed. Tulsi Ram (Shri) &
Ors. v. Smt. Satya Chauhan & Anr., 2005 (Suppl.) Cur.L.J. (H.P.)
320 (FC, H.P.)
Provided that no encroacher shall be ejected under this clause
unless he has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing
cause against the ejectment:
Provided that no court shall take cognizance under this subsection
of an offence unless a report in writing is made by a Revenue
Officer not below the rank of Assistant Collector First Grade."; and]
Explanation. - For the purposes of this section, any person who
holds land under a lease granted by the Government for a fixed
term and continues to be in possession of the land beyond the
expiry of the period of lease shall be deemed to be encroacher
unless such person gets the lease extended or renewed.
1. Substituted Sub-sections 3 to 6 and existing sub-section 3
renumbered as (7) by Act No. 15 of 1989
2. Substituted by Act of 3 of 2001.
163A. Regularisation Of Encroachment In Certain Cases :-
[Notwithstanding anything contained in section 163 of this Act, or
any other law for the time being in force, the State Government
may make rules regarding the regularisation of the encroachment
on Government land."].
It has been held as under :-
Transfer of proceedings - Subordinate courts - Held, that there is
no escape from the conclusion that while acting under subsections
3 and 4 of Section 163 the Assistant Collector 1st Grade is a Civil
Court subordinate to the District Judge and D.J. has the powers to
transfer the proceedings which are being tried by him as an original
suit. Subhadara Chauhan & Ors. v. State of H.P. & Ors., 2004(2)
Cur.L.J. (H.P.)537 (H.P.)
1. Substituted by Act 15 of 2000.
(1) A Revenue Officer may give and apportion the costs of any
proceedings under this Act in any manner he thinks fit.
(2) But, if he orders that the cost of any such proceedings shall not
follow the event, he shall record his reason for the order.
166. Computation Of Periods Limited For Appeals And
Application For Review :-