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Energy Conversion and Management 209 (2020) 112663

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Energy Conversion and Management

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Biomethane production using an integrated anaerobic digestion, gasification T

and CO2 biomethanation process in a real waste water treatment plant: A
techno-economic assessment
Stavros Michailosa, , Mark Walkerb, Adam Moodyc, Davide Poggioa, Mohamed Pourkashaniana

Energy 2050, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S3 7RD, UK
Environmental Research Institute, North Highlands College, University of the Highlands and Islands Thurso KW14 7EE, UK
United Utilities Group PLC, Haweswater House, Lingley Mere Business Park, Lingley Green Avenue, Great Sankey, Warrington WA5 3LP, UK


Keywords: The biomethanation of CO2 from anaerobic digestion within the power to gas concept has recently emerged as a
Biomethanation promising technology to upgrade biogas, to decarbonise the domestic and industrial heat sector, provide long
Power to gas term energy storage and deliver grid balancing services. In addition, the utilisation of the digestate, through a
Biogas upgrading process such as gasification, offers a circular economy approach and has the potential to enhance the deployment
CO2 utilisation
of power to gas systems. To this direction, the study focuses on exploring the techno-economic feasibility of
Circular economy
coupling biomethanation with digestate gasification for the wastewater industry. The study constitutes the first
endeavour to assess the viability of such an integrated energy system. Four different scenarios have been de-
signed and assessed. The energy efficiency of the concepts lies between 26.5% and 35.5% while the minimum
selling price (MSP) of biomethane is in the range of 135–183 £/MWh. The implementation of appropriate policy
mechanisms and the inclusion of by-products revenues reduces the MSPs by approximately 32%–42%. The
conduction of a typical sensitivity analysis has identified the electricity price as the prime cost driver and this is
followed by the cost of the electrolyser or the gasification plant depending on the scenario. Finally, a 2030
analysis, that incorporates projected techno-economic advances, has been carried out and revealed that under
certain circumstances profits can be generated.

1. Introduction has been recognised as an efficient and promising route over fossil fuels
that can mitigate environmental impacts [4] and give rise to a product
The Paris Agreement commits signatories to holding the increase in that has multiple applications (e.g. electricity, heating, transport) [5].
the global average temperature to well below 2 °C degrees above pre- Nevertheless, the generation of high purity biomethane via the AD
industrial levels, and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase process can be only achieved by incorporating an additional step that
to 1.5 °C degrees above pre-industrial levels [1]. In view of this, re- serves to upgrade the original product of AD, i.e. biogas, to biomethane.
sultant environmental concerns and rising global population in con- Typically, biogas comprises 50–70% methane and 30–50% carbon di-
junction with the augmenting global demand for energy, chemicals and oxide and is commonly utilised for local combined heat and power
materials have facilitated research efforts to advance low carbon (CHP) applications [6]. However, this composition does not allow di-
technologies contingent on renewable sources to encounter such global rect injection to the prevailing natural gas (NG) networks and thereby
targets [2]. To this direction, attention has been drawn by the research advantages related to the efficient storage of biomass derived energy
community to effectively integrate renewable technologies and pro- and on-demand energy utilisation as well as the stabilisation of an
mote alternative raw materials that can potentially substitute fossil energy supply system that is based on renewable intermittent sources
feedstocks [3]. Furthermore, a distinct advantage of modern integrated cannot be realised [7]. Furthermore, the utilisation of biomethane has
energy systems is that they possess the potential to foster the accel- the potential to offset the reliance on NG imports and therefore en-
eration of the transition from linear to circular economies. hances energy procurement security. It has been reported that a great
The deployment of anaerobic digestion (AD) to produce biomethane potential in primary energy savings for national economies exists if

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Michailos).

Received 17 December 2019; Received in revised form 26 February 2020; Accepted 27 February 2020
Available online 11 March 2020
0196-8904/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Michailos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 209 (2020) 112663

biogas from large scale plants is to be upgraded to biomethane for system, which combines AD and gasification, that process two types of
substituting fossil fuels in place of utilising it for generating renewable feedstock, namely household waste and wood pellets, and thereby a
electricity [8]. In several countries biogas plants are anticipated to linear rather than a circular energy utilisation system was considered.
move from electricity generation to biomethane manufacture, provided In addition, the incorporation of P2G technologies was out of the scope
that sufficient policy support is available [7]. of both these studies [29,30].
Among the different options to upgrade biogas, such as chemical/ In view of the above, the study attempts to appraise the technoe-
physical absorption, membrane and cryogenic technologies [9,10], the conomic performance of a P2G system that closes the energy and ma-
Power to Gas (P2G) concept has received increased interest in the re- terial loops of an AD plant and produces high purity methane. In more
cent years [11]. The idea behind the P2G technology is that electricity detail, biogas produced via anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge in a
can be utilised to hydrolyse water and the produced hydrogen will react real waste water plant (WWTP) is upgraded through biomethanation to
with the CO2 in the biogas to form methane though the biological Sa- methane. Depending on the investigated scenario, the whole or part of
batier reaction, Eq. (1). the hydrogen required for the latter process is generated through water
electrolysis while the remaining demand is covered by the hydrogen
CO2 + 4H2 CH4 + 2H2 O, H0 = 165 kJ/mol (1)
produced by means of digestate gasification. The research is the first
The P2G can provide long term storage of excess renewable energy endeavour to assess the feasibility of coupling AD with gasification
in existing natural gas infrastructures offering grid balancing services within a P2G concept. The findings of the study can aid to identify
and increasing the biomethane yield [12]. Even if a P2G process that novel methods that can enhance the profitability of waste water plants
targets methane production over hydrogen achieves lower thermo- in a sustainable manner. In turn the results of the study can also inform
dynamic efficiency, the existing gas grids are designed for methane policy makers on the new regulatory frameworks and incentives re-
distribution and the direct injection of hydrogen can be limited and quired to enable the deployment of power to gas technologies.
thus methane may be a more suitable and effective option [13].
Two approaches exist to produce methane via the Sabatier reaction, 2. Research outline
i.e. chemical and biological synthesis [14]. The latter operates at much
lower process conditions (e.g. temperature and pressure) and can treat 2.1. System boundaries and definition of scenarios
biogas of less strict quality [15]. In addition, the reactor design and
conditions can be easier adjusted to the requirements of the bio- The study assesses the techno-economic performance of upgrading
methanation and it is appropriate for small-scale applications such as biogas produced in an existing WWTP via biomethanation. The aim of
the utilisation of CO2 from AD [16]. Even if the biological methanation the work is to evaluate retrofit opportunities for biomethane production
is less mature than the chemical methanation, there are a couple pilot in a typical WWTP. The WWTP treats sewage sludge by means of
and demo plants that presently examine the performance of bio- anaerobic digestion. It is located in the UK and operated by United
methanation due to the above mentioned advantages. The MicrobE- Utilities. The plant includes eight digesters of identical size. The study
nergy plant in Schwandorf and the BioCat project in Copenhagen are considers the upgrade of the biogas derived from two of them.
examples of successful implementation of power to gas systems via The system boundaries for the engineering design include a pair of
biomethanation [16]. twin digesters, a biomethanation reactor that upgrades biogas to bio-
Although AD is an efficient way to convert organic matter into en- methane through the biological Sabatier reaction, a proton exchange
ergy, it deals only partly with the issue of material and energy recovery. membrane (PEM) water electrolysis unit, a digestate dewatering unit
This is because a substantial portion of the organic matter is not bio- and the digestate utilisation unit which is an entrained flow (EF) ga-
degradable and remains in the residual material of the AD, known as sification plant configured either to produce hydrogen or generate
digestate [17]. The common way to valorise the digestate is by using it electricity by means of a typical integrated gasification combined cycle
as a soil amendment and/or fertilizer provided that it meets the con- (IGCC) system. The sizing of the power to gas components were based
straints imposed by the European Nitrate Directive (91/676/EEC) [18]. on the size of the AD plant. Therefore, it was necessary for the quan-
In addition, the increase in the number of AD facilities in certain re- tification of the material streams to expand the boundaries of the study
gions that exhibit extensive livestock farming, is projected to result in a to include existing units. On the other hand, for the economic evalua-
surplus of digestate supply [19]. It is subsequently expected that these tion, since all the cases investigated herein are retrofit projects, the
agricultural regions will not be able to treat these augmented amounts boundaries include only the electrolysis unit, the biomethanation re-
of digestate and hence transport to other areas, that display nutrients actor and the digestate gasification and excludes the digesters, the CHP
shortfall, will be required; a practice that will increase the operating unit and the dewatering unit because these already exist as an integral
expenditures of AD plants [20]. As a result, extensive uptake of regional part of the WWTP. Nevertheless, the current utilisation of the biogas is
scale AD is constrained because of financial obstacles and the guarantee to raise electricity of 2.4 MW that covers internal needs of the plant and
of the harmless disposal of the digestate. To address these issues, the thereby this amount of electricity has to be purchased now in the ret-
scientific community has recently drawn attention to other digestate rofit design. Thereby, an opportunity cost arises that has been included
valorisation options including gasification [20,21] and pyrolysis in the calculation of the OPEX.
[22,23]. These processes are capable of converting non-biodegradable Biomethanation can be applied in-situ, when it takes place in the
materials (e.g. digestate), thermochemically at elevated temperatures, digester or ex-situ when it occurs in a separate reactor. The former
into valuable products including syngas, bio-oil, fuels and chemicals approach can only accomplish a final methane composition of up to
[24]. This approach can facilitate the expansion of AD based infra- 90% [31] while the ex-situ system can realise a high purity methane
structures and give a boost to infrastructures that promote circular stream, i.e. ~98% [27], that can meet the stringent conditions of the NG
economies. grid network. Furthermore the ex-situ technology is of a higher TRL
The conduction of a literature review revealed that previous studies (technology readiness level) system with demo plants being already in
have examined the feasibility of power to methane production, either operation [16] while the in-situ is only proven at lab scale. On con-
via chemical [25,26] or biological synthesis [27,28], but none of them sidering the above discussion, it was decided to investigate the viability
consider the valorisation of digestate. In addition, scarce data exists of an ex-situ biomethanation plant.
regarding the economic appraisal of integrated AD-thermochemical For the selection of the digestate gasifier there are many available
routes systems; Salman et al. [29] have explored the possibility of options, such as fixed bed, fluidised bed, entrained flow and plasma
coupling AD with pyrolysis but only from an energetic/exergetic point gasifiers, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages [32].
of view while Li et al. [30] tested the economic performance of a Herein, an entrained flow gasifier has been selected. The gasification

S. Michailos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 209 (2020) 112663

Scenario 2 (BioMeth + EF-H2): Here the digestate is gasified and the

produced syngas is treated appropriately in a series of water gas shift
reformers to give rise to H2. The H2 is supplied to the biomethanation
reactor which means that the electrolyser size is reduced (compared to
Scenario 1) and less electricity is needed.
Scenario 3 (BioMeth + EF-CH4): The incorporated technologies are
identical with the Scenario 2 but herein instead of supplying H2 to the
biomethanation reactor a mixture of H2 and CO2 (ratio 4:1) is provided
for enhanced methane production. Therefore, the size of the bio-
methanation reactor increases (compared to Scenarios 1 and 2) while
the size of the electrolyser remains unchanged (the same as in Scenario
Scenario 4 (BioMeth + IGCC): The last scenario assumes an IGCC
plant with the aim of generating electricity that will partially cover the
electricity demand of the electrolyser. In this case, syngas is combusted
in a gas turbine while the waste heat is utilised to raise steam that will
drive steam turbines. The electrolyser and the biomethanation reactor
are of identical size as in the Scenario 1.
Overall, the aim of the present research is to carry out compre-
hensive techno-economic assessments and comparisons of novel energy
systems that endorse circular economies and subsequently to detect key
cost drivers and conditions under which they can achieve commercia-

2.2. Basis for process modelling

A conceptual design of the proposed configurations was carried out

to quantify the mass and energy flows. The AD unit was designed based
on data retrieved from a real WWTP and balance calculations were
conducted in Excel. The PEM electrolyser was modelled in Simulink/
Matlab environment with the aim of estimating the cell voltage and the
stack energy efficiency. The digestate gasification and combustion
plants have been modelled in Aspen Plus by considering three models in
total to define the thermodynamic properties: Redlich-Kwong-Soave
with Huron-Vidal mixing rules for high pressure streams (> 10 bar),
NRTL-RK for low pressure streams (< 10 bar) and classic steam tables
for the CHP units [36,37]. Lastly, Table 1 summarises the technical
specifications of typical equipment [38,39].

Fig. 1. Block flow diagrams of the investigated scenarios.

2.3. Basis for the economic evaluation

oxidising agent is a mixture of steam and oxygen; oxygen is supplied As depicted in Table 2 [34,40,41], a typical bottom-up methodology
from the electrolyser. The advantages of the EF over other gasification is used to appraise the capital expenditures (CAPEX) where all cost
technologies include low tar and methane formation, high carbon components are articulated as a fraction of the purchased equipment
conversion, low residence time and reduced equipment size [33,34]. costs (PEC). In addition, assumptions for estimating operating expenses
Nevertheless, the main drawback of the EF is the necessity to pulverise (OPEX), which consist of fixed and variable costs, are tabulated in
the fuel to extremely low particle size making the feedstock pretreat- Appendix A Table A1 [42–44] and Table A2 [42,45–49], respectively. It
ment more energy and cost intensive compared to other gasification should be noted that the typical treatment of the digestate is trans-
technologies [35]. It is not the intention of the study to advocate a portation to farmland for recycling; the cost for this practise is 10 £/t.
specific type of gasifier as the most suitable for digestate gasification Also, the residual water after the dewatering unit returns to the WWTP;
but only to carry out preliminary mass and energy balances for diges- the cost associated with its management is not included in the study as
tate gasification. It is, therefore, recommended that future research it is already paid in the business as usual model of the WWTP. The
could focus on exploring the most suitable technology for digestate scenarios that gasify the digestate avoid this cost and in the cash flow
Fig. 1 is a visual representation of the scenarios examined in the Table 1
study by means of simplified block flow diagrams (BFD). In all scenarios Specifications for common equipment utilised in the present design [38,39].
the size of the digesters remains constant while based on the particu- Equipment Parameter Value
larities of each case the size of the biomethanation reactor and the PEM
unit vary accordingly. Four cases in total were investigated and these Gas turbine Isentropic efficiency 90%
are defined as follows: HP steam turbine Isentropic efficiency 92%
MP steam turbine Isentropic efficiency 94%
Scenario 1 (BioMeth): This scenario is the simplest one and serves as LP steam turbine Isentropic efficiency 98%
the basis for further comparisons. It does not consider the digestate Turbines Mechanical efficiency 98%
utilisation and thereby the whole amount of H2 is provided by the Pump Efficiency 70%
electrolyser. The digestate is dewatered to a sludge cake 25% dry solids Heat exchanger Temperature difference 7 °C
Cooling water Temperature range 15–25 °C
and then recycled to farm land.

S. Michailos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 209 (2020) 112663

Table 2 Table 3
CAPEX estimation methodology [34,40,41]. Economic parameters and assumed values.
Cost component Factor Parameter Value

Direct costs (DC) Location United Kingdom (UK)

Purchased equipment cost (PEC) 100% PEC Currency GBP
Purchased equipment installation 39% PEC Base year 2017
Instrumentation and controls 26% PEC Project lifetime (y) 20
Piping 31% PEC Construction period (y) 3
Electrical systems 10% PEC Plant availability (h/y) 8000
Indirect costs (IC) 21.9% DC Tax rate (%) 30
Fixed Capital Investment (FCI) DC + IC Discount rate (%) 10
Start-up costs (SUC) 5% FCI Depreciation straight-line
Interest during construction (IDC) Computed Depreciation period (y) 10
CAPEX FCI + SUC + IDC Salvage value (£) 0
*Working Capital (WC) 5% FCI

*Working capital is applied in the year before operation and recovered at the depreciation. In addition, the levelised cost of energy (LCOE), in terms
end of the plant life and hence it is not depreciated. of methane HHV and in current GBP, was also estimated as presented in
Eq. (6) [56].
analysis this appears as revenue. As mentioned before, all scenarios
include an opportunity loss (OppLoss) associated with the loss of the 20 costs in yearn
n = 0 (1 + discount rate )n
biogas derived electricity (existing utilisation of biogas). LCOE (£/MWh) = 20 MWh of methane produced in year n
In addition, the overall amount of the necessary labour hours has n= 1 (1 + discount rate )n (6)
been calculated according to best practice functions related to highly
automated fluid processing plants based on the work conducted by
Peters et al. [43] as follows, Eq.(2): 3. Process design and modelling
h kgfuel _output hplant _operation
= 2.13 × plant capacity
× nprocess _steps ×
24 3.1. Anaerobic digestion and biomethanation

(2) As mentioned above, the AD plant was modelled utilising data re-
The plant capacity is expressed in terms of product output, i.e. CH4 trieved from a real WWTP. The work has been done in collaboration
in the present study, the number of process steps, nprocess_steps, refers to with United Utilities who supplied the data presented in Table 4. The
segments (one or more unit operations) within the production line total sludge flowrate, processed by a pair of twin digesters, is
wherein significant chemical composition and/or thermodynamic 593.75 m3/d. The volume of each digester is 8000 m3 and they operate
change occurs and hplant_operation is the annual operating time of the at mesophilic conditions of 39 °C and atmospheric pressure. The
plant. The hourly labour compensation cost was taken as 15 £/h [50]. heating demand for the AD bioreactors is taken as 10% of the energy
The scaling method, as defined in Eq. (3), was used to estimate the content of the biogas [57]. We have calculated the heating duty of the
purchased equipment cost. This equation permits us to obtain a cost for digesters in order to demonstrate potential heat integration opportu-
an equipment item of a different size when the cost for a given size is nities with the upgrading section as waste heat can be generated in the
known. Where necessary the costs were updated to GBP2017 by using proposed system. The sources of the heat exist in the biomethanation
the Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Indices (CEPCI). Also, the re- reactor as the Sabatier reaction is exothermic and the PEM electrolyser.
ference equipment cost data was retrieved from the literature and is The total dry solids (TDS) content is 10.5%w/v whilst the volatile
presented in Appendix A Table A3 [27,34,51–54]. solids (VS) account for 75% of the TDS. The achieved biogas yield is
f 428 m3/TDS with a dry composition of 61% for methane and 39% for
C = C0 CO2. The mass balances developed in the present study did not consider
S0 (3) the formation of H2S as it is present at very low concentrations.
where Nevertheless, the removal of H2S is crucial to meet the natural gas grid
requirements [58] and therefore even if the technical design does not
C = actual cost
appreciate H2S production, the cost evaluation considers a ZnO ad-
C0 = base cost sorption unit [51] to remove any H2S traces. Furthermore, the produced
digestate undergoes mechanical dewatering via centrifugation to in-
S = actual capacity crease the solids fraction to 25%.
S0 = base capacity Thereafter, the biogas is fed to the biomethanation reactor along
with H2 from the electrolysis unit and depending on the scenario from
f = scaling factor the gasification plant. In any case, the feed ratio of H2 to CO2 is always
As depicted in Table 3, several assumptions have been utilised for
Table 4
the conduction of a typical discounted cash flow analysis (DCFA). The
Technical data for modelling AD. Data from a real WWTP.
purpose of DCFA is the estimation of the break-even biomethane price
(NPV = 0 or IRR = discount rate) also known as minimum selling price Parameter Value Unit
(MSP). The basis of the DCFA model is outlined in Eqs. (4) and (5) [55].
Reactor volume 8000 m3
20 Number of reactors 2 –
=0 Sludge flowrate 593.75 m3/d
n= 1
(1 + IRR)n (4) TDS content 10.5 %
VS content 75 % (of TDS)
CFn = Pn (1 t ) + Dn t (5) Biogas yield 428 m3/TDS
Biogas composition (dry basis) 61/39 % CH4/CO2
where, CF values are the after tax cash flow for each year, n is the Digestate solid fraction (after dewatering) 25 %
number of years, P are gross profits, t is the tax rate and D the

S. Michailos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 209 (2020) 112663

4:1, as Eq. (1) suggests (Sabatier reaction). The bioreactor operates at RT i

Vact , cat = ln cat
mesophilic conditions of 60 °C and pressure of 5 bar [59]. The pressure ocat zF i 0, cat (16)
operating window for biomethanation lies between 1 and 9 bar [59];
we have selected 5 bar as this is the delivery pressure of biomethane to Ohmic losses, Vohm, are caused due to ionic and electronic re-
the grid and as such no additional costs for compression are required. A sistances. However, the ionic losses dominate the Vohm and thereby
high conversion of CO2 to methane of approximately 98.6% has been electronic losses were neglected from the current model. As depicted in
reported in demonstration plants [12] and this value was adopted here. Eq. (18), the Ohmic resistance is a function of the thickness, tme , and the
Furthermore, the electrical demand of the biomethanation reactor was conductivity, me , of the membrane [62]:
taken as 0.45 kWh/m3 of methane produced [59]. The reactor is a Vohm = iRohm, i (17)
jacketed exothermic CSTR that utilises circulated water to ensure iso-
thermal conditions. Rohm, i = tme/ me (18)
The conductivity, Eq. (19) [62], depends on the temperature and
3.2. PEM electrolysis the mean of the water uptake of the membrane, m , in the anode and
the cathode. Eq. (21) [62] shows that the water uptake in both sides is a
PEM water electrolysis technology is often demonstrated in the lit- function of the water vapour activity, a .
erature as a possibly very effective alternative to the more conventional
alkaline water electrolysis. The main advantages are flexibility in op- = (0.00514 0.00326) exp 1268
1 1
me m
eration and higher energy efficiency [60]. The overall electrolysis re- 303 T (19)
action is the sum of the two electrochemical half reactions, that occur at
the electrodes in an acidic environment according to the succeeding m =( an + cat )/2 (20)
reactions [11]: = 0.043 + 17.81a 39.85a2 + 36a3, (i = an, cat ) (21)
H2 O (l) O2 (g ) + 2H+ + 2e Pi
2 (7) a= , (i = an, cat )
Psat (22)
2H+ + 2e H2 (g ) (8)
Eq. (23) [63] presents the electrolyser second law efficiency. This
Eq. (7) signifies the anode half reaction and Eq. (8) the cathode half accepts as input the electric work, W (in J/mol), supplied to the elec-
reaction. At the anode (positively charged electrode) water is oxidized, trolyser and as output the Gibbs free energy change in standard con-
the electrons pass through the external electrical circuit and oxygen dition of the electrochemical reaction to obtain H2. As shown in Eq.
evolves as gas (oxygen evolution reaction, OER). Protons migrate (24), the work is expressed as a function of the cell voltage and the
through the acidic electrolyte from the anode to the cathode (negatively faradaic efficiency [63], F . The faradaic efficiency is typically very
charged electrode) where they are reduced by the electrons from the close to unity and thereby a value of 99% was selected in the present
external electrical circuit to hydrogen [61]. study [63].
The voltage of the electrolyser, V, is the sum of the open-circuit GR0
voltage, Voc, and three overpotentials namely activation, Vact, Ohmic, G =
Vohm and concentration, Vconc [62]. The latter can be neglected for
current densities up to 3 A/cm2 [62] and this assumption was con- V
W = 2F
sidered here. Therefore, F (24)
V = VOC + Vact + Vohm (9) The above mathematical expressions constitute the mass and energy
balances of the PEM unit and these were applied in Matlab/Simulink
The Voc is given as follows [63]:
environment. The necessary data to develop and execute the PEM
RT p H2 pO2 model is presented in Table 5 and it was retrieved from the literature
VOC = E 0 + ln
zF Pcat Pan (10) [62–64].

where E reversible cell voltage and is expressed as [63]: 3.3. Gasification plant
E0 = = 1.229 Mass and energy balances for the digestate gasification plant were
zF (11)
established in Aspen plus. The composition of the dewatered digestate
The partial pressures of H2, p H2 , and O2, pO2 , are estimated using
Eqs. (12) and (13) [63] as a function of the saturation pressure of water, Table 5
Psat , water . The saturation pressure is temperature dependent and is cal- Fixed model parameters for the PEM electrolyser model [62–64].
culated using Eq. (14) [62]. Also, it was assumed here that the pressure Parameter Symbol Value Unit
in the anode and cathode are equal [63].
Gibbs free energy change ΔGR 237.2 kJ/mol
p H2 = Pcat Psat , water [Pa] (12) Number of electrons transferred in the cell z 2 –
Faraday constant F 96,485 C/mol
pO2 = Pan Psat , water [Pa] (13) Anode pressure Pan 5 bar
Cathode pressure Pcat 5 bar
Cell temperature T 353 K
Psat , water (Pa) = 2846.4 + 411.24T 10.554T 2 + 0.16636T 3 (T in °C) Anode charger transfer coefficient oan 0.5 –
(14) Cathode charger transfer coefficient ocat 0.5 –
Anode current density ian 2 A/cm2
The activation overpotentials in the anode and the cathode are Cathode current density icat 2 A/cm2
defined as [64]: Anode exchange current density i0,an 2 × 10−7 A/cm2
Cathode exchange current density i0,cat 2 × 10−7 A/cm2
RT i Membrane thickness tme 175 × 10−4 cm
Vact , an = ln an Faradaic efficiency ηF 99 %
oan zF i 0, an (15)

S. Michailos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 209 (2020) 112663

Table 6 supplied from the electrolysis unit while steam is raised by recovering
Digestate composition [65]. heat from the syngas and the flue gas from the combustor unit.
Proximate analysis (%) Thereafter syngas has to be conditioned to remove impurities such NH3,
COS and H2S. A high temperature (=800 °C) thermal catalytic (nickel
Parameters Mass fraction based) unit [71] decomposes ammonia to nitrogen and hydrogen while
a COS hydrolysis unit converts COS to H2S and CO2 [72]. The final
Ash 43.15
Volatile matter 51.75 purification step assumes a zinc oxide adsorption unit for H2S removal
Fixed Carbon 5.1 based on the ZnO + H2S → ZnS + H2O desulphurisation reaction [73].
Ultimate analysis (%)
The three purification steps were modelled as conversion reactors,
Element Dry Weight RSTOICH, assuming 100% removal of the impurities. A small portion of
C 30.88 the syngas (~10%) is purged and sent to a combustor unit to generate
H 4.36 heat mainly to cover the heat demand of the drying process.
O 15.61
Thereafter, the treated syngas enters the hydrogen synthesis area
S 1.24
N 4.76 whereby CO and high pressure steam are converted to H2 and CO2
Ash 43.15 according to the water gas shift (WGS) reaction, Eq. (25).
CO + H2 O H2 + CO2 , H0 = 41 kJ/mol (25)
is depicted in Table 6 [65]. A user defined non-conventional solid was The WGS is exothermic and as such it is favoured by low tem-
selected to denote the digestate. To develop this module two Aspen peratures. In order to achieve high H2 yields, two reactors in series were
models were apportioned: one for density (DCOALIGT) and one for considered with intermediate cooling. The cooler serves to generate
enthalpy (HCOALGEN) that necessitate the awareness of proximate steam which is subsequently supplied to the first reactor. The latter
analysis and ultimate analysis of the feedstock which have been ob- operates in a high temperature (HT) regime of 400 °C and a pressure of
tained from [66]. 30 bar while the second one, in the low temperature (LT) regime, at
As depicted in Fig. 2, prior to gasification, the digestate has to be 200 °C and at the same pressure. The REQUIL Aspen plus reactor
dried in order to reduce the moisture content to 5% and subsequently module that assumes equilibrium conditions was used to simulate the
its particle size is decreased to 1 mm via grinding. A rotary direct steam WGS reactors; both reactors operate adiabatically. The gas hourly space
drying unit is considered herein with a steam to evaporated moisture velocity of the WGS reactors was taken as 1000 h−1 [67]. The produced
ratio of 9 [67]. Steam enters the dryer at a temperature of 200 °C, exits gas stream, consisting of H2 and CO2, undergoes cooling with the aim of
the unit at 120 °C and is reheated in the syngas cooling section [67]. condensing the water content and afterwards it is sent to a typical
Moreover, a gyratory crusher, with a specific electrical energy con- pressure swing adsorption unit (PSA) to recover H2. The PSA unit was
sumption of 50 kWh/t [68] of digestate, is employed to achieve the modelled as a typical separator whereby a H2 recovery of 90% is
desired particle size ensuring efficient heat transfer in the gasifier. achieved. For the Scenario 2, the hydrogen rich stream (> 99.9%
The EF gasifier was modelled considering two blocks: i) an RYIELD purity) is sent to the biomethanation reactor while the off-gases are sent
reactor which serves to decompose the digestate to its elements based to the combustion unit. For the Scenario 3, the purified hydrogen
on the ultimate analysis, and ii) an RGIBBS reactor that predicts the stream is mixed with part of the PSA off-gases stream (~43%) with the
syngas composition assuming chemical equilibrium according to the aim of attaining a H2:CO2 ratio of 4 and then the resultant gas stream is
Gibbs free energy minimization technique. It has been reported in the supplied to the biomethanation reactor. The PSA off-gases stream is a
past [69] that the calculation of the chemical equilibrium conditions for CO2 rich stream with some hydrogen.
EF gasifiers can give good results. The gasifier operates at 1300 °C and Specifically for the Scenario 4, as depicted in Fig. 3, the syngas
30 bar [33,70] while the oxygen to biomass ratio (dry basis) is 0.2 and enters a power generation unit comprising a gas turbine and a heat
the steam to biomass ratio is 0.19 (dry basis); these ratios were ma- recovery steam generation (HRSG) system for enhanced electricity
nipulated in such a manner so as the overall heat duty of the gasifier to generation. The syngas is combusted with excess air in a typical gas
be zero or equally the heat duty of the RYIELD reactor to match the heat turbine while heat from the exhaust flue gas is recovered in a series of
duty of the RGIBBS reactor (detailed mass balances for the gasifier can three heat exchangers namely superheater, evaporator and economiser
be found in the Supplementary material). The required oxygen is to raise steam and drive a configuration of high, intermediate and low

Fig. 2. Simplified process flow diagram for the gasification plant aiming to H2 production in Scenario 2.

S. Michailos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 209 (2020) 112663

Fig. 3. Simplified process flow diagram for the IGCC plant in Scenario 4.

pressure steam turbines. In this case, flue gas exiting the power island
assists in raising steam for the dryer while the oxidising agent of the Electolyser size (MW ) =
H2 flowrate ( ) × LHV ( )
s H2

gasifier is solely oxygen. G (26)

The electrolyser size for the Scenario 2, i.e. 3.4 MW, is perceptibly
smaller compared to the other cases, i.e. 7 MW, as the H2 from the
4. Results and discussion
gasification plant can meet roughly 51% of the overall H2 demand of
the biomethanation reactor. The Scenario 3 results in increased bio-
4.1. Mass and energy balances
methane yields of approximately 20% compared to the other config-
urations since the H2 from the gasification plant (along with CO2) is
The mass and energy balances for each scenario are presented in
now utilised to synthesize more CH4 in the biomethanation reactor. On
Table 7 and are also visualised in Fig. 4. As discussed in Section 2.1, all
the other hand, this design leads to augmented electricity consumption
scenarios treat the same quantity of sewage sludge, while, in contrast to
in the biomethanation unit compared to the other scenarios. As ex-
Scenarios 2–4 whereby the digestate is gasified, the digestate in Sce-
pected, the oxygen production follows an identical trend to the elec-
nario 1 is safely recycled to farmland (detailed mass balances can be
trolyser derived H2; the Scenario 2 yields the lowest O2 productivity
found in the Supplementary material).
and the utilised portion, as gasifying agent, is as high as 48%.
The electrolyser operates at a constant current density of 2 A/cm2
As depicted in Fig. 5, the main electricity consumer for all cases is
that results in a cell voltage of 1.87 V and a stack efficiency of ap-
the electrolyser, being responsible for 72–75% of the overall demand
proximately 65% (LHV basis). Furthermore, the consumption of deio-
for the Scenarios 1, 3 and 4; assuming that for the Scenario 4 the whole
nised water is taken as 10 L per kg of H2 [74,75]. As depicted in Eq.
electricity generated in the gasification area supplies the electrolyser.
(26), the electrolysers were sized based on the H2 flowrate required for
The contribution of the electrolyser for the Scenario 2 is lower com-
the biomethanation and the stack efficiency.
pared to the other cases and equal to 57%. It should be noted that in

Table 7
Mass and energy flows for the investigated scenarios.
Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4

Sewage sludge (m3/y) 198,000 198,000 198,000 198,000

Digestate after dewatering (m3/y) 33,673 33,673 33,673 33,673
H2 from the electrolyser (t/y) 1091 531 1091 1091
Electrolyser stack size (MWe) 7.00 3.40 7.00 7.00
H2 from the gasification plant (t/y) – 560 – –
H2 + CO2 from the gasification plant (t/y) – – 3677 –
Electricity generation in the gasification plant (MW) – – – 1.8
Oxygen production from the electrolyser (t/y) 8722 4248 8722 8722
Oxygen utilisation in the gasifier (t/y) – 2048 2048 2048
Methane production (MWHHV of CH4) 10.60 10.60 12.76 10.60
Methane production (MWLHV of CH4) 9.63 9.63 11.60 9.63
Electricity imports (MW) 10.31 6.60 10.67 8.51
*Heating duties for digesters (MW) 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65
*Heating duties for digestate drying (MW) – 1.1 1.1 1.1
Energy efficiency (%) 26.5 35.5 31.1 30.2

*Covered internally

S. Michailos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 209 (2020) 112663

Fig. 5, the electrolyser includes the system consumption, i.e. stack and energy content of the sewage sludge and the electricity consumption,
balance of plant (BoP); the latter accounts for 10% of the stack con- Eq. (27). The latter was divided by 0.4 (efficiency of a typical thermal
sumption. plant) as the other terms in Eq. (27) are expressed in terms of thermal
Heating is needed for all concepts for the operation of the digesters energy. The LHV of the sludge is taken as 14.75 MJ/kg on a dry basis
and this duty, i.e. 0.65 MW, is covered by heat generated in the bio- (plant data).
methanation reactor by means of recirculated water; the generated heat The inclusion of the digestate gasification unit into the design fa-
during biomethanation is roughly 1.21 MW and available at 55 °C; for vours the performance of the relevant scenarios, i.e. 2–4, from an en-
the Scenario 3 the available heat is 1.5 MW due to the increased size of ergetic point view. Based on the energy efficiencies, it can be observed
the biomethanation reactor. For all cases, the current design does not that the most efficient pathway is to reduce the electrolyser’s size by
consider any utilisation for the surplus of heat generated in the bio- introducing H2 from the gasification area (Scenario 2) rather than
methanation reactor. In addition, low grade heat (available at roughly keeping the size of the electrolyser identical to Scenario 1 and focus on
75 °C) can be also recovered in the electrolysers but no utilisation for either increasing the biomethane production (Scenario 3) or generating
this energy flow was considered in the present study. In theory the on-site electricity (Scenario 4).
quality and quantity of the unutilised heat streams (from biomethana- mbio CH4 LHVbio CH4
tion and electrolysis) can satisfy the demand of at least three more plant =
digesters that exist in the WWTP; in this way it might be possible to
msludge LHVsludge + Electricity consumed/0.4 (27)
send more biogas for upgrading (instead to the CHP unit) and the
projects to be favoured by the economies of scale. 4.2. Economic evaluation
In addition, for the Scenarios 2, 3 and 4 heating is also required for
drying the digestate. On considering the design illustrated in Fig. 2, the Fig. 6 is a thorough breakdown of the purchased equipment cost.
steam that is recirculated between the dryer and the syngas cooling The gasification plant notably increases the capital investment for the
section, absorbs heat internally from the heat exchangers HE3 and HE4 Scenarios 3 and 4 compared to the Scenario 1 by approximately 53%
and as no external heating source is required for the entire infra- and 81% respectively. The increase is higher for the Scenario 4 due to
structure of the Scenarios 2 and 3. Similarly for the Scenario 4, as the high cost of the gas and steam turbine equipment. For the Scenario
shown in Fig. 3, the flue gas is utilised to raise steam in the HE3 and 2, the increase in the initial investment compared to the base case is
subsequently the steam temperature is increased to 200 °C by absorbing smaller, i.e. 12%, as the cost of installing the gasification plant is to a
heat from the HE1 and the HE2. great extent offset by the reduction in the electrolyser cost. The major
Table 7 presents the energy efficiency of each process calculated as cost contributor for the Scenarios 1 and 3 is the electrolyser accounting
the ratio of biomethane energy output (LHV basis) over the sum of the for 74% and 48% of the total costs respectively. For the Scenarios 2 and

Fig. 4. Schematic of the basic mass and energy flows for each scenario investigated.

S. Michailos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 209 (2020) 112663

Fig. 4. (continued)

4, the gasification plant takes over as the prime cost source accounting higher than the NG price, i.e. 15 £/MWh (HHV basis) (average 2017)
for 41% and 45% respectively; nevertheless the electrolyser still poses [76], thus suggesting that strong subsidies are required for the com-
as a significant expenditure accounting for 36% and 41% for the Sce- mercialisation of the proposed energy systems. Finally, Table 8 shows
narios 2 and 4 respectively. Finally, for all cases the share of the H2S the key economic data for each case. It should be also noted that the
removal unit is negligible. values of the normalised CAPEX and OPEX indicate that all processes
The itemisation of the OPEX for each concept is provided in Fig. 7. are OPEX intensive.
Other variable costs (VC) refer to utilities, catalysts, packing material
and ash disposal costs while FOM refers to fixed operating and main-
4.3. Effect of policy schemes and by-products credits
tenance costs. The Scenario 3 has the highest OPEX, i.e. 12.5 M£, fol-
lowed by the Scenario 1, 11.01 M£. Electricity clearly dominates the
The effect of various policy schemes in conjunction with credits
OPEX for all scenarios; approximately 86% for the Scenario 1, 72% for
received from selling by-products are examined in this section. The
the Scenario 2, 78% for the Scenario 3 and 74% for the Scenario 4.
renewable heat incentive (RHI) was introduced in the UK in 2009 with
Consequently, the cases with the lower OPEX are those with the less
the aim of incentivising the generation of renewable heat. The RHI
electricity consumption, i.e. Scenarios 2 and 4. Therefore, the pro-
includes the production of biomethane in AD plants and the fee that is
curement of cheap electricity is a key factor for the viability of the
paid to the producer for this practise varies based on the biomethane
investigated projects. The FOM contribution is also noteworthy and
production; the examined WWTP receives a reward of 62 £/MWh (HHV
represents 13%-24% of the overall OPEX.
basis). Since for the base case scenarios electricity is imported from the
The estimation of the CAPEX and the OPEX set the foundation for
UK electricity grid, it is reasonable to assume that only the biomethane
the execution of the DCFA. The DCFA resulted in MSPs of 163, 135, 164
derived from the AD and the gasification is eligible for any renewable
and 183 £/MWh (HHV basis) for the Scenarios 1, 2, 3 and 4 respec-
tively. It can be observed that the inclusion of the digestate gasification
Another measure to mitigate the CO2 emissions is the establishment
favours the Scenario 2 while the consideration of implementing the
of a carbon price. Currently, the UK participates in the European
Scenario 4 should most probably be neglected. The Scenario 3 achieved
Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS) with future considerations to in-
marginally higher selling price than the base case (Scenario 1).
clude the establishment of a UK-ETS or the implementation of a carbon
However, even if the MSPs are close, it should be noted that the higher
tax [77]. The present study assumes a carbon price equal to the present
initial investment (of Scenario 3 compared to the Scenario 1) carries
EU-ETS carbon price, i.e. ~20 £/tonne of CO2 [78]. The application of
higher risk and as such it can be discouraging for potential investors. As
the CO2 price would increase the market price of the fossil NG and as a
depicted in Fig. 8, the MSP for all concepts is more than nine times
result the biomethane could be sold at a higher price. On considering an

S. Michailos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 209 (2020) 112663

Fig. 4. (continued)

emission factor for the NG of 0.2 tCO2/MWh (HHV basis) [79], the 4.4. Sensitivity analysis
market price of the NG increases to 19 £/MWh. In addition, the state of
the art electrolysers are eligible to receive payments for providing grid Sensitivity analysis determines how a measure of worth is altered
balancing services and have the potential to qualify for the Enhanced when one or more parameters vary over a selected range of values.
Frequency Response (EFR) and the Frequency Control by Demand Typically one parameter at a time is varied, and independence with
Management (FCDM) markets. A reward of 13.2 £/MWe (installed other parameters is assumed. The investigated parameters along with
electrolyser capacity) [80] is assumed in this study to account for the their upper and lower limits are presented in Table 9. Based on the
grid balancing services. An additional advantage of the electrolysers is techno-economic analysis presented above, the electricity price is the
the production of high purity oxygen. Oxygen has a relatively high dominant OPEX while the purchased equipment cost of the electrolyser
market value due to its demand in steel and chemical industries [81]; a and the gasification plant monopolise the CAPEX. In addition, the effect
market price of 70 £/tonne of O2 [82] is considered herein. of the cost of the core unit, i.e. the biomethanation reactor, was in-
As depicted in Fig. 9, the reduction of the MSP for each case is in the vestigated in conjunction with the efficiency of the electrolyser since it
range of 32%–42%. The highest percentage drop is witnessed in the directly affects the electricity consumption. Finally, typical market re-
Scenario 2 (MSP = 78 £/MWh). The Scenarios 1, 3 and 4 experience levant factors, such as the tax rate and the discount rate, were also
similar reductions of 32%–33%. Also, it can be observed that the effect selected. The effect of the chosen variables on the MSP for each scenario
of the RHI is much more significant than the other benefits. The effect is illustrated in Fig. 10.
of RHI is more significant on the Scenarios 2, 3 and 4 compared to the For all the cases investigated, the electricity price raises the greatest
Scenario 1 as in the latter the whole amount of the additional bio- uncertainty. If the electricity price drops to 50 £/MWh, then the MSP
methane is produced via electrolysis while for the former cases diges- decreases by 39%, 35%, 38% and 34% for the Scenarios 1, 2, 3 and 4
tate gasification also contributes to the production of the hydrogenated respectively; in an optimistic scenario such a low electricity price could
biomethane. At a carbon price of 20 £/t CO2, the MSP of the Scenarios be in theory achieved by on site renewable electricity generation [83].
1, 2, 3 and 4 are 5.7, 4.1, 5.8 and 6.5 respectively times higher than the Another significant source of uncertainty for the Scenarios 1 and 3 is
NG price. It is clear that further incentives are required or techno- the electrolyser equipment cost. For the Scenarios 2 and 4 the impact of
economic improvements have to be achieved to enhance the competi- the electrolyser cost is roughly equal to the equipment cost of the ga-
tiveness of the proposed infrastructures. An additional payment that sification plant. In addition, for all scenarios, the biomethanation re-
ranges between 59 and 105 £/MWh is required. actor has a relatively low influence on the respective MSPs; a similar

S. Michailos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 209 (2020) 112663

Fig. 4. (continued)

Fig. 5. Electricity consumption/generation across the different process segments for each scenario. The minus symbol refers to on-site generation.

S. Michailos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 209 (2020) 112663

Table 8
Summary of the economic results for each scenario.
Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4

CAPEX (M£) 19.76 22.16 30.3 35.84

OPEX (M£/y) 11.01 8.41 12.50 10.51
Normalised CAPEX (£/MWh) 27 30 35 49
Normalised OPEX (£/MWh) 129 98 121 123
LCOE (£/MWh) 156 128 156 172
MSP (£/MWh) 163 135 164 183

effect is observed for the discount rate. The equipment cost of novel
technologies can fall in the future due to learning and economies of
scale effects; this is the case for PEM electrolysis units as argued in [84]
and for the biomethanation unit the successful operation of two demo
plants [16] can pave the way for further development of this tech-
nology. Further, all concepts are less sensitive to the tax rate, indicating
that efforts on improving the endogenous techno-economic variables
should be prioritised.
Fig. 6. Breakdown of the purchased equipment cost for each scenario. Auxiliary
equipment include pumps and the H2S removal unit.
4.5. Business cases for 2030

This section delivers a prospective scenario analysis of the examined

concepts. Scenario analysis is the process of considering scenarios for
evaluating potential future events. Scenarios are alternative, though not
equally likely states of the world that represent plausible conditions
under different assumptions [85].
The techno-economic assessment, presented in Sections 4.1 and 4.2,
confirmed that the biomethanation technology is not competitive under
the current market and technical conditions. Nevertheless, the chief
cost drivers are associated with the electrolysis, i.e. electricity price and
CAPEX, and not the biomethanation. Several advances are projected
that have the potential to drastically decrease the cost of the electro-
lyser [84]. These developments include operating window optimisation
(e.g. temperature, current density), economies of scale, lower cost ma-
terials and manufacturing savings (e.g. reduced production time) [84].
In order to attain lower electricity prices, on-site renewable energy
generation should be realised; for example a dedicated wind farm that
would solely supply electricity to the proposed systems. Similar infra-
structures are already under operation such as a hydrogen fuel station
in South Yorkshire operated by ITM, whereby a 225 kW wind turbine is
Fig. 7. Breakdown of the operating expenses for each scenario. coupled directly to an electrolyser [86]. Thus, we assume on-site elec-
tricity generation from onshore wind for the 2030 scenarios. The

Fig. 8. LCOEs and MSPs for each scenario. The NG price (=15 £/MWh) is included for comparisons.

S. Michailos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 209 (2020) 112663

Fig. 9. Cumulative effect of various policy schemes and O2 sale credits on the MSP for each scenario. The NG price, for a carbon price of 20 £/t CO2, is illustrated for

Table 9 Regarding the carbon price, developed models have calculated that
Chosen parameters for sensitivity analysis and their bounds. the carbon price should be notably increased to 55 €/tCO2 (~50 £/
Parameter Low Nominal High Unit tCO2) in order to meet the Paris Agreement targets [92]; hence this
value value value was adopted in the present study and the resultant NG price is
25 £/MWh. Furthermore, as on-site electricity generation is assumed,
Electricity price 50 115 150 £/MWh
the projects are not eligible any more for receiving grid balancing fees.
Electrolyser efficiency 60 67.2 75 %
PEC electrolyser 0.45 1.044 1.5 M£/MW
Fig. 11 depicts the projected MSPs for each case investigated in
PEC biomethanation reactor 1 1.97 3 M£/5 2030 along with the effect of several policy mechanisms. The cases that
MWth,CH4 are more dependent on the electrolysis unit (greater installed capacity)
PEC gasification plant 50 100 150 % experience the greater relative reductions in the base case MSP com-
Discount rate 8 10 12 %
pared to the respective 2017 MSPs. As such, a greater fall is observed in
Tax rate 0 30 40 %
the Scenario 1, i.e. 47%, followed by the Scenario 3, i.e. 40%, and the
Scenario 4, i.e. 37%, while the lowest drop, i.e. 35%, is detected in the
levelised cost of electricity was taken as 60 £/MWh [83]. Scenario 2.
Table 10 summarises the techno-economic features that are pro- After the implementation of the carbon price and the revenues re-
jected to be actualised by 2030. Based on these aspects, the biomethane ceived from O2 sale, it was revealed that the necessary values of the RHI
MSP for each scenario was calculated for 2030. It should be highlighted for the MSPs to break-even with the NG price are 54, 61, 70 and 85 £/
that probable cost reductions in the gasification technology, due to MWh. The required RHIs in 2030 for the Scenarios 1 and 2 are lower
learning effects, were not considered as there are currently only a than the existing RHI, signifying that there are good prospects for
couple of demo plants that produce H2 from biomass [87] and there are profitability in the future for these projects. By comparing the gasifi-
no plans for the deployment of new plants by 2030 [88,89]. In addition, cation based scenarios, it is apparent that the Scenario 2 outplays the
no cost reduction was assumed for the biomethanation reactor so as to Scenario 3 while the 2030 techno-economic conditions do not help the
neglect uncertainties related to the definition of the progress ratio and Scenario 4 to improve against the competition, exhibiting that the in-
the assumption of the number of any new plants [90] deployed by stallation of an IGCC unit remains uncompetitive in terms of economic
2030. and energetic performance. Thus, in the case that the gasification plant
Furthermore, the effects of the RHI and the carbon price were also is deployed in the foreseeable future, it seems to be preferable to target
included. Renewable incentives for biomethane production will most hydrogen generation (Scenario 2) and reduce the size of the installed
probably continue to be effective in the future with the aim of dec- electrolyser. It appears, therefore, that the Scenarios 1 and 2 hold
arbonising the heat sector as the consumption of natural gas is antici- greater potential.
pated to grow from 120 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) in 2012 to 203 Tcf in In addition, we examined the effect of the RHI and the carbon price
2040 [91]; also, it should be noted that the current market driver for on the profitability of the Scenarios 1 and 2. Fig. 12 depicts the eco-
biogas upgrading to biomethane, regardless the deployed upgrading nomically feasible regions for the Scenarios 1 and 2 with respect to the
technology, is the RHI. In addition, since renewable electricity is uti- RHI and the carbon price. The red line refers to the breakeven cases
lised in the 2030 scenarios, it was assumed that the whole amount of while the blue line to the cases that generate profits at reasonable
the biomethane produced (from AD and biomethanation) is eligible for payback period (~10 years); left to the red line the NPV is negative
renewable incentives. As it is hard to forecast the size of future re- while right to the blue line profitable scenarios exist with payback
newable incentives we calculated herein the RHI values for each sce- periods less than 10 years. It is observed that for the Scenario 1 there
nario that will match the MSPs with the NG price. are more opportunities for financial success; the area of the positive
NPV region is greater than for the Scenario 2. In the case that the RHI is

S. Michailos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 209 (2020) 112663

62 £/MWh (the current price of the RHI) and no carbon price is applied, value to the biomethanation concept and it seems that other methods
the Scenario 1 reports profits of 0.4 M£ whereas the Scenario 2 losses of should be considered for the utilisation of the digestate in the short-
2.6 M£. A carbon price of 50 £/tCO2 (and RHI = 62 £/MWh) would term. It appears that the establishment of less complex renewable en-
result in positive NPVs for both Scenarios, i.e. 2.3 M£ for the Scenario 1 ergy systems should be prioritised. The inclusion of additional tech-
and 0.1 M£ for the Scenario 2. In order to achieve payback periods less nologies increases the capital expenditures and the project risk and as
than 10 years, for carbon price of 50 £/tCO2, the RHI should increase to such investment in such ventures is less probable. Nevertheless, the
72 £/MWh and 82 £/MWh for the Scenarios 1 and 2 respectively. Fi- inclusion of digestate gasification in the mid- to long-term is a pro-
nally, for a zero carbon price scenario, the projects can break-even with mising solution to achieve circular economies and therefore prompt R&
the NG price for an RI of 64 £/MWh (Scenario 1) and 71 £/MWh D support can accelerate its deployment.
(Scenario 2).
Overall, provided that the estimated advances in the electrolyser
5. Concluding remarks
will be accomplished and on-site generation of electricity will not be a
major issue, the Scenario 1 is the most cost-effective option. The de-
The study details a comprehensive techno-economic assessment of
ployment of the gasification unit does not add appear to add significant
four power to gas systems based on biomethanation and gasification

Fig. 10. Sensitivity analysis on the MSP for each scenario.

S. Michailos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 209 (2020) 112663

Fig. 10. (continued)

Table 10 hydrogen production was identified as the main cost driver and de-
Projected values of chosen techno-economic parameters in 2030. pending on the scenario, this includes electricity price, the cost of the
Parameter Low value Unit Reference electrolyser and/or the cost of the gasification plant. The scenario that
couples AD with the digestate gasification, targeting at hydrogen pro-
Electricity price 60 £/MWh [83] duction (Scenario 2), achieves the lowest MSP, i.e. 135 £/MWh, fol-
Electrolyser efficiency 70 % [93,94] lowed by the Scenario 1 (MSP = 163 £/MWh); the Scenario 1 suffers
PEC electrolyser 0.45 M£/MW [93,95]
Carbon price 50 £/tCO2 [92]
from increased electricity consumption when compared to the Scenario
2. The Scenario 3 that targets to enhance the biomethane yield by
feeding the biomethanation reactor with a H2/CO2 gas stream (derives
technologies. Modelling approaches were applied to quantify mass and from the gasification plant) attains an MSP, of 164 £/MWh. The de-
energy flows and subsequently an economic model was developed to ployment of an IGCC unit (Scenario 4) is clearly the least cost-effective
explore the feasibility of the proposed energy infrastructures. alternative (MSP = 183 £/MWh) and this is mainly due to the sig-
The energy efficiency of the examined scenarios range from 26.5% nificantly increased capital investment compared to the Scenario 1 and
to 35.5%; the lower limit corresponds to the standalone biomethanation the lower energy efficiency compared to the other gasification based
concept (Scenario 1) as the digestate remains unexploited. The cost of cases.

S. Michailos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 209 (2020) 112663

Fig. 11. Projected MSPs for each case investigated in 2030 that includes incomes from selling oxygen and the required value of the RI to match the NG price. The NG
price has been calculated for a carbon price of 50 £/t CO2 and it is 25 £/MWh.

The provision of monetary rewards, such as the RHI and a fee for
providing grid balancing services along with credits by selling oxygen,
causes a reduction in the MSPs of 32%–42%. The sensitivity analysis
revealed that all concepts are primarily OPEX intensive since they are
more sensitive to the electricity price and secondarily CAPEX intensive
with the equipment cost of the electrolyser and the gasification plant
raise notable uncertainty. Other influential factors include the electro-
lyser efficiency and the discount rate.
Based on the current market status none of the scenarios are compe-
titive with the NG even after the incorporation of incentives and the es-
tablishment of a carbon price. Hence, a 2030 analysis was also carried out
that considers projected equipment cost reductions and on-site electricity
generation. This scenario analysis exposed that the establishment of long-
term renewable incentives is a key factor for profitability. On considering
that the 2030 RHI will be in parity with the 2017 RHI the Scenario 1 can
generate profits even without the implementation of a carbon price. The
Scenario 2 can be also competitive but the establishment of an appro-
priate carbon price is a requirement for economic viability. The Scenarios
3 and 4 appear not to be competitive even under the techno-economic
conditions in 2030. The prospects for the Scenario 1 seem to be greater as
its dependency on the cost of producing hydrogen is much higher than the
other cases (where gasification poses also as a significant cost driver) and
as such it benefits more from the reduced electricity price and the an-
ticipated electrolysis advances.
Collectively, the future of biomethanation is directly linked with the
future of water electrolysis. The progress of these technologies should
go hand in hand as they can benefit from each other; the conversion of
hydrogen to a more flexible substance can foster the expansion of power
to gas systems and justify investment in R&D. The adoption of a circular
economy approach showed promising results but more complicated
systems increase the investment risk. It appears to be more sensible for
the upcoming decade to concentrate efforts on establishing an efficient
stand-alone P2G sector, with infrastructures similar to the Scenario 1,
and subsequently integrated energy systems can be considered.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Stavros Michailos: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software,

Investigation, Formal analysis, Writing - original draft. Mark Walker:
Conceptualization, Methodology, Funding acquisition, Writing - review
Fig. 12. NPV for the 2030 Scenarios 1 and 2 as a function of the RHI and the & editing. Adam Moody: Conceptualization, Resources, Writing - re-
carbon price.
view & editing. Davide Poggio: Investigation, Writing - review &
editing. Mohamed Pourkashanian: Funding acquisition, Project ad-
ministration, Supervision.

S. Michailos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 209 (2020) 112663

Declaration of Competing Interest Acknowledgments

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial The authors would like to acknowledge the Engineering and
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ- Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for the support of the IBCat
ence the work reported in this paper. H2AD project. In addition, the contribution of United Utilities is much
acknowledged and appreciated.

Appendix A. Economic data and methodologies

See Tables A1–A3.

Table A1
Methodology for fixed costs [42–44].
Parameter Price

Supervision 0.25 × Labour

Direct overhead 0.5 × (Labour + supervision)
General overhead 0.5 × (Labour + supervision + direct overhead)
Maintenance Labour 0.015 × FCI
Maintenance materials 0.015 × FCI
Insurance and tax 0.01 × FCI
Replacement cost of the electrolyser (% of installed capital cost; applied after 10 years) 12
Financing working capital Discount rate × WC

Table A2
Methodology for variable costs.
Parameter Price Unit Reference

Electricity 115 £/MWh Plant data

Digestate transport to farm land 10 £/t Plant data
Cooling water 0.025 £/t [42]
Deionised water 7.64 £/t [45]
Ash disposal 21.1 £/t [46]
Nickel catalyst 24 £/t [47]
COS catalyst 1797 £/m3 [48]
WGS catalyst 13,836 £/m3 [48]
PSA packing 0.92 £/kg [49]

Where necessary cost were converted to GBP and updated considering an average yearly inflation rate of 2%. Catalyst are replaced
every 3 years.

Table A3
Equipment cost data.
Equipment Base cost (M£) Design Variable Base capacity Unit Scaling factor Base year Ref

Biomethanation reactor 1.97 MWth,CH4 5 MW 0.7 2016 [27]

Pretreatment* 10.65 Biomass input 2000 dt/d 0.72 2007 [34]
Gasification** 31.7 Biomass input 2000 dt/d 0.72 2007 [34]
WGS reactor 1.39 Total gas feed 150 kg/s 0.67 2014 [51]
Cyclone 0.04 Total gas flow 1 m3/s 0.7 2014 [51]
ZnO guard bed 0.016 Gas flow 8 m3/s 1 2014 [51]
Burner 1.576 Heat duty 20 MW 0.83 2014 [51]
PSA 4.71 Purge gas flow 0.294 kmol/s 0.74 2014 [51]
Compressors 0.39494 Power 413 kW 0.68 2014 [51]
Heat exchangers 0.20956 Area 1000 m2 1 2014 [51]
Pumps 0.0806 Power 10 m3/s 0.36 2014 [51]
Steam turbine 0.27404 Power 10.5 MW 0.44 2014 [51]
NH3 removal unit 46.85 Syngas flow 31,000 kmol/h 0.9 2007 [52]
Electrolysis 1.044 Installed capacity 1 MWe 0.85 2017 [54]

*Pretreatment includes dryer and grinder, **Gasification includes gasifier, lockhopper and syngas coolers.

Appendix B. Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2020.112663.

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