Chapter 1 - Introduction

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Introduction Turbomachinery


Yigrem S.
Wallaga University 1
• The term Turbomachine consists of two words, namely Turbo and

• Turbo is a Latin word meaning ‘spin’ or ‘swirl’

• Machine in this content it is defined as an energy converter which

converts one form of energy into another.

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• Turbo machinery: is a device that exchanges energy with a fluid
using continuously flowing fluid and rotating blades due to dynamic
action and results in the change of pressure an momentum of the

• In turbomachines, mechanical energy is transferred into or out of the

system in a steady flow processes.

• Examples are: Wind turbines, Water turbines, Aircraft engines.

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Introduction- Applications
❖ Electricity generation (Hydro Turbines, Steam and Gas Turbines, Wind
❖ Jet engine (Multi-stage Turbines and Multi-stage Compressors coupled)
❖ Industrial and miscellaneous service (Air Compressors in Pneumatic
systems, pumps in hydraulic and cooling systems and also in steam
generating cycle)
❖ HVAC (Pumps(>3bar), blowers (>0.7and<3bar) bar, fans(<0.7 bar))
❖ Refrigerators (centrifugal compressor)
❖ Agriculture (pumps-fluid transfer)
❖ Automobiles (Radiator i.e. air fan, Turbocharger i.e. energy recovery unit)
❖ Propellers in ships

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Introduction- Applications

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Introduction- Applications

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Components of a simple Turbomachine

❖ Rotor: It is the main component and consists of the circumferentially

arrayed blades or buckets around a circular disc, a hub or a shaft.
❖ Stator: It is also called guide vane which directs the flow into the stator
blades for maximum utilization of the fluid energy.
❖ Casing: It is the component of many turbo machines which distributes the
flow through each rotor blades. It allows flow to enter and leave the
turbomachine after extracting energy and also prevents losses as a result of
splash out flow and leakage.
❖ Shaft: It transmit energy between the turbomachine and another coupled
system like a motor or generator.

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Components of a simple Turbomachine

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Classification of Fluid Machinery
Fluid Machinery

Positive Displacement Dynamic/Turbomachines

(Confined volume) (Dynamic effect between fluid stream and
solid component/rotor)

Classification by Direction of Energy

Input energy into fluid stream Extract energy from fluid stream
Pump, fan, compressor Hydraulic/Wind/Gas/Steam turbine

Classification by Direction/Path of Flow

(as it passes through the blade passage.)

Radial-Flow Mixed-Flow Axial-Flow

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Comparison between turbomachines and positive displacement machine

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Classification of Turbomachines

Turbomachines can be classified in two main groups;

A. Power Machines (Turbines):- extract energy from flow
medium and transfer it to shaft of the machine.
• According to the available kind of energy power
machines can be further classified as:
1. Water turbines :- convert pressure energy
2. Wind turbines:- convert kinetic energy of the air
3. Heat Turbines:- Convert heat energy of the gas or
a. steam turbines:
b. Gas turbines

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Classification of Turbomachines

• Machines for Extracting Work (Power) from a Fluid

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Classification of Turbomachines

B. Working Machines (Pumps): deliver energy from the shaft

of the machine to the flow medium.

• According to the kind of flow medium and pressure generated

working machines are further classified into:

1. Pumps (Liquid Medium)

2. Compressors (Gas Medium)
a. Fans --- Low pressure rise
b. Blowers --- medium Pressure rise
c. Turbo-Compressors ---high pressure rise

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Classification of Turbomachines

Machines for Doing Work on a Fluid

Fig. Schematic diagrams of centrifugal-flow turbomachines

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Centrifugal Pump Video

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Turbomachines and Their Energy Transfer Aspect
Energy extracted from a high-energy fluid stream to be converted
to useful shaft work
A fluid 1 W s PE of a fluid stream is extracted
2 and converted to shaft work OUT


Stream tube
High 1 Low
fluid fluid
stream KE of a fluid stream is extracted
W s and converted to shaft work OUT

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Turbomachines and Their Energy Transfer Aspect

Energy added to a low-energy fluid stream to raise the energy

level of the stream

Energy is added to a
fluid stream as shaft
work IN
W s
High fluid
Low stream
m 1
Centrifugal fan (Radial-flow)

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Turbomachines and Their Energy Transfer Aspect
Classification of Turbomachines based on the way in which
the flow passes through the rotor:
I. Axial-flow Machines:- the direction of the flow in the ‘meridian
section’ is parallel to the axis of the rotor
❖ Flow path ~ parallel to axis of rotation

II. Radial-flow Machines: the direction of the flow in the meridian

section is perpendicular to the rotor:
❖ Flow path ~ perpendicular to axis of rotation

III. Mixed- flow Machines: The direction of the flow in the meridian
section has a component parallel as well as perpendicular to the
axis of the rotor.
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Axial Flow

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Radial Flow

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Mixed Flow

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Axial-Flow Working Machines

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Axial-Flow Pump

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Axial-Flow compressor

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Radial-Flow Working Machines

• Radial or Centrifugal fan

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Radial or Centrifugal Pump

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Radial or Centrifugal Compressor

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Power Machines Water Medium (Water Turbines)

• KAPLAN- or Propeller Turbine

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Francis Turbine

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Pelton Turbine

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Power Machines Air, Gas Steam Medium

• Wind Mill

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Gas Turbine

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Steam Turbine

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• Turbomachines have always a vanned rotor and often stationary vanes
(guide vanes). The guide vanes are mostly located at the pressure
end of the machine.
• Pressure end/flange: is the part at which the energy possessed by the
fluid is a maximum:
– In working machines, the exit end is the pressure end
– In power machines the inlet end is the pressure end
• Suction end/flange:- is the part at which the energy possessed by the
fluid is a minimum.
– In working machines, the inlet end is the Suction end
– In power machines the exit end is the Suction end

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Fundamental equation governing turbomachines

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Fundamental equation governing turbomachines

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Fundamental equation governing turbomachines

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Fundamental equation governing turbomachines

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Fundamental equation governing turbomachines

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Fundamental equation governing turbomachines

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Fundamental equation governing turbomachines

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The Specific Work Y [ ] s2

❑ The difference of the useful specific energy content of the flow

medium between the two ends of the machine is defined as ‘ specific
work done between inlet and outlet of the machine =Y’

• Regarding the energy transfer in a turbomachinery is to be noted


a. an increase/decrease of the useful energy content of the flow

medium in the case of working/power machines, and

b. always increase of the non-utilizable energy content of the flow


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The Specific Work Y [ ] s2

Energy absorbed by the flow medium due to

flow losses. This energy is non-utilizable.

Total energy Total

transferred Useful Flow energy energy
from impeller energy rise of transferred available
to the flow the flow into torque (useful)
medium medium

Pump Turbine

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From Bernoulli Equation:

Total Pressure Velocity geodetic

= + +
Energy Energy Energy Energy

Thus specific energy can be given by the formula:

C D2 − C s2  m2 
Y =  vdp + + g (Z D − Z S )  2 
2 s 
Y = Y pr + Yvel + Ygeo

Where: Y pr =  vdp specific pressure work

C D2 − C s2 kinetic energy
Yvel =
Ygeo = g (Z D − Z S ) Specific geodetic energy
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• Specific energy content of the flow medium between S and D ends of
the machine can be expressed in terms of ‘Head’ H.
 m2  m
Y  2  = g  2  H m
s  s 
• Note that the value of H will change if the machine works in another
field of gravity contrary to the value of Y which does not change with g.

• Y is always measured between the suction and pressure ends of the

machine. In the case of water turbines the tail race surface is
considered as the suction end.

Wallaga University 49
Often the equation for Y can be simplified:
• In the case of Wind turbines where only velocity energy is available,
it is: C2 −C2
Yvel = D s
• In the case of steam turbines, the velocity and geodetic energy can be
neglected as both are very small compared with the pressure energy,
Y = Y pr =  vdp

• In the case of pumps with equal diameters of suction and pressure

flanges, the velocity energy is zero.

Y = Ypr + Ygeo

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Determination of the Pressure Energy Ypr

❑ The pressure energy represents the needed work to change the static
pressure of the flow medium from PS to PD by a process without
❑ In case of an incompressible medium the pressure energy is:
Y pr =  vdp =  =
 

❑ In case of a compressible medium the density is changing from S to

D. Ypr has to be determined by integration:
Ypr =  vdp = 

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Consider isentropic process AB’
The course AB’ is given by the equation:
P.v = const. where k =

The value of the ‘const’ can be determined
from the known inlet conditions:

compression : P s .vs
exp ansion: P D .vD

P.v = Ps .vs = PD .vD


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Compression (Pumping Machine)

 Ps vs K  K
Ypr = Yad =  vdp =    dp
S S
P 
 K −1
  K −1

   
Ps vs  D  − 1 = RTS  D  − 1
k P k P
Ypr = Yad =
k −1  PS   k −1  PS  
   
 K −1

 
Ypr = Yad = C PTS  D  − 1 as gas cons tan t R = C P − CV nd
P k
R = CP
 PS   k −1
 

From ideal gas theory, for isentropic process : P Nm

For Air : R = = 286.9
K −1 T kg K
TD  PD  K
=  , this gives, Nm kcal
TS  PS  C P = 1005 = 0.240
kg K kg K
T 
Ypr = Yad = C PTS  D − 1 = C P (TD − TS ) CV = 715.9
= 0.171
 TS  kg K kg K

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Expansion (turbine)

 PD vD K  K
Y pr = Yad =  vdp =    dp

S 
 K −1
  K −1

  Ps  K  P 
RTD 1 −  s 
k k K
Y pr = Yad = PD vD 1 −   = 
k −1   PD   k − 1   PD  
   
 K −1

  Ps  K 
Y pr = Yad = C PTD 1 −  
  PD  
 

 Ts 
Similarly Ypr = Yad = C PTD 1 − 
 TD 
Ypr = Yad = C P (TD − Ts ) For perfect gases
Ypr = Yad = iD − iS For steam

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Ypr in T,s Diagram
 K −1

a. Compression P 
= c pTs  D − 1
Ypr = Yad 
 PS  
 

K −1 K −1
P  P 
For isentropic process: T K K
=  D 
hence, T D' = TS  D 
TS  PS   PS 
 K −1

 
( )
or t ad = T D' − TS = TS  D  − Ts 
  PS  
For adiabatic process:  
Ypr = c p t ad

dq = di − vdp = 0 or di = vdp

 di =  vdp = Y pr As di = cP dT
Ypr =  cP dT

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❖ Thus, Ypr is obtained if the
integration is done from TS to
TD’ along a line of const. Cp
for instance along the pressure

❖Ypr =Yad=CPΔtad is represented by the area


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B. Expansion

Ypr = Yad = c p t ad = c p TD − TS' ( )

 K −1

  PS  K

where t ad = Ts 1 −  
  PD  
 

Ypr=Yad is represented by
the area AB”C”C’B’

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Ypr in i,s Diagram

iD '
a. Compression: Ypr =  vdp =  di = iD ' − iS = iad

and Ypr is represented

by the distance AB.

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Ypr in i,s Diagram

b. expansion: Ypr =  vdp =  di = iD − iS ' = iad
iS '

and Ypr is represented by

the distance AB’.

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The power
• The amount of the power change of the continuous flow which
passes the machine is:
 Nm 
N eff = MY = VY   or W 
 s 

• Coupling power = effective power for ideal machines that

operate without any losses
• An actually machine involves losses . Thus the coupling power
of the machine is:

 VY
 for pumps
N=Shaft power N =  = VY 

 VY for turbines

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