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the British in 1841, after a determined resistance, and is one

practices. The raven created the world. The Dene (Tinneh)

quickly burned away as a result of its contact at a high

of his embassy (in Pertz, Mon. Germ. Scriptores, iv.

pastures. By the Diseases of Animals Act 1896 (59 & 60 Vict.

determine the extent to which the value of the formal aspect

Pope Clement VII. The precise date of his death, like that

of Tiberius, who conceived a great affection for him, and

bridle-paths supply the only means of communication. The

neap. A wet dock, of 29 acres, and with 6000 ft. of quay,

loan. His leaning to Christians aroused further opposition

the execution of his work, and in 1723 some remuneration

necessary sum. His request was immediately granted, and

work Die Runenschrift (Berlin, 1887), contends that the

department, and he has charge of all matters relating to

if the solution passes up to the brain, or even if it passes

Cufic and the nashki. The former soon fell into disuse for

placed. In an age of superstition no people had so great a

his profession, he entered himself in 1837 as a student at

navigable to Alexandria during the entire year. Alexandria

and owing to the opening up of extensive coalfields in the

These inquiries have been carried out to some extent in connexion

such as Pinus cerebra, Abies sibirica, Larix sibirica, Picea

enclosure of the common fields proved most hurtful to the

ACCUMULATOR, the term applied to a number of devices whose

faiths. The Chinese traveller, Hsuan Tsang, in the 7th

directly from the ``decomposing-pan'' of an ordinary salt-cake

butter-constituents, while a poorly fed animal, kept in the

on the London & South-Western and the South- Eastern & Chatham
1902 42 8 37 9 44 2 52 9 52 1

claim to a number of territories, belonging to princes

culture and by especially protecting certain small islands,

turns to the N.W. on reaching the Mokra Planina, and then

giveth food to all flesh. Fill our hearts with joy and

transferred to Italy--the transference being subsequently

did his best for his country by humbling himself before the

separation or for the dissolution of the marriage. Though,

The annual rate of growth, in height, weight and strength,

(Leipzig, 1894); F. Kampers, ``Alex. d. Grosse und die Idee

used, and while some will give the full volume, other

(1 Kings xiv. 1 ff., 17). (4) Head of the eighth order of

lore. The distribution of literary activity was very uneven

authors, which, while bitterly lamenting the frequency of this

foreign office, whence he passed to Paris. He remained there,

counts of Segni. His uncle Gregory IX. made him cardinal deacon

monumental evidence the articles on CRETE, MYCENAE,

pope had usurped the nomination of all abbots, and the king in

but Olivier found the ruling prince with only twenty-five

its astonishment that there was some mysterious connexion

the Italian trade with the East, and in 848 its fleet went

been fraudulently added to butter, some countries (Germany,

for long borne the greater part of the burden of combating

of number of farms, total and improved acreage by decades.

subjects it, directed in everything by petty considerations,

as ``coming over to us in Holland ships,'' about which he

from a society established in Dublin about 1782 by a number

obstinately as it clung to old ways, it was forced to remove


v.-ix.; M. Dubois, Les lignes Etolienne et Acheenne

drums. In the tapping process a fixed crucible is used,

field. In this magnetic field is pivoted a small circular

from India in 1847. Among subsequent possessors were Scott's

plain that joins the inland plain of Esdraelon, and so affords

to the time and place of its origin is of a highly complicated

the ammoniacal liquor of gas-works (see GAS: Manufacture)

purification it may be shaken with hot milk of lime, the oily

is natural to regard (3) the curious resemblance as to the

injuriously. It is, of course, a question of dose and

T. O. Bergman also observed that the addition of potash or ammonia

oxus, acidus, sour, and oxos, acetus, vinegar.

cigarette-case, containing a syringe and hundreds of doses of

Herat. Dost Mahommed now became the British ally, but on his

the entire destruction of Greek liberty for over a century.

therefore be avoided by him should he desire to do so. Its

chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster and the secretary for

intermittent albuminuria, &c. Its recognition is of extreme

told in Mrs Ednah D. Cheney's Louisa May Alcott: Her

in 1488, and in 1498 Vasco da Gama, after having rounded

rules of the unwritten law, the ``common law'' as it is

in the former as is compatible only with an early date.

BIBLIOORAPHY.--For a general account of Algeria, see Maurice

important recommendations of the Food Products Committee,

met with in those countries where the Code Napoleon is in

carry, for example, a full cargo of grain. In such a case the

In modern times its historical value has been seriously

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