WA Egypt
WA Egypt
WA Egypt
Read the sources listed in the reference list below and posted for you on our course
page. It is critical that you develop your responses to the questions below out of your
analysis of these sources. You are not to just give an opinion but are to develop
supported responses to the questions citing evidence from the sources you are given for
the week. You will be graded on how you annotate1 these written sources and take notes
on these sources-these will be submitted to the drop box along with your polished
question submission. See Rubric below for how you are graded on this assignment.
1. As a primary source the "Tale of the Eloquent Peasant" educates modern people
about ancient Egyptian society. What did you learn about Egyptian society from this
source? Does the primary source indicate that they were a complex society during
this time? How?
2. There are no detailed lists of legal decisions in ancient Egypt, like Hammurabi’s
Code of Law from Mesopotamia, instead the Egyptians used stories like this one
about the peasant from Wadi Natrum. Is Ma’at and the pharaoh’s justice all that
different from Hammurabi’s? Explain your answer and reference the Code as
3. In Egypt’s case, how have modern wars/revolutions affected the ancient history?
How does the “Sons of Luxor” video fit into this discussion? Did anything stick out
to you in this video? What role should foreigners (scholars, archaeologists, tourists,
politicians, bureaucrats, etc.) in these situations? Explain and support. Note: The
suggested sources for this week are relevant to this question if you choose to use
1Sources will be checked for your highlighting, notes, and underling as part of your grade. Digital source
annotations can be done on various programs. For one example, see: Adobe Acrobat Reader | Add Comments and
Highlight Text and Images to PDF Documents
2016. The Sons of Luxor: Unearthing Egypt’s past for a brighter future. Produced by USAID.
Tobin, Vincent A. 2003. "The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant." In The Literature of Ancient
Egypt , by William Kelly Simpson, 25-44. New Haven : Yale UP.
Suggested Sources for the week that relate to this discussion topic:
2016. Egypt's Treasure Guardians. Directed by Ben Allen and Tom Jenner. Produced by Darlow
Smithson Productions.
2013. The Square (Meydan). Directed by Jehane Noujaim. Produced by Karim Amer and Jehane
2 See the Chicago Manual Sheet for Students that has been posted on our online course.