Nursing Manangment of Older Person
Nursing Manangment of Older Person
Nursing Manangment of Older Person
-it encompasses a holistic view of aging with the goal of old- having lived or existed for a long time.
increasing health, providing comfort and caring for
older adult needs.
ex. kinakausap ung matatanda kase bumababa na den chronologic age -the number of years a person has
ung pagiging social nila leading to depression or anxiety. lived.
geropsychology - branch of psychology concerned with - is most often used when we speak of aging because it
helping older persons and their families maintain well- is the easiest to identify and measure.
being, overcome problems, and achieve maximum
- it is not the most meaningful measurement of aging
potential during later life.
-chronologically young but physically or functionally old - may experience some decline in intellectual
- individuals remain physically fit, stay mentally active abilities but is usually not severe enough to
and are productive members of society cause problems in daily living
- generally have lower rates of diagnosable
aging - is a complex process that can be described
depression when they live in community
chronologically, physiologically and functionally.
settings, when compared with younger adults
- tend to maintain a consistent personality
throughout the life span
- typically adjust wall to the challenges of aging
- smoking
- poor nutrition - must be skilled in leadership, communications,
- physical inactivity and managing change
- failure to use preventative and screening
advocate- acts on behalf of older adults to promote
their best interests and strengthen their autonomy and
nurses can intervene using the three levels of decision making
expanded roles
opportunities to improve older adults' health and
quality of life - counselor
- case manager
- -healthy lifestyles
- coordinator of services
- -early disease detection
- collaborator
- -immunization.
- geriatric care manager
- -injury prevention
- -self-management techniques
rights of the elderly
-care provider should be educated about disease - right to special and appropriate care
processes and syndromes commonly seen in the older
- right to immediate aid in the event of disaster and
- knowledge of risk factors
- right to live in an environment which is safe and
- signs and symptoms
adaptable to personal preferences and changing
- usual treatment (medical)
- rehabilitation
- end-of-life care -right to opportunities for work or access to other
income generating opportunities
teacher -focuses their teaching on modifiable risk
factors and health promotion. -right to remain integrated in the society
- healthy diet -right to pursue opportunities for the full development
- healthy lifestyle of their potentials
- smoking cessation
- appropriate weight maintenance -freedom from exploitation and physical or mental
- increased physical activity abuse
- stress management
manager -acts as manager during everyday practice as existing measures protecting and promoting human
they balance the concerns of the patient, family, rights of the elderly
nursing and the rest of the interdisciplinary team.
- establishment of national federation of senior citizens 3. the grant of a minimum of five percent (59%)
of the philippines (nfscap) -devolution of total family discount relative to the monthly utilization of water and
approach program electricity supplied by the public utilities: provided, that
the individual meters for the foregoing utilities are
-community service to the elderly through some ngo
registered in the name of the senior citizen residing
therein: provided, further, that the monthly
ra 7432 which provides for the establishment of the consumption does not exceed one hundred kilowatt
senior citizens affairs in the cities and municipalities hours (100 kwh) of electricity and thirty cubic meters
(30 m3) of water: provided, furthermore, that the
ra 7876 /senior citizens acts establishing day care privilege is granted per household regardless of the
centers for the senior citizens in every municipalities...... number of senior citizens residing therein;
"in the availment of the privileges mentioned above, 8. latrogenic illnesses are common and many are
the senior citizen, or his/her duly authorized preventable ex. drugs taken by the patient
representative, may submit as proof of his/her entitled 9. geriatric care is provided in a variety of settings
thereto any of the following: ranging from the home to long- term care institutions
1. an identification card issued by the office of the 10. ethical issues (ex. euthanasia) and end-of-life care
senior citizen affairs (osca) of the place where the are critical aspects of the practice of geriatrics
senior citizen resides: provided, that the identification
card issued by the particular osca shall be honored