Kel.10 Bahasa Inggris

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Supporting Lecturer :

Lailatun Ni’mah, M.Pd.

Member Group :

Isnu Damanhuri 1860101223268

Fadilah Tri Yulia 1860101223301
Aqief Maulana 1860101223304






Praise be to God Alright for the blessings of his grace, and that we were given the
opportunity to be able to compile a working paper entitled “Sentence Modifier” is properly
and correctly, and on time.

The paper is structured so that readers can know how important application of English
language in daily life. This paper was compiled with help from various parties. Both parties
come from outside as well as from concerned it self. And because the aid and help of God
almight. These papers can be finally resolfed.

This is a paper about “Sentence Modifier” and deliberately chosen because in this day
and age the us of english need to have the support of all those who care about the world of

The compilers also tanked to Mrs. Lailatun Ni’mah as the teacher/tutors in english
subject. Who have many professor help compilers in order to complete this paper.

Hopefully this paper can give a broader insight to the reader. Altough this paper has
advantages and disadvantages.

Thank You

PREFACE ................................................................................................................

TABLE OF CONTENT ..........................................................................................

CHAPTER I ............................................................................................................

INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................

A. Background ...................................................................................................

B. Problem Formulation ....................................................................................

C. Our Purposes .................................................................................................

CHAPTER II ...........................................................................................................

DISCUSSION ..........................................................................................................

A. Definition Of Sentence Modifier...................................................................

B. Types and Examples of Sentence Modifier ..................................................

C. Feature Of Sentence Modifier........................................................................

D. Purpose Of Sentence Modifier.......................................................................

CHAPTER III .........................................................................................................


A. Conclution .....................................................................................................

B. Suggestion .....................................................................................................

BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................


A. Background

In the era of globalization, where education is starting to rise from its previous level. The

teachers who play a very important role in realizing the ideals of the nation in terms of

education. Therefore, prospective teachers must be guided by providing provisions to

become professional teachers. Teachers who are able to fully master the field of study

they are involved in. A teacher must be able to understand all subject matter without

exception, such as "paraphrasing". Paraphrasing is a written description that has been read

or heard and restated orally in its own words. Paraphrasing requires techniques. Many

students don't understand how to paraphrase properly, therefore we made this paper with

the aim that students understand how to paraphrase properly and correctly. Here this

paper includes material about paraphrasing, hopefully it can be understood and becomes

additional knowledge for all people who read it.

B. Problem Formulation

1. Definition of Sentence Modifier

2. Types and Examples of Sentence Modifier

3. Feature of Sentence Modifier

4. Purpose of Sentence Modifier

C. Our Purposes

1. To know definition of sentence modifier

2. To know types and examples of sentence modifier

3. To know feature of sentence modifier

4. To know purpose of sentence modifier



1. Definition Sentence Modifier

Paraphrase originated from the Latin word 'paraphrasis' and the Greek word
παράφρασις (Paraphrasein), both of which have the same meaning, 'Additional
Expression.1 Generally, paraphrase is a form of rephrasing a grammar structure, sentence,
or statement by using simpler diction without altering the meaning of the language.
Paraphrase is commonly used by writers to avoid plagiarism by providing an indirect
quotation from the original text. The practice of paraphrasing by writers is not illegal, as
they are only rewriting the idea in their own words. The process of paraphrasing can
begin by identifying the core of the content that has been read and understanding the
issues presented in the text. Texts that can be paraphrased include news articles,
narratives, advertisements, and even poetry.2
Phrases or phrases are one of the terms that are often discussed in linguistic
studies. Phrases are linguistic units that are larger than words and smaller than clauses
and sentences. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) a phrase is defined as a
combination of two or more words that are non-predicative.' Non-predicative means that
one of the words contained in the compound word does not function as a predicate. The
nonpredicative nature of these word combinations distinguishes phrases from clauses and
Other sources interpret a phrase as a combination or unit of words formed from
two or more word parts that have one grammatical meaning (a meaning that changes
according to a context).

2. Types and Examples Sentence Modifier

Phrases are distinguished by several aspects:

a. Aspects of the distribution of the constituent elements

b. Aspects of the position of the constituent elements, and

Mauludin, Septiana (2016-01-01). "Pembelajaran Mengonversi Teks Negosiasi ke Dalam Bentuk
Monolog dengan Menggunakan Model Inquiry Learning pada Siswa Kelas X SMK Negeri 3 Bandung Tahun
Pelajaran 2015/2016" (PDF). Repository UNPAS. hlm. 41. Diakses tanggal 2021-12-10.
Monte, David (11 September). "Pengertian Parafrasa, Jenis & Ciri-Ciri Parafrasa". Artikelsiana.
Diakses tanggal 2 Desember 2021.
c. The category of words that are the central element.

The following will explain one by one the distinction of these phrases.

A. Types of Phrases Based on the Distribution of Its Forming Elements

1. Endocentric Phrases3
An endocentric phrase is a phrase that has the same distribution as its elements,
either one or all of its elements. These phrases are further divided into 3 types,
namely: coordinating endocentric phrases, attributive endocentric phrases, and
apositive endocentric phrases. Consider the following examples:
1) That way (S)being repaired.(P)
Street – 1 being repaired. it is being repaired (").
(The path element can replace the road phrase, while the element cannot. So,
only the road element has the same distribution as the road phrase. Its
characteristics are that the two elements cannot be connected by the particle
and or or).
2) Father mother (parents) (S) is away (P). Mother- father go to. go to. (The father
and mother elements can replace each other so that all the elements have the
same distribution. The characteristics are that the two elements can be
connected by particles and or or).
3) Susi, my classmate Susi (S) did not enter (P) today (Ket). didn't log in today.
My classmate not in Today. (The two elements can replace each other, and the
second element is the opposition. It is characterized by a comma (,) between
the two elements forming the phrase).
Based on this description, it can be concluded that examples
a) Are called attributive endocentric phrases,
b) Coordinative endocentric phrases, and
c) Apositive endocentric phrases.
2. Exocentric Phrases

Exocentric phrases are phrases that do not have the same distribution with all
of its elements. For example: at home, from the market, for mom, and before night.
Exocentric phrases are divided into directive and objective phrases. A directive
phrase is a phrase whose first element is a particle, either a conjunction or a

Tukan, Paulus. Mahir Berbahasa Indonesia 2. Edisi Pertama ( PT Ghalia Indonesia Printing, 2006 ) hal.35-36
preposition. For example: on a bench and for uncle. An objective phrase is a phrase
in which the second element is the object of the first element. For example:

Writing poetry can be easy or difficult. Baking is my mother's hobby.

B. Types of Phrases Based on the Position of the Elements

Based on the position of the elements, phrases are divided into 2 types, namely
equivalent phrases and unequal or graded phrases.

1) Equivalent phrases are phrases whose elements are equivalent or equivalent.

Phrases of this type are characterized by the similarity of word categories.
For example: going home, brothers and sisters (KB-KB), height (KS-KS),
manners (KS-KS), going in and out (KK-KK), and back and forth (KK-KK).
2) Stratified phrases, namely phrases whose elements are not equal in
relationship. The word categories of the elements are not the same because
one of the elements is the central/core element. For example: new clothes,
eating, this house, my brother, and new roads.
C. Based on the category of words that are the central element (up) or the marking
a) Nominal phrases, namely phrases whose central element is in the form of a
noun or a noun. For example: our school, the glass, new clothes, the city of
Jakarta, the wall clock.
b) Verbal phrases, namely phrases whose central elements are in the form of verbs
or verbs. For example: currently eating, not yet composing, wants to go home,
will be threatened.
c) Adjective phrases, phrases whose central element is in the form of adjectives or
adjectives. For example: very sick, most spoiled, very dangerous, and so hot.
d) Adverbial phrases, namely phrases whose central element is in the form of
adverbs or adverbs, namely in the form of words that can occupy the adverb
function. For example: yesterday afternoon, last month, weekend, last night,
next year.
e) Numerical phrases, namely phrases whose central element is a numeralia or
number word. For example: ten dozen, just one, nearly twenty, already fifty.
f) Pronominal phrases, namely phrases in which the UP is in the form of a
pronominal or pronoun. For example: all of them, only you, myself, we.
g) Prepositional or prepositional phrases, namely phrases that begin with a
preposition or word ahead as a marker. For example: at school, from the
library, to the convention hall.

3. Feature of Sentence Modifier

Here’s an examples :

a. Phrases must consist of at least two words or more. Occupy or have a

2.grammatical function in a sentence.
b. Phrases must have a grammatical meaning.
c. Phrases are nonpredicative.
d. Phrases always occupy one sentence function.

4. Purpose of Sentence Modifier

Avoiding plagiarism

Paraphrasing can help writers avoid the practice of plagiarism. Plagiarism is an activity
that violates copyright by copying someone else's work. Such activity is considered theft
and forgery of another person's creation4.By presenting the ideas of the original author in
one's own words, writers can steer clear of plagiarism. However, it is important not to alter
the content and meaning of the source text. Writers should also include the primary source
of the ideas in the bibliography, even if the text is rephrased using their own sentences5.
Therefore, writers must master the technique of paraphrasing by understanding the
concept, enriching vocabulary choices, and expanding general knowledge to develop the
content of their writing.

Adminwebs1iip (2021-02-19). "Plagiarisme: Sebuah Kejahatan Intelektual yang Tak Kasat Mata di
dunia Pendidikan". Fisip UNAIR. Diakses tanggal 2021-12-02.
Istiana, Purwani (2017-01-01). "Panduan Anti Plagiarism – Perpustakaan". Digilib UGM. Diakses
tanggal 2021-12-02.


A. Conclusion

Thus we can describe the material that is the subject of discussion in this paper. Of
course there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses, due to limited knowledge and
still in the learning stage. We really hope that readers provide constructive criticism and
feedback for the perfection of this paper. Hopefully this paper is useful for us, especially
the readers.
In paraphrasing, we must pay attention to the techniques in paraphrasing.
In paraphrasing, it is necessary to be careful in reading, taking notes, developing, and
explaining the sentences we have read. From the explanation above, we can understand
that paraphrasing is restating or rewriting a paragraph or text, to borrow, clarify, or
expand. information without plagiarizing other people's content.
B. Suggestion
Thus we created this paper to add to our knowledge, especially about pawning. In
writing this paper we feel far from opportunity. Therefore readers should provide feedback
and additions to our paper. If in this paper there are many mistakes and something that
deviates from what is actually before and after, we thank you very much.

Mauludin, Septiana (2016-01-01). "Pembelajaran Mengonversi Teks Negosiasi ke Dalam

Bentuk Monolog dengan Menggunakan Model Inquiry Learning pada Siswa Kelas X
SMK Negeri 3 Bandung Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016" (PDF). Repository UNPAS.
hlm. 41. Diakses tanggal 2021-12-10.
Monte, David (11 September). "Pengertian Parafrasa, Jenis & Ciri-Ciri Parafrasa".
Artikelsiana. Diakses tanggal 2 Desember 2021.
Tukan, Paulus. Mahir Berbahasa Indonesia 2. Edisi Pertama ( PT Ghalia Indonesia Printing,
2006 ) hal.35-36
Adminwebs1iip (2021-02-19). "Plagiarisme: Sebuah Kejahatan Intelektual yang Tak Kasat
Mata di dunia Pendidikan". Fisip UNAIR. Diakses tanggal 2021-12-02.
Istiana, Purwani (2017-01-01). "Panduan Anti Plagiarism – Perpustakaan". Digilib
UGM. Diakses tanggal 2021-12-02.

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