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Experimental Report 2.0

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Experimental Report 2



Verification of the instructors

Class: CTTT Ô Tô 01 k64

Group: 2

Name: Vo Viet Dong

Student ID: 20196906

I/ Experiment Motivations

- Understanding more about conservation law

- Improving experimental skill.


1) Elastic collision: m1 = 398 ± 1 (𝑔) , m2 = 799 ± 1 (𝑔)

t1 (s) t1 ’(s) t2 ’
1 0.166 0.815 0.272
2 0.167 0.803 0.271
3 0.165 0.773 0.269
4 0.167 0.789 0.271
5 0.166 0.786 0.269
6 0.166 0.787 0.270
7 0.166 0.797 0.269
8 0.166 0.794 0.271
9 0.166 0.799 0.271
10 0.166 0.797 0.271

t̅1 = 0.166(s) ̅̅̅

t1 ′ = 0.794(s) t̅̅2̅̅′ = 0.270(s)
∑10 (t1i − t̅1 )2 ∑10 ̅̅̅ 2 ∑10 ̅̅̅̅ 2
sd = √ i=1 √ i=1(t1 ′i − t1 ′) √ i=1(t 2 ′i − t 2 ′)
10 sd = sd =
10 10
= 0.001(s) = 0.021(s) = 0.002(s)
sd sd sd
SD = = 0.001(s) SD = = 0.007(s) SD = = 0.001(s)
√10 √10 √10
2) Inelastic collision
m1 = 799 ± 1 (𝑔)
m2 = 398 ± 1 (𝑔)

Trial t = t1 (s) t’= t2’=t1’ (s)

1 0.242 0.393
2 0.241 0.394
3 0.239 0.391
4 0.238 0.392
5 0.237 0.395
6 0.235 0.396
7 0.242 0.401
8 0.241 0.398
9 0.239 0.390
10 0.236 0.400
t̅1 = 0.239(s) ̅t̅2̅̅′ = 0.395
∑10 ̅ 2
i=1(t1i − t1 ) ∑10 (t1 ′𝑖 − t̅̅̅
1 ′)
sd = √ sd = √ i=1
10 10
= 0.004(s) = 0.006(s)
sd sd
SD = = 0.001(s) SD = = 0.002(s)
√10 √10


1) Elastic collision

a. Momentum

The total momentum before collision are:

P1 = m1 ⃗⃗⃗
v1 + m2 ⃗⃗⃗

S̅1 10 × 10−2
P̅1 = ̅̅̅̅
m1 = 398 × 10−3 × = 0.240(kgm⁄s)
t̅1 0.166

∆m1 2 ∆t1 2 1 2 0.001 2

̅ √
⇒ ∆P1 = P1 ( √
) + ( ) = 0.240 × ( ) +( ) = 0.002(kgm⁄s)
̅̅̅̅ t̅1 398 0.166

Then P1 = 0.240 ± 0.002(kgm⁄s)

P1 = 0.240 ± 0.002(kgm⁄s)
The total momentum after collision are:

P2 = m1 ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
v1 ′ + m2 ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
v2 ′
S2 S̅1 10 × 10−2 10 × 10−2
P̅2 = |m
̅̅̅̅2 ̅̅̅̅1 | = |799 × 10−3 ×
−m − 398 × 10−3 × | = 0.246(kgm⁄s)
t̅̅2̅̅′ t̅̅̅
1′ 0.270 0.794

2 2
∆m1 2 ∆t1 ′ ∆m2 2 ∆t 2 ′
⟹ ∆P2 = P̅2 √( ) +( ) +( ) +( )
̅̅̅̅ t̅̅̅
1′ m2
̅̅̅̅ ̅t̅2̅̅′

1 0.021 2 1 2 0.002 2
= 0.246 × √( ) +( ) +( ) +( )
399 0.794 799 0.270

= 0.007(kgm⁄s)

Then P2 =0.246 ± 0.007(kgm⁄s)


P2 =0.246 ± 0.007(kgm⁄s)

The percent change in momentum

|P2 − P1 | |0.246 − 0.240|

C% = = × 100% = 2.5%
P1 0.240

b. Kinetic energy

The total Kinetic energy before collision are:

2 2
1 1 S̅1 398 × 10−3 10 × 10−2
̅K̅̅1̅ = m 2
̅̅̅̅(v̅ ) = ̅̅̅̅
m ( ) = ×( ) = 0.072(J)
2 1 1 2 1 t̅1 2 0.166

∆m1 2 ∆t1 2 1 2 0.001 2

⇒ ∆K1 = K1 ( √ ) + (−2 √
) = 0.072 × ( ) + 4( ) = 0.001(J)
̅̅̅̅ t̅1 398 0.166

Then K 2 = 0.072 ± 0.001(J)


K1 = 0.072 ± 0.001(J)
The total Kinetic energy after collision are:
2 2 2 2
1 S̅1 1 ̅̅̅
S2 398 × 10−3 10 × 10−2 799 × 10−3 10 × 10−2
̅K̅̅2̅ = m̅̅̅̅1 ( ) + m ̅̅̅̅2 ( ) = ×( ) + ×( )
2 ̅̅̅
t1 ′ 2 ̅t̅2̅̅′ 2 0.794 2 0.270
= 0.058(J)

2 2
∆t 2 ′ ∆t1 ′ 0.002 2 0.021 2
⇒ ∆K 2 = ̅K̅̅2̅√(2 ) + (−2 ) = 0.058 × √4 ( ) + 4 ( ) = 0.003(J)
t̅̅2̅̅′ ̅̅̅
t1 ′ 0.270 0.794

Then K 2 = 0.058 ± 0.003(J)


K 2 = 0.058 ± 0.003(J)

The percent change in kinetic energy

|K 2 − K1 | |0.058 − 0.072|
C% = = × 100% = 19.44%
K1 0.072

2) Inelastic collision

a. Momentum

The total momentum before collision are

S̅1 10 × 10−2
P̅1 = ̅̅̅̅
m1 = 799 × 10−3 × = 0.334(kgm⁄s)
t̅1 0.239

∆m1 2 ∆t1 2 1 2 0.004 2

⇒ ∆P1 = P̅1 √( ) + ( ) = 0.334 × √( ) +( ) = 0.005(kgm⁄s)
̅̅̅̅ t̅1 799 0.239

Then P1 = 0.334 ± 0.005(kgm⁄s)

P1 = 0.334 ± 0.005(kgm⁄s)

The total momentum after collision are

𝑆2 10 × 10−2
P̅2 = (𝑚1 + 𝑚2 ) = (799 + 398) × 10−3 × = 0.303(kgm⁄s)
t2′ 0.395

∆m1 2 ∆m2 2 ∆t 2 ′ 1 2 1 2 0.006 2
̅ √
⇒ ∆P2 = P2 ( ) +( ) +( √
) = 0.303 × ( ) +( ) +( )
𝑚1 𝑚2 𝑡2 ′ 799 398 0.395
= 0.005(kgm⁄s)
Then P22 = 0.303 ± 0.005(kgm⁄s)


P2 = 0.303 ± 0.005(kgm⁄s)

The change in the moment of m1 and m2 when they move together:

The percent change in momentum

|P2 − P1 | |0.303 − 0.334|
C% = = × 100% = 9.28%
P1 0.334

b. Kinetic energy

The total Kinetic energy before collision are

2 2
1 1 S̅1 799 × 10−3 10 × 10−2
̅K̅̅1̅ = m )2
̅̅̅̅(v̅ = ̅̅̅̅
m ( ) = ×( ) = 0.070(J)
2 1 1 2 1 t̅1 2 0.239

∆m1 2 ∆t1 2 1 2 0.004 2

⇒ ∆K1 = ̅K̅̅1̅√( ) + (−2 ) = 0.070 × √( ) + (2 ) = 0.002(J)
̅̅̅̅ t̅1 799 0.239

Then K1 = 0.070 ± 0.002(J)


K1 = 0.070 ± 0.002(J)

The total Kinetic energy after collision are

2 2
S2 (799 + 398) × 10−3 10 × 10−2
̅K̅̅2̅ = (m
̅̅̅̅1 + m
2 ( ) = ×( ) = 0.038(J)
̅t̅2̅̅′ 2 0.395

∆m1 2 ∆m2 2 ∆t 2 2 1 2 1 2 0.006 2

⟹ ∆K 2 = K 2 ( ) +( ) + (−2 √
) = 0.038 × ( ) +( ) +4 ( )
m1 𝑚2 t̅2 799 398 0.395
= 0.001(J)

Then K 2 = 0.038 ± 0.001(J)

The percent change in kinetic energy

|K 2 − K1 | |0.038 − 0.070|
C% = = × 100% = 45.71%
K1 0.070
 The kinetic energy after a completely inelastic collision is significantly less than
before and it appear the change in the kinetic energy between m1 and m2 because
having the friction.

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