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VOL. 20, NO.

3, 2021, 7-14
ISSN 0128-4428

Internet of Things Monitoring System of a

Modeled Cleanroom
Muhammad Ilias Rosli and Mohd Ridzuan Ahmad*

Division of Control and Mechatronics Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.
Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract: The development of a cleanroom monitoring system needs more concentrated consideration consistently. There is
a challenge to prove that the cleanroom operates following the specifications, in other words, users do not see the software
error, they see failures in execution. This paper aims to design a smart monitoring system to monitor important parameters
inside the cleanroom, i.e. temperature, humidity, and pressure to produce a good quality of work or experiment inside the
cleanroom. The observing framework utilizes Arduino Mega as a microcontroller, ESP 8266 Wi-Fi module, DHT 11 as an
integrated temperature and humidity sensor, HX710B as a pressure sensor, and Blynk application as a monitoring system to
record and show information including provide fault notification. The project is tested on a modeled cleanroom to monitor
important parameters via smartphone anytime and anywhere. From the experimental results, the Cleanroom IoT Monitoring
System successfully read all parameters based on the system requirements and displays data of parameters in real-time and
stored historical data. This system is also successful to provide failures notification of humidity, temperature, and pressure in
real-time if any of the parameters are out of range from the system requirements. Lastly, users can monitor the condition of
the cleanroom anytime and anywhere including receiving real-time failures notifications. This concept can avoid or reduce
cleanroom working out of the criteria that can cause testing or experiment inside the cleanroom to be inaccurate. By observing
and controlling the prerequisite development for IoT monitoring systems, great nature and better quality of performance of
operational cleanrooms can be delivered..

Keywords: Internet of Things, Modeled Cleanroom, Monitoring System.

© 2021 Penerbit UTM Press. All rights reserved
Article History: received 23 August 2021; accepted 16 December 2021; published 27 December 2021.

humidity, and differential pressure in ideal conditions

1. INTRODUCTION inside the cleanroom.
Defined by International Organization for Standardization This project proposes Cleanroom IoT Monitoring
(ISO) 14644-1:2015, a cleanroom is a room which the System to monitor optimal environmental conditions such
number of concentration of airborne particles is controlled as temperature, humidity, and differential pressure using
and classified, and which is designed, constructed, and sensors. Using the Blynk application as an IoT platform,
operated in a manner to control the introduction, the sensors sense parameters inside the cleanroom, and
generation, and retention of particles inside the room [1]. data is sent into the Blynk server by the microcontroller via
The level of cleanliness inside the cleanroom is based on a Wi-Fi internet connection. All parameters will be
the concentration of airborne particles including the sizes displayed on the Blynk application via smartphone and
of particles. Other relevant physical parameters might also will provide notification if any parameters are out of range.
be controlled as required such as temperature, humidity,
pressure, vibration, and electrostatic. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
The usage of a cleanroom is very important in industrial According to [2], the internal environment of the
fields such as electronics manufacturing, food cleanroom is monitored by using several sensors to
manufacturing, medical equipment, and pharmaceutical. monitor parameters of temperature, pressure, humidity,
The cleanroom needs a keen smart monitoring luminance, and gas concentration. The information inside
environment system to maintain the operation of the the cleanroom can be monitored by a smartphone through
cleanroom follows standards. So that activity in the an interface between the wireless sensor network and the
cleanroom is not disrupted. android device.
This project aims to design a smart monitoring system Authors in [3] use temperature and humidity sensors to
to produce a good quality of work or experiment inside the collect parameters information for monitoring air quality
modeled cleanroom. The expected result of the research is in the Angstrom cleanroom laboratory. This project
to make sure the cleanroom operates per the specifications identified conditions of parameters at all service facilities.
at all times. Then, if any failures occur in the cleanroom, Sensors collect the data by using an Arduino
users will be notified to take early action. The objective of microcontroller through SX1278 radio frequency
this project is to control parameters of temperature,

Muhammad Ilias Rosli et al. / ELEKTRIKA, 20(3), 2021, 7-14

transceiver chips. The information of the parameters is Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the proposed solution
shown in graphs displaying through web page via and Figure 2 determines the all-purpose flowchart of the
computer with local area network (LAN) internet proposed monitoring system. Two sorts of sensors are
connection. connected to acquire a few parameters expected to observe
Furthermore, research in [4] introduces a cleanroom the temperature, humidity, and pressure inside the modeled
control system and method. This project implements a cleanroom. For equipment usage, all sensors are associated
heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system with Arduino Mega [33] independently to get the
for controlling and maintaining the parameters of the involvement from numerous sorts of sensors. ESP8266
cleanroom comprises filtration, ventilation, heating, Wi-Fi module is associated with Arduino Mega at pin TX1
cooling, humidification, and pressurization. The and RX1 for communicating information employing the
parameters of the airborne contaminations, i.e. Blynk application.
temperature, humidity, pressure, and airflow inside the
cleanroom are monitored in real-time or near real-time.
Data from sensors transmit via an open platform
communication (OPC) server in an existing building
management system (BMS). HVAC system automatically
controlled based on the comparison of the sensors by using
model predictive control (MPC).
Research in [5] proposed an IoT-based smart agriculture
monitoring system. Their works focused on devices and
tools to manage and monitor temperature, humidity, soil
moisture, atmospheric moisture, and intruders by using a
wireless sensor network (WSN) system. The monitoring
system is performed by two methods which are via
hardware by using the LCD and android application. Any
parameters exceed the threshold value, an alert system will
send a message to the user via GSM. Figure 1. Block Diagram of Proposed Solution
Authors in [6] introduced a monitoring system and
monitoring method for a cleanroom regulating system.
Parameters that are monitored inside the cleanroom for this
project are particle, temperature, humidity, pressure, and
airflow rate. A local area network (LAN) is used as a
communication channel to transmit data from the sensors
to the host computer. Information of parameters is shown
in real-time and as historical data. This project also used a
host computer for comparing the physical properties of
parameters and generating an alarm signal if any failures
According to the existing solutions, the research gap that
can be concluded is users have limited access to the
monitoring system to monitor parameters inside the
cleanroom at any time and anywhere. While monitoring
systems that use LAN connections require a high cost to
build it. Few monitoring systems used an LCD including a
web page by using a host computer to show data of
parameters that are only achieved on-site.
Some projects only show information of parameters in
real-time but lack historical data. Without historical data,
it is difficult for the user to investigate in the event of any
failures occur while carrying out work. Fault notification
showing what kind of parameters and value of parameters
is also important for the user to be noticed because they
can take earlier action if the failure occurs in the
cleanroom. But, most monitoring systems only provide
fault alarms without indicates the type of parameters
including the value of the parameters.
Figure 2. Process of the Monitoring System

3.1 Overall Framework of IoT Monitoring System of a ESP8266 Wi-Fi module is a component which has the
Modeled Cleanroom capacity to interface with Wi-Fi link henceforth enabling
information to be spread to a cloud application structure.2

Muhammad Ilias Rosli et al. / ELEKTRIKA, 20(3), 2021, 7-14

3.2 Data Attainment To develop a smart monitoring system, the information

The cleanroom is based on a prototype of the modeled stored in the Blynk database is presented in the smartphone
cleanroom. The modeled cleanroom prototype is made application entirely for the cleanroom. Users can access
from a PVC2 box with the size of 37 cm x 29 cm x 19 cm. the application to analyze the data acquired.
Two kinds of sensors to gather a few parameters from the
cleanroom and four units mini blower 12 V DC supply to
provide positive pressure inside the cleanroom. Figure 3
and Figure 4 reveal the arrangement of the considerable of
sensors in the prototype of the model mini cleanroom.
DHT11 [31] is utilized to inspect the temperature, and
humidity of the cleanroom constantly. DHT11 sensors are
located in the middle, inside the cleanroom to observe
these parameters. The importance of temperature inside the
cleanroom is to maintain the ideal temperature to maintain
the performance of equipment operation such as incubator
and to provide user comfort during working inside the
room, while humidity is to reduce the growth of bacteria
inside the cleanroom. Besides, these parameters also need
to be controlled in a specific range to protect sample that Figure 3. Prototype of Model Mini Cleanroom
located or stored inside the cleanroom. Figure 5 below
demonstrates the DHT11 and HX710B sensors.
The sensor module of HX710B [32] is located outside
the cleanroom and connected in the cleanroom via tubing
to get information of pressure inside the cleanroom. The
cleanroom needs positive pressure to perform cleanliness
of the room and prevent contaminated air from enters the
room. The humidity is measured in percentage while
temperature and pressure are measured in the SI unit. Figure 5. Sensors of DHT11 and HX710B
DHT11 and HX710B give values from 0 to 1023 in analog.
The ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) that converts
analog voltage to the digital value has been built in the
sensor itself.

3.3 Data Transmission by Internet

ESP 8266 [30] Wi-Fi module as shown in Figure 6 is a
low-cost chip incorporated with a TCP/IP protocol stack
that can send information to the cloud. The ESP 8266 is
prepared to do either facilitating an application or
Figure 6. ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module
offloading all Wi-Fi organizing capacities from another
application processor. ESP 8266 is chosen since it is
compatible with the Arduino board because of the
accessibility of the Arduino shield which takes into
account the handsets to be specifically mounted to the
Arduino board. Wi-Fi module needs to be set up for ace
and slave to permit communication among Arduino and
Cloud. When communication is established, information
can be transmitted through the Blynk application.
Data in the database can be manipulated through
programming to be shown by the Blynk application in
several monitored data, various forms of graphs, or

3.4 Blynk Application Development

Figure 7 shows a user interface for the IoT Monitoring
System of a Modeled Cleanroom by using the Blynk
Application. Users can monitor parameters of
temperature, humidity, and pressure in real-time and as
historical data in a graph. All parameters provide failures
notifications in real-time if any reading of the parameters Figure 7. User Interface of the Monitoring System
is out of range as shown in Figure 8 including if the system
operation is disconnected from the internet connection.

Muhammad Ilias Rosli et al. / ELEKTRIKA, 20(3), 2021, 7-14

pattern graph, the sensor sent data of the parameters


Figure 9. Calibration of DHT11 Sensor. Anemometer

device is shown next to the smartsphone.
Figure 8. List of Failures Notifications of the System


4.1 Calibration
Calibration defines the accuracy, and quality of
measurements recorded using a calibrated equipment. Over
time there is a tendency for results and accuracy to ‘drift’
particularly when using technologies or measuring
parameters such as an application on this project. The
objectives of this calibration are to measure the accuracy of
the instrument and determines the traceability of the
measurement [36]. Calibration also minimizes any
measurement uncertainty by ensuring the accuracy of the
unit under test (UUT).
Sensors that used in the development of this project
were calibrated before applying them to the actual
condition. In practice, calibration also includes adjustment Figure 10. Calibration HX710B Sensor. Air Data
of the value that given by the sensors. Balometer is shown next to the modeled cleanroom.
DHT 11 sensor for measuring temperature, and
humidity was calibrated by using calibrated test equipment.
Figure 9 shows the calibration process by comparing the
value that given by DHT11 and Anemometer [34]. Details
of the test equipment are mentioned below:
• Test Equipment: Anemometer
• Brand / Model: TSI / TSI 9545
• Serial Number: T95452008001
• Calibration Due Date: 22nd April 2022
HX710B sensor for measuring pressure was calibrated
by using calibrated test equipment. Figure 10 shows the
calibration process by comparing the value that given by
HX710B and Air Data Balometer [35]. Details of the test
Figure 11. Reading of Temperature in Functioning Test
equipment as mentioned below:
• Test Equipment: Air Data Balometer
• Brand / Model: TSI / Alnor
• Serial Number: EBT731903018
• Calibration Due Date: 12th August 2021
After finish the calibration process of the DHT11 and
the HX710B sensors, the next process is functioning test at
various temperatures, humidity, and pressure. Location of
testing at a normal room with a volume size of 21.6 m3.
Sampling time is 60 minutes with time intervals of 1
minute. So, the total sampling data is 60 data.
Figures 11-13 show the result of the comparison reading
between project sensor and test equipment. Based on the
Figure 12. Reading of Temperature in Functioning Test

Muhammad Ilias Rosli et al. / ELEKTRIKA, 20(3), 2021, 7-14

Figure 13. Reading of Temperature in Functioning Test

4.2 Case Study Figure 14. Visual Setup of Case Study 1

The objectives of this case study are to test the
performance of the Cleanroom IoT Monitoring System. It
is included to see the response of the sensor while
parameters were changed. Next, to prove the failures
notifications in real-time if any parameters out of range.
The method that used in this case study is the same during
the functioning test of the sensor. Case study 1, test project
at normal room condition without turn ON the air
conditioner. After several minutes, the dehumidifier will
turn ON to reduce humidity and increase the temperature
inside the room. Figure 14 shows the visual setup of this
case study. While Figure 15 shows the result of the Figure 15. Result of Case Study 1
parameters of this case study in 1 hour. This system
provides notification of low humidity and high ambient
temperature results of dehumidifier use. From this case
study, the system can read parameters of humidity and
pressure starts from the normal condition until humidity
becomes low and temperature becomes high.
In case study 2, the test project was at normal room
condition. After several minutes, the air conditioner and
nebulizer or humidifier were turned ON and placed near
the blower to suck smoke from the humidifier to the inside
model of the cleanroom to increase humidity and decrease
temperature. Figure 16 shows the visual setup of this case
study. While Figure 17 shows the result of the parameters
of this case study in 1 hour. This system provides
notification of high humidity and low ambient temperature
results of air conditioner and humidifier or nebulizer use. Figure 16. Visual Setup of Case Study 2
From this case study, the system can read parameters of
humidity and pressure starts from the normal condition
until humidity becomes high and temperature becomes
In case study 3, without turn ON and OFF electrical
appliances that can affect the humidity and temperature,
this project test with turned ON 4 units blower. In several
times, the number of blowers turns OFF one by one until
all blowers turn OFF. Figure 18 shows the visual setup of
this case study.
While Figure 19 showed the result of the parameters of
this case study in 1 hour. Circle 4 represents the reading of
pressure during 4 blowers turn ON, circle 3 represents
during 3 blowers turn ON, circle 2 represents during 2
blowers turn ON, circle 1 represents during 1 blower turns
ON and circle 0 represents all blowers turn OFF. This
system provides notification of low-pressure results of Figure 17. Result of Case Study 2
only 2 blowers were ON. From this case study, the system
can read differences in pressure values during blower turn
ON and turn OFF.

Muhammad Ilias Rosli et al. / ELEKTRIKA, 20(3), 2021, 7-14

system also provides real-time data and historical data as a

reference for users. The proposed IoT monitoring system
can be monitored via smartphone at anytime and

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