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Cristóbal Budnevich Portales
London School of Economics and Political Science (United Kingdom)
Nicole Favreau Negront
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (eclac, Chile)
Esteban Pérez Caldentey
Financing for Development Unit within the Economic Development
Division at eclac (Chile)
Corresponding author: [email protected]
This paper argues that the Chilean economic model is character-
ized by three stylized facts that undermine its view as a free mar-
ket/neo-liberal success: A lower trend in the rate of growth of gdp,
increased inequality, and rising indebtedness. Since the mid-1990s
gdp growth has trended downwards. This has been accompanied
by an increase in the profit relative to the wage share. Chile has
also one of the highest levels of personal income inequality across
the oecd countries. The combined effects of the decline in trend
growth and high levels of inequality have given rise to increased
indebtedness of the household sector, especially of lower income
households, and the corporate sector. Lower trend growth, high
inequality and increasing debt are the perfect mix that can lead to a
context of financial fragility, which puts in doubt the sustainability
of the Chilean economic model.
The opinions here expressed are the authors’ own and may not coincide with the institu-
tions they are affiliated with. The authors are grateful for the valuable comments provided
by two anonymous referees.
© 2021 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de
Economía. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license IE, 80(315), enero-marzo de 2021 81
Keywords: Growth, inequality, financial fragility, households, cor-
porate sector.
jel Classification: E25, E32, E60, O11.
ince the early 1970s, Chile’s economic policy has been guided by
free market ideology, and up until the unexpected eruption of
social protests and unrest in the last quarter of 2019, the Chilean
model was considered a success story. The main building blocks of the
Chilean economic model are well known. These include the extended
privatization of the productive apparatus (with a few exceptions includ-
ing mining, energy, and basic services); the liberalization of finance
and trade; political and operational independence of the central bank
to achieve price stability; and the use of implicit and explicit fiscal rules to
discipline public spending and contribute to ensure an adequate credit
rating for the economy as a whole.
According to the World Bank a country is classified as a high-income country when its
income per capita exceeds US$12,055 per year.
Budnevich Portales, Favreau Negront and Pérez Caldentey • Chile’s thrust towards financial fragility 83
The decline in the growth trend has been accompanied by high levels
of inequality even though Chile has managed to significantly reduce
Budnevich Portales, Favreau Negront and Pérez Caldentey • Chile’s thrust towards financial fragility 85
Figure 1. Functional distribution of income, 1985-2018
(percentage of total income)
Profits Wages
In 1987, 45% of the country’s population qualified as being poor according to the poverty
headcount ratio at national poverty lines. The poverty ratio fell to 36% and 8.6% in 2000
and 2017, respectively.
140.0 60.0
120.0 50.0
20.0 10.0
0.0 0.0
Non-financial corporate sector (Left-hand axis)
General government
Note: The data corresponding to non-continuous lines are displayed on the right axis.
Source: Banco Central de Chile (2020a and 2020b).
and profits for the period 1985-2018. As the figure clearly shows the
profit share has always outpaced the wage share. Moreover, the profit
share increased significantly since the beginning of the 2000s decade
rising from 45% in 1999 to 54% in 2019. For the same period, the wage
share showed only a slight increase (40% to 43% for the same years).
A lower trend growth rate and greater inequality have created the con-
ditions for debt accumulation. Figure 2 shows the evolution of total debt
by economic sector (households, non-financial corporate sector, and the
government) for the period 2002-2020. Four stylized facts characterize
the evolution and composition of debt. First, since 2007 no sector has
been spared from increasing indebtedness. Debt has steadily increased
for households, non-financial corporate sector, the financial sector, and
the general government.
Second, debt is rising faster than gdp (income). In 2007, the aggre-
gate debt to gdp ratio stood at 111.5% rising to 203% in 2020 (340% of
Budnevich Portales, Favreau Negront and Pérez Caldentey • Chile’s thrust towards financial fragility 87
gdp if the financial sector is included). As things stand, Chile is one
of the most indebted emerging market economies in the world. Third,
the accumulation of debt is concentrated in the private sector. The
bulk of the stock of debt is held by the financial sector and non-finan-
cial corporate sector. The debt stock of both sectors represented 141%
and 120% of gdp for March 2020 accounting for 40.9% and 34.9% of
the total, respectively. If the financial sector is excluded the debt of the
non-financial corporate sector represented 59% of total debt. Also,
the sector accounts for more than 60% of total external debt. The debt
of the household sector represented 52% of the total in the first quarter
of 2020. The government is the sector with the lowest debt level (33% of
gdp for March 2020 accounting for only 9.6% of the total).
Fourth, external debt has also been on the rise (30.7% of gdp in De-
cember 2007 and 82.9% March 2020) [see Figure 3] and the non-financial
corporate sector accounts for 60% of total external debt. This has major
implications not only for overall debt sustainability and for investment
and growth. Increased external debt takes on a particular importance
since the sector is characterized by currency mismatch4. The deprecia-
tion of local currencies can affect firms’ financial situation. Depreciation
not only raises debt service costs, and thus expenditures, but also swells
liabilities by increasing the local-currency value of outstanding debt.
If the collateral for the debt is likewise denominated in local currency,
depreciation will also cause this asset to lose value. This can give rise to
a mismatch such that the firm must purchase currency to balance its
accounts. Depending on its size and importance in the market and the
number of firms behaving in this way, currency purchases can create
further pressure for devaluation of the nominal exchange rate, ultimately
increasing the external debt of the firms operating in the non-tradable
goods sector. In turn, the negative effect of exchange rate depreciation
on firms’ balance sheets can inhibit investment (Caballero, 2020)5.
Evidence provided by Chui, Kuruc, and Turner (2016) shows that the net foreign currency
assets of non-government as a percentage of exports (a proxy for currency mismatches)
increased from –20.6% in 2007 to –58.7% in 2014.
Caballero’s study focuses on a sample of 15 emerging market economies. See also Bruno
and Shin (2020).
250 90
200 70
50 20
0 0
Total debt (Left hand axis) External debt
Budnevich Portales, Favreau Negront and Pérez Caldentey • Chile’s thrust towards financial fragility 89
The size of the margins of safety determines whether a financial structure is
fragile or robust and in turn reflects the ability of units to absorb shortfalls
of cash receipts without triggering a debt deflation.
As the margins of safety decrease economic agents become more
dependent on income flows for debt payments and the ‘normal func-
tioning of financial markets to refinance positions in long-term assets.’
As a result, any disruptions in income or in financial markets, can lead
economic agents to experience difficulties in paying their debt (debt
service and or principal) leading to liquidity constraints and outright
insolvency. The size and strength of margins of safety of the different
sectors in an economy, as well as the likelihood that an initial distur-
bance is amplified, determines the robustness or fragility of an economy
(Minsky, 1986, p. 209)6.
The size and strength of the margins of safety are ‘safest’ when eco-
nomic agents can repay their debt (interest and principal) commitments
with future cash flows. The size and strength of the margins of safety
are the least safe when economic agents rely on the expectation of an
appreciation of the underlying asset(s) which sustains their debt or of a
favourable change in the underlying economic conditions (say an ap-
preciation of the exchange rate when debt is denominated in foreign
currency) to cover their liabilities (interest and principal). In between
both extremes is the case where economic agents expect future cash
flows to cover interest payments but not the principal.
The more dominant are the Ponzi and speculative regimes over hedge
financing at the agent, sector, and economy wide levels, the greater is
the thrust towards financial fragility and instability. Hedge financing
regimes depend only on expected income flows, that is, on the state
of the labour and goods and services markets, and hence on the state of
the economy in the aggregate. Speculative and Ponzi finance depend in
addition on financial market conditions. A speculative regime implies
In Minsky’s depiction of the financial cycle variations in the short-term rate of interest can
play a key role in generating a boom and foster financial fragility and in turning the boom
into a bust. See Foley (2003), Perrotini-Hernández, Avendaño-Vargas, and Vázquez-Muñoz
(2011) and Avendaño and Vázquez (2011) for an analysis of the role of the interest rate in
the development of financial fragility.
The typical financing relation for consumer and housing debt can amplify
but it cannot initiate a downturn in income (…). However, a part of house-
hold financing is often Ponzi; this is the financing of holdings of securities
and some type of collectible assets. A typical example is the financing of
ownership of common stocks or other financial instruments by debts.
Budnevich Portales, Favreau Negront and Pérez Caldentey • Chile’s thrust towards financial fragility 91
IC =
( Net income + interest expense )
Interest expense
Mulligan establishes the following thresholds:
IC ≥ 4.0 ⇒ Hedge
0 ≤ IC ≤ 4.0 ⇒ Speculative [2]
0 > IC ⇒ Ponzi
The data from the cmf and sii is linked using the Registro Único Tributario which is a unique
number given to firms in order to be identifiable.
Budnevich Portales, Favreau Negront and Pérez Caldentey • Chile’s thrust towards financial fragility 93
4.2. Financial fragility in the non-financial corporate sector: Results
Table 3 presents the results for all firms in the aggregate and Figure 4
by firm size. Table 3 shows an increase in the percentage of firms that
are financially fragile. Between 2011 and 2019 the percentage of firms
considered to be fragile (belonging to a speculative or Ponzi financing
regime) increased according to the two criteria considered. According
to the IC criteria, these increased from 38% to 41% between 2011 and
2019. According to the FFI criteria, the proportion of firms that are
on a fragile financial scheme increased from 16.1% to 21.6% between
2011 and 2019. Also, Table 3 reveals that the percentage of Ponzi firms
increased according to the FFI criterion from 13.7% to 19.2% between
2010 and 2019, according to the FFI criterion.
Also, we computed the number of dependent workers per firm for
each year according to the different criteria defined above. For the period
2010-2018, the average number of dependent workers that were work-
ing in firms with fragile positions were 84,483 and 17,794 according to
the IC and FFI criteria, respectively. In accordance with these criteria, the
Table 3. Proportion of total companies reporting balance sheets and income state-
ment by year characterized by a hedge, speculative or Ponzi position, 2010-2019
Specu- Specu-
Ponzi Fragilea/ Hedge Ponzi Fragilea/ Hedge
lative lative
2010 22.7 29.4 52.1 47.9 13.7 1.9 15.6 84.4
2011 17.3 20.7 38.0 62.0 14.3 1.8 16.1 83.9
2012 19.1 26.2 45.2 54.8 15.0 2.8 17.8 82.2
2013 15.6 25.1 40.7 59.3 17.3 1.5 18.9 81.2
2014 15.0 24.5 39.5 60.5 18.8 1.2 20.1 79.9
2015 17.3 22.8 40.1 59.9 17.9 2.5 20.4 79.6
2016 18.0 24.2 42.1 57.9 18.6 2.6 21.2 78.9
2017 18.0 22.4 40.4 59.6 18.5 1.7 20.2 79.8
2018 14.2 25.0 39.2 60.8 17.5 2.2 19.8 80.3
2019 15.6 25.4 41.0 59.0 19.2 2.4 21.6 78.4
Note: a/ The fragile column shows the sum of the Ponzi and speculative position.
Source: cmf (2020) and sii (2020).
Figure 4. Percentage of large and micro, small and medium sized firms that
are financially fragile using the IC and FFI criteria, 2010-2018 (averages)
50 Micro, small and medium
sized firms
Note: The sii considers a firm as large if the annual sales are above 100,000.00 Uni-
dades de Fomento in a year, and msmes otherwise. One Unidad de Fomento is equal
to 28,686 Chilean Pesos (September 1st, 2020). The bilateral dollar-peso exchange rate
is roughly 780 pesos for one dollar.
Source: cmf (2020) and sii (2020).
This significant difference may be explained by the fact that the FFI index is more de-
manding in terms of requirements to comply than the IC index.
This number could be heavily underestimated, since we do not cover the period 2019-2020
and it does not consider the independent workers that could be hired by those companies.
Also, we do not present information for that period mentioned above, because the last
publication of the sii covers only up to the 2018 fiscal year.
Budnevich Portales, Favreau Negront and Pérez Caldentey • Chile’s thrust towards financial fragility 95
compared to 17% and 41% for larger firms according to the FFI and IC
criteria, respectively. Nonetheless, the prevalence of financial fragility
among larger firms can also be significant (41% of the total according
to the IC criterion) [see Figure 4].
One possible explanation for the higher proportion of smaller com-
panies in fragile financial positions is the interest rate differential that
both groups face. During 2013-2017 the average interest rate spread for
large firms compared to micro, small and medium was 5.79%. Thus, the
price of debt is much higher for smaller firms and can undermine their
capacity to repay their obligations (oecd, 2020b).
To complete the analysis, we disaggregated the sample of companies
according to the economic sector in which they perform in accordance
with the International Standard Industrial Classification (isic). The
evidence for 2018 shows a clear tendency for certain sectors to have a
high proportion of speculative and Ponzi schemes. These include con-
struction, financial and insurance activities as well as real estate activities
(see Table 4 below).
Construction 30 72
Information and Communications 0 38
Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, and fisheries 0 33
Mining and Quarrying 0 40
Real Estate Activities 55 42
Financial and Insurance Activities 28 36
Transport and Storage 18 59
Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles 23 8
Electricity, Gas, Steam, and air Conditioning Supply 19 41
Manufacturing 3 19
Source: cmf (2020) and sii (2020).
FM = I − DP − ϕI [5]
We computed the first three debt indicators (DSIR, DAR and DIR)
according to whether the type of debt held corresponded to mortgage
or consumption debt (see Table 5). The results are presented by income
The basic living cost is equal to the poverty line defined as the average per capita income
of the poorest quintile. In addition, the basic living costs are adjusted by the number of
members for each household, in line with the oecd-modified scale, which assigns a value
of 1 to the household head, 0.5 to each additional adult and 0.3 to each child (see Am-
pudia, van Vlokhoven, and Żochowski, 2016).
Budnevich Portales, Favreau Negront and Pérez Caldentey • Chile’s thrust towards financial fragility 97
Table 5. Indicators of financial fragility for the household sectors
and their respective thresholds
Financial fragility
threshold value
deciles for both the mean and the median (see Table 7a). For the finan-
cial margin we present the results for total income, labor and pension
income and labor income only.
The financial fragility of households was assessed on the basis of the
mean, the median and threshold values for all indicators. By extension,
the percentage of all households that find themselves above or below
the mean, median or a given threshold was obtained. The values of the
mean, median and thresholds for all the indicators referring to total debt
are shown in Table 5 below.
The choice of thresholds values for the DSIR, DAR and DIR, follows
the methodology of the Balestra and Tonkin (2018) and the Banco Cen-
tral de Chile (2018a and 2018c). The rationale behind these criteria is
Table 6a presents the percentage of households that are above the fi-
nancial fragility threshold, and the mean and median of each of the
indicators considered (DSIR, DAR, and DIR) by type of debt. Table 6b
presents the results of households below the same indicators for FM by
source of income. The results for total debt show that the percentage of
households that are above the financial fragility threshold, median and
mean according to the DSIR, DAR, DIR and FM criteria are on average
43.7%, 37.4%, 28.2%, and 45.5% of the total, respectively.
The financial household survey provides incomplete information. This is due partly
because of the sensitivity of the type of questions asked (Banco Central de Chile, 2018a
and 2018b). Questions relating to the possession of assets are generally not answered or
simply avoided either due to lack of financial education or apprehension to declare assets.
Also, the survey underestimates the value of debt. It includes per household information
only on the main three sources of debt when debt is associated with credit cards, lines
of credit and consumer loans and the four main sources of debt when debt is associated
with credit card issued by business houses.
These results included households which do not have or report income neither assets.
Budnevich Portales, Favreau Negront and Pérez Caldentey • Chile’s thrust towards financial fragility 99
Table 6a. Percentage of households above the mean, median
and each of the thresholds by type of debt
Type of debt Indicator DSIR DAR DIR
Threshold 50.8 29.7 7.4
Total debt Mean 29.6 23.9 26.4
Median 50.6 58.7 50.8
Average 43.7 37.4 28.2
Threshold 46.8 29.2 36.6
Consumer debt Mean 29.8 25.7 24.8
Median 50.9 59.5 50.9
Average 42.5 38.1 37.4
Threshold 21.2 41.1 16.3
Mortgage debt Mean 22.9 60.3 29.8
Median 52.3 68.5 52.2
Average 32.1 56.6 32.8
Source: Balestra and Tonkin (2018) and Banco Central de Chile (2018b).
Budnevich Portales, Favreau Negront and Pérez Caldentey • Chile’s thrust towards financial fragility 101
Table 7a. Percentage of households in a financial fragile by criterion, 2017
Type of debt and income decile (continued…)
Type of debt Threshold Threshold Threshold
(0.25) (0.75) (36)
Decile 1 72.8 49.0 32.3
Decile 2 55.5 48.5 3.4
Decile 3 48.4 38.2 0.5
Decile 4 52.2 32.1 0.0
Decile 5 45.6 28.5 0.9
Consumer debt Decile 6 44.6 26.5 0.0
Decile 7 42.4 27.8 0.5
Decile 8 41.7 22.4 0.1
Decile 9 39.6 17.8 0.2
Decile 10 38.7 9.8 0.0
Total 46.8 29.2 2.7
Decile 1 99.7 89.1 90.9
Decile 2 57.6 83.2 17.8
Decile 3 40.8 70.0 18.4
Decile 4 25.0 63.0 18.0
Decile 5 16.6 43.4 21.1
Mortgage debt Decile 6 22.3 37.3 13.0
Decile 7 14.1 29.3 9.0
Decile 8 14.9 25.3 9.8
Decile 9 10.8 14.8 8.4
Decile 10 8.9 5.4 8.2
Total 21.2 41.1 16.3
Note: These results include households which do not have or report income nei-
ther assets.
Source: Banco Central de Chile (2018b).
As the eruption of the social outbreak that took the country by storm in
the last quarter of 2019 and shook the conscience of the Chilean society
demonstrate, there are important cracks in the Chilean economic model
that have barely received the attention of policy makers over the years.
Since the mid-1990s the rate of growth of gdp began trending down-
wards due in great part to the failure to diversify the structure of produc-
tion and to create capabilities at the firm and social levels. At the same
time, the unequal distribution of income, a long-standing problem of
the Chilean society, as rightly identified by Nicholas Kaldor in the 1950s,
have remained acute (Kaldor, 1956). The consolation of a decline in the
Gini coefficient in the 2000s during the commodity boom is marred
by the fact that this index does not include capital gains which are a
characteristic feature of rising commodity prices. Also, the functional
distribution of income shows the ascendency of the profit over the
Budnevich Portales, Favreau Negront and Pérez Caldentey • Chile’s thrust towards financial fragility 103
wage share. Both a declining growth trend and impending inequality
are intertwined with a third feature of the Chilean economic model:
raising private debt.
A declining growth trend, high inequality and increasing debt can
easily pave the way for a context of financial fragility and the interaction of
these factors within the present context can lead to perverse development
dynamics. The effects of Covid-19 have exacerbated these trends, the
unemployment rate could exceed 20%13, the growth rate will plummet
by –7% in 202014, and poverty and inequality levels are bound to sharply
increase. Considering that a portion of the population and firms has seen
their incomes diminished the current state of financial fragility may be
greater than that presented in this paper. Addressing financial fragility
requires active policies in the real rather than the financial sector and
a conscious policy of social solidarity, a key element for development.
Failure to address these issues can seriously undermine the social and
economic gains that have been achieved as the social unrest that erupted
in 2019 has reminded everyone.
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