Anaconda Installation Guidelines
Anaconda Installation Guidelines
Anaconda Installation Guidelines
in Social Policy
June 2022
Here are some instructions to get started with the workspace.
This document will take you through how to set Anaconda up, how to configure it, so you
can use it in the class.
• Install Anaconda
2. Install Anaconda
i. Click link for the system (i.e., windows, IOS, Linux) you are using:
ii. Click download
For Windows:
iii. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen:
i. Click next →
ii. Click “I agree” for license agreement →
iii. Keep Installation type for “Just Me” →
iv. Keep “Install location” as it is →
v. Click “Finish”
vi. Click “Next”
vii. Note: This may take 5 or so minutes
For Mac: Click view downloads (or go to downloads folder) and click downloaded installer.
i. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen and click install:
Follow the steps
3. Anaconda Navigator
i. For Windows: Log into Anaconda Navigator (search for Anaconda Prompt on your
For Mac: Log into Anaconda Navigator (search via Spotlight or Launchpad on your
ii. Click on Anaconda Navigator to see what has been downloaded
iii. Examine the tools on Anaconda environment. We will mainly use Jupyter Notebook.
You will share your projects with Jupyter Notebook.
iii. Type “Hello World” into the cell and click “Run”