OET Speaking Feedback Form
OET Speaking Feedback Form
OET Speaking Feedback Form
About Variations
This OET Speaking Feedback Form is designed to help teachers pinpoint Here are some other ideas to use the OET Speaking Feedback Form:
learners’ strengths and weaknesses according to the OET Assessment Criteria 1) Have your learners record their practice role plays, listen back, and fill in
and Glossary. The form will help you understand each criterion more deeply the feedback form themselves.
and provide targeted feedback to help your learners prepare and progress. 2) Have learners assess their peers using the feedback form.
Use it when conducting practice role plays or listening to recorded role plays.
3) Focus on only one criteria type (linguistic or clinical) per role play.
4) Have learners review their previous feedback form before the next
How to Use practice role play and set goals (e.g. I will score green for all my
Each criterion on the OET Speaking Feedback Form is broken down into its ‘Appropriateness of Language’ features.)
separate elements or indicators. When conducting practice role plays, tick 5) Review the feedback forms with the role play cards. Have learners identify
the relevant column (red, orange or green) for each element and use the places where they could have performed better.
‘Comments’ section to provide feedback on what you heard (or did not hear).
Use this feedback form not to calculate a final score, but to provide rich and
detailed feedback to your learners. Understanding OET Speaking Scoring
At the end of the form, write your recommendations and instruct the learner to In the OET Speaking sub-test, a candidate’s performance on each of their two
complete the self-reflection. Speaking role plays is scored by at least two assessors using nine criteria
(four for linguistic and five for clinical communication). The assessors award
Digital or print versions a band score for each criterion. These raw scores then undergo analysis and
conversion into a numerical grade (0-500) and corresponding letter grade
Digital: (E-A). While you cannot calculate the final score based on raw criteria scores,
• Download this PDF and save it on your computer. test-takers securing grade B will have achieved predominantly scores of 5 out
• Complete the form in Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader. of 6 on each linguistic criteria and 2 out of 3 for the clinical communication
• Remember to save the document regularly as you work through it. If you criteria.
complete the form in a web browser, you may lose your changes. Note: This feedback form is intended for use as a teaching tool, not for official
Print: assessment.
• Alternatively you can download, print copies of the form, and fill it in manually.
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Pauses / hesitations are situationally appropriate Able to sustain longer utterances with appropriate use of
(not a sign of searching for words or structures) cohesive devices
Minimal use of fillers, repetition, restarting, searching for Idiomatic language used accurately and appropriately
Comments: Comments:
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D1 Uses active listening techniques (silence & pausing, E1 Establishes initially what the patient already knows
verbal encouragement, echoing & repetition, paraphrasing &
interpretation), minimising interruption E2 Pauses periodically when giving information, using the
response to guide next steps
D2 Uses initially open questions, appropriately moving to closed
questions E3 Encourages the patient to contribute reactions/feelings
D3 Does NOT use compound questions/leading questions
E4 Checks whether the patient has understood information
After seeing your teacher’s feedback, answer these questions.
1) What did you do well in this role play? How did you improve this skill?
2) Choose 2 areas that you need to improve. How will you work on these before your next role play?